December 26, 2017

Tweets about the 2 investigations.


Fabi said...

He fights.

Bay Area Guy said...

Attkisson is a National Treasure. She's an old school journalist, not one of these stenographers for the Left. Drain the Swamp!

Ray - SoCal said...

I wonder if the details of her being hacked will come out?

Whatever happened to her lawsuit?

Deep State Reformer said...

A sad commentary on how badly the FBI-DoJ has been weaponized against those the deep state disapproves. Comey did more to wreck the FBI than any previous director ever has.

Anonymous said...

The modern-day equivalent of the dog that didn't bark...

MacMacConnell said...

McCabe is retiring in three months, deep state criminals don't get fired or indicted when they're caught, they retire. Just ask Lois Lerner.

MacMacConnell said...

I should add, retire with full benefits.

dreams said...

"I should add, retire with full benefits."

Racing to ninety days when he can retire with full benefits.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sheryl Attkinson is a real journalist. That's why she isn't welcome inside the Democrat party ceascpit that is the MSM.

dreams said...

A surfeit of investigations due to a surfeit of deep state corrupt Democrat bureaucrats, regardless, our tax dollars at work.

Quayle said...

I think we can safely presume that only a minority of the FBI and DOJ people were or are corrupted by politics or other interests. But the corrupt actors sow seeds of distrust of the whole. That can't continue. A democracy cannot survive if the forces of the state are not in the relatively close control (even though indirect control) of the voters.

We need a #MeToo moment in the DOJ and FBI where the good guys out the bad guys, because if the good guys stay quiet and give their rotten colleagues a pass, because of comity or team spirit or the silent blue wall, then they'll all go down in standing and reputation together.

It really is possible to weaken your ties to parties and persons and dedicate your life to principals, the chief among which is to live by truth as best as you can find and understand it.

Scott said...

I confess to having a lot of interest in what the IG investigation uncovers. Also one thing that a lot of people have not considered is that Trump has a nuclear option in that he can order any government document unclassified at any time by executive order, such as the FISA application for surveillance on his campaign in 2016.

Michael K said...

I wonder if the "retired" figures in this story are really beyond the reach of an IG investigation ?

THe Intelligence whistleblower guy is being sidelined and Congress wants to know why.

A decision to put the man who handles whistleblower complaints at U.S. spy agencies on administrative leave has raised worries on Capitol Hill that it’s part of a plan to hamstring the program that helps intelligence workers report waste, fraud and abuse. A top Republican said he is investigating.

Whistleblower groups were alarmed when they heard that Dan Meyer, director of the Intelligence Community Whistleblowing and Source Protection program, was put on leave late last month and escorted out of his offices.

Intelligence officials won’t say why Meyer was put on leave, but insist they support whistleblower programs. Whistleblower groups fear Meyer is being sidelined and his program is being weakened to reduce its effectiveness.

In a letter to National Intelligence Director Dan Coats, Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, referred to allegations that intelligence officials are taking steps to hamper the four-year-old program.

What is going on ?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hey Trump - here's a thought - McCabe - fire him. Same with Strozk.

dreams said...

"I confess to having a lot of interest in what the IG investigation uncovers. Also one thing that a lot of people have not considered is that Trump has a nuclear option in that he can order any government document unclassified at any time by executive order, such as the FISA application for surveillance on his campaign in 2016."

And yet the Democrats continue to underestimate Trump which is an indication that the crooked Dems are also stupid.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

What's going on? Democrats are corrupt and they are circling the wagons.

Amadeus 48 said...

Scott--I share your interest in the IG's investigation.

I, too, have wondered why Trump is sitting on the FISA warrant. Two easy alternatives:
1. It is really bad for him.
2. It is really good for him.
The way things have gone, if it were really bad for him, I would think it would have leaked already. If it is really good for him, he is going to use it as a coup de grace.
Obama did that with his birth certificate. He let his enemies (particularly Trump) get way out on the end of a limb, and then he sawed it off by releasing the ultimate document.
Time will tell.

cronus titan said...

It never occurred to FBI leadership (or CIA, NSA, etc. for that matter) that Trump would win the election. As long as Hillary won, they would be fine and business as usual. SHe didn't, so they weren't.

The book "Game Change," following Hillary's campaign, had a passage where the authors document how Hillary's campaign ginned up the Russia collusion theory in less than 24 hours. As Wikileaks demonstrated, they had the fortune of most of the national media being their useful idiots (nice asset to have when running a campaign). They also had the fortune of the nation's law enforcement and intelligence community with huge incentive to cover up what they did during the campaign. Voila, a Special Counsel investigating an untrue allegation but capable of spreading misery.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Still don't know who killed Seth Rich and why.

So odd that a DNC staffer wound up dead in the streets. MSM did all they could to push they story into the memory hole. Which makes his death even more suspect.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

A Private Server while head of the State Dept. All A-OK by the FBI(D).

Otto said...

The conservative tree blog has more info on the investigation Atkinson is referring to. I think its findings are to be released January 15th. Stay tuned.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

And yet the Democrats continue to underestimate Trump which is an indication that the crooked Dems are also stupid.

It's beyond their conception that Donald Trump could be intelligent. After all, all he has done is develop real-estate all over the world and run resorts and develop and star in a successful reality TV series. But, you know what he has never done? Worked within a federal government bureaucracy! The dolt! Apparently he didn't know about the great retirement benefits.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Merry Christmas, everyone.

...And a President who works for free.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Attkisson tweet caught my eye this morning as well...

"8 high ranking @TheJusticeDept & @FBI officials have been removed, reassigned or are rumored to be leaving incl. top FBI agents who worked on 2 of the most high-profile investigations in past 2 years: the probe into Clinton & Trump-Russia collusion. …"

Lem Vibe Banditory said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ron Winkleheimer said...

Don't forget the DWS and Awan situation. Looks like through either stupidity or for some other reason, DWS and other congressional Democrats allowed a bunch of crooks who may have been working for foreign intelligence services to fill IT jobs that allowed them unfettered access to congress' computer network. But fear not. They are the smart ones.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Media(D) not interested in the Awan situation.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

I find the Awan situation fascinating from a professional standpoint. I'm an IT guy with decades of experience, an advanced degree in Information Assurance, and pretty deep understanding of networking technology. The thing is, the first consideration in security is always people. The insider is the number one threat. You don't just hire anyone off the street and give them access to your network if you understand the first thing about security, or human behavior for that matter. You have to vet people before you place them in sensitive positions and monitor their activities periodically to ensure they have not gotten up to no good. Banking regulations require that bank employees have to take two weeks vacation a year and bank examiners monitor banks for compliance. They don't do this because they want to make sure the employees are happy. They do it because that's when embezzlement is usually discovered. The guy filling in notices something is wrong and brings it to his boss' attention.

It appears to me that the government is filled with incompetents that aren't qualified to run a register at a dollar tree, but get to tell me how to live my life.

Jersey Fled said...

Funny but Sharyl's website seems to be down right now.

John henry said...


McCabe is planning to retire in 3 months.

If the ag, ig or special counsel don't get him first.

President Trump was hinting at this the other day in some tweets

John Henry

Drago said...

cronus titan: "It never occurred to FBI leadership (or CIA, NSA, etc. for that matter) that Trump would win the election."

It also never occurred to these "Top. Men." at the relevant moments in time that:
1) Iran could collapse into a revolutionary state
2) The Soviets would invade Afghanistan
3) The Soviet Union would collapse (Sorry Robert Cook!! Painful memories to be sure..)
4) India would set off a nuke, 9-11 (Gorelick "Wall" and then she was placed on the investigating committee! Yeah Clintons!)
etc., etc.,

This is what happens when institutions like our intelligence agencies move away from their origins of intrepid and patriotic intelligent agents run the joint and become the places where the "right sorts" who attended the "right schools" and have the "right and acceptable ideas" become the political appointee heads. Moving seamlessly between Govt sinecures and lobbyist/lawyer roles feeding at the gov't trough and all sharing the same political views.

The kind of situation where they begin to look for "insurance policies" in cases where the American people do what they should not be allowed to do: vote for an "outsider".

Top. Men.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Hiring a bunch of closely related individuals to run your computer network is idiotic on its face. Who is going to do the necessary monitoring and referral to the boss if something suspicious is seen? In well run corporations there are rules about closely related people working in the same group. Hell, my church has rules about people who are on the Council and relatives holding jobs at the church. Its like politicians really aren't all that concerned with conflicts of interest.

SteveBrooklineMA said...

He’s under 50... working since 1996... ready to retire with full pension. Nobody even questions it these days.

MacMacConnell said...

Ron Winkleheimer
When I was in the corporate world no one was allowed to hire anyone related to an existing employee. Of course in the board room nepotism ran a muck.
Clients are always amazed when they ask me wouldn't it be simpler for you to sign the payroll checks when you print them and I reply, never allow a bookkeeper or an accountant any where near the cash or sign checks.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

The fact that the FBI cleared Hillary of wrong doing in regards to her private email server confirms to me, and anyone who has ever held a security clearance and knows anything about IT, that the FBI and DOJ have a corruption problem. But now we have people on the left worrying about "spreading doubts" about the veracity of the FBI Guess what, nobody who isn't already in the tank is buying that. Questioning authority and holding organizations accountable is good for democracy. And the FBI and the DOJ have done questionable things in the past. Why should we assume that they aren't doing questionable things now? Because the questionable things were done to further leftist ideology? You are going to keep getting moar and moar Trump.

Still not tired.

Jupiter said...

Quayle said...
"I think we can safely presume that only a minority of the FBI and DOJ people were or are corrupted by politics or other interests"

The FBI's long-standing policy of conducting interviews without notes or recordings, then making a written summary afterwards without checking it with the person interviewed, is designed to make it impossible for their victims to defend themselves against the charge of lying to a federal agent. The FBI is institutionally corrupt. Their policies are intended to create crimes. The only question is whom those corrupt policies and practices will be used to ensnare next.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

This weekend I watched the TV talking heads whine in unison about Trump undermining our "heroes" in the FBI. That tells me everything I need to know about the status of the "Russian collusion" investigation.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Jersey Fled said...
Funny but Sharyl's website seems to be down right now.

What do you expect? Every web browser in DC and probably half of the web browsers in NYC are hitting it right now.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

I can't get to the article, but Mark Tapscott posted this over at Insty about 10 days ago.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Jupiter said..."The FBI's long-standing policy of conducting interviews without notes or recordings, then making a written summary afterwards without checking it with the person interviewed, is designed to make it impossible for their victims to defend themselves against the charge of lying to a federal agent."

I was shocked when I learned of this practice. I'd like to hear what the FBI claims as the reason for this practice. I can't think of a legit justification. I suspect Jupiter is correct.

Curious George said...

Funny how Chuck and Inga disappear when these posts hit.

n.n said...

I think it was Attkisson who exposed the so-called "Arab Spring". It still bears refugees, aborted, abandoned, and redistributed.

Jaq said...

You can’t generally pass a security audit if the person responsible for network security reports to the person in charge of the network.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Don't forget the DWS and Awan situation. Looks like through either stupidity or for some other reason, DWS and other congressional Democrats allowed a bunch of crooks who may have been working for foreign intelligence services to fill IT jobs that allowed them unfettered access to congress' computer network. But fear not. They are the smart ones.”

I think that this is probably the one scandal that the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc, if cleaned up, can’t touch. It is a Separation of Powers thing. The Executive Branch doesn’t get to investigate the Legislative Branch. And any Congressional investigation is going to have one party (here, obviously the Democrats) playing serious defense, and obstructing to the best of their ability.

Amadeus 48 said...

"Hiring a bunch of closely related individuals to run your computer network is idiotic on its face."
A valid criticism of Trump is that his family members are some of his closest advisers. Apart from appearances (that is what third-world dictators do), there is a real process issue--whose interests are being served?
I note that this criticism was completely overlooked when JFK appointed his 36 year-old brother Attorney General of the US, arguably a worse and more dangerous example of nepotism than anything Trump has done.

Jaq said...

The Executive Branch doesn’t get to investigate the Legislative Branch. And any Congressional investigation is going to have one party (here, obviously the Democrats) playing serious defense, and obstructing to the best of their ability.

All that is true, but given the egregious carelessness with which they managed their networks, it is pretty rich to hear them claim that it could only have been q Russian hack. Any grow-ups left in the Democratic Party should be rip-shit pissed about that situation and taking names, but well, well all know about that.

L Day said...

Original Mike, You may find this interesting. Another article said the FBI does now record interrogations, but that there are "exceptions where national security and such may be at stake". That sounds like a pretty big loophole.

MacMacConnell said...

Are President Trump's relations on the federal payroll or are they unpaid advisers with security clearances and protection?

Jupiter said...

From Larry's link;

"Second, FBI agents have successfully testified to custodial defendants’ statements for generations with only occasional, and rarely successful, challenges."

In short, they have always done it that way. I suspect that originally, it was to make sure that nothing ended up in an "FBI Report" that Hoover didn't want there. Attorneys famously say that you should never ask a question of a witness in court unless you already know the answer. FBI agents do not have that luxury, but they can unask the question if the answer turns out to be unsuitable.

Again, the FBI has always been deeply corrupt, in the sense that it pursues its organizational aims by highly unethical means. The modern political corruption of those aims may be somewhat novel.

Jaq said...

First, the presence of recording equipment may interfere with and undermine the successful rapport-building interviewing technique which the FBI practices. Second, FBI agents have successfully testified to custodial defendants’ statements for generations with only occasional, and rarely successful, challenges.

So the reasons are that recording equipment puts the interviewee on guard, and “second,” they get away with it and judges don’t complain!

Original Mike said...

Thanks, Larry Day. Jupiter was right. And now they do record interviews but chose not to with Hillary? Outrageous.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

the presence of recording equipment may interfere with and undermine the successful rapport-building interviewing technique which the FBI practices.

Never, ever, ever, ever consent to being interviewed by a cop without a lawyer.

tcrosse said...

One trembles to think what this gang could have gotten up to if the election had gone differently.

CWJ said...

"I note that this criticism was completely overlooked when JFK appointed his 36 year-old brother Attorney General of the US,...."

I don't think this is true. I think the pushback was quite modest by today's standards, but I recall it was there nonetheless. More a case of unseemly rather than you can't do that.

Rabel said...

The new requirement for the FBI to record interrogations only applies to those of "suspects in custody." There is an exception for national security and an allowance for discretionary recording of other interviews.

Drago said...

"There is an exception for national security and an allowance for discretionary recording of other interviews."

There clearly are "exceptions" and "discretion" being only one direction though.


grackle said...

Hey Trump - here's a thought - McCabe - fire him. Same with Strozk.

Why bother? Their effectiveness as Trump-destroyers ended as soon as they were exposed. Anyone who cares about their career will keep them at arms-length.

Firing them might engender sympathy and we can’t have that. If they have any smarts at all they are both realizing that they are in big trouble. Better to let them twist slowly, slowly in the wind until such time that Trump gets around to dealing with them.

PB said...

It shows the complete politicization of government institutions achieved in the Obama era. With the high expectations that Trump couldn't win, none of these FBI or DOJ leaders wanted to be on President Hillary's shit list. When Trump won, they realized they were so far in the tank for Hillary that they just had to keep pushing on to try and destroy him as their only chance at surviving.

Birkel said...

As Instapundit wrote years ago, bring your own recording devices.

Molly said...

I wonder if the Trump team has some kind of indications (such as who Mueller has not indicted after interviewing, or not decided to interview or followup) that gives them high confidence that Mueller investigation is going to fizzle out. If that is so, then there is an interesting explanation for the unattributed leaks that Trump is considering replacing Mueller: those leaks have succeed in getting Democrats vociferously behind Mueller - "Trump must not fire Mueller who is an investigator with unchallenged integrity;" so if Mueller releases a final report that is "disappointing" to anti-Trumpers, those same Dems are no in a position to say, "Mueller was a Republican stooge all along." It is reading Scott Adams that has me thinking about these possibilities.

L Day said...

Rabel said...
"The new requirement for the FBI to record interrogations only applies to those of "suspects in custody." There is an exception for national security and an allowance for discretionary recording of other interviews."

And that is rotten to the core.

madAsHell said...

Has anyone de-coded his use of upper, and lower case? The upper case is considered loud, and unhinged. Maybe he uses upper case for HEADLINES?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


This weekend I watched the TV talking heads whine in unison about Trump undermining our "heroes" in the FBI. That tells me everything I need to know about the status of the "Russian collusion" investigation.

Exactly. The Democrat party press are pimping the narrative. 'How dare you questions us.'

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The hack press agree with the Hillary supporting biases inside the FBI. The hack press agree that Hillary should get away with whatever crime necessary to keep Clinton, Inc. flush with cash and in power. The hack press agree an insurance policy is/was needed to guard against any outsider disrupting their corruption, narrative pimping, lies, cover-ups.
Insider swamp-D) rice bowls must be guarded and protected at all costs.

So stop saying mean things about the perfect FBI.

Original Mike said...

A couple of days ago we told by a commenter that much of the Steele dossier had not been proven false yet. Putting aside the upside down logic it appears that, after a year and a half of investigating, that's all they've got. Here's an article at Think Progress, Donald Trump really wants you to believe the partially corroborated Steele dossier is ‘bogus’, that drives home how weak the collusion case is. Interesting they actually tout that the Steele dossier was used to obtain a FISA warrant.

Drago said...

Molly: "I wonder if the Trump team has some kind of indications (such as who Mueller has not indicted after interviewing, or not decided to interview or followup) that gives them high confidence that Mueller investigation is going to fizzle out."

Mueller has an incredibly difficult job. He has to do the following:

1) "Cover up" sufficiently the fact that the lefties weaponized the DOJ, FBI, and intelligence agencies
2) Somehow paper over the fact that the FBI and DOJ conspired to use dem opposition research to illegally spy on a domestic political opponent (it will come out as some point (the rep's probably have already seen it and know it exists)) but then make it the fault of a couple people who will "retire early" and go away so nothing to see here so "moveon".
3) nail a couple guys for some minor stuff to provide a minimal fig leaf for the use of the dossier
4) Clear Trump due to his obvious innocence of this non-sensical charge of collusion but not embarrass dems too badly in doing it
5) Clean up the obvious malfeasance of the FBI/DOJ in letting the Clintons get away with all their shenanigans and, in so doing, restore the confidence of the rank and file agents in the integrity of their own leadership which had been sacrificed under obama/clinton.

That, ladies and gentleman, is a very tall order indeed.

And that is also why Mueller could not, under any circumstances, have a non-lefty as part of his team as any non-lefty would immediately scream bloody murder.

Nope, Mueller needed all lefties to help clean up the mess and make it go away since the lefties are the ones with the vested interest in making sure the dems are forever tarred with their own Watergate.

Drago said...

"not tarred with"

Drago said...

Original Mike: "A couple of days ago we told by a commenter that much of the Steele dossier had not been proven false yet."

That was Steve Uhr, who then claimed to have been a prosecutor at one time.

Which tells you all you need to know about how far we have fallen.

Original Mike said...

Steve also told us it is disrespectful to question the motives of FBI/DOJ personnel. He's probably not enjoying this thread.

Original Mike said...

That Think Progress article says "Many of the dossier's disturbing allegations have already been independently corroborated.". You hear that a lot and I've wondered what those allegations are. Judging from the article, it's very thin gruel.

Now, maybe someday Mueller's going to do the big reveal, but from what we know now, the claim is bullshit.

Drago said...

OM: "You hear that a lot and I've wondered what those allegations are. Judging from the article, it's very thin gruel."

What we've seen in the past is each successive lefty media organ reference a previous lefty media organ's reporting, which itself was often based on early Schiff-like leaks which claimed that the dossier had been partially confirmed, but once you start digging you see it's all just a house of cards.

Which is as intended and it is hoped by the lefties and their LLR allies to have that "fact" sink in, even though no one in the intelligence community will vouch for a single "fact" other than 'hey Carter Page traveled to Moscow once!!eleventy!'

McCabe, just las week under oath, wouldn't even cop to the FBI/DOJ/Inteliigence agencies being able to verify Carter Pages public meetings in Moscow!!

I mean, at this point its such a farce that the dems/LLR allies need to continuously change the subject to obstruction of justice, which is all also a lie.

This is the last ditch effort to keep us from realizing that the fake dossier filled with dem oppo research lies was used as THE reason for getting warrants to spy on Trump and his entire campaign and then have those "wiretaps" (heh!) weaponized across the government.

LLR Chuck hardest hit again.

Original Mike said...

"What we've seen in the past is each successive lefty media organ reference a previous lefty media organ's reporting, ..."

Yeah, that's the reason for the TP piece. There it is in the sub-headline, "Many of the dossier's disturbing allegations have already been independently corroborated.". It's now out there to be referenced by the next article down the line. But they've been doing it so long, it's wearing thin. Thus, the charge morphs to "not having been proven false" to try and wring a little bit more blood out of that turnip.

cronus titan said...

OM: "Now, maybe someday Mueller's going to do the big reveal, but from what we know now, the claim is bullshit."

Always be on alert when someone characterizes evidence but never produces it. Mike Nifong liked to say he had evidence "consistent with a rape." That was his spin on having an emotionally disturbed crackhead telling a wild story and nothing else. Strzok's texts were characterized as "anti-Trump," which made it sound like a couple of stray remarks. The source documents were much more damning.

When they make comments like "corroborated" parts of the dossier but never say what it is, count on it being a trivial and irrelevant detail while hte rest of it is bullshit.

Drago said...

OM: " But they've been doing it so long, it's wearing thin. Thus, the charge morphs to "not having been proven false" to try and wring a little bit more blood out of that turnip."

Careful. Chuck is not going to appreciate any disparaging of the lefty MSM and then you may find yourself on the receiving end of a profanity-laced defense of msm/attack on you.

Darrell said...

Follow Ted Kennedy's lead when talking to law enforcement. Tell them that your lawyer is on his way. Ask if your lawyer has arrived. Ask for a cup of coffee or a snack. Tell them they they are doing a wonderful job.

Jaq said...

that gives them high confidence that Mueller investigation is going to fizzle out.”

Maybe the fact that they didn’t do it gives them “high confidence” that Mueller isn’t going to find anything. That didn’t help Scooter Libby, of course, since he didn’t actually leak Valerie Plame’s name.

Jupiter said...

"2) Somehow paper over the fact that the FBI and DOJ conspired to use dem opposition research to illegally spy on a domestic political opponent (it will come out as some point (the rep's probably have already seen it and know it exists))"

Heh. Rep Jim Jordan is On Fire over at theconservativetreehouse. com;

Humperdink said...

@Jupiter. I watched the video link. I've most of it before. It is powerful stuff. But having watching it more than once, the thing that stood out for me was Rod Rosenstein eyes. He never looked at Jim Jordan for more than a nanosecond. Could not/would not look at him.

Jupiter said...

Here Jordan lays it out. Strzok took the "Dossier", which he knew to be paid oppo research commissioned by the DNC, and presented it to a FISA judge as truthful, in order to secure a warrant to conduct wiretapping on the Trump campaign.

Achilles said...

Everything I have been saying is turning out to be true.

The leftists that tried to pull off this coup should be begging on their knees to avoid being executed like the traitors they are.

rcocean said...

Do you realize this Bullshit has been going on for OVER A YEAR!

Remember how all the MSM kept telling us that Trump was under investigation in December 2016 to May 2017 and there was a 'Secret Dossier' which showed "Russian Collusion"?

And remember how Comey would refuse to state in public that Trump wasn't a target? Leading us all to believe that Trump WAS a target of a FBI investigation?

Remember how the MSM was full of scornful laughter when Trump said Comey told him 3 times - IN PRIVATE - that he wasn't a subject of investigation?

Remember how we had to have a Mueller special counsel because there was so much - "secret" - information that the Trump Campaign was "colluding"?

And now its 7 months (!) since Mueller started his investigation and we still don't have one shred of evidence - leaked or otherwise - that Trump did anything wrong.

When is this BS going to end?!

Bruce Hayden said...

Love this (by Dan McLaughlin via Instapundit):
the FBI is a distinguished institution with a ton of great people.

Which raises the question why the same small handful of people ended up handling both the Hillary email & Trump Russia probes.

gadfly said...

So all these so-called bad people at DOJ and the FBI have already been "handled" without a single court hearing or formal charges.

Remind me again just who is in charge of Justice and the FBI and FISA investigations. Oh yeah, the President! So Trump didn't demote them? Why not? But if you listen to The Donald, he is as powerless as Sergeant Schultz.

And who was it that hired Mueller? Yep-per, General Jefferson Sessions or his designee. Time for the President to demand and get information and forget about fake reality TV with DJT saying "you're fired!" The "use your real authority" approach would be so much cheaper and far less time consuming. But stirring the pot is all that Trump knows.

Drago said...

Poor Man's LLR Chuck: "Remind me again just who is in charge of Justice and the FBI and FISA investigations. Oh yeah, the President! So Trump didn't demote them? Why not?"

Because you and your pals would scream Obstruction of Justice! Impeach!


Even Poorer Man's LLR Chuck: "And who was it that hired Mueller? Yep-per, General Jefferson Sessions or his designee."


You really don't keep up with anything, do you?

So who was it gadfly? Sessions or his "designee"? And who was that designee again? And why was Session's not able to "hire" Mueller again?

What a waste of time you are! But it is amusing watching you wriggle around....for a bit.

jr565 said...

It’s so funny how the left and the media (which is an arm of the democrats)is suddenly the cheerleader for the FBI. As if the FBI is above reproach.
When we all know them saying HOW DARE YOU QUESTION THE FBI's REPUTATION is merely a cover for them NOT investigating what is obviously the obama administration spying on their enemy and using. The FBI to do it. If true thst would make watergate look like a non issue, yet it’s prerty clear thst this is exactly what ahappened. And because the FBI and obama administration assumed hillary would win they weren’t event shot careful about it. They simply assumed that if she won there would be no investigations.

We all know, that if this was trump's administration spying on obama or hilllary, that the media would Leave no stone unturned trying to prove the wrong-doing on trumps part. But becaise its obama Doing the spying, the FBI is suddenly perfect.

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