January 19, 2018

Moira Donegan, the young woman who put the "Shitty Media Men" spreadsheet on line.

"I was watching the spreadsheet fill up. It became clear to me that a problem I had already understood as widespread was in fact, much, much broader."
DONEGAN: “So much of the conversation after the spreadsheet was made public was about the methodology of the spreadsheet, and sort of the tactics that anonymous women were using to try and keep each other safe. People were more worried about a hypothetical man whose reputation might be damaged than real women who were really raped.”

TIEFENTHÄLER: “It’s not a hypothetical man, right? There were men who were named on this who had to suffer repercussions in their real life.”

DONEGAN: “Some companies decided to conduct investigations. Not all, but some of them did result in men leaving their jobs or being fired, because they were found to have committed wrongdoing. I think it’s their responsibility that they acted that way.”


tcrosse said...

Is Jim Acosta on the list ?

Yancey Ward said...

So, where can one go and look at this list?

Gahrie said...

Fuck'em they're just splooge stooges.

Gahrie said...

OK..apparently our distaff population needs to be reminded:

If a man rapes you...go to the fucking police.

Ralph L said...

Is it harassment to ask someone to butt-hang on your spreadsheet?

Patrick Henry was right! said...

Real feminists, those who see men and women as equal, must be horrified at this snowflake, Victorian prude.

Gahrie said...

So a woman starts "anonymously" spreading rumors that are designed to destroy the lives and careers of men.....and she's the victim.

Women must never be made to feel bad about, or responsible for, anything, ever.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

If they were trying to protect women, why was the list secret. Shouldn't they have put the list in Reddit.

So what was the real reason for the private list.

Ralph L said...

Even if exonerated by your current employer, I'd think it'd be hard to find a new job.

Rae said...

She'll never be hired again. Litigation risk.

ALP said...

How many defamation lawsuits will come from this? I'd love to see this defended in court.

rhhardin said...

It's women's reasoning. System analysis isn't wanted.

Direct action solves everything.

rhhardin said...

Guys are abstracting all the time and it's no wonder they don't recognize the urgency of feelings, she thinks.

rhhardin said...

Some guy should have explained it to her.

Look, honey, you can't do this.

robother said...

Those Salem witches and warlocks got their day in court. They need to take responsibility for their actions.

Heartless Aztec said...

I should publish my "Fucking Bitches" spread sheet. 50 years of research starting with Susan who I found making out with another boy in the movie theater when I came back with the popcorn. I'm thinking they gave as good as they got. I'll call it a push.

MacMacConnell said...

I'm starting a spreadsheet on women that give terrible painful blow jobs and participate like roadkill in bed. I'm doing it on the cloud because the massive amount of date would lock up my computer.

madAsHell said...

TIEFENTHÄLER - the man from the deep valley. Are some posts just for the great names?

Nice picture. I can see why so many men have disappointed her.

Bill Peschel said...

I wondered more about the Times' headline and what the cut-off word was: "Moira Dourgans spreadsheet was an "act of real s-"


Or maybe I watched too many eps. of "Match Game '75" as a kid.

Curious George said...

OK, let me just say that a spreadsheet doesn't seem best suited for this. A data base would have been better. People, just because you can use a spreadsheet doesn't mean you should.

FIDO said...

She's a shitty person who did a shitty thing. Now she if facing blowback and is calling upon all other wallflowers to rush to her defense because she feels persecuted for destroying people's lives.

She has no way to tell if any of these posts were true, just rumor, blatant lies, or even written by women. But she is doing 'God's work'.

The sexual market place has not been kind to her and this probably has more than a smattering of 'sour grapes' to it.

MikeR said...

"OK, let me just say that a spreadsheet doesn't seem best suited for this. A data base would have been better. People, just because you can use a spreadsheet doesn't mean you should." All databases start their lives as an Excel spreadsheet. I have twenty years of experience in this fact, converting people's spreadsheets into databases.

tcrosse said...

All databases start their lives as an Excel spreadsheet. I have twenty years of experience in this fact, converting people's spreadsheets into databases.

Amen. For my sins, I had to move data from Lotus Notes into real relational databases.

Lucien said...

He's a witch!

He turned me into a newt!

(Well, I got better (but I'm still traumatized)).

Ron Winkleheimer said...

For my sins, I had to move data from Lotus Notes into real relational databases.

I'm curious, what tools did you use to accomplish this unholy feat?

More on topic, I too wonder if defamation lawsuits lie in her future. Most likely not because anyone suing is going to face harsh backlash and she doesn't have any money. Has she started a gofundme or patraeon page yet? That would seem to be the next move.

Rick said...

People were more worried about a hypothetical man whose reputation might be damaged than real women who were really raped.”

The spreadsheet isn't about people who were raped. It includes things like "made a creepy drunken pass at a bar".

If she wanted to talk only about people who were raped she should have limited the spreadsheet to those circumstances. This is exactly what the complaints are about.

This motte and bailey BS is unacceptable. If you want your complaints to be taken at that level you can't dilute them in search of volume.

robother said...

Anonymously sourced spreadsheet? Cotton Mather would no doubt approve this 21st Century variation on his spectral evidence.
Res ipsa loquitur.

rcocean said...


Can we go back to old days where you got called "Smith" if the Ellis Island officials thought your foreign name was too odd?

And are we now using Kraut punctuation?

Ann Althouse said...

I'm a direct descendent of Cotton Mather.

rcocean said...

Every time I read the NYT I'm amazed at the odd ball names of the writers.

And if you ever do find anyone named Smith, Jones, or Miller - they turn out to black.

Jason said...

I know a man with a wooden leg named "Smith."

Drago said...

Ann Althouse: "I'm a direct descendent of Cotton Mather."

It "Oughten Matter".

madAsHell said...

I'm a direct descendent of Cotton Mather.

I'll be REALLY impressed if you still have that fright wig!!

Big Mike said...

I'm a direct descendent of Cotton Mather.

IMHO nothing to be proud of.

Big Mike said...

Not all, but some of them did result in men leaving their jobs or being fired, because they were found to have committed wrongdoing.

Again, the fact that one was accused means -- at least as far as Moira is concerned -- that one must be guilty. Tavis Smiley and Harold Ford, Jr., beg to differ.

Anthony said...

Ah, Lotus Notes. I remember when 1-2-3 was the spreadsheet to use.

I never used spreadsheets much, used to manage all of my (archaeological) data through SPSS. I got dragged kicking and screaming into SQL and MS Access (which I still find incredibly useful, btw) but eventually came around and decided a good relational db is a thousand times better for managing data than a flat file.

Oh, err, and ummmm, the spreadsheet thing was bad.

Achilles said...

The #metoo “movement” is going to backfire in several ways. But right now it is just a distraction from what the people who own the media don’t want discussed.

Dude1394 said...

Sex robots can not get here quick enough.

MrCharlie2 said...

Is this primarily a problem for the "elites", or is it just publicized that way?

Is crude, tacit, quid pro quo sex prevalent in economic sectors where there is a really wide disparity in status and rewards between ubers and unters, and is it a way for the people in charge to ration out advancement?

Is it common in industries where there has been pressure to increase "representation" of women in the higher echelons? Is there any similar or analogous experience among other group deemed deserving of promotion?

Off the top of my head this seems to be big in news media, movies, and grad schools. Not so much at Walmart?

Kirk Parker said...

MikeR, tcrosse,

"... start life as Excel spreadsheets"

I have stories, do I ever have stories...

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Democrats still have a deep affection for lynchings.

Rabel said...

Needs more cuts and camera angles. Jeeze, it's like watching a Transformers movie.

madAsHell said...

it's like watching a Transformers movie

Perhaps, it's the same demographic?

hstad said...

Moira Donegan, a 28 year old journalist, making lists of accusations is not only stupid but the height of journalistic laziness.

AA your article on stereotypes fits perfectly with this journalist.

It reminds me of that genius propagandist in the White House, Ben Rhodes, who is still correct, when he addressed the quality of the Media by saying, "...“Most of the outlets are reporting on world events from Washington. The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. That’s a sea change. They literally know nothing.”

Media denial: You still don’t believe you’re the problem.
Wake me when you do.

Jupiter said...

Rick said...

The spreadsheet isn't about people who were raped. It includes things like "made a creepy drunken pass at a bar".

If the thing I found online is the spreadsheet in question, it is worse than I thought. It does not have detailed first-person accounts. It has names, employment info, and brief descriptions. Sometimes a single word. "Rape". "Abuse".

n.n said...

So, that's what a witch huntress looks like.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Democrats still have a deep affection for lynchings

Public and private. Not only does the constitution not recognize, let alone grant, the right to the progressive rite of abortion (i.e. summary execution), but it does have the inconvenient due process clause, which is the bane of witch hunters, and the proportionate clause, which is the bane of people pursuing retributive change. That said, it does recognize the right of the press... to carry out public lynchings?

Bad Lieutenant said...

rhhardin said...
It's women's reasoning. System analysis isn't wanted.

Direct action solves everything.

1/19/18, 10:56 AM

I so agree, the great killing is long overdue and will be all the greater for the delay.

Bad Lieutenant said...

n.n said...
So, that's what a witch huntress looks like.

1/19/18, 2:57 PM

No shit. Think she swallows?

William said...

I'm more sympathetic than not to her position. I'd be even more sympathetic if she had used someone other than Anita Hill as her example of a wronged woman. It wouldn't even have to be someone like Juanita Broderick. Someone neutral would be ok. If the first name on your list is either Anita or Juanita, I suspect an ideological axe is being ground.......The plus side Is that if she's naming names in media, the list will be overwhelmingly composed of liberal men, many of them vocal supporters of the #metoo movement........It's possible maybe even likely that a vengeful woman would use such a list as a way to exact revenge. It's likely maybe even certain that some guilty men will suffer because of this list that otherwise would have skated. As it stands now, there are far more female misconduct victims than men who have been wrongfully accused. That's just a fact........I know that that old shibboleth about letting ten guilty men go free rather than convict one innocent one does not apply to sex crimes. What's remarkable is the ease with which the feminists dispose of the presumption of innocence and due process. That's a fact too.

tcrosse said...

The Maenads are loose. It's a good thing I'm retired and my ex-wife doesn't know where I live.

walter said...

DONEGAN: “Some companies decided to conduct investigations.

How equipped are companies for this?
Did she consider whether the process might have been punishing enough for the company or the employee such that moving on was deemed the best route?

Big Mike said...

Think she swallows?

She looks as though she did once, and never got over it.

Big Mike said...

What's remarkable is the ease with which the feminists dispose of the presumption of innocence and due process.

Harold Ford, Jr., and Tavis Smiley agree with this observation, yes.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

That McCarthy was right about a lot does not prevent "McCarthyism" from being an insult today.
Maybe it's just that the Left didn't like McCarthy and does like the #MeToo brigade...but it's odd to hear "well SOME of them are definitely guilty of SOMETHING" put forward as a defense of this kind of list-making/list-spreading.

Curious George said...

"MikeR said...
"OK, let me just say that a spreadsheet doesn't seem best suited for this. A data base would have been better. People, just because you can use a spreadsheet doesn't mean you should." All databases start their lives as an Excel spreadsheet. I have twenty years of experience in this fact, converting people's spreadsheets into databases."

Worse yet, "Microsoft Word? Fuck that, I'll just type my letter into a cell in Excel!"

n.n said...

No shit. Think she swallows?

Hook, line, and sinker. Yeah, I know.

There is a better character of woman out there. There is a better character of man out there. Don't start and stop a friendship with "benefits", on the couch, under the desk, while unconscious, with starry eyes.

Jason said...

We are all shitty media men now.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Too bad the black turtleneck and dark studio hide the fact that she looks like she has a nice little body. But I couldn't stand it when she opened her mouth because how do you go all the way through a 6-minute video with that catch in your voice sounding like you're on the edge of tears? If she's faking it, I can't stand phonies, and if that's how she sounds all the time, I would dig out my eardrums with a grapefruit spoon.

Lucien said...

You knew she looked like this, right? I mean, there's no way she didn't look like this.

I had no idea what she looked like, but the moment I saw this, I said, "Of course."

JAORE said...

All women must be believed. All men are presumed guilty.

So where is the harm even IF there are men on the list where no "proof" is available?

Where is the harm, really?

Geez to watch this.... several minutes of her feeling she's a victim.....

If she never works as a writer again....

Wal-Mart has increased pay rates.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

"So, that's what a witch huntress looks like."

Probably a lot of the accusers at Salem looked like this shitty bitch.

Unknown said...

She's got a little Bud Cort thing going on, doesn't she?

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