... put on your electric boots and ride.
Don't have any safety yellow bike wear thermo overshoes? Get them on Amazon, here. And get whatever else you want on Amazon using the Althouse Portal. You know, there actually is something called "electric boots." It's not just a stray phrase from "Bennie and the Jets." Check it out: here.
Who's been hopping out there?
Don't have any safety yellow bike wear thermo overshoes? Get them on Amazon, here. And get whatever else you want on Amazon using the Althouse Portal.
You’re learning, Althouse. Good.
The electric sox too! They work.
So one is Meade and who is the other bicyclist? If it's you, then did Zeus take the picture?
Are those really "yellow bike wear thermo overshoes," or did Meade walk where Zeus had been?
Come on!!
So, we're (correctly) told that wearing shorts (when not needed (i.e. sports)) makes a man look like a boy. But, this nerd-route in the backyard gets a pass. having seen Meade navigating this before, I thought it couldn't get worse. But, I was wrong. Couldn't have guessed that he'd invite a friend for a play-date. And, be dorked out re garb.
Somebody is not doing his part to MAGA.
@Ralph, rabbit. The tracks where there are two large paw prints in front and two smaller prints more or less in a line behind the front show where the rabbit has been just bounding along -- the large paw prints are actually from the rabbit's rear paws.
The tracks where the four paw prints form a more or less square pattern show where the rabbit has been hurrying -- you might also notice that the set of four paw prints are more widely spaced. Here the rabbit is landing on its front paws placed side by side, swinging the back paws forward of the front, and pushing off strongly.
The tracks where the front paws (rear two prints) more or less merge into the back of the larger prints show where the rabbit has been doing some serious hauling ass. Perhaps Meade scared the poor little creature when he came out, or perhaps we should blame Zeus.
Big Mike the Eagle Scout
(I suspect the cyclist in the back is you, Althouse. I think I've seen a picture of you in that charcoal grey winter coat before. Also Meade seems to be looking over protectively.)
Jeffrey Epstein (Lolita Island) story quashed in 2003
J Epstein - story spiked 2003
Vanity Fair reporter covering allegations of Epstein molesting underage girls had story quashed. Suspiciously, like someone leaned on someone else.
Whats interesting is that, while researching, an array of billionaires (at Bear Stearns, The Limited's Leslie Wexner, etc.) took an unaccountable interest in her story. Hmmm.
Meade and his cycling companion fooled around in the backyard after a mountain bikimg outing that was more than 20 miles, with temps in the 20s.
“(I suspect the cyclist in the back is you, Althouse. I think I've seen a picture of you in that charcoal grey winter coat before. Also Meade seems to be looking over protectively.)”
Who do you have taking the photo in this scenario?
Meade goes mountain biking on trails that are far beyond my skill, and I have never gone biking in snow!
I live in FL where it was around 55 degrees today. I played golf with enough layers for Ernest Shackleton.
Since Bezos and the JITs took over Whole Foods, they're usually out of electric fruits and mohair soup. You know I read it in a magazine, oh oh.
Who do you have taking the photo in this scenario?
I already told you: Zeus!
I already told you: Zeus!
Zeus only takes selfies.
Riding the bikes, and doing ground loops in the backyard. Why does Chrissie Hynde come to mind?
If Meade were president, when the time came for his annual physical they'd have to have the Secret Service shoot him with a sedative (using the type of thing they employ for rogue bears) and haul him in to Walter Reed unconscious.
It's a little cold and slippery to be biking, IMO. I am glad to hear that the Ann part of the Meadehouse collective refuses to engage in that activity. Someone must stand for sanity!
Interesting use of the word 'careful' given that this is a headline on a well trafficked site.
Latest: Trump Attorney Took Careful Steps To Conceal Payoff Of Porn Star Fling
Big Mike - if Zeus were taking the photos, all you would get is a bunch of closeups of the animal prints.
If Zeus could take pictures, youd end up with a lot of pictures of things dear to doggie hearts: squirrels and dog poop.
Just another check from Gloria Alred, is there actually any evidence or just another in kind contribution from jann wenner.
The House Intelligence Committee Fusion GPS testimony was released this afternoon. It’s chock full of multiple connections between Trump and Russian Oligarchs. Not what you folks were expecting, eh? I recall some hyperventilating coming from some here about the release of this testimony. Why so quiet about it now? Mueller has this info and much much more, I suspect. The puzzle pieces are fitting together and it doesn’t look good for your beloved leader.
”A review of a classified document outlining what is described as extensive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuse was made available to all House members Thursday and the revelations could lead to the removal of senior officials in the FBI and Department of Justice, several sources with knowledge of the document stated. These sources say the report is “explosive,” stating they would not be surprised if it leads to the end of Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel investigation into President Trump and his associates.”
Also, it turns out that info about Trump and Russian criminals was uncovered during the time the Free Beacon was contracting Fusion GPS to investigate Trump.
“ Simpson also detailed facts Fusion GPS claimed to have uncovered about the president while the firm was contracted by the conservative Washington Free Beacon to do research on then-candidate Trump and other GOP contenders for the White House.
"Various [Russian] criminals were buying [Trump] properties," said Simpson, identifying one by the underworld name Taiwanchik. "I think he was running a -- his associates were living in Trump Tower, ·and he was running a high-stakes gambling ring out of Trump Tower, while he himself was a fugitive for having rigged the skating competition at the [2002] Salt Lake Olympics and a bunch of other sporting events."
And much much more.
“The committee's top Democrat, California Rep. Adam Schiff, said in a statement that Simpson had made "serious allegations that the Trump Organization may have engaged in money laundering with Russian nationals ..."
"Mr. Simpson ... testified that if the Trump Organization did engage in money laundering with the Russians, it would be with the knowledge or approval of the Kremlin and constitute powerful leverage over the President of the United States," Schiff added.
At one point during the committee interview, Simpson was asked the central question at the heart of the congressional investigations and that of special counsel Robert Mueller -- whether the Trump campaign had coordinated with Russia to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.”
Big Mike 1, Inga 0
So now its money laundering because Russians purchase properties to live in.
So much for the golden showers and pappydappydopolous and collusion, etc.
The FISA info is coming out Inga and we will see the true extent of obama admin spying, and not just on Trump, the Trump campaign, the Trump family, Trump associates, but of all the other abuses of the FISA program by the obama admin over the last handful of years.
Now it's becoming quite clear how the obama admin remained "ahead" of its opponents of the Iran deal as well, where every PR tactic that had been discussed and planned for was "cut off at the pass" by the obama admin just as triggers were ready to be pulled.
The dems.
Rigging deals with our enemies. Rigging primaries. Rigging general elections, and then attempting a palace coup.
Let's see the documents. All of them.
Strange how the dems want to keep it all under wraps and not released to the general public. It's all in there. Maybe that's why.
Simpson worked with veselnitskaya and akmetchin who were part of the magnitsky , but he didn't know about the trump tower meeting. Right. But he suspected Dimitri dimed the head of the Nixon center was a Russian spy because last namr.
Mueller, 100
Big Mike, 0
But keep hope alive.
Inga- Walker will be indicted any second now. Corrupt leftwing democrats have him cornered. Are you excited?
In case you haven't noticed, Trump as Commander in Chief, unleashed fire and fury on the world wide Democrat Criminal Conspiracy today.
Enjoy the show.
You mean like when he had to pay Stephen hAtfill 5 million for unlawful arrest. This was before we knew the plea judge had been before the fisa court.
Just when you think things couldn’t get any stranger...
The FBI is investigating whether a top Russian banker with ties to the Kremlin illegally funneled money to the National Rifle Association to help Donald Trump win the presidency, two sources familiar with the matter have told McClatchy.
FBI counterintelligence investigators have focused on the activities of Alexander Torshin, the deputy governor of Russia’s central bank who is known for his close relationships with both Russian President Vladimir Putin and the NRA, the sources said.
It is illegal to use foreign money to influence federal elections.
It’s unclear how long the Torshin inquiry has been ongoing, but the news comes as Justice Department Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s sweeping investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 election, including whether the Kremlin colluded with Trump’s campaign, has been heating up.
Inga clearly hasn't heard the latest news. They're not talking about it on MSNBC or CNN, I guess.
California lawmakers are targeting the expected windfall that companies in the state would see under the federal tax overhaul with a bill that would require businesses to turn over half to the state.
A proposed Assembly Constitutional Amendment by Assemblymen Kevin McCarty, D-Sacramento, and Phil Ting, D-San Francisco, would create a tax surcharge on California companies making more than $1 million so that half of their federal tax cut would instead go to programs that benefit low-income and middle-class families.
“Trump’s tax reform plan was nothing more than a middle-class tax increase,” Ting said in a statement. “It is unconscionable to force working families to pay the price for tax breaks and loopholes benefiting corporations and wealthy individuals. This bill will help blunt the impact of the federal tax plan on everyday Californians by protecting funding for education, affordable health care, and other core priorities.”
"Simpson told the committee that he and Steele began shopping the dossier to media outlets in late October of 2016, after then-FBI Director James Comey announced that the Bureau was re-opening the investigation into Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's private email server. He said he was "angry" that Comey, in Simpson's view, had "violated the sort of one of the more sacrosanct policies, which is not announcing law enforcement activity in the closing days of an election." ..."
Simpson was angry that Comey was investigating Hillary. You don't say?
Both Simpson and Schiff have zero evidence - only innuendo.
It is illegal to use foreign money to influence federal elections.
Except when Obama and the D's do it.
What does he have to hide??
According to ForeignPolicy.com, it was Trump, himself, who stepped in to stop Bannon from speaking freely.
Trump acted to limit Bannon’s testimony based on legal advice provided by Uttam Dhillon, a deputy White House counsel, who concluded that the administration might have legitimate executive privilege claims to restrict testimony by Bannon and other current and former aides to the president, according to these same sources.
Great advice, Dhillon. Did you advise him that restricting his testimony to House Intel didn’t block Bannon from speaking to special counsel Robert Mueller. No chance for executive privilege there.
Dhillon’s advice might prove to be a “Pyrrhic victory,” one senior administration official told Foreign Policy.
While the president might be able to “poke the Congress in the eye,” the same legal rationale undercuts any effort to restrict the special counsel’s right to interview current or former Trump aides, the official said.
And everybody knows that Robert Mueller is running the big show, right now.
“Inga clearly hasn't heard the latest news. They're not talking about it on MSNBC or CNN, I guess.
I’ve heard about it.
If you read about the NRA from leftist sources -they discuss the NRA as if it's a criminal organization.
Leftwing democrats can spend money on whatever - no scrutiny, How much did Hillary raise and spend? no scrutiny.
If the NRA does anything - the corrupt leftwing machine ensures the coverage is accusatory.
The NRA has every right to exist, solicit donations and spend money on advocacy.
Sure, sweetie. Thats what Rachel Maddow told you and you believe.Your acute predictive powers are well known here.
Walker will be recalled!
Lie back and enjoy it, Republicans!Hillary will win!
Did the Russians hack the voting machines? - Hivemind - YES!
Did Trump ever do business with Russian? YES!
Did Bill and Hillary ever do business with Russians? YES - but it doesn't count.
Simpson and Schiff - hacks.
No mention of Strozk. He's been memory holed.
A Bombshell House Intelligence report exposing extensive FISA abuse could lead to the removal of senior government officials
A review of a classified document outlining what is described as extensive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act abuse was made available to all House members Thursday and the revelations could lead to the removal of senior officials in the FBI and Department of Justice, several sources with knowledge of the document stated. These sources say the report is “explosive,” stating they would not be surprised if it leads to the end of Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel investigation into President Trump and his associates.
Nice backyard set-up.
This is nice, too.
California lawmakers are targeting the expected windfall that companies in the state would see under the federal tax overhaul with a bill that would require businesses to turn over half to the state.
Just what the business environment in California needs!
The saddest thing of all is the knowledge of how great life could be in California if sane people were running things.
You should be happy, Inga. Our government can keep spying on us!
I'm certain the deep state loves the idea of spying on Americans and Trump. No spying on the Clintons, however. They are exempt.
Good point Inga!
Do they have any evidence, the Russian banker contributed to the nra, no?
Interesting how the Senate just voted to reauthorize FISA for 6 more years. Now why would they do that if there had been such abuses? It looks like only 7 Republicans voted Nay, while 26 Democrats voted Nay.
A Trump Tweet on the subject:
I have personally directed the fix to the unmasking process since taking office and today’s vote is about foreign surveillance of foreign bad guys on foreign land. We need it! Get smart!
Get smart, Inga.
Unpossible, we still don't know who actually signed off on the fisa warrant, and the evidence use.
“I have personally directed the fix to the unmasking process since taking office and today’s vote is about foreign surveillance of foreign bad guys on foreign land. We need it! Get smart!”
He fixed nothing, dummy. It was passed entirely intact.
I actually slogged through all 165 pages of this nothingburger.
(1) Simpson tried very hard to make the case that the Trump Organizations's sales of condos in the USA to Russian nationals over the years was consistent with his extensive ties to Russia.
Left unsaid was the pertinent fact that Russian nationals with money observed how easily the Putin kleptocracy could both separate an oligarch from his money while letting him rot in jail. The best example: Mikhail Borisovich Khodorkovsky.
"...In 2003, Khodorkovsky was believed to be the wealthiest man in Russia (with a fortune estimated to be worth $15 billion) and was ranked 16th on Forbes list of billionaires."
"In October 2003, he was arrested and charged with fraud...In May 2005, he was found guilty and sentenced to nine years in prison. In December 2010, [he was] further charged with and found guilty of embezzlement and money laundering [and his]prison sentence was extended to 2014."
No wonder another Russian oligarch decided to hedge his bets by buying the Brooklyn Nets basketball team.
(2) The result was a stream by Simpson of irrelevant Russian names that will just be grist for the mill of conspiracy theorists like Louise Mensch (and above, Inga).
(3) Simpson's credibility was again tarnished by his failure to identify his employment of Nellie Ohr, the wife of Bruce Ohr (a former DOJ Assistant Attorney General). Simpson only mentioned meeting Bruch Ohr in his House Committee testimony, just a few weeks before Bruce Ohr was demoted for unreported contacts with Simpson and Steele. Simpson almost certainly knew from Bruce Ohr that at that point the cat was out of the bag. Simpson failed to disclose in his testimony to the Senate Committee that:
“Do any Fusion employees or associates speak Russian?” Simpson was asked.
“No,” he said.
And asked if he had any support from Russia-speaking employees, Simpson said “not in my company, at least not that I can recall.”
Simpson's firm later acknowledged in a statement to CNN that Nellie Ohr was "fluent in Russian".
(4) The release of the House Testimony does nothing to alter the most logical conspiracy theory:
Tying the actions of the former administration (including the President, the Justice Department, and the FBI) to both give Hilary Clinton and her staff a pass (the fix was in) for mishandling classified information by using an unsecured private server, while AT THE SAME TIME trying to connect Trump with treasonous behavior with the Russians by virtue of a phony dossier funded by the DNC and the Clinton Campaign.
I expect the forthcoming Inspector General of the FBI's report on matters of this type will prove illuminating.
You are awesome
Check this post if any indans are here
We know renaissance capital, the Russian bank that housed one of hackers did give 500 k to the Clinton foundation one of many such contribution. We know veselberg another oligarch, did as well (that was as smart as him footing nick dentons defense in the Hogan suit)
What is your opinion on FISA abuses, INGA?
Care about all the obvious abuse? Oh that's right, you don't believe any of it. Just like you don't believe Bill Clinton is a rapist and you don't think Hillary Clinton did anything wrong setting up a Private Server to run official government business. Then delete 30,000+ subpoenaed e-mails, physically destroy devices and bleach bit the rest. And you pushed and pimped Walker's impending indictment based on fake manufactured BS by corrupt deep state D-party hacks in Wisconsin.
Why Wisconsin said FU - and voted for Walker and Trump.
Inga said...
Interesting how the Senate just voted to reauthorize FISA for 6 more years. Now why would they do that if there had been such abuses? It looks like only 7 Republicans voted Nay, while 26 Democrats voted Nay.
Because sect. 702 was the portion re-authorized, and the abuses by the Obama administration, that spied on a rival political opponent, has nothing to do with sect. 702. Just another nugget Maddow omitted from her run-on monologue
Right Inga. you know all about it. It was passed intact!
A Fresno man with a daily sushi habit had a 5.5-foot tapeworm lodged in his intestines. He pulled it out himself, wrapped it around a cardboard toilet paper tube and carried the creature into Fresno's Community Regional Medical Center.
Kenny Bahn was the lucky doc on shift at the time. He recounted his experience on a recent episode of the podcast "This Won't Hurt A Bit."
Bahn said the patient complained of "bloody diarrhea" and expressed a desire to get treated for tapeworms.
"I get asked this a lot," the doctor said. "Truthfully, a lot of times I don't think they have it."
This man had it, which he proved to Bahn by opening a plastic grocery bag and pulling out the worm-wrapped toilet paper tube.
Bahn then asked some questions, starting with: "That came out of your bottom?"
According to the doctor's retelling, the patient was using the restroom when he noticed what looked like a piece of intestine hanging out of his body.
"He grabs it, and he pulls on it, and it keeps coming out," Bahn recounted. He then picks the thing up, "looks at it, and what does it do? It starts moving." (Note: At this point in the podcast, the hosts audibly gasp.)
That's when the man realized he had a tapeworm stuck in his insides. He headed to the emergency room shortly thereafter, where Bahn treated him with an anthelmintic, a single-treatment deworming medication used on humans and dogs alike.
Bahn also took it upon himself to measure the specimen on the floor of the hospital. It stretched a whopping 5 feet, 6 inches — "my height," noted the doctor.
Tapeworms can be contracted in a variety of ways, but Bahn said his patient hadn't traveled out of the country or engaged in any out-of-the-ordinary behavior. The man also professed his love of sushi, specifically raw salmon sashimi, which he confessed to eating daily.
Fresno is located an ample 150 miles from coastline and is not exactly famed for its sushi. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned last February that the rise in popularity of raw fish consumption has likely spurred a recent increase of tapeworm infections
Because sect. 702 was the portion re-authorized, and the abuses by the Obama administration, that spied on a rival political opponent, has nothing to do with sect. 702. Just another nugget Maddow omitted from her run-on monologue
Thank you.
Inga - you are a leftwing dolt.
About berezovsky, khodokorskys precdecessor, broader was said to have been glad at his fate, of course he was smarter a protege of safra bank, whose story itself is something out of a bond film including the ending. Pity his accountant want so lucky.
So Simpson is a liar. Wow -thanks.
The FBI needs to purge the corruption.
“Because sect. 702 was the portion re-authorized, and the abuses by the Obama administration, that spied on a rival political opponent, has nothing to do with sect. 702. Just another nugget Maddow omitted from her run-on monologue.”
Donald J. Trump
“House votes on controversial FISA ACT today.” This is the act that may have been used, with the help of the discredited and phony Dossier, to so badly surveil and abuse the Trump Campaign by the previous administration and others?
6:33 AM - Jan 11, 2018
Interesting account, Full Moon!
“Before that he posted: "Disproven and paid for by Democrats 'Dossier used to spy on Trump Campaign. Did FBI use Intel tool to influence the Election?' @foxandfriends Did Dems or Clinton also pay Russians? Where are hidden and smashed DNC servers? Where are Crooked Hillary Emails? What a mess!"”
He worked with a head of research Edward baungartner who is certifiable.he worked with another fellow Chris cooper at Potomac strategies, Joe trippis shop, and Julia glove a never trumper republican lobbyist, with a piquant personality.
Inga you go ahead and quote sect. 702 and explain how it applies to unmasking US citizens using phony intel presented to FISA judges. Go ahead and try, you can twist words to mean things they dont mean, but go ahead.
“Inga you go ahead and quote sect. 702 and explain how it applies to unmasking US citizens using phony intel presented to FISA judges. Go ahead and try, you can twist words to mean things they dont mean, but go ahead.”
Iowan why don’t you write a letter to your President and explain it to him, he obviously got a bit confused the morning of the vote after watching Fox and Friends, lol.
There's no space left on the c ue card.
But it is odd that 13 different devices were smashed Alan Lois learner, yet crowdsrike could providethe definitive proof the hack (sic) which didn't consider five different intelligence ages hacking in?
“I actually slogged through all 165 pages of this nothingburger.”
You should offer your services to Special Prosecutor Mueller!
As for the FISA “bombshell”, why hasn’t Trump declassified this? He has the power to do so.
Its like reading Proust's, with much less is a payoff.
Inga brings up a good point. If FISA is as easily abused as repeatedly claimed here then why the hell did most of the Republicans just vote to reauthorize it.
And the Republicans that are screaming the loudest about this supposed FISA abuse “bombshell” actually voted for the 702 reauthorization.
Because in their arrogance they still think it worn be turned on them, prietap and mccabe followed 'enemy of the state like a how to manual.
Can this get any better? It's like we are all now living in an over the top parody movie.
Porn Star: I Spanked Trump With A Forbes Magazine
JefF Flakes much anticipated anti Trump speech drew tepid applause from Chuck Schumer, the only person present.
Even Inga forgot to watch it
How much did Gloria Alfred pay for that, why hasn't she been duabaree i forget its California. More to the point, how did she never come across weinsteins or spacey or layers victims.
Disbarred, I don't know how to describe what flake does to the Castro bros in a blog (even sans lazlo)
ARMs got enough whankoff material for a month, which is nice for him.
Dang, Inga. Are you really that dense? It was the ABUSE of 702 that's criminal, not the existence of 702. Since illegal payoffs generally involve money, I guess you think we should outlaw money.
yes, Inga is that dense. But, hey, shes got her whack off material for the night, dont confuse her with facts.
“It was the ABUSE of 702 that's criminal, not the existence of 702.”
No one is saying that it’s the existence of 702 that’s criminal. How far up your butt did you have to reach for that one? Also, you can assert it was abused, but that would need to be proven. Petition Trump to declassify the “ bombshell”.
“yes, Inga is that dense. But, hey, shes got her whack off material for the night, dont confuse her with facts.”
Have one more drink and then it’s time for you to pass out, sweetie.
I got those hand warmers Seacrest was wearing for the new years eve telecast.
They worked as advertised. Amazing.
Also, tell me how the House and Senate who are in the majority can’t pass a CR?
Because you need 60 votes, they can't agree what to order for lunch. But there is a point, why do the wait till the 11th hour to pass these bills.
Handwarmers are wonderful
Your insults are so unimaginative, Inga. You're a boring old crone.
At least I dont fantasize about my political opponents being raped
I leave that to you, "Christian."
“You're a boring old crone.”
And you’re a boring drunk old childless spinster.
You really are sloppy drunk tonight, lol.
But I dont wish rape on anybody,
If the Republican report is as explosive as intimated, then Trump gets to roll up Clinton, the Dems, the FBI, the CIA, the media and a whole lot of Never Trumpers all in one fell swoop. It would be an amazing thing to watch. Dunno if they have the goods - politicians lie about everything. But it would be a hell of a shivaree.
Why would you even imagine I’d want Republicans to be raped? Or are you engaging in gross mischaracterization? Do you have any idea of how nutty it sounds?
Youre no dumber than usual
And thats pretty goddamn dumb, as Althouse regulars know.
Good night, littl totalitarian bimbo!
Ugh, drunks are so disgusting.
Dont lie. You said it on the election night 2016 thread and I found it. I'll repost that ugly comment everytime you presume to lecture us.
Who is drunk? I have tomorrow off and I enjoy making fun of withered old hypocrites with sadistic rape fantasies,
“You said it on the election night 2016 thread and I found it. I'll repost that ugly comment everytime you presume to lecture us.”
I know what comment you’re referring to and it’s a gross mischaracterization to say it is tantamount to saying I want anyone “raped”, you pathetic sloppy drunken psycho.
You’re my age , you idiot.
Jack Wayne, there's an interesting take on the memo at Powerline.
“Dunno if they have the goods - politicians lie about everything.”
Trump should declassify it if it’s the “bombshell”. Why hasn’t he already? He could then fire Mueller. He hasn’t because it’s not a bombshell, but a dud.
Maybe because the info is classified?
No, Im a bit younger. Not close to retirement age. Not that it matters, but it does piss you off.Really, you're quite dull and this is getting boring.I bid you adieu.
“No, Im a bit younger. Not close to retirement age. Not that it matters, but it does piss you off.Really, you're quite dull and this is getting boring.I bid you adieu.”
Bullshit you once said how old you were and it was only four years younger than me. Also if you want to insult people my age, Althouse is older than I am, so feel free to call her an old crone too you dumb drunken loon. Yes go sleep it off.
“Maybe because the info is classified?”
Trump can declassify it. He has that power as President.
If she's not concerned about FISA violations, she's probably mined your data.
“Trump should declassify it if it’s the “bombshell”. Why hasn’t he already? He could then fire Mueller. He hasn’t because it’s not a bombshell, but a dud.”
That is probably next. Declassifying the memo would likely require the approval of Trump, Sessions. Or maybe Rosenstein. Since the creator of the classified information was the DoJ. I expect that there will be some vote in the House asking for the stuff to be unclassifesd, to the extent possible, that puts the responsibility on Congress, and not Trump, which is helpful when some of the people likely facing prison work for Mueller.
Inga, you have no idea what you’re talking about yet you keep digging the hole you’re in deeper and deeper. When everything is declassified ,as you claim to wish, you will run and hide for a while then come back spouting the same old shit. You know no shame.
I said I'm a bit younger. Four years counts as a bit. I dont call Althouse a nasty old hag because she isn't one. You are. Ypu are also absurdly sensitive about your age
“Ypu are also absurdly sensitive about your age.”
What’s so funny is that I’m not. You think you’re insulting me, which only makes you look like an odd angry drunk. I’ve mentioned being a grandmother many times, it’s something I’m proud of. Maybe you’re so angry so often because you’re an bitter childless spinster.
Two snippets from Chuck Ross' take on Simpson's House Committee Transcript:
'Simpson testified that his clients — the Clinton campaign and DNC — were aware of his contacts with reporters regarding the dossier.
“So I guess I would like to say generally, I mean — generally when reporters — when we have to deal with the press, we would inform our clients that we were doing — you know, in any case if you’re dealing with the press, it’s incumbent on you to, you know, make sure your client knows that” he said.'
''Angry’ at James Comey and wanted to get even
James Comey’s decision at the end of Oct. 2016 to re-open the Hillary Clinton email investigation was a catalyst of sorts for Simpson.
“Shocked” and “angry” over Comey’s decision, Simpson said that he decided to ramp up his efforts to pass dossier allegations to the press.
“At that point I felt like the rules had just been thrown out and that Comey had violated the sort of one of the more sacrosanct policies, which is not announcing law enforcement activity in the closing days of an election,” said Simpson.
“And so, we began talking to the press again about — we decided that if James Comey wasn’t going to tell people about this investigation that, you know, he had violated the rules, and we would only be fair if the world knew that both candidates were under FBI investigation.”'
So, far from being a dispassionate investigator, Glenn Simpson wanted his phony dossier to be the insurance policy to ensure Hilary would win before the election.
Most likely reported (bragged) to the Clinton Campaign through the cut-out law firm that hired Fusion GPS about his noble effort.
Just like Peter Strzok, who led the investigation of the Hillary Clinton email server as the No. 2 official in the FBI's counterintelligence division (before he joined the Mueller team) texted:
“I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in [Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s] office—that there’s no way [Trump] gets elected—but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40…”
Christine Day,
Keep hope alive.
But I'm not in fact childless.And you know it.
Hmmmm, why hasn’t Drudge linked to the big “bombshell” story?
How would you like it if I said your husband was probably glad to die to escape your stupid ass? Here's a deal-you dont engage in nasty baseless speculations about my personal life and I'll do the same.
Drunk, mean, spinster, childless and angry and bitter because of it. Stop taking out your miserableness on other people.
Inga, Ask Drudge you dumbass.
Christine Day, put two and two together, it’s not that hard. He hasn’t linked to it because he doesn’t trust the story and he doesn’t want to look like a fool.
Ok, Inga, I guess he was glad to escape his evil bitch of a wife
Fuck any plumbers lately? Since you want to talk about personal lives....
I have a man in my life right now, Inga. The only one you have in yours is Trump- you're far more obsessed with him than "Trumpists"are. Thank him for your tax cut!
I've noticed a lot of animosity towards Jeff Sessions in the comments here lately, in part for recusing himself from the 'Russian collusion' investigation.
The DOJ has had a year long investigation into the DOJ and FBI (where the real dirt is, (and a lot of Mueller's men)), and into several aspects of Hillarygate. The report from DOJ should be out sometime soon.
I applaud the AG on the job he is doing, and the manner in which he is doing it. This while handling immigration enforcement and attempting to bring rule if law back to government. I applaud the President for 'taking the heat' so this and other things can be done.
Put them all in jail and Trump will have earned my vote.
Oops, didn't mean to interrupt the cat fight!
Choo Chooo!
Mueller is going to end the investigation because he is going to be hiring a defense lawyer soon.
Blogger Inga said...
Drunk, mean, spinster, childless and angry and bitter because of it.
Just... wow.
And my thoughtful comments, on point, get deleted.
Quite the welcoming forum being built and maintained here.
Inga is basically the worst of all worlds. Nowhere near as perceptive as she thinks she is, more childishly insulting than any of her frequent opponents here, capable of more mean-spirited venom than even TTR (though she is not quite as faux-poetic about it), and fully convinced of her own superiority. She also suffers from the frequent leftists tick of having history begin anew each morning.
It really is a sight to behold, in the same way a gruesome car accident would be.
One of the interesting tidbits of information was the bit about Michael Cohen's "trip" to Prague. What eventually got revealed was that it was some other Michael Cohen completely unrelated to Trump or his campaign. One of the questions I had at the time was just how such a mistake got made in the first place- it isn't like there are readily publicly available databases to search for such a person with that name going to Prague, nor was it even known widely that Cohen was a lawyer working for Trump. However, Sundance at CTH has a perfectly reasonable theory for how such a mistake got made- someone inside the Obama Administration queried the NSA databases in a search for documents containing the name "Michael Cohen", and hoovered information for a different Michael Cohen. Now, this is only a theory, but it is a theory that has a potentially discoverable "paper" trail, and if it can be shown to be true, it puts the order of things relating to the "Steele Dossier" and the FISA warrant applications in a very, very different light- like cart in front of the horse different.
Yancey: very interesting question there.
Etienne said...
And my thoughtful comments, on point, get deleted.
That's because you were told to fuck-off, but insist on coming back like a lost poodle.
Classy! Make sure you hit the swear jar on your way out.
Baby needs new shoes!
Whoop! A self deletion by "Etienne" whose 4:04 is quoted above. And the 3:52 hysterectomy comment too?
Does that mean she slipped out the back door without making a monetary contribution to the blog? No wonder they delete me.
It looks like Inga got a new shipment from the ACME Impeachment Company and she's 100% confident it's going to work this time.
Meep! Meep!
My son texted me yesterday after Trump's visit to the heavy equipment manufacturer in Pittsburgh, Pa. The equipment pictured behind Trump is headed to his factory in central Pa. Apparently, Trump autographed the equipment prior to his departure.
Trump spreads goodwill where ever he goes.
Drunk, mean, spinster, childless and angry and bitter because of it. - Church Lady
Now isn’t that special? Yesterday Inga was calling out Christians for their hypocrisy. Today she is posting comments that could have been written by Trump on Twitter.
You can avoid cold bike feet by keeping ankles warm, just as you can avoid cold hands by keeping wrists warm.
85% wool socks (or higher) are necessary. Cahartt A3915 was the last batch I got. Keep them in a cedar drawer in off-season. Moths.
Wrist and ankle temperature is what tells the body to shut off blood flow to the hands and feet.
I know what comment you’re referring to and it’s a gross mischaracterization to say it is tantamount to saying I want anyone “raped”, - Inga
Maybe, but it was close enough to correct that you identified the comment! Poor Inga, people keep drawing obvious inferences from her comments, and she keeps calling them “mischaracterizations” because, well, when Inga Dumpty says something, well I will let Lewis Carroll take it from here:
“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’
’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’
’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.”
Do sexual shenanigans really bother you all that much ARM? I kind of doubt it given the pass you give Democrats. I think it’s more that you think it will bother Republicans. The problem is that we pretty much all believe the sworn statements by the five witnesses and the statement by Juanita herself, that Bill Clinton is a violent rapist, and we well note that this doesn’t bother you a tiny bit, so your “Church Lady” routine here with Trump doesn’t get a lot of traction.
The path to getting Republicans to listen to you guys’ sexual criticism of Trump is pretty clear, just denounce the Clintons! Too high a price though, isn’t it?
This thread is a good example of why Michael K stopped posting here.
There are currently 62 references to "Inga".
It is going to get nasty today. Will Rosenstein resign before he is fired? Either way he will be hiring a defense lawyer soon. Maybe he and Comey and Mueller and Weissman can pool up and buy a team together.
And then their is Barry O. himself. We told you he was a tinpot dictator wannabe. This is probably not going to end the democrat party. But it will just make it clear that anyone who supports the democrat party supports tyranny and injustice.
Tommy Duncan said...
“This thread is a good example of why Michael K stopped posting here.“
A microcosm of the nation really. As Trump continues to make things obviously better for the middle class and the results of his policies are incontrovertibly better than Obama’s the leftists are growing increasingly bitter and irrational.
Just wait for the next week or so. Clear evidence that the Obama administration spied on political opponents for years is about to drop.
They will have nowhere to go but violence.
"Kevin said...
It looks like Inga got a new shipment from the ACME Impeachment Company and she's 100% confident it's going to work this time.
Meep! Meep! "
That's some gold there. We will soon be seeing a dust plume on the canyon floor.
This is an email from one of my best friends in high school. Someone who was able to have his parents pay for college, while I went to work in a factory.
He's not my president! My values will never be hijacked by a pretender. Jesse Ventura was elected, too. How did that work out? How did dictatorship work for Hitler, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Stalin? You have to do more than say you're king to be a king.
" He has a propensity to misperceive reality."
Quite sad when you think about it.
Sad that your friend had the benefit of that college education, and yet his thoughts are just a string of non sequiturs.
"Quite sad when you think about it."
More frightening than sad to me. Delusional.
Just a thought here: If recurring threats of Government Shutdown cause you anxiety, consider taking back some of the personal responsibilities you have hired the Government to perform.
Notice how the leftwing hive-minders always turn things personal.
Inga still getting her info from leftist blogs and Maddow, still refuses to quote that section of 702 that applies to the abuses of the FISA courts and fabricated documents used to attain warrants to spy on rival politicians.
Seeing that picture of biking in the snow reminded me why I spend the snowy half of the year in a part of the country where it may snow once a fade or two. Last time I remember it having snowed, I was sitting at DIA watching it on TV, but by the time I got down here it was already gone.
It also reminds me of what I don't want to be reminded of - my kid riding to and from school in Boulder on their bike. They are a grad student there, and grad students in Boulder just don't drive to school unless it is a raging blizzard. It's an honor thing. Or some such. Undergrads can maybe get to and from school during daylight. But grad students have research, which means sometimes coming home late. First year, they had better than 10 bikes for 5 grad students. And probably comparable in pairs of skis. Which is maybe part of why it is expensive quo live there q Reminding them that four wheels are more stable than two on snow doesn't seem to help. Just the idea of them riding on the snow gives me the willies, which is why I try to forget this aspect of their life. And never mind that I had a morning paper route a bit over 50 years ago, maybe 30 miles south of where they live in Boulder, and deliveried in the snow routinely.
3) As best I can tell, Fusion GPS has nothing on Donald Trump. When asked about President Trump’s supposedly nefarious dealings, Simpson speculates, he bloviates, he obscures, he alleges, he wonders. If he has any facts to support the claims in the infamous dossier, he has yet to come forward with them. Trump was once photographed with a Russian! Trump made “four or five” visits to Russia from “the late Soviet years” to the present–so, over a period of 25 years or more. I’m guessing that Trump made a lot more visits than that to most places in the world over those same 25 years. Simpson says he found the fact Trump made “so many” visits to Russia without ever making a deal there suspicious. This is the level of absurdity at which Fusion GPS operates–at least when it is working on behalf of the Democratic National Committee, as Simpson has finally admitted.
Simpson Admits Fusion GPS Went to the Press to Salvage Hillary’s Campaign
Fusion GPS should hire Rachel Maddow.
Simpson is a WORM. A creep a fascist leftwing liar. No wonder he wanted Hillary so badly, and did everything he could to influence an election with his toxic lies.
Inga said...1/19/18, 12:16 AM
Hmmmm, why hasn’t Drudge linked to the big “bombshell” story?
Maybe he went to bed. This morning he links to Zero Hedge:
"Explosive", "Shocking" And "Alarming" FISA Memo Set To Rock DC, "End Mueller Investigation"
"Inga still getting her info from leftist blogs and Maddow, still refuses to quote that section of 702 that applies to the abuses of the FISA courts and fabricated documents used to attain warrants to spy on rival politicians"
In the Crazy Cat Lady's defense, FISA section 702 is fairly long and complicated. I still don't really understand it, like I do the warrant requirements. As I understand it, 702 (etc) allows the Feds to vacuum up everything that they can electronically. This includes, I think, email from the larger ISPs, and a lot of the Internet traffic. Then with proper justification, govt analysts could search it for national security information. There are supposed to be safeguards to prevent those searches from looking at information for US Persons, or violating our Constitutional rights. And this is where the system was attacked by the Obama Administration so that it could be weaponized for their partisan advantage.
Three things stick out in how this was compromised. First, they were using "about" queries. Emails can be to, from, or about someone one. "About" queries can be far broader. If someone were looking for information about OBL (safely a non-US Person not in the US, and no longer alive), "To" and "from" would likely no turn up much. But some emails may still be popping wit "about" queries - except that Adm Rogers, head of the NSA, found that they had been grossly abused, and ultimately shut down "about" queries of the NSA 702 databases. DNI Clapper tried to get him fired, when he went around him, directly to the FISC with his or rise and findings. Rogers appears to have been the one honest man in the Obama intelligence community leadership.
Adm Rogers also found out that a number (blacked out in the FISC opinion) of FISA 702 database queries were made by FBI contractors. Which was illegal. It is looking more and more like Fusion GPS was one of those contractors, and there seems to be evidence that a lot of the raw data for their Trump Dossier was accumulated this way (there are indications that this is part of what is in the classified memo that the House just got access to). Which is to say that the Crooked Hillary campaign was essentially using this valuable counterterrorism resource to do opposition research, with the blessing and connivance of the Obama Administration,
Thirdly, accessing these electronic communications is essentially worthless if they are properly "minimized" and the identities of any US Persons are masked. So there is a process for unmasking identities. It is supposed to be on a Need to Know basis, but the Obama Administration added several political appointees to those who could request unmasking, including their UN Ambassador. On paper, it appeared that she had been requesting roughly one unmasking a day in the run up to the election. Except that she has denied, under oath, having requested most of the unmaskings done in her name. Which very likely means that they were being done by political operatives using her credentials.
Bruce Hayden: "Adm Rogers also found out that a number (blacked out in the FISC opinion) of FISA 702 database queries were made by FBI contractors. Which was illegal. It is looking more and more like Fusion GPS was one of those contractors, and there seems to be evidence that a lot of the raw data for their Trump Dossier was accumulated this way (there are indications that this is part of what is in the classified memo that the House just got access to). Which is to say that the Crooked Hillary campaign was essentially using this valuable counterterrorism resource to do opposition research, with the blessing and connivance of the Obama Administration,"
And then, the Clinton/Fusion cabal, knowing that it wouldn't look good having Fusion GPS be the "instigator" of the dossier, reached out and hired a former MI6 guy, Steele, to take the "massaged" info from the illegal "about queries" and "dress it up"/launder it as the product of some effort from an outside source.
Steele did that and then fed it back to Fusion and the FBI, which turned around and used it to improperly gain a FISA warrant in Oct of 2016 against the Trump campaign.
Bottom line, obama/Hillary/dems weaponized the intelligence services of the United States and utilized the tools and products of those services as an arm of the democrat opposition research effort and, after Hillary lost, attempted to undermine and overturn a duly elected President of the United States.
It is easy to see why now Soros and Hillary and all the other dems left no stone unturned in their desire to keep Trump from even assuming office.
They knew if this stuff ever saw the light of day it would be bigger than Watergate.
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