"In our current political climate, the term 'cuck' -- short for 'cuckservative' -- has become an insult of the so-called alt-right, aimed at men they view as spineless and emasculated. The slur has its roots in the concept of cuckolding, or having an adulterous partner. But, according to a recent study by David Ley, Justin Lehmiller and the writer Dan Savage, acting on cuckolding fantasies can be a largely positive experience for many couples, and hardly a sign of weakness...."
So beings "Cuckolding can be positive for some couples, study says."
1 – 200 of 205 Newer› Newest»Dan Savage, CNN consultant
Checkmate, bigots!
Ooooohh!! Dan SAVAGE as an authority! Why didn't anyone think of that before??
Found a way to deduct his fetish now that he has written about it!
Wait, wait.....they did. That's why AIDS is an epidemic.
Liberaldom - the refuge of the beta male
Google reveals "Ron jeremy fucked my pregnant wife"
Lol what a debauched, decaying culture we have. I, for one, welcome our new Chinese overlords.
"positive experience for many couples" -linked to-> "The Psychology of Gay Men’s Cuckolding Fantasies"
It's physically impossible, so all they can do is fantasize about it.
Fake news from CNN.
How many people self identify as members of the "Alt-Right"? I have quite a few conservative friends and know I've never met someone who calls themselves a member of the alt right and uses that term "cuck" as an insult regularly. Is there really some vast number in the alt right or is it something that exists mostly in the fevered imaginings of the typical CNN dingaling? Do they imagine that because they see a term being used a bunch on the internet, it must mean that there's some commensurate number of people behind that term?
Dan Savage was part of a "study"?
Fake news.
So adultery is now good for some relationships? The older I get the more grateful I am that I'm 'out of touch'.
Good grief! Satan clearly has CNN by the balls.
What if Ron Jeremy is the other guy?
"Next up: What is a Teabagger?"
Oh for crying out loud. Limited news-gathering resources and they spend it on garbage non-news like this?
Nonapod said...
How many people self identify as members of the "Alt-Right"? I have quite a few conservative friends and know I've never met someone who calls themselves a member of the alt right and uses that term "cuck" as an insult regularly...
LOL! How long have you been reading the Althouse comments pages?
Do a Google search of the phrase and words, "althouse.blogspot" Chuck cuck.
Althouse, I'm not at all sure who you were targeting for ridicule and/or denunciation with this post; CNN? (Prolly.) Dan Savage? (Not Althouse!) The Alt-right? (You mean, the core Althouse audience?!?)
There's the Alt-right, and then there's the Althouse-right. See if you can distinguish them in 2018.
Says the MSM, which believes men cutting off their penis and claiming that makes them a "real" woman are the height normality today.
Can we all now agree that CNN is completely insane?
TDS has completely infected every aspect of that operation.
I only hope that CNN gets spun off from its corporate parent so we can see how bad its numbers are; then short it to zero.
Contact CNN. Tell them the abuse you've endured. They'll love you.
They've got it wrong, of course. Cuckold has cuckoo as it's root, the bird that lays its egg in another birds nest. When the cuckoo chicks emerge, they destroy the eggs of their victims, who then feed them instead. A cuck-servative is a person pretending to be a conservative who actually favors bringing immigrants here to displace our children.
Igna is a cuck. She's just not a cuck-servative. She's a cuck-Communist.
You gotta give CNN credit. They are always in here pitching. Of course what they are pitching is usually what you can find in the bottom of a race horse's stall--you gotta pitch that stuff out and put new straw in each morning.
CNN = Craptastic News Nadir
SDaly wins on brevity
What Jupiter said.
But also: Nanapod, you need to get out more.
Chuck, I tend to skim or outright skip over most of the back and forth flame wars between you and your various detractors. At any rate A) I don't know if those would be representative of anything meaningful in terms of numbers and B) I don't even know if your interlocutors who use that term consider themselves alt-Righter's or whatever anyway.
Imagine the editorial process that led to this story being written and aired.
I would bet it started with Savage's call to an acquaintance at CNN, a person he knew to be an ideological ally.
"In other words, not everyone who has a cuckolding fantasy should think about acting on it."
Count as one of the "not" folk.
Also, does anyone believe the Joy of Cuck is more prevalent on the RIGHT side of the political spectrum?
The right goes on for years about how the left is surreptitiously pushing value X, and the left denies it and denies it and says oh you and your conspiracy theories, you wackos, and then one day just decides to come out and overtly push value X, and says that X was never controversial to begin with, except of course with bigots.
And then the left goes back to calling out the right for its wacko conspiracy theories, and denying that it is pushing whatever the new value is. Rinse and repeat, forever.
walter said...
SDaly wins on brevity
1/25/18, 10:25 AM
Brevity, eh?
Shorter CNN: Fuck my wife, please!
(apologies to Henny Youngman)
"Chuck said...
Nonapod said...
How many people self identify as members of the "Alt-Right"? I have quite a few conservative friends and know I've never met someone who calls themselves a member of the alt right and uses that term "cuck" as an insult regularly...
LOL! How long have you been reading the Althouse comments pages?
Do a Google search of the phrase and words, "althouse.blogspot" Chuck cuck."
Chuck's a cuck. He is a cuck for the GOPe. He worships them despite there complete unfaithfulness to their commitments to policy. It's more important to support the GOP, than it is to repeal ObamaCare. Or get rid of illegal immigration.
He's also an ass. And a titty twister.
Alt-Right = Anyone who is not woke, or at least reliably progressive. That's pretty much the MSM definition these days. Cuckservatives will espouse conservative principles but will reliably hold the progressives coats while they lay the wood to the country, as long as they get invited to the right events.
Yeah, so somebody did a "Study".
And it was science. Social science.
So what? Bill Kristol is still a Cuckservative.
They might even fly you to the studio.
More likely they'll send a sat truck and Jim Acosta.
The guy's nice in person..nursing a beer etc.
His younger staff seem terribly impressed by his salt and pepper hair.
Anybody who doesn't toe the Bush-McCain party line is "Alt_Right".
Conservative Cucks would be labeling Barbara Jordan a member of the "Alt_right" if she were still alive and attacking illegal immigration.
In other news someone on the right said a bad word: thus the right are nazis.
(Just short circuiting the lefts arguments chain of tenuous connections)
It's a masochistic (i.e. submissive) orientation. No Judgment.
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
Ah, I see why they would relate it to American conservatism. It's right there in the national charter.
As far as I can tell the term Alt-Right is catchall appellation that MSM liberals use for Trump supporters. It's a useful label for them since it's a term that has vague associations with racist white nationalists, so they can surreptitiously tar all Trump supporters with the racists brush. Because of all that I suspect few people actually self identify as alt right anymore. I could be wrong though.
In today's parlance, a cuck is a guy that invites another guy to fuck his wife in front of him. In the political sense, the significant other is the United States of America, and she is being fucked by foreigners and lefties, invited or not, as the cuck watches. The cucks then go on public forums telling you that Trump is stupid for wanting a wall and extreme vetting and a major overhaul of immigration policy--up to and including a moratorium.
“How many people self identify as members of the "Alt-Right"?”
I recall that when the term started gaining notoriety and Trump was being connected to them, plenty of people around these parts proudly claimed to be Alt Right. Some even had a form of Pepe the frog as their avatar. Then something happened and people here started backing off identifying as Alt Right.
One more unnecessary reason to dislike CNN.
The Left got shit to stick on the term "Alt-Right" when one of their idiots pointed out that neo-nazis and white supremacists were classified as "Alt-Right" on Reddit for some time. Now who the fuck cares how Reddit classified forums--it is not the arbiter of such things. In fact it was a slur against the Right for even grouping neo-nazis and white supremacists with the Right. Most people see the left-wing bias in the Reddit chiefs. At least the few on the right that go there.
So adultery is now good for some relationships?
Only when the wife is cheating on her husband apparently.
Finally, a picture of Inga...
One word for you: Nair.
So, German guys watching Muslim gangs rape and harass their girlfriends on New Years Eve were actually getting off? At least Dan Savage has a working theory that explains why Angela Merkel is still Chancellor; that's more than I can say.
Curious George said...
"Chuck's a cuck."
I'm not sure that's accurate. I think Chuck's mission is to attack Trump constantly, bitterly, and while pretending to be a reasonable conservative human being otherwise. He has a problem with the human being part, but he sticks pretty close to the conservative pretense. He stays away from issues and just hammers away at Trump. Back during the primaries, when some gnome at Soros' headquarters noticed that Althouse blog was getting mentioned in national media, Soros decided he needed to subvert it. That's when we got Chuck and Igna. Chuck is the much more skillful of the pair.
Somebody stop that woman. She is personally causing Global warming to start in about 30 years after the Global Cooling that we are having now finally reverses back to reach the the zero point.
Be afraid!
Girls who are into cuckolding are good to have as FWBs if you're strong, fit, a bit of an asshole, and single. Even when they enter a committed relationship, they'll still call you over. And don't worry about their boyfriend - they're usually in the dark about it all.
Americans have long insisted on differentiating their ass from a hole in the wall, even prided themselves on their ability to do so drunk or sober, but according to a recent study...
“Back during the primaries, when some gnome at Soros' headquarters noticed that Althouse blog was getting mentioned in national media, Soros decided he needed to subvert it. That's when we got Chuck and Inga.”
I call him Dadddy Soros.💋
"I call him Dadddy Soros."
No you don't.
Inga: "I recall that when the term started gaining notoriety and Trump was being connected to them, plenty of people around these parts proudly claimed to be Alt Right"
Shouldn't be too hard to provide links to all those "plenty of people around these parts" who "proudly claimed to be Alt Right".
As I recall, most people laughed at this latest label the lunatic lefty's decided was appropriate since the Tea Party labels and Nazi labels were getting old.
It would usually go something like: well gee, if believing in reducing the size and scope of government, cutting taxes, securing the border and fighting back strongly against antifa-type violent political correctness is suddenly "alt right", well, then I guess I've always been alt right.
If you are new to this blog what you will find over time is that the lefties and their LLR allies like "Bowe Bergdahl republican" Chuck like to change up their insults about republicans from Nazi's to white supremacists to racists to tea partiers to alt right to whatever it needs to be next week.
Pay particular attention to the far left blogs because the comments posted there are nearly perfect harbingers of what LLR Chuck and Inga et al will be posting shortly.
So if adultery is A-OK now, according to CNN, why all the fake leftist outrage about Trump's supposed affair with a porn star? Hey, maybe it was a "positive experience" for the Trumps! Don't judge, haters!
Or is adultery only acceptable when it's the woman who is screwing around on the side?
The study they're talking about was from 580 Gay-identified men. Yet somehow the picture is of a hetero couple with a man?
Jupiter said...
Curious George said...
"Chuck's a cuck."
I'm not sure that's accurate. I think Chuck's mission is to attack Trump constantly, bitterly, and while pretending to be a reasonable conservative human being otherwise. He has a problem with the human being part, but he sticks pretty close to the conservative pretense. He stays away from issues and just hammers away at Trump. Back during the primaries, when some gnome at Soros' headquarters noticed that Althouse blog was getting mentioned in national media, Soros decided he needed to subvert it. That's when we got Chuck and Igna. Chuck is the much more skillful of the pair.
I didn't think that anyone was going to have the brazen stupidity to go ahead and (again) call me a "cuck" on a comments page where the term "cuck" was being examined and where I pointed out how it had been used against me in the past.
But Curious George is a very special kind of stupid.
As for my being a Soros-bot...
This might be a bit like the conspiracy to set Barack Obama up as a future presidential candidate in 1961, when the Honolulu newspapers ran his birth announcement. Clever, those libtards.
Because if I was an anti-Trump Soros-bot, I began here long before Trump was thinking seriously about running in 2016. Althouse has a tag for me -- "Chuck (the commenter)" -- that includes posts going back to 2012, and the blog's archives will no doubt show me commenting long before that.
Of course, in 1961, I was working secretly as the Kenyan bureau chief for the Honolulu (Hawaii) Advertiser.
If you really want to know why LLR Chuck and his many, many, many lefty admirers remain so upset with Trump is that even the Heritage Foundation rates Trump's first year in office as MORE conservative than Reagan.
That kind of thing sends the lefty media types over the edge and that means it's inevitable that LLR Chuck will come to the lefties emotional rescue.
But only every single time.
CNN is not stupid and it's not insane.
There is purpose behind everything.
It may not work, or work not as well as they hope, but at this level just keep in mind that for everything there is a reason.
It's always about sex with the Progs.
The only thing that upsets LLR Chuck more than seeing his MSM pals in distress, it's seeing any lefty piece of crap democrat attacked for obvious and unavoidable reasons.
That scenario always sends LLR Chuck into #MaximumDemDefender mode.
But again, only every single time.
There is even a purpose behind Chuck.
The party of science speaks. Time to give Anthony Wiener his PhD in cuckology.
Does the study show whether Russian Bots enjoy cuckolding?
BTW, is Nikki Haley a rock star or what?
Of course, that sort of sustained superior performance by any republican is going to get "accidental leftist" Chuck digging for some way to attack her.
PackerBronco said...
Does the study show whether Russian Bots enjoy cuckolding?
1/25/18, 12:43 PM
As Ann Althouse could tell you, you really don't want to know anything about Russian porn. Unless you do, of course.
Terms like "cuck" and "alt-right" annoy me because they are shorthand for something bad that is not specified. It's the way out for an intellectually lazy person.
Specify your objections.
Haley is worth a thousand leftist women.
Specify your objections.
Exactly. Too many Labels, many that are ad hoc or politically congruent ("="), and some that are a means to avoid principles of man (e.g. "fetus") and Nature (e.g. chaos or evolution).
Francisco D: "It's the way out for an intellectually lazy person."
One cannot help but note that this term is casually tossed about on this forum by all the far lefties....and LLR Chuck.
buwaya said...
"There is even a purpose behind Chuck."
God loves all he made,
Even evil trolls.
Tea Bagging is for Anderson Cooper - who works for Clinton News.
Francisco D said...
"Terms like "cuck" and "alt-right" annoy me because they are shorthand for something bad that is not specified. It's the way out for an intellectually lazy person."
I think SDaly and I explained exactly what our objection is to cucks. They want to bring foreigners in to displace us and our children. But you are certainly correct about "alt-right". The invariable practice of the Left is to attack their opponents with outrageous slurs, and to link all opposition with some widely hated group. Anyone who does not fall in with their plans is a NAZI, a fascist. I will say, they never call us Communists. That's because they are Socialists themselves, and they don't want to remind people of the many good reasons to fear, hate and despise Socialists.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home: "Tea Bagging is for Anderson Cooper - who works for Clinton News."
Uh oh.
You've made fun of a beloved lefty msm talking head on CNN.
LLR Chuck is not going to sit still for that. Even now the rage is building that anyone would dare critique CNN.
The only thing you could have done that would be worse would be to insult the "brilliant" Rachel Maddow or the "professional" John Harwood or the "magnificent" Barack Obama.
BTW, is Nikki Haley a rock star or what?
My ticket of choice n 2016 was Bolton/Haley. I wouldn't be surprised if Haley gets promoted to Sec of State or NSA in a second Trump administration, and then she runs at the top of the ticket in 2024.
Look, "having an adulterous partner" doesn't make you a cuckold. Your wife's having an adulterous partner does. CNN can no longer get even the most basic things right.
Cuckoo, cuckoo
O word of fear
Unpleasing to a married ear!
"Chuck said...
I didn't think that anyone was going to have the brazen stupidity to go ahead and (again) call me a "cuck" on a comments page where the term "cuck" was being examined and where I pointed out how it had been used against me in the past.
But Curious George is a very special kind of stupid."
LOL sure. What's the big deal. It's not like it's a secret. Everyone kows it. I'm just one of the few that says it.
“But Curious George is a very special kind of stupid."
Yes indeed, he is special...he didn’t even know how many Senators there were in the US Senate, lol.
Alt-right is a motte-and-bailey label.
Originally Alt-right was a very specific term coined by Richard Spencer to rebrand white separatists.
But then the term started to circulate and some people thought it just meant "non-traditional" right wing, i.e., the movement and attitude spearheaded by Andrew Breitbart that generally falls conservative-libertarian (or classical liberal) and isn't afraid to be brash and offensive. It was around this time that Bannon made his infamous statement about Breitbart being a "platform for the alt-right".
Once the term had expanded to encompass all the most forward-looking and populist parts of the right, the media/left chose to pull "alt-right" back to its narrower intended meaning in order to slur all those people as Nazis for having had the term float around and maybe kinda-sorta describe who they were, even if (like Milo) they declined to describe themselves as such.
buwaya said...
There is even a purpose behind Chuck.
All things bright and beautiful.
All creatures great and small.
All people dense and stupid.
The lord god made them all.
As noted previously, the evidence that adultery is good for a relationship in the news article titled "Cuckolding can be positive for some couples" comes from a paper titled "The Psychology of Gay Men’s Cuckolding Fantasies"
DOES NOT APPLY TO LIKE 98% OF THE POPULATION, but I guess "Cuckolding can be positive for some couples in abnormal relationships" is maybe a little more than they want to admit.
The left knows that the right puts a higher value on traditional values and does not denigrate the traditional roles of husbands/fathers/men in society; this is an attack on those concepts. Much like the frequent, giggling use of "tea baggers" by Anderson Cooper a few years back.
Blogger Chuck said...
"Of course, in 1961, I was working secretly as the Kenyan bureau chief for the Honolulu (Hawaii) Advertiser."
Actually, I think it was Frank Marshall Davis, Obama's biological father, who was a newspaperman in Honolulu back then. I don't recall the specifics. He was doing a lot of porno on the side, back before it became respectable. Obama's Mom posed for him, but I guess she wasn't prepared to marry him.
It sounds like you have had a long, hard, but ultimately productive journey, Chuck. Maybe you should write a book. You could call it, "My Struggle".
Cuck and Alt-right don’t mean anything to me. I reject media-created labels. Maybe people here who use these terms have something in mind but my brain just processes them as “yadda yadda” or “blah blah” depending. But leave it to CNN to try to rehab a stupid word like cuckold.
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) said ...
‘Real possibility’ that ‘secret society’ text was a joke
No shit, Sherlock!
This might be a bit like the conspiracy to set Barack Obama up as a future presidential candidate in 1961, when the Honolulu newspapers ran his birth announcement. Clever, those libtards.
People that worked at the newspaper then said they got the birth announcements from three sources--hospitals, the State registration office, and from walk-ins paying a fee to include the announcement. Barack's grandma filled out the form and paid the fee. Because he was going to be a future candidate? No. Simply to make sure his American citizenship wasn't in doubt. Lots of foreigners that worked on plantations did the same thing, if they came over with a baby. State people would visit the plantations a couple of times a year and they would give the birth details and get a birth certificate. The plantation people covered for their workers. Everybody knew the value of American citizenship.
The left knows that the right puts a higher value on traditional values and does not denigrate the traditional roles of husbands/fathers/men in society; this is an attack on those concepts.”
Donald Trump is poster boy for “traditional” values, stellar husband and father.
Michelle Dulak Thomson: Look, "having an adulterous partner" doesn't make you a cuckold. Your wife's having an adulterous partner does. CNN can no longer get even the most basic things right.
My wife is my partner. If my wife is cheating on me, she is adulterous. If my wife is adulterous, I have an adulterous partner.
“Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) said ...
‘Real possibility’ that ‘secret society’ text was a joke
No shit, Sherlock!”
I’d like to know who the “whistleblower” on this Secret Society plot is, LOL! Maybe that was a joke too.
Trump will likely destroy the GOP proving that good can come from evil.
#IngaKnew said...
“But Curious George is a very special kind of stupid."
Yes indeed, he is special...he didn’t even know how many Senators there were in the US Senate, lol.
This is the kinda of idiocy we have learned to expect from our resident dullard and rape enthusiast #IngaKnew. I would ask her to explain it but of course she can't.
Trumpit: "Trump will likely destroy the GOP proving that good can come from evil."
"Un-possible". The rocket scientist lefties told us at least 4 times in the last 20 years that the Republican Party had already been completely destroyed and would never again wield power.
You know Trumpit, you would be well served if you at least tried to remember that history did not begin anew this morning.
But then, you wouldnt be as "good" a lefty, so I understand your conundrum.
I'd much rather be a member of the alt-right than the ctrl-left.
You know Trumpit
Trumpit is performance art designed to push your buttons...ignore it.
SeanF, point taken. But the intended meaning in the article seemed to be that you were a "cuckold" if you were yourself adulterous. That just isn't what the word means.
”Trump will likely destroy the GOP proving that good can come from evil."
Well, Obama did pretty much destroy the Democrat Party.
I never thought about “cuck” but consenting to have your own nestlings replaced by foreigners is a pretty powerful metaphor.
“I never thought about “cuck” but consenting to have your own nestlings replaced by foreigners is a pretty powerful metaphor.”
So you’re a Native American?
So do you guys make the “horns” sign that Europeans make, to insult somebody, calling him a cuckold? It’s kine of like the “Hook ‘em Horns”
So you’re a Native American?
That makes no sense. I know you think it does, but it doesn’t. The Indians would have been well-advised to follow such a policy.
So you’re a Native American?
I was born here..so yes.
If you are talking about Indians...to paraphrase Obama..who gives a shit..they lost.
So you’re a Native American?
“The Indians would have been well-advised to follow such a policy.”
Well IF that’s how you truly feel, you certainly can leave the US and leave if to it’s rightful inhabitants. You and I are “foreigners” in America.
Inga said...
“I never thought about “cuck” but consenting to have your own nestlings replaced by foreigners is a pretty powerful metaphor.”
So you’re a Native American?
Another group of people Inga likes more than free US citizens.
There is no group Inga hates more than free US citizens. And make no mistake. She hates every one of us and would be happy to see us replaced by pretty much anyone else in the world.
This is why the democrat party and the open borders cucks in the congress are going to get wiped out in 2018. The free US citizens are waking up to the cancer in their midst.
Inga said...
Well IF that’s how you truly feel, you certainly can leave the US and leave if to it’s rightful inhabitants. You and I are “foreigners” in America.
Feeling is mutual. You can go to any other country in the world the left has destroyed. Stop trying to destroy ours.
I'm not sure whether cuck-servative comes from the modern definition of cuckold (someone sexually aroused by watching someone else have sex with their partner), the traditional definition of cuckold (someone who knowingly or usually unknowingly has a partner in an adulterous relationship) or from cuckoo (a bird who lays it's eggs in other birds nests and tricks both male and female into taking care of the cuckoo's young instead of their own - note that the cuckoo does not actually have sex with the birds it tricks).
From a political perspective, the meaning is clear - someone who claims to support one set of political (conservative) views but as a practical matter ends up supporting liberal/non-conservative views.
As I understand it, Bill Kristol is the classic cuck-servative because he acknowledges in writing that he supports the policies that Trump is enacting but he still wishes Hillary Clinton was President because Trump just isn't his sort. In Kristol's framing, when it comes to governing, personal character and behavior is more important than any actual policy (how Kristol comes to the conclusion that Hillary's personal character and behavior are better than Trump's is an exercise for a psychiatrist.). In other words, as a practical matter, Kristol supports Hillary and her liberal policies over Trump and his conservative ones, regardless of Kristol's claim to be a conservative.
“Another group of people Inga likes more than free US citizens.”
Are you saying native Americans are not citizens of the US?
“There is no group Inga hates more than free US citizens. And make no mistake. She hates every one of us and would be happy to see us replaced by pretty much anyone else in the world.”
Such nuttery. I am a US citizen, as are my children, my grandchildren and my entire extended family. Why on God’s green earth would any sane person assume I hate US citizens? My family members, yes more than one, serve in the military and have been to war zones. You have absolutely no more right to be here than I do or my family does. Didn’t you say you are married to an immigrant? Correct me if I’m wrong. Achilles, you need to collect yourself, you sound like you’re ready to go commit some sort murder and mayhem activity, based on your overactive imagination and watching too many conspiracy theory videos made by loons.
I AM A NATIVE AMERICAN. I was born here, Q. E. D.
Inga: "Are you saying native Americans are not citizens of the US?"
The Americas are comprised of more than simply the US, so to answer your question directly, native Americans are citizens of the US if they meet the criteria for citizenship as laid out in the US Constitution.
One would think a non-stop critic of Trump would be more precise in her/his/xis/xer/xit's language.
Looks like Oprah is out of the running for President in 2020.
One less dem LLR Chuck would have to pretend to oppose.
So the mainstreaming of Gay relationships is pushing infidelity onto heterosexual marriages?
That's how gay marriage is bad for society.
Geoff: "So the mainstreaming of Gay relationships is pushing infidelity onto heterosexual marriages? That's how gay marriage is bad for society."
This has been a goal of the left/Maoists for 60 years.
Remember "Smash Monogamy"?
Well IF that’s how you truly feel, you certainly can leave the US and leave if to it’s rightful inhabitants. You and I are “foreigners” in America.
I'll take you up on that.
I'm Blackfoot. Western Montana, parts of NE Idaho.
Start packing. You won't be missed.
Tim in Vermont said...
"So do you guys make the “horns” sign that Europeans make, to insult somebody, calling him a cuckold? It’s kine of like the “Hook ‘em Horns”"
It used to be, that when they castrated a male chick, to make a capon, they would put the testes on his forehead, where they would grow, making two little bumps. That way, they could easily tell which birds were castrated. Hence the phrase,"to put the horns on" someone.
Inga said...
"Why on God’s green earth would any sane person assume I hate US citizens?"
Huh. It's a puzzler. Maybe it's because of your frequently evidenced desire to replace us all with foreigners, any foreigners whatsoever, no matter how unfit for American citizenship, just as long as they can be relied upon to go on welfare and vote Democrat when they are bused to the polls. That could be it, Igna. Put on that pink thinking cap of yours and ponder it for a while.
The American Indians ("Native Americans" is a latter-day affectation; in Latin America they are usually still "Indios") were defeated in battle, swamped by replacement populations, mostly lost their culture in any case, and the remainder of the authentic ones are marginalized remnants in land few more powerful people want. And when someone wants it, for some reason, they are shoved off again.
They remain in existence, in this reduced state, as an act of charity, a sentimental luxury on the part of the culture that crushed them. Pets, of a sort.
This is why the ancient Roman warning, "vae victis" - woe to the conquered.
The lesson is to avoid being conquered.
Because, in truth, as a historical matter, their present situation is a best-case scenario.
Jim wrote: "I'm Blackfoot. Western Montana, parts of NE Idaho.
Start packing. You won't be missed."
I understand your thinking, but I am concerned about cultural appropriation. What will you do without the inventions of the evil White men?
“So the mainstreaming of Gay relationships is pushing infidelity onto heterosexual marriages?
That's how gay marriage is bad for society.”
The funny thing there is that the educated elite is rather conservative sexually. Ditto the upper middle class. They know that the best chances for their children is if they are raised in a traditional monogamous heterosexual relationship. One father, one mother, unchanged through the time that the kids are growing up. Every affair. Every switch in partners reduces the odds that their kids will make the cutoff, will get admitted to the best colleges. Will stay off drugs. Will forego sex until maybe college, and marriage until at least graduation from such. Screwing around is for the rich and the poor. Those slutty women in “Sex in the City”? In real life, losers, unable to find good men for marriage because virtue really does matter in women when men are looking for a woman to raise their kids with. And, yet, many of these same people will openly espouse free love, cuckhokdery, etc for all. Very liberated for everyone else. Just not for themselves. Always wondered if the hypocrisy was intentional, in order to reduce the competition faced by their own kids.
"The American Indians ("Native Americans" is a latter-day affectation; in Latin America they are usually still "Indios") were defeated in battle, swamped by replacement populations"
Actually, the American Indians were defeated by "open Borders" and their "love of immigrants". Unfortunately, for them, the "immigrants" and "Sons of immigrants" swamped them, so they become a small minority in their own land.
Its a good example as to why immigration restriction is a good idea.
Inga said...
Such nuttery. I am a US citizen, as are my children, my grandchildren and my entire extended family. Why on God’s green earth would any sane person assume I hate US citizens?
This (necessarily abbreviated) list goes for your whole party including you:
You all supported the Democrat party after they were caught on video paying for violence at Trump rallies.
You all supported democrat Mayor's when they told police not to intervene against mob's of leftists attacking Trump supporters at rallies.
Thousands of you said Scalise deserved to be shot because he supported the 2nd amendment.
You all support open borders.
You all call anyone who opposes open borders racist.
You all cheered when Kate Steinle's killer was "found innocent" by a San Francisco jury.
You all support cities that protect illegal aliens from the federal government against federal law. Democrats have a fetish with succession.
You all support the obviously corrupt FBI/DOJ "investigation" of Trump and Russia collusion.
You all support Hillary Clinton who was paid over 140 million dollars by... Russians.
You all support the Obama regime using the government to spy on political opponents.
We have noticed what you people support and what you don't.
There really can't be any peaceful coexistence with people who want their government to spy on their fellow citizens.
Maybe it's because of your frequently evidenced desire to replace us all with foreigners...That could be it, Inga. Put on that pink thinking cap of yours and ponder it for a while.”
Take off your tin foil hat, put down your tiki torch and stop your hysteria over being “replaced”. You must not hold yourself in very high esteem if you are so worried that you will be replaced by immigrants that are ALREADY here.
Your fearful comment reminded me of those white supremacist neo nazi’s in Charlottesville chanting “ Jews will not replace us”. And yes they did say “Jews”. Are you one of them Jupiter?
Inga said...
“Another group of people Inga likes more than free US citizens.”
Are you saying native Americans are not citizens of the US?
I am saying there is a political party and a sizable contingent of people that vote for them who are enemies of freedom and of free people who wish to replace us with 3rd world indentured servants who vote correctly, don't get paid a lot, and are willing to rebel against the federal government to do it.
It is a pattern with this political party. But history always starts anew every morning for democrats.
Inga said...
Your fearful comment reminded me of those white supremacist neo nazi’s in Charlottesville chanting “ Jews will not replace us”. And yes they did say “Jews”. Are you one of them Jupiter?
Now people who disagree with open borders are racist and Nazi's.
The people chanting "Jews will not replace us" were organized by an Occupy Wall Street activist. The only party the KKK ever associated with was the democrat party. But another habit of you people is to accuse others of what you have done.
I am enjoying watching your party melt down in rage and hatred. It makes me very happy that Trump is crushing you so thoroughly. It gives me hope that the enemies of freedom will be defeated peacefully.
"Take off your tin foil hat, put down your tiki torch and stop your hysteria "
Good advice Inga. As an AA degree intellectual you might consider applying it to yourself.
When I consulted to nursing homes and a seriously demented patient shit their pants, I called for the nurse. Clean up on aisle 5 is what they do and what they seem to understand best.
Stick with your specialty.
Francisco D, While not a fan of Inga, I think your snobbery speaks ill of your upbringing. Nurses---and nursing assistants, of whom you probably speak--are very important and usually underappreciated members of the medical community. My husband spent some time in a nursing facility and I was immensely grateful for the staff's efforts and care. It's hard work for very little pay.
With all due respect, CNAs and AA RNs get very little pay because they are poorly trained and have very little to offer on a professional basis.
I appreciate those who bring comfort to patients in nursing facilities. They richly deserve your gratitude.
I am glad that your husband was treated with dignity and respect.
What is an AA degree?? LOL. I’ve never heard of an AA degree when it comes to nursing you dope. The correct degree would be ADN or ASN. There are BSNs and more. Nursing is considered a science dumbass.
“When I consulted to nursing homes and a seriously demented patient shit their pants, I called for the nurse. Clean up on aisle 5 is what they do and what they seem to understand best.
Stick with your specialty.”
You consulted to nursing homes? Yes, I’m pretty sure that is about your speed. Nursing home psychologist. Oh those poor patients.
Sez the RunningWithScissors ”Psychologist”. What did you lose your license over? Patient abuse of some sort? Some sexual misconduct? Some trouble controlling aggression, probably. Or maybe substance abuse.
“With all due respect, CNAs and AA RNs get very little pay because they are poorly trained and have very little to offer on a professional basis.
What a moron. Again, it’s ADN or ASN, which is an RN and she/he takes the very same state board exam that a BSN takes. An ADN receives identical schooling to a BSN when it comes to nursing related credits. My God, but you have made an ass of yourself.
"I’ve never heard of an AA degree when it comes to nursing you dope"
Oh my. The idiocy and ignorance are on full display.
Nursing is not a science by any stretch of the imagination. That is Bill Nye thinking.
Look up the definition of scientific method. I was trained as a social scientist. You were trained to clean bedpans.
Hahahaha! On my goodness! The Running With Scissors FRAUD has stepped into a big pile of doo doo of his own making.
A Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree from the University of Illinois at Chicago will provide you with an excellent foundation for a fulfilling, lifetime career as a nurse – one of the fastest growing professions in the U.S.
As one of the nation’s leading colleges of nursing, the UIC College of Nursing offers an excellent education with some of the nation’s foremost nursing leaders as your instructors. You will be surrounded by energetic and supportive peers, receive personal and professional guidance, and work with outstanding clinical partners.”
Why do you think the nursing field is growing quickly?
Sorry. That calls for reasoning rather than your cut and paste way of non-thinking.
My best guess is that smart people choose otherwise.
Insurance agents must love you.
To the ignorant nursing home psychologist, lol.
“Nursing Science
Part of the science of nursing is for nurses to apply the theories that they have learned in their observations, their problem solving, their explanations, their nursing interventions, their nursing care plan as well as learning plans and their practice evaluations (Peplau, 1988, p. 12). Nursing Science consists of systematized knowledge; this knowledge is required to be organized and exact, it is preferred to have more knowledge than needed, rather than less knowledge and it is needed to confidential, especially if it is related to a patient (Peplau, 1988, p.12). The Science of nursing is used directly as well as indirectly when applied in nursing practice (Peplau, 1988, p. 13).
There is not one single definition for nursing science. The definition must be broad enough that it can encompass all aspects of science related to nursing. Several different authors and theorist have comprised definitions of what nursing science means to them. Here are just a few:
Daly (1997) defines nursing science as “an identifiable, discrete body of knowledge comprising paradigms, frameworks, and theories” (as cited in Barrett, 2002, p. 56).
Mitchell (1997) states that nursing science “represents clusters of precisely selected beliefs and values that are crafted into distinct theoretical structures” (as cited in Barrett, 2002, p. 56).
Cody (1997) describes nursing science as “the essence of nursing as a scholarly discipline, without it there would be no nursing, only care” (as cited in Barrett, 2002, p. 56).
The College of Nurses of Ontario (2006) defines nursing science as “application of nursing knowledge and the technical aspects of practice”. (College of Nurses of Ontario, 2006).
“Nursing Science is a domain of knowledge concerned with the adaptation of individuals and groups to actual or potential health problems, the environments that influence health in humans, and the therapeutic interventions that promote health and affect the consequences of illness” (Kim, 1994, p. 145).
Lastly, the American Academy of Nursing’s Expert Panel (2000) suggests that: "nursing science, a basic science, is the substantive discipline-specific knowledge that focuses on the human-universe-health process articulated in the nursing frameworks and theories. The discipline-specific knowledge resides within schools of thought that reflect differing philosophical perspectives that give rise to ontological, epistemological, and methodological processes for the development and use of knowledge concerning nursing’s unique phenomenon of concern" (as cited in Barrett, 2002, p. 57).
To obtain a clear definition that encompasses every aspect of nursing science, these definitions must be combined. A broad definition of nursing science is the understanding of human health, the application of that knowledge to influence healing, with the purpose being to improve an individual’s mental, physical, and spiritual health.”
My second [late in life] career was in nursing. While I have an earlier degree in chemistry I also have a bachelors degree in nursing, also from the University of Washington. Nursing is as much a science as 'psychology'. More so, in fact.
For the ignorant nursing home psychologist, lol. I so pity those poor geriatric patients that had to be subjected to the #RunningWithScissorsPsychologist.
Nursing Program Course Descriptions
“I also have a bachelors degree in nursing, also from the University of Washington.”
I have a BSN from Marquette University in Milwaukee.
I would add that, as a home health case manager, I had profound respect for the nursing assistants on our team. Our clients so appreciated them for bathing them and taking care of personal tasks they could no longer perform themselves. I don't disdain any necessary occupation nor do I look down upon those with less money, less education or lower intelligence.
What year, Inga?
"Nursing is as much a science as 'psychology'. More so, in fact."
Respectfully No. Nurse are not trained to conduct scientific research. Ph.D. psychologists have to design and conduct original research (and thus make a unique contribution to the field) to receive their degree.
The Germanic scholarly origin of "Doctor" is not the MD but the Ph.D. Nurses do not fit into either category, although there are very may excellent nurses.
1990. I was an ADN before that since 1977.
“I would add that, as a home health case manager, I had profound respect for the nursing assistants on our team. Our clients so appreciated them for bathing them and taking care of personal tasks they could no longer perform themselves. I don't disdain any necessary occupation nor do I look down upon those with less money, less education or lower intelligence.”
CNAs work their tails off and LTC facilities and home health care couldn’t function without them. Many CNAs go on to be nurses and do very well.
Nurse are not trained to conduct scientific research.
Not true. Research was part of our curriculum as was Statistics.
Of course, I had worked in Research & Development at a timber products company prior to my nursing studies and have several papers published in major technical magazines. I did not pursue research as an RN, however.
In an earlier life I taught Statistics and Research Methods to Grad Students. There is a BIG difference between taking classes and doing original research. No disrespect intended.
“No disrespect intended.”
You’ve been disrespecting nursing for years here in the comments threads you asshole. You didn’t think another nurse would be brave enough to speak up, did you?
You bore me with your ignorance, Inga.
Good Night.
Inga: "You’ve been disrespecting nursing for years here in the comments threads you asshole"
Gee, Ive been here so long I can remember some commenters of the lefty persuasion laying some serious racist disrespect on Philipino nurses.
But then again, history does not begin anew for me each day, 'cuz I'm not a lefty, so that makes remembering things a bit easier....
“You bore me with your ignorance, Inga.
Good Night.”
Run away now you pathetic little nursing home psychologist. Don’t be such an ignorant pig next time.
Taking classes on research and statistics is nothing like having to attack a scientific or business problem from scratch and devising the appropriate approach and then developing and carrying out the work.
Btw, it appears that the democrat state employee of a completely democrat controlled state is refusing to cooperate with investigators.
Gee, who could have seen that coming, besides every single person alive that is?
But thats okay. The Trump blame has already been logged.
“Gee, Ive been here so long I can remember some commenters of the lefty persuasion laying some serious racist disrespect on Philipino nurses.”
Nope. I said nurses EDUCATED in the Phillipines were sub par compared to American educated nurses. Filipino nurses educated here had no such issues with knowlege or safety. Still mischaracterizing, eh Drago?
That was the accidental missile launch dem in Hawaii.
I dont know what his problem is. As a dem, all he has to do is ask for a "DC Special" like Hillary got.
Problem solved.
@Inga : That was a good series of replies to your nemesis -- factual, useful, and on point. Much better than your usual political stuff.
Didn't Dan Savage cuckold his husband? Or did he just talk about doing it. I remember Althouse publicly scolding him for it.
Inga: "Nope. I said nurses EDUCATED in the Phillipines were sub par compared to American educated nurses. Filipino nurses educated here had no such issues with knowlege or safety. Still mischaracterizing, eh Drago?"
Oh, it went well beyond that.
But that's okay. You wanted to get at Buwaya, so you felt entitled.
In the same way that Harvey Weinstein and Bill Clinton knew that their lefty status provided sufficient "cover" for raping and assaulting women.
But in a "good way", because they support the "right" (left) policies.
Right, if DJT had his own rape and/or assault accusations, the right wouldn't provide cover. Gorsuch isn't worth it, to the right.
"Run away now you pathetic little nursing home psychologist. Don’t be such an ignorant pig next time."
Oy Vey! What a schlump.
You are an embarrassment to your profession and to thinking people in general.
Sadly, you don't get it and never will.
Nurses educated in M'waukee were blonder and bustier than those educated in Madison -- at least in the '70's. I credit M'waukee's fading German/Beer culture.
adSs: "Right, if DJT had his own rape and/or assault accusations, the right wouldn't provide cover."
Your guys actually did it.
And you were okey-dokey with it.
Hell, Teddy killed a gal and he was one of your heroes! But hey, it was just some chick, so no biggee.
Nursing home psychologist....lol!
That's right Drago,
The reason the right is cool w/ DJT's rape/assault background is because Ted didn't save a lady from a drowning when she was in a car that he drove into water.
Can we all agree to not put Drago-type thinking in charge of morals and/or jurisprudence in America?
“Can we all agree to not put Drago-type thinking in charge of morals and/or jurisprudence in America?”
Let's try some Inga type thinking. (well, it's not really thinking).
Name: Inga = Germanic
Location: Milwaukee (racist and anti-semitic back in the day)
Politics: Leftist and hate-filled
Conclusion: Inga is a freaking little Nazi (National Socialist German Workers Party). Seig Heil!
It all makes sense!
Inga said...
Didn’t you say you are married to an immigrant? Correct me if I’m wrong.
For once you aren't wrong. When I am not being called a racist misogynist bigot by douchebag leftists I am often times hanging out with my foreign born wife and my two mixed race daughters.
In your need to justify the evil, tyrannical and violent activities of your political party you refuse to allow those who disagree with you to be human. You will just have to be defeated.
Achilles, you need to collect yourself, you sound like you’re ready to go commit some sort murder and mayhem activity, based on your overactive imagination and watching too many conspiracy theory videos made by loons.
I will never allow you and your political party to turn this into a police state that spies on your parties political opponents. I will not allow your political party to import a new electorate over open borders. To the extent that democrat cities refuse to follow federal law they must not be allowed to deform our democracy with illegal voters like they have in California.
California has the highest levels of poverty and wealth. By design. Democrats explicitly hate the middle class.
anti-de Sitter space said...
That's right Drago,
The reason the right is cool w/ DJT's rape/assault background is because Ted didn't save a lady from a drowning when she was in a car that he drove into water.
Or report the accident... for almost a day. And it was found she ran out of oxygen in an air pocket. But other than that...
The other reason we are "cool" with DJT's rape/assault background is it is a product of diseased imaginations. Even with democrat operatives paying hundreds of thousands of dollars bribing women to come forward with accusations there still aren't any, you know, actual accusations.
“Nursing home psychologist” is losing his shit, lol!
Can we all agree to not put Drago-type thinking in charge of morals and/or jurisprudence in America?
Say people who literally put Bill Clinton in power and tried to put Hillary Clinton in power.
Frau Inga, the Fascist nurse speaks.
But has nothing to say.
Well said Achilles. Speak truth to Nazis.
Ted and the Clinton's could murder folks (like Kopechne, Foster, Rich, etc.), but for some of us that doesn't mean that Rs (not to mention our government) should become pro-murder.
Likewise re rape and sexual assault and fraud and so on.
Frau Inga,
When will we have to wear yellow SODs? When will your fellow travelers try to round us up and put us on trains?
We have learned from experience and will not go quietly this time, you little Nazi.
I'm not math scientist like a psychologist, but I don't think that combining two lamenesses results in brilliance, i.e. it's not like multiplying negative numbers, as best as I can tell.
So maybe your doubling down on the 'Inga = Nazi' straw man is workin'
I dunno.
Science is tricky.
Conclusion: Inga is a freaking little Nazi (National Socialist German Workers Party). Seig Heil!
Swig Heil(emann) is Wisconsin beer salute from the '70's. From God's Country.
"“Nursing home psychologist” is losing his shit, lol!"
It's good to know that you are well trained to clean it up.
“Swig Heil(emann) is Wisconsin beer salute from the '70's. From God's Country.”
LOL, Chickie! I wouldn’t touch Heilemann’s with a ten foot pole though.
What was the beer from the Land of Sky Blue Waters?
"Ted and the Clinton's could murder folks (like Kopechne, Foster, Rich, etc.), but for some of us that doesn't mean that Rs (not to mention our government) should become pro-murder."
The crew that literally spent 40 years defending a killer and 20 years defending a rapist would very much like to transfer their culpability to their opponents.
Gee, its almost like how 150 years of democrat racism and jim crow was transferred to republicans.
And by "almost", I of course mean "exactly".
"It's good to know that you are well trained to clean it up."
Presumably the math wizardry of a psychologist counts it as a victory, re argumentation, when the psyho. proudly asserts that they are full of shit, and they appreciate that their jabber interlocutor has cleaned their clock or pants (choose your preferred metaphor).
3. In Fact, All FIBS Are The Worst
Milwaukeeans really don’t like those Chicago people. The term “FIB” floats around quite a bit, short for “f*ckin’ Illinois b**stards.” It’s a city rivalry for the ages.
It's unwise of you to fuss as if the racists didn't go D to R.
Sure, it didn't happen overnight (e.g. Byrd), but the Strom Storm and the SS (Southern Strategy) did happen. Look at a map.
Carry on.
Inga wrote: What was the beer from the Land of Sky Blue Waters?
No, that was Hamm's -- brewed upriver from Old Style.
Presumably the math wizardry of a psychologist counts it as a victory, re argumentation, when the psyho. proudly asserts that they are full of shit, and they appreciate that their jabber interlocutor has cleaned their clock or pants (choose your preferred metaphor).
“No, that was Hamm's -- brewed upriver from Old Style.”
I wouldn’t know, I really didn’t start liking beer until the micro breweries started popping up.
@Inga: Here's your Hamm's, same era: link
I think I started liking beer when I was about 14.
Chickie, yes, I remember the tune now! Cute commercials too.
Speaking of Germans, guess the name of the doggy in my avatar.
Nope, He’s a male.
Emil (aka Aemilius)
Nope. But it does start with an A. I probably gave it way, lol.
adSs: "It's unwise of you to fuss as if the racists didn't go D to R.
Sure, it didn't happen overnight (e.g. Byrd), but the Strom Storm and the SS (Southern Strategy) did happen. Look at a map"
"..it didn't happen overnight.."
Um, yeah, it ONLY took 40 years!
Take a look at when, precisely, those statehouses flipped!
I was helping campaigns in Texas in the early 80's and we couldn't get those old yellow dog democrats to switch. Ever. We focused on suburbia in the high growth areas with lots and lots of transplants. Thats where all the republican votes were. Inner cities and rural were dems all the way.
The change occurred when businesses moved away from the lefty states and relocated to the lower tax South and migration to the South from across the country followed it.
The Statehouses did not flip til late 90's early 00's.
A mere 35-40 years after the Civil Rights Act.
Those old southern dems didn't become republican. They died off and were replaced by transplants from more republican areas. I was one of those republicans. From California no less.
But if it makes you feel better to believe that a 40 year flip meant all those dems went R right away, go ahead.
Count down till Fran's 'A'nswer......
Another Austrian's name beginning in A came to mind first.
Do you have stars and bars?
Ach du Lieber A....
WTF happened to the Althouse comment rules?
If they're gone I may give up my extra line breaks, likewise my specifically addressing commenters (instead of quoting their text and then responding to that text).
I don't like no rules.
How do I get deleted?
Guten Abend und gute Nacht!
(Music by Johannes Brahms. Text from Des Knaben Wunderhorn)
1. Guten Abend, gut' Nacht
Mit Rosen bedacht
Mit Näglein besteckt
Schlüpf unter die Deck'
Morgen früh, wenn Gott will
Wirst du wieder geweckt
Morgen früh, wenn Gott will
Wirst du wieder geweckt
Good evening, goodnight,
Covered with roses
Adorned with thorns
Slip under the covers
Tomorrow, if it is God’s will,
Will you wake again
Tomorrow, if it is God’s will,
Will you wake again
Schlaf gut, Inga!
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