December 8, 2017

Mike Huckabee feels sorry for Chelsea Handler — she seems "angry and bitter and, look, she's almost as old as me."

Mike Huckabee has a fine time defending his daughter Sarah Huckabee Sanders from the depredations of Chelsea Handler, who had 2 abortions and must be jealous of Sarah, who has a husband who loves her and 3 delightful children...

For the record, Mike Huckabee is 62, and Chelsea Handler is 42. And Sarah Sanders is 35. So that's some crazy man-on-woman age-taunting.

But Chelsea Handler had done some crazy woman-on-woman looks-taunting:
"That harlot that they’re dressing up and trolloping out every day? I mean, one day she has no makeup on at all, the next she got, like, six-foot-long eyelashes, and she’s got cleavage and summer whore lipstick all over her face. Can you believe what they turned her into? A proper trollop."
Handler uses the word "trollop" twice, once as a noun referring to Sanders and once as a verb referring to what is being done to her by others. My dictionary, the OED, does not recognize "trollop" as a verb, but it does, in its etymology for the noun "trollop," speculate that "trollop" came from the verb "troll." It observes that the "-op" ending is also in "gallop" and "wallop." But both "gallop" and "wallop" are nouns and verbs, so how does adding "-op" work to change a verb to a noun?

In any case, the connection between "trollop" and "troll" is one of those things that make me wonder why I didn't notice it before. It's so not unseeable once it's seen. "Troll" comes from older words that have to do with going on a quest for game without real purpose — running about, looking around indiscriminately. The verb "troll" came to refer especially to gay men walking about looking for a sexual encounter. There are other meanings for "troll" that pick up on the similarity to "roll," so that it can mean to sing "in a full, rolling voice" — as in "troll the ancient Yuletide carol" in the Christmas song "Deck the Halls" (the song that amuses us by recommending "gay apparel")...

But back to "trollop," the noun. It means "An untidy or slovenly woman; a slattern, slut; also, sometimes a morally loose woman." So Handler got the wrong word there too, because her complaint about Sanders is that she's ridiculously overdone. Too much makeup. A trollop seems to be more of a walk-of-shame, rolled-out-of-bed type of woman. But I get it that Handler was just trotting out her prostitute words and "trollop" seemed like it wanted to go out streetwalking with "whore."

To be fair to prostitutes, I don't think anyone wears as much makeup as a TV news commentator. That's actually what Sanders looks like. I don't know when we came to see extremely heavy makeup as a look for a newsperson (or press secretary). It doesn't say credibility. But when they're lying, at least it's not a barefaced lie.

By the way, Chelsea Handler lives in the path of one of the California wildfires. Before you decide how sympathetic you want to be toward her, you should know that she tweeted, "Just evacuated my house. It's like Donald Trump is setting the world on fire. Literally and figuratively. Stay safe everyone. Dark times."

The fires aren't in Washington. Metaphorically, it seems more like the fire is an outward manifestation of the sexual corruption in Hollywood. But when terrible things are happening to people, I think it's best to look at those things for what they are in concrete reality and not appropriate them into the relatively painless realm of abstraction.


Gahrie said...

Handler is sick...literally. She has an unhealthy obsession with Trump and should seek professional help.

tcrosse said...

To troll is to fish by trailing a baited line along behind a boat.

Hagar said...

A troll is a fearsome Norwegian supernatural beinng who lives in a mountain.

jaydub said...

Huckabee summed it up pretty nicely I suppose, but I had never heard of Handler before she became known for the constant bile puking over Trump.

tcrosse said...

A trull is a prostitute.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

America’s Mom wins again.

mockturtle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tcrosse said...

A Chelsea Handler is someone whose job is to wrangle Hillary's daughter.

MathMom said...

I'm so old I remember when people in Hollywood were saying that Hurricane Harvey flooding Houston was God's punishment for Texas voting for Trump.

I wonder what the wildfires are about?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Heh. Chelsea Hanlder - what happens when bitter old leftwing fascist enters your heart. That demon eats you from the inside.

Caroline said...

Let me count the ways I love Sarah huckabee sanders.

mockturtle said...

Sarah is my favorite press secretary since Ari Fleischer. Her terse, deadpan replies and her notable sarcasm are a delight. The only reason anyone would attack here is because of TDS. It's why they deride Melania's beautiful Christmas decorations. These detractors are preaching to their own choir.

I remember strong anti-Reagan sentiment, too, but the delirium never reached the fever pitch it has today with Trump. It really is an illness, an obsessive disorder en masse.
The fact that it's a highly visible illness makes it seem worse than it is, perhaps, to outsiders.

LilyBart said...

Heh, Huckabee entering mean girl territory - and the age thing was quite a nice hit! Well, Handler has dished it out herself, so she has no legit complaint here.

So, here's the funny thing: everyone complained that Trump was vulgar, course, ill-mannered - but in response to him, everyone seems to have become vulgar, course and ill-mannered. And before you think I'm blaming Trump, please understand that I think that the support for Trump was, in large part, a reaction to the disregard our own representatives have for their own people, and in the case of some, for their own country. Trump is a symptom. The de-evolution was already in process.

Ann Althouse said...

"To troll is to fish by trailing a baited line along behind a boat."

True, although the hunting meaning is older, going back to the 1300s (and coming from a French word about hunting, "troller").

1377 Langland Piers Plowman B. xviii. 296 And þus hath he trolled [v.r. tollid] forth þis two & thretty winter.

The fishing meaning followed on in the 1600s.

1606 S. Gardiner Bk. Angling 28 Consider how God by his Preachers trowleth for thee.
1653 T. Barker Art of Angling 9 The manner of his Trouling was, with a Hazell Rod.
1675 J. Crowne Countrey Wit v. 73 Here have I been Angling and Trowling for my Father-in-law, and have had him at my Hook all day.

There's also the fishing word "trawl," which is fishing by dragging a net.

Ann Althouse said...

"A trull is a prostitute."


You can see an ellipsis in my definition of "trollop." What I left out was "a trull." I thought it would be distracting, though interesting. I had never seen that word before (that I remember).

Vance said...

So somewhat tangentially related, but my cursory searching here at Althouse has not turned up anything about the left's favorite "victim group", the militant gays, and what they did to August Ames.

This is relevant to the Supreme Court Cake case earlier this week too. On that post there was some question about whether the gays would try to force prostitutes to service them because, well, forcing women to have sex is also known as rape.

We have an answer. They will.

August Ames is apparently a big, popular porn star. I've never seen anything she's done, but I guess she rose to prominence through social media. Well, not long ago some scene was arranged for her to have sex with some guy, and they told her it was going to be great. She was smart and searched the name of her next partner... to find out he was a gay man with AIDS. The company hadn't told her about that little tidbit. So she backed out; not wanting to have sex with a person with AIDS. The company hired another girl; August Ames then warned that girl about it.

The social justice warriors went ballistic; demanding that she have sex with this guy, unprotected. Called her a homophobic bigot, etc. She defended herself, pointing out that she loves women and has numerous sex scenes with women; how can she be homophobic when she's doing lesbian things? No matter: they (the SJW's and gay rights people) demanded she either have sex with this gay guy or she should kill herself.

So she did--she hung herself. Now, obviously she shouldn't have done that, and no, they didn't force her to hang herself--she clearly had some mental issues. But the point is that the gays and the social media people demanded that she either die or have unprotected sex with a gay person known to have AIDS.

I guess when the leftists here talk about how they only want the gays to have the rights they demand, we should ask them exactly what "rights" they are talking about.... because this is not the first time I've heard of the gays demanding that people deliberately catch AIDS or else.


Darkisland said...

I object to the pejorative use of the word Trollope. Anthony is a fine, fine, writer. One of my 3 favorite English writers after Nevil S Norway and Eric Blair.

Oh, wait, trollop, not Trollope.

Never mind.

John Henry

Mike Sylwester said...

Last weekend, at a garage sale, I browsed through a couple Handler's books.

Wow, she had sex with a lot of men -- many of which were one-night stands.

wendybar said...

Chelsea is a drunk. Maybe she should head to Rehab before she drunk-tweets again...she is making a fool out of herself.

Mike Sylwester said...

Comics like Chelsea Handler generally are sexually promiscuous. It's a lifestyle.

That was Al Franken's environment.

Bill said...

I'm a native Angeleno, with mixed feelings about my city, but sometimes I wonder if all these fires aren't a kind of chastisement.

Today's the feast of the Immaculate Conception, so I'll hold the bile and say that Chelsea Handler is obviously an unhappy woman. I hope her house isn't damaged by the fires.

dreams said...

"For the record, Mike Huckabee is 62, and Chelsea Handler is 42. And Sarah Sanders is 35. So that's some crazy man-on-woman age-taunting."

Yeah, but you didn't allow for the difference in man years and woman years. There are advantages and disadvantages for each sex as it relates to age. Women live longer but...

Big Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rick.T. said...

"But both "gallop" and "wallop" are nouns and verbs, so how does adding "-op" work to change a verb to a noun?"

Interesting words but whatever you do, do not go down the rabbit hole of "up!"

Bruce Hayden said...

“To be fair to prostitutes, I don't think anyone wears as much makeup as a TV news commentator.”

Real story. One of the guys doing news here ran into my partner in a club one night. Asked her out. After all he was “famous”. She responded that she didn’t date guys who wore more makeup than she did, and, yes, he was wearing makeup that night. She ran into the weather guy on the air with him at the time several months later, and he told her that they were still teasing him about that night.

Darkisland said...

So if Mike Huckabee and daughter are trolling Chelsea Handler does that make them "trollops"?

Whether or not they are trollops, they are doing a fine, superlative, excellent job of trolling Chelsea Handler in particular and the press in general. More, please.

Meanwhile, as the press is getting all spun up about the latest outrage of no consequence, President Trump is 1)passing tax cuts/reform 2)appointing hundreds of federal judges 3)killing Obamacare dead 4)deporting millions of illegals. Technically many are deporting themselves but still... 5)Chopping agencies and powers

And more...

John Henry

dreams said...

Chelsea Handler isn't aging well and all the anger is going to take a toll too. She's had her fun...

Darkisland said...

Blogger Caroline Walker said...

Let me count the ways I love Sarah huckabee sanders.

I'd join you but can't count high enough.

John Henry

Curious George said...

Chelsea Handler is a whore.

tcrosse said...

We are in thrall to the trull's thrilling trills.

Jessica said...

There's something to this, though I wouldn't have phrased it so harshly. Human beings have certain inborn impulses towards companionship and procreation and community. Liberals have torn down (both in the world and in their hearts) the pillars that supported and gave outlet to these impulses. And consequently they're left adrift. I'm a conservative (both socially and politically) whose friends are mostly liberal (both socially and politically) and I see this dynamic play out more and more as I age. Liberals have rejected traditional morality and marriage and family and faith, and feel lonely and empty, and wonder why. Perhaps they look at me (the Christian stay-at-home mother of three children, devoted to her church and her family's happiness) and feel bad for my retrograde existence. But I'm happy and at peace in my world. I love my life. And it's them who I feel bad for. Lost and adrift and completely with explanation for their feelings.

Nonapod said...

There are few things as pathetic as obvious mean spirited bitterness that's poorly disguised as humor. I almost feel embarrassed for her.

Wilbur said...

I have a lifelong friend, who teaches Finance at a university in Ohio, who says Sarah should run for President if Trump does not. He would vote for her in a New York minute, and so would I. She's great.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Far left liberals are ugly inside because they have black hearts. And sometimes the ugly inside gets outside too.

Fernandinande said...

It's like Donald Trump is setting the world on fire. Literally and figuratively.

"set the world on fire"
"To do wonderful or exciting things that cause a great or remarkable sensation in the world; to be extremely popular, famous, renowned, etc."

Michael said...

In fishing, to troll is to pull a lure behind a slowly moving boat, as opposed to anchoring in one spot and fly-fishing or bait-casting. I thought the modern uses were a metaphor of that, plus the troll-under-a-bridge idea.

tcrosse said...

Redd Foxx said that beauty is only skin-deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone.

rhhardin said...

Sid Rosenberg on Imus, nobody cares about the California wildfires. Put some water on it.

Saint Croix said...

Why do people keep saying…

Sarah Huckabee Sanders?

Kind of like Hillary Rodham Clinton.

If you're taking his name, take his name! Leave daddy behind. You can do it, girl.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Leave Sarah alone!

Saint Croix said...

What really kills me are the hyphen people.

If we all start hyphenating, that's some really fucked up birth certificates.

Saint Croix said...

I fell in love with a Sarah once.

It did not end well!

Hence my new rule.

Don't mess with Sarah.

Stay away from Sarah.

Although if she's a Sara I might up for that. Depending on how hot she is, and my alcohol intake.

tcrosse said...

Kind of like Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Also Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Lyndon Baines Johnson.

buwaya said...

Re trolls - highly recommended - a Norwegian monster movie -

"Troll Hunter" - Andre Ovredal

This is a bit of a cult movie in SF/Fantasy fandom, so YMMV.

Saint Croix said...

If you want to be scared out of your wits…

here are

porn stars without makeup

Blair said...

The very notion of Chelsea Handler slut-shaming someone blows my mind. It's like Hugh Hefner complaining about too much cleavage.

buwaya said...

My daughter is in LA, @ 3 miles from the nearest fire (the 405). She thought she might need to evacuate a couple of days ago. NP with that one, burned out.

She's not in the movie biz, but aerospace tech. Yeah, what I came to America for. Per aspera ad astra. Plus ultra.
Proud dad.

Saint Croix said...

let me try again

Porn Stars Without Make-Up

William said...

I do not know the phrase that means the opposite of uncanny valley, but such a phrase would describe Sarah. She looks comfortable and familiar. She has the kind of face that you see everywhere. It's too ubiquitous to be a stereotype. No one would say that she looks like a typical liberal or conservative. She just looks like a standard issue American. She makes a fine counterpoint to Melania and Ivanka who are strikingly good looking......When you make fun of Sanders looks, a lot of people who look like her or who are attached to people who look like her are going to take offense. Not a winning strategy.

MD Greene said...

Vance said:

"because this is not the first time I've heard of the gays demanding that people deliberately catch AIDS or else."

I've had gay friends forever. I like gay people.

BUT. In its infinite wisdom, California decreed this year that it is no longer a felony to KNOWINGLY expose another person to HIV.

The logic is, hey, HIV/AIDS is treatable, all you have to do is take medication for the rest of your life. So no big deal.

My gay friends think this is not a good idea, and who can blame them? I happen to agree.

buwaya said...

Sarah Sanders looks like what she is - a respectable matron.

bleh said...

Could he have meant “she looks almost as old as me”? Chelsea Handler is a rough 42.

buwaya said...

The hatred for conservative women is a pretty ancient thing. Conservative women seem to set some people off in a peculiar way. Particularly liberal women and gays.

There is some odd psychology going on there.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

There's something to this, though I wouldn't have phrased it so harshly. Human beings have certain inborn impulses towards companionship and procreation and community. Liberals have torn down (both in the world and in their hearts) the pillars that supported and gave outlet to these impulses. And consequently they're left adrift. I'm a conservative (both socially and politically) whose friends are mostly liberal (both socially and politically) and I see this dynamic play out more and more as I age. Liberals have rejected traditional morality and marriage and family and faith, and feel lonely and empty, and wonder why. Perhaps they look at me (the Christian stay-at-home mother of three children, devoted to her church and her family's happiness) and feel bad for my retrograde existence. But I'm happy and at peace in my world. I love my life. And it's them who I feel bad for. Lost and adrift and completely with explanation for their feelings.

I have had this experience with a few of my friends from school who grew up into lefties. One friend in particular, who was one of my besties, in both of whose weddings I stood as her matron of honor ~ I will never speak to her again because her vitriol has reached such a fever pitch and turned personal recently and centered around her fanatical abortion politics. I'm a devoted wife and mother, expecting #6, love my church, etc etc and I couldn't be happier or more content; she has had a couple of abortions, is in a dying family (parents both passed away, neither she nor her brother will have children), works at a boring office job that she couldn't care less about, smokes too much pot and drinks too much and has nothing in her life but a cat and a lame beta "feminist" husband. Of course she's bitter and jealous of my life full of busy joyous holidays and flourishing children and a husband who treats me like a queen and a woman, that will end surrounded by grandchildren and a legacy, although she would rather die than admit it.

Humperdink said...

"Redd Foxx said that beauty is only skin-deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone."

Out of the mouth, the heart speaks.

stevew said...

Those that have no cogent argument on a topic or issue often resort to ad hominem attacks.


Big Mike said...

I started to glance through a Chelsea Handler autobiography (I use “a” instead of “the” because I gather that there are multiples) and decided she was a bit on the sick side when she wrote about how she got caught taking pictures of her parents making love. Leading forward it was all about her one night stands, and then I got to one where the guy who picked her up was out of toilet paper so she left a brown streak all over his sheets. Which she thought was hilarious. I put the book back and went to the rest room to wash my hands.

Then I saw a commercial where she appeared full frontal nude in a shower, and I thought that there must be a lot of men in LA who are hard up.

But I do hope her house survives the fire, stained bedsheets snd all.

Sebastian said...

"Chelsea Handler had done some crazy woman-on-woman looks-taunting: "That harlot that they’re dressing up and trolloping out every day?"

What are the odds that the Reckoning will conveniently skip prog sexism? They will not honestly confront the way they have treated Palin and now Sanders and Melania. Until they do, the Reckoning is just another move in the culture/gender war.

bleh said...

Most of my friends and associates are thirtysomething professional urbanites. Their politics predictably skew left, lots of #metoo type nonsense and so forth, but not hard left. In my experience, these liberals tend to have very “conservative” views about their own lives and families, despite what they profess to believe about others and society. Quite bourgeois and conventional, very devoted to their spouses and children, etc. Hard to explain.

Amadeus 48 said...

Mike Huckabee has mastered the serene confidence that a Christian feels in four aces. This a masterclass in how to put someone down by expressing sympathy for them.

Bless Chelsea's heart.

bleh said...

On the flip side there are lots of conservatives in Trumpland that come from broken families with drug use, divorce, welfare dependency, etc.

Fernandinande said...

Saint Croix said...
Porn Stars Without Make-Up

If nydailynews doesn't like your ad-blocker, see them in all their glory here.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Most of my friends and associates are thirtysomething professional urbanites. Their politics predictably skew left, lots of #metoo type nonsense and so forth, but not hard left. In my experience, these liberals tend to have very “conservative” views about their own lives and families, despite what they profess to believe about others and society. Quite bourgeois and conventional, very devoted to their spouses and children, etc. Hard to explain.

Several of my school friends have wound up this way ~ married for 10/15 years, couple of kids, good parents, solid careers, generally highly functional and nice people. That they have such wacky views about people who aren't them (the poor, generally speaking) just illustrates to me that their politics fill the religion hole. Like my friend who has the most Stuff White People Like life you can imagine (married, both spouses have Seattle tech jobs, loves her little organic gardening patch and making jams and preserving carrots, all very precious, two preschool daughters with funky hipster names) but who is nonetheless obsessed with advocacy regarding Seattle public schools and "students of color" and is fiercely opposed to school choice/private school/homeschooling because it hurts public schools. I think this just gives her a moral framework which her life would be lacking without. She would never suggest that perhaps students of color should show up for class, not use/deal drugs and keep their pants on ~ even though that is exactly what she and her husband did leading to their double six figure income and million dollar house ~ because that would be mean, and she wants to think of herself a nice and understanding figure.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

(p.s. I cannot wait until the time comes to enroll little Olive and Piper in the failing local school filled with Salvadoran immigrants and the children of drug dealers see how quickly her tune changes about school choice.)

Static Ping said...

Ridiculous amounts of makeup tends to be an entertainment thing, which news people like to pretend they are not but are to a certain extent. Other professions that tend to lend themselves to lots of makeup include movie stars, television stars, porn stars, strippers, cheerleaders, and, of course, clowns.

lgv said...

Well, you have to realize that there is something very wrong with Chelsea Handler. She has issues.

A more recent posting:

People who messed up don't like people who aren't messed up. I think one reason she is off the deep end on Trump is that she sees him as the same type of guy as the ones who messed her up, even though it was of her own doing.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

The only thing left for Mike Huckabee to say at the end of his excellent assessment of Chelsea Handler's pitiful life was...

Bless Her Heart


stevew said...

A question no one seems to be asking: why does anyone pay attention to what Chelsea Handler says and does? Am I the only one unfamiliar with her CV?


Ralph L said...

I read somewhere that trollop was invented as a jab at Anthony Trollope's mother, who'd written a scathing travel piece about the US.

walter said...

Chelsea has nice boobs

CJ said...

The reason she misused those words is because she was simply repeating something one of her gay, English handlers said and she thought sounded clever.

Chelsea Handler doesn't typically talk that way - those are the words, "trollop" "summer whore", of a gay Englishman who doesn't know exactly what they mean either but they're delightful to say.

I thought Althouse might seize on this comment of hers because I found it striking too - mostly because Chelsea Handler doesn't talk like that!

Ralph L said...

Looks like there's some sun damage.

Fernandinande said...

Unknown said...
Am I the only one unfamiliar with her CV?


Robert Cook said...

"Handler is sick...literally. She has an unhealthy obsession with Trump and should seek professional help."

Given that Trump is the President--and is a con man, a proud ignoramus, and a fool--I would hardly characterize anyone's concern with Trump to be an "unhealthy obsession."

Curious George said...

"BDNYC said...
Could he have meant “she looks almost as old as me”? Chelsea Handler is a rough 42."

Yeah, Handler has a lot of miles on her. And they aren't highway miles.

walter said...

I figured Hucklebee to be older than 62..though he still rocks the bass.
He's just trolling the trollop.

walter said...

Maybe the Stones are looking for some young blood on bass...

Bricap said...

Gallop and wallop have the same origin, apparently.

Dollop has a much different origin, though it can also be used as a verb.

Scallop follows a more similar origin to gallop/wallop than to dollop.

Would be interesting to figure out how this -op ending caught on. Trollop seems to have developed on its own, whether by troll or trull, as already suggested. I saw mention of "tripe and trallop" being a possible early version of the word, 1600's.

I would guess that the origins of it are mostly French, as envelop and develop come from there as well. Perhaps dollop and trollop were English additions to a pattern that had French origins? Also of note is the word collop.

Bricap said...

I forgot the link for tripe and trallop.

WA-mom said...

"barefaced lie." Great line, Ann!

Drago said...

Robert Cook: " a con man, a proud ignoramus, and a fool..."

3 lies in 10 words.

That's pretty good. If you can create a fake conspiracy involving pretend SR-71 flights your work here would be complete for the day.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Mike Huckabee may have been responding to more that is being advertised here. Chelsea also posted this video. It's mean, and kind of funny.

The actress playing Sarah Huckabee make a joke about her age in making a joke about Roy Moore. If that's where Mike Huckabee is coming from in comparing Chelsea's age to his, there may be a deviant idea at the back of that.

lonetown said...

Never though much of Mike Huckabee but his daughter is awesome. Gonna have to stop making snap judgements.

Humperdink said...

Cookie: "(Trump) a con man, a proud ignoramus, and a fool..."

And your president for seven (7) more years. :)

Fritz said...

My daughter is in LA, @ 3 miles from the nearest fire (the 405). She thought she might need to evacuate a couple of days ago. NP with that one, burned out.

My younger brother lives in Encino, about a mile from the fire threatening the Getty Museum, the Skirball fire. I hear it's mostly controlled.

holdfast said...

I could not believe that Handler is 42 - she's younger than I am, yet she looks a full decade older. I assume it's the effects of alcohol and smoking on her skin and hair that make her look prematurely aged?

Jose_K said...

Or troll-op erator as in Agit-prop

Mr. Groovington said...

Blogger Jessica said
Lost and adrift and completely with explanation for their feelings.
Well put.
No tradional values, no values. As put to me by a Burmese companion I spent a month with in Myanmar recently. They refer to anyone younger than themselves as little brother or sister, and anyone older as aunt or uncle. It’s all family even when it’s not.

Merny11 said...

Thanks Ann .....
So a friend of ours refers to his wife and I me as “ trixie trollops “ which always causes an eye roll and a laugh. Trollope is just a fun word!
That aside, Huckabees assessment is right on.

Bad Lieutenant said...

I just watched this now. Huckabee politely gutted and filleted Handler and the hosts of the show looked as if they were watching such a procedure being done for the first time. In their white upholstered living room. I'm happy that Mike Huckabee never went anywhere for president but I have to concede his powers.

Leora said...

“To be fair to prostitutes, I don't think anyone wears as much makeup as a TV news commentator.”

This clicked with me, because I remember thinking that Hillary was made up like a news commentator. She might have done better if she had done her make up more like Patty Murray or Barbara Mikulski. Without the make up she looks like a kind of decent lefty activist similar to Bernie Sanders.

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