In an 88-page report, Republican Attorney General Brad Schimel lays bare the actions of staff at the former Government Accountability Board as they dug into what is described as a previously unknown, secret “John Doe III” investigation into several GOP officials and staffers who were [absolved of the suspicion that they] campaign[ed] out of taxpayer-funded offices….I wonder how the cynic in Shane Falk feels about us sheeple getting all of this out here where it can be clearly known.
[T]he report criticizes the “breathtaking” sweep of the three John Doe investigations, which included 218 warrants and subpoenas. DOJ found the John Doe investigators obtained and categorized several private emails unrelated to campaigns, including 150 personal emails between Sen. Leah Vukmir and her daughter that included health information, and placed them in a folder labeled “Opposition Research” — a term that refers to political dirt collected on opponents....
Schimel concluded the GAB staff didn’t act in “a detached and professional manner” and that it was reasonable to infer “they were on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself.” He pointed to a November 2013 email in which [former GAB lawyer Shane] Falk encouraged Schmitz, who was having doubts about the GAB’s legal theory, to “stay strong.”
“Remember, in brief, this was a bastardization of politics and our state is being run by corporations and billionaires,” Falk wrote. “This isn’t democracy to say the least, but due to how they do this dark money, the populace never gets to know. The cynic in me says the sheeple would still follow the propaganda even if they knew, but at least it would all be out there so that the influences on our politicians is clearly known.”
December 8, 2017
Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
The Wisconsin State Journal covers the Wisconsin Department of Justice report on the leaking of records from the John Doe investigation into Gov. Scott Walker’s 2012 recall campaign.
Where did Falk obtain his J.D.?
So who will be arrested and on what charges.
Have the lawyers been disbarred. The bureaucrats been fired and their pensions removed.
The Deep State exists in Madison.
People of Wisconsin: Don’t just be outraged. Take action.
And obviously NONE of the GAB staff were law students of Professor Althouse. They would have learned about cruel neutrality.
Must be a Wisconsin thing. Mueller's team surely is impartial,by the book, and clean as a whistle
Falk is a Gopher. Figures.
Glad to know the high opinion Falk has of the citizens ("sheeple") and also that he is stupid enough to put all of that in an email.
Next time you hear anyone propose an "independent commission" for anything that touches politics, remember this incident.
The Wisconsin thing was just practice for the Mueller thing.
Question, does Wisconsin have trees or light post, if so why are none of these John Doe Nazis hanging from them?
The Wisconsin Department of Justice needs a new name, or a lot of layoff notices.
So the “secret servers” that had Garage Mahal so excited back in the day were real — just being used by the John Doe investigators themselves in an illegal investigation and not by Walker’s administration.
Wow, the Wisconsin State Journal website makes Blogger look snappy.
Progressives are experts at misusing governmental process to punish their opponents.
What really got me in what Falk said was " our state is being run by corporations and billionaires" and "“This isn’t democracy to say the least......" That is serious stuff. He was so convinced that he broke the law.
I don't live in WI so I can't judge if his statement is accurate or he is delusional.
Why doesn't the announcement include a list of indictments? Why aren't SWAT teams being sent to arrest all involved. Why aren't the jails full until they can plead in front of a judge and have their court date set?
Is this double posted, Althouse?
Is Blogger punishing the Althouse site because they detect it is not part of the Resistance? Is this another attack on Conservatives?
I tried to correct the double posting and save the comments for this one, but somehow I lost the other one and I seem to have destroyed all the comments there -- like 20 comments.
This has been such a struggle. I'm so upset about the way Blogger is working. (I'm told the problem is temporary.)
I'll try to restore comments using the moderation page. Hang on. Don't try to recreate old comments.
Oldest on top, newest on bottom. Names of commenters are UNDER their comments:
Sen. Leah Vukmir and her daughter that included health information, and placed them in a folder labeled “Opposition Research” — a term that refers to political dirt collected on opponents.... That looks like a violation of federal laws regarding protected health information (PHI) right there. on Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
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Big Mike
at 8:00 AM
Why doesn't the announcement include a list of indictments? Why aren't SWAT teams being sent to arrest all involved. Why aren't the jails full until they can plead in front of a judge and have their court date set? on Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
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at 7:54 AM
Why doesn't the announcement include a list of indictments? Why aren't SWAT teams being sent to arrest all involved. Why aren't the jails full until they can plead in front of a judge and have their court date set? on Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
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at 7:54 AM
Control of the press is like air superiority in a war, all the opposition can manage are minor guerrilla actions I know. Sad! on Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
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at 7:47 AM
Remember, if you attempt to defend yourself against unethical and illegal attacks by democrats, it's YOU that is engaging in partisan politics, and your complaint carries no merit. on Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
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at 7:43 AM
What really got me in what Falk said was " our state is being run by corporations and billionaires" and "“This isn’t democracy to say the least......" That is serious stuff. He was so convinced that he broke the law. I don't live in WI so I can't judge if his statement is accurate or he is delusional. on Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
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at 7:41 AM
"It isn't over until we win!" - Russ Feingold on Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
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tim in vermont
at 7:40 AM
So which is it? "This isn't democracy to say the least." or "This is what democracy looks like!" Or is it "'things' could 'fall apart very quickly' if 'the garden of democracy is not carefully tended to'" as Obama said? on Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
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tim in vermont
at 7:39 AM
Investigations conducted by people who understand who citizens should vote for and willing to do the hard work of correcting the citizens when they vote incorrectly. Two conflicting edits errors, so far on Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
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Ron Winkleheimer
at 7:30 AM
@Matthew, only thing missing are The torchlight parades. on Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
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Big Mike
at 7:29 AM
You see, there would have been no need for these investigations if a Republican hadn't usurped the Governorship. Elections have consequences! Sometimes those consequences are wide ranging investigations regarding baseless accusations regarding those who, wrongly, win those elections. In order to restore the status quo. Correctly thinking citizens realize that the status quo must be preserved. At. All. Costs. on Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
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Ron Winkleheimer
at 7:27 AM
I mean I assumed this, but I never thought it was that big. I thought rogue agent or two. This is actual fascism. on Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
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Matthew Sablan
at 7:26 AM
If people refuse to vote correctly then surely something must be done about it. Only icky Southerners vote Republican! Categorizing these brave public servants' actions as totalitarian is a slur. They were working to correct the public's mistake of electing the wrong individual as Governor. Once that was corrected and democracy was restored then things could go back to normal. on Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
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Ron Winkleheimer
at 7:23 AM
There is less interest in this than the story that a sitting US Senator of a certain party I am sure you can guess, has been accused under oath, and with corroboration of using child sex slaves. Control of the press is like air superiority in a war, all the opposition can manage are minor guerrilla actions. on Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
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tim in vermont
at 7:22 AM
The cynic in me has no astonishment at all. on Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
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Bad Lieutenant
at 7:19 AM
The lack of interest in this is astounding. on Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
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at 7:18 AM
I think Wisconsin is lucky to have dedicated public servants willing to do the thinking that so many of its citizens are unwilling or unable to do. on Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
And in an all-too familiar occurrence involving allegations of government abuse, a key hard drive believed to contain the court-sealed John Doe documents leaked to The Guardian in October 2016 has suspiciously disappeared – GAB officials with knowledge of the hard drive can’t seem to explain what happened to it.
Man... this is just unbelievable. This would be a great story for the evening news. Imagine what ratings would look like for a plot with this many twists. Except they don't care about ratings, they care about afflicting the powerless and comforting the powerful.
You know Althouse we can be pretty tough on you sometimes.
But today is good example of how hard you work to keep this comments section working and working well. Many places have given up on comment sections or allowed them to become overrun.
Thank you.
I think Wisconsin is lucky to have dedicated public servants willing to do the thinking that so many of its citizens are unwilling or unable to do. on Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
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Ron Winkleheimer
at 7:16 AM
Wow, the Wisconsin State Journal website makes Blogger look snappy. Progressives are experts at misusing governmental process to punish their opponents. on Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
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Tommy Duncan
at 7:16 AM
Remember the indictment of Cap Weinberger just days before the election contest between Bush Per and you know who? This is why immigration is so important to them. Establish a one-party state. Imagine the vast corruption that would allow. Uncontested political control of the United States of America would easily produce the first trillionaire. They already have their Stazi in the forms of our smartphones, household gadgets with microphones, etc, etc, etc. on Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
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tim in vermont
at 7:13 AM
The Wisconsin Department of Justice needs a new name, or a lot of layoff notices. So the “secret servers” that had Garage Mahal so excited back in the day were real — just being used by the John Doe investigators themselves in an illegal investigation and not by Walker’s administration. on Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
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Big Mike
at 7:11 AM
Remember, in brief, this was a bastardization of politics and our state is being run by corporations and billionaires,” Falk wrote. “This isn’t democracy to say the least, but due to how they do this dark money, the populace never gets to know. The cynic in me says the sheeple would still follow the propaganda even if they knew, but at least it would all be out there so that the influences on our politicians is clearly known.” This sounds exactly like a certain poster I won't be the first to name here, when he was discussing what he thought was a subpoena of Trump's bank records. In a contest to rule us between those interested in money (greed) and those interested in power (machlust) I will take the greedy bastards every time. on Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
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tim in vermont
at 7:08 AM
Come now, it's self-evident that any disagreement with Democrat Party positions is illegitimate. If people are properly informed and are reasonable they cannot do anything other than agree. Only bigots and fools could do otherwise. Its axiomatic! on Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
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Ron Winkleheimer
at 7:07 AM
Senator Stevens, Gov Perry, Gov Walker and more I'm sure. All been victims of political misuse of judicial process. Yet not a peep from the GOPe. What is the point of a party that won't even fight for their own elite. You think they'll fight for the little guys. This is how they got someone like Trump. on Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
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Bill, Republic of Texas
at 7:06 AM
The Wisconsin thing was just practice for the Mueller thing. Question, does Wisconsin have trees or light post, if so why are none of these John Doe Nazis hanging from them? on Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
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Mac McConnell
at 7:05 AM
Glad to know the high opinion Falk has of the citizens ("sheeple") and also that he is stupid enough to put all of that in an email. Next time you hear anyone propose an "independent commission" for anything that touches politics, remember this incident. on Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
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at 7:05 AM
Glad to know the high opinion Falk has of the citizens ("sheeple") and also that he is stupid enough to put all of that in an email. Next time you hear anyone propose an "independent commission" for anything that touches politics, remember this incident. on Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
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at 7:03 AM
Falk is a Gopher. Figures. on Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
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David Begley
at 7:02 AM
Must be a Wisconsin thing. Mueller's team surely is impartial,by the book, and clean as a whistle on Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
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tola'at sfarim
at 6:59 AM
The Deep State exists in Madison. People of Wisconsin: Don’t just be outraged. Take action. And obviously NONE of the GAB staff were law students of Professor Althouse. They would have learned about cruel neutrality. on Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
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David Begley
at 6:58 AM
So who will be arrested and on what charges. Have the lawyers been disbarred. The bureaucrats been fired and their pensions removed. on Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
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Bill, Republic of Texas
at 6:57 AM
Where did Falk obtain his J.D.? on Wisconsin Department of Justice finds that the John Doe investigation was "on a mission to bring down the Walker campaign and the Governor himself."
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at 6:56 AM
When I voted for Trump, I said that I didn't care if he bulldozed the White House and used the land for condos on Lafayette Square. This is better what is happening. And for some reason "liberals" are terrified.
Okay. I think I got everything.
Sorry if there are repetitions in there. It would have taken a long time to distinguish which comments were on which of the two posts.
For the record, I never mean to double post. Assume the more recent one is the one that will be kept and comment on that one (if it ever happens again). I will try to look for the glitch before the commenting disarray happens.
Again, I'm really sorry.
Man, I hope no one reads the copied comments as my comments. Please, everyone, be clear about what I've just copied.
I don't live in WI so I can't judge if his statement is accurate or he is delusional.
I do live in WI. He is delusional.
The John Doe investigations bring to mind the Colorado Civil Rights Commission that is involved in the cake baker case: Govt bureaucrats wielding too much power to do whatever they want. All because the Legislature wanted to show they were "doing something" about some problem.
But talk about subverting the will of the People because you don't like the election results!
It's disappointing that people aren't being prosecuted for their overreach here, but if you can't get ahead of reasonable doubt... I hope they are at least censured professionally. Get their names out there so a google search reveals all.
(Althouse: Thanks very much for your hard work managing comments this morning. I hope Blogger settles down soon for you)
Althouse--You are so radical today!
And in an all-too familiar occurrence involving allegations of government abuse, a key hard drive believed to contain the court-sealed John Doe documents leaked to The Guardian in October 2016 has suspiciously disappeared – GAB officials with knowledge of the hard drive can’t seem to explain what happened to it.
Sounds like the Las Vegas shooter.
I have to say I was pretty disappointed to find out that there was no mention of "secret routers" anywhere in that report. :-( Where is Garage Mahal when you need him?
You don't have to apologize, Althouse! Blogger has you working so hard, and we appreciate it!
The GAB claimed it was non-partisan. The dominant media praised GAB as "good government" types and opposed the efforts to eliminate it.
The people running the investigation claimed to be non-partisan. Schmitz claimed to be a Republican. Fake beards all around.
Does anyone still think it is ever a good idea to allow the government to operate in secret? These targets should have told the government slavers to fuck off and publicized everything they knew about the investigation and the tactics used.
And in an all-too familiar occurrence involving allegations of government abuse, a key hard drive believed to contain the court-sealed John Doe documents leaked to The Guardian in October 2016 has suspiciously disappeared – GAB officials with knowledge of the hard drive can’t seem to explain what happened to it.
Sounds like Hillary's MO.
These fuckers will be treated like heroes by the WisDems. Heroes.
Mac McConnell said...
Question, does Wisconsin have trees or light post, if so why are none of these John Doe Nazis hanging from them?
It's Wisconsin and they don't want to seem pushy!
But note, even with this ridiculously damning report, the recommendations amount to little more than slaps on the wrists! No criminal charges, no big penalties.
Gettin' to be 'bout time to burn this bitch down, no? BTFSTTG
Otto said...
I don't live in WI so I can't judge if his statement is accurate or he is delusional.
It's the delusion that lefties everywhere use for justification for the evil that they do. No matter how much power or wealth the get, there's always some nebulous other that's richer and more powerful. what if in the process they descended upon a teen boy at home and didn't allow him to contact nearby relatives.
So what if they hoovered up and documented emails between Leah Vukmir and her daughter.
This is what DEMocracy looks like.
Veritas Project should prowl the Capitol area happy hours this fine Friday...just look for joyous drunken back-patting...(maybe some ass-grabbin')
I wonder who the first Republican will be to trash a hard drive that makes the media suddenly notice that that's, like, a crime and stuff.
Cause it's pretty obvious that if you're a Democrat, no one anywhere will ever be held responsible for destroying evidence.
But at least we'll have Ritmo here to tell us how all Republicans are manifestly evil and corrupt and 99% of Dems are pure as snow. News like this doesn't make him hesitate, it makes him double down. Like all lefties.
Oh, looking at right now, not one mentiom of this or the fbi stories. It's all bullshit anti Trump and anti Moore stories, all of them.
Weaponized government doesn't interest a weaponized media.
HoodlumDoodlum said...But note, even with this ridiculously damning report, the recommendations amount to little more than slaps on the wrists!
And Walker, as usual, won't say shit about it:
Scott WalkerVerified account @ScottWalker
1h1 hour ago
Great to have my friend @Reince over for a late dinner and good conversation about family, friends and politics.
A reason, not that I needed another, to distrust Democrats.
From what I've heard AG Schimel say, the reason that they weren't able to bring prosecutions in this case is that the documents, both electronic and paper, were so poorly secured that it is impossible to tell who leaked them.
Of course there is clear contempt of court by these democrats, er, I mean non-partisan public servants, which hopefully will be taken up by the courts independently. And there are HIPAA violations that will hopefully bring swift legal action by the aggrieved parties (Senator Vukmir, I'm looking in your general direction).
Unfortunately, many of the people named in this report have retained employment in the new Ethics and Elections boards. They say that sunlight is the best disinfectant, but forgive me if I don't hold my breath waiting for these lowlifes to do the honorable thing and resign. Nor will I hold my breath waiting for the StateJournalCapTimesMilwaukeeJournal to call for their resignation.
When the deplorables act stupidly, the Democrats feel the need to correct their mistakes. Otherwise, democracy dies in darkness.
Inga is very, very quiet here.
Blogger's problems are not your fault, Althouse. Thank you for reposting the comments.
"And Walker, as usual, won't say shit about it."
That just baffles me. Is he another Republican who thinks it is somehow in bad taste to point out the rotten corruption of the Dems? I will gladly vote for Walker for governor once again, but this "we take the high road by ignoring the crimes of our enemies" stance makes me glad his presidential campaign didn't go anywhere.
He's just enabling this evil to continue by not holding anybody to account.
CNN announces breaking news every 15 minutes, but none of it is about this.
Ann Althouse said...Man, I hope no one reads the copied comments as my comments. Please, everyone, be clear about what I've just copied.
How dare you say all that stuff located slightly under your name?! I'm outraged--blocked and reported.
J/k, j/k, LOL. Sorry you're having Blogger problems; I'm sure it's frustrating.
Man, I hope no one reads the copied comments as my comments. Please, everyone, be clear about what I've just copied. don’t have to worry. My first thought when reading your reposts was that there was no way you’d say THAT. Any regular visitor knows your tone and substance. What is always surprising is your insight and approach.
I’d be curious to know what long term effect you think this could likely have on WI voters. Will they know or care? I know the state pretty well, but I couldn’t guess about the nondeplorables. The deplorables are my kin.
- Krumhorn
It's so interesting to recall the pre-Trump days of this blog.
How interesting, the reactions to this post (a perfectly good, well-written, admirably-analysis post by Althouse) now, as opposed to what they would have been back in the days before 2016.
Previously, there would have been the deserved focus on the depredations of certain Wisconsin/Madison Democrats. And some good questions about the very basis of the Wisconsin "John Doe" investigatory statue.
Now, as seen above, there is a peppering of "What a pussy Walker is" kinds of comments. Wherein Republicans are somehow complicit in, or guilty of, the offenses noted in the story. Presumably because they aren't Trump. Or aren't "Trump" enough.
Pre 2016 it would be a Garage thread more than a "deserved focus on the depredations of certain Wisconsin/Madison Democrats."
OTOH, I'm having fun imagining what "the Wisconsin "John Doe" investigatory statue" might look like.
I wonder if Joe the Plumber has any comments on how the powerful Leftist Collectivists react when challenged.
No I don't.
Did Chuck, so called fopdoodle, really just march into a thread claiming the focus should be on Althouse commenters and not the illegal action of pro-government, Deep State bureaucrats?
What happened in Wisconsin is EXACTLY what is happening to Trump in DC. Mueller is running (and Comey and Holder did run) his own version of John Doe. And just like happened in Wisconsin, law enforcement was corrupted by the partisan process of Mueller (Comey and Holder). Lawyers were corrupt and lied to judges who have taken their constitutional mandate to check the state much too lightly.
And big government Republicans conspicuously looked the other way.
I am afraid I don't understand this:
OTOH, I'm having fun imagining what "the Wisconsin "John Doe" investigatory statue" might look like.
What it looks like, is this:
Oh, wait. Now I get it. "Statute." Not "statue." My apologies. Spellcheck wouldn't catch "statue" since it too is an acceptable word. (Reading your comment made me wonder if I had been mistaken all these years, and the John Doe investigatory framework was something other than statutory in its basis. A state attorney general rule, or and administrative proceeding, or something like that. You learn something new every day, right?)
Birkel said...
Did Chuck, so called fopdoodle, really just march into a thread claiming the focus should be on Althouse commenters and not the illegal action of pro-government, Deep State bureaucrats?
What Chuck did was to march into a thread and claim that the focus should be on the wrongdoing of Wisconsin Democrats, just as the Republican attorney general suggested in the report that gave rise to this blog post. And not on Governor Walker, or any "establishment GOP," or any "Deep State."
I am having trouble imagining what sort of low-grade tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy-theorizing moron thinks that there is a "Deep State" in Wisconsin. Or in Dane County. Or Milwaukee. They are having trouble affording snow removal and teacher salaries. Much less the maintenance of a "Deep State."
I am having trouble imagining what sort of low-grade tinfoil hat-wearing conspiracy-theorizing moron thinks that there is a "Deep State" in Wisconsin. Or in Dane County. Or Milwaukee
Just for the record, this is not a case of Chuckles defending Democrats behaving badly. Because, as a lifelong Republican, he would never do this.
Chuck said...there is a peppering of "What a pussy Walker is" kinds of comments. Wherein Republicans are somehow complicit in, or guilty of, the offenses noted in the story. Presumably because they aren't Trump. Or aren't "Trump" enough.
But Truuuuumpo!!!!
No Chuck,
YOUR post is the prime example of post Trump-ism.
Now, as seen above, there is a peppering of "What a pussy Walker is" kinds of comments
I wouldn't call him a pussy.....but he has rolled over when attacked in the past.
If Walker had shown a willingness to fight back instead of roll over when attacked, he'd probably be president today.
I dont know about WI, but there certainly is a "deep state" even in small towns in CA. These places are in a networked system of graft, where they can even call in state agencies to act as heavies, until the victim delivers.
Check out the Sriracha case, in the very small town of Irwindale, CA. That was all about payoffs to the local Chicano mafia aka the local and county politicians.
San Francisco isnt much larger than Madison WI (it does loom a lot larger of course, but there is a much smaller population here than obe would think). SF not only has a "deep state", but a notorious one. SF politics floats on insiders, on graft, on private-public relationships, on NGOs sucking at the public teat, on ethnic politics. Its a scale model of the national problem.
I suspect that a little examination of WI public agencies will turn up inconvenient facts.
What's happening! It seems to be a deluge of truth exposing the corrupt government propaganda teams every damn place you look. It makes me feel sad for Chuck as he wishes the old pre-Trump days would come back again.
Here's a great Althouse comments page; it dates back to June of 2014. Many of you who are commenting here now are featured:
There is one and only one comment from me on the page. I posted a link to a great column by Christian Schneider in JSOnline, which attacks the "John Doe" investigation and calls it into question. The comments page is typical of the time. As a routine pro-Republican, pro-Walker conservative, I was little-noticed. That page is mostly an argument between "The Crack Emcee," "garage mahal," and many of you. Not a single comment replied to me, called me out or argued with me. And why would you? I was as pro-Walker as anyone. I liked Althouse's blogging, and said so.
It's Trump. It's Trump, and only Trump, that has changed things.
Althouse*: you run a good blog. Love the extra effort so we can read all the comments. Thanks.
*seems disrespectful to omit a Ms. or Prof. or whatever, but that is what other people are doing ??
indiana118: I am one of those who learned early on that our hostess does not care to be called "Ann Althouse" on this blog. I have routinely referred to her as "Professor Althouse" as a mark of my respect but (a) she never ever demanded use of that entitlement and (b) she's retired.
I still use "Professor" and "Prof." on a semi-regular basis, but in blog life as I understand it she likes just plain "Althouse" in congruence with the name of the blog. If I ever thought I was insulting her by calling her "Althouse," I'd never do it.
Very important..especially after even she instituted a "civility bullshit" tag.
I use "our Host." I it puts me in a frame of mind of being invited into her home for tea. I clean my shoes of the muck before entering. Sadly, at times the muck just sticks. Too many writers just bring in more of the same. We should highlight by number the new ideas. i.e. This topic is eternal, no news here other than confirmation. Which I take as a sign we've yet to reach full employment, and not hungry enough myself included. Then again, when asked why I stare at my tablet, “reading the funny pages.” Which makes my 97-still smart as a whip table mate laugh because he remembers when comics ridiculed Roosevelt who was ramming the TVA thru to hobble the private power companies who were supporting his rivals. TVA delivered power at 5x the cost in 5x the time of a private solution. Same as with O. care. Want to repair hips at 5% of the costs and pain? Let private innovation loose. Don’t give Granma dope forever. Granted dope now costs 5% of what it used to. Because she’ll die in that period. Who needs an iPhone anyway? Rotary dials work just fine. Besides it makes law enforcement access easily. And what the peasants don’t know could exist will never be missed. All in the name of equality of suffering for all.
Have there or will there be any disciplinary proceedings by the Wisconsin Bar?
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