১৯ জানুয়ারী, ২০১৮

"I would say, having been called fake news myself, that the President of the United States is the king of fake news. He is the king of fake news."

"He said Barack Obama was not born in this country. He said Mexican are rapists and criminals. He has said many things. He has said he lost the election because undocumented people voted by the millions. He said that he had the largest inauguration crowd of all time. The list goes on and on."

Said Jim Acosta at a free-press forum at the Newseum on Wednesday night, which turned out also to be the night President Trump announced his "Fake News Awards" on the RNC website.

Now, I see (looking at my email this morning) that Trump is taking a vote (at his campaign website) asking people to vote for "KING OF FAKE NEWS of 2017." Is this in direct response to Acosta — a kind of I'm not the king, you're the king?

The options on the ballot are ABC, NYT, Washington Post, etc. — whole news organizations, not human individuals, so I don't think the term "king" can be flipped back at the media very well. And a king is the head of a government. The press is a counterbalance to government. The press only works by saying things that the people consume and react to. The safeguards are built-in. A king has power by way of a hereditary position and by his own will operates levers of power. No one is King of the News or the Fake News... unless you just mean "king" in the weak sense, as in Elvis is the King of Rock 'n' Roll.

Here's the point in the post where I'm triggered to look up "king" in the OED. The 4th meaning of the word is "A male person or being whose authority or pre-eminence is comparable to that of a king." Thus, God has long been called the "King of Heaven" or the "King of Glory" (which seems like a step down for God).

Then you get things like: "He is kynge of dronkardes and of dronkenes" (1509), "He's the king o' gude fellows, and wale of auld men" (1793 R. Burns), and "A never before assembled album of original RCA recordings of the King of Rock 'n' Roll—Elvis Presley" (1981 Weekly World News advertisement.)

There's the industrial/commercial use. In the 19th century, various magnates were called "cotton king," "fur king," "railway king," and these days, we're most likely to say "drug king." That makes me think of "drug czar," an informal term for an American government official in charge of drug control. A "czar" is the same thing as a "king," but it sounds foreign and funny. We don't call anyone in American government "king" unless, like Jim Acosta, we mean to insult him. We have a history with that term...

২৪৭টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   247 এর 201 – থেকে 247
President-Mom-Jeans বলেছেন...

"and shove it down your throat."

Notice that lifelong cuck always seems to have fantasies involving men's throats?

Don't let your fellow travelers who worship Muhammed would find out, Chuck, I hear they throw people like you off of roofs.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

"Althose, you may tell your readers for me that there are four ways of doing things: The right way, the wrong way, the Althouse way, and my way. If everyone does things my way, we'll get along. " - Chuckles

Pookie Number 2 বলেছেন...

And still, no one is going to tell me that "Hillary claimed that Obama was not born in the U.S.," and nobody can show me a book jacket for a book authored by Obama that says anything about him being born outside of the U.S.

And we have the unimpeachable assertion of an anonymous literary agent! How dare - dare! - you allege that he (or she, or it) was pressured to accept responsibility?

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

Hey Gahrie, San Berdoo is my hometown and birthplace. And I work now for a company based in WI, even though I am presently living in Palm Springs. Is Drago in NoCal or a southerner like us?

Chuck বলেছেন...

Gahrie said...
"Althose, you may tell your readers for me that there are four ways of doing things: The right way, the wrong way, the Althouse way, and my way. If everyone does things my way, we'll get along. " - Chuckles

Please don't do that. Don't make up quotes from me. I know that you are trying to be funny, and in some forums that might be okay. But the Althouse commentariat is just too stupid, and too unreliable to be trusted. Somebody is going to assume that I wrote that, when in truth you made it up.

My history of private email correspondence with Althouse goes back to 2011. There are about 200 emails in total, and 99% of them are story suggestions, congratulations on great posts and other positive suggestions for her blog. Not one of them was anything other than friendly until the summer of 2016, with the onset of the Trump era. And the dominant tone of my writing was to beg her to do better moderation for the good of her blog. The absolute only unpleasantries between Althouse and me are in regard to my being the subject of regular, repeated personal attacks on her comments pages.

The laughable notion of "a restraining order" isn't even sensible to a lawyer; I am not a family member, co-worker or neighbor of Althouse's. I don't even live in Wisconsin (and while I used to regularly visit her neighborhood, I don't even do that anymore). It'll be hard to serve me with process for a Wisconsin state court proceeding, eh? Most of all, there has never, ever, not once ever been the slightest hint of anything between me and Althouse that would merit a petition.

Just because I think that the Althouse blog commenters are hateful, nasty, ugly, ignorant, insulting, aggressive, bullying freaks doesn't mean that I think that way about her. Because I don't.

Have a nice day.

roesch/voltaire বলেছেন...

Thanks I read the Snope entry and the editor’s disclaimer so I don’t see any proof about Obama’s place of birth and I am still waiting for a report by those investigators who Trump sent to dig up the truth. Until then I have to accept the physical birth certificate and not what I want to believe happened.

Drago বলেছেন...

Mike: " Is Drago in NoCal or a southerner like us?"

Not in CA for many years. But not exactly a continent away either.

Drago বলেছেন...

"Brian Stelter Republican" Chuck: "Please don't do that. Don't make up quotes from me."

Says the guy who purposely misquoted Trump.

Just like one of his heroes, Jim Acosta.

hstad বলেছেন...

Blogger Sebastian said...

"A serious journalist could still go after him, of course, for the BS about the Mexican government "forcing" bad guys out, but the MSM prefer the easy smear."

1/19/18, 8:33 AM

Maybe those "serious journalists....don't go after him..."? Because it may be true, and that would force them to report the truth. Do you have any evidence to counter Trump's claim - we are all ears! But before you pipe up, check out these details from a BBC report, not exactly a Trump fan...."....Almost seven in every 10 foreign prisoners in US jails are Mexicans, a US government report has revealed...." Of course you have us believe that before crossing the border these "Mexicans" behaved in their own country like Mother Theresa - LOL. Finally, the more publicized sending of criminals to the USA was from just South of Miami - Castro's heaven - Cuba.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Drago said...
"Brian Stelter Republican" Chuck: "Please don't do that. Don't make up quotes from me."

Says the guy who purposely misquoted Trump.

I quotedTrump. I chose the same quote that Althouse chose -- apparently without seeing me use it -- a few minutes later. I quoted Trump exactly as Althouse later did. That same cut-and-pasted quote.

I quoted Trump at 9:10 blog time today, and I provided the .url to the TIME magazine transcript of Trump's speech. Althouse quoted the same part of the same speech at 9:51 and linked to the Washington Post transcription.

Drago বলেছেন...

"Brian Stelter Republican" Chuck and his CNN allies would have us believe that all illegal immigrants are Nobel prize winning Valedictorian war heroes Tech company entrepreneurs who, as LLR Chuck's beloved Pelosi told us, are better than US citizens.

And that's why Chuck and his pals want us replaced by these "improved" americans.

Drago বলেছেন...

"Brian Stelter Republican" Chuck: "So what Trump said is that the people who are crossing the southern border illegally are "being sent" by Mexico (that's weird enough by itself), and that the border-crossers are all rapists and drug dealers."


As bgates wrote: "That's bullshit, Chuck. He never said the people being sent by Mexico were Mexican citizens."

"Brian Stelter Republican" Chuck: "Don't tell me about Guatemalans and El Salvadorians (about which you may be substantially right, because Trump was talking about Mexican criminals and Mexican drug dealers. Rapists. Not my terms; those were Trump's terms."

So #CNNStrongDefender Chuck, as bgates wrote, show us the quote where Trump claimed "all people" who crossed the border were both

Go ahead, show us the quote where Trump claimed that all people who crossed the border from Mexico were Mexican citizens AND rapists.

Go ahead Mr Precision in Language guy, do it!


Sebastian বলেছেন...

@hstad: "Do you have any evidence to counter Trump's claim - we are all ears!"

Trump's claim was not that a lot of bad hombres came to the U.S. That claim would have been true.

His claim was, specifically, that the Mexican government "forced" them out. Of course, when someone makes up an outlandish claim of that sort, the burden of proof is on him. Trump was being a creative bullshitter, making it up as he went along--invoking the technical Harry Frankfurt meaning of the term BS. But his creative bullshitting usefully called attention to an underlying problem-- a possibility Frankfurt did not adequately consider.

Of course, I say this as a NeverNeverTrumper.

I am not disagreeing on the problems of pre-Trump immigration policy, nor do I defend the MSM fake-news BS.

Francisco D বলেছেন...

It seems like I am watching a slow motion emotional train wreck with our LLR.

Pookie Number 2 বলেছেন...

Of course, I say this as a NeverNeverTrumper.

Does that mean you're a NeverTrumper, or not? Apologies for the goofy question.

Drago বলেছেন...

Francisco D: "It seems like I am watching a slow motion emotional train wreck with our LLR."

On the contrary.

It's a bullet train to his "inner socialist" as Bill Kristol so aptly put it.

n.n বলেছেন...

The press uses the royal "we" and sits as judge, prosecution, and executioner.

This reminds me of the "Outer Limits". The press's business is ostensibly to inform, but with their unearned character, and disparate bullhorns, they are employed to manipulate perception in order to realize a preferred reality.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“It seems like I am watching a slow motion emotional train wreck with our LLR.”

Coming from the Running With Scissors “psychologist”. Disregard anything that comes from this commenter, he is a fraud.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

Hey Drago, how’s the declassification of the FISA Bombshell coming along?

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...


Twitter accounts linked to Russian influence operations have begun promoting the hashtag #ReleaseTheMemo.

It's a reference to a document written by Rep. Devin Nunes that purports to show abuse by the Obama administration of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.

The frequency with which the accounts have been promoting the hashtag has spiked by 233,000% over the past 48 hours, according to an analysis.

The most-shared URL has been a link to WikiLeaks' "submit" page.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

Just as I thought. It’s bullshit.

“The Majority voted today on a party-line basis to grant House Members access to a profoundly misleading set of talking points drafted by Republican staff attacking the FBI and its handling of the investigation," Rep. Adam Schiff, the panel's top Democrat, said in a statement on Thursday.

"Rife with factual inaccuracies and referencing highly classified materials that most of Republican Intelligence Committee members were forced to acknowledge they had never read, this is meant only to give Republican House members a distorted view of the FBI," Schiff continued.

A source with knowledge of the memo told Business Insider that it was "a level of irresponsible stupidity that I cannot fathom," adding that it "purposefully misconstrues facts and leaves out important details."

Schiff said the document "may help carry White House water, but it is a deep disservice to our law enforcement professionals."”

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga: "Hey Drago, how’s the declassification of the FISA Bombshell coming along?"

Thanks for asking.

Since the vote to declassify the memo for the entire congress to see the document occurred just 2 days ago the request by some members to declassify the memo for general release just went to Paul Ryan today.

Given the timing I would expect to know if Ryan will go along with that sometime next week.

I see you've also bitten on the fake Russia influence on the release the memo hashtag.


You bite on every single thing your masters dangle in front of you.

Of course, any sentient being would be more cautious after having been burned so many times, but not you. Nope. But then, the world needs ditch-diggers too, as Judge Smails so wisely noted.

The more curious question is what is it exactly about the memo has the entire democrat caucus united in refusing to share it with the general public?

Not a curious question for you of course. You're not the curious sort. More a voice-actuated automaton sort.


FullMoon বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
FullMoon বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

Drago and Achilles hardest hit. But I’m sure there will be another conspiracy theory coming along soon and oh my how all the heads will be rolling and Democrats will be going to jail— in droves!

Drago বলেছেন...

Golden Showers Inga expresses full confidence in Adam Schiff.

Now that is funny.

Lovernios বলেছেন...

Jumping in... Did anyone mention King Rat? Outstanding novel by James Clavell about life in a Japanese prisoner of war camp. Also a great movie starring George Segal.

RI Red বলেছেন...

I forget who first said it, a week or so ago...maybe Mock or Chiclet or Pants...but whoever she was, she had it exactly right. Chuck is really the World's Biggest Vagina. Explains it all, perfectly.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Lovernios said... [hush]​[hide comment]

Jumping in... Did anyone mention King Rat? Outstanding novel by James Clavell about life in a Japanese prisoner of war camp. Also a great movie starring George Segal.

King Rat gave the other prisoners a reason for living. In a prison with no love, no hope, nothing to look forward too, hating King Rat was the only thing worth living for.

Kinda like Chuck and Trump, know what I mean?

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

You're Abe Froman?

exhelodrvr1 বলেছেন...

If the document was damning towards the Trump campaign/administration, do you think the Demos would have voted against releasing it? Do you think Schiff would have restrained from leaking it? So best case, from your perspective, is that this is going to provide no evidence towards collusion, which would be significant additional egg on the Demo faces. Worst case, from your perspective, is that there will be evidence of significant improprieties with the FISA process. But keep whistling past the graveyard.

gadfly বলেছেন...

Jim Acosta said about Trump: ""He said Barack Obama was not born in this country."

I don't suppose that Obama's self-authored bio from two separate literary pamphlets stating that Barry was born in Kenya just ahead of the 2008 election, could possibly have influenced Donald's words.

Kevin বলেছেন...

"When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best: Is there any evidence the government or people of Mexico got together to determine the best people in their country and selected from those to come to America? No. Is there any screening at all of people who walk across the border? No. Analysis: True.

They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. Unless he happened to be pointing at Mexican immigrants who were attending his campaign kickoff and just cheered when Trump said, "The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems," then he is also correct here. Analysis: True.

They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. Here he means "to us". He hasn't specified what the problems are yet, but it's clear that if they have problems and come to the US, they're bringing their problems with us. Analysis: TBD. May be true, depending on what he means as problems. UPDATE: True.

They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. Are Mexicans bringing drugs? Demonstrably yes. Are Mexicans bringing crime? Demonstrably yes. Are Mexicans rapists? Demonstrably they have committed rape in this country. Are these the problems he's referring to in his previous sentence? Yes. Analysis: True.

And some, I assume, are good people. Can we also assume some are good people - best or not? Again, demonstrably yes.

So there is nothing false in what Trump said. The only way to make it false is to misstate his words.

Trump said all Mexicans are bad. No he didn't.
Trump said all Mexicans are rapists. No he didn't.
Trump said all Mexicans are criminals. No he didn't.
Trump said the government of Mexico gets together to decide who comes across the border. No he didn't.

So Chuck, when you point at this as an example of Trump's "lies", you do nothing but undermine your own argument. You show that you're more than willing to accept the false statements attributed to him, even as you cut and paste his actual words.

You know to whom the false statements are endlessly repeated? People who can't read and people who can't be bothered to look past what they want to hear to see if it's really true.

We know you can read, at least enough to find these words you're searching for and past them in this thread. So we are left to assume you choose not to examine the man's words in an honest search for the truth.

And you do it to comically call him out as an unabashed "liar".

exhelodrvr1 বলেছেন...

That is an EXCELLENT book!

Kevin বলেছেন...

How much of Althouse's comments are driven by people twisting Trump's words to mean things he didn't say, or twisting Mueller's silence to discuss evidence he doesn't have?

It's mostly wild-eyed fantasies and dog whistles no real dog can hear.

johns বলেছেন...

Did Trump say that he believed Obama was not born in the U.S., or did he say it was a question, and offer money to get someone to release Obama's full birth certificate?

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

“If the document was damning towards the Trump campaign/administration, do you think the Demos would have voted against releasing it? Do you think Schiff would have restrained from leaking it? So best case, from your perspective, is that this is going to provide no evidence towards collusion, which would be significant additional egg on the Demo faces. Worst case, from your perspective, is that there will be evidence of significant improprieties with the FISA process. But keep whistling past the graveyard.”

I think that is right. Schiff is the head of the Resistance in terms of FBI/DoJ/FISA corruption in Congress. Far more so than his Senate counterpart. Willing to do, say, or leak anything to protect the Deep State or the Obama Administration legacy. Right now, since we really have no particulars yet, he can get away with a blanket denunciation, which he has made. Soon, hopefully, the rest of us will see the memo (that Schiff and the rest of the Dems voted against letting the rest of the House see), and he will have to defend specifics, which, I suspect, is going to be much harder to do. And then, I think, his job gets much harder. He will have to attack specifics, but can’t afford to attack specifics that the Republicans can too easily prove. Contrary to Inga (who quotes Schiff approvingly), I expect that the memo will likely be almost, if not entirely, ultimately provable - for the simple reason that Nunes knows what (and whom) he is up against, because he deals with Schiff, among others, on a daily basis.

Think about it. We are 10 months before the election. This means that any garbage that Nunes may have thrown into the memo will come out in that time, and irrevocably taint his investigation. We have plenty of time to fully digest the ramifications of the memo before November. As a political weapon, it would have been much more devastating if released in October, not January. Yet, the Republicans went for an urgent release, at a time when they could have been concentrating the public’s notice on the “Schumer Shutdown”. Things are moving fast right now, with the DoJ/FBI finally producing the FISA warrant supporting documentation, after 5 months of stonewalling, and the DoJ IG uploading 1.2 million pages of documentation a week ago. I see this as Schiff, almost alone, trying to stop an accelerating train, while the Republicans all jump on board. We shall see.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...


You cannot find a single quote from Mrs. Clinton, wherein she said that or alluded to that or hinted at that or anything else.

Like that matters.

And Napoleon never pulled a trigger at Austerlitz.

Why should we believe you? You're unbelievable.

If Trump was fighting Stalin or Hitler you'd pick Hitler.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

John Pickering said...
Hey, did you guys see this one?

No, still haven't. You have been identified early as a worthless, content free provocateur, and are correspondingly ignored. Spot checks validate this consistently. Your best course is to delete your account and start over with a new handle. But thanks for playing!

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

Twitter accounts linked to Russian influence operations have begun promoting the hashtag #ReleaseTheMemo.

Inga, if a million Russians told you to jump off a bridge, would you jump?

If a million Russians told you NOT to jump off a bridge... Would you jump?

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

Loverboy, James Clavell was one stupendous badass of a writer, who is sorely missed.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

Oh and Chuck? I think you may be disgusted because of all the semen you swallow.

Seriously, if you "want" anything from anyone here, I suggest you get your own blog and want it there.

Although, if you want so badly to shove something down somebody's throat, just come to New York. I give you leave.

Drago বলেছেন...

BTW, the word has gone out to the lefties to really ramp up the attacks against Tom Cotton.

Harvard grad with tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan Tom Cotton.

And if you've noticed, LLR Chuck has begun a none too subtle series of criticism's of Cotton over the last several weeks.


The dem masters bark and LLR Chuck jumps.

Lucien বলেছেন...

Chuck has been... really something on this thread.

I don't know how much he gets paid to post here but geez, he's doing a great job undermining the reputation of the anti-Trumpers.

Whatever he's earning, he should get paid double. He's one of the greatest false flag operations I've ever seen. He successfully makes anti-Trumpers look absolutely batshit crazy. I mean, chewing on broken glass crazy.

Chuck, you magnificent bastard, kudos.

TheDopeFromHope বলেছেন...

Trump should starting calling Acosta "Slipping' Jimmy"

TheDopeFromHope বলেছেন...

Should read "Slippin' Jimmy"

Kevin বলেছেন...

Twitter accounts

So we've gone from actual people to unnamed sources to Twitter accounts?

Twitter accounts are manufactured in bulk, Tweeted by bots, and mass directed by anyone with money and a message to spread.

If your argument is something is trending on Twitter, you've lost touch with how the modern world works.

If your argument is that some accounts are supposedly linked to some people Tweeting some cryptic thing that makes clear sense to you, it's time to remove the tinfoil pussy hat.

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন ‹পুরাতন   247 এর 201 – থেকে 247   আরও নতুন» সবচেয়ে নতুন»