WaPo reports:
Wolff's admission does not directly undermine the veracity of his reporting, but it creates the appearance that he might have approached some members of the president's team under false pretenses, leading sources to believe that when they opened up they were speaking to a sympathetic ear. That's a bad look....
SAVANNAH GUTHRIE: Your former editor at Vanity Fair, Graydon Carter, said he wasn't surprised you'd written this explosive book; he was surprised they let you in the door at the White House. Are you surprised?
WOLFF: You know, um, no. I'm a nice guy. I go in . . .
GUTHRIE: Did you flatter your way in?
WOLFF: I certainly said what was ever necessary to get the story.
It's easy to find examples of Wolff saying things that would please Trump and his team — a theme being that other journalists are unfair....
ADDED: It's time once again to quote Janet Malcolm,
"The Journalist and the Murderer":
Every journalist who is not too stupid or too full of himself to notice what is going on knows that what he does is morally indefensible. He is a kind of confidence man, preying on people’s vanity, ignorance, or loneliness, gaining their trust and betraying them without remorse. Like the credulous widow who wakes up one day to find the charming young man and all her savings gone, so the consenting subject of a piece of nonfiction writing learns—when the article or book appears—his hard lesson. ...
The catastrophe suffered by the subject is no simple matter of an unflattering likeness or a misrepresentation of his views; what pains him, what rankles and sometimes drives him to extremes of vengefulness, is the deception that has been practiced on him. On reading the article or book in question, he has to face the fact that the journalist—who seemed so friendly and sympathetic, so keen to understand him fully, so remarkably attuned to his vision of things—never had the slightest intention of collaborating with him on his story but always intended to write a story of his own. The disparity between what seems to be the intention of an interview as it is taking place and what it actually turns out to have been in aid of always comes as a shock to the subject.
It's horrendously incompetent to operate at a high level and not already know this.
Sounds like he would fit right in at Washington Post.
It's horrendously incompetent to operate at a high level and not already know this.
"Incompetent" is one word. I think, however, that susceptibility to flattery is a systemic weakness in the character of narcissists, which is what most of our ruling classes are.
It's not that they're really better at solving a country's problems than the rest of us. They just think they are, & so they want to the do the job that most of us would much rather not do.
The Journalist and the Murderer! good book to understand reporters.
"It's horrendously incompetent to operate at a high level and not already know this."
yes. can't believe they let him roam around the west wing.
“My only advantage as a reporter is that I am so physically small, so temperamentally unobtrustive, and so neurotically inarticulate that people tend to forget that my presence runs counter to their best interests. And it always does. That is one last thing to remember: writers are always selling somebody out.” ― Joan Didion.
I know that some of the people around Trump are political amateurs, but I don't think any of them are naifs. If they got suckered by Wolff, it was because they were trying to use him to advance their own agendas. Like Shakespeare's engineers, they were hoist by their own petard.
As a consumer of this "news" I don't care who screwed who; I only care about whether its true (or, more accurately, how false).
The Godfather: "I know that some of the people around Trump are political amateurs, but I don't think any of them are naifs. If they got suckered by Wolff, it was because they were trying to use him to advance their own agendas. Like Shakespeare's engineers, they were hoist by their own petard"
Just look at Nicole Wallace at MSNBC after helping the lefties run McCain and Palin into the ground.
She knew where she wanted to go for her next meal.
The reporters who called me when I was working at an economic forecasting firm were always extremely friendly and chummy. I had to learn the hard way. They would say isn't this latest news terrible for the economy? and if i said no, I think it is quite positive, then they would continue to give hypotheticals and "but isn't it possible"? until i agreed that maybe under their assumptions it could be possible. And of course that is what I read in the paper that I had said. Eventually it stopped being fun to talk to reporters.
When I worked at the Fed, they were paranoid about the press. We were not allowed to talk to reporters. I was interviewed a few times by reporters, and it had to be cleared in advance. The fear was that anything said to the press would wind up with a headline saying "Federal Reserve economist says world to end tomorrow!!"
As many people have been saying all along, gross incompetancy was in play from day one. They were so full of themselves they just assumed the book he was writing would be complimentary.
Ironic reporting, WaPo was willing to publish whatever was "necessary" to prop its ratings.
Why did Wolff ask where to send the chocolates? The White House. Trump lives in the White House.
Yeah. It would be far better to have experienced hands who know to keep their own private servers and a bottle of bleach-bit handy for when those server needs to be wiped “with a cloth.” The kinds of people who have a handy little crew of fixers working at the FBI and can call up the New York Times and get a story spiked, or an employee fired or, as in the case of Glenn Trush, Unfired.
That’s the kinds of people we want in the White House.
Speaking of Trump University, has anybody figured out what Bill Clinton did for the 17 odd millions of dollars he got for being “Chancellor” of the ““Clinton Global Initiative University”?
Those are the kinds of people we need. People who know how to carry through a large scale fraud!
For a “grossly incompetent” president, the country is humming along pretty well, and even Rocket Man has suddenly begun talking to the South and declared that he doesn’t need to do anymore testing, because it’s all perfected, even though one of the missiles a couple of years ago crash landed into a city there!
Bush tried to use these kinds of techniques to avoid the Gulf War, but he just wasn’t willing to risk the perception that he was really crazy, so nobody was scared of him, even though they should have been.
Meanwhile, those transparenty-transparent guys from Fusion GPS, who wrote a NYT editorial and demanding that everything be made public are, unexpectedly, filing an IMMEDIATE EMERGENCY appeal to keep from sharing the things they claim (when they are not under oath) to want out in the open!!
All that after a judge just blew Fusion out of the water on their objections to having to share their records with congress.
You know, its almost as if the dems, their LLR allies, the Media, etc., all "know" something about what the records will show and are quite...hesitant...to actually "get to the bottom of all this russian stuff".
So "strange" isn't it? Just a few months back the dossier was EVERYTHING and now? Gee, just a distraction from the "real story".
This gang of gross incompetents made monkeys out of the geniuses in the Clinton campaign.
“Why did Wolff ask where to send the chocolates? The White House. Trump lives in the White House.”
Because Trump’s cease and desist demand only made the book sell like hot cakes, thanks Trump. Chocolates as a thank you!
Bitter clingers desperate to stay with act two: Trump is incompetent while the evidence of act three: Trump is effective but we don’t like him has already begun.
It seems Wolfe was a reporter/writer for the Guardian.
And after his hit job on Murdoch in another book, they allowed him into the Trump Whitehouse?
I agree with the comment, hoisted by their own Petard. My guess Bannon was using Wolff as a weapon, except it came back to bite him. Reminds me of the scene from Aliens. Nuke It From Orbit, it's the only way to be sure. Seems to be Trump's methodology.
Inga: "As many people have been saying all along,..."
Mostly incompetent people have been saying that.
People who told us that 2% growth was out of the question, ISIS could only be defeated by stopping global warming and delivering jobs programs, you can't "drill" your way to lower energy prices (that's my personal favorite!), etc.
People who are fooled by gorilla parodies or who believe Tillerson was going to be fired or that Flynn was told to nefariously contact the Russians during the campaign.
Yes, these "incompetent" people are all around us.
Ray: "And after his hit job on Murdoch in another book, they allowed him into the Trump Whitehouse?"
Remember, early on the entire communications staff were the RNC Insider bunch. They were the ones who agreed to this, probably thinking along the same lines as all the other establishment types and thinking about their next gigs.
Very similar, as noted elsewhere, to LLR's like Nicole Wallace (now at MSNBC) and Steve Schmidt (gee, also at MSNBC!) who ran McCain's MSM-suckup campaign.
And you see how that turned out.
What I don't understand is: If you really believe that the person the people elected to be President of the United States is such a newcomer that getting up and running will be a formidable task, why wouldn't you do what you could to help him? Why would you put your effort into making his job even more difficult?
I think the answer to my question is: Because you oppose him on a policy level.
So would you rather have an Administration that is very good at "handling" the press (a la serial gaslighter Ben Rhodes), or an Administration that that is good at stoking the US economy and and driving employment growth, but is subject to being manhandled by the press?
All of the MSM talking heads and associated pundits (including many on the "Right") seem to be so sure that the former is preferable to the latter. They conflate politicking and message-management with actually governing.
That's part of why our "elites" are so fucking useless. That's how we got Trump.
Ann Althouse: "I think the answer to my question is: Because you oppose him on a policy level."
Nonsense, though I understand why you write that.
Who was it (one of the Powerline guys? Rich Lowry?) that just wrote that these people agree with the policies but won't help due to cultural issues.
Let's face it, when all you want to do is be invited to the right parties by the right people you can't be seen with the "wrong sort".
Unlike the Jen Rubin/Max Boot/Bill Kriston types who are actually changing their long held policy positions (well, not Rubin since she blows whatever way the wind is blowing) just to be in opposition to Trump.
No. It isn't policy. Can't be quite frankly.
Definitely cultural.
Inga, you are a sharp one!
“I think the answer to my question is: Because you oppose him on a policy level.”
Yes, but also because of his unsuitability to hold such an important office as that of the POTUS. The most powerful man on earth needs to be up for the task.
I think the answer to my question is: Because you oppose him on a policy level.
Would that it were so, but there's very little policy content in TDS.
but also because of his unsuitability to hold such an important office as that of the POTUS.
Sorry, not everybody thinks that the POTUS is supposed to be an object of worship. He seems plenty suitable to me, on account of he is doing a great job and getting the right people’s panties in a twist all at the same time!
"Bush tried to use these kinds of techniques to avoid the Gulf War...."
Wait? You're serious? Shit, dude, they were looking for ways to justify an attack on Iraq as soon as the administration was up and running. Can you really say, at this late date, you believe Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld wanted to avoid attacking Iraq? If so, there's nothing to be said to you, so impossibly credulous you must be.
"Because you oppose him on a policy level."
I've been wondering about this for a while, why there's so much deception and lying and such in politics. It can't just be about policy. Because people change their policy based on who is in power. Like Drago just said.
It's a kind of tribalism, or more, a kind of religious zeal. They defend their side because they defend their side, because it's their side. They attack others who are declared not just wrong or having different opinions, but as heretics, crazy, or evil. There's a moral quality to the opposition that transcends just policy. It certainly isn't about finding solutions.
It's about power, and how we feel when "our" people are in power.
It's really more like rooting for a sports team. We pick a team based on fairly arbitrary reasons and assert allegiance that defies discussion.
“Sorry, not everybody thinks that the POTUS is supposed to be an object of worship.”
Yes indeed! That is very true.
"What I don't understand is: If you really believe that the person the people elected to be President of the United States is such a newcomer that getting up and running will be a formidable task, why wouldn't you do what you could to help him? Why would you put your effort into making his job even more difficult?"
For the reporter? Because he's going to make bank on this book.
That's what reporters do. They sell you out.
Why Bannon did it, I dunno. John Podhoretz said most straightforward explanation is he's a blowhard. Talked to the wrong person because he likes to show off.
Bob Woodward would tell a source: you'd better give me your side of the story in great detail, because I'll certainly get your enemy's side. At some point Woodward would decide whose point of view he was actually primarily going to present.
Yes, if Trump agreed to have Woolf around out of vanity, that's bad. Many people seem to have learned that you can flatter Trump into agreeing to things, at least for a while. If staffers signed off on this, in a way that's worse--their egos aren't supposed to be involved, although maybe that way of thinking is old-fashioned. Has Trump ever had staff who can really argue with him: having Woolf around is a really terrible idea?
The Resistance is largely cultural.
Bret Stephens in his December 29th New York Times column —Why I Am Still a NeverTrumper—admits he approves of most of what Trump has accomplished policy-wise but he wishes Hillary! were the President because Trump is so DEPLORABLE as a person....culturally he does not fit in with the intellectual elite.
Inga; "Yes indeed! That is very true"
Inga and the rest of the left didn't remember this until Jan 20, 2017.
Robert Cook: "Wait? You're serious? Shit, dude, they were looking for ways to justify an attack on Iraq as soon as the administration was up and running."
Your time would be better spent figuring out why you bought into the laughable Reagan October Surprise conspiracy theory.
The thing is, Trump is going to emerge from this debacle as the winner he is, yet again and will be even stronger. Bannon is clearly the loser and will be less of a troublemaker for Trump and our country, ultimately he wasn't a force for good. Good riddance, be gone Bannon!
It's amazing to me how many supposedly intelligent people can be so lacking in a big picture understanding, so many of them can't see the forest for the trees. They so petty, looking to advance themselves. Piss ants can do better.
Wolff obviously named his book hoping to sound like it's part of Game of Thrones.
Yes, but also because of his unsuitability to hold such an important office as that of the POTUS. The most powerful man on earth needs to be up for the task.
You voted for Jill Stein.
Jill. Stein.
You have no standing on who should or should not be up for the task of POTUS.
Yes indeed! That is very true
Why don’t you go back to making offerings of tobacco to your little haloed figurine of Obama in the corner of your bedroom. I think that it’s OK if the president of the United States doesn't only come from a small group of socially elite group of people from certain coastal cities. But I can understand where a prig might think that there is a caste of people who are better than everybody else and only one of those people should hold elective office.
“You voted for Jill Stein.
Jill. Stein.
You have no standing on who should or should not be up for the task of POTUS.”
Says the dummy who voted for Trump.
She voted for Hillary. They all did, except maybe Cookie and TTR.
Says the dummy who voted for Trump.
Many Democrats will tell you that a vote for Stein was a vote for Trump, especially in Wisconsin.
She voted for Hillary. They all did, except maybe Cookie and TTR.
Well, if I had voted for Hillary, I'd lie about it, too.
It's horrendously incompetent to operate at a high level and not already know this.
My thought also, while I was shoveling, before I read this. Bannon pissed away millions -- tens of thousands -- for his own tell-all.
I voted for Hillary. Hahahahaha.
“She voted for Hillary. They all did, except maybe Cookie and TTR.”
You really are an ignoramus Tim. If we “all” (lefties) voted for Hillary, she’d be President now instead of Trump.
“I voted for Hillary. Hahahahaha.”
I should’ve voted for Hillary.
“Keep hope alive!” - Unknown incessantly during the lead up to the election, as a taunt that Hillary was 95% sure to win.
“It’s gonna be OK” - Inga on election eve, when it became apparent that if Hillary was going to win, there wasn’t going to be any groundswell.
She voted for Hillary. She thinks that the Clinton accusers are all liars, even if she constantly claims her opinions on those whores are kept firmly under her pussy hat, so nobody can guess them.
She never voted for Jill Stein.
Why any Republican/Conservative with a brain would ever think a liberal/left journalist is their "secret friend" is beyond me.
I used to respect Bannon, but I don't care if been misquoted or not. Just leaking to a liberal/left MSM reporter (is there any other kind?) shows he's so stupid that he's worthless.
Hopefully, some one more intelligent will replace him at Breitbart.
Well, maybe you shouldn’t have believed everything you read in the mainstream media then, Inga. Maybe they misled you into thinking you could waste a vote on Stein. That’s on you.
BTW, they fed you the same load of crap on Russian collusion, and I am not sure your are even dimly aware that it is the same kind of mass delusion and groupthink that led to the 95% chance, and led to Hillary popping champaign at 10 AM election day.
She was unfit for office. If you didn’t vote for her, then you knew it too.
“Well, maybe you shouldn’t have believed everything you read in the mainstream media then, Inga. Maybe they misled you into thinking you could waste a vote on Stein. That’s on you.”
Says the dummy who voted for Trump.
“She was unfit for office. If you didn’t vote for her, then you knew it too.”
In hindsight she is infinitely more fit for Office than Trump.
I don’t feel dumb. I voted for Trump extremely reluctantly, on account of the alternative was Hillary, and the only meaningful vote against her was Trump. I probably waited a full two minutes after filling out the rest of the ballot before I marked it for him. That’s when I decided.
I have been pleasantly surprised. You are the one who can’t take off the partisan blinders and see the world as it is. The mental pain of processing how wrong you have been would be too great.
Tell you what though, I will reconsider if I. should have voted for Hillary if you can explain to me why Clinton Global Initiative University paid Bill Clinton 17 million dollars, partially out of the, you know, 145 million dollars that Putin gave the foundation.
Blogger tcrosse said...
This gang of gross incompetents made monkeys out of the geniuses in the Clinton campaign.
Trump has been watching and learning from the Ape Channel for a long, long time.
"Why would you put your effort into making his job even more difficult?"
Because they hate and fear him. Why do you think the local lefties are so stupid ?
They think any one who disagrees with them is evil.
We've been saying this for years. Republicans think Democrats are wrong, Democrats think Republicans are evil.
Add to that a concern on the part of government employees with rice bowls and you have the husband of the teachers' union head conducting a witchhunt called a "John Doe" investigation, which includes no knock raids in the middle of the night.
They think this stuff is OK. There are some saying Steve Scalise deserved to be shot.
“I don’t feel dumb. I voted for Trump extremely reluctantly, on account of the alternative was Hillary, and the only meaningful vote against her was Trump.”
Well you should. I regret throwing my vote away. Clinton is intelligent and highly capeable despite her shortcomings. She would’ve made a decent President.
"Just leaking to a liberal/left MSM reporter (is there any other kind?) shows he's so stupid that he's worthless."
That is still a mystery to me.
It has destroyed Bannon. He was supposed to be a smart guy,
I guess the RNC people who were running the White House early are the dopes.
Cory Lewandowski and Dave Bossie are smarter than this.
Inga wishes that the sexual predator Bill Clinton was prowling the West Wing tonight. If only that were true, the pussy hats would never have to have existed! And how are the Democrats doing getting Menendez - D New Jersey, out of the Senate? Seems kind of urgent, given that he used child “sex workers’ I think that they can’t even be called “sex workers” only sex slaves.
Oh that’s right, they recanted, even though they were still under the control of the child sex traffickers, it’s all OK now! No hypocrites in your party!
Hillary may yet end up in jail but Inga will still wish she was president. There is no cure for this kind of stupid.
The Clinton Foundation investigation is begun again.
Trump might eventually pardon her on the condition that no Clinton ever runs for public office.
She would’ve made a decent President.
“We came! We saw! He died! (guffaw, chortle)” - HRC
She made that point per the advice of Sidney Blumenthal, political adviser drawing 10K a month from the Clinton Foundation, partially underwritten by Putin, BTW.
Guess what? There are open slave auctions in Libya now! What progress! Those didn’t exist before she cooked up that war! Oh, and Sid Vicious also recommended, and she followed through with ramping up the civil war in Syria by sending in arms! Another brilliant play!
Those two ham-handed military adventures flooded Europe with refugees, led to untold numbers of deaths, and destabilized the EU, and probably led to Brexit.
What a great warm up for complete control of the military!
They were so full of themselves they just assumed the book he was writing would be complimentary.
So did Hillary.
And she was the one writing it!
Competency is smashing phones and wiping with a cloth.
“Hillary may yet end up in jail but Inga will still wish she was president. There is no cure for this kind of stupid.
The Clinton Foundation investigation is begun again.”
For some, there is no cure for Trump sycophancy. The investigation of the Clinton Foundation will end the same way the three before it did. But keep hope alive.
“Sorry, not everybody thinks that the POTUS is supposed to be an object of worship.”
Many agree, but only because Barack is out of office.
Wait, you mean to tell me a journalist was not entirely honest? Well paint me gold and call me Oscar!
The investigation of the Clinton Foundation will end the same way the three before it did. But keep hope alive.
At least the Clinton investigators can name an actual crime to investigate.
What does Mueller have? Collusion, a non-crime, and obstruction of justice into collusion, obstruction of a non-crime.
The Clintons may be on their third investigation, but Trump is on his third theory of what one might plausibly investigate.
Nobody wants to end up like Foster or Rich.
Trump's about three Tweets away from the media demanding he be removed from office for aggravated smugness.
And Michael K, did you learn nothing from trusting Steve Bannon? How you were all a-titter to go see him speak in November and to possibly even meet him. He let you down, you said you can’t understand it, this AM. Is it inconceivable to you that Trump isn’t who you think either?
Before some on this thread get too excited, I should make it clear that aggravated smugness isn't a crime either.
Like collusion, it's just a crime-sounding thing someone made up.
“First, brava! This is a historic moment and you will be credited for realizing it,” Blumenthal wrote on Aug. 22, 2011. “When Qaddafi himself is finally removed, you should of course make a public statement before the cameras wherever you are, even in the driveway of your vacation home. You must go on camera. You must establish yourself in the historical record at this moment. The most important phrase is: ‘successful strategy.’” - Sidney Blumenthal
Remember that Sidney Blumenthal was collecting 10K a monty from the Putin subsidized Clinton Foundation.
“We came! We saw! He died!” - HRC
That message was brought to you in part by Vladimir Putin and his band of merry cronies!
The investigation of the Clinton Foundation will end the same way the three before it did. But keep hope alive
You may not have noticed, but the Clinton’s little cabal of fixers, who oversaw the previous investigations, and somehow all ended up on the Mueller witch hunt are fired, retiring, reassigned to HR, or otherwise removed from the center of things. There isn’t going to be a “Headquarters Special” this time, or a fixer to show up and re-word findings, or to write up an exoneration before much of the evidence was even gathered, much less analyzed.
Not this time. The Clinton Machine is being rooted out of Washington, and as a Democrat, you should be glad.
Bret Stephens in his December 29th New York Times column —Why I Am Still a NeverTrumper—admits he approves of most of what Trump has accomplished policy-wise but he wishes Hillary! were the President because Trump is so DEPLORABLE as a person....culturally he does not fit in with the intellectual elite.
This is why that guy bugs me. Yes, but Hitler had such good taste strikes me as a weak idea when speaking of historically horrible people like Hilary. Godwin be damned.
Kevin wins with that comment about “What Happened”
Hillar even wrote the book herself and was surprised to see it was a hatchet job on her.
And Michael K, did you learn nothing from trusting Steve Bannon?
Wow. Do these inane questions just pop out your asss or what? NOBODY including I guarantee Mike K voted for Trump because if Bannon. We voted for Trump, you dotard!
Hillary is a sitting duck right now. Her guards have been mostly routed, all she really has, and it is still a lot, is her coterie of media sycophants, still probably running stories by her, like they did during the campaign, and the last irredentist Democrats who, even though the curtain has been drawn back for all to see, can somehow unsee it and still buy the bilge that they are being fed.
It seems the nature of what is done determines whether it was done competently. So its just politics -- stop pretending to have some objective criteria.
Kevin beat me to the obvious reply. (Sigh).
A wall is only as impermeable as its weakest brick. There are plenty of weak bricks in any organization.
If you had to hang at the cocktail parties Stephens does, you'd understand.
“We voted for Trump, you dotard!”
Why yes you did, you foolish person. Michael K had it bad for Steve Bannon, Bannon just stabbed Trump in the back, that’s got to hurt. Bannon was an important voice to the Alt Right and then to Trumpists, there is no denying it now, but nice try.
“Hillary is a sitting duck right now. Her guards have been mostly routed, all she really has, and it is still a lot, is her coterie of media sycophants, still probably running stories by her, like they did during the campaign, and the last irredentist Democrats who, even though the curtain has been drawn back for all to see, can somehow unsee it and still buy the bilge that they are being fed.”
In one way, I’m glad there will be another investigation, so once and for all when nothing comes of it, you people will just have to accept the results.
Yes..and if you drive those powerful wedges hard enough, somehow Hil and all that comes with her would be preferrable to those who voted non-Hil.
Gooooood luck with that.
You folks should make that Bark at the moon thing a weekly ritual.
Was there a cause arrived at for that Clinton bedroom fire?
The thing that the pearl clutchers like Inga hate about Trump is that he doesn’t give a shit, and for that reason, he is hard to keep in his place. They would like good ole’ low energy Jeb, to manage Obama’s wars, collect taxes for his programs, like a good doobie, and who would wink and nod at the CIA and FBI, and remind them that his family has a few connections themselves, so just keep the funny business on the down low, and everybody will get along.
Most importantly, he could never have won those blue states, which makes him the best kind of candidate of all! It was breaching the “blue wall” that really infuriates Democrats.
I am starting to become a sycophant for Trump. He keeps producing, after a while you just begin to trust him, because I can’t figure out how he does it. He is like Beowulf cutting his way into the troll’s nest with his magical sword (Twitter) and slaying Grendel, and soon enough, Grendel’s mother will go down.
I can’t figure out what I am supposed to not like. I have been writing the same shit for years and years, and suddenly a guy comes along who actually delivers, and does it in ways that I couldn’t even have imagined, and I am supposed to feel dumb for voting for him!
Was there a cause arrived at for that Clinton bedroom fire?
If we are having a pool, I am taking old State Department burn bags.
I don't respond to Inga's crap any longer.
This is the best explanation of Bannon I have seen today.
Comparing him to David Stockman who also thought he was the smartest guy in the administration. Also :
Stockman and Bannon probably thought that Greider and Kuttner (respectively) had the stature to validate their sense of being the smartest man in the administration. (Whether Bannon viewed Michael Wolff that way seems less clear).
Maybe this is it. Bannon has destroyed himself and I just wonder why.
The most useful way to think about Bannon might be to compare him to Iago, and Trump to Othello--I know it seems a little outre to suggest that Trump is as naive as Othello seems to be, but after all, Othello was a hugely successful general, the toast of Venice, etc. etc.--not just some guy off the street.
And Iago? He just hated Othello--seemed like uncaused, willful hatred, envy, and jealousy.
No mystery here. The boy from NYC has turned on his Mahattan clique and they want him destroyed from the embarrassment he has caused them when intelligently morphed into a WASP that loves the Jews and the less educated and the Evangelical Christians who also love the Jews.That is irredeemable deplorable conduct for a New York City Billionaire.
And guess who is coming down South Monday to watch a SEC level football game that decides the winner that is # 1 and who is #2 in the NCAA this year. It’s Andy Jackson redux among his loyal friends.
The most useful way to think about Bannon might be to compare him to Iago, and Trump to Othello--I know it seems a little outre to suggest that Trump is as naive as Othello seems to be, but after all, Othello was a hugely successful general, the toast of Venice, etc. etc.--not just some guy off the street.
And Iago? He just hated Othello--seemed like uncaused, willful hatred, envy, and jealousy.
“The thing that the pearl clutchers like Inga hate about Trump is that he doesn’t give a shit, and for that reason, he is hard to keep in his place.”
Me a pearl clutcher? LOL, I’d gladly take off my pearls and throw them one by one at your thick heads...metaphorically of course. Now let’s see some of you clutch your own pearls and cry out how violent leftists are.
“I don't respond to Inga's crap any longer.”
Thank you sweetie.❤️
In one way, I’m glad there will be another investigation, so once and for all when nothing comes of it,
Peter Strzok (“Gross negligence” is really only “extreme carelessness”) - Gone (Oh, and BTW, Uranium One investigation.
Andy McCabe (“Let’s talk about it in Andy’s office”) Wife accepted 750K from Clinton crony McAuliffe - Retiring in a month or two
Comey mens rea: “She was too stupid to know she was breaking the law” - fired.
Ohr - Wife worked for Democrat opposition research firm Fusion GPS, Ohr had contact with them he neglected to disclose.
These guys are all gone. These were are all Clinton operatives whose main job seemed to be making sure that investigations went the Clinton’s way.
Now all we are left with is a heap of evidence that was destroyed while under subpoena by Hillary during the time that she was taking hundreds of millions of dollars for her poltical slush fund from Foreign donors, and paying Bill millions and millions out of that money personally.
But she will dodge it this time too! Even without all of the inside help, because she is innocent! Keep hope alive!
I interviewed Donald Trump for The Hollywood Reporter in June 2016, and he seemed to have liked — or not disliked — the piece I wrote. "Great cover!" his press assistant, Hope Hicks, emailed me after it came out (it was a picture of a belligerent Trump in mirrored sunglasses). After the election, I proposed to him that I come to the White House and report an inside story for later publication — journalistically, as a fly on the wall — which he seemed to misconstrue as a request for a job. No, I said. I'd like to just watch and write a book. "A book?" he responded, losing interest. "I hear a lot of people want to write books," he added, clearly not understanding why anybody would. "Do you know Ed Klein?"— author of several virulently anti-Hillary books. "Great guy. I think he should write a book about me." But sure, Trump seemed to say, knock yourself out.
Since the new White House was often uncertain about what the president meant or did not mean in any given utterance, his non-disapproval became a kind of passport for me to hang around — checking in each week at the Hay-Adams hotel, making appointments with various senior staffers who put my name in the "system," and then wandering across the street to the White House and plunking myself down, day after day, on a West Wing couch. said Michael Wolff in Hollywood Reporter about his book.
And when he was spotted in the West Wing, he wore a blue visitors pass which indicated unquestionable access to the staff. So Donald lied yet again about not permitting Wolff to be in the White House.
Thanks Inga,
So how is Rand Paul?
I’d gladly take off my pearls and throw them one by one at your thick heads
Why thick? Do you think we don’t understand your arguments? We do,
You don’t like Trump, you think that proven war-monger Hillary would be a safer bet in control of the military.
You think that he embarrasses the United States with his low class demeanor and general oafishness; better to have Hillary’s smooth, Tallyrand-like corruption (Read up on the XYZ affair in Wikipedia for the reference). And BTW, I agree he is sort of oafish, I just don’t give a shit what the ruling classes in Europe think of him.
You don’t think that Bill Clinton is a sexual predator because you think all of the women are exaggerating or just plain liars, so Hillary’s “Bimbo Eruption Squad” and it’s work discrediting those women doesn’t bother you as much as the stuff Trump said. So no need for Pussy Hats (TM) if those two are safely in the White House.
You think that borders are fascist, probably, and so the idea of controlling immigration per the laws passed by Congress is crypto Naziism at best.
I could go on. I understand your arguments Inga. I just don’t buy them. But I am always happy to have you explain where I got any of the above wrong.
"And when he was spotted in the West Wing, he wore a blue visitors pass which indicated unquestionable access to the staff. "
My understanding is that Bannon gave him a pass. Why you think that proves anything about Trump is an example of your malice and cluelessness.
“Why thick? Do you think we don’t understand your arguments? We do,”
I know you do. But you stubbornly cling to your erroneous notions, even though I suspect some of you, deep down, realize you’re very mistaken.
“I understand your arguments Inga. I just don’t buy them.”
Same here.
“You don’t think that Bill Clinton is a sexual predator because you think all of the women are exaggerating or just plain liars”,
NO, this is one of your erroneous notions.
“so Hillary’s “Bimbo Eruption Squad” and it’s work discrediting those women doesn’t bother you as much as the stuff Trump said.”
Who says?
“So no need for Pussy Hats (TM) if those two are safely in the White House.”
Are you not aware that the millions of protestors in the streets the day after the Inauguration were concerned with much more than just Trump’s pussy grabbing comment? If Bill Clinton can’t trusted in the White House, why do you think Trump can? Trump had allegations of rape against him also? Or were they all bimbo’s erupting?
Was there a cause arrived at
It's like that old saying - "Liar, liar, house on fire."
But you stubbornly cling to your erroneous notions
My false consciousness? No. I disagree with you, opinions aren’t “erroneous.” I am always happy to have factual errors pointed out.
If Bill Clinton can’t trusted in the White House, why do you think Trump can?
That’s a hell of a choice Democrats offered, wasn’t it? Even you couldn’t stomach it. And yet your avatar wore pussy hats for some time, IIRC.
Even though I suspect some of you, deep down, realize you’re very mistaken.
Well, unlike yourself, most conservatives are generally open to the possibility that we may be wrong, Gadfly excepted, of course, but I think your certainty is a bigger enemy to finding the truth. Never in doubt, never wrong? That’s not generally how it works in real life, except maybe in something simple like tic tac toe, not politics. But regarding Trump, he hasn’t really made any big moves that would make me doubt him. Little stuff, sure, but not the big picture. Not “deep down,” “deep down” I believe that the Clinton machine is a cancer on our democracy and needs to be rooted out, priority one.
But I fancy the same thing about you, that the thousands of refugee drownings in the Mediterranean fleeing from Hillary’s military adventurism in Libya and Syria “deep down” bother you and give you pause. I think that the opening of slave auctions where young girls are sold as wives in Libya, since the overthrow of the legitimate government there bothers you, I could be wrong. But I think that’s a bigger deal that oafishness, you don’t. apparently, because you are never wrong, never in doubt!
Here’s a link to pictures of refugee boats fleeing Hillary’s war capsizing, if you want to reminisce a little:
This anti Trump tweet is precious.
He forgot to switch identities before posting anti-Muslim “hate speech” in reply to his first message criticizing Trump for inciting racism against Muslims!
refugee boats fleeing Hillary’s war
Give credit where credit is due. Obama was Commander in Chief, fell down and broke his crown, and Democrats and Republicans came tumbling after.
“But I think that’s a bigger deal that oafishness, you don’t.”
Again you try to pin one of your erroneous notions on me. I’m pretty sure you know better, but are trying to get me to refute you. Well ok, I will. What is wrong with Trump is far far worse than mere oafishness.
What is wrong with islamist enslavers of wwomen and girls and muderers of homosexuals is far far worse than oafishness, but for some reason the lefties want millions more brought here.
Obvious cinclusions may be drawn.
“But I fancy the same thing about you, that the thousands of refugee drownings in the Mediterranean fleeing from Hillary’s military adventurism in Libya and Syria “deep down” bother you and give you pause. I think that the opening of slave auctions where young girls are sold as wives in Libya, since the overthrow of the legitimate government there bothers you, I could be wrong.”
Yes indeed it does, as it does most people.
At least Hillary didn’t try to provoke Kim Jong-il with tweets, nick names and button sizes. A nuclear war would kill far more than have been killed in Syria and Libya.
Should be Kim Jong-un, not il.
At least Hillary didn’t try to provoke Kim Jong-il with tweets, nick names and button sizes
Have you been following the news? Kim is meeting with the South Koreans. Called them on the “hotline” first time it’s ever been used. No actual war was fought to achieve this result. That’s what I mean about partisan blinders. Ever hear of “Good cop, bad cop”? Hint, it doesn’t work if the bad cop comes out and tells everybody not to worry, it’s only a game. And who knows? Maybe he is serious and it’s not a game. Maybe he really is crazy? I can’t anticipate his moves, but I don’t make the mistake of believing that I am so smart and perfectly informed that I can reliably pronounce every strategy as likely to succeed or fail before it’s been tried.
And guess what? It’s bearing fruit! Kim knows that one of his recent missile tests crashed into one of his own cites.
I am sure CNN does not credit Trump, as Mickey Kaus says “MUST NOT CREDIT TRUMP” goes in all of the news copy, but I can’t see any possible way to imagine that Trump’s change in tactics, from those of Obama have changed the game in positive ways.
"At least Hillary didn’t try to provoke Kim Jong-il with tweets, nick names and button sizes"
Bill and hill had their pal Bernie Schwartz/Loral "accidently" advance China's MIRV rocket technology by a decade and some of that info made its way to NK. (p.s., "luckily" some campaign cash from Chinese generals flowed to the Clintons...hey that sounds familiar doesnt it?)
And then obama and hillary deliver even more little presents to the NK dictator and......whaddya know, all of a sudden the crazy little NK dictator can shoot off rockets that go alot further.
Hmmmm, right about the same time hillary was selling off uranium for hundreds of millions in "donations" to her Foundation.... Right about the same time obama and hillary released hundreds if milliions to the Mad Mullahs of Iran which financed terrorism and their nuke program!
Hillarys libyan sex slaves is just additional gravy for the lefties.
So the “tweeting” thing is what is worse that Hillary’s war-mongering? LOL.
"At least Hillary didn’t try to provoke Kim Jong-il with tweets, nick names and button sizes"
At least Chamberlain didn’t try to provoke Hitler with telegrams, nick names and button sizes.
I am laughing at your judgement, BTW, I don’t think that Hillary’s war-mongering is funny at all. Never did. When we overthrew Ghadaffy, he was actually keeping a lid on a volatile part of the world, and being sort of well behaved. Then, Richard III style (historical king whose body was recently found, not Shakespeare version) he has a machine gun barrel rammed up his ass (Richard III, it was a sword, of course) as he is killed. What kind of message does that send to leaders of countries that might be considering making peace with the United States? What kind of message did Kim draw from that little object lesson?
Tweets, indeed.
Not to mention, now that you mention it, not to mention that we had a huge wave election in 2006 and 2008 that repudiated overthrowing foreign “despots” like Saddam, and yet, here was Hillary, sending weapons into Syria to try to overthrow Assad! Escalating a civil war we had no business in, at the same time as we created a military vacuum on Syria’s border by withdrawing our troops from Iraq!
What could go wrong? Ham-fisted military adventurer out of her depth, that was Hillary.
Good Grief ! People are debating Inga ?
Good Night.
You were wise not to vote for her. I would straight up have voted for Bernie. I can see now that that would have been a mistake, but I would have done it.
Remember too that she voted for the Iraq War “with conviction!” her words.
Well it tells them doubt do it, but north Korea has been able to get away with carp, for 25 years
Good Grief ! People are debating Inga ?
Nope. Inga getting another spanking, and she likes it
Any attention good or bad, is Inga's motto.
We shouldn't take North Korea's carp.
At some point we must draw the lime.
Not just any old policy but trade and immigration, the two issues the establishment wanted off the table, which propelled Trump's campaign from the day he announced. Globalism is not just an ideology and a worldview. It's money, money, money, money in everybody's pockets (except those ordinary working people who elected Trump).
What I don't understand is: If you really believe that the person the people elected to be President of the United States is such a newcomer that getting up and running will be a formidable task, why wouldn't you do what you could to help him?
Because he's too destructive to accept good, objective advice. He hears what he wants to hear. He's a narcissist with selective hearing tuned, 24/7, to the sources of conspiracy and flattery that serve his out-of-control ego best - er, most gluttonously.
The guy simply has to be stopped. Narcissists will not listen; they will do what they will do. All reality to them must be filtered by the ego's needs, which in their case are infinite. They are babies in need of boundaries. The boundaries are not easy to set, but if they're not curbed then they will just go on doing whatever they want - no matter how much positive regard you waste on them.
Ankle biters unite !
You have nothing to lose but your teeth, and some don't have any.
I have been writing the same shit for years and years, and suddenly a guy comes along who actually delivers, and does it in ways that I couldn’t even have imagined, and I am supposed to feel dumb for voting for him!
Special Delivery! Massively increased debt wasted on billionaires coming right up!
I'm sure his economic policies will grease the economy just enough to make a little difference between whatever bubble he and his Republicans are up to inflating next.
As for the downsides to not having a CDC, an EPA, an IRS and all the rest of it, I'm sure we'll see at the end of his term. That's usually the point when Republican ideologies have a high-speed head-on collision with the realities that they're up against.
why wouldn't you do what you could to help him?
Narcissists will not listen.
Indeed. Hillary set up the template for action without listening, and her troops continue the fight.
.“So the “tweeting” thing is what is worse that Hillary’s war-mongering? LOL.”
Are you asking me? The answer would be no, except maybe when he tries to make the US look like it’s being run by a crazy person to the rest of the world. Trump is building up the military for a reason, he has war mongering daydreams.
Reality-deniers unite!
You have nothing to lose but the country. But you'd already lost its people long ago.
why wouldn't you do what you could to help him.... to double-down on the same policies that led up to 1929? And 2008?
Fixed that for you.
There's a fundamental divide between conservatives and progressives which prevents them from hearing to each other. It's basically religious in nature, as there are different assumed dogmas.
Conservatives believe the poorest gradually benefit as a result of the increasing wealth of the richest.
Progressives believe the poorest gradually benefit as a result of the increasing wealth of politicians.
Conservatives aren't happy if one of their multimillionaires is forced to give away too much money.
Progressives aren't happy unless one of their politicians is becoming a multi-millionaire.
So what Trump needs to do is help Elizabeth Warren or another favored politician become richer, and then progressives will be happy with Trump.
According to reports, Apple is set to repatriate approximately $200 billion in foreign cash as a result of the GOP tax reform bill. A GBH research note signals that Apple is set to bring back approximately $200 billion of its $252 billion foreign cash portfolio as a result of tax breaks that the company will now receive.
Oh looky! Apple is now going to pay actual US taxes on that money! Not to mention make that money available for investment in the US! Or do you think that the money goes into mattresses, or is held in giant caves of golden candelabras, goblets, and giant rubies, like Scrooge McDuck’s? It’s a rhetorical question, TTR, I know that you have a more “sophisticated understanding” of economics where the law of supply and demand, for example, doesn’t apply. There is really nothing for us to talk about. You have your opinions and defend them from the unassailable aerie of your boundless self regard. I think your economics are a dead end, and most of the world agrees with me. Whatever.
Trump is building up the military for a reason, he has war mongering daydreams.
Yes, every little inchoate anxiety you have is an “omen” of bad things to come from Trump! In fiction, it’s true that if there is a gun on a wall on page one, as Chekov famously said, you better shoot somebody with it before the story is over! But real life isn’t a work of fiction. Crazy people think that life works like fiction, and that there are signs and omens everywhere that further a certain narrative. For example: “That cop just turned onto the street I am driving on because he is following me!” Sane people believe that decisions are made based on probabilities and game theory, and that positive outcomes come from arranging the situation so that the players will make good choices. One such good choice would be “Let’s not fuck with the US or its allies just now!” That choice can happen without a shot being fired. But a crazy person would find that hard to comprehend, because they think in terms of an advancing story or narrative, you know, “There’s a gun on the wall, somebody is going to get shot!”
Trump sure does love his multi millionaire Cabinet. I don’t see any draining of the swamp yet.
"Or do you think that the money goes into mattresses, or is held in giant caves of golden candelabras..."
Zuckerberg keeps his money in a foundation. I'm not sure California sees much of that wealth, except of course the politicians who are bought off by it.
“Yes, every little inchoate anxiety you have is an “omen” of bad things to come from Trump”.
Tim, you’re being naive.
A Marine Corps commandant on Thursday warned U.S. troops stationed in Norway to be prepared for a coming war.
“I hope I’m wrong, but there’s a war coming,” Gen. Robert Neller told them. “You’re in a fight here, an informational fight, a political fight, by your presence.”
Sgt. Maj. Ronald Green sounded a similar tone.
"Just remember why you're here," Green said. "They're watching. Just like you watch them, they watch you. We've got 300 Marines up here; we could go from 300 to 3,000 overnight. We could raise the bar."
The warnings came a day before Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told troops at Fort Bragg, N.C., that "storm clouds are gathering" over the Korean Peninsula.
Neller and Green's arrival in Norway coincided with heightened tensions between the U.S. and its NATO allies and Russia. According to Military.com, Russia warned Norway that its decision to host a new unit of U.S. troops through the end of 2018 would negatively affect relations.”
There's a fundamental divide between conservatives and progressives which prevents them from hearing to each other. It's basically religious in nature, as there are different assumed dogmas.
Conservatives believe the poorest gradually benefit as a result of the increasing wealth of the richest.
Progressives believe the poorest gradually benefit as a result of the increasing wealth of politicians.
Conservatives aren't happy if one of their multimillionaires is forced to give away too much money.
Progressives aren't happy unless one of their politicians is becoming a multi-millionaire.
Conservatives obviously aren't happy unless their politician is a paper billionaire.
I was going to say, who gives a f*ck what people believe, when you can measure reality and see what really works? And then I saw your second and fourth lines and realized that not only are you not looking at the reality of policies and their effects, you make up what progressives believe. Yep. That Bernie Sanders was a real rich guy. Yep, that Hillary Clinton was really a progressive. This is politics and policy by coloring book.
Does anybody take Toothless seriously? He
immediately comes across as someone who no one
takes seriously on anything. That chip on his
shoulder has the weight of about a hundred
albatrosses. It's fairly obvious that people are used to
giving him the same regard as Ted Kaczynski got.
Just an old, reclusive, temper-tantrum throwing ugly
bitch who can't conceal his hatred for the world and
couldn't enjoy a sunny day if his life depended on it.
Apparently, someone actually told him this was
endearing once - some time long ago. And he keeps
nursing that little voice.
Pathetic. But then, so is his impact.
Oh Lordy soon the Full Loon will start barking again.
The internet is forever, Inga. everything you've ever
commented on is accessible.
You never have to cover up for honesty.
Try it sometime.
On a blog where you aren't known.
You've polluted this watering hole.
11/29/13, 11:12 AM
Inga said...
Stop and think how ridiculous you've become. I'm
fine with becoming persona non grata. Your blog has
become the cesspool it once was. I'm pretty much
done here. 6/30/17, 6:33 PM
“Your blog has become the cesspool...”
Because of you.
You may start barking now Full Loon, I’m off to bed. Nighty night.
"I’m off to bed. Nighty night."
One down, one to go.
" 'The catastrophe suffered by the subject is no simple matter of an unflattering likeness or a misrepresentation of his views; what pains him, what rankles and sometimes drives him to extremes of vengefulness, is the deception that has been practiced on him. On reading the article or book in question, he has to face the fact that the journalist—who seemed so friendly and sympathetic, so keen to understand him fully, so remarkably attuned to his vision of things—never had the slightest intention of collaborating with him on his story but always intended to write a story of his own. The disparity between what seems to be the intention of an interview as it is taking place and what it actually turns out to have been in aid of always comes as a shock to the subject.' "
What really stinks is when it's not a journalist but an associate at work....
One down, one to go.
Oh, he already went. At 8:27 PM.
One down, one to go.
Full Moon is staying up late to tuck commenters in. They vex him so and he wants to make sure they go to bed before he does. Which he won't. He lives for coming on to this blog and demanding fealty to his Daddy - Trump. That, and thinking that copying others' comments verbatim should somehow make them feel embarrassed of what they already knew they said.
Check out the haiku at 9:45. Apparently someone wrote a manifesto into his phone at one inspired moment and then couldn't figure out how to work the "copy and paste" function when importing to Blogger.
Hopefully this entire comment will be copy and pasted in its entirety by that little cuckoo bird. And then, inevitably, deleted by the very same little cuckoo bird. Seriously, moves this transparent and ridiculous haven't been witnessed since primates evolved. But little cuckoo bird believes that he has mastered the art of mimicry - after having applied it to his envy and contempt for the humans that excel at the things humans do: Coming up with interesting ideas worth considering and discussing. He would try this at parties but it's impossible to steal others comments and then delete them in person. But he is a happy camper, he keeps telling us! He has to be. His life has enough solitude for two full psychiatric wards. So much happiness! His teeth are literally chattering at the excitement he feels within! He can't contain himself!
Where are the anti-psychotics at?
traditionalguy said...
Gmay...Honestly, I believe that Ritmo verbally assaults others only because he feels insecure in his acceptance among the smart people here. By extending acceptance and love towards Ritmo, we allow him to lower his walls and make some very good comments usually well adjusted to the facts. I also enjoy his verbal adeptness, as I have also surprisingly enjoyed Elliott Spitzer's. At my age, there arises a certain affection for younger people who are struggling like I did when a younger man trying to find my acceptance from an authority figure...which is extra hard to find in today's social millieux.
10/16/10, 7:55 PM
FullMoon said...
traditionalguy said...
Yeah, I'm sure I remember what tradguy wrote... seven years ago - just like he probably remembers what he wrote, also. So what's the point of reposting it? To show that you have no life other than for saving everything ever written on here out of millions of comments over the past decade? Also you're betraying your schizophrenia. He believes I'm young; you said at 9:45 you believe I'm old. Which is it? Out of which side of your mouth are you talking today? (Oh that's right. Both. Trumputards never mean what they say. They just say what they say for effect, alone - so the content doesn't matter. One thing one day another the next).
Finally, I have no problems with tradguy - nor he with me. But I disagree with his contention that we need authority figures. Some people just need to be better authorities to themselves. Fool Moron especially. The guy has no idea what to say, and just comes on here to quote others. If that's not as authoritative a statement on one's worthlessness as far as blog contributions/comments go, I don't know what is.
Also, I disagree with what he said re: insecurity. I just have respect for the facts. Everything I say I ground in a respect for the same facts that anyone I'm arguing with seems to either ignore or think they're too good to acknowledge.
Ritmo Brasileiro said...
It's good to know that the stupidest threads are just ripe for the threadjacking. I'll be sure to leave a trail of turds on every one of the brain droppings here that suit my fancy. Getting you shit-eaters to complain about the taste after opening your mouths wide and saying "Ahhhh..." to every bad idea under the sun is very satisfying, I must admit.
10/16/10, 10:28 AM
Paddy O:
It's simpler than that. American conservatives believe:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Basically, American conservatism is classical liberalism tempered by Christian religious/moral philosophy, or a reconciliation of moral (individual dignity, intrinsic value), natural (e.g. evolutionary fitness), and personal imperatives.
That's all you've got, Fool Moron?
You really do bring new meaning to the word "pussy."
Crying and whining because other people comment, and he can't understand the comments. He can't control them, and he can't engage them. He feels outshone and pisses and moans cause he's home all alone. On the internet.
Full Moon said...
It really bothers me that others can comment here and that I have just as little control over them here as I do in in life, generally. I try really hard to impress people in my bay area life by talking about being a homeowner with no education and nothing interesting to say, and for some reason it just doesn't go over as well as I imagine it should. And then there's my boring home life. My sex life also sucks and my wife, plain as she is, hates me just the same. I really wish more people would take me seriously and do as I say but for some reason, they just don't. Maybe there's a way I can embarrass others to make up for the abject embarrassment that I am. If only I could figure out how...
1/5/18, 11:18 PM
gadfly said... "Do you know Ed Klein?"— author of several virulently anti-Hillary books. "Great guy. I think he should write a book about me." But sure, Trump seemed to say, knock yourself out.
1/5/18, 7:10 PM
"Trump seemed to say". Not Trump said. He "seemed" to say, according to the sleazy poison-pen. What Trump said was, Ed Klein should write a book about me. That's not seeming to say something, that's saying it.
If the result of Trump being a crazy asshole for four years is peace, prosperity and strengthening America's security, he has my vote in 2020. Like I kept saying about Obama in 2012, what matters for the second term is the record of the first. What came before the candidate was President doesn't matter anymore.
Golly gumdrops ritmo,
You stayed up for three hours thinking of a "witty" comeback to my copy and paste of your own words? Bark, little puppy, bark. haha!
You stayed up for three hours thinking...
I think it's called "falling asleep," you greasy little cunt!
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