Track Palin, the 28-year-old son of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, was arrested on assault and burglary charges after he repeatedly hit his father, Todd Palin, at the family home in Wasilla on Saturday, charging documents say....Who called the police? Sarah Palin.
Track had warned his father that he was coming over to beat his "ass," so Todd Palin had the door locked and a gun in his hand when Track got there, and Todd aimed the gun at the window at Track. Though Track repeatedly told his father to shoot him, Todd did not shoot his son. But Todd tapped the gun on the window, whereupon — this is all according to the documents — Track punched through the window, climbed into the house, disarmed his father and beat him until he was "bleeding from several cuts on his head and had liquid coming from his ear."
The police arrived to find Sarah and Todd leaving in 2 separate cars, Sarah "visibly upset." Track was at the house:
"Track stood on the porch," [Wasilla officer Adam] LaPointe wrote. "Communication was attempted which failed due to Track yelling and calling myself and other officers peasants and telling us to lay our guns on the ground before approaching the residence."Meade walked into the room as I was writing this post and said, "Are you in the middle of writing a blog post about Sinead O'Connor?" I said, "What?! Did Sinead O'Connor die?" And he said no, he was talking about that picture on my screen — the image of Track Palin.
What a horrible thing for their family to go through, and in public, too.
I would speculate that mental health issues are at play in the son. What a nightmare for a parent.
Sounds like drugs, mental illness or both.
But I'm sure the family deserved it.
I can't wait to read the Althouse comments, to see what The Deplorables say about The Peasants.
I can't even count the number of times I have been scolded that we in the "GOPe" have been insufficiently supportive of the Palins.
I think leaving in separate cars was a good idea, and a good metaphor.
So, he spoke like a well-to-do urban Democrat.
Tough what children of public figures are put through.
"I can't even count the number of times I have been scolded that we in the "GOPe" have been insufficiently supportive of the Palins."
Whatever that number, it isn't enough.
I can't wait to read the Althouse comments,
I also was curious to see which of the dbs would pile on a family tragedy. Answered!
Delayed hostility for being named Track? /low snark
He's just past the age that depression/bipolar manifested in my extended family.
Do some pain medications make people violent when combined with alcohol?
I can't wait to read the Althouse comments, to see what The Deplorables say about The Peasants.
The Deplorables are too polite and morally restrained to say what needs to be said to you, Chuck.
Sarah Palin said in an interview a while back that Track came home from Iraq "a bit different". PTSD, evidently. My heart goes out to them.
So no family Christmas dinner this year.
Hey this is one thread I would actually like derailed into a chuck(le) fest.
Wish I could judge others without being judged myself... Boy would I have some zingers!
Meth, more than likely.
Hey Althouse, as he so often does, Chuck came here today specifically to taunt your other readers/commenters. So maybe you should not scold us for taunting him.
He reveals himself AGAIN.
I cannot imagine what hell her family has been through since McCain chose her. From Andrew Sullivan's bizarre fascination with her uterus to McCain's team backstabbing and laughing at her. She was treated deplorably.
Related, part of the reason I pay the stupid tax of $2-$8 per month via Powerball is I know I couldn't handle all the money and its evil so I know God is protecting me every time I lose, which is every time I p!ay.
God loves me that much. You too, all but a tiny tiny tiny few of ya.
Those of you who are resting on the idea that Track is mentally ill, I hope you'll square that with how you treat other violent criminals. Are you consistent in going to the mental illness explanation? Do you generally empathize on the ground that this angry, violent, police-hating criminal is mentally ill?
That "peasant" business really got me. He thinks he's American royalty.
PTSD of having a family vilified by the press and half the country.
A mother who is 'away' -- more time in the political world than the family world, while he was young.
A father figure that seems diminished in comparison with the mother's world.
A younger sibling with Down's Syndrome. Where a lot of the 'family world' time goes.
Teenage rebellion at feeling abandoned that comes on years after swallowing it inside as a teenager.
Because you can't become an adult until you pass through that stage, usually.
Add in a possible disorder.
Just some spaghetti on the wall.
- james james
Isn't there just as much "reality" to be perceived in the cigar store as there is in Iraq?
Chuck spectrumized --
we in the "GOPe"
Jeb! called and said that you would be the perfect patsy for their next fuckup. I couldn't disagree. I said nothing compares to the titty-twister, and he laughed. Jauntily.
I would have to know a lot more about the situation before I called him mentally ill, but the fact that his own father had a gun ready when he came over sort of provides a little bit of evidence.
Alaskans are odd.
Wait. Are we now back to reporting about the private lives of politicians is ok? Not too long ago we were told by the media quite clearly it was not.
She would be a better American and would have been a more fit governor if she surrounded herself in a moat of money, the way Hillary has. Then she would have “people” to take care of stuff like this. If Hillary had been in charge of getting that oil pipeline built as Palin did when she was governor, no way Hillary would have come out of that deal not rich.
If the Palins don't already have a reality tv show "Arctic Outback" or something similar, damn, they need one!
That ''peasant' business' was the tell that this is likely a manifestation of bipolar disorder.
Those of you who are resting on the idea that Track is mentally ill, I hope you'll square that with how you treat other violent criminals.
I hope you'll fecking stow your smarmy condescension, or show me where I've been inconsistent.
Pick one.
I think not mentally ill but drug-related. And yes, I feel the same about all of the meth-heads and opiate addicts. What terrible damage they've wrought on families. Add service-related PTSD and you have a truly pitiful situation.
I can't even count the number of times I have been scolded that we in the "GOPe" have been insufficiently supportive of the Palins.
Every thread does not have to be about you.
Calling the police “peasants” is surely grandiose, whether it is “grandiosity” in a clinical sense... I certainly don’t know. But this does sort of sound like the denouement to the song “A Boy Named Sue.”
It's not uncommon for someone under the influence to misapprehend their status relative to the cops.
Usually the cops are able to clear things up for them rather quickly.
Yeah, it's not like PTSD is a mental health issue or anything.
Sad. Really sad. Not Trump sad.
No schadenfruende here.
When my son had finished his four years with the Corps, he had to go to a VA office to have his disabilities listed. Seriously.
Because he was a driver in Moto-T, he got an automatic 15% for his back. And because his first tour in Afghanistan was driving for an artillery unit, he got an automatic 10% for his hearing. He couldn't fight those even though he tried.
According to him, they pushed and pushed to give him a PTSD disability. That one he fought tooth and nail. It took 5 appointments and almost 7 months to get any mention of PTSD off his record.
Apparently, the inclusion of PTSD has become an automatic for combat duty, even if all they did was drive and never (Thank heavens!!!) hit an IED.
I'm now always suspicious of the PTSD 'diagnosis' and someone claiming that their son came back different. Well of course they're going to be different. It doesn't mean PTSD.
Not if the call for mental illness turns into a call for clemency. Putting a violent jerk back on the streets, or a violent mentally ill person on the streets is a distinction without a difference to the public.
Where the Left and the empathic shot themselves in the foot is when they used excuses to call for clemency (Remember 'Let Em Loose, Bruce' Ms. Althouse?) which essentially ignored the fact that violent whatevers were BACK ON THE STREET. Suddenly white flight as anyone with $100 ran from the cities.
Also, it is an affirmative defense: something that the defense has to offer, not an automatic assumption. If I choose to offer understanding to Track, that is a personal decision. If Ms. Althouse wants to offer it to...well...everyone, that is also a personal decision.
To wit: there are a LOT of black people who are violent and hate the police. Am I to conclude there is a high percentage of mental illness among the AA community? Because I am told that they RATIONALLY are violent and hate the police. Which narrative are we following?
This rationale seems to suggest that one a priori assumes ALL violence suggests mental illness. Well...I don't know that that necessarily follows.
However, attacking family seems more indicative of mental illness than attacking strangers, particularly when one is lunging through windows against men carrying guns.
So I believe the evidence lies there.
Once you've fucked up, the hardest thing to do is to stop being a fuck-up.
"Sarah Palin said in an interview a while back that Track came home from Iraq 'a bit different.' PTSD, evidently."
The NYC city band SUICIDE had a song called "Ghost Rider" on their first album, (named, yes, after the Marvel comics character). They formed in 1970 and the song was written in their early years, and was informed by the then-current Vietnam War. The crucial line in the song is "America, America is killing its youth."
This is part of what they were talking about: not only were America's youth dying in Vietnam, they were dying on return from the war, a good number of them emotionally shattered. On a smaller scale, we're still doing it.
The "peasant" thing may be a comparative reference between soldiers and police officers, between the climate of war and domestic security. This incident will be considered in that context, with renewed interest and investigation into the link between the immediate and latent horrors of war, abortion fields, and vulnerable personalities.
This family actually had a chance to live in the VP’s mansion.
Track was 11-series. Infantry. Not a truck driver.
Different world, for most of them.
"This family actually had a chance to live in the VP’s mansion."
Biden's family DID live in the VP mansion.
A sample headline: "Beau Biden's widow having affair with his married brother"
Another story: "The daughter of U.S. Vice President Joe Biden was at the centre of a storm last night after allegedly being caught on tape taking cocaine."
"Namely, the family’s got debt because of bad boy Hunter Biden’s questionable spending habits that allegedly involve drugs, hookers, strip clubs, incredible debt and an $80,000 bauble that has disappeared.
In 2015, Hunter denied having a profile on Ashley Madison, the dating site for married people, despite the fact that the account was linked to his name and email."
And: "At 43, Hunter joined the military only to leave a year later after testing positive for cocaine use, as reported by WSJ."
- james james
This family actually had a chance to live in the VP’s mansion.
So did Joe "the liar" Biden that lied about his wife's fatal auto accident for political gain and fucked up the life of the innocent driver who she turned in front of--feet away.
Hey, Inga! How's Hunter Biden's Navy career going?
This stuff happens. Right now it's a story because it happened in a family that long has been sneered at for its failure to be really classy like the Clintons. There are a lot of Palins out there with troubled relatives -- PTSD, schizophrenia, whatever. Todd Palin sounds like a skookum guy who can take care of himself: That HE is scared tells you a lot.
If you don't think the Palins would have preferred to put their son -- even involuntarily -- into treatment and not to watch his disintegration, you haven't been paying attention. It's why we have so many insane people in prisons and acting out on the streets. Yes, they have rights, but the right to be crazy is a hollow one.
This is not just a Palin problem.
Very sad for everyone involved.
It sounds familiar to many families across the Country who are dealing with these types of situations. PTSD, drugs,alcohol, mental illness, anger management issues and a lack of agencies or facilities to help treat these ills.
Most families "get" to deal with these heartbreaking issues in a private setting. Unfortunately for the Palins, they are going to be eviscerated and paraded through the "liberal" media.
Speaking of the Vice Presidential mansion.
But hey, Inga! Glad you brought that up! :-)
"Hey Althouse, as he so often does, Chuck came here today specifically to taunt your other readers/commenters. So maybe you should not scold us for taunting him."
But he didn't name another commenter. He spoke generally, anticipating what people were going to say. I do that too. I don't see that as a serious problem. But, see what you are doing? You are naming him, making it about him personally. That's what I don't want.
This is a very troubled, and dangerous, young man. Seems like mandatory psych commitment, at least, would be appropriate.
"Once you've fucked up, the hardest thing to do is to stop being a fuck-up."
Everyone knows what it is to fuck up, but how do you fuck back down?
You know, sometimes I think, "Ok, Inga couldn't possibly post something any stupider, or any more ignorant, or any more lacking in insight than what she just posted."
But time and again, Inga comes through, surpassing all expectations.
“Beau Biden's widow having affair with his married brother. Hunter joined the military only to leave a year later after testing positive for cocaine use, as reported by WSJ."
I guess living in the VP’s mansion doesn’t turn them into royalty. Put a crown on trailer park trash and they’re still trailer park trash. Did Hunter beat up his daddy too?
Did Hunter beat up his daddy, too?
No. But looking at how his Grabby-McGrabhands dad creeps on and sniffs down children every time he gets a chance, he probably should have.
“But time and again, Inga comes through, surpassing all expectations.”
Hey, there’s my name, connected to an insult.
Re: my 7:23 AM comment.
Not picking on Inga.
Just tired of the use of families of famous people to make political points. Both Ping and Pong: tired of them.
Of course, when those family members go into politics themselves, they are up for scrutiny.
And there is the Kennedys exception. Because that was a fucked-up family that posited themselves as Royalty.
God Save the Queen. She ain't no human being. Etc Etc.
- james james
Track Lives Matter. The Inuit Indian in Track cannot handle his firewater.
People who dismiss other people as "trailer trash" complaining about "insults" = lulz.
"Put a crown on trailer park trash and they’re still trailer park trash."
So they are like peasants.
Until someone comes through dragging a hundred-dollar bill.
Then there are other names to be called.
- james james
Sarah Palin paved the way for Trump. She showed that you could be a total nut case but you could have a place in the GOP if you know how to successfully play to white America’s resentments.
This proves, beyond any doubt, that all Republicans are irredeemably evil.
“So they are like peasants.“
Are you saying peasants are trailer park trash? I’m not.
“People who dismiss other people as "trailer trash" complaining about "insults"”
Althouse doesn’t want commenters to personalize their insults against other commenters here. I guess you didn’t get the memo.
"Are you saying peasants are trailer park trash? I’m not."
There's a difference. Peasants remember their place.
Blogger Inga said...
This family actually had a chance to live in the VP’s mansion.
12/19/17, 7:18 AM
If that happened, Track would have been given a direct commission as
a Public Affairs officer in the Naval Reserve.
He wouldn't have served in the infantry. See the Biden family saga.
People angry say rude stuff. Shocked, SHOCKED I am.
“There's a difference. Peasants remember their place.”
Peasants are generally hard working decent people concerned with survival.
"Are you saying peasants are trailer park trash? I’m not."
If I misunderstood the complexities of your insult I apologize.
Sometimes people derogatorily refer to 'trailer park trash' as a type. I realize now you specifically meant it only as people who live in trailer parks. Who are trash.
Except you were using that phrase to describe other people.
So I am not sure what you are trying to say.
- james james
bien peasants.
“Trash” is the optimal word. I’m sure there are plenty of hard working decent people who live in trailer parks. Even royalty can be trashy.
Then hunter was bribed with the directorship of a Russian controlled Ukrainian oil company.
Yes he saw action against the jay vee, in diyala province and the taliban in helmand.
“Trash” is the optimal word. I’m sure there are plenty of hard working decent people who live in trailer parks. Even royalty can be trashy."
I can agree with that.
The using of the "Trailer park" intro to Trash felt like it was meant to be a more specific insult.
Like 'trailer park' could maybe be construed as the difference between people like the Palins and people like the Bidens.
I understand now that that was not your intention.
Thank you for your clarification.
- james james
If the father had shot the son I'd be just peachy with it, Anne. Obviously, I'd feel sorry for the family having to go through that, but once things get violent a man has a right AND a responsibility to defend himself and his family - end of story. It's no different for the Palins than it is for anyone else. And - if Track had been shot at the scene of the crime, that would have been justice then and there.
Now, thanks to your fellow legal beagles - there's a good chance Track will be back out on the street again soon, let off on some fabricated and far-fetched technicality. I question your integrity and fairness too - will Track get the same treatment in court every other violent criminal does? Do you have the integrity to answer that honestly...?
Ah, brings to mind incidents with one of my cousins, who is an alcoholic. He has attacked his father while drunk. Nice guy when not drinking. Horrible guy when drinking.
These stories go on all day and all night in many families all across the nation - but I suppose it's news because of Sarah Palin. But it's not news to any family who has dealt with mental illness or addiction before.
"Todd Palin sounds like a skookum guy who can take care of himself: That HE is scared tells you a lot."
I don't know Todd, but am friends with friends. By accounts Todd is a solid guy. Someone you'd want with you in an emergency. From what I know the kids were all pretty normal, until Sarah became famous. Seems like they are all pretty screwed up now.
Annie C.
That's to preclude them from purchasing a gun once they become a civilian.
Well, I guess that when the cops went from being pigs to being peasants it was a step up.
Pain killers + alcohol + ptsd + living in a fishbowl = Not Unexpected
My prayers to the Palin family that their son improves.
Althouse doesn’t want commenters to personalize their insults against other commenters here. I guess you didn’t get the memo.
Jesus now the queen is lecturing others.
An aphorism that has proved true is that you need not fear the belligerent loudmouths that threaten they are gonna get you. What you need to fear is the quiet ,lean and hungry looking guys, that show the murder spirit in their eyes.
There's no way you can tell this story in such a way as to make the Palin family look good, and you can bet the story will be told by the media in such a way as to make them look very, very bad.......My advice to the family would be to avoid the media. Fame seems to exacerbate their problems. It's not a drug that everyone can handle......If Track is, in fact, a veteran who had some bad war experiences, he deserves our sympathy.
God Save the Queen. She ain't no human being. Etc Etc.
The queen seems alright. Her family, on the other hand, would fit right in at the trailer park.
MathMom said...
Sarah Palin said in an interview a while back that Track came home from Iraq "a bit different". PTSD, evidently. My heart goes out to them.
It was many months ago, that Sarah Palin ran that excuse up the flagpole to see who salutes. It happened following what I think was the second of Track Palin's four arrests. (Help me out on the count there, fellow commenters.)
Palin was on the campaign trail, campaigning for Trump. And Track got popped; I think it was for beating his wife or girlfriend or whatever and brandishing an AR-15. And in the course of trying to put out that media fire, Sarah Palin mentioned PTSD in an oblique sort of way. As if PTSD was the excuse for Track's behavior. And Palin being Palin, and Trump being Trump, the media then went to work scrutinizing the claim, with both Palin and Trump having such terrible records for accuracy and truth-telling. (Sharks, meet chum.) And in the midst of that, there were multiple military sources that denied Track was ever in combat for a day, and could not credibly claim "PTSD." For her part, Sarah gave up on all mentions of PTSD after that. I think it's been two years or more for this string of arrests with Track Palin; we'll see, in a court hearing whether there's a credible claim of military-based "PTSD." Has he been diagnosed/treated in almost two years? What's the proof?
Exactly Fritz, and why he worked so hard to fight it, aside from the stigma. He loves his venison. But what really astounded him is how they automatically assign you a disability, any disability.
The only thing he hurt in the military was his knee while helping get a 5 tonner upright in sand. That they won't fix. Screwy system.
What a nightmare. You go off to serve your country. Your parents are so proud. They think you're a hero.
And you come back a fuck-up and a criminal. And you're assaulting your parents.
Everyone knows what it is to fuck up, but how do you fuck back down?
Glen Filthie asserts: If the father had shot the son I'd be just peachy with it, Anne. Obviously, I'd feel sorry for the family having to go through that, but once things get violent a man has a right AND a responsibility to defend himself and his family - end of story. It's no different for the Palins than it is for anyone else. And - if Track had been shot at the scene of the crime, that would have been justice then and there.
Dramas like this happen to families across socioeconomic and racial lines and they are all the sadder for involving family members. Calling the police was the gutsy and correct move.
Chuck just can't help himself. He is a sick, sick individual.
Ann Althouse said...
That "peasant" business really got me. He thinks he's American royalty.
Or John Lennon.
Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV
And you think you're so clever and classless and free
But you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
Those who have never gone through such an episode have little idea how difficult it is, for parents. I have no idea what Track's problems are, but I know Todd and Sarah Palin lose a lot of sleep worrying about him. There are times when a son shows up at the parents' home threatening to kill, and one of the parents shoots him. That's a horrible tragedy that the family will never get over, not completely. Then there are times when the son shows up and kills the parents. That happened to the next-door neighbors of a close friend. The son, who was known to be mentally ill, refused a plea agreement and pleaded guilty to the top charge. When he is medicated, he knows what he did. In prison, he will be medicated.
"I can't even count the number of times I have been scolded that we in the "GOPe" have been insufficiently supportive of the Palins."
That's a lie. All I ever wanted was for Palin to be treated as an equal. Her 'qualifications' to hold office surpased Obama's, yet she was treated as a no nothing idiot. Something her accomplishments proved to be wrong, while Obama was deemed an intellect, something no past acheivements demonstrate.
What a turd this off topic comment is, floating in our wonderful punch bowl, Thanks for nothing.
“Everyone knows what it is to fuck up, but how do you fuck back down?”
Weren’t the Plain children raised in a Bible Church in Wasilla?
"And in the course of trying to put out that media fire, Sarah Palin mentioned PTSD in an oblique sort of way. As if PTSD was the excuse for Track's behavior. And Palin being Palin, and Trump being Trump, the media then went to work scrutinizing the claim, with both Palin and Trump having such terrible records for accuracy and truth-telling."
What does Trump have to do with Palin's PTSD "claim?"
Professor Althouse with all due respect to your comment of 6:43am, I have not read one comment in this thread suggesting that Track be given leniency for his supposed condition/s or his family ties. I see many comments that simply express sympathy for the family. I know that when individuals on this thread write about violent criminals we rarely sympathize with the perpetrator's family, however, in most cases there is no personal connection to the family like there is with the Palins. Right or wrong, the media have been reporting on the Palins incessantly since the 2008 election.
I’ll bet he called them pissants, not peasants.
"Track was ever in combat for a day, and could not credibly claim "PTSD.""
You don't need to be in combat to get PTSD, and not everyone who is in combat gets PTSD. But that doesn't fit with your talking points.
What does Trump have to do with Palin's PTSD "claim?"
A guy that went to the same School as Palin was seen wearing a MAGA hat in a cracker Barrel in Atlanta. The conection to the Presidet is some.
from the article:
Wasilla police came to the Palin home Saturday after Sarah Palin called just after 8:30 p.m. to say her son was "freaking out and was on some type of medication," according to a sworn affidavit filed in court by Wasilla officer Adam LaPointe.
Track Palin came to the house to confront his father over a truck he wanted to pick up, according to the affidavit. Todd Palin told his son not to come because he'd been drinking and taking pain medication.
"Track told him he was (going to) come anyway to beat his ass," LaPointe wrote.
Sounds like the son needs some serious intervention and D&A treatment.
Ah - look at the compassionate progressives and see how they care. All their proggy talk of caring is so much BS. They will drop you like a hot potato.
"Put a crown on trailer park trash and they’re still trailer park trash."
The way you show your true colors there says more about you than any insult could.
!!! You can count on the hive mind to roll out the Christian bashing...
This is not complicated. Track is one of the "crazy drunks". Guy doesn't need PTSD to act stupid. Some people just get mean and angry when drunk. Surprised I am first to mention it. People say stupid stuff and do stupid things. Prison is full of people who maimed and killed others while drunk.
...And Chuck, I do not like the pile on that often happens when you comment and have endeavored never to join in, but, you don't know jack about PTSD and you should stop pretending that you do. I don't know if Track Palin suffers from it and even if he does, it does not excuse his behavior. Cut his mother some slack if she sees her son spiraling out of control and she is trying to create some understanding as to why this has happened. When she mentioned that he might have changed upon his return I don't recall her declaring that he shouldn't be held accountable for his actions.
Gordon Scott said...
Those who have never gone through such an episode have little idea how difficult it is, for parents. I have no idea what Track's problems are, but I know Todd and Sarah Palin lose a lot of sleep worrying about him. There are times when a son shows up at the parents' home threatening to kill, and one of the parents shoots him. That's a horrible tragedy that the family will never get over, not completely. Then there are times when the son shows up and kills the parents. That happened to the next-door neighbors of a close friend. The son, who was known to be mentally ill, refused a plea agreement and pleaded guilty to the top charge. When he is medicated, he knows what he did. In prison, he will be medicated.
12/19/17, 9:20 AM
Additionally, when parents call the cops to help, explaining the adult child has mental problems, the crazy ends up dead by police. Several incidents in SF nay area past couple of years, cops shoot mentally ill person in front of parents.
Me: You know, sometimes I think, "Ok, Inga couldn't possibly post something any stupider, or any more ignorant, or any more lacking in insight than what she just posted."
But time and again, Inga comes through, surpassing all expectations.
Inga: Weren’t the Plain children raised in a Bible Church in Wasilla?
INGA COMES THROUGH AGAIN!!!! SHE'S LIKE REGGIE JACKSON IN OCTOBER!!! (Bonus points for displaying religious bigotry)
Left Bank of the Charles said...
I’ll bet he called them pissants, not peasants.
12/19/17, 9:32 AM
Haven't heard that one in a long time, bet you are right.
Even if he did call them peasants, while drunk, does not mean he thinks of his family as royalty. Assuming so is just stupid.
exhelodrvr1 said...
"Track was ever in combat for a day, and could not credibly claim "PTSD.""
You don't need to be in combat to get PTSD, and not everyone who is in combat gets PTSD. But that doesn't fit with your talking points.
Palin didn't have to say anything at all about PTSD. She wasn't charged. But she did. And because she did, and because she was campaigning for Trump at the time, and because both she and Trump have such casual relationships with anything resembling truth, the press is going to question it.
Now, with this latest situation, there is likely to be a prosecution and one or more public hearings, including a sentencing hearing. With a prosecutor examining any claim of "PTSD."
Sarah Palin brought PTSD into this. Long ago. And I didn't even introduce PTSD into this comments thread. Other commenters did, before me.
This ain't beanbag. This is politics. Politics, in an era where Trumpism has taken things to new levels of nasty, base, personal attacks. Lyin' Ted. Little Marco. Low-energy Jeb. Bleeding Mika.
This is how trashy people behave. Bristol Palin, drunk, fighting, has her 5 year old child in her car. Lovely people.
Audio clips and photographs taken by police officers at the scene of a brawl involving the family of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin were released Tuesday by the Anchorage Police Department.
At least two fights took place, according to witness statements -- one in the street in front of the home involving Todd Palin and son Track, and another behind the home, where multiple witnesses said they watched daughter Bristol Palin punch Klingenmeyer repeatedly in the face.
Through sobs, Bristol Palin, described as "heavily intoxicated" in the police report, tells police she was pushed to the ground and dragged across the grass while Klingenmeyer called her names. "They took my $300 sunglasses, they took my f**king shoes and I'm f**king just left here?"
The officer asks where she's injured. "My f**king knees, my face, where's my sh*t? I have a 5-year-old in the car," she replies.
Matthew McKenna is interviewed after Klingenmeyer, explaining that the fight involving Todd and Track Palin was fueled by alcohol. "(Steve Lebida) was mouthing off to another drunk guy," McKenna said.
At 20:21, Todd Palin interjects and confronts Klingenmeyer. "Did you call Bristol a slut, or what's up man?" Todd Palin says.
"Todd, really?" Klingenmeyer replies.
Klingenmeyer tells Palin, "You need to go on another reality show."
As the situation escalates, an officer says, "Let's break this up." In the background, others tell Track Palin to back off and stay out of the confrontation.
A chaotic scene unfolds in which a child can be heard crying and the Palin family is heard yelling in the background.
Cue "Theme from Deliverance."
I'll take the Palins over the Corrupt money grubbing liar Hillary and her rapist husband Bill Clinton and Chappaquiddick silver spoon elitist Senator for life Teddy Kennedy.
Because it's awesome when you leave someone to die under a bridge.
Curious George said...
What does Trump have to do with Palin's PTSD "claim?"
Because as far as I am aware, "PTSD" is SARAH Palin's claim, not Track Palin's claim. And because she brought it up in the midst of her own elective politicking. For Trump. Where all media fights get magnified. And where, because Trump and Palin have gone out of their way to attack the media with some really awful claims*, they are going to get treated like it was a blood-sport. Bloody, like Palin family faces.
*I'm fine with conservatives attacking the liberal media. I am a huge fan of Bernard Goldberg, and Brent Bozell. I actually like Ann Coulter. I used to like Michelle Malkin. I just like it done right, by guys (and gals) whom I respect and admire and whom I can support as advocates for my side. I draw the line at stupid, as advocates for my side.
“Everyone knows what it is to fuck up, but how do you fuck back down?”-Althouse
“Christianity.”-St Croix
“Weren’t the Plain children raised in a Bible Church in Wasilla?”-me.
INGA COMES THROUGH AGAIN!!!! SHE'S LIKE REGGIE JACKSON IN OCTOBER!!! (Bonus points for displaying religious bigotry)-Jason
Where is the religious bigotry? Elaborate. I’m a Presbyterian. I raised my children in the Wisconsin Synod Lutheran Church. Explain how I’m being a religious bigot...if you can.
Looks like Captain Queeg found some new strawberries to obsess over.
At least he STFU about the pie.
Shorter Inga: "Some of my best friends are negros."
Careful, Inga, about mentioning Bristol Palin. It could be her PTSD from her Army days. No, wait...
“Shorter Inga: "Some of my best friends are negros."”
Looks like Jason can’t make his point, I thought so. Mentioning that Palin’s children were raised in the Bible Church in Wasilla proved mine though. Being a Christian doesn’t mean you won’t sin. So Christianity isn’t always a cure for being “fucked up”. It will help if you put in the work, being a Christian doesn’t automatically make one blameless when one does wrong.
Seems like just a year ago, libtards were adamant that a politician's children were off limits.
In all your time sitting in church, and in all the readings and Sunday school classes and Bible studies over the years, did your church ever happen to teach you anything about charitability, judgmentalism and classism? Or nah?
This blogpost IS about a Palin child. Did Jason just call Althouse a libtard?!��
Inga, champion of women, spends an entire post calling the Palin women "trashy." Inga, the "put women over politics!", the "Country and women over party!"; yes, that same Inga, is slut shaming and bashing women based only on their politics.
Hey Inga: how hypocritical can you possibly be? I assume you also view Mary Jo Kopechne as trashy and a whore who deserved what she got. And Leanna Tweeden certainly deserved to be humiliated by Al Franken--after all, didn't she pose for Playboy once? Slut and whore, in your opinion.
As for bashing Christians.... you claim to be one, but Christians are charitable and truthful. Much like Nancy Pelosi, who claims Catholicism, the real question is whether you could be convicted of being a Christian.
Lying about everything, Constant attacks on conservative women while pretending to champion all women (In reality, you only champion far leftist ideology); your claim that denouncing violence against Republicans is equivalent to torture.... I am not the judge, but it's a bit hard to reconcile any of that with Christianity. Plus, you are a leftist, which is almost always code for antiChrist. I mean, you scream about Christian values as "Horrific theological dictatorship" and moan about "the Handmaid Tale" and so forth. What Christian would do that?
“In all your time sitting in church, and in all the readings and Sunday school classes and Bible studies over the years, did your church ever happen to teach you anything about charitability, judgmentalism and classism? Or nah?”
My faith taught me that there is nothing wrong with being truthful. The Palins are not poor people, they are nevertheless trashy. I’m a Christian, I’m not without sin, neither are you and neither are the Palins. I’m sure you never said a bad word about the Obama family or their children.
Jason said...
Seems like just a year ago, libtards were adamant that a politician's children were off limits.
He's 28. Divorced. A father, ex-Army, with a criminal record. With an apparently expensive gun collection, although I have some doubts about his guns because I presume that his last criminal plea deal, to domestic violence, bars him from possessing firearms. But maybe not.
I'd go along with the idea that Track Palin's children are off limits. But Track Palin himself? Come on. "Children"?
“As for bashing Christians.... you claim to be one, but Christians are charitable and truthful.”
Torquemada dons his hood and tests his whips! LOL, this stuff is funny. Thanks for the chuckle.
Ah yes, we now come to the part where Inga claims that anyone asking her to denounce violence from her side is literally torturing her.
Because as we all know, asking Inga to behave like a human being is torturing her. I mean, most people, especially those who claim to be Christians, do not think murdering their political opponents is a good thing.
But for Inga, the mere asking her to denounce violence against Republicans is exactly the same as being whipped and tortured by Torquemada.
Break out the waterboarding, boys--Inga would rather be waterboarded than say killing Republicans is wrong!
I never once said a bad word about either of their children. I think they're lovely.
Weird that you would just assume that I or anyone else has trashed the Obama children. #Projection
I guess no one ever defended your honor. I can see how you wouldn't understand.
“... I mean, you scream about Christian values as "Horrific theological dictatorship"”
Really? Wow, news to me. Vance seems to not understand that accusing me of lies doesn’t deflect from his own.
Chuck: What public office did Track Palin hold? What has he himself done to make himself a public figure who should be held up to your scrutiny like a big pumpkin pie?
Althouse: Everyone knows what it is to fuck up, but how do you fuck back down?
Everyone knows what it is to fuck up, but how do you fuck back down?
Now THAT’S funny!
- Krumhorn
Oh, Inga, Inga, Inga. How many times have you called people opposed to same sex marriage "religious bigots" and so forth? How many times have you accused conservatives of "pushing religion" or being Christian Zealots? Heck, weren't you one of those that accused conservative Christians of "Creating the climate of fear and hatred" that led to the Pulse nightclub shootings?
And somehow I doubt you were all "oh, great idea--we should totally ban abortion!" Rather, you blame Christian Crazies for the pro-life movement.
True, I doubt you've literally used the words "Horrific theological dictatorship" but that's the running around hair on fire response to criticisms of same sex marriage, abortion, and so forth.
And when people point out that in fact blacks were better off during Jim Crow times than now, you scream racism at the top of your lungs; all the while deliberately ignoring the fact that while Jim Crow and separate schools or water fountains were indeed bad, the black family was intact. You liberals took away the segregated water fountains and bus rules and in exchange destroyed the black family. That's a worse evil than Jim Crow ever was.
What's your response on abstinence sexual education--no doubt it's some form of "Christian horror being shoved down our poor children who are going to have to have abortions in the back alleys!" No, it's a form of teaching consequences for choices; an idea that you leftists and you in particularly cannot stand.
Tell me, Inga: exactly what Christian value do you not violently oppose? Because I've read your posts for a few years now and every time someone suggests a virtue, you recoil in fear and argue frenziedly against it.
Except, of course, the demand to let criminals go free to commit crimes with impunity. You frequently support that one.
“I guess no one ever defended your honor. I can see how you wouldn't understand.”
So a drunk Bristol Palin with her 5 year old in her car is behaving honorably? Wow, interesting. What if it were a African American drunk woman fighting at a party with a 5 year old in her car? Would you say that was behaving honorably?
How very sad, but as my viewing of COPS and Alaska State Patrol teaches me, as well as my own upbringing in a doublewide in rural Kitsap County, Washington, this is not in the least bit unusual behavior for America's rural underclass.
The First Lady of Maine waits tables in a diner, by the way, because they need the income. No drunken fights that I know about, though.
A suggestion to Vance. Don’t use quotation marks unless you’re quoting someone.
“Except, of course, the demand to let criminals go free to commit crimes with impunity. You frequently support that one.”
Really? News to me.
“No, it's a form of teaching consequences for choices; an idea that you leftists and you in particularly cannot stand.”
Really? News to me.
“You liberals took away the segregated water fountains and bus rules and in exchange destroyed the black family. That's a worse evil than Jim Crow ever was.”
I’m sure that many many African Americans will agree with you here. Rolling my eyes.
“Heck, weren't you one of those that accused conservative Christians of "Creating the climate of fear and hatred" that led to the Pulse nightclub shootings?”
His mother became the biggest instant national lightning rod ever a month before he returned to the US from combat. That couldn't have helped any of them.
Alaskans, generally, are Deplorables. I like ‘em. I used to drive Westour buses up there. Their principle virtue is that they lack the snooty faux sophistication of the urban and coastal elites. Unfortunately, the idea of “peasants” is a contamination of the formerly pure air up there that blew in with the leftie shitstorm over her candidacy. Nonetheless, I hope he gets to spend time in one of their Arctic confinement facilities for this.
I would have loved to have Sarah as our president, but the Track, Bristol, Trig circus would have been painful to watch.
- Krumhorn
Commenters Chuck and Inga come across as exquisitely vile, sorry excuses for human beings. Now, they may both be perfectly wonderful, caring and upstanding citizens, but they do not come off that way, and I wanted to take this opportunity to point that out with the hope it helps. Please be assured that I am not trying to insult either of them, only offering the observation that their opinions might be better received if they did not always come across as despicable turds. Regardless, I earnestly hope both take this advice in the spirit with which it is offered.
...oops! Principal. I always fk that up. I’d like to know how to fk it back down.
- Krumhorn
I'd trade a million Ingas for one Sarah Palin.
You must remove from the premises.
“Commenters Chuck and Inga come across as exquisitely vile, sorry excuses for human beings. Now, they may both be perfectly wonderful, caring and upstanding citizens, but they do not come off that way, and I wanted to take this opportunity to point that out with the hope it helps. Please be assured that I am not trying to insult either of them, only offering the observation that their opinions might be better received if they did not always come across as despicable turds. Regardless, I earnestly hope both take this advice in the spirit with which it is offered.”
Everyone else here, including yourself always comment in the most kind and charitable manner. Right?
I'd go along with the idea that Track Palin's children are off limits. But Track Palin himself? Come on. "Children"?
Oh....I get it. There is an age restriction to tormenting and insulting politician's children. 18 years? 22?
So, does this mean that it is now OK to discuss Chelsea Clinton's really unfortunate features, probably from her father Webb Hubble. How about her sadly lacking intelligence and incredibly stupid tweets. I mean looking like the Donkey from Shrek was pretty embarrassing when she was a child, and I agree that attacking a child for all of that is pretty down low, but now that Track, Bristol and anyone with a Palin DNA is fair on I guess.
At least Chelsea can now get some plastic surgery done and do something about the Donkey look. Are the Obama girls old enough to discuss their drug use and gansta lifestyles? Am I playing the game correctly Chuck?
jaydub said...
Commenters Chuck and Inga come across as exquisitely vile, sorry excuses for human beings. Now, they may both be perfectly wonderful, caring and upstanding citizens, but they do not come off that way, and I wanted to take this opportunity to point that out with the hope it helps. Please be assured that I am not trying to insult either of them, only offering the observation that their opinions might be better received if they did not always come across as despicable turds. Regardless, I earnestly hope both take this advice in the spirit with which it is offered.
I understand. For several months in 2008, I adored her. At the time of her convention speech in 2008, she was fabulous.
Now, I can only appreciate and thank you for having brought the word "vile" into this conversation. Because "vile" is one of the first words that comes to mind when I think of any of Palin's recent speeches where she is screeching about "the establishment GOP":
That bitch is a member of my party?
I can see why Trump likes her; she's a kind of a white Omarosa.
Inga blubbers: " Did Jason just call Althouse a libtard?"
How you love to run and hide behind Althouse's skirts when you are called out. "But she's a liberal TOO!" (I'll bet you were the brat who always brownnosed teachers and tattled on schoolmates.) Except of course, when Althouse posts something favorable about Trump and critical of Democrats. Then you whine and bitch about that.
Althouse does something very few liberals ever try to do - be fair. And she also thinks, which is something Inga has never done in her life.
"I can't wait to read the Althouse comments, to see what The Deplorables say about The Peasants."
I missed this earlier but read it in the LA Times, which of course has it on the front page equivalent on the online edition.
Why is this national news ?
I know why chuck is thrilled. It makes his little heart beat faster when a plebeian is trashed in national news.
He and George Will would like those damed deplorable voters to just go away, like they did in 2012.
More Google errors.
Seems like just a year ago, libtards were adamant that a politician's children were off limits.
That's because the stories aren't about the children.
Look at the headline of the article in question: Track Palin, son of former Gov. Sarah Palin, arrested for assaulting his father
Remove "son of former Gov. Sarah Palin" from the headline and what do you have? Something that probably wouldn't even be published in the Anchorage paper. Something that might make The Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman's crime section in the paper that's published thrice-weekly.
Do you think anyone would be commenting about this incident if it were Track Smith or Track Jones? Would anyone care if he had PTSD or not, or if his parents were to blame or not, or whether this is evidence of something else going on in his life, or not?
Do you think people care whether Track Smith or Track Jones said "peasants" or "pissants" or none of the above?
No. It's just an opportunity for people to reflect their priors on the Palin family, which people were only too happy to do right out of the gate.
I hope this guy gets the help he needs. I hope it's not mental illness because that would make his way forward a lot tougher for him and those who love him.
And I'd hope those things even if his last name were Smith or Jones or Biden or Obama.
Blogger Ann Althouse said...
Those of you who are resting on the idea that Track is mentally ill, I hope you'll square that with how you treat other violent criminals. Are you consistent in going to the mental illness explanation? Do you generally empathize on the ground that this angry, violent, police-hating criminal is mentally ill?
PTSD is a real phenomenon. I have spent countless hours listening to my Dad rage (Veteran of Korea, SERIOUS combat, plenty of dead people) and my son rage (Veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan, less serious combat, but much more time in country). I have great sympathy if that fuels Track Palin's issues. I would like to see some of the glib motherfuckers who post here offer up some helpful suggestions.
Having lived long enough to have known multiple generations of several families, I can state that basically good families can produce troubled citizens. For the Palins, any family nonlinear episodes are guaranteed coverage by a hateful press. For "quality folk" or Democrats, coverage is more circumspect.
I violent criminals can be mentally ill, substance abusers, just plain low-down mean or any combination of those. Like animals, people sometimes go bad and sometimes need to be put down if they can't be helped. For the record, I am a police-hater. I travel extensively in the world and go few places with as large a police footprint as the United States of America. I think we are way over-policed and our police are way over-armed. At the age of 60, I have yet to experience a feeling of relief when the police show-up.
I hope this guy gets the help he needs. I hope it's not mental illness because that would make his way forward a lot tougher for him and those who love him.
And I'd hope those things even if his last name were Smith or Jones or Biden or Obama.
Second that. Layin' off the booze would be a good start. Easier said than done. He has to acknowledge he has a problem first.
Incidentally, wasn't he kind of rushed into the military because he had created another problem for himself immediately prior?
Webb Hubble's daughters Chelsea and Rebecca .
We NEED to know and shame Chelsea for being illegitimate and Hillary for being a whore. After all the media was all up in Palin's uterus about her son Trig being Bristol's son.
Hubble'd Daughter Caroline Hmmmm?
Is this how Chuck and Inga want to play the game. I don't.
I'm done with this.
A. I don't care what color the mother is.
B. It sounds like a man called a woman a slut and she kicked his ass, only to be attacked by bystanders.
C. When the woman's brother confronted the Slut calling man he did what a pussy who can only confront women could do, try to change the subject.
D. It wasn't that long ago children were left in cars and God forbid walking alone to a neighborhood parks. I imagine in Wassila it's still done by even the honorable.
E. I wear the badge of being Irish Catholic White Trash proudly. I only had to defend one of my sister's honor once, I broke both his arms, no one ever disrespected my five sisters again. Hell, no one ever disrespected any girls in my neighborhood again.
“Is this how Chuck and Inga want to play the game. I don't.”
Really? News to me.
people opposed to same sex marriage "religious bigots"
Actually, given their principles, and firm acknowledgement of evolutionary fitness, they are precisely the opposite of moral bigots (i.e. sanctimonious hypocrites). In fact, they reconcile moral, natural, and personal imperatives, to reach a conclusion that behaviors with no redeeming value to society or humanity should not be normalized/promoted/celebrated, but most do not merit rejection, and so can be tolerated in their proper context. However, they do not indulge in political congruences ("=") or selective exclusion, but are nonetheless characterized by their competing interests as sanctimonious hypocrites. Go figure. It's a Pro-Choice, Pro-Choice, Pro-Choice, Pro-Choice world.
A long Inga thread on Track Palin.
“A long Inga thread on Track Palin.
I’d be amazed if Michael K could ever comment on any given thread without mentioning my name.
But, Inga!! You are famous on the Althouse blog. You savor every mention. LOL
I have friends who know the Palins, and a friend who is very close relative.
To say Sarah's Veep nomination destroyed that family would be an understatement.
By accounts Todd is a solid guy.
Yes. Very much so.
Almost everyone has someone in their extended family who suffers from alcohol or drugs. It's a tragedy for the person and all those around them. Media has no business in business in reporting this family's troubles.
Sounds like an textbook adult opiate addict with an ethanol back raging against his Dad. This is a pretty typical event. Maybe PTS (according to my Vietnam Huey Vet brother, it's not a disorder) was involved as an additional trigger. Modern Army and USMC training alone can produce PTS symptoms because they use psychological science to turn nice young men into potential killers.
None of this has to do with the Palins as political and TV rockstars, it has nothing to do with their religion, white trash spectrum status, it is an all too common human drama that is a potential prelude to a real irreversible tragedy.
I've seen this same exact scenario with close friends. It started with their boy riding dirtbikes as a tweener, breaking bones, getting proscribed Vicodin then continuing through highschool with multiple trips to the ER for prototypical male risk-seeking behavior and getting more and more scrips for Vicodin then Percocet.
Opiate addiction arrests maturation, drug seeking, petty criminal behavior, blame of parents, usually Dad cycles over and over until a final cure via successful rehab, state prison or the morgue.
Herr Professor Juris Doktor's sympathy comment connects the Palins to the 'hood. Drug and alcohol fueled crime in the ghetto results in more arrests, more state prison time and more death by cop. Perhaps as a society we might think about how the drug war and the legal medical addiction racket are actually creating human trash of all shades that costs everyone dearly unless you are in the prison guard union.
Does Kaepernick kneel for Track too?
Todd and Sarah should be severely punished for naming a baby "Track."
If he had a twin, what would he be named?
"peasants" really sounded strange to me. Who even uses that word any more? Is it not more likely that he said pissants, and the police tactfully reported it as "peasants?"
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