January 30, 2018

Watching the State of the Union.

I'm settling in for the big show. Let's talk!

1. The NYT has some advance excerpts, including: "This is our New American Moment. There has never been a better time to start living the American dream."

2. Supreme Court Justices present: Roberts, Breyer, Kagan, Gorsuch.

3. Melania enters, smiling warmly, wearing a white pantsuit and white satin blouse.

4. Trump begins by talking about various heroes and pointing to individuals in the gallery. This is what has in the past always come at the end of the SOTU.

5. "The Legend from Louisiana, Representative Steve Scalise." Trump is warming the place up.

6.  Pelosi looks steamed.

7. "If there is a mountain, we climb it. If there is a frontier, we cross it...."

8. "The state of the union is strong, because our people are strong."

9.  Lots of talk about God, the flag, "... and why we proudly stand for the National Anthem."

10. "Judges who will interpret the Constitution as written...."

11. $1.5 trillion for infrastructure... which the American people deserve. "Together we can reclaim our great building heritage."

12. "Americans are dreamers too." A sharp line within a discussion of immigration law enforcement.

13. Several immensely affecting stories introducing individuals in the gallery. Trump does an excellent job of dramatizing these stories — parents whose daughters were murdered by M-13, a soldier who saved a fellow soldier, the parents of Otto Warmbier, a North Korean man who suffered terribly before escaping.

14. "It's the people who are making America great again."

15. An excellent speech, extremely well delivered, I think.


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Bay Area Guy said...

"Suburban women are the nation's largest and most critical bloc of swing voters."

In other words, a large bloc of voters whose electoral pussies need to be grabbed.

Jaq said...

I still think Trump channels Queen Ishtar in the Gilgamesh Epic

Your she-goats will bear triplets, your ewes twins,
your donkey under burden will overtake the mule,
your steed at the chariot will be bristling to gallop,
your ax at the yoke will have no match.”


And of course, who can forget:

’Oh my [Gilgamesh], let us taste of your strength,
stretch out your hand to me, and touch our vulva.

Bad Lieutenant said...


1. FullMoon, you're doing something wrong. If only to concern yourself with TTR's inexhaustible mockery, which could solve the energy crisis if it could only be harnessed for good instead of evil.

2. Seriously Ritmo, for a guy who's taken the red pill, you have a very feminine way of using words as clubs.

3. Inga et al - haters gonna hate, I get it. You should however have the objective information that you are, in fact, increasingly isolated, that the country is not with you, and the indicators of political fortune are not in your favor. As such, your defiance smacks merely of sulky adolescence. Eat of your own bitter hearts if you please; but you eat alone.

4. Saw the cut to the CBC (?) looking grim and suppressing any possible urge to applaud at the black unemployment stat. All looked very old, unwell, and dare I say, not very black? Time for some fresh blood, my brethren.

5. You're losing, lefties. The country is winning and you're against it. Sadly, we are merciful and you'll be OK. You'll have to permit us a little enjoyment at your discomfiture. At least we're not killing you, like you've been doing and trying to do to us. Can't help but think that it would be good for you to understand that you are losing...how can we make it clear to you? Or is it an act of will that you deny reality? Triumph of the Will, forsooth.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Blogger Curious George said...
. . .
Just some of the things Democrats did not celebrate:

1) Lowest black unemployment in HISTORY
2) US energy independence
3) Lowest Unemployment overall in decades
4) Wage growth
5) Apple and Exxon Mobil investing in America
6) Chrysler moving plant back from Mexico
7) Two foreign automakers building plants in Alabama
8) Millions of workers getting thousands in bonuses

You don't understand, CG. The Democrats have alternate facts!
Kind of like the Nunes memo.

MadisonMan said...

Saw the cut to the CBC (?) looking grim and suppressing any possible urge to applaud at the black unemployment stat.

Why do they sit together? Is Segregation still a thing in DC?

Birkel said...

In answer to Chuck's query RE: prices

You might want to ask conservatives, if you can find any, about how US government regulation increases the cost of prescription drugs in America.

If it is true that drugs come to market more slowly in America than they do in Europe (which is true) and the benefits are delivered more slowly, then costs can be lowered and benefits more quickly realized.

And that is precisely the opposite of what your stupid, knee jerk reaction would suggest.

Fopdoodle cannot resist.

Birkel said...

Wouldn't a LLR be familiar with the costs of regulatory burdens?

Decreased costs.
Decreased prices.

Heck, it might be nice if Congress returned patent and copyright laws back to their shorter terms. How about five year terms (instead of seven) before generics can be introduced? Perfectly constitutional.

Fopdoodles cannot even...

Rusty said...

Bob. It's kinda a law. He has to do it.

Robert Cook said...

The reality, as contrasted with the latest annual pack of lies by the-president-this-time-around.

Birkel said...

Robert Cook used the word reality without a hint of irony.
And my dog licks its balls.

FIDO said...

1) The Dems have lost the 'Dreamer' meme. It's gone.

2) Experimental medicine. It might save someone. It might give us the Green Goblin or a Green Corpse. Torn on that one. Lots of potential for abuse.

3) Trump stole the juice on NoKo and Iran. Dams are going to be horribly on the defensive with that. Likewise Immigration. Women particularly are risk averse (see how they see men these days) The idea of importing bad people through chain immigration is going to be a hard sell for Pelosi these days.

4) I was hoping we were going to start executing unlawful combatants. But changing the rules of engagement, I think, is a step in the right direction. I also agree that the Obamian 'timetables' dig was effective and well deserved.

5) Twenty billion is chump change if we get votes for other things we like. I disagree with Trump on that. It might, however, just be threat. However, a lot of these Muslim tin pot dictators need to be able to rail at Israel. So this is pissing up a rope for Trump.

The more ARM and TTR rail against what Trump says, the warmer and fuzzier I feel since it is an indication of how much rhetorical ground Trump stole from the Left. But this is good. We need to scream about these issues...but eventually come to some consensus. The Left wants to cede no ground ever and would rather break the law then take a knee FOR America.

Pelosi looked MAD! Black mad! Bernie...huh. Surrounded by enemies, both on the Right AND the Left. He deserves his disgruntlement. A pox on socialists.

I always hate how the listeners do the applause. It feels fake and interrupts the speech.

This speech shows that Obama is not a genius. It is the power of the Big Microphone. Since he also had a sycophantic media behind him, it was a Might Microphone indeed.

Yesterday, Trump slapped that Big Microphone across the face of the Left. I don't think they liked the experience much. While it was far less divisive than I expected from Trump, he still threw some pretty sharp elbows.

Jaq said...

From Cookie’s link

The state of our union is politically polarized, controlled by forces beyond the purview of the average American, and rapidly moving the nation away from its freedom foundation. Over the past year, Americans have found themselves repeatedly subjected to egregious civil liberties violations, invasive surveillance, political correctness, erosions of free speech, strip searches, police shootings of unarmed citizens, government spying, the criminalization of lawful activities, warmongering, etc. - Counterpunch

So who is fighting the surveillance state tooth and nail, while they fight back in every way they can? Who has promised not to get us into any more wars, and guess what? I don’t hear any drumbeats for new wars. When was the last time that was true?

Your problem is that you are a Marxist, and therefore a totalitarian, and are upset that the country is moving the other way and has rejected you guys. I know, you only have to win once!

Jaq said...

was hoping we were going to start executing unlawful combatants.

That was the actual effect of Obama’s attempted close down of Guantanamo. “Take no prisoners” and we all know what that means.

Fernandinande said...

FullMoon said...
Killfile, bypass unwanted commenters

"File Kill" - not "killfile" - is a file-shredder for windows and has nothing to do with commenters, blogging, or the Internet.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robert Cook said...

"So who is fighting the surveillance state tooth and nail, while they fight back in every way they can? Who has promised not to get us into any more wars, and guess what? I don’t hear any drumbeats for new wars. When was the last time that was true?"

Who is fighting the surveillance state tooth and nail? Who is fighting back "in every way they can?" No one...certainly not Trump. Our wars are numerous, unceasing, and ongoing. Trump is not reining in our war state at all.

Anonymous said...

No surprise that Cookie doesn't know the SOTU is mandated by the CONUS.

He has a way of sticking his fingers in his ears so as to not learn the truth.

Jaq said...

Another link to Counterpunch, I presume.

I know you are all for dropping the weapons and running, but that tends to leave to mass graves, Cookie.


Oooh Russia Today! Must be fake news!

Jaq said...

The trick is don’t start any wars. Trump didn’t start any of those wars. I know you have an identity related need to bash Trump at every opportunity, but sorry.

And the surveillance state has been used against Trump more than anybody. You should be grateful he is clearing some of that out. This is a bigger problem than the Aegean Stables. Probably one president will not be able to do it. Maybe he should turn it on the Democrats, then we might see better progress in shutting it down.

Robert Cook said...

"No surprise that Cookie doesn't know the SOTU is mandated by the CONUS."

Oh, I'm well aware of that. However, that the President “shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient" is not a mandate that the SOTU be a farrago of self-serving lies or that it be a nationally-broadcast party-boosting spectacle.


Robert Cook said...

"The trick is don’t start any wars. Trump didn’t start any of those wars."

He bombed Syria for no valid reason and with no legal basis. He's certainly as capable and as willing to start new wars as his predecessors. And, it bad enough that Trump continues the ongoing illegal wars. He is as complicit in mass murder as the previous presidents who initiated our various wars.

"And the surveillance state has been used against Trump more than anybody. You should be grateful he is clearing some of that out."

There is zero evidence of either of these assertions, particularly that Trump is "clearing out" any of the spy state's total surveillance of all Americans all the time.

That's okay...live in your comfortable delusion that "your guy" is better than (or less horrible than) the "other guy/gal."

Robert Cook said...

"Another link to Counterpunch, I presume."

No, from Foreign Policy Magazine.

mockturtle said...

Cookie writes: Oh, I'm well aware of that. However, that the President “shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient" is not a mandate that the SOTU be a farrago of self-serving lies or that it be a nationally-broadcast party-boosting spectacle.

I don't think you watched his speech. He [uncharacteristically] gave credit to the American people rather than bragging about himself. It was an optimistic and uplifting message for our country.

Anonymous said...


Don't be so hard on yourself, Cookie.

There are plenty of others here to do that for you.

Jim at said...

What Trump droned on and on about was old, stale, boring and depressing, so much so I fell asleep.

Do yourself a favor. Try the hemlock next time.

Jaq said...

There is zero evidence

Either you don’t know what “zero” means, or you don’t know what “evidence” means.

Read Glenn Greenwald on the subject. And remember, the perfect is the enemy of the good.

Robert Cook said...

"Either you don’t know what 'zero' means, or you don’t know what 'evidence' means."

"Read Glenn Greenwald on the subject."

I have read Greenwald on the subject. (I have been reading him since the first couple of months of his self-started blog (on Blogger), UNCLAIMED TERRITORY, way back in 2005.)

I didn't say Trump had not been subject to any government surveillance...after all, we all are, high and low. I said there is zero evidence that Trump has been subject to "more surveillance than anybody," which was the assertion I was disputing. There's certainly no evidence Trump is trying to "clean up" or otherwise oppose or roll back the illegal surveillance of all Americans all the time by the American Stasi.

Birkel said...

Other than the FBI, CIA, NSA and IRS weaponized under Obama to surveillance Trump...

Trump has only faced what all Americans face.

Stephen James said...

Critical thinking. Try it. http://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/a15948142/trump-state-of-the-union-lost/

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

FullMoon said...
Killfile, bypass unwanted commenters

"File Kill" - not "killfile" - is a file-shredder for windows and has nothing to do with commenters, blogging, or the Internet.

He's an inveterate dummy. Just comments to puff up whatever of himself actually exists.

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