January 27, 2018

"And let me just say, this is directed to the activist bitches supporting bitches."

It's not clear when this video was made, but it's all over my Twitter feed right now — perhaps as an accusation of hypocrisy in light of the Burns Strider story in the news yesterday.


David Begley said...

Every day that Hillary is not President is a great day in America.

Jersey Fled said...

Damn. Begley beat me to it.

Big Mike said...

If she was the very best woman for the job, then ladies of America, you have NOTHING.

Jaq said...

Sweet. I don’t have to listen to it because she is not president.

Jersey Fled said...

Funny that she self identifies herself and her supporters as bitches, though.

PJ said...

Stolen valor.

rehajm said...

Why didn't someone close to her say something about her pathetic attempt to be one of the cool kids by using all the hip and happening language?

rehajm said...

I don’t have to listen to it because she is not president

No obligation to push the blue button with an arrow. All politicians need a blue button with an arrow.

holdfast said...

Bill’s all like “I been calling her a bitch for decades and nobody believes me!”

Wince said...

"And let me just say, this is directed to the activist bitches supporting bitches."

Hubristically forgetting, characteristically, that karma's a bitch.

Curious George said...

Alex Mohajer, Actor: Mean Bros. Alex Mohajer is an American author, artist, and activist leader. Mohajer is a political writer and commentator who first garnered national attention for his controversial criticisms of the 2016 American presidential election as a contributor to The Huffington Post.

God Hillary is just awful.

FIDO said...
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rehajm said...

It's a political challenge for sour old white women to overcome the perception they are sour old white women.

Bob Boyd said...

You know what's a bitch?
Losing to Trump. That is a bitch.

Jaq said...

Didn’t we have a vote and didn’t we ban Bossy?

Christopher said...

Between this and the Strider thing it's like somebody said:

"Quick, we need to remind people how Hillary managed to lose"

Jersey Fled said...

BTW, I think Hillary would look much better in orange.

Wilbur said...

I love how her companion has to remind her to say what they talked about first, and how it's just so cool and with it to say "bitches" that they have to laugh after she says it.

Inimitable indeed.

FIDO said...

This was so clearly scripted and that 'zing' line was carefully crafted. Her gape mouthed bit of confusion of forgetting her line and missing the mark made this pure theater.

'Bitch shall not kill bitch' (or at least liberal bitch). That is the Feminist credo.

And those Feminist bitches learned that once again, Hillary has female blood on her sword (ignoring all those other blood stains already there).

Hillary wants the Tribe to ignore her violating the credo and committing Femi-Sin.

I smiled once again that she is not president.

Tommy Duncan said...

Learning more about the essential Hillary is like peeling back the layers of an onion: When you are all done there is nothing in the middle, you've made a mess and your hands stink.

Molly said...

God, I love to listen to her talk. I so deeply wish that she was President so that I hear her voice every single day, morning, noon, and night.

Darrell said...

Talk like that will work in prison. Along with some Diesel-Dyke bodyguards.

traditionalguy said...

Soon to be a Bitch in Jail. God help the guards.

MadisonMan said...

There's much to add to the commentary above.

This video makes her look forgetful. I don't see how Hillary 2020 can happen.

Curious George said...

Hillary in 2020? That bitch doesn't look like she'll make it to tomorrow.

WK said...


Glen Filthie said...

Biches? More like cunned stunts, I’d say. Why isn’t that old cow not out grazing in a pasture somewhere? Or better yet, in a cage?

Jaq said...

God, I love to listen to her talk. I so deeply wish that she was President so that I hear her voice every single day, morning, noon, and night.

Covering for a three time forcible rapist and serial sexual harasser notwithstanding!

Well, she does have the Putin funded Clinton Foundation, so she may run again!

David said...

Someone hands Hillary a comedy line. She botches it. No surprise.

cronus titan said...

Hillary's lack of self-awareness is, was, and always will be highly entertaining.

Breezy said...

This bitch eschews her kind of support...

Phil 314 said...


Comanche Voter said...

Hillary a hypocrite? Nah, never happen. Maybe a Holstein--but not a hypocrite.

AllenS said...

Ranks right up there with grab them by the pussy.

Jersey Fled said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jersey Fled said...

Don't Hillary's handlers know that when you use a short focal length lens on a shot that close it makes your nose look big?

Ignorance is Bliss said...

I don't understand why she's not fifty points ahead.

Curious George said...

"Jersey Fled said...
Don't Hillary's handlers know that when you use a standard focal length lens on a shot that close it makes your nose look big?"

I'm sure they're counting on the viewer's gag reflex to be sufficiently distracting.

mockturtle said...

Lock her up!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Why would this video go viral? What is even remotely interesting or controversial about it?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Life's a bitch. And then you can't even win by being one.

Leland said...

Hillary has a message for all you bitches.

Let us know if you felt her message touched you.

tcrosse said...

Why would this video go viral?

Because the people of America truly love Hillary, and they can't get enough of her.

bleh said...

Is this use of bitch like a black person using the n-word?

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Don't Hillary's handlers know that when you use a short focal length lens on a shot that close it makes your nose look big?

Standard focal length for portrait photography (which this is, essentially) is 85-100 MM. Also, the lightening is horrible, I'm thinking direct light from the phone being used?However its lit, half of her face is in shadow.


Curious George said...

"Inga said...
Why would this video go viral? What is even remotely interesting or controversial about it?"

Awwwwww our resident dullard. Bless her heart.

Curious George said...

"Jersey Fled said...
Don't Hillary's handlers know that when you use a standard focal length lens on a shot that close it makes your nose look big?"

You can show a movie on her ass so I think a big nose is the least of her problems.

robother said...

Do the bitches from hell have a special circle for phony bitches? This movie is dragging on and on. Cue the flying cadillac already.

Michael K said...

Donald Trump is the only president in history to win an election rigged by his opponent.

She rigged it and still lost.

Curious George said...

Althouse "....perhaps as an accusation of hypocrisy in light of the Burns Strider story in the news yesterday."

Hillary's response on Twiter:

A story appeared today about something that happened in 2008. I was dismayed when it occurred, but was heartened the young woman came forward, was heard, and had her concerns taken seriously and addressed.

Martha said...

Hillary! sans makeup, sans hairstylist, sans gobs of jewelry but still with her inimitable cackle communing with bitches everywhere.

Curious George said...

#IngaKnew'a next post will be a moronic cut n paste.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Die, bitch.

narciso said...

Can we can conclude she was a consensual hallucination like the 1985 season of Dallas:


Snark said...

She’s not good at this sort of thing because she had no natural warmth or charm. Dumb to put her up to this. One hopes it was leaked rather than released, because otherwise Clinton gets very bad advice.

cronus titan said...

SNark, I don't think anyone put her up to this. This is who she is. One reason (among many) that she was a terrible candidate is her disposition to saying things so insanely hypocritical (we must believe all women), clueless (like with a cloth?), or stupid (basket of deplorables) to be laughable. Bless her heart, she will never, ever change.

Hillary clearly wants to run again. SHe really believes she is entitled to be President, and the voters keep screwing up. If she does run, Trump is the luckiest man in political history.

James said...

She's got that Kissinger look going (disappearing into her clothes, if she makes it to Henry's age she'll just be a head with clothes underneath.

Bay Area Guy said...

Edgy! It's like, you know, one of those deals where you can't call women bitches, because that's sexist, but, you know, like, the chicks can theyselves bitches, 'cuz, you know, they be down with the struggle to fight all forms of male patriarchy against the bitches.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


About her Husband's rapes.

You know - because she's a feminist and stuff.

William said...

Truly an inspirational figure. "No pasaron." The snark here is superb. And thanks to Inga for supplying an excellent Margaret Dumont straight line.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The next leftwing Trump-hate party, I'm wearing a T-shirt with a YUGE image of Hillary's evil face and the words: #HILLARY KNEW on the front. The back of the t-shirt will have an image of Meryl Streep with #She Knew on it.

To top it off, I will wear a crown of cigars.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Look at poor victim Hillary, living large with all that money that flowed to her fake charity from Putin's Russia, her eager donors, and places like Haiti.

Imagine the power she would have over us if she were president? The level of authorized theft.
A corrupt FBI and DOJ covering her vast empire of corruption.
Take Obama's tax-rape theft/corporate give-a-ways, and kick it to the stratosphere.

Darrell said...

I don't think anyone put her up to this

You can hear her assistant feed her the line. They were too lazy/stupid to re-record it or edit it.

Curious George said...

WaPost OpEd about the Hildabeast

"Hillary Clinton: #MeToo, meet #SoWhat"

Charlie said...

"Why I am not 50 points ahead, you might ask!"

Darrell said...

Leftist deadweights that were complicit in the abuse of women, like Meryl Streep, Oprah, and Hillary have taken over the movement from the women that started it--like Rose McGowan. Now they can use it as a political weapon against their enemies while making sure the Lefties aren't touched. How stupid do they think women are? Women at the Golden Globes should have thrown their shoes at Streep and Oprah. Or their escorts' shoes. Less expensive.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Shenoo would be a great name for a cartoon villain.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


madAsHell said...

As my father would say, "Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned!".

......and exactly who finds this appealing!!

madAsHell said...

She looks better with a wig.

chickelit said...

Let's just hope that "activist" and "activism" translates into catching something nasty.

Bay Area Guy said...

Next Hillary Video:

"We showed that Bitch, Juanita Broaddrick a thing or two, didn't we?"

holdfast said...

Bitch, please!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

#She Persisted in her desperation to cling to power. The corrupt FBI and DOJ are still intact, after all.

She's running in 2020.

cronus titan said...

madAsHell said...

As my father would say, "Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned!".

That saying traces back to a play in 1697, The Mourning Bride, by William Congreve. 321 years later, it still applies.

Plus les choses changent, plus elles restent les mêmes

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bay Area Guy said...

I think I prefer "Lesbian Abortion Activists" over "Activist Bitches"

The former is more specific and descriptive.

On the 1-10 fuckability scale, though, they're still hovering in the ones and twos, so that could be improved a bit.

Fritz said...

Jersey Fled said...
Don't Hillary's handlers know that when you use a short focal length lens on a shot that close it makes your nose look big?

To be fair, excess Chablis will do that, too.

mockturtle said...

As my father would say, "Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned!".

Wow! Your father was Euripides? How cool! ;-)

mockturtle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mockturtle said...

Cronus: Much older than that. Medea, by Euripides. But, as you say [more or less], plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

chickelit said...

And they say that Trump has a gender gap problem...

cronus titan said...

MT: I stand corrected. Perhaps this Latin phrase from the Book of Proverbs applies to Hillary's never-ending quest for the White House:

Sicut canis qui revertitur ad vomitum suum, sic imprudens qui iterat stultitiam suam.

My father was fond of that one.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

You know, unlike yourself, some of us actually remember what we say. Before sobering up. Actually, without even needing to sober up. The number of your own comments you delete is legendary.

I know it must suck not having anything to say, but that's ok. Go ask your lil purdy hot underage Latin wifey what she would like to roll her eyes at today, and comment on that. Or better yet, just ask her to post for you. At 7:13 AM PST. On a Saturday. Life in those twelve mini-mcMansions must get pretty boring over there.

I realize how easy it is for everyone you know in life - wife, parents, neighbors - to ignore you, but trying to fill that empty, lonely gap by pestering commenters on a blog just by reposting their comments without having a clue as to what you actually want to provoke by reposting them must be an unprecedented level of pathetic sadness. Psychologists could investigate you as a case study in loneliness.

Ray - SoCal said...

Hillary pre-planned the video to to appear edgy and spontaneous, but events overtook her and she did not react in time.

Typical Hillary...

Chris N said...

Ah, to be a sycophant propping-up Hilary in a booth at the hip, new Putumayo steakhouse....

Maybe the first horn dog will drop by for some star power.

Outside the White House security gates, a crowd of Apprentice rejects gathers for a chance to sell Trump brand tchotchkes.

If the suck-ups are any indication, this ain’t a great political class.


Churchy LaFemme: said...

Let us know if you felt her message touched you.

"Show us on this doll.."

n.n said...

So, this is why the female chauvinists didn't want Sarah Palin: woman, wife, mother, and leader, who did not conceive, Choose, and abort. She could be feminine and reconcile moral, natural, and personal imperatives. Bad for social progress.

mockturtle said...

Sicut canis qui revertitur ad vomitum suum, sic imprudens qui iterat stultitiam suam.

My father was fond of that one.

From Proverbs. Very true.

Bay Area Guy said...

Damn, Toothless is going full psychiatrist on somebody's ass!

But at least he recognizes what a greedy, corrupt fraud Hillary Clinton has been for the Democrat Party, so, I like the common ground.

chickelit said...

When has toothless ever been for Hillary?

Birches said...

Oh wow. I just looked at the guy's original post on Twitter and realized he posted it unironically. Wow.

rhhardin said...

Derb this week on the perv doctor sentencing

"Reading the news story and looking at the accompanying pictures, it's clear that the courtroom was fogged up with estrogen vapours. The sentencing judge disgraced her profession, wrapping her sentence in a preening, gloating, vindictive diatribe."

Derb would have given him 5 to 10 years on all charges combined. Adding

"Nassar was doing the stuff he was doing for twenty-five years. How'd he get away with it for so long? Part of the answer, I'm sure, is the same as the answer to the same question in the matter of show business sexual harassment.

In both cases there was a thing that the harassees wanted very, very badly — so badly that they, or in the case of younger victims, more likely their parents — might have considered that submitting to harassment or molestation was a price worth paying for that thing. In the showbiz cases the thing wanted was a movie part; in Nassar's case, a shot at competing in the Olympics.

I don't say that's the whole story, and I certainly wouldn't say that all the victims took that cynical view. Twenty-five years of silence needs explaining, though. I've no doubt that's part of the explanation."

Fabi said...

She has an impressive turkey neck and killer cankles!

Original Mike said...

I wanted to watch it, but when I clicked I got a popup that said if I did Twitter would start spying on me. No thanks.

Darrell said...

As a dog that returneth to his vomit, so is the fool that repeateth his folly.
Sicut canis qui revertitur ad vomitum suum, sic imprudens qui iterat stultitiam suam.

chickelit said...

The way she was whispered into saying it makes her look like a doddering old stooge.

Charlie Eklund said...

As Winston Churchill said, there is nothing more exhilarating than to be shot at with no result.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Matt said...

How is she still relevant? Aren't there, like, 165 million other women in the country?

None of them are worthy of fawning, cringeworthy, over-tge-top religious worship?

Can't we have someone new?

Darrell said...

Everybody has to watch this video. The clearest explanation of what has been going on--one that would cause Chuck to stick his tongue in a light socket. If he wasn't Chuck.

Duct tape your Lefty friends and relatives into chairs and superglue their eyelids open, if you have to. The jig is up..


Michael Fitzgerald said...

Now why wasn't she 50 points ahead?

Dan Hossley said...

Hillary is an empty vessel.

Yancey Ward said...

MadisonMan wrote:

"This video makes her look forgetful. I don't see how Hillary 2020 can happen."

I don't see it how it doesn't. As I have written several times now in the last year- if the Democrats don't want her as the nominee in 2020, they need to help put her ass in prison- that is the only way to stop her short of shooting her in the head. When Oprah Winfrey dropped the the word the last week that she wasn't interested in the job sort of makes sense to me- someone pulled her aside after the Golden Globes and let her know right then and there that she had better put the kibosh on her candidacy and do it soon. I imagine Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris get the same warning sometime before the year is up.

Jim at said...

“And let me just say, this is directed to the activist bitches supporting bitches, so let’s go,”

I'll take "Things a Shithole Would Say" for $800, Alex.

Achilles said...

Darrell said...

Everybody has to watch this video.

Especially people on the right.

You want to get the vapors when I talk about executions fine. But stop being pussies about what this meant. Hillary and Obama were going to use this to destroy the TEA party wing of the republican party after she won.

They had already sent the federal agencies after the Tea Party with the help of the GOPe. You think Chuck would bat an eye if the FBI started raiding TEA Party offices?

At some point you people will get real about what we are up against.

Darell's link. #TimeIsUp lefties

Jim at said...

Why would this video go viral? What is even remotely interesting or controversial about it? - Inga

I don't know. Why don't you tell us?

She's talking to you. Not us.

cubanbob said...

Poor Hillary. She has none of Richard Nixon's virtues and intelligence and has all of his vices. Will she run again in 2020? Why not? I would enjoy seeing Trump kick her to the curb one more time. Still, she may be facing an indictment before 2020 so the Democrats need to find someone that will be willing to run the fool's errand in 2020.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Classic projection. SAD!

Classic! Eh?

I'm sure your extensive (lack of any) training in psychology taught you that.

Good thing you didn't need the tools of modern psychology to learn how to be "SAD!" though.

Now just add the word "lonely" to your vocabulary.

And also,

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

I didn't say it twice, dummy.

What are you... like one of those robot dolls with the drawstring at the base of its neck? You don't need to quote the damn post in full, let alone the intro to your plagiarism, TWICE.

Get a life. Find something to do. Stop obsessing on getting attention. Go bask in all that self-importance you keep telling everyone here you deserve. No need to find it here, right?

I was going to say you're undereducated. But the truth is, you're educated just enough - to match your low intelligence and achievement level.

Now go ask your lil hot Latin better half to roll her eyes at you and tell you what an inadequate feminist you are.


JAORE said...

"How stupid do they think women are"

In the audience of woke/resistance/feminists?

Pretty stupid.

But the evidence is compelling.

Francisco D said...

Hillary is really creepy.

I mean REALLY creepy!

Etienne said...

The B-word (Bitch) is a derogatory word when applied to women. No matter how cool women think they are by saying it.

It's on par with Africans calling themselves the N-word.

Bilwick said...

I would be surprised if whoever encouraged Queen Cacklepants to make that video, and then released it, doesn't come down with a bad case of "Arkancide."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary is the embodiment of punishment, in every direction.

Hillary will win over idiot leftwing hiveminders, but normal people understand how frightening she is.

Clyde said...

Thank God we dodged that bullet!

Clyde said...

I always thought this should have been Hillary's campaign music, in the same way that Trump used the Rolling Stones' "You Can't Always Get What You Want":

Meredith Brooks - Bitch

Clyde said...

And the elderly red-haired woman in the purple pantsuit at 3:27 of that video seems awfully Hillaryesque in retrospect. Just sayin'.

Quaestor said...

Laying the groundwork for an insanity plea.

Thuglawlibrarian said...

I wake up every morning and I let out a little chuckle that she failed to get elected.

Steven said...

A story appeared today about something that happened in 2008. I was dismayed when it occurred, but was heartened the young woman came forward, was heard, and had her concerns taken seriously and addressed.

Taken seriously as a threat to Hillary Clinton, and addressed by keeping the man in power while bribing the woman into silence.

SOP for the Clintons.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

She should be prosecuted, found guilty and send to prison. But in our leftwing banana republic, Jeff Session is top swamp creature.

Tom said...


BJM said...

This might be more effective if one couldn't see the raw calculation in her eyes.

Gahrie said...

I take it calling women "bitches" is more acceptable than calling shitholes "shitholes"?

Perhaps it's like the whole "nigger" thing...it's OK for women to say it but not anyone else?

ndspinelli said...

Gahrie, You don't understand, it's OK for LIBERAL women to say just about anything. Not all women, just liberals.

FullMoon said...

What is the meaning of "closet freaks" ? Sadists? Masochists? Dominatrix? SICK!(and SAD)

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

I take the red pill every day on gender and identity politics. It didn't take me long into college and then the work world to realize that American women hate their bodies and will take that out on American men and that the employers seem to think that protecting this sentiment/behavior is one of their most important missions.

The only women I date are either not from America or are closet freaks - (the good kind). But then sometimes even the freaks aren't also open about all the other things. But not hating yourself sexually is a good start.
9/15/17, 7:46 PM

chickelit said...

Yancey Ward said...I imagine Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris get the same warning sometime before the year is up.

I imagine Elizabeth Warren starring in a remake of a famous commercial but updated with the tagline: "People start bitches; people can stop bitches."

JohnJMac862 said...

Folksy Hillary is the worst Hillary.

Drago said...

JohnJMac862: "Folksy Hillary is the worst Hillary."

Black Hillary is kind of funny ("I ain't no ways tarred")

Southern Hillary was always amusing as well.

Yankees fan Hillary was never really believed, even by dems.

Midwest Methodist Hillary was always a good standby to fool the rubes in flyover states.

Alinksy/Wellesley Hillary was always probably the closest to the true Hillary.

If I had to sum up, in one word, why Hillary was so beloved by the left, I would have to say: Her Authenticity

JohnJMac862 said...

Black Hillary is kind of funny ("I ain't no ways tarred")

Drago: "Southern Hillary was always amusing as well.

Yankees fan Hillary was never really believed, even by dems.

Midwest Methodist Hillary was always a good standby to fool the rubes in flyover states.

Alinksy/Wellesley Hillary was always probably the closest to the true Hillary.

If I had to sum up, in one word, why Hillary was so beloved by the left, I would have to say: Her Authenticity."

My personal favorite, in addition to folksy Hillary, is when some journalist has the nerve to ask her a tough question, she breaks into that insane cackle:


Achilles said...

If I had to sum up, in one word, why Hillary was so beloved by the left, I would have to say: Her Authenticity

Seizure Hillary was authentic.

So was "side of beef tossed into a van" Hillary.

Yancey Ward said...

Drunk Hillary was my favorite.

Clyde said...

One thing we learned yesterday was that the the world would not end in a fiery cataclysm if Hillary Clinton accidentally spoke the truth.

Kind of like the blue supermoon eclipse: Don't expect it to happen again in your lifetime.

Bay Area Guy said...

Don Imus had his radio career wrecked when he called a mostly black, woman's college basketball team a buncha "Nappy-headed Hoes"

If he had called them "African-American Activist Bitches", he mighta been spared.

Of course, Hillary Clinton is not African-American and does not have nappy-hair. She is more of a "Blue-eyed She-Devil - the misbegotten offspring of Satan and his wretched concubine, Baphomet" or something like that.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

Again. You keep quoting things you portray that I said as if there's something wrong about them... you just don't know what - so you guess and guess and guess. "Sadists? Masochists? Dominatrix? SICK!(and SAD)" That's PROJECTION. Textbook definition!

Also, your constant, haranguing, prurient obsession with what others do or don't do sexually or prefer or don't prefer sexually shows how starved you are for either attention, or sex, or something even worse. Probably a combination of all three and then some!

Now go ask your jailbate Latin wife (or whoever you claimed your "non-frigid" "ethnic" American wife was!) to roll her eyes at you while she is made to confirm once again what an underpreformer you are! In bed, in school and in life! "Rolling eyes!" LOL! The kind of wife everybody wants!

I see a future career in televangelism and possibly surreptitious secret homo-sex in store for you - a la Larry Craig, Ted Haggard and your other Republican heroes! Clearly this whole vagina thing is NOT working out for you. That can be devastating to a marriage. Perhaps you hate sex (going so far as to constantly, publicly proclaim your hatred for it!) because your alcoholism has imposed impotence on you.

Go ahead and quote all that, now! It seems you must live it every day! One quote about "freaks," non-Americans, as well as body image and healthy sexuality (hardly controversial, shameful or even morally problematic concerns to discuss in America) - and you get triggered like a wrinkled old nun! Go get your fucking vaginal estrogen cream prescription and shut the fuck up, you doddering old, prematurely aged, underperforming sexually stupid underage dipshit!

Or maybe it's all down to your wife and the possibility that she just doesn't have a vagina? Or at least one that she lets you access?

Again, quote all that. Let me know how much closer I'm getting to the truth about you than you're able to get to the oh-so not salacious tattles and tales you fantasize about me. LOL!

Just a world-class dumbass clown. Your parents and family must want to have nothing to do with you. Clearly they missed out on whatever miserable excuse for a childhood or upbringing you had.

Again, begone.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What is the meaning of "closet freaks" ?

Wouldn't YOU like to know!

You're not advanced enough for that yet, though. I suggest starting here, and here.

Start with those basics and then we can explain to you more. It's like how undereducated you are - (and PROUD of it!), while you go online to berate Ph.D.-trained physicists and NASA and everyone else. First you must walk before you can crawl, grasshopper!

But I can do nothing for a man without legs - metaphorically or otherwise.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"side of beef tossed into a van" Hillary.


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