Said Jim Acosta at a free-press forum at the Newseum on Wednesday night, which turned out also to be the night President Trump announced his "Fake News Awards" on the RNC website.
Now, I see (looking at my email this morning) that Trump is taking a vote (at his campaign website) asking people to vote for "KING OF FAKE NEWS of 2017." Is this in direct response to Acosta — a kind of I'm not the king, you're the king?
The options on the ballot are ABC, NYT, Washington Post, etc. — whole news organizations, not human individuals, so I don't think the term "king" can be flipped back at the media very well. And a king is the head of a government. The press is a counterbalance to government. The press only works by saying things that the people consume and react to. The safeguards are built-in. A king has power by way of a hereditary position and by his own will operates levers of power. No one is King of the News or the Fake News... unless you just mean "king" in the weak sense, as in Elvis is the King of Rock 'n' Roll.
Here's the point in the post where I'm triggered to look up "king" in the OED. The 4th meaning of the word is "A male person or being whose authority or pre-eminence is comparable to that of a king." Thus, God has long been called the "King of Heaven" or the "King of Glory" (which seems like a step down for God).
Then you get things like: "He is kynge of dronkardes and of dronkenes" (1509), "He's the king o' gude fellows, and wale of auld men" (1793 R. Burns), and "A never before assembled album of original RCA recordings of the King of Rock 'n' Roll—Elvis Presley" (1981 Weekly World News advertisement.)
There's the industrial/commercial use. In the 19th century, various magnates were called "cotton king," "fur king," "railway king," and these days, we're most likely to say "drug king." That makes me think of "drug czar," an informal term for an American government official in charge of drug control. A "czar" is the same thing as a "king," but it sounds foreign and funny. We don't call anyone in American government "king" unless, like Jim Acosta, we mean to insult him. We have a history with that term...

1 – 200 of 247 Newer› Newest»If you're trying to work out what "wale" means in the Robert Burns quote, here's more Burns: "For lapfu's large o' gospel kail Shall fill thy crib in plenty, An' runts o' grace the pick an' wale."
"He has said he lost the election because undocumented people voted by the millions."
Say what? Trump said he lost the election?
The Romans labeled Jesus King of the Jews. Jews said that was fake news.
There's King of the Road and King of the Jungle.
Few King monikers are meant to be taken literally.
I've heard King Cotton more often than Cotton King.
Are both white, fluffy, and the fabric of our lives?
Acosta can not be non partisan. He should NOT be the Chief WH correspondant and report accurately.
Jim Acosta is a twat. It doesn't matter who is president. A twat is a twat.
Well if we can’t call Jim Acosta “King of Fake News” then pretty soon we’ll have no freedoms left at all. But the real culprits are John K. Martin, Chairman and CEO of the company that owns and operates CNN; A.G. Sulzberger, who publishes the New York Times; and Jeff Bezos, who owns the Washington Post. There is no doubt that if they wanted honest reporting they could enforce it.
BECAUSE he cannot report accurately is what I meant.
"He said Mexicans are rapists and criminals." I call fake news BS.
Here is what Trump actually said:
The Mexican Government is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States. They are, in many cases, criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc. . . . Many fabulous people come in from Mexico and our country is better for it. But these people are here legally, and are severely hurt by those coming in illegally."
A serious journalist could still go after him, of course, for the BS about the Mexican government "forcing" bad guys out, but the MSM prefer the easy smear.
Kings are just dictators supported by a religious establishment.
Such polls are merely a way of collecting information on your potential base. Glad to see the Trump people doing this kind of thing.
Czar translates the Roman title Ceasar. Maybe it's the salad dressing invented by Julious Ceasar.
And that means the ruler of the World Government.
Kings are mere tribal leaders that conquered a neighboring territory for rape and pillage, such as William from the Norwegians that held Normandy. They started the British Monarchy so hated by all.
Jim Acosta wants to be known to future journalism students as the resistance fighter who helped bring down the fascist Trump.
History is being rewritten as we speak. Trumps will be portrayed (as he is currently) as a Stalin-like dictator who attacked the objective and always fair mainstream press.
The first person, that I'm aware of, that said that Barack Obama was NOT born in the United States was a man named Barack Obama, His book publisher even put that on a printed handout.
Acosta will help pay for the wall--you can make book on that.
Acosta, who says he doesn't have an agenda: "He said Barack Obama was not born in this country. He said Mexican are rapists and criminals. He has said many things. He has said he lost the election because undocumented people voted by the millions. He said that he had the largest inauguration crowd of all time. The list goes on and on."
Let me just pick one: "He said Mexican are rapists and criminals." Actually he said, in so many words, that some illegal immigrants coming over the Mexican border, not all Mexicans by the way, are rapists and criminals, which is undoubtedly true.
So how can Acosta say he doesn't have an agenda? The trouble with this moment in history is that it makes you "hate" journalists like Acosta — or like Jake Tapper, or Chuck Todd — whom one would normally be disposed to like. In that sense Trump is divisive.
And behind it all in some strange way is the fact that our global corporate media support free mobility of labor and capital around the world. As if the world is one big country. And you have to admit, it is good for business.
"Hey' he's a bullshitter too" is not a convincing defense of your own reliability and care, especially when you get things wrong even as you say it. Just look at Acosta's sloppiness. Trump did not say he lost the election. Trump said *some* Mexicans are criminals. Trump never said Obama was born outside the USA, he questioned it rather foolishly. That's 3/3 distorted or wrong. This in his own best defense of his reliability!
When you wish upon a tsar
Sun King
Crawlin' King Snake
I'm a King Bee
King of the Road
Ska Kings
B.B. King
Albert King
King Crimson
Godzilla, King of the Monsters
King of the Hill Theme
King Kong Itself
Last time I checked, Trump isn't a journalist. Acosta's quip makes no sense.
Now if his point is that Trump lies, then yeah, I guess he does. But what did Acosta have to say about the honesty of another great Whitehouse liar, one BHO? Nothing, of course. And who thinks Acosta wouldn't be all in on the queen of liars, HRC?
Maybe Acosta is just senile, or suffering from early onset dementia, or is distracted by his struggle with heart disease.
OT, but I think the Norwegian and English thrones are the only European ones directly inheritable. All others have some sort of election involved in the choice of successors.
Pass the popcorn.
I have a CD by The Runt's O' Grace.
And TV News are not really "the Press;" but part of the entertainment industry.
Jim Acosta sucks donkey dick. True story.
Trump ignores Acosta like a good exorcist ignores the challenging speaking Demons during deliverance. All he gets is a mere "OUT."
Acosta is a Lying Spirit. So why listen to him in his last desperate panic screams.
"I would say, having been called fake news myself, that the President of the United States is the king of fake news. He is the king of fake news."
"He said Barack Obama was not born in this country. He said Mexican are rapists and criminals. He has said many things. He has said he lost the election because undocumented people voted by the millions. He said that he had the largest inauguration crowd of all time. The list goes on and on."
I've never listened to Jim Acosta. Is this his natural style or has he been parasitized by Trumpian speech mannerisms?
Don't try to lay no boogie woogie on the king of rock n"roll!
All is going according to Trump's plan. Acosta continues to expose himself for what he is: a partisan afflicted with TDS spewing DNC talking points.
Trump is a bullshitter. Acosta as a politically corrupted journolista.
So much flying spittle. No wonder we all have the flu
"He said Barack Obama was not born in this country. He said Mexican are rapists and criminals. He has said many things. He has said he lost the election because undocumented people voted by the millions. He said that he had the largest inauguration crowd of all time. The list goes on and on."
Probably best to let Trump respond to these assertions.
I think Acosta is confused about what Fake News means.
If it means that a statement is not the whole truth, then every politician is guilty of Fake News all the time. Politician's statements are frequently either false or very slanted. That is their right.
But when an organization or an individual who proclaims his job to be to speak truth, presents as news something that is not correct, then it is Fake News.
Correction: "Acosta is ...." 8:50
Jim Acosta has no comment on the list trump put out. That right there is very telling.
Jim's list is patheric and filled with half-truths. Then again he's a corruptocrat, so half truths are all part of his show.
1) He said Barack Obama was not born in this country. -I'll give him this one. However, Trump did manage to get obama to release the long form birth certificate and that ended most of the birther nonsense.
2) He said Mexican are rapists and criminals. He said SOME are. and SOME ARE!
3) He has said he lost the election because undocumented people voted by the millions.
True in CA. Trump said "IF" he lost the election. Notice how Jim Acosta twists that around, and removed the "if".
Notice his play on words. Really crappy "journalism".
Acosta is a hack.
4) He said that he had the largest inauguration crowd of all time. OK - Trump exaggerated, so what? how does this matter? How does that compare with all the media's lies? It doesn't.
5) This list goes on and on...
REally? Do tell. Start with the list Trump put out - you hack. Oh that's right, you cannot defend the list Trump put out because the list is a factual list of MEDIA LIES.
Very good, DougWeber. But I would add that the people do not elect a president to tell them the truth. That isn't his purpose. Abraham Lincoln was not elected to tell us the truth. Neither was Barack Obama. Presidents in the US are elected to lead us towards the old future, a new future, or sustain us where we are.
Acosta is making a category error.
Jeez, Acosta - the retort "I know you are, but what am I?" lost its sting in the 3rd Grade.
Trump is a bullshitter. Acosta as a politically corrupted journolista.
Short and correctly on point.
Trump speaks in hyperbole. To take him literally is to expose your own idiocy.
The Press should be speaking factually, and it does not. It never really has, but it's been completely exposed.
Maybe Trump should be the King of data collection for mailing lists. I'm assuming that is one half the reason for this poll. The other half, of course, is to give him something to tweet about.
Acosta is going meta--accusing Trump of being the fake news king by spewing a bunch of fake news himself.
Acosta may be effective a preaching to his choir, but he is demonstrating that he is either pretty uninformed, for a "news man" or a hack.
Jim Acosta seems to think he is Jesus. Let's nail him to a cross and oblige him. A sign can be put up underneath saying "King of the Fake News."
Acosta was just talking, right? My God, if we had a transcript of some of the stuff Trump said while just talking. The nonsense level is overwhelming. I cut some people a bit of slack on their answers to questions, versus edited writing. But I'm also okay if none of you want to do that.
But here is Trump's quote about Mexicans, from his presidential announcement speech:
"When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."
So what Trump said is that the people who are crossing the southern border illegally are "being sent" by Mexico (that's weird enough by itself), and that the border-crossers are all rapists and drug dealers. With the added Trumpism (because he will do almost anything to make certain that his words are always vague enough and watered-down enough that he can't be held to anything) that "some [he assumes] are good people."
I'd have had a different Top Ten list of Trump's Fake News:
1. The "John Miller" and "John Baron" interviews.
2. Vaccines and autism.
3. Trump's own private investigators in Hawaii, finding things "they can't believe."
4. Thousands of people in New Jersey cheering the collapse of the WTC on 9/11/01.
5. Millions of illegal aliens voted for Clinton in 2016.
6. Ted Cruz's father with Fidel Castro.
7. Senator Blumenthal "misrepresents" then-Judge Gorsuch comments on Trump's trashtalk of federal judges.
8. Trump would go to trial on the Trump University fraud case because settling only invites more claims. And Trump's libel case against Tim O'Brien, and Trump's claim that he would sue all the women who accused him of sexual misconduct.
9. Trump weighs 239 lbs and is 6'3"
10. (My personal favorite) That he never said "shithole countries."
That's when you realize...
You've been Acosta'd!
Tradguy draws a great analogy: Trump ignores Acosta like a good exorcist ignores the challenging speaking Demons during deliverance. All he gets is a mere "OUT."
Acosta is a Lying Spirit. So why listen to him in his last desperate panic screams.
Brilliant, tradguy!
Leave it to Chuckles the Clown to jump in to defend Acosta.
There was an interview with Trump by Oprah awhile back on the birther issue. Mr trump stated that he believed Mr Obama had been born in the United States, but raised the question why he just didn't produce his birth certificate (which he had not done at that point). This is a very different thing than claiming that Mr Obama was not born in the US, and a valid question that has received little attention. The distinction is important: did Mr trump ever actually claim that Mr Obama was foreign born?
Trump is guilty of revealing the msm not non-partisan.
He is also guilty of revealing that not a single person on the left believes anything they say.
Revealing Fen’s law to the voting masses is going to be one of Trump’s biggest achievements.
Once you're down in Texas, Bob Wills Is Still the King. Even The Rolling Stones said so.
It's asymmetrical warfare, isn't it? CNN holds itself out as a professional news organization; obligated to follow its own standards and the standards of professional journalism that it professes to follow. And CNN gets certain privileges as a result, including the protection of the New York Times v. Sullivan cases.
Trump is under no such obligation or duty, and never has been. Trump is free of any legal or moral constraints in commenting on the news. It shows, of course.
CNN would agree that it has to follow rules You can argue that they don't; whatever. And Trump has no rules.
hombre: "Trump is a bullshitter. Acosta as a politically corrupted journolista."
I think hombre and DougWeber get this exactly right. Acosta is getting into a poo flinging contest with a professional bullshitter. A man who can paint the corners. And Acosta is supposed to be the umpire calling balls and strikes impartially. Trump pitches another shutout.
Don't bring mud to a shit-fight.
“I'd have had a different Top Ten list of Trump's Fake News:“
The DNC talking points are out. Guess who is first to spew them.
Have fun watching Mueller disband his stalinist witch hunt and start preparing for his upcoming trial. I am sure you will have your talking points prepared for you then too.
100% bad faith poster.
Acosta sounds like a butt-hurt child.
Obviously, people expect politicians to be biased, and expect them to distort, exagerrate and lie. It's only recently that the public is understanding that they should expect the same from journalists. The media's sloppy reporting on Trump doesn't help them regain credibility.
Trump, with his fake news awards, cleverly turns the media's screw-ups into propaganda that pushes the message to the public to be wary of taking the "news"-- in particlar news about him-- at face value.
Normally I would be concerned about a politician trying to undermine the credibility of the media, whose role is to keep him in line, but the established media is so one-sided and corrupt that they deserve to be discredited.
Journalists like Acosta need to stop whining and clean up their act, if they want to get some sympathy.
chuck - really?
that's all you got? Lame.
meanwhile, the hack press keep lying.
Please refute this list.
1) The New York Times’ Paul Krugman claiming markets would ‘never’ recover from Trump presidency
2) ABC News' Brian Ross’ bungled report on former national security adviser Michael Flynn
3) CNN report that the Trump campaign had early access to hacked documents from WikiLeaks
4) TIME report that Trump removed a bust of Martin Luther King, Jr. from the Oval Office
5) The Washington Post’s Dave Weigel tweeting that Trump’s December rally in Pensacola, Florida, wasn’t packed with supporters
6) CNN’s video suggesting Trump overfed fish during visit with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
7) CNN’s retracted report claiming Anthony Scaramucci-Russia ties
8) Newsweek report that Polish First Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda did not shake Trump’s hand
9) CNN report that former FBI Director James Comey would dispute President Trump’s claim he was told he was not under investigation
10) The New York Times report that the Trump administration had hidden a climate-change report
11) In Trump’s words, "‘RUSSIA COLLUSION!’ Russian collusion is perhaps the greatest hoax perpetrated on the American people. THERE IS NO COLLUSION!”
"Trump is a bullshitter. Acosta as a politically corrupted journolista."
I think I'd agree.
Jim Acosta is of course less politically biased, and smarter, and more careful than a Laura Ingraham or a Sean Hannity or a Rush Limbaugh. Maybe people would resist my even classifying them together, inasmuch as Ingraham, Hannity and Limbaugh are probably just opinion-entertainers. Anyway, I'd be a lot more confident in information I got from Jim Acosta than in information I got from Sean Hannity.
But then there is the "Trump is a bullshitter" part. And there, I agree without reservation. And I hate bullshitters. More than anything in the world, I hate bullshitters.
"Don't bring mud to a shit-fight."
When Trump comes to a shit fight he not only brings lots of shit, he brings a lunch and a flashlight.
“ And Trump has no rules.“
He has rules. You just don’t like them because you are on the other side.
It is not lost on anyone that you are trying to use hyperbole and misdirection just like Trump does. The media has been doing this as a democrat mouthpiece for decades.
We understand why you are really angry. He is just doing to you people what you have been doing to republicans.
And he is better at it than you.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
chuck - really?
that's all you got? Lame.
meanwhile, the hack press keep lying.
Please refute this list.
Althouse did a post on that list. And I commented earlier this morning. And I stated that I had no particular cause (or even the energy) to examine all of it and to offer any particular defense of those accused new outlets. When did it become my job to defend them?
But I also commented, right off the top of my head that "TIME" never did any reporting on the MLK bust. One of Time's reporters put out a Tweet on his personal account, and within hours took it down with an apology.
And of course I noted how Althouse puts stuff like that List out, without comment, but regularly puts out detailed posts Fisking stories in NYT or WaPo or elsewhere in which some error or abuse of language occurs.
“Jim Acosta is of course less politically biased, and smarter, and more careful than a Laura Ingraham or a Sean Hannity or a Rush Limbaugh. “
Not even an intelligent democrat would say that unless they were knowingly trying to speak and obvious lie.
The only difference between those four people is 3 of them are honest about their intentions and the Acosta is a like you acting 100% in bad faith.
Each of Acosta's alleged Trump quotes are easily refuted when one looks at what Trump actually said. I'm surprised that Acosta -- who makes his living as a communicator -- is such a truth twister.
Sebastian: "A serious journalist could still go after him, of course, for the BS about the Mexican government 'forcing' bad guys out, but the MSM prefer the easy smear."
From the promotional blurb for a new book ("Undocumented Lives: the Untold Story of Mexican Migration" by Ana Raquel Minian) coming soon from Harvard University Press: "In the 1970s the Mexican government acted to alleviate rural unemployment by supporting the migration of able-bodied men. Millions crossed into the United States to find work that would help them survive as well as sustain their families in Mexico."
Chuck, sometimes I think you're really serious. Sometimes.
Acosta impresses as the journalistic equivalent of JEB Bush during the primary debates. He gets all butt hurt but keeps coming back for more.
At some level I feel sorry for Acosta.
Query: What was the last laudable piece of actual journalism that Acosta has produced?
Chuck, like Acosta, is a cuck for the left and GOPe.
Acosta: "
He said Barack Obama was not born in this country" . He questioned the place of his birth to tease out the birth certificate Which worked
. "He said Mexican are rapists and criminals" . He did not. He said some who came illegally were. He did not say all Mexicans are rapists and criminals
."He has said many things" . Acosta is correct here.
"He has said he lost the election because undocumented people voted by the millions" . Actually, Trump won the election
."He said that he had the largest inauguration crowd of all time." In contrast to the assertion by the MSM that no one showed up. LOL
" The list goes on and on." Indeed it does
"Here is what Trump actually said: 'The Mexican Government is forcing their most unwanted people into the United States. They are, in many cases, criminals, drug dealers, rapists, etc. . . . Many fabulous people come in from Mexico and our country is better for it. But these people are here legally, and are severely hurt by those coming in illegally.'"
He also said: "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."
It was a riff, and it had variations. You can't "correct" Acosta by looking at one of the variations.
The one I just quoted is the one that's usually offered as Trump being awful.
"He said Barack Obama was not born in this country."
I feel as though he just said he didn't know and we deserved proof.
Huh? Trump is the king of fake news? He's president, not a news network. No one has a right to expect that a politician give them unslanted news. There's some fool out there who trusts politicians?
We used to think that we had a right to expect that _news_ networks would.
So Mr. Acosta, answer Donald Trump's list. Or are you trying to convince us that CNN is just as reliable as Donald Trump, or any other politician? Fine, it's a deal. We won't trust a word they say. Happy?
Sounds more like a Newsoleum
I believe that Obama was born to an American mother in Hawaii. I just doubt that his parents were legally married. Anyone looking at his actions as president can tell that he's a bastard if ever one was.
IIRC, the question of Obama's birthplace was first raised during the Dem primary by the Clinton forces.
Hillary started the birther movement.
And then there's the King of Fuh...
More than anything in the world, I hate bullshitters.
Then why are YOU one?
Acosta is Sofa King biased.
LLR Chuck: "Althouse did a post on that list. And I commented earlier this morning. And I stated that I had no particular cause (or even the energy) to examine all of it and to offer any particular defense of those accused new outlets. When did it become my job to defend them?"
This is LLR Chuck's template/formula for shifting every conversation away from any negative discussion of dems and back on to Trump, or the republican base voters, or conservative media which Chuck attacks.
It's always the same.
(Negative thing about Dems)
Chuck: gee, i havent really looked into that and I can't say one way or the other whether its true or not and perhaps it is not really that bad for the dems but who can say and I'm not here to defend the dems, goodness no I'm the world's greatest LLR. Now, having said that, those republicans/that Trump/that conservative media is despicable and horrible and terrible and unprecendented in its badness yada yada yada.
LLR Chuck likes to think he is being subtle or clever with this tactic.
Just like the leftists.
Shorter Chuck - I don't rally care if the media lie about Trump. I hate Trump so much, they should be able to lie as much as they want.
I dubbed CNN Rupert pumpkin after deniro's crazy kidnapper in king of comedy
Anyway, Trump didn't say "Mexicans are racists". Seriously, I've never seen a Press Corps Lie about a Politician the way they have about Trump. 90% negative coverage in his 1st year. Unheard of.
Trump should just ban CNN from the White House - they're useless.
If you listen to the WH Press Briefing you'll see all the reporters are cookie-cutter liberals who all ask the dumb questions over and over again.
No one is going to miss anything if CNN is booted.
Chuck emotionally expounded,.
" And I hate bullshitters. More than anything in the world, I hate bullshitters."
Then quit bullshitting us.
I'm beginning to think that your problem with Trump is one of envy.
After all how could someone as crude as he is be as successful as he is and have such a hot wife as he does? How could this shitstain become president of the United States?
Right Chuck?
Hell, Chuck. You're smarter than he is. Better looking than he is. You're a lawyer for Christ sake! Why shouldn't you have what he has?
Because you're a loser, Chuck.
You know who likes "FAKE NEWS"?
John McCain and Flaky Flake.
Just call it Flake News.
Jim Acosta says that no Mexican has ever raped anyone.
Ann Althouse said...
"He said Barack Obama was not born in this country."
I feel as though he just said he didn't know and we deserved proof.
Everybody is entitled to their own "feelings." Everybody is not entitled to their own facts.
No sentient person can take it on face value that Donald Trump simply wanted to investigate the matter for the public good.
Althouse, Trump said on national television that he had his own private investigators in Hawaii, and that they were finding things "that they can't believe." This is why I like my list of Trump's Fake News better than Jim Acosta's offhand listing. Maybe, Althouse, Acosta was "riffing."
Remember what the Birther Trump did. Trump offered a $5 million charity donation for Obama's records and transcripts. One of the reasons that I so love the offer of a charitable donation for Trump to now step on a certified scale.
It's noxious, what Trump did as a Birther.
And you know, Althouse, it is why Trump needs a press corps that treats him as a hostile witness and not a news figure. Because it is so hard to get Trump to say anything that means anything. That he would have to answer for at any future time. What Trup says means so little, because he is so often loading it up with his own hedges. And he allows different people to hear different things. You have to work at it, to get your boot on his throat, rhetorically, to hold him to anything substantive/
That televised immigration meeting that you loved so much; it was bullshit, from start to finish. He was in a room full of people who knew the meaning of the critical words exactly, and Trump was agreeing with every disparate position that anybody put out. It was complete nonsense. Telegraphing how little Trump actually knew about the negotiation he was getting into. And of course, his ignorance of the subject, his dubious personal instincts, and his lack of administrative control blew it all up immediately thereafter.
This is why it’s great that Trump tweets: a direct pipeline to the people. You get to make your own decision about the tweet. Most of the information is unreported in the media. Unless it can be made negative, of course. One of my twitter accounts reports only tweets from Trump.
"Accidental Leftist" Chuck: "It's noxious, what Trump did as a Birther"
We are in the midst of essentially a palace coup by the dems, unprecedented in our history, and constitutes as grave a threat to our republic as we have ever faced.
And the left is desperate to change the subject.
And so is Chuck....
You should feel free to draw the obvious conclusions.
Look at the "clutter" on this page, Atlhouse. the number of comments which don't address your original post, and which don't purport to offer any substance on the post or a preceding comment, but are purely personal attacks on me.
It's your blog, Althouse, and your comments pages. Ultimately you are responsible for the content and the appearance of your comments pages.
I feel as though he just said he didn't know and we deserved proof.
Do you think that Trump was a man in equipoise genuinely seeking the truth of the answer to the question, or a man using a disingenuous question as a means to propagate a political rumor?
The shitstorm is going to start early it seems. Going to be tough for the left to take out Trump at this point. Most people don’t understand the gravity of what is coming and why the leftists are so frothy.
By the end of this it will be known that Obama was spying on everyone who opposed the Iran deal and used the information to disable their political counters. He had the NSA going through phone calls texts and emails of political opponents for years. The Trump campaign/administration was just the latest.
In order to preserve a functioning republic Obama must go to jail as well as both Clintons. The same for dozens of people involved. This is going to be a real shit show.
Of course Chuck will defend Acosta. They have the same agenda: Bring down the POTUS.
Acosta has a bigger megaphone. Chuck has this blogsite.
They are both rather skilled at beclowning themselves. I find them amusing.
LLR Chuck cannot stand to have others point out the obvious regarding his online persona and his rather clumsy and obvious schtick.
Chuck would rather you not consider any of that.
Hey, that is precisely how the democrats on the Intelligence committee's are acting as they lie publicly and then vote differently behind closed doors regarding the information provided to their committees.
Chuck behaving in precisely the same way as the dems in congress.
You should feel free to draw obvious conclusions.
Stop playing hall monitor, Chuck. That's Inga's rice bowl.
Amazing that Chuck finds Trump knows nothing about negotiation. That means his perfect 10 winning record has all been accidental. Great insight, Chuck.
There is another similarity between Chuck and Acosta.
There is no point in arguing with them. They have discerned the absolute truth and they only lie as a means of getting out their truth.
are "being sent" by Mexico (that's weird enough by itself)
Mexico lobbies on behalf of the illegals they send here. Execrable "journ-o-lists" like Jorge Ramos openly advocate for open borders. Mexico "allows" Guatemalans and Elk Salvadorans to transit their country if and only if they are bound for our border. Mexico NEEDS remittances to function, as it is their 2nd largest income stream after oil production. But you keep up the fiction that they don't participate in the immigration theatre, LLR. Maybe that fantasy comforts you.
Chuck said...
“Look at the "clutter" on this page, Atlhouse. the number of comments which don't address your original post, and which don't purport to offer any substance on the post or a preceding comment, but are purely personal attacks on me.
It's your blog, Althouse, and your comments pages. Ultimately you are responsible for the content and the appearance of your comments pages.“
It has been thoroughly demonstrated that you are doing exactly what you accuse Trump of. The only difference is Trump is honest about his positions and intentions and like the media you lie about yours.
Have fun watching your movement being indicted.
See if you can get Ann's email address, so you can complain to her privately.
You sound like a whiny little pissant with your sense of entitlement and petty grievances.
Anyway, I'd be a lot more confident in information I got from Jim Acosta than in information I got from Sean Hannity.
Seems like this would be easy to test empirically. I wouldn't trust Acosta to get anything correct after seeing his act. Sean might be full of hot air but he's a lot more careful with factual assertions than Acosta, and oh yeah. He's in the OPINION business not a WH "reporter" derp.
Chuckles will find those strawberries if it's the last thing he does.......
I think DC (well at least the Senate) should take a week or 2 off while the rest of the country digests that 4 page memo.
Mike said...
...Mexico lobbies on behalf of the illegals they send here.
Now you did it. Mexico is "sending" people here, you say. And Trump said "their people." What is the process by which they "send" people? I don't think that they have a draft, or a training system, or a reward or bonus system. Is there a signup list for volunteers? A sponsorship program? Are they arresting people and then sending them across the border? Are they deporting anyone to the U.S.?
Don't tell me about Guatemalans and El Salvadorians (about which you may be substantially right, because Trump was talking about Mexican criminals and Mexican drug dealers. Rapists. Not my terms; those were Trump's terms. Trump said that Mexico was "sending" people. I'd want Trump to explain it.
are "being sent" by Mexico (that's weird enough by itself)
When the Mexican government published a comic book that teaches its citizens how to illegal come to the United States and relies on remittances from the United states to maintain its economy, I think it can be fairly said that the Mexican government is sending its poor to the U.S..
chickelit: "I think DC (well at least the Senate) should take a week or 2 off while the rest of the country digests that 4 page memo."
You know that LLR Chuck's dem allies do not want the summary released.
Which is why every single democrat on the committee voted against releasing it even to other members of Congress!
Hence LLR Chuck's even more furious than usual deflection and obfuscation and subject changing for his dem allies.
"The press is a counterbalance to government. "
What is "the press"?
Answer: it is/was an invented machine which allowed the written word to be mass produced. The term was commandeered by for-profit business organizations who levered on the concentration of capital under their control, to purchase (a) expensive high speed printing machines, (b) to pay for on-the-street reporters who resided in or went to locations the average citizen couldn’t, and who had contacts and the ability to write, and (c) the network to roll up the stories, get them in print and disseminated. In short, these were for-profit enterprises who controlled a scarce resource, with fairly high barriers to entry, and who in a democracy which guaranteed their freedom to print what they wanted, were fairly profitable for the capital owners.
As part of their desire to maximize their profits/return on capital, they also peddled (fairly successfully) a story about how they were an indispensable part of a democracy. They also peddled a story that they were trustworthy – it is all branding and brand promise. They also peddled a story that they were “the press” spoken of in the Constitution.
But they weren’t. They were capitalist business organizations. The press was the machine that printed words on paper. Presses that could print millions of pages overnight were very expensive. Presses that enabled a middle school secretary to print today's tests were less expensive.
With the internet, including digital imaging and media, HTML, browsers, home and pocket media capture divides and screens, the old business model is not only obsolete, it is worthless. “The press” now means freedom to create words and have people read them. Anyone can do that. Even a law professor sitting in her home in Madison WI can effect someone sitting in Tucson or Tuscaloosa within minutes.
All this wailing about attacks on the press are nothing more than the walking dead belching out nonsense. The creation and dissemination of words – the transmission of facts - has never been higher or more accessible. Any claim that the president’s attacks on for-profit capitalist entities that call themselves “the press” are somehow subversive of our democracy, is pure drivel – the ramblings of out of touch people trying to salvage their dying profession and professional lives.
OK..just for the fun of it...what do you think the Mexican government's position on Mexican poor people moving to the United states and sending money back to Mexico is?
Instead of whining, journalists like Acosta should be apologizing to the American public. They should apologize for their sloppy reporting, and for allowing themselves to become an arm of the DNC. Instead it seems they will double-down on misreporting about Trump. Not smart. People can and do get their news from other available sources once they believe the established sources are hopelessly biased and corrupt.
That list from Trump should've never happened. It shows that the media screwed-up multiple times. Some people lost their jobs over the screw-ups. That's not Trump's fault; the blame for that list is completely on the media establishments. Like I said, journalists owe us an apology for failing at their job.
"He said Barack Obama was not born in this country. He said Mexican are rapists and criminals. He has said many things. He has said he lost the election because undocumented people voted by the millions. He said that he had the largest inauguration crowd of all time. The list goes on and on."
Envelope please...! King of Lies is... Acosta.
Hillary claimed Obama was not born in the US. In any case, where Obama was born was moot, except for Democrats and King Acosta's Fake News Media.
Trump did not say Mexicans were rapists and criminals. He pointed out cases of rapes and criminal activities committed by illegal immigrants.
Fake News Media claimed he won the election with Russian collusion. Since Trump didn't lose, his fear did not materialize. Btw, how many of the millions California votes were illegals? We don't know, so Trump's insinuation may or may not be a lie. But FNM's certainly is. So the Kingdom of Lies belongs to Acosta.
The largest crowd was a hyperbole since we can all see with our eyes whether he's right or not. Chalk it as a Trump lie if you will.
Two blatant lies on Acosta's side, one iffy lie started by Hillary and Obama himself in his so-called autobiography, one hyperbole.
Trump can't pry the Crown of the King of Lies from Acosta's cold dead hands.
You Went the Wrong Way, Old King Louie
Allan Sherman
Louis the Sixteenth was the King of France in 1789
He was worse than Louis the Fifteenth
He was worse than Louis the Fourteenth
He was worse than Louis the Thirteenth
He was the worst since Louis the First
King Louis was living like a king, but the people were living rotten
So the people, they started an uprising which they called the French Revolution,
And of course you remember their battle cry, which will never be forgotten
You went the wrong way, Old King Louie
You made the population cry
'Cause all you did was sit and pet
With Marie Antoinette
In your place at Versailles
And now the country's gone kablooie
So we are giving you the air
That oughta teach you not to
Spend all your time fooling 'round
At the Folies Bergere
If you had been a nicer king,
We wouldn't do a thing,
But you were bad, you must admit
We're gonna take you and the Queen
Down to the guillotine,
And shorten you a little bit
You came the wrong way, Old King Louie
And now you ain't got far to go
Too bad you won't be here to see
That great big Eiffel Tower,
Or Brigitte Bardot
To you King Louie we say fooey
You disappointed all of France
But then what else could we expect
From a king in silk stockings
And pink satin pants
You filled your stomach with chop suey
And also crepe suzettes and steak
And when they told your wife Marie
That nobody had bread, she said
"Let 'em eat cake"
We're gonna take you and the Queen
Down to the guillotine,
It's somewhere in the heart of town
And when that fella's through
With what he's gonna do,
You'll have no place to hang your crown
You came the wrong way Old King Louie
Now we must put you on the shelf
That's why the people are revolting, 'cause Louie,
You're pretty revolting yourself!
Songwriters: Allan Sherman
You Went the Wrong Way, Old King Louie lyrics © Tunecore Inc
Per US Bureau of Prisons:
Inmate citizenship as of Nov 2017
Colombia 1,687 0.9%
Cuba 1,205 0.7%
Dominican Rep 1,465 0.8%
Mexico 24,117 13.1%
Other/Unknown 9,227 5.0%
United States 146,250 79.5%
Yep, Mexico is sending their best.
Here's a little quote from one of LLR Chuck's illegal alien Mexican criminals who just murdered a couple of our police officers:
"I wish I had killed more of the mother-------s," Bracamontes told the court. He continued: "I will break out soon and I will kill more, kill whoever gets in front of me...There's no need for a f---ing trial."
I probably shouldn't have posted that. Inga will want to become his prison pen pal.
"Look at the "clutter" on this page, Atlhouse. the number of comments which don't address your original post, and which don't purport to offer any substance on the post or a preceding comment, but are purely personal attacks on me."
And that's why you're here. To be the center of attention.
A Drama queen complaining of the drama.
Not likely that a professor sitting at home is going to learn a new language and travel to Afghanistan etc to file reports from the location--all this talk about the transmission of facts ignores the huge and expensive operations The Press goes through to get the facts from both remote and near places. Of course it is easier to check the Tweeter in Chief's tweets about the shutdown damaging the military as false, but I feel more reassured in this knowledge from the careful research presented in the Wash. Post today. I voted for Trump as the worst spinner of fake news based on the number of lies and exaggeration he told this last year.
Then there is this:
When we call someone a "king" is is derogatory, but what Obama had a gazillion
"czars" in the White House it was a wonderful thing and they were all wonderful people.
R/V: "Not likely that a professor sitting at home is going to learn a new language and travel to Afghanistan etc to file reports from the location--all this talk about the transmission of facts ignores the huge and expensive operations The Press goes through to get the facts from both remote and near places."
All Steele did was place a couple phone calls to Putin's pals who fed him nonsense lies which the lefties/dems/LLR's/corrupt FBI/DOJ personnel in the deep state then weaponized and turned our election and post-election period upside down with the attempted and real sabotage of a sitting US President.
And Steele never even broke a sweat as he dialed the phone numbers and typed up the lies.
elkh1 said...
Hillary claimed Obama was not born in the US.
No she didn't. Here you are, critically analyzing words and talking about fake news. And yet you write that.
You cannot find a single quote from Mrs. Clinton, wherein she said that or alluded to that or hinted at that or anything else.
You might have written something accurate, about how certain functionaries who were close to Mrs. Clinton dabbled in that rumor, long after other Illinois Democrats did it during Obama's career in Illinois state politics. You might have done that, but you didn't. You did the easy, lazy, inaccurate thing which was to personalize it as to Mrs. Clinton. And claim that she did it. When the only quotes that you will find from her on the subject is her rejecting any theory that Obama was not born in Hawaii, and expressing her public disgust at anyone who trafficked in the story.
So now, I want a reply from you. I want you to supply a quote in which "Hillary claimed that Obama was not born in the U.S." And the reason I want you to do that (and of course you can't) is because Trump did the same goddamned thing and tried to blame it on Hillary, which is all at once stupid, and laughable, and amazing in the brazenness of the bullshit-level."
I don't want to see another comment from you, "elkh1" until you supply a quote from Mrs. Clinton wherein she claims that Obama was not born in the U.S.
The media will twist the word King, to be framed such that Trump is proclaiming himself King.
In their own words, it is part of the “narrative”.
I got to laugh at people that question President Trump's Naval doctor that the President is 6' 3" and 239 lbs..
The real problem the Left and the media has with President Trump is that he cares more about actual US citizens than illegal immigrants.
"Accidental Leftist" Chuck: "I don't want to see another comment from you, "elkh1" until you supply a quote from Mrs. Clinton wherein she claims that Obama was not born in the U.S."
So much to unpack in that one sentence.
Ponder the astonishing self-regard, need for control and delusions of grandeur.
A case study in the making.
The problem is many of the sources as in Afghanistan, are taliban and alqueda, in the west bank and Gaza they rely on the Palestinians (ie Jenkin and before that the Al hurra affair) in Iraq they had one particular Indian correspondent on times staff aparism 'bobby (last name escapes) who was relaying the insurgent line.
Per Mike: Mexico lobbies on behalf of the illegals they send here. Execrable "journ-o-lists" like Jorge Ramos openly advocate for open borders. Mexico "allows" Guatemalans and Elk Salvadorans to transit their country if and only if they are bound for our border. Mexico NEEDS remittances to function, as it is their 2nd largest income stream after oil production. But you keep up the fiction that they don't participate in the immigration theatre, LLR. Maybe that fantasy comforts you.
IIRC, remittances back to Mexico actually outperform oil income in some years. In either case, Mexico is dependent on illegals in the US sending money back.
Post offices in southern AZ ['take a number'] have long lines of Mexican nationals sending money orders to MX. This has been the case since I can remember. Some of these people are here legally. Most are not. In either case, the outflow of funds is significant.
Re seth frantzman, who gave us the real deal re the seven countries in the eo
Hey, did you guys see this one?
The FBI is investigating whether a top Russian banker with ties to the Kremlin illegally funneled money to the National Rifle Association to help Donald Trump win the presidency, two sources familiar with the matter have told McClatchy.
FBI counterintelligence investigators have focused on the activities of Alexander Torshin, the deputy governor of Russia’s central bank who is known for his close relationships with both Russian President Vladimir Putin and the NRA, the sources said.
It is illegal to use foreign money to influence federal elections.
It's noxious, what Trump did as a Birther.
The fact that THIS is what drives you is hilarious. Your opinion is that questioning Obama's hazy origin story (as muddied by the Man himself with his fake "bio" blurb) is poisonous. Not that it was silly or meaningless, but that it POISONED the body politic. And your continued emphasis on this long gone historical moment shows that it shaped your character much more than it affected either Trump or Obama. Your Captain Queeg-like obsession on this minor footnote manages to hit all the wrong buttons: you exculpate Hillary's associates spreading the "he's not American" rumors, elide Obama's own prolonging of the issue by playing footsie with his birth certificate and stomp all over the media's fig leaf of "we are just raising the question" by declaring that Trump questioning the facts is uniquely horrible.
Yeah, this is the hill you choose to die on, while still trying maintain your position as hall monitor of internet discussions.
Hilarious. Maybe you can make it into a stand-up act and tour with Flake and McCain after they retire.
"until you supply a quote from Mrs. Clinton wherein she claims that Obama was not born in the U.S."
It was some of her campaign workers. IIRC, a man & woman pair, and Philadelphia comes to mind. It was well known at the time, but that was near 10 years ago.
Have they found any, seems more fusion claptrap.
Trump said that Mexico was "sending" people. I'd want Trump to explain it.
Facilitating is sending. Did you not see the trains full of Dreamers when Obama announced his temporary DACA fix? Do you think they normally run from Mexico's southern border to the north loaded with kids? Can you use Google?
Personally, I didn't think going after the issue of Obama's birthplace was wise, because (with the media's assistance) it ended up helping Obama.
But it was completely reasonable for people to be skeptical, when you consider the unavailability of an actual birth certificate, the statements from some of his relatives, the jacket cover of his biography, the way Obama himself played games with the issue, the unavailability of his applications for college.
exhelodrvr1 said...
Personally, I didn't think going after the issue of Obama's birthplace was wise, because (with the media's assistance) it ended up helping Obama.
But it was completely reasonable for people to be skeptical, when you consider the unavailability of an actual birth certificate, the statements from some of his relatives, the jacket cover of his biography, the way Obama himself played games with the issue, the unavailability of his applications for college.
Bullshit. There was nothing in, or on, Obama's biography other than that he was born in Hawaii. So you're wrong. Obama didn't play any games, and there was never anything with a birth certificate to hide, because the guy was born in Hawaii, and Hawaiian newspapers reported it contemporaneously in 1961.
No reasonable person would have been skeptical, unless they thought that there was a conspiracy with the Honolulu newspapers in 1961.
As for the "unavailability of records..." You are joking, right? In the era of an absolutely inexplicable "unavailability of Donald Trump's tax returns, you are going to play that game? I think you are joking. You can say, whether or not you are serious.
All politicians lie. The insight into someone's political bias is which lies they care about and which lies they excuse.
Reporters have got it in their head that they are the referee, but that's not true since they show clear bias about people and issues that line up with a consistent political position. Even still, they're not the referees. That' the American people. The role of the press is to be the replay video machine. But reporters want to make an impact for their ambition and a difference for their politics and ratings for their network.
They will distort and undermine willy-nilly, enabling corruption where it helps them. They're bought off refs in what was supposed to be a paid for game.
Trump isn't a better person, but he's a politician now and a salesman before, so you know what you're getting with that type. As long as they make a good deal that helps their clients, all the flash is overlooked. During the election, I said that Trump only cared about himself, but it does seem he's interested in helping his clients, which were his voters. Meanwhile, the press wants to help their clients, who are the media moguls.
Two different sides in the game.
The word "czar" derives from "Caesar". I don't like when that term is applied to American bureaucrats. I think it's inappropriate. It's probably descriptive, but they shouldn't be encouraged in the idea that they're a law unto themselves.
"Acosta is of course less politically biased, and smarter, and more careful than a Laura Ingraham..."
Chuck is aware that the whole Birther thing sprang from the mind of Hillary Clinton's friend Sid Blumenthal, correct? He was the one pushing it all over the place?
What I suspect we'll eventually find out is that Obama ran a scam on Harvard and claimed to be a foreign born person to hoover up scholarships. And Hillary got her grubby paws on that info, because she's Hillary and who at Harvard would say no to her or Bill, and then Blumenthal either decided to on his own or was ordered to smear Obama with it. Just to muddy the waters, some. Dirty tricks, like always exist on the Democrat and Chucks side. Obama didn't hold hard feelings since he himself likes to unmask secret sealed records like divorce documents.
Ultimately, Obama claimed to be foreign born at some point in his life. It blew up in his face, naturally.
Drago I didn't know that Steele was the press or that all it took for an M5 spy was to make a few phone calls, I better go back and re-read John Le Carre novels to get the full scoop. But then you always do seem to go off topic.
First Cuck has Acosta back, then Obamas.
OK, Chuckles, Elizabeth Warren. Go!
“By the end of this it will be known that Obama was spying on everyone who opposed the Iran deal and used the information to disable their political counters. He had the NSA going through phone calls texts and emails of political opponents for years. The Trump campaign/administration was just the latest.
In order to preserve a functioning republic Obama must go to jail as well as both Clintons. The same for dozens of people involved. This is going to be a real shit show.”
You are going to have to be happy with 2 of 3 there. Obama essentially has immunity for everything he did while President. Plus, he was hands off enough that plausible deniability will be fairly easy. I actually don’t expect much prosecution of the Obama WH either. Maybe whomever was unmasking people using Samantha Powers’ credentials. And Crooked Hillary may skate because of statute of limitations, plus, again, plausible deniability in the destruction of emails AFTER Congress subpoenaed them. The Clinton Foundation is a different story. And Bill may be the one to go down there, being the frontman for it. I don’t understand all the particulars, but apparently he raised money for stuff they didn’t follow through with (e.g. HIV medicines), and he spoke for the Foundation in this regard, when he wasn’t legally authorized to do so, or some such. Apparently both the FBI and foreign govts (e.g. Australia) have ongoing investigations running right now. And it is now based in Little Rock, instead of Manhattan, as it was under Obama, where AG Lynch, through her hand picked successor for SDNY USA, the odious Preet Bahara, could keep the investigation under tight control.
Oh Chuckie. You big fat liar.
Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago’s South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White.
The above was the brief bio published by Obama's literary agent for a 1991 booklet about new authors. Even Snopes doesn't have your back for this big lie Chuck.
I don't want to see another comment from you, "elkh1" until you supply a quote from Mrs. Clinton wherein she claims that Obama was not born in the U.S.
And if he does see such a quote he's going to hold his breath and stamp his feet!
Chuck has expended at least a thousand words on this thread defending Hillary and Obama.
Life Long Republican.
R/V: "Drago I didn't know that Steele was the press or that all it took for an M5 spy was to make a few phone calls, I better go back and re-read John Le Carre novels to get the full scoop. But then you always do seem to go off topic."
The topic is the King of fake news.
So let me spell it out for you: A fake dossier based on fake BS fed to the US from Russian sources was weaponized by your pals to win an election and, failing that, was used to attempt to overturn the election of a duly elected President, particularly thru the use of the Democrat operatives with bylines in LLR Chuck's beloved lefty MSM.
There is no bigger King of Fake News stories in the history of our nation.
But for you, a lefty, I can understand why you would want to pretend it doesn't count.
Fabi: "Chuck has expended at least a thousand words on this thread defending Hillary and Obama."
And this is just a warm-up for what is coming. As the FISA abuse info becomes more well known, LLR Chuck will be ramping up his Operation Defend Dems to greater heights than we have ever seen.
Never in our lifetimes will we see a situation such as this where the dems will be this month on the defensive and spinning like whirling dervishes to change to the subject and deflect and obfuscate.
The lefties/dems will require all hands on deck and Private LLR Chuck of the Armed Rhetorical Forces of the Left is ready for battle!
Just get ready for it.
“Post offices in southern AZ ['take a number'] have long lines of Mexican nationals sending money orders to MX. This has been the case since I can remember. Some of these people are here legally. Most are not. In either case, the outflow of funds is significant.”
Big change a couple months ago at the Walmart by the house. They now have a separate money center (that includes Western Union, etc), next to, but now separate from, Customer Service. Both about the same size, but the lines tend to be longer at the Money Center. It used to be a pain to return something there, because you would have to wait through several people wiring money. Even after you fill out the form, it takes quite a bit of time for the clerk to type everything up right for transferring money. The result was that you could expect to spend 20 minutes or so in line before you got to the front, and then the return would usually be very quick, if you had your correct receipt. Now, they stand in their long lines, and the rest of us can return things without the wait. Good business. Just wish that the Fry’s (Kroger’s) that we go to would do the same. I expect that this Walmart Money Center thing mostly makes sense in border states with large Hispanic populations.
You're full of it. Obama could have had the birth certificate released immediately, instead of playing games. He could have released his college applications. He could have explained how his book jacket bio, which he presumably approved, was supposedly so erroneous. He did none of those when the very reasonable questions were first raised. Just like he refused to release his college transcripts. Why? I suspect that
1) He claimed to be an immigrant because that would benefit him when applying.
2) He was a mediocre student, and releasing his grades would work against the argument that he was brilliant.
He had a consistent pattern of that type of lack of clarity - you can see it in his claims to have been a regular attendee at Rev Wright's church, but when that became problematic, he then said that he had no idea that Wright's sermons were so vitriolic. And the media covered for him, and anytime his biography was questioned, the questioner was accused of being racist.
I think he probably was born in the U.S., but that he lied about that when it would benefit him.
Trump never, as far as I know, asserted that Obama wasn't born in the US. He said he had questions and doubts. He basically goaded Obama into responding. This is what Trump actually said: "I would like to have him show his birth certificate, and can I be honest with you, I hope he can. Because if he can't, if he can't, if he wasn't born in this country, which is a real possibility, I'm not saying it hap— I'm saying it's a real possibility, much greater than I thought two or three weeks ago, then he has pulled one of the great cons in the history of politics. And beyond politics."
There was nothing in, or on, Obama's biography other than that he was born in Hawaii.
Wrong. Obama absolutely had the bio on one of his books list his birthplace as Kenya. Even Snopes lists this as "True."
Fuck off, Mike.
I knew that story. You aren't telling me anything I didn't know. The literary agent who wrote the squib for that little-read and nearly-unknown pamphlet has said that she wrote it, Obama didn't, and that that mistake was hers. Further up, if anybody had written what you wrote, I wouldn't have disagreed with it.
But no; the stupid, asinine Althouse commentariat isn't that accurate. They write things like, "Hillary claimed that Obama was not born in the U.S.," and that Obama alluded to having been born in Kenya on the cover of his biography.
You and Vance; don't tell me what I have written. I knew everything in Vance's dumbass post up above as well. That wasn't the claim that I was answering. If someone had written an extended couple of paragraphs about Sid Blumenthal's depredations involving Obama rumors, I would not have disagreed. I actually alluded to that very thing in my post up above. I wasn't shooting that rumor down. I was deriding the careless posting that "Hillary claimed that Obama was not born in the U.S." I could hardly have made my (correct and defensible) position clearer. Naturally, the ignorant and Trump-fanatical Althouse commentariat couldn't take it.
I could hardly have made my (correct and defensible) position clearer
He has proven his case with geometric logic.
I think he probably was born in the U.S., but that he lied about that when it would benefit him.
Me to.
I also think there is something embarrassing on his birth certificate..
and that the border-crossers are all rapists and drug dealers.
By the text you quoted that statement is a lie, and therefore by your own standards you are a liar.
You are no better than Jim Acosta pointing the finger back at Trump while ignoring the truth of the list we published.
And you say you're against hypocrisy? You are hypocrisy personified.
If you want to continue ruining every comment thread with "Trump is a liar" posts, it's going to get counter-filled with "Chuck is a liar posts" until you recognize the ridiculousness of pressing your tired argument day after day.
Chuck has expended at least a thousand words on this thread defending Hillary and Obama
No no no...Chuckles came here to bury Hillary and Obama...not praise them.
James K said...
Wrong. Obama absolutely had the bio on one of his books list his birthplace as Kenya. Even Snopes lists this as "True."
Bullshit. You liar. You stooge. It was a literary agent's pamphlet, not authored by Obama, published in the early 1990's, a decade before Obama's autobiography. Not "on one of his books."
Here's the Snopes link. I will let you click on it and read it, but what I'd really like to do is to print it out on heavy paper, crumple it up, and shove it down your throat.
If someone had written an extended couple of paragraphs about Sid Blumenthal's depredations involving Obama rumors, I would not have disagreed.
You think Sid Blumenthal wipes his ass without Hillary's permission?
Yeah, she was so upset with him that she continued to use him through back channels at State, even after she promised Obama she wouldn't have anything to do with him.
Because Blumenthal was an expert on ... Libya. Right.
What Trump demonstrated with the birther issue was how to get under Obama's, and the media's, skin. It was asymmetrical warfare, and they were horrified. "How dare he!"
They still haven't realized that they no longer set the rules.
Here's the Snopes link. I will let you click on it and read it, but what I'd really like to do is to print it out on heavy paper, crumple it up, and shove it down your throat.
Get help Chuckles...seriously.
I would seriously consider a restraining order Althouse...don't wait until it's too late.
I would love to live in the alternate universe where Steve Bannon, working for Trump's campaign, said Obama was born in Kenya and Chuck then furiously denied that Trump had anything to do with it.
Like that could happen.
Correction, the Kenya birth thing was not on one of Obama's books, but in a promotional 'booklet' put out by his literary agency.
Chuck wrote: Bullshit. There was nothing in, or on, Obama's biography other than that he was born in Hawaii.
I wrote: The above was the brief bio published by Obama's literary agent for a 1991 booklet about new authors.
Nothing you rage about since has refuted what I wrote. After Breitbart published the excerpt, it became widely known as part of Obama's "bio" even though he didn't produce it. I am skeptical of your bald assertion he had nothing to do with it. Somehow this woman at the agency just knitted the "facts" of his life together with no input from the "author"?
Okay. If you could argue in good faith you wouldn't need be so angry. And if you would address what I wrote when calling me out I might play along. But you are dishonest and ascribe things to me I have not said or done. Same way you slander the great Trump. Sad.
Waiting for Chuck to acknowledge that Acosta lied about Trump saying Obama wasn't born in the US. Apparently one is a "stooge" for conflating a book agent's publicity with a book jacket, but it's perfectly ok for a journalist to twist Trump's questions into an outright assertion that Obama was not born here.
“So let me spell it out for you: A fake dossier based on fake BS fed to the US from Russian sources was weaponized by your pals to win an election and, failing that, was used to attempt to overturn the election of a duly elected President, particularly thru the use of the Democrat operatives with bylines in LLR Chuck's beloved lefty MSM.”
Except that it may not have gone down quite like that. There is increasing suspicion that the Dossier was originally a result of illegal 702 queries (possibly by Fusion GPS as an FBI contractor), flushed through Steele, back to Fusion, and thence the DNC, Clinton Campaign, and the FISC for the warrant for surveillance of Trump Tower. The focal point was likely Fusion Russian expert Nellie Ohr, wife of DoJ honcho Bruce Ohr. The theory, I think, is that if the DoJ/FBI had gone directly to the FISC with the 702 (“about?”) search results, the court may have questioned why they were investigating Trump. And why they were able to do as much unmasking as they had done. This was all months before the FISC had been made aware of the skulduggery being done using their imprimatur. Making it appear to be coming from the Russians, and not the NSA’s 702 databases, would seem to add to its legitimacy. We shall see - I suspect that the classified House memo released yesterday may provide more illustration, when we get to see it.
But you are dishonest and ascribe things to me I have not said or done.
More of Chuck's lies. I think we all have a continuing duty to point them out since he so abhors a liar.
MountainJohn said...
What Trump demonstrated with the birther issue was how to get under Obama's, and the media's, skin. It was asymmetrical warfare, and they were horrified. "How dare he!"
They still haven't realized that they no longer set the rules.
What I want all of the readers here to do is to compare Althouse's notion (that Trump was simply asking questions about Obama's birth; for clarification, illumination, assurance, whatever) to MountainJohn's notion that what Trump was doing was deliberate trolling, to get 'under the skin' of Obama and the media. You sure as hell can't have that one both ways!
I say that both notions are wrong. I don't think that Trump was the slightest bit honest about any of it, and I don't think that the media or Obama were the slightest bit bothered about Birtherism. They simply thought it was a stain on anyone who dabbled in Birtherism. And that Trump was, or should be, a laughingstock as a result.
What I think is that Trump has an instinct for popular ideas within right-wing and celebrity-oriented media culture. Wholly divorced from any notion of serious validity or cognizable ideology.
And so he rode the Birther wave as long as it was useful and handy. Since Trump had no policy agenda or skills of his own, it was one way he could elbow his way to the head of the class in the Tea Party era. He sensed the Obama-hatred in the country club grill rooms that he frequented, and wanted to work it for his own benefit.
"but what I'd really like to do is to print it out on heavy paper, crumple it up, and shove it down your throat."
Where is Lazlo when you need him?
Like that could happen.
It could, if Chuck had any integrity.
Oh, wait...
LLR Chuck: "Since Trump had no policy agenda or skills of his own.."
You sure as hell can't have that one both ways!
This is apparently what passes for logic in Chuck's "mind".
So let's humor this small, bitter, jealous man. Explain to us, Chuck, you insignificant, dishonest, hysterical louse, why Trump cannot have more than one goal.
He said Mexican are rapists and criminals.
Proof Jim Acosta pushes Fake News. It's probably best to tell the truth when lecturing others about it - just a thought!
Further, if you're in the news business and think the distinction between what Trump said and Acosta's idiotically wrong summary aren't you admitting there is no need for news or your own work product?
What I want all of the readers here to do is...
Still trying to rule the world I see. That is mode 3. Mode 1 is you taking any topic and turning it back to "Trump is worse because X." Then mode 2 is strong, vehement and outlandish defense of any and all who have, will or may oppose Trump, to the extent you will defend Hillary, Obama, Biden, virtually anyone who shares your hatred of the man. Mode 3 is when you revert to trying to direct this blog like you own it.
What an ass.
"Accidental Leftist" Chuck: "He sensed the Obama-hatred in the country club grill rooms that he frequented, and wanted to work it for his own benefit."
LLR Chuck takes time out from his democrat approved talking points about how Trump voters are just stupid rubes to recycle the rich country-club republicans imaging from previous decades.
LLR Chuck sure does have down pat every single, and I mean every single one, talking point of the lunatic left which is used against the republicans.
If you were to look at examples where LLR Chuck categorized in any way, much less negatively, the democrats and/or their base voters, you would search in vain.
Sometimes Chuck forgets to adjust the mask before it slips down very far.
James K said...
Waiting for Chuck to acknowledge that Acosta lied about Trump saying Obama wasn't born in the US.
Noboday asked me to "acknowledge" that. I did already say, that Acosta's offhand listing of Trump's own fake news would not have been my list. I had a better list. On my list was Trump sitting in front of Meredith Viera and a roomful of cameras, saying that he had sent his own private investigators to Hawaii and that they were finding out things that "they cannot believe."
I honestly don't know whether Trump ever said clearly that he thinks that Obama was born outside of the U.S., or in Kenya. Trump has a way of being so slippery and unclear, it is hard to tell what he is saying.
Which is why no reporter, no member of Congress, no one in public life in America, should ever treat Trump as anything other than a hostile witness in need of the most careful cross-examination. The guy is just too much of a weasel. He needs to be binned down with precision on anything and everything that he claims.
Here's an NBC News roundup of Trump's Birhter highlights; you see what he says:
Here's the Snopes link. I will let you click on it and read it, but what I'd really like to do is to print it out on heavy paper, crumple it up, and shove it down your throat.
This from the same Chuck who wants to bruise up Greta van Sustern To show her how it feels.
This from same guy who watches golf on tv and LITERALLY calls in to point out rules infractions.
I am not making this up.
I think we ought to be a bit clearer about who is who on Althouse blog.
Perhaps it's time to officially designate LLR Chuck as the "Brian Stelter of Althouseblog".
Li'l Brian was at great pains the other day to admit that, gee, yes, Hillary did lie sometimes, but, and it's a BIG BUT, her lies were actually much more "complicated" and "nuanced" and difficult to report on and convey!
It was classic LLR Chuck.
You know, now that I mention it, I don't believe I've ever seen LLR Chuck and Brian Stelter in the same room.....
I'd really like to do is to print it out on heavy paper, crumple it up, and shove it down your throat.
Mode 4. Threats of violence. Titty twister. Etc. Sad.
I did already say, that Acosta's offhand listing of Trump's own fake news would not have been my list.
And you clearly lack the integrity to simply observe that one of your fellow leftists was explicitly dishonest.
Don't worry - I'm sure no-one noticed. Because you're so gosh-darned clever. Now tell us again how Trump is slippery and unclear.
LLR Chuck: "I honestly don't know whether Trump ever said clearly that he thinks that Obama was born outside of the U.S., or in Kenya."
Chuck is in perfect "LLR Chuck Formula" form today.
So what Trump said is that the people who are crossing the southern border illegally are "being sent" by Mexico (that's weird enough by itself), and that the border-crossers are all rapists and drug dealers.
That's bullshit, Chuck. He never used the word "all".
Don't tell me about Guatemalans and El Salvadorians (about which you may be substantially right, because Trump was talking about Mexican criminals and Mexican drug dealers. Rapists. Not my terms; those were Trump's terms.
That's bullshit, Chuck. He never said the people being sent by Mexico were Mexican citizens.
So now, I want you to try supply a quote in which Trump claimed that all people who crossed the border from Mexico were both Mexican citizens and rapists. And the reason I want you to do that (and of course you can't) is because you are repeatedly this goddamned careless with words and you try to blame it on Trump, which is all at once stupid, and laughable, and amazing in the brazenness of the bullshit-level.
I don't want to see another comment from you, "Chuck".
@Chuck, where is your proof that Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., and Stanley Dunham were legally married when he was born?
bgates: "That's bullshit, Chuck. He never used the word "all"."
LLR Chuck often "helpfully" adds "context" to Trump quotes to facilitate the smearing of Trump.
Hmmmmmm, exactly the way the lefties do everywhere else.....
You should feel free to draw obvious conclusions.
Like "not knowing" ever kept him from commenting at length about it.
If it was Hillary she would get the benefit of the doubt. Unexpectedly.
I'm starting to believe that "LLR Chuck" is simply the "Nom de Blog" of a staff writer for the Rachel Maddow Show.
Drago if you ever get out to the Coachella Valley hit me up and I'll buy you a beer.
Just as I had Chuck pegged as Queeg, I've suddenly concluded that he is, instead, a masochist. While whining about the whippings, he just keeps coming back for more. He knows his obsessive Trump comments will elicit the desired pleasure-pain. It hurts so good, doesn't it, Chuck?
Sincerely, your friendly dominatrix.
So now, I want you to try supply a quote in which Trump claimed that all people who crossed the border from Mexico were both Mexican citizens and rapists.
And drug mules. To read the quote the way Chuck would like to, everyone crossing the border was both a rapist AND a drug mule.
And some of those raping drug mules were assumed to be "good people" as well. If you're going to argue Chuck's interpretation.
Acosta at work today. Ouch! Another butt hurt moment from Nick Mulvaney.
I'm starting to believe that "LLR Chuck" is simply the "Nom de Blog" of a staff writer for the Rachel Maddow Show.
All due respect, Drago, but I actually think Chuck really is the life-long Republican he claims to be. I just think he's so frustrated by the failures of his own life, and so envious of Trump's successes, that he's simply lost all objectivity, perspective, and integrity.
Will do Mike. Happily.
We'll have to keep it under the radar of course, otherwise LLR Chuck and Inga and the rest of the loonie lefties will be asserting it's some kind of Russian/Wikileaks/Macedonian Hacker Farm operation!
Critter: "Acosta at work today. Ouch! Another butt hurt moment from Nick Mulvaney."
Mulvaney called Acosta out for the very kind of sophistry and lying we've come to expect from our very own LLR Chuck.
Drago if you ever get out to the Coachella Valley hit me up and I'll buy you a beer.
I'm in San Berdoo. We should have a So Cal Althouse meet up.
PN2: "All due respect, Drago, but I actually think Chuck really is the life-long Republican he claims to be"
Facts not in evidence.
Mike: "I'm in San Berdoo. We should have a So Cal Althouse meet up"
Indeed. I'm an old San Fran/Bay Area and San Diego guy, so that works.
BTW, I got my butt whooped in San Berdoo way back when in a football game. Reminiscent of the scene from "Stripes" where Russell describes getting the crap beat out of him in Wisconsin once!
Of course, I also got my head handed to me in a rugby match in Chico. I simply chalked that one up to inmates having escaped from Folsom to do a number on me.
You know, upon reflection, maybe participating in athletic competitions in CA was not a wise move for me.....
Facts not in evidence.
The claims are in evidence - they show up every time he defends his beloved Hillary, or Obama against the meanies that tell the truth about them.
I'm only offering my humble (and admittedly speculative) opinion on their veracity.
Big Mike said...
@Chuck, where is your proof that Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., and Stanley Dunham were legally married when he was born?
I have no idea and I don't care.
I didn't want to get into any Birther debate. It disgusts me, to even engage on that.
All that I did is to hammer the poor sap who was stupid enough to write the lie that -- and I quote -- "Hillary claimed that Obama was not born in the U.S." And then do the same to anyone who claimed that "Obama's book cover" somehow admitted/claimed that he was born in Kenya.
Lyin' LLR Chuck has yet to produce specific quotes from Trump that substantiate LLR Chuck's crazy fake quotes.
LLR Chuck: "I have no idea and I don't care"
Ah yes. The "LLR Chuck Formula" in full swing.
He has said he lost the election because undocumented people voted by the millions.
Trump lost the election?
Hmmm. Learn something new every day.
Chuck is disgusted...
John Evans: "Chuck is disgusted.."
As with obama, the American people have let LLR Chuck, inventor of the well-known "LLR Chuck Formula" for DemDefense Blog posting technique, AND obama down.
We simply don't measure up to LLR Chuck and obama's requirements or standards.
Which is why we need to be "fired" and replaced by unrestricted immigration.
Fuck off, Mike.
No, Chuck. You fuck off.
You shit all over this thread to the point nobody can read it and it's worthless.
Seriously. Go somewhere else, prick.
I posted the quote from Trump at 9:10 am blog time. Before Atlhouse put the same quote into her comment at 9:51.
This is the quote:
"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."
That's all. I was quoting that on this page before anyone else was. That's the quote. Take it for whatever you want.
And still, no one is going to tell me that "Hillary claimed that Obama was not born in the U.S.," and nobody can show me a book jacket for a book authored by Obama that says anything about him being born outside of the U.S.
"You can't spell Chuck w/o Cuck said...
Jim Acosta is of course less politically biased, and smarter, and more careful than a Laura Ingraham or a Sean Hannity or a Rush Limbaugh. Maybe people would resist my even classifying them together, inasmuch as Ingraham, Hannity and Limbaugh are probably just opinion-entertainers."
Forgetting the inanity of this statement, what Chuckles doesn't want to discuss is that Jim Acosta is the Senior White House Correspondent for CNN, and regularly acts as a pundit on the network, one of the biggest cheerleader of anti-Trump movement reason Cuck is such a supporter. You want to be a pundit, be a pundit. But then you can't be a WH correspondent. At least and not be credible. Acosta is regularly chided by Trumps team, Huckabee and others. He's a pompous ass. Every bit the douchebag as David Gregory.
Anybody else think that Chuck is just one post away from going postal?
Anybody else think that Chuck is just one post away from going postal?
See my earlier comment. if I was Althouse I would seriously consider a restraining order...
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