Retweet if you agree that, each time @realDonaldTrump says “fake news,” he’s subliminally channeling “fuck news.”
— Laurence Tribe (@tribelaw) December 29, 2017
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Retweet if you agree that, each time @realDonaldTrump says “fake news,” he’s subliminally channeling “fuck news.”
— Laurence Tribe (@tribelaw) December 29, 2017
Has Laurence Tribe ever apologized for giving us Barack Obama?
This is the language of Harvard Law? Is he trying to be cool with his young upstart students? Disgraceful.
Tribe said...
Retweet if you agree that, each time @realDonaldTrump says “fake news,” he’s subliminally channeling “fuck news.”
Tribe in his dotage is mishearing Trump's Queens dialect, it's "fuck yous [all]!"
No, LT, though we know you "teach" and you like to "deconstruct" obvious language, what Trump means when he says fake news is "fake news." A lot of the real world, the normal world, communicates in this strange way,.
Trump derangement syndrome
Do you realize how foolish this tag sounds? Just what kind of disagreement with a clearly unhinged Oval Office resident is it supposed to proscribe (or permit)? The implication that Trump isn't crazy enough to drive normal people up a wall is clearly not shared by a majority of the country. Or are they all crazy too, in your opinion?
Only since you mentioned it. Thanks, Larry!
Do you realize how foolish this tag sounds?
It only seems foolish to a fool.
It only seems foolish to a fool.
I was going to use a different, unkinder word, but clearly you also place yourself squarely in the shrinking minority that hates the rest of the country. Or as I call them, "real Americans."
Yep. They're all crazy but you and your fact-free leader are somehow the sane ones. BTW, how's that embassy move to Jerusalem working out? Clearly we can find at least one or two other countries in the world that are willing to be dragged down with us. America vs. The World. What a winning cause. Let me know when you finish taking them all over, one-by-one. They're all mad. You are the one in the right. The self-righteous right, at least.
Is there a Trump Derangement Syndrome Derangement tag?
And Trump is the vulgar one?
Stay classy Lefties
So when Hillary trotted out "fake news" as the first excuse for why she lost, she was really saying "fuck news." Larry you need to give up the weed. You're starting to sound like a burnout.
And slightly off topic but when I first heard "fake news" I immediately thought wow that sounds like the media stories everyday. I had no idea Trump would take that phrase and shove it so far up their asses. One of the reasons I warmed to Trump. He fights their bullshit.
And some people see the word “Nig” on a pair of pajamas. Some people just imagine odd things.
And Trump is the vulgar one?
Stay classy Lefties
He was speculating on Trump's highly dismissive and vulgar state of mind so only a Trumputard would confuse that with Tribe's own state of mind.
“ and your fact-free leader are somehow the sane ones.”
News media gets a lot of stories wrong - gets the facts wrong. Does it all the time. Not occasionally. Regularly.
Trump calls them on it. Labels it fake news.
And Trump obsessed haters sanctimoniously howl that Trump is anti fact and is trying to destroy the press.
Now who is the delusional group?
This sort of thing always makes me wonder: was this person always crazy, and I just never noticed it? I used to admire Tribe.
Or did they just have a weak spot, mentally, that was hidden and inactive, until Trump just happened to bang right on the button?
TDS lives in the heads of lefties like Tribe and Ritmo.
And Inga.
Inga: "And some people see the word “Nig” on a pair of pajamas. Some people just imagine odd things."
Like having too many personnel on an Island can cause it to tip over.
Or that astronauts from the US planted a US flag on Mars, as opposed to the moon.
News media gets a lot of stories wrong - gets the facts wrong. Does it all the time. Not occasionally. Regularly.
Trump calls them on it.
And where's his credibility on that? Just yesterday he repeated the well-known canard of confusing climate with weather. He knows the things he says are untrue. Truth for him is whatever advances his agenda. He confuses himself with the truth. But so do you guys so there you go.
The people of Pittsburgh wanted him out of the Paris Accords - despite the fact that 80% of them voted for Hillary. The guy's a nutcase. And tell us about that biggest inaugural crowd ever, once again. The guy is a complete stranger to objective reality. All narcissists are. They are delusional and filter all reality through the litmus test of how does it either puff them up or break them down. I guess that's a mindset you followers of his must relate to.
Why choose?
The thing about dog whistles; if you hear it, then you're the dog.
...lefties like Tribe and Ritmo...
Good. You want to conflate me with a respected legal scholar. I can live with that.
In Trump-World, by contrast, there is no respect for rule of law and a felt need to replace it with strong-man anarchy and vigilantism. Like what happens when you gun someone down in broad daylight in Midtown Manhattan and claim that you wouldn't lose voters.
This insight of his speaks to the basic lawlessness of the Trump voter. They have no psychological boundaries, so behavioral and social boundaries have no appeal to them, either.
It must be maddening to have no person or policy to be for, to have nothing but Trump-Hate. I'd be trolling, too.
TTR: "And where's his credibility on that?"
In all the retractions and "clarifications" and firings of reporters/editors by the media.
But that's all.
No where else.
So it looks like you've got him!
It must be maddening to have no person or policy to be for, to have nothing but Trump-Hate.
Everything he touches, turns to shit. We've seen this story before. 1929. 2008. And that's just the economics. He's doubling down on disaster as a governing philosophy.
The gears of the great American system and government turn very slowly, but there will be repercussions to his recklessness and carelessness. Not today. And not tomorrow. It's a slow, steady slog to unpreparedness before the things you're meant to remain prepared for bit you in the ass.
But he does hate Muslims so let's pretend that they're the only problem in the world.
“Or did they just have a weak spot, mentally, that was hidden and inactive, until Trump just happened to bang right on the button?”
The ailment is called advanced stage of pride.
C S Lewis said the essence of pride is competition. Remove the competition and pride is gone. Pride creates a reaction to fight back in that competition. The struggle is to not loose to - not “go below” those with whom one is competing. Advanced stages of pride creates an even stronger fight (or fight back) in that struggle. Eventually the competition becomes the all, and bends all other things to its demands. It bends truth, perception, reason, and self restraint. They are so dedicated to the struggle to excel above others, they can’t stop the fight when they should. It becomes a scorched earth battle. This is what destroyes families, groups, and nations.
What has changed is that the left believed for many years that they were ‘winning’ in their “competition”, which “winning” became the basis for their self worth, value, and superiority. Trump surprised them and caused them to feel like they were now losing in the competition. Their sense of value and superiority was challenged.
In all the retractions and "clarifications" and firings of reporters/editors by the media.
One must appease the king as he makes all news about himself. No petty detail will go unscrutinized! The press is the enemy of the candidate of the people for whom 3 million less people voted for. It's that evil press (designated as an enemy by many tyrants throughout history) whose accountability should somehow matter more than his own, right?
I never heard a single one of these die-hard Trumputards ever explain to me what accountability would look like or how it would be measured. Other than decreasing immigration. They too know that even his campaign "promises" were as opportunistic as his definition of the truth.
“In all the retractions and "clarifications" and firings of reporters/editors by the media.”
Drago believes that news from right wing sites like Breitbart, WND, Infowars, and Gateway Pundit are the only trustworthy ones. At least MSM is willing to make retractions, corrections and fire reporters and editors who didn’t do their jobs ethically. Not so Drago’s chosen news sites, they just go by the drek they publish and their readers eat it up.
Tribe should host the Academy Awards.
How long will we have to hear silly complaints from those still terminally jealous of Trump's leadership style. Deal with it. The man has weaponized the English Language and withit mobilized the Deplorables and with them he wins every battle. They see in him that Trump is as courageous as they are.
I do have to give the lefties at Althouse alot of credit. None, as of yet, have become so unhinged as to scream at a Trump robot at Disney.
So, kudos lefties. Well done.
The ailment is called advanced stage of pride.
Did I just hear a Trump voter criticizing "pride," even "superiority?"
It is but to laugh.
But then, narcissists have low self-esteem in that all that self-pride is not really directed toward a stable sense of self in the first place, but an false image.
He was speculating on Trump's highly dismissive and vulgar state of mind so only a Trumputard would confuse that with Tribe's own state of mind.
Show me where Trump used the word "fuck" in a tweet.
At least MSM is willing to make retractions...
This was pointed out against O'Reilly when he talked about all those Peabody awards he didn't win. He just made up the backstory so that he didn't have to retract. Reinvent the record so that you don't have to correct it. It's a right-wing specialty.
Toothless, I've been reading your stuff on this post. May I suggest a cup of cocoa and a blankie, and a little time out in the corner?
And as for Lawrence Tribe--he might listen to Michelle Obama who (while living her very own alternate reality said), "They go low and we go high". Anyway, stay classy Larry.
Show me where Trump used the word "fuck" in a tweet.
Trump is very dignified, never swears and only puts his "thoughts" into tweets. Right.
Sometimes I feel that the pundits who complain Trump is beneath the dignity of the office are really just trying to beat him to it.
May I suggest a cup of cocoa and a blankie, and a little time out in the corner?
Truth is more soothing. Why must your "tribe" invent stuff to feel successful or capable of self-worth?
You know , Althouse, if it wasn’t for reading you and Glenn Reynolds, I would look at Laurence Tribe and Barack Obama and assume that Con Law is where law faculties put their most brain dead tenured professors.
How long will we have to hear silly complaints from those still terminally jealous of Trump's leadership style.
Style? How pathetic. It's called lying.
His non-truth telling "style." Give me a break.
“He was speculating on Trump's highly dismissive and vulgar state of mind so only a Trumputard would confuse that with Tribe's own state of mind.”
“Show me where Trump used the word "fuck" in a tweet.”
Trump has a potty mouth.
Oh, that's right! He called the Chinese "motherfuckers."
Trump voters have extremely short memories. They have to.
They couldn't get away with the things they believe if they didn't.
Trump Forgetfulness Syndrome.
Trump Senility Syndrome.
When you're so focused on making up whichever "truth" you think will fit your feelings, that you can't even remember what you said.
It's a clinical pathology of right-wing politics.
A guy walks into a bar and it's completely covered with Ritmo shit.
He then walks out and finds another bar.
An accurate observation from five years ago It's a given that as soon as Ritmo shows up the
thread is destroyed. There will be no good
discussions afterwards.
3/2/13, 3:25 PM
Watch Trump drop the F Bomb 5 times in 74 seconds.
"Did I just hear a Trump voter criticizing "pride," even "superiority?"
It is but to laugh."
First, I didn't vote FOR anybody. I voted against somebody I felt was corrupt and incompetent.
Second, you did hear it. it seems to me that both sides - both political parties - are suffering from the same malady of Pride. I am talking about a principle, not a party or a person.
That you have to polarize a discussion of principle into "your group" and "those guys" is revealing.
First, I didn't vote FOR anybody. I voted against somebody I felt was corrupt and incompetent.
So did I. I voted against TWO corrupt incompetents.
One was Trump, one was someone else.
That you have to polarize a discussion of principle into "your group" and "those guys" is revealing.
Trump does nothing to speak for me, and makes almost everything about identity politics - WHITE identity grievance politics - so I don't have any problem identifying with nearly everyone opposed to him.
Inga said...
Watch Trump drop the F Bomb 5 times in 74 seconds.
12/29/17, 6:25 PM
Thanks for that, it was great. The real deal, not a phony pretending to never use coarse language. A normal person.
I know I am.
Fuck D-Crat news.
Fake as in Water Closet, where Obama spied on the Republican presidential candidate (and other Americans), and Clinton/DNC/Press (JournoLists)/foreign interests (e.g. Kiev) colluded to influence the election and abort Republicans (and Democrat) candidates.
It's the fourth trimester. He's viable. Sheath the scalpels. Think of the babies!
Delusions can be ugly when they are out in daylight.
It's amusing with Inga. Less so with R/V and www.
With some others it is just ugly and demented.
Blogger Humperdink said...This is the language of Harvard Law? Is he trying to be cool with his young upstart students?
That Eminem freestyle rap resonated with him.
A. I never much liked Tribe; I like him less and less all the time.
B. I enjoy Althouse's now-semi-regular takedowns of Tribe.
C. I think it's a frankly weird Tweet from Tribe; no it never occurred to me to hear "fake news" as "fuck news."
D. Is Tribe's Tweet any weirder than the stuff that is regularly getting churned out by Scott Adams?
Chuck, you should have stopped at "C."
Sometimes Fake News is just Fake News.
It could also be heard as fuck ewes.
But if bent on coarsening it, fucked news is the winner.
As in "CNN, you are fucked news!"
Trump should retweet, with something like “great minds think alike.”
"With some others it is just ugly and demented"
True, but nevertheless I delight in their derangement. It feeds my schadenfreude and it's fascinating and illustrative of similar lapses of reason in history. How could anyone convince themselves to support a Lenin, a Hitler, a Pol Pot? Watching the Ritmos, Chucks, and Ingas willfully detach themselves from reality explains a lot.
There is no better place than the Althouse blog to come and relish the Trump victories and their impact on the left. No other president, other than every other Republican president, has caused the left to cheer for the decline of the American economy, to pray for economic collapse, to wish for bad news. No other president, other than every other Republican president, has been as hated.
No matter how great my day has gone it cheers me still to see the crazy our President has brought into the open. Fanfuckingtastic.
You can trust Chuck Todd(D) and Brian Ross and George Clintonopolis, and the cast at MSNBC and the cast at the Clinton News Network.
Democrat operatives with bylines. Trust, baby. Maybe they can get jobs at the FBI?
Blogger Michael K said...
Chuck, you should have stopped at "C."
"D." was the whole point.
Your comment is satisfaction to me, that I made the point as intended. I am mostly an Althouse reader, and admirer. Mostly.
No other president, other than every other Republican president, has caused the left to cheer for the decline of the American economy, to pray for economic collapse...
So "the left" and their "cheering" caused 1929 then? And 2008?
Nothing brings out the irrational more in the GOP's fellow narcissists than Republican greed. This time with someone more unhinged than most, but just as unhinged as the narcissist quoted above.
He hears what he wants to hear. Self-fulfillment. Or, perhaps, self-compassion.
LLR Chuck: "D. Is Tribe's Tweet any weirder than the stuff that is regularly getting churned out by Scott Adams?"
Yes. Much. Not even in the same universe.
Nice deflection which also helpfully maintains your near perfect deflection record in support of lefties.
Apparently Trump has a potty mouth and the Outrageously Outraged lefties are heading for their fainting couches.
As Joe Biden might say, this is a big f****** deal.
Nothing tops Soros-t-crat and corruptocrat Greed, other than Hillary herself. with a peppering of Botox Nancy and her side-kick First Class Seat Stealer.
Only thinly educated bourgeois lefties would think that their cheering for economic collapse would actually cause it. Telling.
As Madonna and Ashley Judd would say F### Y### F### Y### DIE DIE DIE!
Does record breaking winter cold cast doubt on climate predictions of milder winters?
It was in the mid 80's here in SoCal today...
Tribe is a "public intellectual", it's his brand, it's his schtick.
So he has to say things, in public.
Whether they are in his field or not.
And his fan base will not hear anything for Trump, but will reward him with approval for anti-Trump.
It makes the whole business rather cut and dried.
He doesn't have to be very original.
Show me where Trump used the word "fuck" in a tweet.
Trump is very dignified, never swears and only puts his "thoughts" into tweets. Right.
So you can't. Thought so.
In other news
Re other events of significance:
And in the brave new world
Your comment is satisfaction to me, that I made the point as intended.
Chuck, all I can say is watch this.
That's satisfaction for me.
A legal scholar isn't much good at postmodernism.
Quine made a similar mistake with Derrida.
Trump don't channel.
Does record breaking winter cold cast doubt on climate predictions of milder winters?
Does the fact that one region's monthlong weather still not equate to "climate" dissuade the ignorance of the denialists? Of course not. Learning the difference would literally melt their tiny, emotional brains. And their love of coal - the industry that employs fewer Americans than Arby's!
What other dying or dead industries would the denialists seek to artificially resuscitate? It's hard to say. Few offer the opportunity to degrade environmental standards as much as coal runoff does.
trace molecule... leading climate explainers....
Fascinating. What's the lethal dose of ricin, VX, polonium-210, diphtheria toxin, etc.? According to the biophobes, if it "feels" like a small number to them, then its effect on physical or biological systems must be negligible. Didn't ya know that's how science works? If a right-wing nut job "feels" that the number is too small, it can't be associated with ANY scientific phenomenon. That's how it works. These gatekeepers line up on your cells and keep the evil polonium-210 out, but only BIG quantities of it. Little teensy, tiny quantities are ok. Just tell it to the researcher who died after several months of spilling two drops of an organic mercury compound on the glove of her hand. It was not enough, protesteth the douchebag! Two drops? How can two drops do anything? Too small! Too little! Trace amounts! Bah humbug!
Using the old "What he REALLY Means is.."
is a sign you ain't got nothing.
But stupid people fall for it.
@ Michael K
Your link didn't take.
If Tribe can really read minds, he's wasting his time as a Law Professor.
Mid 60's San Francisco Bay Area.
Typical right-wing non-thinking: Global averages are measured where I am! Right now!
And they say they're not narcissists.
Right wing navel gazers need more navel to gaze at. Gluttonous belly getting too big to see navel.
More navels. Need more navels. Our vision is not good enough.
I have a hard time believing Toothless doesn't know how unhinged he sounds.
Tribe is much louise mensch in slacks with a law degree, consider he had been under consideration for supreme court justice, but he never made the final cut, even by his star pupil obama
I have a hard time believing Toothless doesn't know how unhinged he sounds.
I have an easy time believing that you are satisfied with appearances as if they were realities.
Remember, it's all about gazing down at your navel, going deep inside yourself, and replacing what is with what you feel.
You right-wingers have a lot of feelings. Very emotional people. And no boundaries. But definitely not unhinged, right?
Ladies and gentlemen, the esteemed Harvard faculty in a nutshell.
Lauer, paging Matt Lauer to the white courtesy phone please. He's BACK baby!
Wait and they no longer have derrick bell on staff, whose paranoia is legendarily he along with Roberto x hunger made up the core of obamas mentors there.
How stark raving was bell, this crazy.
Whuut? If that proves climate change will kill us all, well, ok then.
It proves that when you say "trace amounts" of anything can't have an effect on something else that you are just full of bovine belching gas, young toadstool.
Carbon dioxide is not naturally toxic or else people would be dead. From all the exhalation around them, unlike say mercury.
Carbon dioxide is not naturally toxic...
No one said that it was; that wasn't the point. But as long as you say so, I suggest you try breathing it at a 10 - 15% concentration for a prolonged period of time and see what happens. You would do all of humanity a favor that way.
Right-wingers are incapable of getting anything right, it seems.
Your using the Chewbacca defense aren't yoy?
This sort of thing always makes me wonder: was this person always crazy, and I just never noticed it?
Trump Derangement Syndrome seems to be strongest among the academics. Democrat politicians and lefty activists can be forgiven for opposing Trump (albeit with lies most of the time) because opposing Trump is in a certain sense their job – even their duty. But the academics and intellectuals (like Tribe) are supposed to be able to think clearly. And the elite GOP in congress have been exposed as outright traitors. Ditto “conservative” pundits such as Goldberg, Podhoretz and Kristol.
Trump is driving them crazy with the tweets. Early on they declared the tweets “un-presidential” and the deep disappointment that they cannot stop the tweets is among the factors that is causing TDS. Early hot pundit opposition to Trump seems to be a predictor of TDS.
Once they double-down they have no choice but to continue to double-down but nobody that matters is listening. They are relevant and read now mainly by the lefties and the “conservative” anti-Trumpers.
And where's his credibility on that? Just yesterday he repeated the well-known canard of confusing climate with weather.
It’s always amusing to see anti-Trumpers completely miss the mark on the tweets. Dear commentor – can you not recognize irony when you see it? You are not going to get any help from me - you’ll have to puzzle it out yourself.
The thing about dog whistles; if you hear it, then you're the dog.
Sometimes the one-line comments are the best. Succinctly done.
Is Tribe's Tweet any weirder than the stuff that is regularly getting churned out by Scott Adams?
Adams has the advantage of being correct in his predictions. Tribe and his ilk have none of that type of credibility.
It’s always amusing to see anti-Trumpers completely miss the mark on the tweets. Dear commentor – can you not recognize irony when you see it? You are not going to get any help from me - you’ll have to puzzle it out yourself.
Translation: Dear Leader Trump speaks a magical nonsense language that only we Trumputards can understand. But somehow "dog whistles" don't exist.
Like Rodney danferfiekd famously said 'he really seems to care, about what I have no idea'.
ob Boyd said...
@ Michael K
Your link didn't take.
The first time I posted it it didn't but I deleted and reposted the link. It just worked fine for me.
Just yesterday he repeated the well-known canard of confusing climate with weather.
Overlooked in the fuss is the sobering new scientific consensus that we are entering a period of reduced sunspot activity and that this could presage another period of global cooling such as happened during the Maunder Minimum. We may soon need all the CO2 we can generate.
I wonder whether Tribe remembers that Trump didn't originate the phrase "fake news". It was a year or so ago when faithful Democratic media and cultural leaders started chin-pulling about the dangers of "fake news", the peril that the Republic falls into when people start reading "fake news", and how social-media websites and various self-appointed authorities should consider methods of suppressing "fake news".
Then Trump started saying, "No, YOU'RE the 'fake news'." And now it's some evil phrase with hidden meanings.
Trace amounts can have an effect indeed, consider metallurgy.
On the other hand, this and all else needs proof through experimentation. Effects on toxicity (and metallurgical qualities) can easily be tested.
CO2 effects on "climate" however defined cannot really be tested.
A laboratory experiment, where variables are controlled, can show effects of a slight change in gas mixture in permeability of IR radiation. But on its own the increase in CO2 so far observed, or likely to occur, yield extremely small global temperature changes, that are nowhere near even reliably observed changes. So much for the laboratory.
So if one insists on claiming that increases in CO2 substantially increase the global temperature, one must find some mechanism by which an increase in CO2 works like an input signal to an amplifier. But here you run into the question of generally modelling climate. This is not the lab anymore, there are enormous numbers of uncontrolled variables; more, we have no idea what all the variables are. And we are unable to test anything.
An increase in CO2 has to affect something or some things else, of more weight, to have a significant effect. But, beyond speculation, and models (built on speculation), there is no proven or even observed mechanism.
So you are left with climate models, attempted simulations of the whole system, poorly understood as it is. Its hubris to assume adequacy of any of these models.
Ladies and gentlemen, the esteemed Harvard faculty in a nutshell.
@chuck (lowercase 'c'), I see what you did there. Very nice.
Right Mike. Atmosphere has no relation to climate.
Can you name a planetary or sub-planetary object without an atmosphere then that even has a climate?
You're autistic dude. You should like objective reality. Not get overwhelmed in it.
"Climate Depot" is a crank propaganda website.
" Its hubris to assume adequacy of any of these models."
When the left supports nuclear power, I will pay attention to what they say.
There are much better reactors coming and they have no excuse except that 1950s KGB disinformation campaign that is still working.
@Toothless, I'm merely pointing to what climate scientists are saying about our own planet. Can you not read?
Now, to give context to Trump - re climate and weather, consider that Jerry Brown, Governor of California, is certain (he has said this often, going back quite a long time), that California droughts are due to "climate change". So again this year, which is shaping up to be another drought year. But last year, which was extremely wet, wasnt.
It seems to be OK to blame "climate change" for the weather, for some people, but not the other way, for other people. There is something other than categories, meanings, or science about all this.
"Climate Depot" is a crank propaganda website.
Attack the messenger, ignore the truth of the message.
So the short answer here is the same old tactic. When President Trump is not following the script laid out by the hack media, a person that self identifies as a scholar, just makes suff up. If President Trump is as crude as the scripted narrative portrays, why does a Harvard Prof feel the need to lie?
Tribe needs to read more Greenwald. This tweet is essentially a denial that the the media ever peddles fake stories.
Anyone remember when the French Quarter of New Orleans was erased, and the thousands dead at the stadium?
Not all women can climax during intercourse, and have fuck orgasms.
So if one insists on claiming that increases in CO2 substantially increase the global temperature, one must find some mechanism by which an increase in CO2 works like an input signal to an amplifier.
I think you'll find it on Venus. Try finding "the mechanism" there.
Things exist regardless of their explanation.
Buwaya patiently, fatherly...
You miss having a daddy, do you?
Honey bu buwaya, I think Full Moan wants you to adopt him.
He might even want to rewind things and recreate his conception by swimming (back) up into your pee pee and hugging you from the inside, given how much he hates heterosexual sex.
More nasty personal stuff from the troll.
"Climate Depot" is a crank propaganda website.
Attack the messenger, ignore the truth of the message.
Mary had a little lamb. Its fleece was white as snow.
Stop attacking the messenger and listen to the truth in this nursery rhyme!
The sunspot bullshit has been debunked multiple times. People stop listening after a while. Except for the denialists. But the denialists have no choice. They're on a mission from god - much like the Blues Brothers - to disprove the link between climate and the one thing that we know is absolutely necessary to even have a climate - the atmosphere.
They're nuts. This is the power of delusion in right-wing perception and the extent to which money controls what they think and believe.
Now, now, Ritmo.
I know you can think your way out of a paper bag.
You have a brain, misused, often enough, but its there.
And I know you have dad issues.
The one is in the way of the other.
I think you should consider therapy.
Sincere suggestion.
Nobody can "debunk" "sunspot bullshit" because there is no way to do that. There isn't any way to test; and there is no way to know what interactions this or any other variable has with any other mechanism. Differences in solar irradiance is a weak variable just like CO2 concentration.
Tribe is a pathetic brat. Most overrated legal scholar ever. Thinks everything Trump says and does is a crime. Total kook. #TrumpDerangementSyndrome
And I know you have dad issues.
Tell me about them.
Since it looks like you're conceding your lost point on CO2 vis-a-vis Venus, I suppose we must now focus on psychoanalyzing this need you have to pretend you're everyone's daddy on the blog.
My relationship with my father is fine. Always was. Speak to him regularly. He never talked down to me. I think that's what you believe parents should do, though. Which is why you're wrong. It's also why you keep ignoring the substantive points on everything just to make poetic manifestoes instead though and to fling psycho-babble about how you're the blog's godfather. It's so icky and creepy I don't even know what to say. But I guess that's just how you conservatives are. It's really impossible for any of you to relate to people as equals, isn't it? Everything's a damn hierarchy.
My dad hated authority just as much as I do. End of story. Neither one of us are submitting to your need to be listened to as if the content of your speech wasn't what mattered. That's what Islam's for. Go talk to them about submission and male authority instead. I heard they love that shit.
Translation: Dear Leader Trump speaks a magical nonsense language that only we Trumputards can understand.
The anti-Trumpers are puzzled and frightened of the tweets. “Magical nonsense language” = persuasion technique. But more than only Trumptards are listening.
Try not to respond, loser.
So you admit thinking that anyone who believes you post anything worth responding to is a loser. I think you may be on to something.... Losers responding to losers, only the latter "outs" himself as such. Well, thanks for that admission. Fake commenter seeks fake audience. Interesting goal to have in life!
“Magical nonsense language” = persuasion technique.
Mind control. Only the weak-willed get it. I admit to not understanding, but applaud the comfort you take in being brainwashed.
Ritmo is still not figuring out that no one cares what he thinks.
Although "thinks" might be a bit excessive.
Mostly obscenity and hate. No wonder people would think you have "dad issues."
I think you are lying about your father. I doubt you know who he is.
Well I don't crawl back up into his penis like you do, Full Moan. Why don't you tell us about your very own Dear Ole Dad! Or is he as obscure as your little missus, and all the sex you miss having with her?
Open up. Stop fixating on other people. Tell us about your self, Mr. Glass House.
Past tense, but you still speak to him. Not surprising. Does he reply?
Old people don't yammer on as much as you do. Unless they go senile. Is your dad as used to being as ignored as you are or something?
They also don't become as fixed in their opinions, if they have any sense.
Again, the ability to have real conversations would teach you these things. But you obviously grew up in a family of followers. That's just your tribe. Morons who don't shut up about trivialities and have nothing to say. No wonder you seek relief from it on a blog.
Toothless hates authority but works for the man five days a week, doing what he is told. Doesn't matter how demeaning or demoralizing.
Partially Explains his whiny attitude.
Note the imagination and projection in this raging rant. Its meaning is unclear, but perhaps someday it will be translated into English. Normal, healthy person English.
Oh, now I see what you weirdos are up to! Anyway, dads:
Matthew MacWilliams, a doctoral candidate at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, conducted a poll in which Republicans were asked four questions about child-rearing. With each question, respondents were asked which of two traits were more important in children:
independence or respect for their elders;
curiosity or good manners;
self-reliance or obedience;
being considerate or being well-behaved.
Psychologists use these questions to identify people who are disposed to favor hierarchy, loyalty and strong leadership — those who picked the second trait in each set — what experts call "authoritarianism." That many of Trump's supporters share this trait helps explain the success of his unconventional candidacy and suggests that his rivals will have a hard time winning over his adherents.
When it comes to politics, authoritarians tend to prefer clarity and unity to ambiguity and difference. They're amenable to restricting the rights of foreigners, members of a political party in the minority and anyone whose culture or lifestyle deviates from their own community's.
"For authoritarians, things are black and white," MacWilliams said. "Authoritarians obey."
Obey, authoritarians. I am your father.
We've got a Stanley Milgram experiment playing itself out right in this very thread.
Now, Ritmo made me look.
Venus' atmosphere is 96% CO2, not Earths' .04%
And its atmosphere is enormously more dense, @90x Earth atmospheric pressure at the surface.
So citing Venus as proof of - something - is very silly.
Its as if he was telling us to stay out of the swimming pool because of conditions at the bottom of the Philippine deep.
I won again
And what did you win? A prize in a Cracker Jack box?
...took the bait -
If you're admitting that you don't mean anything that you post, that it's all in bad faith, then just say so. Ironically, a right-winger who admits that he's a pathological liar needing attention that he doesn't even feel he deserves is more respectable than just playing a game to demonstrate all that while never flat-out copping to it.
Now, Ritmo made me look.
Venus' atmosphere is 96% CO2, not Earths' .04%
Well maybe you should have fackin' looked at it already, so-called blog godfather.
Again, the numbers aren't the point. Not when you deny the relationship altogether, let alone some unpredictable and pointless geometric-arithmetic distinction within it.
But the numbers are indeed the point.
There are all sorts of relationships, all sorts of effects of this or that in this extremely complex system. The question is whether they are significant.
Making predictions is the point of the "climate change" effort, and to do that the system must be understood. It really isn't.
Because you are weak and I am strong.
An educated, verbose, weak asshole.
So: Loves authoritarianism.
Resents everything he doesn't know (and can't participate in).
Knows he can't contribute or produce shit, and even feels only losers would respond to him! (Because obviously only a loser would respond to a "loser.")
That's not "strong." That's a baby whose resentments control and overwhelm him. And propel him to enmesh others in his attention-whore disease.
He's just another censor, like Kennedy, who wants to shut others up because they confuse him and make him feel small. Well, I guess that's not going to happen.
There are all sorts of relationships
And only one that you ignore and minimize. And even dismiss. The most important one.
All because your need to revive dead and/or dying industries demands it.
You've got a lot of work to do there, Blog Daddy!
"The most important one"?
Well, that is where your judgement fails in this case.
That is an extreme stretch, even in the speculative models.
Well, that is where your judgement fails in this case.
That is an extreme stretch, even in the speculative models.
Which of those "models" dismisses atmosphere as you do.
Again, tell me which celestial bodies have a climate but no atmosphere, genius. "Blog Daddy".
There is the other 99.96% of the atmosphere, and all the other known and unknown factors that affect its temperature.
And the question is about a very specific, very small factor (increase in CO2) and its influence on climate.
There is the other 99.96% of the atmosphere, and all the other known and unknown factors that affect its temperature.
This is really, truly one of the dumbest comments I've ever heard. But it explains the right-wing mental reality problem well.
It's like saying, of course that small amount of arsenic can't be poisonous! What about the 99.96% of the rest of all the things he ate or that comprised his body's biochemistry!
What about the 99.96% of the rest of the electrons that weren't moving in that live wire! Or the insulation around it! Of course it couldn't electrocute him!
The world is not a crossword puzzle or math problem, moron. Variables don't have to add up to 100% to work.
Of course that bullet couldn't kill him! What about the 99.96% of the rest of his body that wasn't displaced by a moving projectile!
Join the forces of reality, Self-Appointed Blog Daddy.
I call it the skydragin, because the effects are as mythical as those creatures and the cause is just as tenuous. But the purpose is to deprive the people of the life sustaining energy that keeps from a nasty brutish and short existence.
I have stated numerous times my comments are only to watch you respond like Pavlov's dog.
Definition of a troll. He posts nasty stuff to get replies.
Maybe you guys want to feed a troll but not me.
Here's the problem I have with Toothless, and others of that ilk. When the science agrees with their biases, then they'll defend it as fiercely as their lack of scientific education and mathematical skills will take them -- inventing "facts" as needed, and regardless of what one actually observes. When the science runs in the other direction, against their biases, then there's something wrong with it and only crazy right-wing nuts could believe that shit.
Toothless has his analog in the 1950s and 1960s KKK members who argued -- and just as vehemently as Toothless argues for Anthropogenic Global Warming -- that Black people could never be as intelligent as white people. You could point to brilliant Black scientists (and I had the good fortune to work with one back in the day), but they always had an answer. Deep down inside Toothless is just like them, differing only in where his bigotry lies.
"I have stated numerous times my comments are only to watch you respond like Pavlov's dog."
Definition of a troll. He posts nasty stuff to get replies.
Right. That's exactly what FullMoon admitted he was doing in the sentence you quoted. Moron.
You quoted him and thought you were quoting me. I guess you're not as astute a reader as you wish you were.
Now go pick up one of those books and try not to get confused between the different characters in it.
Here's the problem I have with Toothless, and others of that ilk. When the science agrees with their biases...
You mean, like your pro-coal and fossil fuel bias?
Climate Depot is crank propaganda bullshit. It's a way of bypassing peer review and any legitimate inquiry with fancy, low-tech graphics and other conspiratorial attention-getting stuff. Kind of like Pinocchio on Pleasure Island or neon lights.
Again, how do you have a climate without an atmosphere, if atmosphere is such a minor input? Riddle me that.
You can't.
@Fullmoon, I've skimmed Dr. K's book "War Stories," and intend to buy it as soon as I remember which of the unopened boxes from our move last year contains my Kindle.
Ya hear that, Dr. K? A full 50 cent royalty is coming your way! Any day now!
Scroll up.
Next blog...
It just occurred to me that I've conflated Laurence Tribe and Cass Sunstein for years.
Thanks walter.
I'll try to call out less lies next time, so that I make less of a mark.
You're welcome TTR,
You have so much wisdom to share.
Shame to spend it all here..
A banal sophmoric tweet from Tribe. One that does nothing to burnish his reputation. This activates Ritmo? This?
Did he even comment on it, specifically?
My sense is he rappels down a rope into existing exchanges and starts flingin' the shit for effect.
He just rides the squirrel like those horse creatures in last Jedi. You know jj you committed a capital offense with into darkness, you doubled down hare.
A fan of many concepts and buzzwords, he does not embrace "diminishing returns".
He says that like there's something wrong with it.
Tribe has a book coming out in May. Looks like it is on the 25th Amendment. Now that should be funny.
If that loon Tribe can publish a book, when does Althouse publish hers? 100x better than Tribe’s and sane.
Another thread completely crapped up beyond repair. Gee, thanks, TTR.
[TTR:] Since it looks like you're conceding your lost point on CO2 vis-a-vis Venus ...
At the 1000mb level, what is Venus's temperature?
Hearing hooves in the dark and looking for a Zebra
If that's what he hears then there is something seriously wrong with him.
Larry Tribe is proving his "intellectualness" with all his statements on twitter every day, and man does he work hard on it.
I Believe he is his own cocoon and he thinks of it that way and its all in his plan.
You can just tell he wants to emerge as a beautiful progressive butterfly on other end of his nightmarish lucid dream of twitter work.
I shake my head and just want to tell Larry this: No Sir, it means Fuck You and all of your Ilk.
The Deplorables
For unknown reasons I am intermittently able to understand n.n. and Narciso.
Here is Narciso on Tribe and the Harvard faculty.
Wait [a minute], these academics at Harvard come across as crazy] and [yet] they no longer have Derrick Bell on staff at Harvard. Bell's paranoia is celebrated in legend (the Space Traders). He along with Roberto Unger made up the core of Obama's mentors at Harvard.
How stark raving crazy was Derrick Bell? This crazy. Link to the Space Traders story
Here he is on climate change:
I call it [the climate change theory] the skydragon, because the effects are as mythical as those creatures and the cause is just as tenuous [slight, insubstantial, meager, flimsy, weak, doubtful, dubious, questionable, suspect]. But the purpose [is not tenuous, it is quite clear, it] is to deprive the people of [oil and coal], the life sustaining energy that keeps them from a nasty brutish and short existence.
Am I just used to them? Or are we advancing toward continually thinking about facts which only they used to contemplate?
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