1) The New York Times’ Paul Krugman claiming markets would ‘never’ recover from Trump presidency
2) ABC News' Brian Ross’ bungled report on former national security adviser Michael Flynn
3) CNN report that the Trump campaign had early access to hacked documents from WikiLeaks
4) TIME report that Trump removed a bust of Martin Luther King, Jr. from the Oval Office
5) The Washington Post’s Dave Weigel tweeting that Trump’s December rally in Pensacola, Florida, wasn’t packed with supporters
6) CNN’s video suggesting Trump overfed fish during visit with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
7) CNN’s retracted report claiming Anthony Scaramucci-Russia ties
8) Newsweek report that Polish First Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda did not shake Trump’s hand
9) CNN report that former FBI Director James Comey would dispute President Trump’s claim he was told he was not under investigation
10) The New York Times report that the Trump administration had hidden a climate-change report
11) In Trump’s words, "‘RUSSIA COLLUSION!’ Russian collusion is perhaps the greatest hoax perpetrated on the American people. THERE IS NO COLLUSION!”
January 17, 2018
Trump's "Fake News Awards."
The GOP site is swamped, but Fox News has the list:
David Weigel,
fake news,
Shinzo Abe,
Trump and the press,
All well-deserved.
Great stuff. Even better, there was a much longer list to choose from -- these were just the award winners!
It's a good thing LLR Chucks beloved MSM has layers and layers of "fact-checkers", else they would be prone to making significant errors in reporting.
Chucks defense of his media pals should be epic.
I am already preparing the popcorn.
Cory Booker is probably going to cry.
The DNC press - hacks.
here - a trip down memory lane with over-confident Rachel Maddow
But Hitler!
Godwin made me do it.
You see, the leftwing media are allowed to lie. They get to lie. It's for the greater good. And - Oprah.
Not Hitler, STALIN!!!!!
No path to 270
Dozens of honorable mentions were left on the cutting room floor.
I think Althouse is just trolling Chuck at this point.
Does collusion include canoodling with Stormy Daniels?
I wonder if Jeff Flake will step on his own dick for the second time in one day, and attempt to go after the President for listing just 12 of the most egregious examples of media bias and lies?
There’s some real fake news for you.
Krugman certainly deserves the number one spot. A comment that will live in infamy, forever.
But there was collusion between Hitler and Stalin......
Repressed Puritan sheet-sniffing leftists obsessed with private sex matters. Pathetic.
These are all self-inflicted wounds by our self-appointed, in-the-know news and pundit talent. They really are lousy at their jobs.
Got a cardiac diagnosis on Trump that is contrary to his doctor's (who was appointed by both Bush and Obama)? Nah. Dr. Sanjay Gupta of CNN General Hospital beat you to it.
Maybe you can find a back-alley cutter that will pronounce on Trump's cognitive ability. No, Dr. Bandy X. Lee of Yale has that covered.
These people on TV are stupid and full of hatred for Trump and his supporters.
It want merely bungled, as with weigel, you had to retroactively date the record, to make it look like fLynn had been collaborating with the Russians during the campaign, part and parcel was also hiding the fact that plea judge, contreras had been on the fisa court
"NO COLLUSION! There's some fake news for you."
These are but wild and whirling words.
Krugman isn't the only Fake News specialist at the NYT. I'd add Charles Blow, Gail Collins, Maureen Dowd, Thomas Friedman, Nick Kristoff and several others.
The left hates it when a Republican punches back twice as hard.
Nice review of the past year to counter Wolff. Some things need to be remembered because life is coming at us fast.
Fake News Awards? Pfffft! Obviously an attempt by Trumphitler to deflect from his repeated lies about consequential matters such as his golf score, what "bad word" he used in a private meeting, and the size of his inauguration crowd.
Well the soviet union did provide sanctuary and training for the reichswehr,
The abwehr knowing stains paranoia suggested that some of those soviet officers were planning a coup, and hence Stalin bit. And purged much of the officer corps
Amadeus, Gupta is a neurosurgeon. So not only did he diagnose Trump without examining him, cardiology isnt his specialty. What a quack.
Thanks for reminding us Mr. President. MSM has no credibility. Add in that laughable press conference with the doctor and realize the media deserves no respect.
"While the media spent 90% of the time focused on negative coverage or fake news, the President has been getting results:
1. The economy has created nearly 2 million jobs and gained over $8 trillion in wealth since the President’s inauguration.
2. African Americans and Hispanics are enjoying the lowest unemployment rate in recorded history.
3. The President signed historic tax cuts and relief for hardworking Americans not seen since President Reagan.
4. President Trump’s plan to cut regulations has exceeded “2 out for every 1 in” mandate, issuing 22 deregulatory actions for every one new regulatory action.
5. The President has unleashed an American energy boom by ending Obama-era regulations, approving the Keystone pipeline, auctioning off millions of new acres for energy exploration, and opening up ANWR.
6. ISIS is in retreat, having been crushed in Iraq and Syria.
7. President Trump followed through on his promise to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel and instructed the State Department to begin to relocate the Embassy.
8. With President Trump’s encouragement, more member nations are paying their fair share for the common defense in the NATO alliance.
9. Signed the Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act to allow senior officials in the VA to fire failing employees and establishes safeguards to protect whistleblowers.
10. President Trump kept his promise and appointed Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court."
Did Stalin have a fake news awards? Or did he just line up the press and shoot them?
Memo to Jeff Flake: You should have used Hitler in your speech.
"Does collusion include canoodling with Stormy Daniels?"
No. Do you have a point? Because this doesn't even rise to hmmm, much less cute, funny, whatever. You're just phoning it in now.
Hmm...CNBC says that Apple is bring back to the US most of its $250 billion in offshore cash. I wonder why that is happening? What has changed in the last 60 days?
Maybe CNBC is wrong. Yeah...that's the ticket! CNBC is wrong when they report that Apple is bringing back $245,000,000,000 of offshore cash and paying $38,000,000,000 to the US Treasury under the new 15.5% repatriation rate applicable under the tax bill.
That's $38,000,000,000 in tax revenue that would have never been realized if the GOP Congress had not changed the tax law. I'm trying to remember what the story line was in the MSM on the new tax bill--oh yeah, trickle-down economics never work.
Let's see what happens.
Collusion is real - Hillary fans! Believe!
Poot and Trump tricked dumb Americans using $100,000 and facebook ads with fake news about Hillary. Anything negative about Hillary is untruth!
The funny thing is that in December Krugman did some (quiet, unremarked) appearances saying Trump couldn't take credit for the soaring stock market. So apparently he thought Trump could be blamed for a market that will "never recover" but couldn't be credited for a market that is going gangbusters.
Krugman's picture is in the dictionary next to "Chutzpah", right beside the murderer who killed both parents and then asked the court for mercy because he was an orphan.
The thing is, hard as he tries, Krugman will probably never recover from his election-night deranged rant. Glenn Reynolds sticks him with it at least once a week, and no Nobel Prize will protect you from a self-inflicted ass-clowning.
So - leftists - point on that list where Trump is wrong.
We know you buy into the wish-fact delusion that Trump colluded with the Russians! to beat poor poor victimized Hillary! with lies about poor innocent angelic non-grifter Hillary! - but what else on that list can you refute.
Stormy Daniels is waiting.
One error. Global warming is the biggest hoax ever.
"Does collusion include canoodling with Stormy Daniels?"
JFK, RFK, EMK, and MLK, Jr. were not available for comment. WJC was available but declined to comment beyond an enigmatic "Boys will be boys.". He did, however, praise Katy Tur's dress sense and her posture, while suggesting that she stop by his room for an exclusive.
Former Enron advisor Paul Krugman.
Thousands dead in New Orleans!
My favourite is 6, because it’s petty, and because they had to go out of their way to cook up the falsehood. They really must have believed they'd get away with it. So it’s all there: dishonest, stupid, arrogant, snide, smug, petty, partisan. Did I mention stupid?
Over 170 major corporations have announced tens of thousands of new jobs, bonuses, increased wages and massive investment in America.
The lefties HATE that....
There's a question of the Obama/Clinton/DNC axis that denied the Democrat nomination to the Jew, spied on Republicans, and colluded with foreign assets to influence the election and prosecuted a multi-trimester effort to abort the President.
Also, the long-standing relationship between the Clintons and Chinese communists.
The unauthorized exchange of government information between DNC IT and Pakistan.
They will need to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the special prosecutor, the press, and leftists in public and private employment.
Water Closet is still leaking.
MSM not interested in Imran Awan.
I love comedy and comedians. Jerry should invite the lot of them to get in his car and go get a cup of coffee.
Her hee! Stormy Daniels is the best that ARM can do!
You know what these awards are? Grooming the Republican base for the 2018 elections, that's what. Just like the shitshow over "shitholes" & all the pearl clutching over what appears to be the Nth racist utterance by Trump is base grooming for the Democrats (Biden's "They're gonna put y'all back in chains" was used before it's time, I'm afraid).
My liberal friends really have no idea what Republicans loath. They think they loath Democrats, minorities, Jews, unions, etc. etc. No, who Republicans loath above all are the media. This is, as they say, red meat thrown to the base.
JFK and LBJ just called. They'd like a crack at Stormy Daniels.
ARM is a moderate, by the way. Just ask him.
Never Trumpers can piss and moan about Trump dissing the press, but that is a list of concrete examples of press dishonesty.
I would quibble with #1. That was not dishonest reporting, but an incorrect opinion. From a no talent hack, mind you, but mere opinion nonetheless.
Trump's doctor discovered a walnut-sized tumor in Trump's frontal lobe. That explains a lot about his unhinged behavior. Okay, that's "fake news." It was actually a golf ball stuck in his head. If you can't tell the difference between a walnut-shaped tumor and a golf ball, perhaps you need to work as Trump's caddy instead of his doctor. The dimples show up clearly on X-ray. The word "Titleist" or "Shittiest" is visible as well.
@Original Mike
"I would quibble with #1. That was not dishonest reporting, but an incorrect opinion. From a no talent hack, mind you, but mere opinion nonetheless."
That is not "mere opinion." That was the professional judgment of a nobel prize winner in economics.
ARM is a moderate, by the way. Just ask him.
@Lucien, it does make one wonder what sort of bubble ARM lives in, that he regards himself that way.
"Grooming the Republican base for the 2018 elections, that's what."
I'm unsure what the Republican base is, right now. Someone on twitter said that "Panera Republicans" are asking for the check, because of Trump. We'll see what happens. It's not business as usual, that's for sure, already in the R. party. Jeff Flake and others.
I suspect a political realignment is upon us. It'll happen in the D party too, but that car won't motor up until the primaries for the 2020 election.
Since the 90s, politics have been frozen with the baby boomers and their ideological splits. If you look back to 20 years before, in the 70s, the 2 parties were vastly different. Between 1970-1990 things changed, er, as Trump would say, BIGLY. The Republican and Democratic parties of 1970 are not recognizable as the same parties by 1990.
From 1990-2017 things were frozen. 27 years have gone by. The millennials now outnumber baby boomers. That number will grow as time marches on. Now we're on the cusp of a new realignment. That's a good thing. The millennials forcefully rejected the heirs of the old order -- Clinton/Bush. Everything has a season. Political alignments should change to suit the new generations.
Trumpit--try harder. That is worse than lame.
Trump's doctor was Obama's doc, too:
"Dr Ronny Jackson, the president's physician, said Mr Obama 'remains tobacco free and only drinks alcohol occasionally and in moderation'. He exercises daily and 'continues to focus on healthy lifestyle choices'."
No word on Obama and weed, but he probably left the Choom Gang behind him in his Hawaiian birthplace.
Lest we forget Paul Krugman's quote form 1997 regarding the internet: “The Internet’s impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine’s….ten years from now, the phrase “information economy” will sound silly."
Boy, that guy Krugman has a direct pipeline to the future. He's a natural. I hope he took his own advice and stayed in cash for the last 14 months.
Money can't buy insight like Paul Krugman's. You just have to take the gifts God hands you. I've known people like Krugman my whole life--they just didn't have Nobel prizes. A lot of them worked for a salary and then then blew their savings in the futures markets.
I wonder how Krugman feels about Bitcoin. Is he Daddy (Jamie Dimon, who is skeptical about that vehicle) or Daughter (Jamie's daughter who bought two Bitcoin)?
This is off topic. But we could use some adverting help in getting some California latino community college students to Alabama to participate in NASA rocket competition in Huntsville
Apple is bringing back $245,000,000,000 of offshore cash and paying $38,000,000,000 to the US Treasury under the new 15.5% repatriation rate applicable under the tax bill.
That's $38,000,000,000 in tax revenue that would have never been realized if the GOP Congress had not changed the tax law.
I wonder how social conservatives should feel about that vexing issue.
Hes,right up there with admiral Leahy re the a bomb. The Soviets had an asset demiadov who created a phantom army group that fooled the head of German eastern fromt militart intelligence, you know him as general gehlen.
Krugman was also the one who urged a property bubble, to replace the tech bubble.
Well since we live in a land with laws, a constitution, free speech and such, New York Times and CNN won’t be going to jail, but Trump just might. Just sayin’
Yes they practice criminal malpractice and dezinformatya, what else is new.
A decent spy novelist, that's you entous if you want to follow your colleague Ignatius would have taken out erovikin to spark suspicious but like spectre and other outfits, but target someone in the west.
Keep hope alive, Mary!
Like Christopher Steele, who would take one for the team,that would make the conspiracy authentic. To only target the first and leavd the other alone is sloppy. Now the real conspirators like thise in red bell or even Anthony Horowitz Alex Stryker series would follow up with more false trails like those stephen mcintyre has turned up.
Now the koi feeding seemed to one of the sillier exercises but the king bust slander was a much more incendiary one.
The one regarding skybridgr capital was somewhat in the middle.
The fakiest fake-news of all is that good news isn't happening, can't happen under Trump.
If we get manufacturing back because there's capital and cheap energy and low taxes in the US - that's YUGE.
We're doing a sort of reverse Venezuela. We're getting rid of bad policies that were making us poor.
And Trump is saving millions - millions that were being wasted, here, there and everywhere. Millions by getting out of the Paris Treaty. Millions by decreasing the number of Federal employees. Millions by cutting the UN budget.
And in the era of Trump there are all those millions that ARE being spent on employment. When Congress wouldn't pass the infrastructure bill, hurricanes, wild fires and snow storms struck and Congress had pass the disaster relief bills which are rebuilding the infrastructure.
And in the era of Trump there are all those millions which consumers are saving by not going to movies or football games - where are those millions being spent? And the bonuses. And the raises.
Too bad no one in MSM wants to tell the stories of this time. Too bad the MSM is wasting itself on fake news and fake indignation. Let's hope the owners never realize that fake news could be better and more cheaply manufactured by robots, bots and fake anchors. Millions could be saved in salaries and health care expenses. Just saying.
You gotta go read Senator Flaky Flake's big speech on Donald "Man of Steel" Trump.
I wouldn't waste time hearing it - just read it.
It seems the poor little Press - Y'know MSNBC/NBC/CBS/ABC/NPR/NYT/WaPo - are under attack - fascism is just around the corner - and only noble, brave little Senator Flaky Flake will defend them.
All that's missing is Jeff Flake's promise to give every reporter a blowjob tomorrow.
How in the HELL is that Arizona Senate Republicans are always backstabbing oddballs? Judas Priest.
It's unclear what motivates fideloflake, as servant of totalitarianism, he wasn't merely anti embargo, but against any communication strategy against the regime.
Yeah--the old Krugster is looking like a true dolt now. But then Krugman was always a dolt--folks just didn't realize it.
He thinks he's in another remake of Manchurian candidate, as the senator who 'speaks truth to power'
ARM is personally reviewing the entire Stormy Daniels oeuvre for signs of a cover up or a "nexus" involving Trump.
The thing is, hard as he tries, Krugman will probably never recover from his election-night deranged rant. Glenn Reynolds sticks him with it at least once a week, and no Nobel Prize will protect you from a self-inflicted ass-clowning.
I wouldn't be so sure about Krugman not recovering. Krugman has been proven wrong many times in the past, and keeps bouncing back up for more bad predictions. This is my favorite Krugman gaffe, perhaps because it lasts only 34 seconds. Krugman gets p3wned on Canadian Health Care. From 2008.
Will Krugman ever shut up? Not as long as he can write and talk.
Sanjay Gupta just used a medical statistics trick to say all hearts have a risk profile from birth of getting older and weaker until they stop.
A Calcium score is a risk factor just like. Chore sterol score. Neither one is an active heart disease, they are future statistical indicators Thea cause no troubles yet and cannot be treated. They can be watched for signs of actual heart failure weaknesses of blockages. But he is in perfect health now.
The interesting stories rarely get told:
Blogger Original Mike said...
I would quibble with #1. That was not dishonest reporting, but an incorrect opinion. From a no talent hack, mind you, but mere opinion nonetheless.
True. On the other hand, it could also be trap for stupid commentators:
"Hey, #1 isn't even a fact, it's just an incorrect opinion!"
"You mean the economy is doing great under Trump?"
"Yes. I mean no! I mean ... uh ..."
I see a lot of Krugman bashing, and well, he kinda deserves it, but still to be fair, he wrote this article on 1/1/18:
“On election night 2016, I gave in temporarily to a temptation I warn others about: I let my political feelings distort my economic judgment. A very bad man had just won the Electoral College; and my first thought was that this would translate quickly into a bad economy. I quickly retracted the claim, and issued a mea culpa. (Being an old-fashioned guy, I try to admit and learn from my mistakes.)
What I should have clung to, despite my dismay, was the well-known proposition that in normal times the president has very little influence on macroeconomic developments — far less influence than the chair of the Federal Reserve.
This only stops being true when the economy is so depressed that monetary policy loses traction, as was the case in 2009-10; at that point it mattered a lot that Obama was willing to engage in fiscal stimulus, and it also mattered a lot, unfortunately, that Republican opposition plus Obama’s own caution meant that the stimulus was much smaller than it should have been. By 2016, however, the aftershocks of the financial crisis had faded away to the point that the usual rules once again applied.”
I’ve had my ups and downs with him, I can clearly remember him warning everyone circa 2004-2005 that the real estate bubble was going to explode and it wouldn’t be good, and everyone laughed at him, so there’s that. But he did promote Hillary in a way I thought was disingenuous and that he lost his individual voice, that it was taken over by the NYTimes.
This is not the first time Krugman made this mistake. During the G.W. Bush Administration, Krugman repeatedly predicted, wrongly, that the stock market would tank. I was able to retire in comfort because every time Krugman said "Sell!", I bought.
Mary said...
“Well since we live in a land with laws, a constitution, free speech and such, New York Times and CNN won’t be going to jail, but Trump just might. Just sayin’“
Chance Trump goes to jail: .0000001%
Chance Mueller goes to jail: ~20%
Chance Comey goes to jail: ~50%
Chance Hillary goes to jail: ~50% only because she may die first
Over under on Clinton/Obama/FBI cronies indicted over the next few years: 20
David in Cal said...
This is not the first time Krugman made this mistake. During the G.W. Bush Administration, Krugman repeatedly predicted, wrongly, that the stock market would tank. I was able to retire in comfort because every time Krugman said "Sell!", I bought.
But the stock market did nearly crash in 2008, don't you remember? I know I saw my 401k drop like crazy. I think this is in some way how Obama won that year. Also, and I hate to say it, good looks and charm and smarts helped him out as well. I still have no idea how Trump won, lol
Interest rates spiked for two years straight, when they reset in 2006, the subprime debt carried by major banks became worthless, also gas prices spiked largely to speculating like that carried out by Solomon's photo trading desk, so high it endangered China's economic growth. Now the demand for that debt had been pushed by the likes of Fannie and Freddie guess who were big time recipients of their largesse Obama Biden and dodd, as well all of the major banks Aug countrywide Morgan goldman chase citi; guess who sat on the latter's board Prince talal of the kingdom, guess who became the first treasury Secretary the fellow who refused to bail out Lehman bros pre Sept 2008, more about that later. Guess who was the second treasury Secretary the he's of one of the banks subprime division.
Lehman unlike goldman bet the high price of crude was unsustainable, thanks to its chief oil analyst Edward morse
Liked Trump’s list but wish he’d have done categories as well, like Lifetime Achievement. That would have to go to Dan Rarher, amirite?
Mary said...“On election night 2016, I gave in temporarily to a temptation I warn others about: I let my political feelings distort my economic judgment. A very bad man had just won the Electoral College; and my first thought was that this would translate quickly into a bad economy.
But..a nasty woman would been good.
"On election night 2016, I gave in temporarily to a temptation I warn others about: I let my political feelings distort my economic judgment.
Uh, Krug-y, you've been doing that for about 25 years. It wasn't a "one night thing".
Hahahaha. CNN, just stay down. Sometimes you gotta face up to the fact you just got your ass kicked.
Trump might not want to mess with CNN. They could decide to make public his address.
@Mary. What do you make of Paul "Freddie" Krugman predicting in 1997 the internet would be a passing fad?
I'm sure the media will cover this over the next 48 hours with all the breathless intensity they cover the rest of his Tweets.
Clicked on link and it says access denied.
But story is still on Fox News website.
Wow, a whole comment section without Chuck or Inga... who would'a thought?
It really is amazing how impossible it is to hold news organizations accountable, and how little harmed they are by errors and lies.
I feel bad for your students, but California made the decision to punish other states for not living up to "California standards". Parents know that sometimes when you punish your child, you get punished yourself. Your students need to follow the rules the people of your state imposed on themselves. Don't like the consequences? Make different choices when you vote. Otherwise, what you're asking is hypocritical.
The funniest thing to me about certain commenters is that the were so convinced by the media that Trump didn’t have a chance that they threw their votes away on Jill Stein, or that other guy... But they get everything else right!
”On election night 2016, I gave in temporarily to a temptation I warn others about: I let my political feelings distort my economic judgment.
Enron spokesman who “gets money calls” speaks again.
No love for the WaPo "OMFG Russians hacked the power grid!" story?
I hope the markets never recover as Krugmann would prefer. He'd wish a collapse just to win his point. As James Taranto always said, he's an Enron advisor.
Has anyone in the media written a story about Trump that got the facts wrong, but it accidentally made him look good? Because the evidence presented kinda makes the Press look slanted one way, you know.
For eleven consecutive coin flips to come out heads, the chances are roughly 0.001, or 0.1%. Pretty much evidence for bias. But as noted above, there are more examples of negative "mistakes" given by commenters above, so the odds are worse than that.
Irene said"That is not "mere opinion." That was the professional judgment of a nobel prize winner in economics."
I'm glad you clarified that.
_I_ almost voted for someone besides Trump. When I came home, my wife said something about Trump being "my guy". I got huffy and told her he was not "my guy", I just voted for him.
So I am not going to sneer at those who voted for someone besides Trump. Even at those who voted for Hillary.
I had no idea Trump was going to do this well. I had no idea Hillary was going to validate my low opinion of her so thoroughly. I didn't think the press would sink SO low for SO long.
I had no idea Trump was going to do this well. I had no idea Hillary was going to validate my low opinion of her so thoroughly. I didn't think the press would sink SO low for SO long.
Fascinating. So what did make you choose Trump in the end?
Fritz said...For eleven consecutive coin flips to come out heads, the chances are roughly 0.001,
Not 1/(2^10), it's 1/(2^11) ~= 0.0005
Fritz said...For eleven consecutive coin flips to come out heads, the chances are roughly 0.001,
Not 1/(2^10), it's 1/(2^11) ~= 0.0005
That depends on whether it's a one tailed or a two tailed test, i.e. did you hypothesize that the perturbations were going to favoring one side or another. While I agree its more likely the press is biased against Trump, its more conservative from a calculational point of view to assume equal chances of bias, pro and ant-trump.
It comes down to the first flip. If you start the sequence of flips, and take the first flip as the start of the sequence and look for 10 more, the first flip has a probability of 1.
Two slightly different hypotheses:
1) Is the press biased
2) Is the press biased against Trump
That depends on whether it's a one tailed or a two tailed test, i.e. did you hypothesize that the perturbations were going to favoring one side or another.
All I commented on was the chances of 11 heads in a row: the chances of one 'head' in a row is 1/2 = 1/(2^1). The wrongness of the press stories isn't binary so I don't see how that fits with flipping coins.
I figured that only Hillary or Trump had a chance to be president, and I knew that my vote really didn't count, except to me.
But there are a lot of other situations where both choices stink, but your decision DOES count. So I figured it was a good exercise in making a tough choices. I would make my decision like my vote really did count (even though it didn't)
I learned from it. I learned that sometimes things turn out better than they look like they will.I know that I don't really have room to gloat over or sneer at others who made different choices in the same situation.
Or to get mad at myself when _I_ make the wrong choice. Three weeks ago, I was in another situation where I had to make a difficult choice, and in this case I made the wrong one -- cost me over $1500, and I was lucky it didn't cost three times as much! I was mad, but I realized that I made the best choice I could, it was just the wrong one, and was able to let it go and move on.
I also realized sometimes it takes a long time to know if you made the right choice, and sometimes you never know. Voting for Trump _may_ turn out to be the wrong choice in the end.
Fernandistein said...
That depends on whether it's a one tailed or a two tailed test, i.e. did you hypothesize that the perturbations were going to favoring one side or another.
All I commented on was the chances of 11 heads in a row: the chances of one 'head' in a row is 1/2 = 1/(2^1). The wrongness of the press stories isn't binary so I don't see how that fits with flipping coins.
The "wrongness" of the press is scattered among many stories about Trump that are (most likely, but see the Gell-Mann Amnesia Hypothesis) true. One can imagine, laughingly perhaps, a bias among reporters and editors to promote wrong stories about Trump. They certainly did for Obama.
We're (or at least I'm) taking a sequence of identified "wrong" stories, and asking if there is a bias in the direction of wrong, so the slightly more conservative calculation is plenty strong enough to conclude that.
I don't want to preach statistics too much, but one should resist the temptation to make the strongest one sided claim first.
How many coin flips did Hillary win in a row during the primaries?
Sounds pretty fake to me. Jeff Flake must feel sheepish.
"How many coin flips did Hillary win in a row during the primaries?"
The answer can be found at the intersection of the binomial probability distribution and politics: she won just as many as she had to win, that's all.
No love for the WaPo "OMFG Russians hacked the power grid!" story?
Or the Tillerson is out as SoS story!
I'm wondering why reporting on Charlottesville wasn't among the winners. The claim that Trump was referring to the KKK types when he said "good people on both sides" is probably the biggest and most damaging lie about Trump by the media.
That's a good list, though it could have gone on much longer.
"How many coin flips did Hillary win in a row during the primaries?"
--iirc it was 5 or 6. Highly improbable (0.5^5=.03125) but not totally ridiculous. Combining that with what else we know makes it look even worse, though.
Thanks, Test Tube.
Like you I saw it in the end as a binary choice and I could not trust Hillary. Trump was pushing the right issues and pushing against PC culture, which impressed me. He has been much more successful sooner than I thought possible. If you can ignore what he says, what he is doing looks pretty dang good.
Has anyone in the media written a story about Trump that got the facts wrong, but it accidentally made him look good? Because the evidence presented kinda makes the Press look slanted one way, you know.
Just my thought. One good example? Just one.
Trump signing the Forever GI Bill into law was a terrific improvement. The old law had some weird glitches in. The new law is much better for veterans and their families, with fewer stupidities in it.
I saw, like, zero press about it when it was signed last year.
But..a nasty woman would been good.
Walter, are you talking about Hillary or Mary?
Ah the Krugster wins the race--and not by a nose either. Krugman leads the parade by an entire city block. A Big City Block! Here's 26,000 looking at you Krugman,
I think the Weigel one is unfair, but probably ended up in there so he could complain about the Washington Post, which has actually been much less unhinged than the other media companies. The Krugman one also probably doesn't deserve to be number 1 (it was just a tweet, after all, not a full blown story), but the comedy of seeing a pompous Nobel prizewinning economist immediately undercut by reality is probably why it ended up there -- it's like seeing a dignified man in opera dress and spats get hit with a pie in the face.
I was referring to HRC
3) CNN report that the Trump campaign had early access to hacked documents from WikiLeaks
This was my personal favorite, for Princess Sky Screamer plastered an entire thread when this came out.
And then - coincidentally, I'm sure - shut her yap, refused to even acknowledge how wrong she was and then moved on to spewing the next, stupid lie.
It's almost like she sees and hears only the things she wants to see and hear.
Paul Krugman is the same asshole who didn't even wait for the bodies to cool before he blamed the TEA Party for the Gabby Giffords shooting.
Because, you know, the TEA Party is just chock-full of Bush-hating Atheists like Jared Loughner ....
Big Mike said...
ARM is a moderate, by the way. Just ask him.
@Lucien, it does make one wonder what sort of bubble ARM lives in, that he regards himself that way.
1/17/18, 9:54 PM
Guys, subtle hint...he's lying.
Or rather, he is choosing his words for the effect they have on others (i.e. gaslighting, I would say), and truth would be an obstacle.
If ARM thought that saying "I, ARM, am a poopy head and I, ARM, pick my nose and eat it" would realize a net gain of political power to his side, he would say it. With a song in his heart.
Arm is the last of Axelrod's "concerned conservative" mobies. As an endangered species, we should acknowledge his plight.
I carry no brief for any of the media players who were listed by the White House.
But let's be clear; Althouse could have done what she so often does with the media's Trump-criticism stories. She could have analyzed them for accuracy, and for language precision. And she didn't, with this. She just re-broadcast it, as if she were a Fox News Channel franchisee.
Just for instance, as I have seen elsewhere, "TIME magazine never 'reported' anything about the MLK bust in the Oval Office. A TIME reporter put it out on his personal Twitter account, and removed the Tweet with an apology immediately after seeing himself corrected.
If only Trump would do the same.
It's Atlhouse's blog, of course. And she is free to post any half-assed, slapdash thing she chooses. Have a nice day.
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