December 30, 2017

"I think Trump is being funny, and we laughed a lot as I read that out loud, but I'm sure Trump haters cry out in horror at the lies and insults."

I told you that at 9:08 yesterday morning, and boy, was I right.

At the top of Memeorandum right now (click to enlarge):
If you listened to me and shared my expectations, you saved a lot of time reading utterly predictable stuff.


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Drago said...

TTR: "I dunno. Idiots? Wackos?"

Well, at the very least one would hope.

Very much how I feel and think of those insane leftists/liberals who have the long knives out for Israel.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Jefferson and both Roosevelts were terrible racists.

Did you plan to make a point?

Most people were back then. Including Lincoln, whose kindness shouldn't be misconstrued as a belief in social equality among races.

Did you plan to make a point?

Other than how partisan you are?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

As for "Godwinning the thread" that was already done by your side, TTR. Somehow, though, you didn't mind that one, because it was your side calling every Trump supporter a Nazi. Your response? Crickets.

Gee Vance. For a right-wing social injustice warrior you sure do like to practice collectivization a lot. I guess now you think I'm personally responsible for whatever, collectively, you feel that anyone "on the left" did. That's a lot of people expressing a lot of views and doing a lot of things that you've selected me as the person to answer for.

But it must be a lot easier judging people as groups instead of as individuals. Easier to wipe them out and go to war against every last one of them than to bother with the details that go beyond just some collective group assessment, right? Fight them all must energize you a lot more than appealing to any single one of them, one by one. Let alone collectively.

Drago said...

TTR: "I guess now you think I'm personally responsible for whatever, collectively, you feel that anyone "on the left" did."

You'll have to excuse me. I'm still trying to peel Charlottesville and the Crusades off my hide!

My "Thousand Minute Reich" is regrettably delayed!

Jon Ericson said...

Hey Pedro, You sound like you're running out of steam.
Finally taking your meds?
Lost your insult book?
Liquor cabinet empty?

Birkel said...

No, I believe Leftist Collectivists (aka Progressives) who believe in the perfectability of humans maintain a single defining characteristic.

You are a pitiful.

Seeing Red said...

Awww the poor poor progs. Almost 1 year choosing to live under Trump and they haven’t been put in a gulag yet.

They don’t know what to do with themselves.

Michael said...

Lol. Our lefties are mad and unhappy about the infrastructure. All day mad and unhappy

Seeing Red said...

They’re like Eminem.

BTW, isn’t Trump supposed to be working on a $83 billion petrochemical with China which would benefit the workers of WV?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No, I believe Leftist Collectivists (aka Progressives) who believe in the perfectability of humans maintain a single defining characteristic.

You are a pitiful.

I have no idea what this means in English, but I don't know who it is that believes in "the perfectibility of humans."

I believe that human organizations, governments included, are artificial constructions with - just like buildings or clothing - and that, therefore, there is no virtue in seeking to drag them down or destroy them than there is to drag down or destroy any longstanding and useful human institution. Only radicals feel an unexplained need to destroy human conventions based on emotional appeals alone. Perhaps I'm radical about some things, but not that. I don't think emotive purposelessness in the name of destroying human institutions/conventions makes much sense. Neither did the founders, who thought they were "perfecting" the art of government.

Since you seem like a confused and angry person though, I have no doubt that you'll spin that into something that somehow sounds nefarious.

Vance said...

I don't know, TTR. Collective responsibility? ARen't you the one who argued that every Republican or conservative Christian everywhere is guilty of Koran burning, and every Pro-Life supporter is guilty of murder? Why yes, yes you are. Along with your leftist cohorts, of course.

Every Republican is a Nazi murderer after Charlottesville. Everyone who supports Trump and Moore is a pedophile Rapist. Everyone who thinks Islam is a bad idea after yet another Muslim atrocity is a bigoted racist. Every Jew in Israel is a racist bigot bent on genocide of poor innocent Palestinian suicide bombers.

On the other hand, no one can judge any Muslim as bad, ever, or any black cop killer rapist as bad (that's racist!) and of course, Uncle Joe and Comrade Mao and Pol Pot were just misunderstood, that's all. Everyone who voted for Hillary is righteous, true and just, despite voting to put an actual rapist and his wife back into the white house.

You and your side play the collectivist blame all day long. You get to enjoy it for a change.

And you still haven't demonstrated any actual policy of WWII era Germany or Italy with which you disagree. Telling, that.


MacMacConnell said...

Trump is the authoritarian, but unlike Obama he is supporting the anti- regime protesters in Iran. The Iran regime like Obama and the Democrat Party are busing in regime counter protesters, probably paid.

Drago said...

TTR: "I have no idea what this means in English, but I don't know who it is that believes in "the perfectibility of humans."


You know perfectly well.

The left is always touting its next "New Soviet Man".

All it takes is enough maoist self-criticism, enough re-education, getting to the little kiddies early enough, making people compeletely dependent on government and forcing them not to just accept the lies, but to begin purveying the lies themselves.

Vaclav Havel described it all very well indeed.

Me? I'm still trying to come to grips with why Castro remains such a hero of the left when he was so keen on ordering lobotomies for homosexuals.

But hey, whatever I guess.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

ARen't you the one who argued that every Republican or conservative Christian everywhere is guilty of Koran burning, and every Pro-Life supporter is guilty of murder?


Why don't you stop addressing me until your memory improves? I've really got no time to waste debating things with people who make such wild errors even figuring out who they're talking to. Let alone what they said.

But I guess it would explain what comes across as your collectivization impulses.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The left is always touting its next "New Soviet Man".

Who is "the left" and what the heck is the "New Soviet Man?"

The rest of what you said was just as ridiculous, which is unfortunate given your better and less stern observations earlier in the thread.

Unfortunately however the 3:23 PM just comes across as paranoid conspiracy.

Drago said...

TTR: "Nope."

Well then you've got some catching up to do!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And you still haven't demonstrated any actual policy of WWII era Germany or Italy with which you disagree.

Oh, I know! As if it shouldn't be obvious anyway. Loyalty oaths for FDR-liberals on where they stand regarding the WWII alliance!

Keep on collectivizing, Vance! You're on a roll!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The left is always touting its next "New Soviet Man".”

Only in his imagination.

Drago said...

Inga: "Only in his imagination."

I forgive you your strained and purposeful ignorance.

Let's just say that you are doing a wonderful Walter Duranty impression, whether you know it or not.

Drago said...

Inga moves from pretending islamists aren't executing gays left and right to pretend the last 100 years hasn't happened.

Sometimes, allowing yourself to believe and behave as if history began anew this morning can be a real detriment to your perpetually-changing talking points.

But hey, it looks good on you!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Actually, did I say I was an FDR liberal?

I admire him and find him a hero but I'd really have to say I'm at least as much a TR liberal. Or TR progressive. Whatever he called himself.

I honestly don't care about the "size" of government as long as the useful business of our infrastructure is done. As well as an end to the corrupt idea of favoring an aristocracy in America and disfavoring the workers.

And neither do the Republicans. Trump and his followers think he's downsizing American government by leaving appointments vacant save for the fewest of cronies. (The EPA is reducing its numbers of scientists and increasing political appointments, as an example).

But Obama specifically asked the Republicans how big as a percentage of the American economy do they want the government to be. 20%? 18%? What, exactly?

And like everything else where he called their bluff they balked. It was all about the power, all along. Not figuring out a rational direction they wanted to work toward.

Michael said...

Nothing worse than a thinly educated leftie. Hardly ever, basically never, write "dialectic" and are clueless about the new man. Bourgeoise through and through. Sad.

Gahrie said...

Trump is Bart Simpson.

Thread winner.

Michael said...

Taking the ramparts with a mad on about infrastructure.

Gahrie said...

By the way....remember how outrageous The Simpsons and Married With Children were when they first went on the air?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Michael conflates American liberalism with Communism. He is a weak thinker, no better than Drago.

Drago said...

TTR: "But Obama specifically asked the Republicans how big as a percentage of the American economy do they want the government to be. 20%? 18%? What, exactly?

And like everything else where he called their bluff they balked."

Only a fool would offer a static answer to that question without specific context. What size government under what set of assumptions? What size of government under what portfolio of threats, opportunities?

I've heard republicans speak at length about the required size of government. There have been any number of treatises, white papers, studies, statements on the subject. However, there is no one absolute view. Obviously.

Michael said...

Trump is pulling the trouser leg in the first quarter: infrastructure. Will be double happy to see the Dems figure out how to weigh their Trump hatred against the possibility of getting big bucks for infrastructure. Trump will have the Republicans in a knot as well. Good times.

Drago said...

Inga: "Michael conflates American liberalism with Communism."

No he doesn't.

He conflates American leftism with communism. And it is fair that he does so as the entire left is marxist thru and thru.

Michael said...


Believe I used the term "progressive" which is a far far cry from a "liberal" or liberalism. Distinction with a difference for those with advanced degrees and/or curiosity about "reality."

Drago said...

Inga, perhaps you could advise your leftist pals to at least hide their Che t-shirts and Hammer and Sickle banners the next time you want to play dumb about American lefty pussy-footing with communism.

Michael said...

Che famously begged for his life. Told his captors he was worth more alive than dead. They disagreed. The murderous fuck is idolized by the progressives, loved actually.

Drago said...

Here's a Trump protestor who has nothing to do with communism:


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Only a fool would offer a static answer to that question without specific context. What size government under what set of assumptions? What size of government under what portfolio of threats, opportunities?

Jesus Christ. What kind of a benchmark are you going to use? The Republicans kept going on and on about size of government as a percentage of the economy. How quickly would those "portfolios" (is this an investment firm?) change? There has to be some stability, especially over a four year period or even two. You seem to use a moving benchmark to shift the goalposts. At some point either it's a real issue to the right or it's not. A chimera. And given what they've done to EPA - firing scientists and increasing political appointments - I think it was just a disingenuous pretend goal all along.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“...curiosity about "reality."”

If you had a curiosity about reality you would no longer be a Trump sycophant.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Inga, perhaps you could advise your leftist pals to at least hide their Che t-shirts and Hammer and Sickle banners the next time you want to play dumb about American lefty pussy-footing with communism.”

Drago, maybe you could advise your Trump supporting white supremacist neo Nazi pals not joyfully wave their swastika flags and maybe they could stop their damn fool stiff arm salutes to Trump during their recreations of a torchlight Nazi rally. Trumpism is doing more than pussy footing with white supremacy. Plus “Jews will not replace us!” kind of gives them and you away.

Amadeus 48 said...

Word of the day: sycophant--a servile, self-seeking flatterer.

I don't quite see the sycophancy towards Trump that is alleged by some commenters, but maybe some people (I'm looking at you, Inga) mistake praise for sycophancy. The praise for the president by members of Congress and the cabinet at the Tax Bill celebration seemed a bit rich, but I have heard worse at any Hollywood awards show. Remember the stuff they used to say about Harvey Weinstein? Remember the lavish, slavish praise heaped on Obama by Hollywood? And by those ferocious Obama lapdogs of the press?

My idea of true sycophancy was giving Obama the Nobel Peace Prize for getting elected against that crusty old sea-maverick, John McCain. Now THAT was some servile, self-seeking flattery.

The fact is that most people like their guy, and think the other guy is a dog. So if I name my dog Obama, is that insult or flattery?

Amadeus 48 said...

Inga, if I were Jewish, I'd be more worried about your pals.

Jon Ericson said...

You don't seem to be trying.
Moar ad hom!

Michael K said...

Boy ! I go to the store and come back to find the progs still throwing poo.

The anger and hate are not a good mental state for when the 2018 election disappoints you.

Michael Barone has some good advice, which you won't read.

On the contrary, Trump sees Iran as a clear enemy and Israel as a strong friend, and he looks with favor on the de facto, publicly unacknowledged alliance of Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and other Arab states. Left on the back burner are the long moribund Israel-Palestinian negotiations, once considered the key to solving every regional problem.

The national security strategy is even more explicit in promising to “increase quadrilateral cooperation with Japan, Australia and India.” This is another informal alliance, advanced intermittently by Trump’s predecessors, with the potential to cabin in China.

What a change from Obama and the public will start to see this in spite of the MSM lies.

As for the tax cuts, the left has sequestered itself on a pinnacle with no easy way down if it is wrong.

Too much poo throwing here. I prefer to read Richard Fernandez and his readers are intelligent.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I prefer to read Richard Fernandez and his readers are intelligent.

Translation: Easily pacified and just as selectively sensitive as I am!

Birkel said...

The long-term spending of the government is necessarily bounded by the long-term receipts of the government. Government receipts have been relatively stable over a long period of time, as a percentage of GDP. The behavior of people changes over time when rates change because people will not relinquish more than roughly 19.5% of their economic gain to government.

Look up the government receipts as a percentage of GDP and the answer becomes clear. Because math.

Drago said...

Ingas islamist pals are attacking jews everywhere and literally driving them out of long established neighborhoods across Europe.

Ingas response?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing...except for demanding even more of them be brought to the US.

Inga thinks we dont notice this.

Even better, Israel is naming a train station after Donald Trump. In Jerusalum!

Who should I believe regarding Trump?

The Israelis or some pro-islamist anti-filipino chick from wisconsin?

Its a tough call, but Ill stick with the israelis!


Seeing Red said...

“...curiosity about "reality."”

If you had a curiosity about reality you would no longer be a Trump sycophant.

12/30/17, 4:18 PM

Reality is a personal construct.

Just like biology.

Seeing Red said...

Man-made Climate change tho....

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Proof the collective Democrat progressive left side with the Mullahs of Iran.

Seeing Red said...

Michael conflates American liberalism with Communism. He is a weak thinker, no better than Drago.

Nah, we just listen to your leaders.

FullMoon said...

Who should I believe regarding Trump?

The Israelis or some pro-islamist anti-filipino chick from wisconsin?

Chick? Very gentlemanly. Old hen realistically appropriate.

Drago said...

"Chick? Very gentlemanly. Old hen realistically appropriate."

The California in me is fairly well ingrained.

Seeing Red said...

Inga, perhaps you could advise your leftist pals to at least hide their Che t-shirts and Hammer and Sickle banners the next time you want to play dumb about American lefty pussy-footing with communism.

I thought Inga lived here before Trump was elected? That's when they were shocked, shocked! To find out there was gambling going on.

Where has she been the last few decades?

Or even the past couple of years with Bernie and de Blasio and a few in the Obama admin? Much less Tip -ignore Reagan, we will work with you-- O'Neil?

Then there was the dust up with the Rosenbergs, Nixon, Hiss, Reagan, much less in FDR's cabinet.

And how can we forget Carter?

Drago said...

Who can forget the absolute lovefest between Jim Wright and the congressional dems with Little Danny Ortega?

And dont even get me started on how
Brennan voted Communist Party in the '70s and Teddy Kennedy, when he wasnt busy manslaughtering a young woman actually conspired with the Soviets against Reagan, eho was also called every single thing the lefties are calling Trump?

Seeing Red said...

Ooh ooh


The dem Congress sold them out.

Seeing Red said...

The Democratic Party dominated the House of Representatives during the administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933–1945), often winning over two-thirds of the seats. Both Democrats and Republicans were in power at various times during the next decade. The Democratic Party maintained control of the House from 1955 until 1995.

Rusty said...

"And given what they've done to EPA - firing scientists and increasing political appointments - I think it was just a disingenuous pretend goal all along."

Ah. You mean the wildly incompetent EPA, that under Obama's leadership manages to pollute a whole watershed with toxic chemicals? A rational person would the winnowing of the EPA incompetent personnel as a positive.

Jon Ericson said...

Break's over.

Bruce Hayden said...

“On the contrary, Trump sees Iran as a clear enemy and Israel as a strong friend, and he looks with favor on the de facto, publicly unacknowledged alliance of Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and other Arab states. Left on the back burner are the long moribund Israel-Palestinian negotiations, once considered the key to solving every regional problem.”

The Palestinians have never been more than surrogates for the Islamic world. The ones who left would have been far better off if they had stated, but the Arab states surrounding Israel in 1949 talked them into leaving, and they did. And if they weren’t constantly getting arms from Islamic States, they would have sued for peace decades ago. Most recently, their biggest supporter has been Iran, either directly, or through Syria. Which means that it is , now, Shiite funded and supplied terrorism. So, no surprise that much of the Sunni Arab world is now perfectly willing to sit on the sideline, in regards to the conflict between Israel and the Iranian backed Palestinians.

The difference between Trump and Obama here is that the former was a strong supporter of Iran and Shi’a Islam, while the latter recognized them for what they are - a major supporter of worldwide terrorism. I frankly would have been pelted Obama to give preference to Sunni Islam over the Shi’a version, given his Islamic upbringing. But apparently not. Without the US under Obama supporting the autocrats and clerics running Iran for the rest last 40 or years now, this latest Iranian unrest is going to be interesting. In the last uprising there, Obama very publicly sat on the sidelines, letting the ruling elites gun down the dissidents. Trump has already come out publicly in favor of the protesters, something that Obama never did, but should have. No one in the Sunni world, or really almost anywhere else outside Iran, Gaza, Syria, Obama, and some progressives would be sad if the Iranian ruling junta falls. And no doubt Israel and much of the US is rooting for the dissidents, since that would very likely mean much less unrest with the Iranian supported Palestinians.

Michael K said...

David Goldman ("Spengler" in Asia Times) has been discussing Iran and its collapsing birthrate for years.

It is lower than Europe's, whereas it was over 6 before the Revolution.

We could attribute that to prosperity and female empowerment if it was not a Muslim theocracy.

Mosque attendance has also collapsed and is now 2%, even in places like Qom.

I would much prefer to see the regime collapse than to see this innocent population incinerated in a futile religious war with Israel.

I suspect they feel the same way.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Inga said...
“I recommend, and I mean this, a change of venue. Go abroad, learn another language, a different frame of reference.”

But don’t go to the Philippines. Some of the most dangerously stupid nurses and doctors I worked with were Filipino.

12/30/17, 12:07 PM

On the bright side, unlike the Croats, they didn't contribute any divisions to the SS:

Waffen-SS foreign volunteers and conscripts - Wikipedia
Wikipedia › wiki › Waffen-SS_foreign_...
Jump to Croatia · Croatia[edit]. 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar (1st Croatian) · 23rd Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Kama (2nd Croatian)

So, they have that going for them.

History of the Jews in the Philippines - ...
Wikipedia › wiki › History_of_the_Jews...
The migration of Jews escaping Europe between 1935 and 1941 was the last major immigration of Jews to the Philippines. The first German Jews to arrive in Manila actually came ...
Spanish era
American era
Japanese invasion
Recognition of ...
How the Philippines saved 1,200 Jews during Holocaust - CNN - › 2015/02/02 › world › asia
Feb 3, 2015 · A group of European Jews fled the Holocaust in Europe to refuge in the Philippines, only to find themselves in the center of a bloody war in the Pacific.
When the Philippines opened its doors to Jewish refugees - Rappler
Rappler › move-ph › 173842-philippines...
Jun 24, 2017 · 'We would not be alive today if not for the Philippines,' says Lotte Hershfield , one of the thousand Jews who came to the country during World War II ...
Duterte, Philippines' Leader, Apologizes to Jews for Holocaust Remark - The ...
The New York Times › asia › d...
Oct 2, 2016 · MANILA — President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines apologized to Jews worldwide on Sunday after his remarks drawing comparisons between his ...
Rescue in the Philippines: Home
Rescue in the Philippines
This month, the world will know about Philippine Commonwealth Pres. Manuel L. Quezon and how he helped 1,305 German Jews escape Nazi persecution in 1939 by providing them ...
The Manila Poker Group That Rescued German Jews – Tablet Magazine
Tablet Magazine › manila-poker-group-r...
Aug 26, 2016 · This episode became the impetus for a Philippine plan to rescue German Jews from Nazi clutches. Of all the Far East sanctuaries, only one country deliberately ...

I will try to teach an America Pupo her basic arithmetic as long as she is willing to try to learn, which is forever, or until the summer program ends, which is OMG years ago.

Maybe more of nursing is brainwork now; but for mopping fevered brows, turning patients to avert bedsores, emptying bedpans, taking abuse with a smile, comforting the dying, I'm thinking that lady probably had very little to learn.

And there were plenty of American blacks in that program that were dumber than her, and plenty meaner. Too bad several generations of the American system hasn't improved them any.

Michael McNeil said...

Inga: “Michael conflates American liberalism with Communism.”
No he doesn't.
He conflates American leftism with communism. And it is fair that he does so as the entire left is marxist thru and thru.

I would admit that a difference exists between modern American leftists and forthright (oldstyle) communists. Communists would outright take over companies and whole industries and turn them into enterprises of the State — if they were permitted to exist at all — while heaven help one if they complain or resist. Resisters get starved to death like kullaks, or just receive a bullet in the back of the head.

Modern leftists, contrariwise — while nearly as unforgiving when encountering resistance or complaint — admit that (some) industries and enterprises might provisionally continue under non-State ownership — but no promises as to the future! Meanwhile, for the present remaining “private” firms must be straight-jacketed with a blizzard of regulations, demoralized by a relentless atmosphere of finger-pointing accusations and admonitions (“You didn’t build that!”), together with being tapped for explicit (“taxes”) and implicit costs until surviving companies are only somewhat anemic.

Then remaining firms — along with “capitalism” itself — get further berated for being insufficiently fleet, lightfooted, and entrepreneurial in a competitive world.

Anonymous said...

"Everyone " in DC goes to the same cocktail parties, at least if they have enough "pull."

Two friends of mine were orthopedic surgeons in DC for years and lived in Chevy Chase. They also went to the cocktail parties, which seem to be the principle off-duty hour entertainment. These people are all government employees or are employees of those dependent on government largess, such as lobbyists and lawyers.

"I'm not sure they get marching orders from the DNC but I doubt they need them.

The Administrative State has been building, really since the McCain Finegold Law put staffs in charge of legislation and made Congress persons responsible solely for fund raising.

I am convinced that ill-fated bill, written by do-gooder Finegold and Keating 5 alumnus McCain, wrecked the Article I part of the government.

Now, the "members" spend all their time "Dialing for Dollars" and the bills are written by 25 year old lawyers with the aid of lobbyists and then turned over to federal employees who used to be Congressional staffers to write the regulations."

That's it! Real good stuff, Doc. Keep it coming.

Michael McNeil said...

It’s telling that Ritmo dismisses efforts to cut back that regulatory burden on (large and small, but especially small) businesses as “petty minor tweaks” (which they probably are, thus far) — but no doubt would continue to bitterly oppose the continuing efforts by this administration to make those “tweaks” eventually add up to a very significant lightening of that regulatory straightjacket on the overall economy.

Leftists of course ridicule the very idea of attempting to boot-strap the economy by “tweaking” overall policy in this way. To me their reaction sounds like whistling past the (elephant in the) graveyard of “what if it really works!?” But time will tell in this regard — if one can avoid having the left abort this great experiment before it’s half tried.

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