Enjoy the madness by reading "Look at This Thirsty Boy" at New York Magazine.
Or just look at this and imagine the madness:
Yeah, he also talked about national security. Sorry, I'm not interested. He drank a little water and used 2 hands on the glass. I think I have to lose my mind now. There's the whole wide world and there's the water in a single glass...
Words are flowing out like endless rain into a water glass
They slither while they pass, they slip away across the universe
Pools of sorrow waves of joy are drifting through my opened mind
Possessing and caressing me....
Jai Guru Donald Om
It's bad enough that Democrats and the rest of the left have a bad case of TDS. George Will and Max Boot and a few others like Patric Frey have it too. They used to be sane.
The "conflicting edits" are back big time.
Ha ha ha Meade! That is EXACTLY what I came to type.
First, he gets TWO scoops of ice cream, and then he drinks 12 diet cokes a day. Now, we have proof that sometimes he uses two hands on a glass. How much more of this can our country take?
Resist! Impeachment is the only reasonable course of action.
Whenever any President or members of his administration talks about "national security," they're justifying keeping shit secret that would embarrass them or reveal their crimes.
Such little hands...
It's not good to have little hands, I guess.
When he pivots and begins taking up the typical CFR lines on the place of America in the world, then I'll worry about his sanity.
And "He's got the whole world in his hands he's got the whole wide world in his hands. He's got the whole world in his hands he's got the whole world in his hands. He's got the little bitty baby in his hands he's got the little bitty baby in his hands. He's got the little bitty baby in his hands he's got the whole world in his hands."
Remember when the left media claimed drinking from a water bottle at the podium at a press conference disqualified Marco Rubio for President? I remember that whenever they tell me Trump is unsuited or unqualified.
You have to give it to him. Trump is loyal to Diet Coke when much better Coke Zero is available. Pepsi hardest hit. I bet the water is Dasani, too.
Rufus Wainwright found a song that suits his comatose style of singing.
Is that cup of greatness half full or half empty? He's got his hands around it so you can't tell! Persuasion! Genius!
Rufus Wainwright found a song that suits his comatose style of singing.
I always wondered what kept that guy from enunciating. His dad is one of the great singing enunciators of all time.
Watergate for imbeciles.
Meh, who cares? Much bigger fish to fry.
Holding a water cup with both hands is holding a water cup one hundred percent. Nothing is withheld. The action is given full value. If you are drinking water with a friend, try it both ways: drinking one-handed, then holding the cup with both hands. When we drink with one hand the normal way we do nothing with the other hand, or we use it to gesture, or perhaps we even use it to prepare our next bite of something. That is to say, we multitask, and in doing so, we do not commit to any one thing. Every action is partial. Zen practice is total commitment-- to this action, to this moment, to this encounter. Drinking water with one hand is not total commitment to that action. There is something we are holding back, something we are keeping for ourselves.
And fuck you!
Usually, when a Trumpster sez that he's doing something weird just to annoy the media, I roll my eyes. But this time...
Bigger fish to fry indeed.
Corrupted FBI agents.
In an Ocean Or in a Glass,
Cool Water is Such a Gas!
George Will and Max Boot and a few others like Patric Frey have it too. They used to be sane.
Sane? What they “used” to do was to argue ineffectively yet incessantly about “the issues,” most of which were made irrelevant because in the meantime the MSM/Democrats elected lefty presidents and salted our institutions with lefty Deep State members.
While they chattered about how many conservative angels could fit on the head of the American political pin the Democrats took the pin and sewed up the media, entertainment, the educational system and the arts. Furthermore, they seem to be jealous that Trump’s “common man/America first” approach is succeeding where their pseudo-intellectual strategy failed.
The two-handed water drinking is just Trump trolling the MSM.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is a very real disorder.
It's Trump Derangement Syndrome alright - yours. This is on thecut.com, which is the style & culture destination site of New York magazine. Why are you expecting a serious discussion of national security in the style section? Those kinds of stories are on the main nymag.com site.
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
DanTheMan said...
"First, he gets TWO scoops of ice cream, and then he drinks 12 diet cokes a day. Now, we have proof that sometimes he uses two hands on a glass. How much more of this can our country take?
Resist! Impeachment is the only reasonable course of action."
I almost spit out my water on this one!! Cracked me up!! Thanks for the laugh DanTheMan!!!
Cuomo on CNN was all over this.
Much bigger fish to fry.
Such as Obama's secret kibosh of Project Cassandra.
Barack Hussein Obama, the world's only heroin dealer with a Nobel Prize.
Those kinds of stories are on the main nymag.com site.
New York is 100% style section.
LOL! Oh how I wish Trump would get onto Twitter and go on and on about what a great car the Subaru Outback is - he's buying one for every member of his family. Oh please, make it so! The Outback is THE favorite ride in the Seattle area (probably Portland too). Can you imagine the response??? Purist liberals dumping their Outbacks onto the used car market as fast as they can, replacing them with Toyota or whatever. Those that hold onto them plaster them with stickers stating: "THIS Outback driven by a proud Hillary voter".
Subaru sales plummet, forcing the company to ponder how to file a defamation/libel suit when the facts show Trump actually said glowing things about the Subaru.
Two scoops, two hands. Symmetry.
How do we know it was water?
He says he doesn't drink but it could have been gin, no?
John Henry
"It's bad enough that Democrats and the rest of the left have a bad case of TDS. George Will and Max Boot and a few others like Patric Frey have it too. They used to be sane."
Maybe it is you and others who inexplicably see positive attributes in Trump and in his Presidency are the ones mad with TDS.
My father is about the same age as Trump- he takes the glass to his lips with two hands because one hand alone is simply too unsteady. This is a common problem as you get older, so yes, of course, this is just like a child.
And while everyone is spun up about this he is about (DON'T LOOK OVER THERE!!) to get a great Christmas present passed.
John Henry
I misspelled "tax cut"
Suck it, proggies.
John Henry
Well normally he drinks from a chalice, and holding that with 2 hands is acceptable.
Maybe it is you and others who inexplicably see positive attributes in Trump and in his Presidency are the ones mad with TDS.
That would include anyone with money in the stock market. We're all crazy.
Inexplicably? I know you disagree with conservative philosophy, but I (perhaps erroneously) thought you at least understood it, and could acknowledge that Trump's list of achievements includes a ton of things we've been asking for forever, and that the vile GOPe would consistently promise but then fail to deliver (and often deliver the exact opposite - looking at you, No Child Left Behind!)
And yeah, seriously, stock market up 5000 since Obama - inexplicable??
Er, sorry, Cool: was supposed to be Cook:
He's molesting the glass. He's choking the glass. The glass is unconscious. Quick, get the camera.
There's a joke in there, somewhere.
I've always liked the Fiona Apple version (from the Pleasantville soundtrack):
Fiona Apple - Across The Universe
Limited blogger said...
Well normally he drinks from a chalice, and holding that with 2 hands is acceptable.
12/19/17, 1:00 PM
Ah ha! I assumed it was a secret signal to someone. Now I know who. Great detective work.
Oh, the madness.
And: The next person to insult Rufus has to fight me.
The same hands he caresses the nuclear button with !
Maybe it is you and others who inexplicably see positive attributes in Trump and in his Presidency
The Dow gained 5,000 points in a year, and is at an all time high. Unemployment is lower than it's been since the 70's. The economy is growing at 3% a quarter...higher than at any point under Obama. Government regulations and mandates are being revoked. Tax reform is about to pass. Illegal immigration is down, and self deportation of illegal immigrants is up. ISIS has been militarily defeated
The Dow gained 5,000 points in a year, and is at an all time high. Unemployment is lower than it's been since the 70's. the economy is growing at 5% a quarter...higher than at any point under Obama. Government regulations and mandates are being revoked. Tax reform is about to pass. Illegal immigration is down, and self deportation of illegal immigrants is up. ISIS has been militarily defeated.
This is why LLR and "accidental leftist" Chuck is so off his rocker.
Just for the record..the 5% was a mistype..I corrected it and deleted the original post.
Cookie is very upset that the American economy is booming and another of his leftist People's Paradises is collapsing in Venezuela right before our eyes.
But its all good, since more people starving to death and fleeing their homes means less energy usage and less global warming!!
That's a win-win-win for the Cookies of the world.
All most all the attacks on President Trump have to due with style, not substance. How the President says it, not what, it, is. The President's twitter posts, respond to persons attacking him on a personal basis, and he responds in kind. The President's critics do not talk about the attack that prompted the President to engage, just that by engaging the President is not Presidental. Style not substance.
If Obama had achieved the exact same economic numbers and accomplishments re: ISIS and immigration as Trump has, and his critics said admiration for them was "inexplicable", they would've been automatically deplored as irredeemably racist because nothing else could explain being unwilling to give credit where it's due... and unlike every time Obamabots deployed that "defense" in reality, in this hypothetical it would be difficult to argue with.
To calm things down a bit -
- The unemployment rate is still a bad metric. Its been rather pointless since about 2000-2001
- The current Employment-Population ratio (@60%) is still substantially behind 2007 (@63%), and 2000 (64%).
There is, based on historical precedent, no miraculous improvement. The employment ratios have ticked up a bit, from a flat 2016, but this has to be sustained and much steeper to challenge previous good times.
All most all the attacks on President Trump have to due with style, not substance.
He's not unfit to be President. He's unfit to play the President on The West Wing. As such, he's the converse of his predecessor.
Meh, who cares?
Your leftist media, that's who.
You know. The people who give you wrong information that you spew all over these boards and then you mysteriously disappear when it's proven you're a liar?
It was also on CNN.
Darrell @ 12:02,
You best comment ever.
Clyde, I agree 100% about Fiona Apple's "Across the Universe" -- and I think the video is especially apt for a TDS thread. In fact, don't you think the guy in the picture at the very beginning looks kinda like . . . nah.
Buwaya: Your mistake is in thinking the numbers matter.
Back in the 90s, CNN described a 5.2% unemployment under Clinton as "nearly euphoric."
A few years later, under Bush, CNN described a 5.2% unemployment under Bush as "lackluster" and a "jobless recovery".
The relevant difference is left up to you, the reader.
He's fuckin' with everyone. Bigly win once again. Watching their liberal idiotic heads explode. Trump's got it. OH, NOES! HE'S USING TWO HANDS!
Kick 'em in the nuts, Trump.
Kick 'em in the nuts, Trump.
Both of them
Imagine the reaction if he drank with a straw...
"Robert Cook said...
Maybe it is you and others who inexplicably see positive attributes in Trump and in his Presidency are the ones mad with TDS."
Instead of over-analyzing every little gesture of Trump and his family, I think "liberals'" time would be more profitably spent crawling out of their cocoons for a bit and expanding their horizons in a pro-freedom direction. I recommend them starting with Bastiat's THE LAW, going on to Hayek's ROAD TO SERFDOM, and then tackling Von Mises' HUMAN ACTION. The latter, in my edition, is an 800+ page mangnum opus, and that should keep "liberals" (and by that I mean of course "tax-happy, coercion-addicted, power-tripping State fellators") occupied for at least a year . . . a year in which they'd be too busy sticking guns in other people's faces and lifting their wallets. A nice vacation for those of us who value liberty, at any rate.
"Er, sorry, Cool: was supposed to be Cook."
Don't sweat it, Quinn...I'm cool.
I meant, of course, "too TO stick guns in other people's faces." Although I suspect with "liberals" and other statists, it's kind of like the Jello commercial: "There's always time for coercion."
"The Dow gained 5,000 points in a year, and is at an all time high. Unemployment is lower than it's been since the 70's. the economy is growing at 5% a quarter...higher than at any point under Obama. Government regulations and mandates are being revoked. Tax reform is about to pass. Illegal immigration is down, and self deportation of illegal immigrants is up. ISIS has been militarily defeated."
The increases in the stock market only help those Americans with money in the stock market, and of those, it helps those most who have the most in the market. Just under half of Americans have no money at all in the stock market, and of those who do--most probably through 401(K) or 403(B) employer "pension" (sic) plans--many or most may not have enough in it to reap significant gains.
Also, that the stock market is rising so steeply so swiftly seems irrational, and causes me to be concerned another steep drop or even collapse could occur anytime.
As for employment figures, the government has been cooking those for years, understating the degree of real unemployment. Even of those who are working and who are finding news jobs, what kind of jobs are they? Career-track jobs with substantial pay and benefits, or service jobs with no or little benefits and mediocre or pay pay? How many who are employed are only part-time, or are temp workers? As Buwaya says above, one can't look to those figures as a metric of how well the country's economy is doing.
There's no mention of the millions of students now in school and recent graduates who have loan debt they may never be able to pay off, burdening them for most or all of their working lives.
Illegal immigration was falling under Obama...it's not simply a result of Trump's election, though I'm sure his policies are continuing the trend. I've never understood why Americans see illegal immigration as a huge problem, and I doubt this will help anyone in any noticeable way.
Government regulations and mandates being revoked is a good thing only if the regulations and mandates being revoked are bad; many are necessary to restrict the natural tendency toward thievery and fraud and other harm that profit-seekers will naturally indulge absent any regulatory inhibitions.
Tax "reform" means the rich will reap windfalls and the rest of us will pay big.
The one necessary change that must happen for substantial economic recovery to occur is for substantial real improvements in the employment rate and increases in pay at all levels. Without that, the rest is illusory, and the already-rich will be the only ones eating the icing.
When the bad effects of Trump's presidency become manifest, his successor will be in office and will receive the blame...if we're lucky. If we're not lucky the bad effects will become manifest much sooner.
Cookie gets mad when a change in tax laws might mean his gang gets to steal less of other people's money.
"My gang?"
Hahahaha! You don't know what to say so you say something ridiculous!
Blogger Michael K said...
It's bad enough that Democrats and the rest of the left have a bad case of TDS. George Will and Max Boot and a few others like Patric Frey have it too. They used to be sane.
So we are now measuring George Will's sanity as compared to Trumps sanity? As Brit Hume pointed out on Fox:
"He is there with his spectacles and he writes and speaks eloquently and in complete sentences and paragraphs can strike some people as an elite talking down to them," Hume said in Will's defense.
So George Will is the guy who writes and speaks eloquently and in complete sentences!
>>The increases in the stock market only help those Americans with money in the stock market
This is so blatantly stupid it beggars belief.
The stock market rise has a stimulating effect on consumer spending - i.e., the "wealth effect". More demand, more jobs, more employment, competition from employers, increase in wages.
This has been a standard thing in economics for a very long time - heck, we had it when I was doing my MBA in those antediluvian times.
Whether it can be calculated and extracted from other factors - I don't know.
"As for employment figures, the government has been cooking those for years, understating the degree of real unemployment"
This is actually true, of the unemployment rate. This is a very unreliable number because of changes in the "workforce" as that is a fuzzy definition, and it has been redefined too many times to be useful for long term comparisons. And moreover it is not internationally comparable either.
"There's no mention of the millions of students now in school and recent graduates who have loan debt they may never be able to pay off, burdening them for most or all of their working lives. "
This is also true, but a separate scandal. The bigger problem is not the debt but the waste of lives in useless education. And extremely costly, inefficient education such debt helped create.
"Government regulations and mandates being revoked is a good thing only if the regulations and mandates being revoked are bad; many are necessary to restrict the natural tendency toward thievery and fraud and other harm that profit-seekers will naturally indulge absent any regulatory inhibitions."
Looking internationally, private thievery and fraud, in itself, has rarely had a negative economic effect. The bigger risk is government regulation creating "markets" for thievery and fraud, and creating uneconomic incentives, and especially reinforcing monopolies as regulations are a barrier to entry. And then there is regulatory capture.
The cure is most definitely worse than the disease. Curing headaches with a gunshot to the temple is not an unreasonable analogy.
"The one necessary change that must happen for substantial economic recovery to occur is for substantial real improvements in the employment rate and increases in pay at all levels"
This is true.
"When the bad effects of Trump's presidency become manifest, "
But the "bad effects" were already galloping along pre-Trump. Unconstrained.
In 2007 The five richest Americans (per Forbes) were -
Bill Gates - $59B
Warren Buffett - $52B
Sheldon Adelson - $28B
Larry Ellison - $26B
Sergey Brin - 18.5B
Combined - $183.5B
In 2017 the five richest Americans were -
Bill Gates - $89B
Jeff Bezos - $81B - (later claimed to be $100B)
Warren Buffet - $78B
Mark Zuckerberg - $71B
Larry Ellison - $59B
Combined - $378B
In other words, the wealth of the top 5 doubled in ten years, from market peak to market peak.
Also note, for other reasons
- In 2007 there were TWO (Adelson and Ellison) Republican donors among them.
- In 2017 there was ONE (Ellison).
gadfly is the type of LLR who doesn't offend. One wonders if the other LLRs might want to think about why.
The economy under Carter and the economy under Obama were both negatively affected by the anti-capitalism beliefs of both presidents.
The positivity of Reagan, Clinton and Trump worked to buoy the economy.
New York Magazine would also like you to know that;
"Donald Trump Doesn’t Even Know His Own Birthday"
They certainly are keeping a close eye on Trump.
"The New York Daily News reports that, upon reviewing his ballot application, they found he listed his birthday as July 14, 1946. He was in fact born on June 14, because of course he’s a Gemini."
Of course!
the waste of lives in useless education. And extremely costly, inefficient education such debt helped create.
I don't necessarily agree. Think of all the college administrators and "Diversity consultants" who might have clogged the unemployment lines, but for affirmative action and the need to adjust grades and graduation requirements to cope with the flood of unprepared students.
Think of the local police who are needed to facilitate protest marches.
Think of the BLM demonstrators who spend finals week in the Baker Library at Dartmouth. They might have been congregating on a corner in that harsh December climate instead in the warm library harassing the white and Asian students who were trying to study.
Have a heart !
I spent a year studying Dead White Males like Elizabeth Barrett Browning and her poetry, Oh, forget that one.
Anyway, Toni Morrison is more... er, well. "Contemporary."
"I spent a year studying Dead White Males like Elizabeth Barrett Browning and her poetry, Oh, forget that one."
Yeah, I think you can skip that one.
If they want to drop a literary female into the mix they can do a lot (and I mean stellar masses of it) worse than Mary Shelley.
Good, cute (and better than most classroom lectures) literary analysis
Frankenstein: The Modern Prometheus - Extra Sci Fi - #1
There is a nice little series of these - M.Shelley was an EDUCATED woman. And Frankenstein is not a lightweight thing.
buwaya, your economic education was clearly faulty. As everyone knows, when people make money in the stock market, they take it out in cash, and bury it in the backyard or put it in a mattress.
Me, I prefer to take my stock market profits in gold coins and jewels, so I can put them in the basement and roll around on them.
Anyone who learned economics from Disney cartoons of Scrooge McDuck could explain it to you...
Of course you have a gang, Cookie. I'm referring to what the late Joseph Sobran called "the Hive." He was referring to the aggregation of statist pseudo-liberals, socialists, communists, etc. However much each of these sects differ among themselves with regard to ways and means and tactics and strategies, this brotherhood of State-f*ckers are all (like any conventional criminal gang) involved in the racket of coercive wealth redistribution. Now go on and continue to play dumb (although many here would say it's not an act), and say something like, "Who, us? Coercive redistribution of wealth? Ridiculous!"
Nice post Althouse.
More of President Trump's wisdom. This morning I really had to have my caffeine and the way I roll is I make over strength tea and pour it over ice and have a 30 Oz stainless steel tumbler of tea, several times a day, sparing you further details... Anyway, today I drank from it with both hands and it was SOOOOO good!
"Meh, who cares? Much bigger fish to fry."
Good of you Inga to see how Trump holds a glass as only a small flaw, and to not make a big deal about it.
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