... what have you got in there?
This is an open thread, which means that I also remind you to think of using the Althouse Portal when you shop at Amazon. The portal link is also always right over there in the sidebar.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Had a meteor fly by southeast Michigan last night.
Shook the house. Thought it was the Norks!
Lileks discusses some words written by a PC feminist (redundancy for clarity). Hilarity ensues.
I've got this misformated, but NYT reporter doesn't know the difference between disinterested and uninterested. Shocking!
Brit Hume:
I think the media should be disinterested. I don’t think they should be uninterested in a president’s health.
Maggie Haberman NYT:
You think media should be disinterested in a president’s health? Okay
Check this out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvCGtxeknSg&t=573s
Anaheim, CA.
I'm in Southern California about twice a year for work. Every year I return the homeless problem gets worse.
There are the things that when you do them people assume it was an accident and the things that when you do them people assume it was on purpose.
Ever notice?
When my kids were young, they had the impression that the phrase "on purpose" meant trying to be bad.
When my kids were young, they had the impression that the phrase "on purpose" meant trying to be bad.
1/17/18, 10:23 AM
Well, that's what I thought too.
"Mom, he kicked me on purpose!"
Chest, that's going to be a mess in the rainy season. I remember standing water over the curb in front of my house. Will they get swept down the flood control river?
Many, many, many thanks to ARM for alerting me to the nascent #Girther movement.
Absolutely the funniest thing I have seen this week and no doubt the funniest thing I can imagine this week.
Such brilliant linguistic kill shots in this one:
I will spend $100 on Amazon orders through the Althouse Amazon portal if she blogs the #Girther story.
That’s funny Ralph. The liberals are the “smart ones” because they hate Tump. It’s right there in RationalWiKi!
I just got my copy of Vignettes in Rhyme from her portal Chuck, latest purchase, and she can blog about whatever she likes.
I did hear that she might entertain an offer of a cool thousand bucks, to blog something. Or maybe she will think it’s funny, but I doubt that the vigorish from a $100 dollar purchase will sway her judgement.
Oh, and I am sure that if you look up “brilliant” in the Oxford dictionary, “agrees with me” will not be one of the definitions.
But I'm stubborn as those garbage bags
That Time cannot decay
I'm junk but I'm still holding up
This little wild bouquet
Democracy is coming to the USA
I'm sentimental, if you know what I mean
I love the country but I can't stand the scene
And I'm neither left or right
I'm just staying home tonight
Getting lost in that hopeless little screen
But I'm stubborn as those garbage bags
That Time cannot decay
I'm junk but I'm still holding up
This little wild bouquet
Fernandestein, that was funny:
Timberlake’s out-of-nowhere embrace of the West comes at a pivotal point for his career — and for the place of white men in the public consciousness.
Hey lady! We are still here. We are not all dead yet! We can hear you.
"I will spend $100 on Amazon orders through the Althouse Amazon portal if she blogs the #Girther story."
Get out.
Apparently Jeff Flake tore Trump a new one in a firey speech this morning.
Received thunderous applause by both audience members
Timberlake’s out-of-nowhere embrace of the West comes at a pivotal point for his career — and for the place of white men in the public consciousness.
I will attest there's no shortage of women wanting to know the place where Justin Timberlake is when he's in Montana.
When my kids were young, they had the impression that the phrase "on purpose" meant trying to be bad.
There's a nice essay "Three Ways of Spilling Ink" by J.L.Austin (in _Philosophcal Papers_) on the useage ranges of On Purpose, Intentionally and Deliberately.
A lot of British philosophical-essay humorous examples.
Austin was concerned to show that pictured-logic wasn't everything and analytic philosophical thought had gone off the rails, unaware of its own language.
I used the "Althouse Portal Gun" reg.TM, to get here.
I think the top of the killer nickname heap still belongs to Abortion Barbie. Supposedly lefties have titled a movie to try and salve the sting from it. None of names Trump has bestowed have come close to that. Needs to up his game.
From the end of the above linked Lileks bleat he quotes:
”It’s where, in other words, the larger questions of privilege, whiteness, power, and masculinity seem to crystallize themselves in their most potent forms.”
Them and what army, is what I always want to ask.
The first Wednesday tornado siren test is weakly audible in the distace starting at 12:00:35, which means that whatever town that is is 7 miles away.
That's followed by other towns at various other additional delays.
A cold ground layer traps the sound.
Time to settle down into Vignesttes in Rhyme, later dudes. Good luck Chuck!
Apparently the suppression of a speaker's right to speak is not confined to the left but Also the right as Bandy X Lee, an associate professor at Yale, had a meeting at a senior center canceled because of significant threats. And I quote from The Daily Beast:"To Lee, the threats that led to the event’s cancellation reaffirmed what she and other mental-health professionals have been arguing for a year, “that our fears were correct, that our predictions were correct, that the president’s supporters are very violent and ready to inflict violence,” she said.
Meade said...
"I will spend $100 on Amazon orders through the Althouse Amazon portal if she blogs the #Girther story."
Get out.
No worries, Laurence! She's actually going to figure out a clever angle to blog the story; it will be that challenging Trump's stated weight (with the clear implication that his BMI would then be in the "obese" category) is a form of "fat shaming" that no decent person ought to engage in. Also, the hilarious "comparison" photos of other 6'3" / 239 lb. men (NFL players, etc.) aren't fair because muscle weighs more and yadda yadda yadda.
That's, like, the perfect grist for an Althouse/Trump blog post. How TDS victims are again going overboard with their Trump-hate.
Except that it really is a simple question; did Trump's staff fudge his height and weight to get his BMI to hit the highest "overweight" number and keep him off the "obese" category. I think there can be zero doubt of that.
It's the lying, stupid.
Blogger roesch/voltaire at 11:18 AM
To Lee, the threats that led to the event’s cancellation reaffirmed ... that our fears were correct, that our predictions were correct, that the president’s supporters are very violent and ready to inflict violence
Lee suffers from a delusional disorder, paranoid type.
enjoy the time
The $100,000-to-charity-if-Trump-will-step-onto-an-accurate-scale challenge:
How many bags of dick can Chuck eat in one sitting?
Who knows.
“that our fears were correct, that our predictions were correct, that the president’s supporters are very violent and ready to inflict violence,” she said.
Strange isn't it that all of the actual violence is Lefties attacking Righties.
Wanna bet Trump weighs less than Hillary?
Hillary is about 5’6” and 200 lbs.
Gahrie said...
Wanna bet Trump weighs less than Hillary?
I do want that bet. Even if I thought I'd lose, I want that bet. Because in order to settle it, we'd have to weigh Trump.
But I think I'll win. The interwebz say that Hillary is about 5'6" and 140. That would have to be wrong by 100 lbs., to trump The Donald.
Let me know what you want to bet, and how we would ever sort it out.
What's the opposite of salacious? Repugnant? Anyway, the least salacious sex scandal of recent memory involves the Olympic gymnasts. I've only read one story, and it was pretty horrendous..... It does seem that this scandal has gotten less publicity than some of the others. Nassar, the physician involved in the scandal, caused far more damage to far more people than Jerry Sandusky. Nassar and the people who covered for him don't seem to have attracted the ire of the feminists or that much attention in the media.
That would have to be wrong by 100 lbs., to trump The Donald.
That is, presuming that Trump is really 239. And nobody is buying that.
“A poet in an age and region where ‘everything is naked but the truth.’” - Edmund Stedman 1880
You had no idea.
Chuck proved that Trump is a fattie with geometric logic. You do know, of course, and any liberal would be quick to tell you, if we were talking about Madame Secretary Cankles, that BMI is a statistical measure that is applicable only to populations, not individuals.
But you go ahead with your “brilliant” Beavis and Butthead routine. I bet Trump farts too! You could get a reporter to ask him about it, then the door will be open to the premiere plane in the levels of humor, the fart joke! Imagine the coruscating satires of Trump that would flow from that!
It’s the blind hatred Chuck, that’s why you are a joke here. Oh yeah, and Hillary will never be president.
But I think I'll win. The interwebz say that Hillary is about 5'6" and 140.
So you'll believe the internet about Hillary, and disbelieve a doctor about Trump?
Keep searching for those strawberries.
Interesting that Trump is fat and old but is still a good golfer. He was probably a very good athlete when he was younger. Haven’t had a president who was a good golfer since JFK. It should be a qualification of the job
Still, Hillary lies about her weight, and she was the alternative that we were offered on election day. So, like the whole “pussy grabbing” thing, if there was no clean alternative offered by the other side, it’s a null issue. Move on to something Hillary is not guilty of, like running the DOW above 26,000 or something.
Or is everybody lying about the DOW to cover for Trump?
roesch/voltaire said...
Apparently the suppression of a speaker's right to speak is not confined to the left but Also the right...
Has the person issuing the threat been caught? If not, why would you assume they are from the right, given the left's rich history of false-flag activity?
I tried to check if they have been caught, but google did not turn up any mention of her canceling an event. Do you have a link?
Hillary’s doctor letter in the 2016 campaign didn’t disclose her weight. Maybe Guardians of the Galaxy director can offer her 100,000 to charity to step on the scale.
Chuck said...
Many, many, many thanks to ARM for alerting me to the nascent #Girther movement.
You are very welcome. Forums such as this are ideal venues for sharing insights and unnoticed facts so that we can all grow a greater appreciation for the complexity and beauty of the world around us.
Jeezum Crow! Check your 401Ks, Trump is fattening them up!
So where are folks getting this info on Hil's dimensions and weight?
Conflicting info out there..not surprisingly.
Fat jokes on the internet? Whodathunkit?
Oprah weighs more than Trump. 2020 should be a great race
Looking for a good place to retire. Well, Kentucky isn't recommended very highly. In fact, less highly than 49 other states.
Thank ARM now..but when you wreck your keyboard...
Never mind on the link request... Google had changed Bandy to Brandy on me, then found plenty of references to her as Brandy, but not the one about the meeting cancellation.
Shuck offered: "I will spend $100 on Amazon orders through the Althouse Amazon portal if she blogs the #Girther story."
Our hostess has too much class to fall your attempted bribe. Shuck, why don't you put your meager $100 towards creating your own blog. I told you I would comment early and often. If nothing else, to mock your sorry carcass.
Gahrie said...
But I think I'll win. The interwebz say that Hillary is about 5'6" and 140.
So you'll believe the internet about Hillary, and disbelieve a doctor about Trump?
I didn't mean to suggest that I "believe" anything from Hillary. Not about her weight, not about the Rose Law Firm records, not much of anything.
I didn't bring up Hillary Clinton in this context. I have no idea why anybody did bring her up, apart from the usual deflective what-about-Hillary Trumpkin whining.
So no; I don't "believe Hillary."
And I certainly don't believe that Trump is 6'3", or that he weighs only 239. I don't believe it, and I want people to really dig into it, because of the sort of stuff I see form people like Scott Adams, crowing about Trump's supposed great health. I think that Trump's true BMI number (and you are of course all free to think that BMI numbers are useless) would put him in an "obese" range.
Chuck, what is your height and weight?
Why is his weight important to you?
@Meade, how do you keep those cups from sliding off such a tilted table?
I don't believe it, and I want people to really dig into it ...
Dig into it yourself, fat boy. You think the rest of us don't have real work to do?
Stormy told In Touch:
“[The sex] was textbook generic,” while discussing the fling they had less than four months after Donald’s wife, Melania, gave birth to their son, Barron. “I actually don’t even know why I did it, but I do remember while we were having sex, I was like, ‘Please, don’t try to pay me.’”
Stormy, dressed up to go out on the town, arrived at Trump’s hotel room, where she says she was greeted by a bodyguard named Keith, who let her inside. Stormy claims Trump was sprawled on the couch watching TV, wearing pajama pants. “We ended up having dinner in the room”.
At one point, she excused herself to go to the bathroom. “When I came out, he was sitting on the bed and he was like, ‘Come here.’ And I was like, ‘Ugh, here we go.’ And we started kissing.” After having sex, Stormy said, “We hung out for a little while and he just kept saying, ‘I’m gonna call you, I’m gonna call you. I have to see you again. You’re amazing. We have to get you on The Apprentice.’”
The interview with Daniels was conducted in 2011, which means it occurred before the performer signed the reported NDA. The magazine also verified Daniels’ account with two sources at the time and had the actress take a polygraph.
Rusty: "Chuck. Why is his weight important to you?"
Because it is important to the far left and "Bowe Bergdahl Republican" Chuck never deviates from the far left talking points of the day.
Again, I already knew what LLR Chuck would be writing today by reviewing some of the lefty fever swamp postings on other sites.
"Accidental Leftist" Chuck is always 100% aligned with what appears in those venues.
But only 100% of the time. You know, like all lifelong republicans.
So, I guess that means we should have voted for Hillary!
I actually don’t even know why I did it,
Hint: it was because he was a star.
ARM is scandalized over extramarital sex! Must not be talking about a Democrat!
Tim in Vermont: "ARM is scandalized over extramarital sex! Must not be talking about a Democrat"
Is it really "safe sex" when you shove a cigar up an intern and then smoke the cigar?
Why is his weight important to you?
Chuck needs to get the sex doll he hate rapes three times a week “exactly right.”
"Apple announces plans to repatriate billions in overseas cash, says it will 'contribute' $350 billion to the US economy over the next 5 years
Apple said it will "contribute" $350 billion in the US economy over the next 5 years.
It will include the creation of 20,000 new jobs and a new campus.
Apple expects tax repatriation payments of about $38 billion."
Rusty said...
Why is his weight important to you?
Because it was reported in an official White House memo of some sort, as the truth. And I think it wasn't the truth. And that if anybody really dug into it, and checked the doctor's records (as opposed to the White House memo) that they would discovery that it is untrue. And just like "shit hole countries," and "the White House is a dump," and "mine was the biggest election win since Reagan," and "John Miller" and vaccines/autism and thousand other things, the lying goes to who and what Trump is, on a deeply personal level. Maybe even a group of people all in on the lie. Motivated by a p.r. imperative, to keep Trump out of any "obese" classification.
Also; the notion that Trump lied so brazenly about something like this is just plain fun for me. I really do like to think that it is the sort of thing that Scott Adams has no answer for. I also love the notion of a charity challenge to get Trump on a scale publicly. If Trump wasn't lying, why wouldn't he hop on it? I expect that we could get the buy-in to a million bucks, easy. Why wouldn't Trump want to do a million-dollar deal for charity that would take him 30 seconds if we set up a certified scale on the first tee at Trump National-Doral?
Thanks for asking, Rusty. Have a nice day.
s it really “safe sex” when you ...
Hold it right there, that’s a Democrat you are talking about.
Remember, ARM never defends the Clintons though. He says he doesn’t have to because everything bad people say about them is all conspiracy theories! It’s like the man has zero self awareness. Problem is ARM, the rest of us aren’t blinded by your prejudices.
Watch this.
Shut up FullMoon! We are discussing the important topic of Trump’s weight!
Don’t anybody check their 401Ks either! Nor should you check your withholding statements!
And if you got a $1,000 dollar bonus from your employer, remember that it is just a pittance, and you may as well burn it! Because there are people in this world with more money than you!
You need to spend lots of time convincing Scott Adams to get into girtgate's nitty gritty.
Go now!
He needs you!
Isn't it obvious that Trump is only 4' 11" and weighs 800 pounds?
I tend to believe the 239 weight because I always overestimate the weight of old people by quite a bit. I don't think I am alone in this.
Chuck, let me ask the question a different way: what is your weight and height?
One more thing, then back to my book. Do you guys, Chuck and ARM have any idea how petty this makes you look? It’s like the Alex Keaton character in Family Ties, the writers thought they were mocking him, and made him apologize every episode from some retrograde opinion or other that they proved was wrong with a fictional situation the writers created, and yet.. and yet... For some reason people didn’t end up hating Alex, they liked him! I watched the show, and this is before I became a partisan Republican, which I admit to, I rooted for him.
You guys are driving away Generation Z the same way that the Reagan haters drove away my tail of the baby boom generation, whatever we are called, with their petty crap.
One more one more thing. You know what I have noticed? While my black friends don’t like Trump, they are very receptive to arguments on immigration if you don’t mention the Oompa Loompa in the White House by name. That has to scare the shit out of Democrats if it is playing out nationally. Maybe I am just a very persuasive person, IDK.
It’s probably gonna collapse back to 20,000 any minute.
Hey, just be thankful you don't have Chuck on the job of trying to determine the real size of Trump's dick.
Hey, just be thankful you don't have Chuck on the job of trying to determine the real size of Trump's dick
He needs to know that next for his hate-rape doll, don’t get him started! It’s all in the size of his fingers! He has a chart! He’s been poring over photos with objects of known size in them to get the whole thing worked out! He’s got people doing the math, video gamer types who can do the kind of linear algebra it takes to get this stuff exactly right!
Insect politics indeed. It’s all insect politics. One long bugtussle.
Blogger Chuck said...
Rusty said...
Why is his weight important to you?
"Because it was reported in an official White House memo of some sort, as the truth. And I think it wasn't the truth."
Good on ya, mate. Let us know how that turns out.
Me? I got a life.
LLR Chuck is just doing his part for the left by chumming the water to bury the story his dem allies spying on a domestic political opponent.
Again, the more that emerges that shows just what Chucks lefty allies have been doing the louder and more petty Chuck's attacks on Trump have to become. There is simply nothing Chuck and his lefty allies have left as political weapons now that their collusion hoax is collapsing under the weight of what Nunes, Goodlatte and Grassley are exposing.
I expect imminent attacks by Chuck on those 3 republicans and repubican members of those committee's as Chuck's beloved dems, like Schiff, come under greater scrutiny.
With Chuck, as with all his lefty allies, one has to look at what they are NOT talking about to see what is really going on.
I just wonder what Chuck sees as the end game by playing into MSM hysteria over this shit. "I voted for him..now I'm happy he's so flawed."
walter: "I just wonder what Chuck sees as the end game by playing into MSM hysteria over this shit. "I voted for him..now I'm happy he's so flawed."
There is actually zero evidence that Chuck voted for Trump.
The end game is impeachment of Trump and running Pence out of there as well in order to hand back power to the deep state dems.
That has been Chucks goal all along.
Does Trump weigh undressed? His bullet proof under garments probably add 20 lbs. and Brass Balls add to weight too.
Great Scot!
He has superior "genetics".
Scots-Irish moment of pride!
Rusty said...
Blogger Chuck said...
Rusty said...
Why is his weight important to you?
"Because it was reported in an official White House memo of some sort, as the truth. And I think it wasn't the truth."
Good on ya, mate. Let us know how that turns out.
Me? I got a life.
But Rusty, if it was good news (however inconsequential) about Trump's health, it would be worth about Periscope tutorial and a stream of Tweets from Scott Adams:
Body armor adds considerably to one's apparent girth.
Chuck. Why is his weight important to you?
Because the democrat talking points he received today told him it's important.
Sorry--tradguy beat me to it.
Where do you get Scots-Irish from? The Scots-Irish in America mostly immigrated in the 18th century and settled in Appalachia. Trump's mother was from a small island in Scotland. His father's family was of mostly German extraction.
Trump isn't at all Scots-Irish.
That pic makes me hungry for a good, Jewish deli corned beef and swiss sammich...
Trump's father died at age 93. His mother died at age 88. I guess he does have good genes.
Trump's staff fudge his height and weight to get his BMI to hit the highest "overweight" number and keep him off the "obese" category. I think there can be zero doubt of that.
It's the lying, stupid.
Of course there can be doubt. Because anyone who looks at the guy who ISN'T stricken with TDS can see that 239 is probably at least close to what he weighs.
Because you don't want to believe something doesn't make that thing a lie.
Seriously, Chuck - get help.
A Reasonable Man at 12:57 PM
I do remember while we were having sex, I was like, ‘Please, don’t try to pay me.’ .... After having sex, Stormy said, “We hung out for a little while and he just kept saying, ‘I’m gonna call you, I’m gonna call you. I have to see you again. You’re amazing. We have to get you on The Apprentice.’”
She wanted to be paid for the sex by being on The Apprentice.
For her, a porn star, that was a good deal.
Because it was reported in an official White House memo of some sort, as the truth. And I think it wasn't the truth. And that if anybody really dug into it, and checked the doctor's records (as opposed to the White House memo) that they would discovery that it is untrue
What evidence do you have that it's NOT true? A bunch of lefty fever sites who have a vested interest in that belief?
Trump 's mother is a native of Norwegian settled area of Scotland's NW's coastal islands called. The Hebrides . Her home Island is called the most Presbyterianplace on earth. All the men were lost in WWI in France and then the ship home drowned the last 200 on the way home 10 yards from home. She Raised her son Presbyterian.
The Scots-Irish in the USA came into Pennsylvania as designated Indian fighters to save the Quackers.and then they wandered south and west down the Shenandoah Valley to East Tennessee and than went on to TAKE Texas from the Commannche Empire that Mexico could not handle. Jackson's old second in command had the Texans attack in both directions and created their own Nation with a Lone Star.
And they were all Presbyterians. Or if no minister was there they were called Baptists . HST was one. And they are not racists. The Episcopalians are the racists of AmericanHistory. Slavery was Big Business in all English Empire conquests. The Scots-Irish hate the British Empire. They earned the right. And they were 80% of the Continental Army who slaughtered them faster than Geo. III could rent them from Hesse.
I Callahan said...
What evidence do you have that it's NOT true?...
That right there is the beauty of the offer of $100,000 to a charity of Trump's choosing if he'll get on a scale.
If he's not lying, why not do it?
If he's not lying, why not do it?
Because his weight has already been reported, and the fact that you personally doubt doesn't mean he will or should? Who exactly do you think you are anyway?
I can play this game too: I offer $100K to charity if Obama releases his school transcripts. If he has nothing to hide, why not do it?
Chuck said...
Rusty said...
Blogger Chuck said...
Rusty said...
Why is his weight important to you?
"Because it was reported in an official White House memo of some sort, as the truth. And I think it wasn't the truth."
Good on ya, mate. Let us know how that turns out.
Me? I got a life.
But Rusty, if it was good news (however inconsequential) about Trump's health, it would be worth about Periscope tutorial and a stream of Tweets from Scott Adams:
I'm sure Scott Adams has a life too.
Carry on.
Let's not forget the 75 inches in height part either.
And then, best of all, is the part about what the doctor measured/recorded, versus what the White House communications staff put out.
It's all fun!
If this is a completely 'fake news' story, Trump would cancel every appointment for a week to make the media out as liars. This one is so easy for Trump to disprove... if he can.
Bring it on! Fake news fight!
I can play this game too: I offer $100K to charity if Obama releases his school transcripts. If he has nothing to hide, why not do it?
Lulz! Isn't that exactly what Trump did? And now Trump won't release his transcripts, or his tax returns, or anything else.
He won't let Bannon testify under a Congressional subpoena!
Lulz! Isn't that exactly what Trump did? And now Trump won't release his transcripts, or his tax returns, or anything else. He won't let Bannon testify under a Congressional subpoena!
First, no Trump did not. Second, it's none of your business what Trump's tax returns say, and third, Bannon has already agreed to be interviewed by Mueller.
A trifecta of weapons grade stupid.
I am more interested in how little Greta van Sustern measures up to Big Bad Chuck.
You know, six foot 190 Chuck who imagined grabbing Greta and bruising her up to show her how it feels. To see if she would press charges.
Big Bad Chuck. Trump hater, woman abuser. Old school Republican.
Big Bad Chuck. Crying for Althouse's attention.
Wouldn’t the dossier have an accurate weight for Trump in the health section?
What a glorious day when LLR Chuck decides its not worth pretending to be something he's not.
R.I.P Keith Jackson.
I can't wait to see what tactics LLR Chuck employs to explain away, defend and mitigate the actions of the dems who actively sought to protect the Pakistani brothers who ran their IT operation in the House and clearly engaged in espionage activities against our govt.
All with the knowing complicity on the dems.
LLR Chuck will be working overtime to cover for those guys.
I Callahan:
LMFAO. I was wrong. Trump didn't offer $100,000 to a charity if Obama would release his transcripts. It was $5 million, that Trump offered, if Obama produced those copies.
That's what makes the offer for Trump to get on a scale so beautiful. I hope it gets up to $5 million, and then somebody does a YouTube video just like Trump's.
Also, I don't really want to read Trump's tax returns. I want the FBI to read them.
And as for Bannon, I expect he'll get a chance to speak with Mueller. But still, a Congressional subpoena isn't an "optional" invitation. Bannon doesn't get to choose.
Does Chuck know that the people who are actually in charge of identifying violations of tax law have already seen Trump's tax returns?
"Does Chuck know that the people who are actually in charge of identifying violations of tax law have already seen Trump's tax returns"
Not unless that fact has been posted on the far left blog sites where Chuck gets his talking points for the day.
Sorry, I meant to say not unless that fact has been posted on the far left blog sites where LLR Chuck "accidentally" gets his talking points for the day.
Paul Zrimsek said...
Does Chuck know that the people who are actually in charge of identifying violations of tax law have already seen Trump's tax returns?
You ever hear that old line that goes something along the lines of, "It's like getting Al Capone for tax evasion..."?
What they did of course was get Al Capone for tax evasion.
What they did of course was get Al Capone for tax evasion
You keep hoping. But seriously - get help. You're crazy.
The people who got Capone for tax evasion being the IRS-- you know, the ones who've already seen Trump's tax returns.
"LLR and Cutting Edge News Source" Chuck: "What they did of course was get Al Capone for tax evasion."
Next up, LLR Chuck explains to you rubes that there was this little thing called the first moon landing in 1969.
Chucky also has some interesting new info regarding VE/VJ days in 1945.
LLR Chuck: Hey, did you guys hear? The Beatles split up!
LLR Chuck is happy to go on record right now and predict Reagan win's bigly in 1984....after which he will curl up in a ball and weep....
It's a desperate bid to get Trump in a public place without body armor.
Admit it you guys, Chuck is perversely entertaining. Plus he is blind to mockery so he doesn't suffer! Larry David could not have come up with such a character.
Senator Booker has accused Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen of lying to Congress.
I think where she screwed-up, was even engaging with the fucking loon. She should have said:
"What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?"
During her reign, Aphrodite cursed the women of the island for having neglected her shrines. (According to Bibliotheca 1.9.17, the women were afflicted with an evil smell.) The men took up with female slaves taken on raids on Thrace. The women of the island decided upon revenge and, in one night, killed all their male relatives. Hypsipyle alone spared a male. She hid her father, Thoas, from the vengeful plan." - Wikipedia
Everything old is new again.
Chuck said...
I Callahan said...
What evidence do you have that it's NOT true?...
That right there is the beauty of the offer of $100,000 to a charity of Trump's choosing if he'll get on a scale.
If he's not lying, why not do it?
1/17/18, 2:03 PM
Because the D will welsh. Bill Maher did.
Apple announces $250 Billion to be repatriated and 20,000 new jobs.
LLR Chuck and dems hardest hit.
I like how 48 hours ago Trump was a demented racist with his finger on the nuclear trigger.
Today he's just fat.
And the liberals are just as excited to call him fat as they were a demented racist.
That tells you really everything you need to know about the anti-Trumpers.
With Apples repatriation estimate and commitment today we have already exceeded the total amount of capital LLR Chuck's Dem pals said would be the max amount of cash companies would return.
We are now at 170 companies who have announced new jobs and/or increased wages affecting millions of workers.
And LLR Chuck weeps and returns to his lefty talking points for comfort.
How long until Anderson Cooper is interviewing a panel of carnival weight guessers about Trump's weight?
It would be more on brand than much of what's passing for news over there these days.
Navin: For one dollar I'll guess you weight, your height, or your sex. The most exciting thing on the midway. Imagine the thrill of getting your weight guessed by a professional. You can blow up your cheeks, you can stick out your chest, but you're not going to fool the guesser. How about you sir? Step right up!
Chuck will get to the bottom of those missing strawberries if it's the last thing he ever does! Go for it, Chuck!!! Round up the usual suspects!
Can you imagine the butt-hurt on the way for Chuck and his lefty pals when the decreased taxes start showing up on paychecks next month for 90% of taxpayers?
I expect epic lashing out from Chuck and his pals to try and distract from the gains.
Stumbled across this: https://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2018/01/watch-cathy-newmans-catastrophic-interview-with-jordan-peterson/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMcjxSThD54
Dr. Jordan Peterson was in the UK promoting his new book. He sat down for an "interview" by Cathy Newman, who attempted to attack him with her fabulous arguments. The results are hysterical. In a battle of wits, Newman is not a threat.
First week of 2018: Trump is crazy and demented.
Second week: Trump said bad words.
Third week: Trump is fat.
Fourth week: ???
First week of 2018: Trump lies about what he will do on immigration.
Second week: Trump lies about saying "shithole countries."
Third week: Trump lies about the results of his physical.
Fourth week: Trump lies about... ?
Fourth Week: All your wage increases and new jobs are being paid with fake Trump Dollars which were mass produced by Macedonians hired by Russians!
Fiat-Chrysler repatriating production of Ram trucks back to the US from Mexico.
LLR Chuck and his mini-me gadfly hardest hit.
China, still Communist.
Today he's just fat.
It's a slow news day.
Fat jokes replace "shithole" outrage, which replaced "Fire and Fury" gossip, which replaced ... I can't even remember what the left was hyperventilating about prior to two weeks ago...
Trump needs to tweet something. Fat jokes get old quickly.
Ann Althouse said...
First week of 2018: Trump is crazy and demented.
Second week: Trump said bad words.
Third week: Trump is fat.
Why can't they all be true? Old lardass is certainly fat.
First week of 2018: Trump is crazy and demented.
Second week: Trump said bad words.
Third week: Trump is fat.
Fourth week: ???
He's a poopie-head.
"When my kids were young, they had the impression that the phrase "on purpose" meant trying to be bad."
That's funny. I remember my kid using the term "on accident."
Old lardass is certainly fat.
Can we stipulate that if Trump is fat then Hillary Clinton is obviously obese?
And he drives golf balls farther than Barack Obama, too.
Not to mention Trump's vulgarities are nowhere near as bad as the F-bombs lobbed by Kirsten Gillibrand and Joe Biden.
Nor is Trump even close to being as demented as Cory Booker.
Big Mike said...
Can we stipulate that if Trump is fat then Hillary Clinton is obviously obese?
Sure. But when did Hillary ever lie about her weight? Did anybody lie for her, about her weight?
And he drives golf balls farther than Barack Obama, too.
Okay. But how bogus is Trump's legendary GHIN handicap index of 2.2? He's played perhaps a hundred rounds of golf since his last posted score. Obama never lied about winning a bunch of club championships either.
Not to mention Trump's vulgarities are nowhere near as bad as the F-bombs lobbed by Kirsten Gillibrand and Joe Biden.
I don't know who's worse. I expect that maybe Trump is. But irrespective of who is the worst, when have Biden or Gillibrand ever lied about their use of profanity?
Nor is Trump even close to being as demented as Cory Booker.
I am trying to recall anything in Booker's life (and I am not a Booker supporter or admirer) that is anywhere as close to "demented" as Trump's tape-recorded escapades as "John Miller" or "John Baron." I don't recall Booker being anything like a Birther, or a Truther, or a Vaxxer. I don't think Booker has ever been involved in such laughably embarrassing litigation, as the Trump University fraud case, or the Trump libel lawsuit versus Tim O'Brien for his authorship of TrumpNation.
Fourth week: ???
Trumps son has declared himself a transsexual, and want hormone therapy.
Fourth week? Trump has cooties.
Fourth week? Skidmarks in his briefs. Trump will deny, as will his valet, but Chuck will demand to know 'the truth' and demand to actually SEE Trumps undies.
"Bowe Bergdahl Republican"
Good. But my heart still belongs to Vichy Chuck.
LLR Chuck: "Sure. But when did Hillary ever lie about her weight? Did anybody lie for her, about her weight?"
The collapsible Hillary, freezing up at rallies, zoning out, having helpers hold her up and tossing her into vans like a sack of dog food..that Hillary?
I have to admit, I enjoyed Chuck more when he actually put some real effort into trying to maintain his long cultivated online persona.
But that is long gone now, isnt it?
Now its full speed ahead on the Durbin/Booker Express!
"Good. But my heart still belongs to Vichy Chuck."
Lets split the difference: either "Bowe Vichy" or "Vichy Bergdahl".
Everyone gets a vote, even "accidental Leftist" Chuck.
We should crank up a new game: Democrat Underground OR LLR Chuck?
Actually that would not be a good game as there would have to be some discernable difference in their offerings.
Alas, the creative process must continue.
Admit it you guys, Chuck is perversely entertaining.
No. He isn't.
He's tedious, boring and dishonest.
This blog would improve 100 percent if he'd go the way of garage mahal.
Fourth week? Skidmarks in his briefs.
LOL! That'd be the perfect progression; from shit-holes to shit-stains.
Blogger Chuck said...
“First week of 2018: Trump lies about what he will do on immigration.
Second week: Trump lies about saying "shithole countries."
Third week: Trump lies about the results of his physical.
Fourth week: Trump lies about... ?”
The only one of these that is of consequence is the first one. What did Trump lie about with regards to what he will do on immigration?
Singularity (2017) takes the prize for all-time plotless stinker. So bad that it's positively empathy-repelling.
It apparently ends (from skipping ahead) with an opening to Singularity 2.
I don't think they've focus-grouped it properly.
OM: "What did Trump lie about with regards to what he will do on immigration?"
Quite the opposite. Chuck and Schumer and the rest of the left are actually upset that Trump is holding firm.
Nothing triggers LLR Chuck more than Trump delivering conservative policies and not caving to Chuckies leftist allies.
That drives our LLR bonkers.
Angry, spittle-flecked bonkers.
I’m serious with the question. What is Chuck talking about? Chuck?
President Trump announced his first Fake News Awards on Wednesday night.
The President posted a tweet on the award winners on Twitter.
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The Fake News Awards BROKE THE INTERNET.
The president listed about 12 stories as winning the Fake News Awards for 2017.
2017 was a year of unrelenting bias, unfair news coverage, and even downright fake news. Studies have shown that over 90% of the media’s coverage of President Trump is negative.
Below are the winners of the 2017 Fake News Awards:
1. The New York Times’ Paul Krugman claimed on the day of President Trump’s historic, landslide victory that the economy would never recover.
2. ABC News’ Brian Ross CHOKES and sends markets in a downward spiral with false report.
3. CNN FALSELY reported that candidate Donald Trump and his son Donald J. Trump, Jr. had access to hacked documents from WikiLeaks.
4. TIME FALSELY reported that President Trump removed a bust of Martin Luther King, Jr. from the Oval Office.
5. Washington Post FALSELY reported the President’s massive sold-out rally in Pensacola, Florida was empty. Dishonest reporter showed picture of empty arena HOURS before crowd started pouring in.
6. CNN FALSELY edited a video to make it appear President Trump defiantly overfed fish during a visit with the Japanese prime minister. Japanese prime minister actually led the way with the feeding.
7. CNN FALSELY reported about Anthony Scaramucci’s meeting with a Russian, but retracted it due to a “significant breakdown in process.”
8. Newsweek FALSELY reported that Polish First Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda did not shake President Trump’s hand.
9. CNN FALSELY reported that former FBI Director James Comey would dispute President Trump’s claim that he was told he is not under investigation.
10. The New York Times FALSELY claimed on the front page that the Trump administration had hidden a climate report.
11. And last, but not least: “RUSSIA COLLUSION!” Russian collusion is perhaps the greatest hoax perpetrated on the American people. THERE IS NO COLLUSION!
While the media spent 90% of the time focused on negative coverage or fake news, the President has been getting results:
1. The economy has created nearly 2 million jobs and gained over $8 trillion in wealth since the President’s inauguration.
2. African Americans and Hispanics are enjoying the lowest unemployment rate in recorded history.
3. The President signed historic tax cuts and relief for hardworking Americans not seen since President Reagan.
4. President Trump’s plan to cut regulations has exceeded “2 out for every 1 in” mandate, issuing 22 deregulatory actions for every one new regulatory action.
5. The President has unleashed an American energy boom by ending Obama-era regulations, approving the Keystone pipeline, auctioning off millions of new acres for energy exploration, and opening up ANWR.
6. ISIS is in retreat, having been crushed in Iraq and Syria.
7. President Trump followed through on his promise to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel and instructed the State Department to begin to relocate the Embassy.
8. With President Trump’s encouragement, more member nations are paying their fair share for the common defense in the NATO alliance.
9. Signed the Veterans Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act to allow senior officials in the VA to fire failing employees and establishes safeguards to protect whistleblowers.
10. President Trump kept his promise and appointed Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court.
@FullMoon, well that's all well and good, BUT! As Chuck has pointed out Donald Trump may -- may, mind you -- be lying about his weight! Why isn't that more important to you than the Russian Collusion hoax? Huh? Answer me that! And Trump (and Tom Cotton and David Perdue) may be lying about his calling Haiti a shithole. (Which it is, BTW.) Little Dick Durbin says so! Why don't you care about that? Huh? Huh?
Guys like you make Chuck sick.
Are you not getting enough attention from your family?
I can't imagine why they would ignore your needs for attention, given what a kind natured, straightforward and deep thinking person you are.
I suspect Inga is available. She's a retired nurse who would happily clean your bedpan and look at you, a retired lawyer, as if you were the smartest person in the room.
$100 to Amazon via Althouse would produce a comission large enough to buy a latte. Maybe . Chuck is clearly not. a lawyer. Or maybe he charges $100 an hour. LOL. Insult bribe.
Are you not getting enough attention from your family?
I can't imagine why they would ignore your needs for attention, given what a kind natured, straightforward and deep thinking person you are.
I suspect Inga is available. She's a retired nurse who would happily clean your bedpan and look at you, a retired lawyer, as if you were the smartest person in the room.”
Does it not seem obvious to you that with these odd,creepy, consistently insulting comments homing in on a couple of Althouse commenters, you display for all the blog to see that you are the one who is having some major psychological malfunction? When did you lose your liscense to practice? When your patient or staff reported you to the Board? Perhaps you need help dealing with your aggresion. No psychologist or psychiatrist I ever worked with/for behaved the way you do. That tells a tale. You are the sick puppy in this kennel.
This blog would improve 100 percent if he'd go the way of garage mahal.
I'm not sure Chuckles isn't garage.
"I will spend $100 on Amazon orders through the Althouse Amazon portal if she blogs the #Girther story."
Get out.
I hear it is a good movie. And you can get it on Bluray through Amazon.
I'm just glad Chuck doesn't regret his vote for Trump...
This worries me...
Which is why my use of FB is limited. Probably not enough...
"No psychologist or psychiatrist I ever worked with/for behaved the way you do. That tells a tale. You are the sick puppy in this kennel."
The obvious inference is that you have had a lot of contact with people in the mental health community, Inga. Be that as it may, you know that 90% are lefties or pretend to be lefties in order to remain part of the tribe. (Example: A psychiatrist colleague recently told me in an offhand manner that Trump has turned the US into a fascist state).
I do not reside in that bubble, but I don't challenge their non-thinking groupthink. That's why I am different.
I will challenge the idiotic nonsense I see from lefties here. It's because I do not suffer fools gladly and I do not have to work with you, Chuck, Ritmo, ARM and the usual lefty fools.
If you think I am "sick", then you are just hysterically dialing up to 11, like the DNC/MSM complex. Then again, maybe you are using the favorite tool of the left - projection.
"Sure. But when did Hillary ever lie about her weight? "
When did Trump?
"Okay. But how bogus is Trump's legendary GHIN handicap index of 2.2? He's played perhaps a hundred rounds of golf since his last posted score. Obama never lied about winning a bunch of club championships either."
Just be glad Trump doesn't fish. And that's about the only thing Obama didn't lie about.
"I don't know who's worse. I expect that maybe Trump is. But irrespective of who is the worst, when have Biden or Gillibrand ever lied about their use of profanity?"
When is the last time you had sex with an underage girl?
"I am trying to recall anything in Booker's life (and I am not a Booker supporter or admirer) that is anywhere as close to "demented" as Trump's tape-recorded escapades as "John Miller" or "John Baron." I don't recall Booker being anything like a Birther, or a Truther, or a Vaxxer. I don't think Booker has ever been involved in such laughably embarrassing litigation, as the Trump University fraud case, or the Trump libel lawsuit versus Tim O'Brien for his authorship of TrumpNation."
No. Booker is just flat out socialist bug nuts crazy.
Are you sure your a lawyer? That's some pretty sloppy reasoning.
I'm gonna have my coffee now.
“That's why I am different.”
Yes indeed you are different, because you are a fraud and a fake. You base your insults on fakery, you add the descriptor of psychologist on your information page. I know/ knew psychologists and psychiatrists professional settings and currently in social settings.You, my dear Running With Scissors “Psychologist”, are no psychologist, or you’ve lost your liscense to practice, it does happen and I’m pretty sure it’s happened to you. You come across as exceedingly hateful, insulting, personal, stalkerish, creepy to the the max. The underlying pathology is stamped on almost everything you post, directed at your perceived enemies and it speaks loudly.
Even when your perceived enemies haven’t posted on a thread you go out of your way to include them in some strange comment you’ve directed at others. You’ve insulted the nursing profession multiple times now. Do you not think that others posting here may be nurses or have loved ones who are nurses? Why do you disrespect nurses? Do you not know there are nurses that are more educated than psychologists? I know no psychologist/ psychiatrist who speaks in such a derogatory way at those who are in the nursing profession.
You make the same sort of insults directed at your enemies, post after post. Do you think this makes you look normal? Do you have no control over your impulses? Or do you harbor some hatred toward strangers on the internet because you are angry at them for daring to express their opinion? You accuse me of dialing it up to 11 by implying there is something wrong with you, yet you fail to see that your personal insults directed at your perceived enemies is not normal.
You’ve used psychology to base your insults on even citing your ( so called) background of psychology. You’ve even offered medication! You, not I, are the Soviet style psychologist accusing others of the very thing you're doing. What is wrong with you? I bet that psychologist you spoke to recently must’ve been shaking his head after coming away from that conversation. He should only know what you say here to strangers and how you personalize them in your mind.
Francisco, stop running with those scissors, you’re going to hurt yourself.
Thanks Inga.
I rest my case.
You are truly an overly emotional leftist idiot.
BTW, Psychologists do not prescribe medication in 48 states. I don't believe we should in any state. Your memory is faulty.
“BTW, Psychologists do not prescribe medication in 48 states. I don't believe we should in any state. Your memory is faulty.”
No kidding, that was part of the point I was making. You suggested medications to the person’s you were insulting.
You are a fraud and a troubled person.
"You are a fraud and a troubled person."
Leftist projection at its clearest.
Thank you for the shining example of how the Left tries to win arguments these days.
You might read Steven Pinker's recent article in that regard. Of course, he is a psychologist and probably a fraud in your way of thinking.
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