January 26, 2018

"A senior adviser to Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign who was accused of repeatedly sexually harassing a young subordinate was kept on the campaign at Mrs. Clinton’s request..."

"... according to four people familiar with what took place," the NYT reports.
Mrs. Clinton’s campaign manager at the time recommended that she fire the adviser, Burns Strider. But Mrs. Clinton did not. Instead, Mr. Strider was docked several weeks of pay and ordered to undergo counseling, and the young woman was moved to a new job.

Mr. Strider, who was Mrs. Clinton’s faith adviser, a co-founder of the American Values Network, and sent the candidate scripture readings every morning for months during the campaign, was hired five years later to lead an independent group that supported Mrs. Clinton’s 2016 candidacy, Correct the Record, which was created by a close Clinton ally, David Brock.

He was fired after several months for workplace issues, including allegations that he harassed a young female aide, according to three people close to Correct the Record’s management....

The woman’s experience and the reaction to it have not been previously reported. Until now, former Clinton associates were unwilling to discuss the events for publication.

But that changed in the wake of the #MeToo movement...
These people never cared at all. They're just afraid now that The Reckoning is closing in. It's too late to not be complicit. Hillary Clinton has zero credibility on the issue of sexual harassment. And the Democratic Party that pushed her on us as its candidate has basically no credibility either.


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Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The latest BS from the hivemind collective is that the Nunnes memo is rally a Russian bot.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...


narciso said...

Oh nozz, now what:

Achilles said...

Not hearing about that "blue wave" anymore.

It is almost like there never was such a thing.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

We're back to the fake Indian or the dumb Californian. Or perhaps John Kerry's botoxed forehead.

Achilles said...

John Kerry is just getting done trying to undermine peace in the ME. Nobody is going to vote for someone as deranged as him.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Not hearing about that "blue wave" anymore.”

It’s coming!

narciso said...

That's why Steve Lynn was thrown up as the latest distraction. Hunky pinky in vegas, that's so out of the ordinary.

tcrosse said...

Las Vegas does not do Virtue Signalling or Moral Posturing. That's for the people from other more righteous places who come here to debauch themselves and then go home.

Achilles said...

Inga said...
“Not hearing about that "blue wave" anymore.”

What they think they look like:

It’s coming!

What everyone else sees:

Blue wave

Freeman Hunt said...

Guess she didn't really take the position of "faith advisor" seriously.

becauseIdbefired said...

The NYTs establishing its impartiality creds in preparation for Act II:

"President Groper"

Drago said...

Inga: "It’s coming!"

Inga appropriately links to a pic of a wave, not a wave in motion.


Must be a Wisconsin thing.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

The NYTs establishing its impartiality creds in preparation for Act II

And when they fail to realize their objective, they will turn around and remark "never mind". The problem for NYT and similar sources, is that the principles of their Pro-Choice philosophy are internally, externally, and mutually inconsistent, inherently unstable, and bigoted (i.e. sanctimonious hypocrisy). So, they play the political congruence ("=") card with the risk of progressive results.

n.n said...

#SheKnew #SheEnabled #SheProgressed #MeToo

Achilles said...

Another female victim of Trump.

Sad. =(

Mrs. May decided to side with the Muslim invaders.

She coulda been somebody... but that patriarchy...

Drago said...

That seems so strange.

Theresa May was proclaimed by Inga to be the "real" leader of the Free World (after Inga declared Merkel the leader of the Free World, after declaring Macron the Leader of the Free World...gee, that Inga sure is fickle...)

And now Theresa cannot even fill a room.

Now that's a speech you would NOT want the camera's to be turned around for!

Achilles, did you happen to catch the lefties/LLR's hyping Soro's speech over Trump?...and then, unfortunately for the lefties, someone released a picture of the small gathering in some small room somewhere where not a single attendee was actually looking at Soros!


rcommal said...

The thing is, I did care.



Achilles said...


Upstaged he did.

Soros the Rock Star

Hope and freedom are making a comeback. Nobody anywhere wants what the left is selling. I don't even think Chuck wants it. At least he doesn't want it for himself...

Next week is going to be awesome. The dems are going to reject Trump's deal which his entire base thinks is too generous. The memo is going to come out.

And 100 million people are going to watch Trump tell the world how well things are going. I don't think he is going to pull any punches on the traitors.

Head will explode.

Dude1394 said...

"These people never cared at all. They're just afraid now that The Reckoning is closing in. It's too late to not be complicit. Hillary Clinton has zero credibility on the issue of sexual harassment. And the Democratic Party that pushed her on us as its candidate has basically no credibility either. "

I do not know if our host voted for Trump or not, but if not then you are welcome.

rcommal said...

I saw, in real time Bill Clinton's speech in the '80s: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvTRvTII40o

I knew that I could not vote for him, because I knew, right then and there, that he was a "dawg," an abuser, and a liar. (By the way, just for the purpose and admission of full clarity and disclosure, I knew that about Donald Trump, too;--only, just not a couple of years sooner, but a few years earlier.) I was in only my late twenties, it's true. But I got it, then and there.

rcommal said...

And here we are; here we are.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And the Democratic Party that pushed her on us as its candidate has basically no credibility either.

Who cares about the Democratic Party? Do they have less credibility than the Republican Party that pushed their emotionally challenged groper on us?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hope and freedom are making a comeback. Nobody anywhere wants what the left is selling.

Speaking of selling, how's your fake nutraceuticals business going?

You can't sell "hope and freedom" unless you make them scarce, by perpetuating despair and control.

Republican specialties.

Trump may yet end up being less bad than W., Nixon and Herbert Hoover. But I don't doubt that there's a disaster brewing in there somewhere that our emotionally challenged President Jekyll and Hyde can neglect to prevent, while getting constantly jacked up on flipping between FOX News and CNN for his daily doses of affirmation and hate.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Trump may yet end up being less bad than W., Nixon and Herbert Hoover. But I don't doubt that there's a disaster brewing in there somewhere that our emotionally challenged President Jekyll and Hyde can neglect to prevent, while getting constantly jacked up on flipping between FOX News and CNN for his daily doses of affirmation and hate.

This, unfortunately, is a very accurate description of the current state of play.

MadisonMan said...

Guess she didn't really take the position of "faith advisor" seriously.

Or, it says a whole lot about her "Faith": The Church of Bimbo Eruption Control.

Curious George said...

"#IngaKnew said...
“Not hearing about that "blue wave" anymore.”

It’s coming!"


Bilwick said...

Re the "so's your old man" argument (known formally as the Tu Quoque argument): "liberals"--especially the dumber segments of the Hive, well represented in the Althouse commentariat--have essentially three arrows in their quiver: the Tu Quoque; the Ad Hominem; and the Argument From Pity . . . all fallacies. And when you're reduced to the Tu Quoque, you might as well throw up your hands and say, "I've got nothin'."

Jupiter said...

Blogger Tim in Vermont said...

"That one is worth it to check out the picture of a playful Hillary’s kittenish pawing of Mr Weinstein."

Hmmm... he might have had a case if he'd gone to the police at the time, but at this point it would just be kicking the bitch when she's down.

Sam L. said...

I appreciate your rightceous stand-up on this.

Drago said...

ARM: "This, unfortunately, is a very accurate description of the current state of play."

This, unfortunately, is a very accurate description of the lefty hive mind beliefs about the current state of play.

Fortunately, as has been demonstrated conclusively over the past 18 months, this latest "belief" is as likely as all the others that have fallen by the wayside and been helpfully "forgotten".

On to the future! There's a Kennedy waiting in the wings along with Biden and Warren! The future never looked so bright!

Jim at said...

For a while I thought I wasted my vote,

You. Voted. For. Jill. Stein.

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Hope and freedom are making a comeback. Nobody anywhere wants what the left is selling.

Speaking of selling, how's your fake nutraceuticals business going?

You can't sell "hope and freedom" unless you make them scarce, by perpetuating despair and control.

Republican specialties.

This seems particularly unhinged. Neutraceuticals? That mean Pot?

The Republican party you blather about is a figment of your imagination. There has been only one party in DC for many years.

That is why republican voters elected Trump.

Trump may yet end up being less bad than W., Nixon and Herbert Hoover. But I don't doubt that there's a disaster brewing in there somewhere that our emotionally challenged President Jekyll and Hyde can neglect to prevent, while getting constantly jacked up on flipping between FOX News and CNN for his daily doses of affirmation and hate.

1. Trump started no new wars. He has actually ended a couple of Obama's more egregious failures. Ending the new slave markets in Libya Obama and Clinton created is going to be tough for anyone though.

2. Trump is uprooting widespread corruption from the federal government that successfully rigged the DNC primary and tried to rig the General.

3. Trump is smashing the crony corporatist DC structure that has been depressing wages for working class Americans for decades.

I particularly enjoy the fall of General Electric.

Not sure what you are complaining about really.

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

Who cares about the Democratic Party? Do they have less credibility than the Republican Party that pushed their emotionally challenged groper on us?

It must be hard watching the country thrive and be well managed.

Bilwick said...

On another blog they had a post about George Soros accusing Trump of wanting to institute a "mafia style" government. Yes, that's right. Darth Soros accusing Trump of wanting a mafia style government. Savor the irony. But in Hillary's case I can see her saying, "So what's wrong with that?"

JAORE said...

By their "spiritual advisors" ye shall know them.

Bill had Reverend Jackson.

Anyone recall who brought President Obama to the faith?

Gore is lucky, he just releases his Chakras very few days and he's good.

cubanbob said...

AReasonableMan said...
Tim in Vermont said...
You guys forced me to vote for Donald Trump.

My Bullshit Meter just broke. "

Tip of the hat sir.

rcommal said...

For the record, at this point in time, I am MUCH more concerned about abuse of presidential power than I am about sexual harassment, or even other things that I endured before I got to 1st grade. For the record, at this point in time, I am much more concerned about the dishonest, bullshit-brain pontificating of the likes of Ron Johnson. If people don't get that the likes of that display, his initial display the other day, is entirely unacceptable, than I don't what to say to or about you folks.

I guess I'm just supposed to...


rcommal said...

I refused to put up with the Clintons' bullshit, from start to finish. I did. For many good reasons. Not least that not only do I believe in facts, but also that I refuse to pretend that the emperor ain't naked. I have refused so to pretend for a long [!!!!] time, now, and--make no mistake--I ain't gonna shift my principles now. No.

rcommal said...

Also, I didn't vote for Obama, either. Let's not forget that at the time he was rising into national politics, I was living in the Midwest, and more specifically in a small city along with three others that comprised a quad, all straddling the Mississippi. So I was paying attention, then, too. I knew, from start to finish, what his political career was, and, more specifically, what his presence was in terms of voting was when he was just a state guy. There was, indeed, an awful lot of "present" &/or etc. He, like Trump, wanted to get straight to the top.

Why the hell do all of you guys think that I know nothing? And that my judgment means nothing.

Saint Croix said...

The damn bimbos keep erupting! Even now in the 21st century.

Saint Croix said...

It was Betsey Wright who coined the phrase.

It's not like Hillary writes her own script or anything.

Except when she wanted to make clear that she doesn't bake cookies.

Saint Croix said...

Reading up on Betsey Wright, I came across this…

While visiting a death row inmate in 2005, Wright was accused of trying to smuggle money into the prison. After the incident, Wright lost visitation privileges for six months.[2] In August 2009, the Arkansas State's Attorney's office filed 51 felony charges against Wright, accusing her of attempting to smuggle a knife, tweezers, a boxcutter, and 48 tattoo needles into the Varner Unit on May 22.[3][5] During an interview with the Associated Press, Wright denied any wrongdoing, saying that the needles were in a bag of chips that she got from a prison vending machine.

Holy shit!

Saint Croix said...

If you saw Primary Colors, Kathy Bates played her in the movie.

I kinda want to see it again!

"I'm probably blacker than you," he drawls. "I got some slave in me. I can feel it."


Saint Croix said...

I do not know if our host voted for Trump or not

my theory is she went with the pothead

but it's a closely guarded secret!

Saint Croix said...

Achilles at 9:36

those bed-jumping monkeys are insane!

Saint Croix said...

they referred to Hillary Clinton as "Mrs." not "Ms."

They have officially kicked her out of feminism.

If this was a movie, they would all chant…

"One of them, one of them, one of them"

(Note that conservative women will never say, "We accept her, we accept her.")

She's a monster without a home!

Saint Croix said...

This is the way a man writes who is pretending to be a woman.

Austin Powers for the win!

Saint Croix said...

I think there was an Inga imposter for a while but Inga Inga is definitely a woman.

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