January 19, 2018

After "Fire and Fury" and the "shithole" smear, Trump isn't any less popular than before.

He seems to be even a little more popular:

But, who knows?, maybe the possibility that he had sex with a porn star 12 years ago or the Senators shutting down the government over DACA will turn people against him.


Mark O said...

He's just amazing.

n.n said...

It's a shitshow, with shitfaces, obsessing over a shithole, signifying nothing, something, an allusion... to a Water Closet?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Here's two more polls:

New NBC/WSJ poll: "The Democratic advantage on the generic ballot is down to six points, compared to 11 points last month."
4:12 PM - Jan 19, 2018

CNN Poll:

Which is more important for Congress to do:
Avoid a shutdown 56%
Continue DACA 34%

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

OT, but what happened to Linda Greenhouse's screed about El Salvador? Normally things on the NYT Op-Ed page stay there for a day or two, but if you blinked, you missed that one.

FIDO said...

You know, the very structure of the graph is as revealing as the headline narrative bias that you've shown before, Ms. Althouse.

I have seen these polls. When it was Obama, the graph went to 100% and thus the 10 point difference was made to seem as small as possible. Two lines close together.

HERE, they top out at 55% and bottom out at 40% to leave as much white space in between as possible.

This is a contemptible and insulting bit of bias: thinking that the viewer wouldn't notice such blatant structuring to push a narrative: 'So how few people like Trump...a tiny little line right over our origin line.'

Heatshield said...

16 other Republicans attacked Trump's many character flaws. They all lost. Hillary's campaign was primarily focused on his many character flaws. She lost. The MSM and Dems keep running that same playbook thinking this time for sure! They keep trying the same tactic over and over expecting a different result. Remember Einstein? But they have no other message.

James Pawlak said...

Those "polls" are driven by "The lame street media". The real polls will be used on the General Election of 2018 and at polling places were our fellow citizens (And too many aliens and felons) cast votes.

The recent defeats of Republicans may or may-not be repeated in November.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

The Dems generic ballot advantage for 2018 has been cut in half. +13 to now +6.

Black and Hispanic males are supporting Trump in larger numbers.

I've always said Trump is a true threat to the Dems advantage with black voters. His personality (brash, money loving, women loving) is appealing to many blacks and Hispanics. He should be out in the minority communities fighting for their votes. If he can peel off 10-15% additional minorities the Dems are finished.

Now will he do that or shot himself in the foot. Who knows. We're dealing with Trump and all things possible.

Bruce Hayden said...

Neither is going to turn Trump’s constituency against him. With the “Schumer Shutdown”, they already have firm control of the narrative: Nothing in the House bill that the Dems don’t support; everytime the Reps shutdown the govt under Obama, Schumer and Pelosi railed against adding anything to the CR; this time they are preventing a vote over DACA relief, which has nothing to do with the CR or the budget; they don’t even have legislative language yet for a DACA fix that they could slip into the CR bill from the House; and this time, the shutdown won’t be political: National Parks will be open, but military, ICE, TSA, etc will be working w/o paychecks. And, they are calling it the “Schumer Shutdown”, which no doubt Trump will use. Very useful this coming November, when the Dems have 25 or so Senate seats up for reelection.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Enh, can't we just end the filibuster altogether? It's the only reason we have this kerfuffle, and there's no reason for it apart from "Senate tradition," which means ... there's no reason for it, full stop. I can't understand why people so opposed to the Electoral College are so enamored of the filibuster. I mean, they're both anti-democratic, yes?

FIDO said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again: this poll is flawed and misleading.

First, I am not a Trump supporter, but I won't give the media or academics the time of day. They day by day show that they put they put blatant spin on every story and characterize my side as idiots, evil or human garbage.

I think a lot of other Trump supporters feel the same way. So when quite a few of your 'returns' slant liberal, well...

Second, I do not 'like' Trump. He likes his steak well done and he puts ketchup on it. He's rude. He's a jerk. I am not big on feminism, but even I have standards on how women should be treated. He...doesn't care about my standards.

Do I APPROVE of how he is running the country? Far more than I dislike him. So what would this poll show? I am betting there is a 6 point swing in that poll: people who don't like Trump, but who also FAR prefer him to any Democrat proposal.

But the media won't ask such questions. There is that thumb on the scales again...

Ryan said...

Lol, that last sentence is sarcasm right?

JML said...

Three more years. I retire in three more years...won't come soon enough...I'm sorry, is that off topic? But I am a government employee so that might count for something on this possible shut down day. OK, back on topic: I appreciate what The President has accomplished and the direction he is going. And I agree with/like the first three posts. Schumer's Shutdown. Will it stick?

chickelit said...

Trump has resilience because Hillary still looms in in the wings. Dems provide no viable alternative. She really has that party by the balls.

Leland said...

I think that floor on approval is Republicans tired of the some old delusional trope.

I don't think it can be said enough for the Democrats/progressives/media to get it, but Reagan, HW, W, McCain, and Romney were all described as the next Hitler. There's only so many times you can keep calling us evil and deplorable before we will just ignore all the claims and just do what we want.

For a jew-hater, Trump's shown a lot of support for Israel. For a racist, Trump has lowered black unemployment to historical levels. For being anti-immigrant, Trump has deported fewer people than Obama.

Not everybody gets it, but about 40% of Americans do. Don't look now, but generic ballots aren't looking good for Democrats. Wait until Americans are looking at an update to their withholdings and the market has continued to grow into October.

Jim at said...

The last poll I paid attention to was 304-227.
The next poll I'll pay attention to will be Nov. 3, 2020.

tcrosse said...

If the Dems could run the Generic Democrat, they'd be in business. Unfortunately for them, this person does not exist. What they have is a collection of flawed individuals, who might not have it so easy.

Original Mike said...

”But, who knows?, maybe the possibility that he had sex with a porn star 12 years ago or the Senators shutting down the government over DACA will turn people against him.”

Or bolster his support.

John Cunningham said...

The more the commie media and the academic scum shriek, the more I like Trump.

Bay Area Guy said...

Most of these "shitstorms" (no pun intended) are media driven and superficial. Yes, political junkies like our gracious Hostess and much of the Commentariat will jump into them, but no sane person with a full time job, bills to pay, kids to feed gives a rat's ass.

That's why Senator Cory Booker's televised rant was so laughable. OHMIGOD - he called Haiti a shithole!!!

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Bruce Hayden,

I can't help remembering (well, he posted it again this morning, so I really can't help remembering) Mark Steyn's account of the behavior of the NPS last shutdown. They didn't just stay home; quite the contrary. No, they went out of their way to shut off all national monuments, barricading them on the National Mall, setting traffic cones around the place where you could view Mount Rushmore, setting cops around Yellowstone to make sure no one got a photo of a bison ("Sir, you are recreating") and coming out just before Old Faithful went off, so that any tourist's photo would be full of government officials, and making sure that anyone leaving the park wouldn't have leave to pee, even on private property, until they left the grounds, which takes two and a half hours.

chickelit said...

tcrosse said...If the Dems could run the Generic Democrat, they'd be in business. Unfortunately for them, this person does not exist. What they have is a collection of flawed individuals, who might not have it so easy.

What they have is a bunch of toadies with fealty clauses to Hillary in their contracts. She has dirt on every one of them.

Chuck said...

“...the shithole smear...”

“Smear”? Smear?!?

The online Oxford dictionary includes this as the definition of “smear” in this context:
Damage the reputation of (someone) by false accusations; slander.

Althouse are you asserting that the story of Trump’s using the phrase “shithole countries” was false and defamatory? Because I think the story was true; and that the closest thing to a smear was what was being said about Dick Durbin, except for the fact the weasel defenders of Trump didn’t have the chutzpah to flatly deny what Trump was alleged to have said.

Anyway, Althouse; this is the most perverted use of the word “smear” I can ever recall.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Trump and Republicans on the hook.

A new ABC News/Washington Post poll finds substantially greater Republican risk in a government shutdown, with Americans by a 20-point margin saying they’re more likely to blame Donald Trump and the Republicans in Congress than the congressional Democrats if one occurs.

Forty-eight percent in the national survey say they’d blame Trump and the GOP, vs. 28 percent who’d blame the Democrats in Congress. An additional 18 percent would blame both equally.

As is often the case in Washington mud fights, political independents make the difference: They’re more likely to blame the Republican side by 46-25 percent. But there’s also a broad gender gap, with comparative GOP vulnerability among independent women and even among Republican women...”


Michael said...


No shit. If there were Democrats running both houses under a Democrat president and there was a govt shutdown it would be the fault of Republians. ABC is making quite an easy prediction. Especially since they run the poll. LOL

But the word in the real world is that this is being called the Schumer Shutdown. So there you have it,

chickelit said...

One way that Oprah could get more traction is to set herself against the Clintons (the DNCe) in the same way that Trump ran against the GOPe.

narciso said...

Good grief, trump has never said anything more than positive things about Haitians whereas Durbin has lied practically everytime he opens his mouth, whether about gitmo, about Manuel estrada about budget negotiations with Obama, most recently about communications with the Alexandria shooter.

n.n said...

The Schumer Shutdown

A veritable shitshow. Catchy title. Let's run with that.


#SheKnew #SheProgressed Bad optics.

Drago said...

LLR Chuck: "Damage the reputation of (someone) by false accusations; slander"

That is precisely what your beloved Li'l Dicky Durbin has done multiple times in the past against republicans and our military.

No wonder you like him so much and always defend him.

Original Mike said...

”the closest thing to a smear was what was being said about Dick Durbin,”

You mean that he blew up the negogiation because he wanted the issue more than he wanted to help the kids? That’s not a smear, that’s a fact..

JML said...

The Schumer Shitshow Shutdown. It is getting even more catchy...

bagoh20 said...

If your opinion of the Trumph administration has not improved dramatically over the last year with all the incredible success, much of it unprecedented, then it can only mean:

1) You were a full blown Trumpet from the start, or
2) You only watch the MSM that hates, and avoid any contrary information, or
3) You are in denial and full blown Trump Derangement Syndrome, and would bitch about winning the lottery if the money was wrinkled.

I voted mostly against Hillary, but for Trump just because it he couldn't be any worse, and at least it was worth rolling the dice, but since the inauguration I have been blown away and completely sold on what he's doing. It's the American people (the makers anyway) who are producing these results, but it is Trump's policy and focus that is making us confident enough to take the risks that produce this amazing turn around. It really is all a President can do, and he is doing it "big league".

Drago said...

As mentioned elsewhere, our "Brian Stelter Republican" Chuck has also begun his attacks on Tom Cotton, just like all the other dems...as if the word went out from Dem Central to start attacking him.


Inga...Allie Oop said...

“But the word in the real world is that this is being called the Schumer Shutdown.”

LOL, the real world? You mean Trump World, which is far from “real”.

bagoh20 said...

"A new ABC News/Washington Post poll finds substantially greater Republican risk in a government shutdown, with Americans by a 20-point margin saying they’re more likely to blame Donald Trump and the Republicans in Congress than the congressional Democrats if one occurs."

Now I wonder where they got that idea. Could it be that this is exactly what most media are reporting, despite the fact that we really know it's the Dems using the shutdown for leverage. We know this, and we know the Republicans will always get blamed for it, even if every one of them votes for funding and every Dem votes against.

This is always the narrative, yet the Republican will do what's right even when it hurts them. Not always, of course, but in this case, it's obvious who is doing what for cynical political reasons. It's also clear who cares about who. Immigrants over Americans including the military people risking it all far from home. Nice principles and loyalties you got there.

Drago said...

Inga: "LOL, the real world? You mean Trump World, which is far from “real”."

The very same people who told us Trump had no path to 270 and Hillary had a 98% probability of winning would like to lecture you on what is "real".

Curious George said...

#IngaKnew said...
“But the word in the real world is that this is being called the Schumer Shutdown.”

LOL, the real world? You mean Trump World, which is far from “real”."

They need 60 votes in the senate dullard. That's why it's the Schumer Shutdown. And your stupid polls? Remember last November? When you made that joke about rape (no wonder you are silent on rapist Bill Clinton!)and the election results? How'd that work out.

Curious George said...

"Drago said...
The very same people who told us Trump had no path to 270 and Hillary had a 98% probability of winning would like to lecture you on what is "real"."

Even dullards who said that Clinton was going to rape us.

Drago said...

The very same people who told us that Obamacare was a jobs program, would reduce the average family's healthcare costs by $2,500/year, that if you wanted to keep your doctor you could keep your doctor, that a video caused the Benghazi attack, would like to lecture you on what is "real".

Curious George said...

#IngaKnew doesn't care how many Marines die, like she didn't care how many people Clinton raped, as long as a bunch of illegal aliens get citizensship. Illegals over Marines! Pathetic.

bagoh20 said...

We listen to people like Joe Scarborough calling Trump obese and mentally ill over and over on TV. Now imagine President Oprah, and how that would all work out. They are all so mature, controlled and principled.

Chuck said...

I know the whole story of the shameful actions of the Dem staff on the Senate Judiciary Committee in regard to the DC Circuit nomination to which you are alluding. Yes indeed Durbin was central to the outrage. It was vintage cutthroat politics by Durbin, Leahy and Kennedy.

I know the story well. Better than you do, I’ll bet. Because I know that the nominee was Miguel Estrada, not Manny Estrada, and that the Republican staffer who helped to out the Dems was Manny Miranda (not Manny Estrada).

It was a case of vicious politics from Durbin. Not pathological lying, as we see so often with Trump.

narciso said...

That's just one example, how they kept estrada off the court to keep the seat warm for a mediocrity like sotomayor, you know its like considering Jim acosta as being the same ethnicity as Otto reich or Carlos Alberto montaner,

narciso said...

I listen to morning joke for the pratfalls and considering the little house of cards type scenario that he must have been a party to.

Bob Loblaw said...

Ben Shapiro has a theory that since we already knew about Trump's personal flaws before the election, he's relatively immune to new revelations on that score, whereas someone like Mitt Romney would have been very vulnerable to stories about porn stars or foul language because that's not what voters thought they were getting. We already knew Trump was flawed and voted for him anyway. Because Hillary.

And while Trumps numbers aren't getting worse, they're not actually good. The real question is whether Republicans in congressional races are going to get any blowback from Trump's personal problems. My guess is no.

Bob Loblaw said...

Also, it seems Republicans are quite eager to release the Fusion GPS stuff to the public, which doesn't bode well for the Democrats.

pacwest said...

"They need 60 votes in the senate dullard"

But,but,but...The Repubs hold the WH and both chambers. (Channeling my inner Inga). Sometimes you can't even make this stuff up.

Chuck....sad. Just sayin.

The '18 elections are going to depend on turnout. Turnout will depend on Trump. It's like he is carrying an elephant on his back. Oh, wait..

Gabriel said...

When the Republicans were sure they were going to impeach Bill Clinton after his perjury regarding Lewinski, they had not counted on 90% of the public having already assumed Bill Clinton did it and not being bothered by it.

And it's the same with Trump. The man is a known quantity to the overwhelmingly-large fraction of the electorate that does not care much about politics and unlike other politicians the media does not get to redefine Trump. They spent thirty years defining him which they have not the power to undo.

Francisco D said...

I suspect that hardworking people who have little time for the MSM are thinking, "things seem to be getting better with this Trump guy in office."

Chuck and Inga have a lot of time on their hands and have their agendas. They have no clue about how ordinary Americans live and think.

Gabriel said...

Remember when Cruz's supporters thought nude photos of Trump's wife were going to sink him?

Yeah, I don't think having had sex with a porn star 12 years ago--if that happened--is going to sink him.

Curious George said...

"Chuck said...
“...the shithole smear...”

“Smear”? Smear?!?

The online Oxford dictionary includes this as the definition of “smear” in this context:
Damage the reputation of (someone) by false accusations; slander.

Althouse are you asserting that the story of Trump’s using the phrase “shithole countries” was false and defamatory? Because I think the story was true; and that the closest thing to a smear was what was being said about Dick Durbin, except for the fact the weasel defenders of Trump didn’t have the chutzpah to flatly deny what Trump was alleged to have said.

Anyway, Althouse; this is the most perverted use of the word “smear” I can ever recall."

Chuck, it must be frustrating that all these insane "call outs" to Althouse are ignored. I'm sure we will soon get the "Good Chuck" praising all that is Ann Althouse.

You're a pathetic little boy.

n.n said...

impeach Bill Clinton after his perjury regarding Lewinski

Superior exploitation has a periodic feminist tolerance. It's out of fashion, again.

Big Mike said...

As James "The Talking Skull" Carville preached to Bill Clinton, it's the economy, stupid. Trump's standing with the electorate is going to improve, that's a reality.

Big Mike said...

I agree with Curious George. Calling Haiti a shithole is to compliment the place.

Spaceman said...

"Fire and Fury" and the "shithole" not working. Media changing gears to Trump cavorting with porn star. This should further increase his popularity – like who wouldn’t like a romp with a porn queen.

iowan2 said...

Anyway, Althouse; this is the most perverted use of the word “smear” I can ever recall.

OMG!!!! I thought shit hole was the bottom. But NOOOO.....somebody used the word sme@r. I have never heard anything so vulgar!

Night Owl said...

Anyway, Althouse; this is the most perverted use of the word “smear” I can ever recall."

(This makes Althouse's use of the phrase "shithole smear" even funnier that it already was.)

Big Mike said...

like who wouldn’t like a romp with a porn queen

Me. Wife is too damned good with a meat cleaver and my gonads are still very precious to me.

GRW3 said...

You know, some amount of the disapproval is because he is not doing enough. Those people aren’t going to be voting dem.

Spaceman said...

Big Mike; My mom warned me about fooling around. She said son, be real careful - or you'll get caught

Anonymous said...

I quite clearly remember reading a short essay about graphs with deceptive scales, although I'm not able to attribute it any more. The RCP graph is a classic. Did any similar graph concerning President Obama, or President Bush for that matter, have similarly deceptive scales - placing the lower curve near the bottom and the higher curve near the top? The graph is scaled to exaggerate the differences between the curves. Put those two curves on a zero to 100 scale and see what I mean. More anti-Trump baloney, where even factually correct things are put in unflattering (at best) context.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The only people reading fire and fury are people who already hate him.

Ann Althouse said...

Why I used the word “smear”:

1. For metaphorical vividness. It went with “shit.”

2. Because even assuming he said it, which maybe he didn’t, I think it was taken out of context and portrayed as racist in a way that was viciously out of proportion. There was an intense effort to destroy him.

Anonymous said...

FIDO, just saw your comment. Seems we're on the same set of scales.

Anonymous said...

In support of a Prof.. Althouse, smear is correct. Facts presented with context that conveys a false impression can be just as defamatory as a factually incorrect statement. There is a recognized tort of false light defamation, after all. Put a sock in it, George. You can make your point without the personal insults

Moneyrunner said...

Even the idiots who claim to be outraged by Trump’s description of the countries exporting their refugees from poverty, crime, war and corruption realize the “shithole countries” is an accurate description. So their faux outrage is transparent. For the rest of the country, it’s the unvarnished truth; plus it’s the way real people talk. It’s the connection Trump has with genuine America, and it’s the reason that his base is rock solid.

The “respectable middle,” the professionals and small businessmen who don’t want to alienate potential customers, who may be Liberal, will never give full-throated support to Trump. They will generally preface their comments with qualifiers like “I’m not a Trump supporter” or “he was certainly not my first choice,” but they understand the Trump has probably made one of the greatest saves in the history of politics. They don’t talk to pollsters but they will vote for a continuation of his policies. Especially if they begin to fear a surge in Liberal voters based on Trump hatred. You will see a meaningful increase in voter turnout. Unexpectedly.

FullMoon said...
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Bruce Hayden said...

“I can't help remembering (well, he posted it again this morning, so I really can't help remembering) Mark Steyn's account of the behavior of the NPS last shutdown. They didn't just stay home; quite the contrary. No, they went out of their way to shut off all national monuments, barricading them on the National Mall, setting traffic cones around the place where you could view Mount Rushmore, setting cops around Yellowstone to make sure no one got a photo of a bison ("Sir, you are recreating") and coming out just before Old Faithful went off, so that any tourist's photo would be full of government officials, and making sure that anyone leaving the park wouldn't have leave to pee, even on private property, until they left the grounds, which takes two and a half hours.”

I think that is the thing that they are pushing. There was no economic or legal reason to shutdown all the Nat Parks and Monuments. Just political. So this time, there may not be as many people there, and the trash may not get picked up, but they will mostly be open.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

ONE YEAR AGO TODAY, Hillary Clinton did not become President.

Night Owl said...


BTW, in case it wasn't apparent-- in my earlier comment I meant funny/ha ha, not funny/ridiculous. I thought the play on words was cleverly funny, and the outrage it provoked in the humor-impaired commenter made it even funnier... (to me anyway, 'cause I have a weird sense of humor.)

Waterdragon75 said...

Trump can be a dick. And I like dicks. So, yeah, I like the guy for saying what he says and not being a PC bitch

traditionalguy said...

At Gold's Gymn tonight, the MSNBC tuned TV had the lower half of its screen covered by large block, red letters, " Trump's Shutdown." It never changed for an hour. They are desperate.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Lets say it over and over. Low energy Jeb, Low energy Jeb. Jeff Flakey, Dicky Durbin, Liddle bobby Corker, Cryin Chuck Schumer,Al Frankenstien, Crooked Hillary, Little Marco,Pocahontas, and the Next to be famous, Schumer Shitshow Shutdown.

traditionalguy said...

Just to see a good Trump v. liberals match, pull up the Alfred E Smith Dinner full event from late October, 2016 on Youtube. The man is totally fearless of the rich and powerful...a pure warrior.

Lucien said...

The NPS shutdown is always part of the plan when Dems control the executive branch. As a general rule, the American public doesn't much value what the government does, but the national parks are an exception. Closing them down is a way for the Dems to scold the public -- "See! This is what happens when you don't fund the government!"

As many have observed, it costs more money to put guards and barriers up to close the parks than it does to just leave them open during a shutdown. But under Dems, that's not the point - no government funding, no parks. The Great Outdoors are officially closed until you peasants start paying up.

The Trump administration is apparently directing that the parks remain open, or at least accessible, during the pending shutdown. Government facilities, gift shops, etc. will be closed, but otherwise the roads are open.

I suspect there are numerous Dems and NPS employees (but I repeat myself) who hate this... but so be it.

Ray - SoCal said...

The attack on Miguel Estrada was vicious and hurt his family a lot.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

traditionalguy said...

Just to see a good Trump v. liberals match, pull up the Alfred E Smith Dinner full event from late October, 2016 on Youtube. The man is totally fearless of the rich and powerful...a pure warrior."

Trump's speech was truly jaw-dropping.

I quibble with his style, some of his tweets, his vulgarity - but the man has courage. You watch that clip and you realize he gave no fucks as to who was uncomfortable or upset or embarrassed.

I know Cardinal Dolan from his time in Milwaukee. You have a low opinion of the Catholic Church, I know, but Dolan is a good, kind man, who inherited a mess from his liberal predecessor and was respected by all, Catholic and non-Catholic. In ungodly Manhattan he has become more timid, more of a politician. I'm sorry he left. He's a Midwesterner, out of his element hobnobbing with the wolves. Trump is in his element - and he tells the wolves they are wolves.

Bad Lieutenant said...

You don't really need feds at the park to have a good time. Notwithstanding the fact that it is January in the middle of a cold snap and perhaps they're not flocking out there like they would in July.

I wish this may continue for as long as it has to, that the essential business gets done, that unessential business gets left undone, and that above all, that furloughed employees do not get paid for the time off. Ideally everyone who is a non-essential government employee should be terminated with the thanks of a Grateful Nation, but I'll settle for them losing pay.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...

ONE YEAR AGO TODAY, Hillary Clinton did not become President.

And isn't it wonderful?

Truly, America dodged a bullet.

Chuck said...

Blogger Ann Althouse said...
Why I used the word “smear”:

1. For metaphorical vividness. It went with “shit.”

2. Because even assuming he said it, which maybe he didn’t, I think it was taken out of context and portrayed as racist in a way that was viciously out of proportion. There was an intense effort to destroy him.

1/19/18, 9:01 PMy

Tough shit.

If the phrase required some context, then Trump the Master Persuader should have stepped up, owned the phrase, and hypnotized everyone into understanding why it was a true, and blunt, and plain and blunt thing to say. Hell, Althouse; you saw it on your own comments pages; one comment after another; congratulating Trump for having said it. But Trump denies saying it.

Choose, Althouse. Was it an okay thing to say? Then own it. If it is a complete lie and Trump never said it and it is a slander to say that Trump uttered the phrase, then step up and make it. And account for all of the people who all understand Trump having said it.

Your own feelings don’t justify calling it a “smear.” To have a “smear,” You need “smearers.” And if you are really intent on calling this a smear, you are accusing people like me, who only wanted factual clarity and who never wrote or uttered s word about any supposed racism or any other hysterical reaction, of having intentionally lied about what Trump said.

I never claimed that Trump was a racist; and for simply demanding a clear and unequivocal answer, and for making the completely obvious presumption that Trump did say it, you want to make me a smearer.

Trump Derangement Syndrome Derangement Syndrome.

Amadeus 48 said...

The idea that Trump had sex with a porn star kinda shoots the assertion that he is a germophobe. Oh, the humanity!

Amadeus 48 said...

Hillary one year ago: Sha-na, na-na-naa-na, hey, hey hey, goodbye!

Ctmom4 said...

Even the Gray Lady says this is a Dem shutdown: https://mobile.twitter.com/nytpolitics

Inga and Chuck hardest hit.

Ctmom4 said...

I read that Obama’s approval rating when the shutdown happened in 2013 was 37%. All this obsession over Trump’s ratings is orchestrated by the media and Dems ( but I repeat myself). Obama approval was low to mid 40’s, except for brief periods, throughout his misrule.

Big Mike said...

@Amadeus, knock it the F off! In 1960 Dick Nixon lost the presidential election and in 1962 he lost the race for Governor of California and even he admitted he was through. In 1968 he was elected President of the United States. Do don’t tempt fate! Demons can be summoned, you know.

daniel said...

The intelligent response to the Democrats shutting down government is to change the rules regarding filibustering. In the old days an individual had to keep talking and not take time to urinate to filibuster. Why not make em do that?
It will be crystal clear who is blocking Senate action.

Lucien said...

Chuck makes me laugh.

pacwest said...

Getting stuck on shithole is like being stuck on stupid.

Dude1394 said...

We again will see a very effective dealing with this shutdown I expect. Unlike the petty actions of Obama.

narciso said...

Yes, but dialed to eleventy

Seriously chuck we have no grounds for believing durwood.

Drago said...

#CNNStrongDefender and Dick Durbin Cuck Holster Chuck is in rare form.

Achilles said...

This is before everyone hears that obama was spying on his political opponents for years and faces indictment.

Curious George said...

"Chuck said...

Blogger Ann Althouse said...
Why I used the word “smear”:

1. For metaphorical vividness. It went with “shit.”

2. Because even assuming he said it, which maybe he didn’t, I think it was taken out of context and portrayed as racist in a way that was viciously out of proportion. There was an intense effort to destroy him.

1/19/18, 9:01 PMy

Tough shit.

If the phrase required some context, then Trump the Master Persuader should have stepped up, owned the phrase, and hypnotized everyone into understanding why it was a true, and blunt, and plain and blunt thing to say. Hell, Althouse; you saw it on your own comments pages; one comment after another; congratulating Trump for having said it. But Trump denies saying it.

Choose, Althouse. Was it an okay thing to say? Then own it. If it is a complete lie and Trump never said it and it is a slander to say that Trump uttered the phrase, then step up and make it. And account for all of the people who all understand Trump having said it.

Your own feelings don’t justify calling it a “smear.” To have a “smear,” You need “smearers.” And if you are really intent on calling this a smear, you are accusing people like me, who only wanted factual clarity and who never wrote or uttered s word about any supposed racism or any other hysterical reaction, of having intentionally lied about what Trump said.

I never claimed that Trump was a racist; and for simply demanding a clear and unequivocal answer, and for making the completely obvious presumption that Trump did say it, you want to make me a smearer.

Trump Derangement Syndrome Derangement Syndrome."

Looks like Chuck is ready for some titty-twisting.

exhelodrvr1 said...

You're just a TDS Denier!!

exhelodrvr1 said...

Bottom line is that people would rather have an immoral jerk who is an effective President than the most moral person in the world who is a horrible President.

Or the most moral person in the world who would probably be a decent President but runs a horrible campaign, so they never get elected.

And that is a more moral position to take.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Excellent column by Mollie Hemingway on this subject:


Inga...Allie Oop said...

How Trump Ranks in Popularity vs. Past Presidents one year in. 538 blog.

JAORE said...

I suspect the left is fearful of the withholding rates due in February. Most people ignore politics for most of their lives and/or get any political opinions they have from MSM or- shudder - late night talk shows.

But, assuming a pay check every two weeks and a $2,000 lowering of Federal income taxes they sure as hell will notice that $75 per paycheck increase!

Those crumbs might even break through the fog of lies about the Tax Bill,and by extension, Trump.

jaydub said...

Francisco D said...

"I suspect that hardworking people who have little time for the MSM are thinking, "things seem to be getting better with this Trump guy in office."

Chuck and Inga have a lot of time on their hands and have their agendas. They have no clue about how ordinary Americans live and think."

The thing that will matter next November is "the economy, stupid." Personally, since November 8, 2016: my net worth is up 17.6%, grandkids 529 college funds are up 25.5%, Zillow real estate valuation on my property up 13%, my effective federal tax rate reduced 4 precentage points, national unemployment rate is down 16% to 4.1%, minority unemployment is at a record low, consumer confidence is at 17 year high, and the wife and I are celebrating with a Greek island cruise in a couple of months. Yep, Trump has been an absolute disaster ;)

I don't know if it's just me but every time Inga and Chuck post something they make me think of Hotlips Houlihan and Frank Burns on the old MASH series - so completely out of touch, obsessive and unselfaware that they're really both obnoxious and entertaining at the same time. I enjoy their commentary. MASH was a great show.

Curious George said...

"Inga said...
How Trump Ranks in Popularity vs. Past Presidents one year in. 538 blog."

538 Blog. November 7, 2016: "First things first: Hillary Clinton has a 70 percent chance of winning the election, according to both the FiveThirtyEight"

CJ said...

Trump has all the right enemies.

Chuck said...


What great comments here! More proof, that TrumpWorld cannot even make up it’s tiny collective defective mind, about whether it was a great thing that Trump said, and that needed to be said, or whether Trump never said it and it is a slander of Trump to suggest that he said it.

That is a big part of why I love this story so. This one really lays TrumpWorld bare.

And I don’t know where anybody had the nerve or the stupid lack of interest to presume that I blame Republicans for the government shutdown, because I don’t. I blame the Democrats fully.

Geeze, I used to think that the number of really idiotic commenters here was a couple-dozen. Now I wonder if it is hundreds.

Gahrie said...

What great comments here! More proof, that TrumpWorld cannot even make up it’s tiny collective defective mind, about whether it was a great thing that Trump said, and that needed to be said, or whether Trump never said it and it is a slander of Trump to suggest that he said it.

That's because none of us really care about what trump says or tweets...we care about what he does.

Gahrie said...

MASH was a great show.

I used to love MASH...never missed it. I've probably seen ever single episode. I find it unwatchable now. The Lefty message definitely gets in the way.

The movie is better. The books are much better...both the originals by Hooker and the follow ups by Butterworth.

Original Mike said...

”Geeze, I used to think that the number of really idiotic commenters here was a couple-dozen. Now I wonder if it is hundreds.”

Or maybe just one.

Jason said...

Chuck I know the story well. Better than you do, I’ll bet. Because I know that the nominee was Miguel Estrada, not Manny Estrada, and that the Republican staffer who helped to out the Dems was Manny Miranda (not Manny Estrada).

"Ahh, but the first names. That's where I had them! They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with... geometric logic..."

--The Chuck Mutiny

wildswan said...

The word is now firmly attached to immigration legislation. That is mainly what has happened. The media is now damaging people and issues it cares about as its TDS deepens toward mania. Now the Schumer Shithouse Shutdown. It's vewy, vewy sad. Maybe people could start telling stories about where they were when they realized they were sorry the government had shut down. I was looking at the Jimenez mountains when I realized that Trump couldn't be repealing regulations because the government was shut down. He'd lose some days on that. It was sad.

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