১১ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৮

"Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?"

Said Donald Trump, according to unnamed sources who heard about a meeting Trump had to with some members of Congress in the Oval Office, WaPo reports.
In addition, the president singled out Haiti, telling lawmakers that immigrants from that country must be left out of any deal, these people said.

“Why do we need more Haitians?” Trump said, according to people familiar with the meeting. “Take them out.”...

The remarks were quickly met with scorn from Democrats and some Republicans and could throw another wrench into bipartisan discussions on immigration, which had shown promise in recent days, according to legislators.

Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) said the comments “will shake the confidence that people have” in the ongoing immigration policy talks.
I agree with Gutierrez, so I wonder who it was who chose to break the confidence of the meeting to serve the important goal of breaking people's confidence in the immigration policy talks, which had shown promise in recent days. Who would want to "throw another wrench"?

But also, why would Trump talk like that? Did he think it was funny and that it signaled to the people at the meeting that they were insiders, close to him and able to see him in an especially casual, chummy mode? But that would be just a trick, wouldn't it? I suspect that Trump put that word in there and even picked on Haiti intentionally. Not that I can figure out why!

ADDED: Scott Adams explains:

২১৭টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   217 এর 201 – থেকে 217
BamaBadgOR বলেছেন...

For those compelled to dwell on shithole countries:

Mark বলেছেন...

I should have trusted my first instincts.

What was reported sounded more like someone else's characterization of what Trump said -- that someone else being hostile to Trump -- rather than a quote of the words he actually used.

And now with the light of day, the truth is coming out that he did not use that particular word that has led to all the outrage.

Chuck বলেছেন...

When Trump was talking about shooting someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue, and certain people not caring, he was talking about Scott Adams.

Bob বলেছেন...

In plumbing, you use the green dye used to color the Chicago River for St. Patrick's Day. With your own people, you use Technicolor language (with a stop watch to time the speed of the leak) to see where it comes out (in the press).

It's obvious Trump found the leaker, and has already gone after her.

roesch/voltaire বলেছেন...

That's okay gov Walker thinks Madison is a shit hole or bubble, so it depends of perspective and this just. goes down as one of those funny tweets that Althouse thinks is a funny troll by Trump.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

My husband emigrated from the UK in the 1960's and, as were many in the 'brain drain', he was enticed by a better career opportunity than was available in England. Most of the Chinese-Americans I have known were either university students or working in the fields of science or medicine. They were not from the Chinese underclass.

Most of the immigrants coming here today are from the poorer, uneducated classes of their home countries. To compare Salvadoran or Mexican immigrants to British or Chinese by IQ or educational status is absurd. IMO, there is room for both types of immigrant but both types must be carefully balanced and limited to positions unfilled by Americans.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I agree with Gutierrez, so I wonder who it was who chose to break the confidence of the meeting to serve the important goal of breaking people's confidence in the immigration policy talks, which had shown promise in recent days. Who would want to "throw another wrench"?

Gutierrez, for one. What do you think you're agreeing with here, Althouse? Dems and LLRs want a "bipartisan" agreement, aka "comprehensive reform", aka "same old shuck and jive of 'amnesty now, enforcement later (i.e., never)'", i.e. "give the Dems and cheap-labor Republicans everything for nothing in return".

Gutierrez (a race-hustling jerk) and the rest of the Dems and LLRs are in a panic because this is the first time they're facing the prospect of actually having to deal on immigration - make meaningful concessions to the other side to get some of what they want. One expects an upsurge in frantic accusations of "racist!", and an extra-heavy troweling-on of Immigration Schmaltz.

If they succeed, the shitholization of the U.S. will proceed apace.

Meade বলেছেন...

"That's okay gov Walker thinks Madison is a shit hole or bubble, so it depends of perspective and this just. goes down as one of those funny tweets that Althouse thinks is a funny troll by Trump."

Tom Barrett fat-shamed Madison.

Gary বলেছেন...

Why are we surprised?
I also expected this: After the WHite House defended the remarks Trump now says he never said them.
I agree with Hugh Howey.
"Donald Trump is racist. He's always been racist. He has been sued for his treatment of African American tenants. He has called Mexicans rapists. He has pardoned a racist sheriff who tortured minorities, and has pushed a racist agenda of walls and travel bans. He rose to prominence attacking an African American president, questioning his place of birth. He said during a Nazi rally that there are fine people on both sides.
Donald Trump is racist. If you support him, then I do not support you, and I don't want to be friends with you. I don't want to be related to you. I don't want to live in the same country as you.
It's time to reject this terrible human being. If you supported him because you didn't want Hillary to be president, congratulations. You won. Now you can reject this racist asshole without any fear of Hillary coming back. She won't. Obama will never serve again. It's okay to admit that this admitted rapist and racist is a horrible person and that you REJECT him.
If you don't, then I reject you, and you reject me. Unfriend me. Never read my works again. Never claim to be family with me again. I can no longer tolerate this level of objective evil. And if you don't take this hard of a stance on this issue, then I ask you why? And what will it take? This is the Hitler of our times, and I do not write those words lightly. Donald Trump is the Hitler of our times. Damn you if you continue to support him. Damn you if you don't risk alienating friends and family by strongly rejecting him. It is our moral duty to do so, our patriotic duty to do so.
Trump is a racist, a rapist, the worst humanity has to offer. And so is, by association, anyone who continues to support him."

Michael McNeil বলেছেন...

One of the ways in which Haiti is quite literally a “shit-hole” these days is the epidemic of cholera — that horrible disease, which has slaughtered millions throughout history (about 10,000 thus far in Haiti), where you literally shit yourself to death — that has ravaged that unfortunate country since 2010. One might note that the recent outbreak of the dread disease (which was thought to be almost extinct) did not originate in Haiti but was introduced from Asia by UN “peacekeepers.” On the other hand, probably in few other countries around the world today would the disease have persisted (even with a vaccine for the disease, it’s still killing upwards of 30 people per month) in the way it has in Haiti since then.

Quaestor বলেছেন...

When Trump was talking about shooting someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue, and certain people not caring, he was talking about Scott Adams.

No. He was making a point about Nooyawkahs in particular and liberals in general.

Michael McNeil বলেছেন...

Gary: Althouse has already dealt with the question of Trump’s supposed “racism,” totally acquiting him on that score — at least as judged in the light of the New York Times’s best efforts to so smear him.

As Ann Althouse wrote in this same venue back this last August (quoting…):

I'm reading “Circling the Square of President Trump’s Relationship With Race” in today's NYT. […]

Now, let's get to the meat of this article. It seems apparent that the NYT set out to find out if there's any evidence that Trump is a racist. Read the article. They found strong evidence that he is absolutely not any sort of a racist. The headline ought to come out and celebrate his excellent record.


Jupiter বলেছেন...

Gary said...
"Donald Trump is racist. If you support him, then I do not support you, and I don't want to be friends with you. I don't want to be related to you. I don't want to live in the same country as you."

Believe me, the feeling is mutual. Hell, I'd like to shoot you down in the street like a dog. But separate countries will have to do, it's not like we're in Somalia where there aren't any laws. But since I am a racist and prefer to live among white people, it seems only fair that you should be the one to move. I am sure you will be very happy among your beloved Haitian friends. Take some rubber boots, I hear the place is a shithole.

President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

Jupiter, I like the cut of your jib.

"Believe me, the feeling is mutual. Hell, I'd like to shoot you down in the street like a dog. But separate countries will have to do, it's not like we're in Somalia where there aren't any laws."

Bilwick বলেছেন...

sparrow wrote: "The issue is that shithole countries don't necessarily have shitty people." Indeed. If Queen Cacklepants had defeated Trump for the presidency, she undoubtedly would have continued Obama's quest to turn the USA into Venezuela del Norte, and with the active collaboration of Pelosi, Sanders and Fauxcahontas (her economic Brain Trust), oversaw the US becoming a shithole country.

ceowens বলেছেন...

@Gary and Mr. Howdy.


ceowens বলেছেন...

Mr. Howey

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