December 6, 2017

"TEN senators on Wednesday called on fellow Democrat Al Franken to resign, in a jaw-dropping avalanche..."

The 10 are: Gillibrand of New York, Hirono of Hawaii, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire, Patty Murray of Washington, Kamala Harris of California, Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, Sherrod Brown of Ohio, and Joe Donnelly of Indiana.

Gillibrand started it with this Facebook post: "Senator Franken Should Step Aside." Excerpt:
While a lot of the media focus has been on high-profile cases with powerful leaders in politics, Hollywood, and the media business, we must recognize that this is happening every day to women everywhere, up and down the economic ladder....

While it’s true that [Franken's] behavior is not the same as the criminal conduct alleged against Roy Moore, or Harvey Weinstein, or President Trump, it is still unquestionably wrong, and should not be tolerated by those of us who are privileged to work in public service....

While Senator Franken is entitled to have the Ethics Committee conclude its review, I believe it would be better for our country if he sent a clear message that any kind of mistreatment of women in our society isn’t acceptable by stepping aside to let someone else serve.
The newest charges against Franken were reported this morning in Politico, in "Another woman says Franken tried to forcibly kiss her/The Minnesota senator is accused of making an unwanted sexual advance after a taping of his radio show in 2006. He denies the allegation":
[A former Democratic congressional aide] said Franken (D-Minn.) pursued her after her boss had left the studio. She said she was gathering her belongings to follow her boss out of the room. When she turned around, Franken was in her face. The former staffer ducked to avoid Franken’s lips. As she hastily left the room, she said, Franken told her: “It’s my right as an entertainer.”...
We'll never forget that Trump said "I just start kissing them... I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it." Here, we see Franken taking that arrogance far beyond what Trump said. If we assume for — the purpose of analysis‚ that the new allegation is true:

1. In place of a presumption of consent — "they let you do it" — Franken claims a right. He contends that because of his status as "an entertainer" he gets to do it whether she wants it or not.

2. Franken actually does it, even when confronted with active non-consent. Trump was only talking — outside of the earshot of any woman — about what he supposedly does. Who knows what he actually does? But even in the bragging context, the woman consents. Trump's joke is her susceptibility to star power.

3. Franken seems to get off on the forcible intrusion on the woman. Trump seems to delight in the fact that women want him. Those are entirely different sexual orientations! Franken is the one on the rapist spectrum.

4. Trump said you needed to be a star to have special access. Franken claimed access based on status as an "entertainer." That's more self-effacing and maybe he thought it was sort of cute and funny. But self-deprecation attached to forcing himself on the other person puts him in a very dark place, and makes me want to say those often-mocked feminist words: That's not funny.


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Michael K said...

The left eats it own. Good.

Drago said...

Franken should step down to spend more time with his family and free up more time to go after the NRA!

Anonymous said...

Mark Hatfield's ghost is laughing.

Earnest Prole said...

Your distinctions between Trump and Franken are Steinemesque.

Bad Lieutenant said...

If the senators are serious, they could threaten to defect, to caucus with the GOP, if this demand is not met. That would open some eyes.

Original Mike said...

Just Franken's dumb luck that the governor of Minnesota is a democrat.

Drago said...

LarsPorsena: "Mark Hatfield's ghost is laughing"

Along side Bob Packwoods ghost.

Its a dead mans party.

Who could ask for more?

Owen said...

Gillibrand should pivot quickly. To the nationwide shortage of popcorn. Precipitated by her comments about Senator Franken.

Unknown said...

It's interesting that many of these articles about Democrat sexual assault mention Trump but never mention Bill Clinton.

ALP said...

UGH this is a repeat of what Seattle went through with its last Mayor - it was not until several victims came forward that Murray resigned. It would be nice if more people recognized the horrific double standard going on but I won't hold my breath.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

"While it’s true that [Franken's] behavior is not the same as the criminal conduct alleged against Roy Moore, or Harvey Weinstein, or President Trump, it is still unquestionably wrong,"

Oh for cripes sake. Trump? Moore? and only Weinstein?

That poor women needs to read more.

etbass said...

It's all motivated by a plan to get Moore and then Trump. Power is the name of the game. Sorry for the cynicism.

Bay Area Guy said...

Not a big fan of herds, mobs or piling on.

Franken's decision to apologize, but not admit he actually did the groping/kissing, I thought was pretty weird. Yes, it might have worked, had no other woman come forward, but it appears that, in general, he was a "grabby" dude, and that his political days were numbered, whether he fully understood it or not.

To be fair, what he did wasn't rape or sexual harassment .but more of being a weird, old grabby dude. Not defending him, but he is far removed from predators like Harvey Weinstein.

Mr. D said...

This was inevitable. Franken has always been expendable. I live in Minnesota and from what I can see, there are at least three women who could replace him at the drop of a hat. Expect his replacement to be either Lt. Governor Tina Smith, Attorney General Lori Swanson, or Auditor Rebecca Otto. The first two are more likely than the third, but you never know what's floating in the ol' Kombucha with Mark Dayton.

CJinPA said...

One thing with the Franken-Trump comparisons: Trump faces a bunch of accusers, beyond that Access Hollywood tape, right?

The left won't limit comparisons to the tape. And I see all of this as a coming, renewed push to get traction on the claims against Trump. Not that I hope the effort succeeds.

Nonapod said...

For decades the left lived by the maxim: Ape shall not kill ape. Has reality shifted? Are we through the eye of the needle?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Original Mike: "Just Franken's dumb luck that the governor of Minnesota is a democrat"

This is one of 2 key points. If the MN governor was a republican the dems would never be demanding Franken's resignation. Ever.

Ken H: "It's interesting that many of these articles about Democrat sexual assault mention Trump but never mention Bill Clinton."

That's the other key point. They can't mention Clinton or they will have to explain why Clinton didn't resign on their way to demanding Trumps resignation now that the collusion hoax is collapsing.

The only thing missing at this point is for Strzok to have committed sexual harassment.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

Keith Ellison is looking in the mirror and saying, "Good morning Senator Ellison."

Anonymous said...

Blogger LarsPorsena said...
Blogger Drago said...
LarsPorsena: "Mark Hatfield's ghost is laughing"

Along side Bob Packwoods ghost.



I misremembered my Oregon Senators of the Past.
My brain said Packwood but my fingers keyed Hatfield.

Lucien said...

So he unsuccessfully tried to kiss someone eleven years ago. I don't see where the headline's "forcible" comes into the picture ("surprise", maybe, or even "ambush"). One suspects that most first kisses start with one person making the first move.

Of course, the calls for resignation are not focused on this one incident, but on Sen. Franken's "body of work".

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Any man that thinks he has a RIGHT (as a man who hold a position of power) to force himself on a woman is in for an awakening. In the era of #MeToo, such notions will be kept under wraps. Hopefully less men will think this way as time passes and women are protected from retaliatory action when they do report sexual misconduct.

Drago said...

Nonapod: "For decades the left lived by the maxim: Ape shall not kill ape. Has reality shifted? Are we through the eye of the needle?"

Not at all.

Had Hillary won none of this would have come out. None. Of. It.

But the lefty army needs to storm Trump Beach and the Conyers and Frankens and Weinsteins are the necessary cannon fodder to make it off the beach and up to the heights.

Humperdink said...

The DNC and the democrat senators must have received the latest poll numbers out of Alabama. And apparently they are looking good for Judge Moore.

The commie-pinko D's are just sowing seeds to dispose of Moore when he arrives in DC.

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

This was inevitable after Conyers was forced out. You can't leave the white guy after forcing the black guy out.

It won't have any impact in Alabama. The allegations are already baked in.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Have any Republicans called for the resignation of Blake Farenthold?

etbass said...

It's all about power. They know the replacement will be Democrat. They are just setting the stage for going after Moore and Trump.

Matt Sablan said...

"The only thing missing at this point is for Strzok to have committed sexual harassment."

-- He slept with one of his coworkers/subordinates, and he was a big-wig and one of the leads/in charge of the investigation. I would be surprised if it didn't fall under sexual harassment.

holdfast said...

So this is just a last-ditch effort to stop Roy Moore, then?

Earnest Prole said...

My brain said Packwood but my fingers keyed Hatfield.

Take it from an old Oregonian: a woman would be the last thing Mark Hatfield would chase around a room.

rhhardin said...

Ten is the minimum number women need even to go to the ladies' room.

Matt Sablan said...

"So he unsuccessfully tried to kiss someone eleven years ago."

-- If you mean the women he took a picture of himself groping, then according to her story, it wasn't unsuccessful. He succeeded in kissing her against her wishes, and she then refused him on stage when he tried to do it again without her permission.

William said...

I have the sense that Democrats who have been assaulted or harassed by Democratic "icons" are far more reluctant to come forward with their stories. That was certainly the case with Conyers, JFK, and others. Such reluctance is less commonplace among Republicans. Also, journalists investigate allegations against Republicans with far more zeal. They pursue allegations against Democrats with about the same doggedness as the Today staff covering the Matt Lauer case,

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“They know the replacement will be Democrat.”

If Blake Farenthold resigns, he’ll be replaced by a Republican, yet no Republican has called for his resignation yet, that I’ve heard.

Matt Sablan said...

[The point being, of course, that Franken is now accused by so many people, we can't even keep them straight. I assume he'll try and quit as part of a Friday night news dump.]

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Too bad Inga doesn't live in Michigan, otherwise she could wear her pussy hat to the polls and vote for the Dem woman running for Congress who is proudly announcing in campaign ads that she doesn't have a penis! Wow, what an accomplishment, although many liberal man also share it. "Vote for me because I won't grab anybody's boobs!" Who says that leftists are intellectually and morally bankrupt and unfit to govern? Just look at that well-reasoned argument!

Lipperman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
walter said...

"2. Franken actually does it, even when confronted with active non-consent."

In the excerpt, he pursues it, she ducks it. Then the "entertainer" quip...which yes, given his being a comic (of sorts) was likely joking.
In that case, he accepted/stopped at the rebuff.

This "misconduct" dragnet is getting wider, sloppier.

Original Mike said...

"Too bad Inga doesn't live in Michigan, ..."

Democrats vote in any state(s) they want.

Bruce Hayden said...

"While it’s true that [Franken's] behavior is not the same as the criminal conduct alleged against Roy Moore, or Harvey Weinstein, or President Trump, it is still unquestionably wrong,"

That just gives away the game and the biases. It is just assumed that Moore and Trump were credibly accused of criminal conduct. They weren’t. In Moore’s case, the accusations were that he dated teenagers, and had sex with such. All consensual, and, so far, any sex was with young women above the age of consent. You can argue that the age of consent should have been older - but it wasn’t at the time. Consensual dating under the age of consent w/o sex was legal, as was consensual sex above that age. The left is just depending on the “ick” factor there, and then generalizing from that to suggest illegality. It wasn’t illegal. And the major case claimed against Trump involves willful misreading of what he actually said. Rather, he was just stating reality in his own colorful way - that there are plenty of groupies who love to have sex with rich and famous men. Nothing more.

But Franken actually committed sexual crimes, and in many places could be required to register as a sexual predator/offender, if convicted. Sticking your tongue in a woman’s mouth if she didn’t consent is typically sexual assault, as well as grabbing their ass or breasts, absent consent. Actual crimes that often require registration as a sexual offender.

Humperdink said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Quaestor said...

Just Franken's dumb luck that the governor of Minnesota is a democrat.

If Minnesota's governor was a Republican, I strongly suspect those 10 Senators would be unavailable for comment.

Mike Sylwester said...

Obviously, Franken has to be sacrificed so that the Democrats can prevent Moore from filling the Senate vacancy.

Beyond that, I wonder if the Democrats have been counting on some woman accusing Trump of sexually abusing her when she was a minor.

The plan might be that when Trump calls the woman a liar, then she will sue Trump for defamation. If Trump loses in the defamation lawsuit, then the Democrats will impeach Trump for committing perjury.

The Democrats have been counting on applying a variation of the gambit that the Republicans used to impeach President Clinton.

That is the ultimate reason why the Democrats must expel Franken from the Senate.

rehajm said...

Elizabeth Warren conspicuously avoids commenting on these things.

Unknown said...

Inga, once again, tries to prevent the rules from being applied to their very creators, the left. "But what about Republican XXXXX?"

Who cares? Look, the left has always, but always, smeared Republicans and the Media is always eager to attack a Republican. Right now is the first time the left has been forced to live up to its own allegedly "universal" rules.

Before Weinstein, Republicans who did wrong were caught and pursued and ousted. Who could possibly think that they won't also be caught, pursued and ousted in the future? Given the rabid fanatical leftist shock troops in the media, the most certain thing there is is that a rabid baying pack of media wolves will relentlessly attack Republicans.

If Inga REALLY cared about women's rights, she'd be grateful for this very fleeting moment and chance to clean out the cesspool that is the left. But no, she's desperately trying to stop the focus on the left and their rapists and abusers and bury it all again so the media can go back to pursuing Republicans.

Any real supporter of woman rights would be seizing this chance to cleanse the left of the Clintons, Franknens, Laurers and Weinsteins.

So how can you really support women's rights, Inga? You only support them as a political ploy, is all. You don't care about Democrat malfeasance, and you never have. Plain as pie.


mezzrow said...

Classic preference cascade. Bye, Al.

wwww said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Original Mike said...

"If Minnesota's governor was a Republican, I strongly suspect those 10 Senators would be unavailable for comment."

I don't have any doubts at all, nor do I have a problem with that. What I find eye-rolling is treating these Senators as heroes, or suggesting this is about sexual harrassment. This is politics, pure and simple.

Howard said...

I don't know. If Franken leaves the Senate, he will go back to "practicing" comedy. That could be a lot more damaging to the country.

Humperdink said...

As a Pennsylvania resident, I was stunned to see that Bob Casey (D-Coma) was one of the ten senators to ask for Franken head (ha). I thought he was deceased. Haven't seen or heard from him in 10 years.

Quaestor said...

Hopefully less men will think this way as time passes and women are protected from retaliatory action when they do report sexual misconduct.

Fewer, damn it, not less.

Mike Sylwester said...

Senator Franken should be treated just like he himself would have treated a Republican Senator in such a situation.

In other words, Franken does not deserve any courtesy, civility or grace.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“, once again, tries to prevent the rules from being applied to their very creators, the left. "But what about Republican XXXXX?"”

Ridiculous. The left made the rules? So why did the Right Family Values members who were caught sinning, follow the left’s rules? Or maybe sexual misconduct goes beyond a Left Right narrative. Maybe it’s a man problem.

Jupiter said...

"I believe it would be better for our country if he sent a clear message that any kind of mistreatment of women in our society isn’t acceptable by stepping aside to let someone else serve."

Yeah, Al. Send yourself a message.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Fewer, damn it, not less.”

No one likes grammar Nazis.

DanTheMan said...

The target is Trump not Franken. Make him step down. Then find women who will make the same allegations against Trump. “If our guy had to go for this so does yours...”. It also explains the retroactive “Clinton should have resigned” comments that are just now becoming conventional wisdom.
They will dress up raw partisan politics as an appeal to decency.

AllenS said...

From the Star Tribune a Minneapolis MN newspaper --

Sen. Al Franken's office said he will make an announcement Thursday, but did not immediately elaborate. On Wednesday, another sexual harassment allegation surfaced against him.

Quaestor said...

Elizabeth Warren conspicuously avoids commenting on these things.

Heap big tempest in teapot.

LYNNDH said...

She seems to have left out Conyers. Wonder why?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“She seems to have left out Conyers. Wonder why?”

She didn’t mention Blake Farenthold either.

AllenS said...

St Paul (MN) Pioneer Press --

WASHINGTON — Sen. Al Franken’s support among his fellow Democrats appeared to collapse Wednesday as a group of female Democratic senators called upon him to resign amid sexual misconduct allegations. His office said he would make an announcement Thursday, but did not specify the subject.

Humperdink said...

"Elizabeth Warren conspicuously avoids commenting on these things."

Not sure about that. It is my understanding that smoke signals were spotted above her office in DC. Apparently the AP has brought in Cherokee interpreters to translate.

Rabel said...

Gillibrand -

"We have to rise to the occasion, and not shrink away from it, even when it’s hard, especially when it’s hard."

Really now.

Unknown said...

Ah yes, Inga. You go ahead and run on the "All men are rapists/harassers/evil bigots who should be punished" bit. Apparently in liberal circles that's true; so maybe all the "men" you know really are rapists. That's the left, after all.

But most women actually love their husbands and sons. They love their brothers and their uncles and male cousins and Grandpas.

You run on the platform that all men are evil and if elected you will make sure all men are punished for being abusers, rapists, harassers, etc.--please, run on that.

I note that you do not deny you are trying to distract from the great cleansing of the Democrat men. Some paragon of women's rights you are. Just like the 90's feminists: Democrat men can rape and harass as long as they have the right politics! And hey, if they are a Kennedy? Oooooh, a Kennedy can do whatever he wants, baby! Whatever he wants!

Right Inga?


Original Mike said...

"Elizabeth Warren conspicuously avoids commenting on these things."

She just jumped in the canoe.

Drago said...

Looks like Warren is trying to put a scalp on the wall!

PackerBronco said...

Timing is everything.

They had a little backroom talk and explained things to Al. So Al agreed to resign. Once that was done, it freed up all of the senators to call on him to resign. But they wouldn't have called on him to resign unless they knew he already agreed to do it.

n.n said...

Franken's humor included molestation of a conscious and especially unconscious women, which has since been given moral authority by a partisan faction of social liberals.

Trump's humor remarked on the social liberal culture including friendship with "benefits" (e.g. "casting couch" relationships). As well as the aphrodisiac effect of wealth and power.

Moore is accused of dating perilously close to the age of consent, a behavior normalized by social liberals to close the man-girl, woman-boy, and subsequently man-boy and woman-girl age gaps, but deprecated by evolutionary differences (e.g. medical advancements) over several decades. He also faces an unsubstantiated (i.e. one witness/evidence) allegation forty years after the event of a courtship cut short following discovery.

As for the 18 million dollar bipartisan sexual harassment fund, open the records so that all involved may repay settlements funded by taxpayer funds.

Denigrating individual dignity through diversity (e.g. color, sex); debasing human life through resumption of abortion rites; denying women's agency by placing conception before Choice; painting men with broad, sweeping strokes; sexualizing adolescent children; and targeting prepubescent boys and girls for transgender conversion therapy; has progressive consequences.

JSF said...

Fifty years after Chappaquiddick (plus subsequent "waitress sandwiches,") and twenty years after President Bill Clinton's harassment issues came to the fore. (And that he used his position against an underling).

The Left (and feminists) really don't believe what they tell the proles.

Sebastian said...

"That's not funny" Now you tell us. After decades of progs telling us Franken and Dave and the rest were funny, now you tell us.

Actually, we never thought they were funny. We always knew they were immoral assholes. We told you they were degrading the culture and their audience.

Seeing the assholes getting their comeuppance is funny. Funnier than anything prog "comedians" have come up with in years. Yeah, I'm wallowing in Schadenfreude.

But this Reckoning is all about reclaiming the Narrative.

[Anyway, the you here is a general you -- Althouse has cast a skeptical eye on pop culture for a while.]

MadisonMan said...

I'm surprised there's no "The Reckoning" Tag.

I'm also laughing at the D-Coma tag on Bob Casey.

Unknown said...

In any case, it's good to get clarification of standards for Democrats.

So from Ed Murray and Al Franken, we now know what the metrics in the situation are. A Democrat is allowed to grope 4 boys and/or 6 women. The fifth boy who accuses you of molesting him, you have to resign as mayor of Seattle. The seventh woman who accuses you of groping her, you have to resign from the US Senate.

And from Bob Menedez, Democrat Senator from New Jersey who has sworn, in court testimony accusing him of sex with underage prostitutes (far, far worse than Moore, naturally), we learn that it's not a big deal at all. Unless you have that "R" behind your name, naturally.

Bruce Hayden said...

Talking sexual predators - it appears that several people, including Lena Dunham, warned the Clintons about Harvey Weinstein being a sexual predator, but they completely ignored the advise, and continued to use him for fund raising, and their primary entre into the top levels of Hollywood. As someone pointed out today, the difference if Crooked Hillary had won, instead of being unemployed, Weinstein would likely be staying in the Lincoln bedroom.

buwaya said...

Packerbronco is correct.
This sort of thing has to be arranged in private first.
At a guess Franken has been offered a sufficient under-the-table buyout.

Humperdink said...

""Elizabeth Warren conspicuously avoids commenting on these things."

Mysteriously, Hillary "the enabler" Clinton was also unavailable for comment.

PackerBronco said...

Clinton was allowed the "free grope" rule, but the Dems were a bit vague on the details.

Well, now we have the number. Dems will defend a politicians right to grope 6 times, but the 7th will merit calls for his resignation.

Ken B said...

Three predictions
1. He won't resign before the Alabama election
2. This will be be heavily hyped before the Alabama election
3. This will be quickly dropped after the Alabama election

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"But most women actually love their husbands and sons. They love their brothers and their uncles and male cousins and Grandpas."

I have concluded that many liberal women hate men because all the men they know are liberal, and therefore easy to hate.

As someone said of Thomas and Jane Carlyle, it is fortunate that they married each other and made two people miserable instead of four.

Quaestor said...

Looks like Warren is trying to put a scalp on the wall!

Hang white man scalp from lodge-pole. Ugh!

n.n said...

The Left (and feminists) really don't believe what they tell the proles.

No, they don't. It wasn't/isn't just millions of wholly innocent human lives that are deemed unworthy and aborted/cannibalized in Planned Parenthood clinics. It was/is also men, in broad, sweeping strokes, but also women and girls in an unholy collusion between female and male chauvinists, for monetary, social, and political progress. Also, the act of virgin or dignity shaming (e.g. bullying, peer pressure) carried out by social liberals to indoctrinate and force sexual progress.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Right Inga.”

LOL! I see Unknown Vance is donning his Grand Inquisitor hood agin and assuming his role as Torquemada. While it’s amusing, it’s hardly a good tactic to het someone to agree with you.

“Loaded question” fallacy. Didn’t work for you the last several times, so why do you think it’ll work now!

So Vance, when did you stop beating your wife?

Nonapod said...

Moore will probably win despite all this. As a result the Democrats will endlessly accuse the Republicans of being misogynistic child rape apologists (which I guess isn't much different than what they've always accused Republicans of being). Meanwhile the reckoning will continue, more and more dirtbags will revealed, and most of them will be lefties I don't doubt.

I predict 2018 will be even weirder than 2017 (which was weirder than 2016).

MikeR said...

It's not Franken's fault that he didn't have Harvey Weinstein's power. He may be on the rapist spectrum, but on the pathetic end of it: His beta status as an entertainer was all he had.

rehajm said...

She just jumped in the canoe.

Wow. A Profile in Courage she is. There were probably assurances they'll just stick to the sex stuff...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

The Left (and feminists) really don't believe what they tell the proles.

Always amusing to see rightist males saying that feminists and leftists don’t believe their own words, lol.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

Inga (@12:09) said

This comment has been removed by the author.

Thank you.

Drago said...

Inga takes time out from proclaiming all Trump voters Nazi misogynistic fascist Deplorables to complain that someone is saying mean things about democrats.


n.n said...

many liberal women hate men because all the men they know are liberal

Not all liberals, but liberalism is a philosophy that is logically and actually divergent (with progress over generations). It's actually not monotonic but evolutionary with recurring cycles and variability.

Quaestor said...

Always amusing to see rightist...


Drago said...

Inga: "Always amusing to see rightist males saying that feminists and leftists don’t believe their own words, lol."

Its even more amusing seeing the actions feminists and leftists actually take that puts the lie to their words and "principles".

Go ask "female impersonator" Kay Bailey Hutchinson, or "whore" Sarah Huckabee Sanders, amongst others.

Very amusing indeed. It's how you get more Trump.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga takes time out from proclaiming all Trump voters Nazi misogynistic fascist Deplorables to complain that someone is saying mean things about democrats.”

Drago takes time out from campaigning for Roy Moore and telling women voters that’s OK to diddle 14 year old girls and he’s sure that he’ll make an exemplary Senator. And to remember his vote is need by Republicans.

David Begley said...

Hello Historic Senator Keith X. Ellison, the First Muslim in the Senate.

How many wives does Keith have? Sharia compliant?

Dr Weevil said...

"He stripped down to his tighty whities with a fourteen year old and tried to get her to touch his genitals. 14 is well under the age of consent."

No, he was alleged to have done that, he denies it, and every single bit of checkable evidence for his supposed crimes (the yearbook inscription, the movie-ticket keepsake, the mall banning) has turned out to be an obvious forgery or false statement. On the principle falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus, it's quite clear that the unprovable, undisprovable, he-said-she-said accusations are also lies. Too bad the press isn't interested in checking the truth of the allegations: you'd think that having Gloria Allred leading the accusers would be a clear sign that he's innocent.

Remember the accusations against Herman Cain? I've read that he sued the three accusers, convinced two to settle out of court by paying him and apologizing, and beat the other one in court. Of course, that was only after they wrecked his presidential campaign with their lies. This looks like the same kind of thing: find some women willing to lie for their party and you can drive someone out of a political race. It doesn't seem to be working this time, though we won't know for sure until Tuesday.

Drago said...

I'll bet Elizabeth Warren will be going on the warpath against sexual harassment against even more expendable dems in order to shift the focus from her obvious lies about being a woman of color and appropriating the culture of a people her ancestors helped to kill.

JSF said...

Inga forgot the first part of the quote on why the Left and Feminists are lying to the they acted in two situations.

"Fifty years after Chappaquiddick (plus subsequent "waitress sandwiches,") and twenty years after President Bill Clinton's harassment issues came to the fore. (And that he used his position against an underling)."

How many excuses were given for those two?

MikeR said...

"Drago takes time out from campaigning for Roy Moore and telling women voters that’s OK to diddle 14 year old girls and he’s sure that he’ll make an exemplary Senator. And to remember his vote is need by Republicans."
Nonsense; I pretty much haven't heard anyone say a kind word about Roy Moore. Certainly having heard anyone say it's okay to do the things he's accused of.
His vote is needed by Republicans, though, and I don't really see that they would be properly represented by his opponent. My druthers would be that he resign. Failing that, elect him and refuse to seat him in the Senate.

Drago said...

David Begley: "Hello Historic Senator Keith X. Ellison, the First Muslim in the Senate"

Appoint a radical leftist/islamist when islamists are busy burning gays alive in cages and throwing them off roofs while sexually enslaving women and girls when they aren't busy mutilating their genitalia?

I mean, I know Inga has explicitly called for letting in many, many more of these guys but I don't think it would play well across the country.

Bay Area Guy said...

Blacks are pissed about Conyers getting drummed out. They think whites, like Franken, are getting away with it.

Franken has no friends on the Right, has lost women of both parties, and has lost blacks.

I think the proper term is, "He is toast."

Drago said...

MikeR: "Nonsense; I pretty much haven't heard anyone say a kind word about Roy Moore. Certainly having heard anyone say it's okay to do the things he's accused of"

Don't sweat it. Inga thinks its okay to actually create fake quotes as well. No one is bothered by her antics.

Drago said...

JSF: "How many excuses were given for those two"

Too many to count, and many are STILL doing it, even now!

It's hilarious how the lefties are trying to pull another switcheroo with republicans like they pulled with slavery, the KKK and Jim Crow.

MayBee said...

I feel sorry for Franken, and I can't stand him. But he's being thrown under the bus so the Democrats can make a point about Roy Moore.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

How many excuses were given for these two?

Roy Moore

Donald Trump

MikeR said...

"Franken actually does it, even when confronted with active non-consent. Trump was only talking" What about the women who say that Trump actually does it too?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“JSF: "How many excuses were given for those two"

Too many to count, and many are STILL doing it, even now!”

So Drago is now going to condemn Roy Moore and Donald Trump?! Good to hear! How about calling for Blake Farenthold’s resignation Drago?

Quaestor said...

Blacks are pissed about Conyers getting drummed out. They think whites, like Franken, are getting away with it.

Quaestor will be deaf to those complaints after Al Franken's 52nd year in the Senate.

Browndog said...

At the same time democrat senators were tweeting out their call for Franken to resign, Michigan senator Debbie Stabenow was tweeting out her fondness of snowy owls.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“What about the women who say that Trump actually does it too?”

They should be believed.

Drago said...

Inga: "They should be believed"


The New York Times says we don't have to.

Do try and keep up!

AllenS said...

I think that Alfranken is being thrown under the bus, because of blacks complaining about Conyers being asked to step aside, and saying: "What about the white guy molesting?" Dems need blacks, they don't need Alfranken.

wwww said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Curious George said...

"JSF said...
...and twenty years after President Bill Clinton's harassment issues came to the fore. (And that he used his position against an underling)...."

Not just harassment. Assault and rape.

Quaestor said...

How many excuses were given for these two?

Abby Someone is so addicted to the tu quoque fallacy she doesn't even notice.

Must be a birth defect.

Dr Weevil said...

There's no need to 'excuse' Roy Moore for things he didn't do. The accusations are obvious lies.* They were also carefully timed to help the Democrat run essentially unopposed - the only way he could hope to win in Alabama. Does it bother Inga that a bunch of women who could and should (if they weren't liars) have spoken out earlier kept silent until their speaking could be most effective in changing the likely results of an election?

If they cared about sexual harassment, why didn't they make the accusations earlier? It's perfectly obvious why: like Inga, they care a lot less about sexual harassment than they do about helping their side win an election 'by any means necessary', as so many lefties like to put it.

Here's a Twitter thread on the latest lie: link.

Drago said...

Until Bill Clinton is drummed out of polite society by the dems I don't think anyone will be giving the lefties much consideration in their brand new politically-driven "concern" for sexual harassment victims.

Curious George said...

"JSF said...
...and twenty years after President Bill Clinton's harassment issues came to the fore. (And that he used his position against an underling)...."

Not just harassment. Assault and rape.

Comanche Voter said...

So Franken invents a new version of droit de seigneur. It's now droit de second rate entertainer.

You go guy! What a moron.

n.n said...

I wonder how many Republicans are Pro-Choice, will deny due process, accept one piece of evidence (i.e. allegation of misconduct forty years after the fact), and carry out an preemptive abortion with a presumption of guilt.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Don't sweat it. Inga thinks its okay to actually create fake quotes as well. No one is bothered by her antics.”

I haven’t used any quotation marks in this thread and I’m only playing by your rules Drago. I told you yesterday that I would do it and see how you like it. Obviously you don’t like it much, lol.

Browndog said...

Further, there are no alleged 14 yr. old victims. In an interview, the alleged victim says she was 16 at the time of the alleged assault.

So where did '14 yr. old' come from?

The original story in the Washington Post. The verbiage they used was the victim was "around 14".

Drago said...

Inga: "I haven’t used any quotation marks in this thread...."


Nice Clintonian answer.

No, you have not (yet) created any fake quotes in THIS thread.

So far.


Inga...Allie Oop said...

“There's no need to 'excuse' Roy Moore for things he didn't do. The accusations are obvious lies.*”

How is this any better than people saying back then that Bill Clinton’s accusers were lying?

buwaya said...

"So who is ready for a world in which Democrats force Al Franken out of the Senate while Republicans vote Roy Moore in?"

Payback. The Republicans forced Packwood out, while the Democrats kept Clinton in.
And, for that matter, all those others over the years where as we now see there was a ridiculous double standard. There must be a collective penance made for such a violation of fair play.

n.n said...

"So who is ready for a world in which Democrats force Al Franken out of the Senate while Republicans vote Roy Moore in?"

A world that is not Pro-Choice? Positive progress.

In addition to liberal clowns, they should also force out the diversitists (e.g. neo-National Democrats) who deny individual dignity, female chauvinists who deny women's agency, social liberals who progressed a culture of "friendships with benefits", social justice adventurists who paint with broad strokes, and people at the twilight fringe who debase human life (e.g. resumption of abortion rites) for social progress.

Freeman Hunt said...

"jaw-dropping avalanche"

Like OMG! So cray cray!

Is that Mediate thing in general or only when writing about women?

buwaya said...

Moore can perhaps be traded for a Democrat Senate seat elsewhere.

I suggest the Democrats make an offer. There is bound to be some Democrat with skeletons in the closet in some state with a Rep governor.

Doug said...

Althouse, the way you spelled "Gellibrand" (twice) had me thinking of her as 'Kirsten Jello(R) Brand' ... which has a rather unfortunate Cosby connection.

Unknown said...

Inga, of course, is a piece of slime. I fully respect my wife, have never hit or struck her, nor treated her poorly in any way. I guarantee that my relationship with my wife is not what Inga prefers--my relationship with my wife is built on mutual respect and love, not Inga's "Beat me honey and tell me how you love to kill babies! You can do whatever you want to me and any other girl as long as you support abortion! You don't need to ask at all!"

Inga, if you have sons, have you called CPS yet to remove them from you? They are rapists and abusers, like all men, right? Surely you need to get rid of your husband (ha, as if anyone would want to be married to you! Can you imagine being married to Inga? ) and sons, if any, and send them to be punished.

As for the accusations against Trump and Moore, most of us simply don't believe them. They were made as a coordinated hit attempt by a party who is about to be disbarred for lying to the Courts; the media carefully timed them and was gleefully pounding themselves on the back about how the timing was perfect, and the actual accusations themselves have zero evidence for and a ton against them.

If Trump and Moore actually did these things, I'd maybe feel different, but It's like Reid's tax hit on Romney, which was completely false, and Reid just smirked, "It worked, didn't it?"

Why should anyone believe leftist lies?

Of course Inga would. She believes Ted Kennedy was the Lion of the Senate, and she especially loves how he drowned a girl. Sooooo dreamy, that Ted Kennedy. Such a protector of women; such a supporter of women's rights to kill their babies, the only right a woman should have! Oh, they also have the right to be molested by Democrats too.


buwaya said...

"A world that is not Pro-Choice? Positive progress."


Inga...Allie Oop said...

“No, you have not (yet) created any fake quotes in THIS thread.”

Yet you have continued to use mischaracterizations of my statements and stances. That is why I’m still giving you some of your own medicine today, sweetie.

n.n said...

re: force out

Also, social liberals who sexualize adolescent children and advocates and activists for political congruence ("=") who target prepubescent boys and girls for transgender conversion therapy (e.g. homosexual/bisexual indoctrination, crossover/transvestite corruption).

Drago said...

Before this is all done I fully expect Moore's accusers to present "evidence" that Roy Moore was AWOL from his Air National Guard unit AND that he hasn't paid any taxes for at least 10 years!!

For that matter, the obvious collusion lie being used to turn us into a banana republic and overturn an election.

Inga thinks we have all forgotten all the coordinated hits/lies from the left in the run up to elections.

Jaq said...

You know, Inga called me a liar, so I would like to set the record straight who is the liar:

Either you are outright lying or you have problems with recollection. Or you are nuts. - Unknown

Oooh, this is the second time Inga/Unknown has called me a liar.

Blogger Unknown said...
Was Monica coerced? He was powerful, but she said yes and meant it, it seems from her memoirs. Not so in the case of Weinstein and Louis CK. Having said that I think Bill Clinton was a repulsive jerk.

Followed up by:

Blogger Unknown said...
“At the age of 22”, I fell in love with my boss.”

Monica Lewinsky

She said yes. He was a jerk and a creep for taking advantage of her infatuation. I never considered him a gentlman, or some prize and I think Hillary was a fool for staying with him.
- Unknown/Inga

So Lous CK is worse, but nobody has ever accused Louis CK of forcible rape, have they?

So I would have to say, unless "repulsive jerk" is the strongest terms by which one can condemn a forcible rapist, that Inga/Unknow doesn't believe any of the women! Except Monica, who happened to have the DNA evidence!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Of course Inga would. She believes Ted Kennedy was the Lion of the Senate, and she especially loves how he drowned a girl. Sooooo dreamy, that Ted Kennedy. Such a protector of women; such a supporter of women's rights to kill their babies, the only right a woman should have! Oh, they also have the right to be molested by Democrats too.”

Of course it’s no surprise to learn that Unnown Vance thinks diddling 14 year old girls should be ignored because Republicans need Roy Moore’s vote in the Senate. Or maybe he like young girls too? Hmmmmm.

Dr Weevil said...

Did you follow my link, Inga? I'll explain this once more since you don't seem to have gotten it the first time: some of the accusations against Moore have been proven to be lies. The principle falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus means "false in one thing, false in all". The fact that Gloria Allred and her troop of accusers have been proven to have lied about everything that can be checked shows that they are liars and that nothing else they say should be believed, even if (like the underwear story) it can't be checked.

Was Roy Moore banned from the Gadsden Mall? The man who was manager back then is still alive and says (a) he never banned Moore, and (b) any banning would have been recorded in the files, so it would be easy to prove if he had banned him, even if he (the manager) had since died.

The yearbook signature was obviously forged - the ink changed color between "Roy" and "Moore" and the signature does not match Moore's actual signature, among many other problems.

Of course, the main point in Moore's favor is that all of the accusations are from 30+ years ago. Don't we all agree that pedophiles and other molesters never 'get better', but go on until they're caught or die? Why do lefties conveniently forget that as needed?

Hari said...

"While it’s true that [Franken's] behavior is not the same as the criminal conduct alleged against Roy Moore, or Harvey Weinstein, or President Trump"

Has criminal sexual conduct been alleged against Trump?

wwww said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

I fully expect Moore's accusers to present "evidence" that Roy Moore was AWOL from his Air National Guard unit AND that he hasn't paid any taxes for at least 10 years

That would be observable, reproducible evidence of misconduct and not merely a forty-year old allegation of he said/she said. Pro-Choice (i.e. denying due process, presumption of guilt, superior rights of a class) is the wrong choice.

Dr Weevil said...

P.S. How many Clinton accusers have been proven liars, using forged evidence? And how many accused of lying about him by good lefties have been proven to have told the truth? At least one: Monica Lewinsky, who was clever enough, or lazy enough, not to dry-clean the dress with the DNA evidence proving her allegation.

tcrosse said...

Maybe their constituents should decide whether any of these guys go or stay. Crazy talk, I know.

AllenS said...

More than 20 Democratic senators and the party's chief urged Sen. Al Franken to resign Wednesday following the latest sexual misconduct allegation against him.

It's a deluge! So long, funny man!

Hari said...

By forcing Franken (a pawn) to resign, they are setting the stage for going after the Trump.
If there is zero tolerance for any accusations of sexual harassment than Trump is out and the war is won.
Everything else is collateral damage.

Michael K said...

"How is this any better than people saying back then that Bill Clinton’s accusers were lying?"

Monica had the DNA, Inga. Do you think any of you Democrats would have believed her without it ?

So far, I have seen no credible evidence against Moore. Under other circumstances, I would not vote for him but this is a late hit, just like WaPoo pulled on George Allen.

Clinton was so angry at Craig Venter, whose company did the DNA analysis on the blue dress, that he denied him credit for being the first to sequence DNA.

AllenS said...

Trump will fight. Alfranken won't. Unless he's tackling someone from behind.

I'm Full of Soup said...


I am from PA too.

Re Senator Bob Casey, I think he checked his balls in when he joined the Senate so not surprised to see him join up with the Senate's far left gals.

Static Ping said...

I agree with Ace of Spades assessment that Al Franken only became expendable after it became apparent that Roy Moore could win/is likely to win in the Alabama race. They have chosen the hypocrisy that benefits them the most. If the Democratic Party actually cared about any of this, Al would have been tossed as soon as it became apparent that he did what he was accused.

buwaya said...

When they get around to dumping everyone who knew but said nothing (esp. re Conyers), then there will be very little left of the Democratic Party.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Has criminal sexual conduct been alleged against Trump?”

What happened to Trumps’s 16 accusers?

Unknown said...

Inga is clearly stupid or cannot read. She says I support "diddling 14 year olds." How she gets there is beyond me. Moore hasn't been accused of having sex with a 14 year old.

And I already pointed out that Moores accusers are not credible, and are lying.

Apparently when you think someone is lying, you are endorsing their view. Only in Inga's world. I guess that makes her a great supporter of Trump then, doesn't it. Congratulations on being a supporter of the Trumpenfuhrer, Inga! Who knew?


rhhardin said...

If Franken had any wit he'd stand up for himself agaist the mob.

The hysteria can't withstand an attack of humor.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“P.S. How many Clinton accusers have been proven liars, using forged evidence?”

The inscription was not a forgery. Another woman has come forward with a high school graduation card, with the very same slanted handwriting and signature of Roy Moore. Your allegation falls very flat.

Drago said...

BTW Inga, Alabama voters have good memories (unlike you) and they remember the last time your lefty pals tried to lie their way into a state-wide seat in Alabama in 1998.

"Windom's 1998 campaign for Lieutenant Governor was marked by scandal when false allegations involving a prostitute were made against him by supporters of his opponent. Garve Ivey, an Alabama plaintiffs' attorney, was eventually convicted of witness tampering and criminal defamation for conspiring with private investigator Wes Chappell to defame Windom. A former call girl, who had been paid to make false allegations, testified at the trial."

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Imga lies: "Of course it’s no surprise to learn that Unnown Vance thinks diddling 14 year old girls should be ignored because Republicans need Roy Moore’s vote in the Senate"

As I said, you are of the exact same mentality as those who cheered when black men were lynched in the South on false charges of rape. The lynch mob is always composed of Democrats - only the skin color of their victims has changed.

I'm fond of due process. I don't believe "women never lie." Hell, you lie constantly.

I am not a fan of Moore's. However, it seems odd that there isn't a life -long pattern of this. He was only interested in teen girls 40 years ago? Polanski, we are finding out, has quite a track record. So did Clinton and HW and Franken.

It's like how nobody has accused Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment once since he's been on SCOTUS. Since I don't believe that Anita Hill is so overpoweringly sexy she caused Thomas to lose his fool mind once, I tend to think she's a damned liar.

CJ said...

I still think that the Democrats are going to hate being held to the same rules they shoved down middle America's throats for the past 30 years so much that the culture will actually become MORE permissive about sexuality and sexual activities in the workplace. It'll start in NYC and LA - a countercultural revolution within the dominant PC culture.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“ is clearly stupid or cannot read. She says I support "diddling 14 year olds." How she gets there is beyond me. Moore hasn't been accused of having sex with a 14 year old.”

Oh funny. Unknown Vance doesn’t like it when I use his own tactics against him. Well, you can join Drago and keep each other company. Because you continue to mischaracterize my statements and stances, expect more of the same. You don’t like your own medicine, do you?

Dr Weevil said...

Static Ping:
Yes, the timing of their dumping of Franken is exactly like the timing of the Moore accusations: designed for maximum political effect. They could have accused Moore before the primary, but that would likely have meant putting Republican Luther Strange in the Senate. They could have accused him after the primary, but he could have withdrawn from the race and endorsed Strange or some third person as a write-in, which might well have worked in so conservative a state as Alabama. They waited until the day after the deadline for removing his name from the ballot, knowing that a write-in for someone else would never work if his name was still on the ballot, even if he withdrew and endorsed someone. That's the kind of manipulative bastards they are, and the very timing of the allegations is one strong piece of evidence that they are fake.

Drago said...

Inga: "The inscription was not a forgery."


Drago said...

How could the inscription be forged?!


Mary Mapes and Dan Rather completely vouch for its authenticity!! It's all totes real!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Inga: "The inscription was not a forgery."


Drago says the inscription is really really really real. Believe him and weevil, they have evidence!


Inga...Allie Oop said...

Drago says that he knows that every single woman who ever accused Trump and Moore are lying liars, lying I tells ya!

Dr Weevil said...

Inga doesn't tell us that "the very same slanted handwriting and signature of Roy Moore" does not in fact match Roy Moore's signature. Anyone who looks at both can see the difference. All this proves is that two of the accusers' bits of 'evidence' were forged by the same forger - Gloria Allred? All this has been thoroughly covered on Twitter by @ThomasWictor, whom I have recommended here before. He disagrees with Roy Moore on just about every political question, but thinks he's a thoroughly decent man and the accusations against him are obvious and pathetic lies.

He also notes that Alabama is a small state, and Roy Moore has been well-known there for 40 years. The people of Alabama know him, and his accusers. If they don't believe the accusations, maybe it's because they know the accusers, and what kind of people they are.

n.n said...

A bipartite inscription in a year book, half which is credible, half which is not, is not evidence of sexual liberalism, and certainly should not deem a person unworthy and summarily aborted (e.g. denied due process, life).

David Baker said...

While Conyers is eligible for a full senate pension, Franken is not. If I'm not mistaken, Funnyman-Al is entitled post-resignation to receive approximately $17,000 annually, which makes me wonder. Did Pelosi somehow sweeten his pension-pot to take one for the party.

And what about the morality clause?

(I know; what morality)

Qwinn said...

Funny, Inga acts as if she's adopted some new and nefarious tactics in order to give us a "dose of our own medicine", yet I haven't seen her say anything she hasn't said a thousand times before.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Anyone who looks at both can see the difference. All this proves is that two of the accusers' bits of 'evidence' were forged by the same forger - Gloria Allred?”


Bad Lieutenant said...

rhhardin said...
If Franken had any wit he'd stand up for himself agaist the mob.

The hysteria can't withstand an attack of humor.

12/6/17, 2:10 PM

Oh, please, merciful loving G-d, take RH's advice and let Sen. Franken do a Stu Smalley skit defending himself on national TV. Please. You and Santa can keep the pony and the roller skates.

Drago said...

Inga: "Drago says that he knows that every single woman who ever accused Trump and Moore are lying liars, lying I tells ya!"

"lying liars"

Poor Inga.

She has Franken on the Brain.

Unknown said...

Inga is clearly stupid or cannot read. She says I support "diddling 14 year olds." How she gets there is beyond me. Moore hasn't been accused of having sex with a 14 year old.

And I already pointed out that Moores accusers are not credible, and are lying.

Apparently when you think someone is lying, you are endorsing their view. Only in Inga's world. I guess that makes her a great supporter of Trump then, doesn't it. Congratulations on being a supporter of the Trumpenfuhrer, Inga! Who knew?


Fabi said...

Inga has such a hard time staying on topic. Up your game.

n.n said...

Because you continue to mischaracterize my statements and stances, expect more of the same. You don’t like your own medicine, do you?

You received what you served, Ms. Puppet. No, I won't stoop.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

I’m still waiting for Republicans/Trumpists here and in DC to call for Blake Farenthold’s resignation.... crickets.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Inga said...
Drago says that he knows that every single woman who ever accused Trump and Moore are lying liars, lying I tells ya!

12/6/17, 2:21 PM

Could very well be. Look at how well Anita Hill has been rewarded for telling tales. Lie about Trump and Moore and leftists will make you into a hero.

Dr Weevil said...

I note that Inga (a) feels comfortable telling vicious and contemptible lies about commenters here, to 'give them a dose of their own medicine' (2:15pm), and (b) can't be bothered to follow my link and Twitter recommendation to see whether the accusations have been proven to be lies or not. Anything for the party, eh?

Qwinn said...

Inga hasn't admitted yet that the first yearbook was a blatantly obvious forgery - I mean as laughably obviously fake as the Rathergate memo - yet expects us to be impressed by a second yearbook signature. Hilarious.

n.n said...

Inga is clearly stupid or cannot read. She says I support "diddling 14 year olds."

That's easy, she's Pro-Choice, which is a religious/moral/legal philosophy that denies individual dignity; denies due process, implying a presumption of guilt; and paints with broad, sweeping strokes. Anyone who does not participate in the witch trial, must also be a witch or warlock.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“You received what you served, Ms. Puppet. No, I won't stoop.”

I serve what I’ve been served. Get the timeline right. Now go back to your obsession with abortion that you insert in any given topic.

Ken B said...

Am I the only one who is suspicious of the this "my right as an entertainer" thing? Sounds like a contrived version of "If you're a star they let you" made up for future use. Franken flatly denies it. Is it true? Is it really even plausible?

Feels like a rush to judgment to me.

Drago said...

Qwinn: "Inga hasn't admitted yet that the first yearbook was a blatantly obvious forgery - I mean as laughably obviously fake as the Rathergate memo - yet expects us to be impressed by a second yearbook signature. Hilarious"


And as soon as the second forgery is exposed, there will be a third, then a forth, etc.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Am I the only one who is suspicious of the this "my right as an entertainer" thing?”

Yes, that struck me in the same way. It sounds contrived, however Franken has many other accusers.

n.n said...

Lie about Trump and Moore and leftists will make you into a hero.

Open an abortion field and leftists will award you a peace prize.

Promote judgment of people by the "color of their skin" and leftists will call you a civil rights icon.

Deny lives deemed unworthy, inconvenient, or profitable, and leftists will call you a feminist.

Deny due process and grant superior rights to a class and leftists will call you person of the year.

Target prepubescent and adolescent boys and girls for sexualization and transgender conversion therapy and leftists will call you progressive.

I wonder how many Pro-Choice women and men there are in practice.

James K said...

Leigh Corfman. Came out a while ago.

Lots of problems with her story have come out. For example, she claimed she spoke to him on the phone in her bedroom, her mother said she didn't have a phone in the bedroom.

Drago said...

Ken B: "Am I the only one who is suspicious of the this "my right as an entertainer" thing? Sounds like a contrived version of "If you're a star they let you" made up for future use. Franken flatly denies it. Is it true? Is it really even plausible?"

Frankens immediate and vociferous response regarding that particular accusation stands in stark contrast to his soft response to the other accusations.

None of us knows but I would need some evidence for that charge.

The other charges he has not really denied, which is telling.

Dr Weevil said...

I looked up Blake Farenthold. He's a Texas congressman who, a few years ago, paid a staffer $84,000 to settle claims of discrimination and sexual harrassment. Now he's taking out a loan to repay the federal government. Should he resign? Maybe so, but what about the other $17,000,000 in payments? Why don't we know the names of the other harassers, and why aren't they all (a) paying back every penny, and (b) resigning? Does Inga want that? Or does she suspect that they are predominantly Democrats? I'm all in favor of fairness and bipartisanism. Give us the names, all of them. Get all the money back: every penny, with interest. If any of them are retired, take it out of their pensions. If any of them have died, take it out of their widows' pensions, or take it out of the salaries of all the living guilty parties. I want the Treasury "made whole again" for these totally unethical expenditures. Should we kick Farenthold out? There's a lot to be said for that, but only if every single other one goes with him. Fair enough?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Drago and fellow Trumpists here fall prey to yet another conspiracy theory to rationalize their support for a 35 year old man diddling a 14 year old girl and then running for public office.

It would be funny if it weren’t so disturbing.

n.n said...

Now go back to your obsession with abortion that you insert in any given topic.

Yes, I admit it, I will not deny human evolution. I will not deny human rights. Denying lives deemed unworthy, inconvenient, or profitable places humanity on a progressive slope. Conserving the value of human life is a moral imperative and obsession.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Why don't we know the names of the other harassers, and why aren't they all (a) paying back every penny, and (b) resigning? Does Inga want that? Or does she suspect that they are predominantly Democrats? I'm all in favor of fairness and bipartisanism. Give us the names, all of them. Get all the money back: every penny, with interest. If any of them are retired, take it out of their pensions. If any of them have died, take it out of their widows' pensions, or take it out of the salaries of all the living guilty parties. I want the Treasury "made whole again" for these totally unethical expenditures. Should we kick Farenthold out? There's a lot to be said for that, but only if every single other one goes with him. Fair enough?”

Yes, this is fair. Jackie Speier a Democrat, called for this very thing several weeks ago.

Dr Weevil said...

Inga feels perfectly comfortable falsely accusing commenters who displease her of "diddling 14 year olds" but can't see why many of us (and most Alabamians) think there are quite a few women in Alabama who who are perfectly comfortable lying about Roy Moore being a pervert or a weirdo. And she can't even see how her own disgusting behavior refutes her position!

n.n said...

conspiracy theory to rationalize their support for a 35 year old man diddling a 14 year old girl

Actually, Inga, that is your theory, and conspiracy to deny due process. No one else is denying the allegations, but they are also not Pro-Choice, and will not summarily abort someone.

Drago said...

Inga proves that she does in fact believe that GW Bush was AWOL from the Air National Guard, Mitt Romney was both a theocratic Nazi as well has hadn't paid his taxes in 10 years AND that the clear forgery Gloria Allred and the rest of the lefty usual suspects have foisted on us isn't a forgery.

Well Inga, you keep running with that. It can only help us.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Yes, I admit it, I will not deny human evolution. I will not deny human rights. Denying lives deemed unworthy, inconvenient, or profitable places humanity on a progressive slope. Conserving the value of human life is a moral imperative and obsession.”

I am in favor of limiting abortion to 20 weeks as do most Republican law makers in most red states. Why don’t you go harass them?

Amadeus 48 said...

Quite a workout by some commenters this afternoon.

Reminds me of 6th grade.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Drago believes that there was really and truly was (!) a child pornographer ring in that pizza parlor in DC. Drago also believes Hillary had Seth Rich murdered.

Curious George said...

"I am in favor of limiting abortion to 20 weeks as do most Republican law makers in most red states. Why don’t you go harass them?"

Love to see that list, provide it and I will.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Reminds me of 6th grade.”

I agree.

OGWiseman said...

It's striking that this post doesn't even engage with the dozen plus women who have made specific sexual harassment allegations against Trump. Franken's alleged actions are compared to Trump's description of his own actions, rather than Trump's alleged actions, which include actual pussy-grabbing and walking in on teenage beauty queens while they were changing.

readering said...

Now Tina Dupuy the latest (writing in the Atlantic). The alleged conduct is not THAT bad, which makes it all the more credible given that it goes with the apparent MO for Franken over many years. I have little doubt there would be many more such revelations, but it sounds like Franken will pull the plug tomorrow.

Some benefit all around that he did not resign with the first accusation, because then folks might argue that the punishment was disproportionate to the crime. This way, it's overdue and there won't be backlash reaction to his demise.

Next, that Democratic freshman from New Mexico . . .

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Love to see that list, provide it and I will.”

“Examples of 20-Week Bans (last updated October 10, 2017)

Twenty-week abortion bans with varying exceptions have been enacted in 21 states: Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, West Virginia and Wisconsin. Laws banning abortion at 20 weeks have been blocked in two states: Arizona and Idaho.”

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"include actual pussy-grabbing"

No they do not, idiot.

Rick said...

While it’s true that [Franken's] behavior is not the same as the criminal conduct alleged against Roy Moore, or Harvey Weinstein, or President Trump, it is still unquestionably wrong, and should not be tolerated by those of us who are privileged to work in public service....

Still protecting Bill Clinton.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

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