... you can drop (or pick up) whatever you like.
That's just a shred of litter I saw on the ground and felt moved to stoop over and photograph.
Is that too profound to preclude my reminding you to shop at Amazon through the Althouse portal?
I searched for God at Amazon and found "God: A Human History," "God and Donald Trump," and Zeus Greek God Holding Thunderbolt Statue with Eagle.
Similarly, the sheer volume of information that was properly classified as Secret at the time it was discussed on email, that is excluding the "up classified" emails, supports an inference that the participants were grossly negligent in the handling of that information.
That would be criminal, of course, so the non partisan FBI agents made sure to edit that part out of the statement that exonerated Hillary well before the investigation had been completed that referred to criminality.
There's more in the letter here, which is unfortunately, an image, not searchable text.
Once in great while a song from the Forgotten Seventies will get played on the jukebox at the bar. But that is not typical: there is a reason those songs are from the Forgotten Seventies.
The songs of the Forgotten Seventies are perhaps best exemplified by Fleetwood Mac. If Fleetwood Mac had been forgotten. Which it hasn't. On Classic Rock radio you can still hear "The Chain," "Go Your Own Way," "Gold Dust Woman," etc etc. But the music of the Forgotten Seventies is all of the music that led to Fleetwood Mac.
The shell-shock of the crash of the Hippie Dream put a lot of Sixties musicians in disarray. We know this because they now made bad albums. Or they died. So sensitive new singers tried to take their place. Pretty harmonies, like the sixties, but please: No Big Hippie Dreams. A few became big: the Eagles, the aforementioned Fleetwood Mac. But then there were the others.
England Dan & John Ford Coley.
Seals and Crofts.
Captain & Tennille.
Loggins and Messina.
They weren't all duos, of course. But duos probably seemed safer. A lot of members in a band increases inner-group tensions dramatically. And, after the crash of the Hippie Dream, people were tired of inner tensions, musicians or otherwise. On a side note: a lot of these people went to Werner Erhard's EST seminars to try to get rid of those inner tensions. For some people the Smiley Face wasn't working.
Anyway, there still were bands. Bands that avoided tension in their music. Or anything that might cause tension, like a fast beat, say. But: pretty Sixties harmonies.
Air Supply.
And, of course, the singer-songwriters.
Christopher Cross.
Barry Manilow.
John Denver.
Michael Martin Murphey.
Now, "Wildfire" had some tension, but it was about a girl and her horse. Maybe the horse was a metaphor for the Sixties, but I think it was pretty much just a horse.
All of these artists, swallowed into the Forgotten Seventies. If a Forgotten Seventies song comes back it is probably because of a Geico commercial.
Then came a band that used these soft sounds, but couldn't help but add inner tensions, because most of the band members were fucking each other, and they wrote their songs about it.
So: Fleetwood Mac. And people found that they liked the inner tensions of rich celebrities, just not the inner tensions in their own lives. And because a lot of girls wanted to be Stevie Nicks, and a lot of guys wanted to fuck Stevie Nicks. Despite all the fucking gypsy scarves and shit. Stevie Nicks was definitely a Seventies Girl.
Fleetwood Mac cast a long shadow that obscured the memories of those denizens of Seventies AM Car Radio. Then, disco came along to the Forgotten Seventies. Which I will leave for another time. For now, I will leave you with this:
I was tired of my lady
We'd been together to long
Like a warn out recording of a favorite song
So while she lay there sleeping
I read the paper in bed
And in the personal columns
There was this letter I read
If you like piña colada's
And gettin' caught in the rain
If your not into yoga
If you have half a brain
If you like making love at midnight
In the dunes on the cape
I'm the love that you've looked for
Write to me and escape
Not quite Forgotten. But a lot of what wasn't quite Forgotten Seventies was instead more of a Seventies Hangover. And no one at the bar has ordered a piña colada lately. Or writes a personal column anymore, for that matter: that is what Tinder is for.
- james james
I've picked up a bunch of trash people left out on the BLM land, but so far I've left the deer carcasses there for the wildlife - crows, ravens, an occasional hawk, sometimes a fox, and (?) - because yuck!
(?) A week ago a guy cutting walking sticks told me he saw cougar prints, but I mostly think people like to scare themselves.
~ Fernandistein ~
Don't forget the magical duo of Starsky and Hutch.
Hey..this cafe thing is being "appropriated" over at Instapundit.
Can't remember if I saw this on Althouse or not. But this is a cool music video shot in zero gravity.
Searching for God on Amazon? You'd have better luck searching for mammon.
@Howard, if you check this thread. On the last cafe post you advised against using a dry well. May I ask why not?
I think this comment by Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke is worth a re-post:
Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke revealed today he has fired four senior managers at the Interior Department for inappropriate conduct, including sexual harassment.
“I’ve already removed four senior leaders that were guilty of inappropriate behavior and I will remove four hundred more if necessary. Intimidation, harassment and discrimination is a cancer to any organization. However deep it goes, we will remove it from Interior,”
Not that Zinke or anyone else in the GOP or the Trump administration will get any credit for rooting out harassment.
I searched for God at Amazon
You're possessed by Werner Herzog!
Bobby Scott D-VA, accused by ex-staffer of sexual harrassment and retaliation - i.e., Mira Sorbino\Ashley Judd blackblalling.
I don't recall who said that if this goes on there would be nothing left of the CBC.
Christmas comes to remember God comes to us in human form ( that's called the Advent). And the streets of heaven where he is right now are guarded by the USMC. So DJT visited the Marine Helicopter Squadron 1 while he confronted the FBI in Quantico today. He felt he needed to tell his Marines , " I will always have your back, just as I know you will always have mine, and have had mine."
Sounds like the Emperor has his Imperial Guard ready.
You can certainly look for God at Amazon.
The Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius Loyola - 99 cents on Kindle.
The Imitation of Christ - Thomas A Kempis - also 99 cents
The Way of Perfection - Teresa of Avila - expensive! $4.99 on Kindle
It's like the fortune cookie game '...in bed'.
Help! I'm being held in a Chinese bakery...with God.
And Amazon carries 16 editions of Institutes of the Christian Religion ( 2 at 99 cents), plus 2 more on Audible for 1 credit.
That French Trial Lawyers teaches Pauline Christianity best.
I understand that 700 employees have left the EPA since Pruit took over.
I can't get enough winning.
My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers (sort of). Timeless. Published in 1935. Available in 39 languages. Has never been out of print.
I have read all three of those books. Great stuff!
I thought that was the encarnatuon, national geographic gives Christians the kind of Bronx sheet, they would never give Islam.
I searched for God at Amazon
Looking for love in all the wrong places.
"I searched for God at Amazon"
I know Amazon is killing everything in its path -- but I thought God was already dead.
It is the presumption nay arrogance of the weak minded:
From God and Trump:
"Trump is an enigma, a brash self-promoter, casino owner, and man of the world. Yet he is also a devoted husband and father who has surrounded himself with men and women of faith and has made religion a key component of his image."
Are religious people this fucking stupid?
BTW, I consider myself religious. But after reading this, throwing up, and changing my shirt and pants, I am thinking God may have sent me a message to give up on religion.
A French drain is a trench fully or partly backfilled with graded gravel for the purpose of draining the surrounding soil and leading the water to some kind of outlet.
Today, the gravel is often enclosed within a drainage geo-textile to further hinder clays and silts from entering into the gravel interstices and blocking the drainnage. The term is also sometimes used for such a trench with a perforated pipe drain included.
A drywell a well backfilled to the top with graded gravel and stones, but used the other way around to take surface drainage and release it slowly into the surrounding soil, which then must have at least some porosity in order to drain the well over time.
(There are several such wells at ponding spots on local streets in the North Valley and they have worked well for decades now.)
Freeman Hunt may look into having a plumbing contractor use an air-hammer ram to install 1½ - 2" "Pex" tubing from a shallow ponding area in her front yard to an outlet in her lower back yard with some sort of filter head intake to prevent silt from plugging the line - removable so that she can hose it out once or twice a year, if needed.
It won't be cheap, but neither are French drains, and it won't harm her trees.
@Hagar, that explains why no dry well; my back yard has high clay content and isn't very porous.
I haven't heard much about Gen. Kelly lately.
And speaking of not hearing much about someone lately, any word on the motives of the L.V. Shooter?
The MSM pundits are now on air and in print stating that Roy Moore is a child molester, a pedophile, etc. This is assuming facts not in evidence, but will become "established facts" if this is allowed to go on.
These terms are not applicable to either the 14 year old or the 16 year old that these pundits presumably are referring to, and it should be noted that neither of these two can get their own families to back up their charges. This is still at best "she said/he said" situations.
As for dating 17 and 18 year olds - and so far "dating" is all that has been mentioned - it is quirky for a 34 year old man, but no way illegal or even particularly improper.
For example, no exception seems to have been taken by these same pundits to Barack Obama Sr. impregnating Stanley Annn Dunham at age 17, even though that obviously went well beyond "dating."
Blatt unter den Blättern
They made it about swamp creatures vs. swamp drainers. The creatures won this one, but I think it'll turn out to be a pyrrhic victory. The Senate will again become "the place where bills go to die," and the voters will be highly pissed by next November.
Big Mike,
Is it clay all the way down, or is there a sandy layer at a reachable depth?
For example, no exception seems to have been taken by these same pundits to Barack Obama Sr. impregnating Stanley Annn Dunham at age 17, even though that obviously went well beyond "dating."
I distinctly recall the NYT (or a mere writer for the Times) praising Stanley for her bravery -- for being so far ahead of her time.
The mere mention of Dunham gets me riled. She spent her entire adulthood abroad, inculcating her child into America-hatred. But when she got sick and she needed what she so thoughtlessly threw away, she came back begging.
Blogger chickelit said...I distinctly recall the NYT (or a mere writer for the Times) praising Stanley for her bravery -- for being so far ahead of her time.
She was perhaps a few days ahead of her time. Which is probably why she got pregnant.
Firs reading was "With Goo."
We all have biases for this or that. F. ex., supposedly any defense attorney will try to get me off a jury just because I am Norwegian and an engineer, which is assumed to make me a "law and order" type and biased against criminals.
But Mueller's crew are way beyond that; they seem to be strongly partisan and in some cases actually party activists, and that is omething else entirely
It is also seems to run all one way, which is not a random distribution of "bias."
“Are religious people this fucking stupid?”
Yes unfortunately, some are. However, there seems to be a few of them changing their minds.
“According to a new Pew survey, since February Trump’s job approval among white evangelicals has gone down 17 points, from 78 percent to 61 percent.
“This drop is more than twice the size of the decline (39 percent to 32 percent) in Trump’s overall approval rating. Indeed, it is the largest point decline of any demographic group measured in the survey. By contrast, support among mainline Protestant slipped by just three points, from 49 percent to 46 percent.”
@Hagar, I don’t know but I will try to find out.
“Are religious people this fucking stupid?”
Keep it up, please keep it up.
How can one enjoy life constantly immersed in politics?
Once in a while, take a cue from a scrap piece of paper among the leaves.
Hope springs eternal in Inga's little mind.
The religious conservatives have figured out that politicians have been lying to them for years.
They've been lying to blacks, too, but they don't seem to care as long as the free stuff arrives.
Blogger Browndog said...
How can one enjoy life constantly immersed in politics?
Once in a while, take a cue from a scrap piece of paper among the leaves.
Some of us have very active lives but come by here for entertainment.
Big gun and Knife show in Tucson this weekend. If you don't hear from me , I'll be there.
The late William Manchester wrote a whole host of interesting books one of the most interesting was about the transition between the medieval and renaissance eras " a world only lit by fire' like other survey work like sebestyens 1989, it delves into the precursor events.
Big Mike said:
I think this comment by Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke is worth a re-post:
I agree - but a link would be worth 100 times its weight in gold, especially if I could share on FB to all my liberal, Trump-is-Evil-Incarnate, friends.
“Are religious people this fucking stupid?”
“Keep it up, please keep it up.”
Blogger john said...
“From God and Trump:
"Trump is an enigma, a brash self-promoter, casino owner, and man of the world. Yet he is also a devoted husband and father who has surrounded himself with men and women of faith and has made religion a key component of his image."
Are religious people this fucking stupid?”
12/15/17, 7:55 PM
“Are religious people this fucking stupid?”
Are black people stupid?
Are white people stupid?
Are women stupid?
Are men stupid?
Are kids stupid?
Are Chinese stupid?
Are Jews stupid?
Are Catholics stupid?
Etc, etc, etc.
Yes, generally speaking, there are stupid people everywhere. Also, smart people, ugly people attractive people, fat, skinny, young, old black, white etc.
As a rule, though, people who classify an entire genre as "stupid", are more likely to be pretty damn stupid themselves
Big gun and Knife show in Tucson this weekend. If you don't hear from me , I'll be there.
If that steak house just outside the swap meet on Tanque Verde is still there, try it.
They cut your tie off adn pin it to the ceiling, but it's the best cattleman steak I've ever had.
Buwaya - three good books, I am guessing. I have not read them but would like to.
Here is a rhetorical question:
Adrienne von Speyr five stars
Saint Bonaventure five stars
George MacDonald five stars.
Guess which one (the Swiss mystic who died well into the copyright era, the Victorian preacher who was beloved by CS Lewis and who died in the copyright free era, or Saint Bonaventure) is cheapest on Kindle?
What does buwaya mean, by the way? I guess it is Tagalog but it could be some other Pacific-style word.
My comment about not being sucked into politics was a direct result of Inga's poison, and how easily others get sucked in.
She'll change your before you change her.
Is it strictly a collector or are there more spectators.
Kathryn51 said...
Big Mike said:
I think this comment by Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke is worth a re-post:
I agree - but a link would be worth 100 times its weight in gold, especially if I could share on FB to all my liberal, Trump-is-Evil-Incarnate, friends.
12/15/17, 9:13 PM
Drain the Swamp
“My comment about not being sucked into politics was a direct result of Inga's poison, and how easily others get sucked in.”
I was responding to John’s question @ 7:55 PM.You who responded were under the mistaken impression it was I who asked the question. I was directly quoting John who is a conservative commenter, but in your haste to jump down my throat, you completely missed that it was John who asked the question, not I. If you’re concerned about “poison” and thought the question was poisonous, please direct your ire at John.
I found this timeline useful:
In April 2016 Hillary Clinton paid Glenn Simpson with Fusion-GPS to dig up dirt on Donald Trump.
In May 2016 Fusion GPS hired Nellie Ohr, wife of DOJ Deputy Bruce Ohr, to lead the opposition research effort. That same month, Fusion GPS contracted with retired British MI6 Agent Christopher Steele to write the ‘Trump Russia Dossier’.
In late June 2016 the first draft of the Steele Dossier was shared back with Fusion GPS and presumably Nellie Ohr was one of the recipients. According to Robby Mook, the partial dossier information was also given to the DNC and Clinton Campaign.
In July 2016 candidate Donald Trump won the GOP nomination. That same month the FBI Counterintelligence Division began an investigation they later described as a counterintelligence operation looking at Russian interference in the U.S. election. However, from 10 months of researched documentation, much of it in the MSM, we now know it was an FBI counterintelligence operation against candidate Donald Trump.
Also in July 2016, immediately following candidate Donald Trump’s successful bid to win the GOP nomination, a FISA application was denied. The timing here is far too coincidental (the later narrower version clearly evidences), the FISA application was to wiretap, monitor and conduct surveillance on candidate Trump and his campaign.
In August 2016, the lead FBI Agent in charge of that counterintelligence operation, Peter Strzok told his FBI Attorney and mistress: “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office that there’s no way he gets elected – but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.”
For, its tagalog for crocodile, as I understand it. I didmt know about the Spanish contribution to the siege of saigon, somewhat akin to the Egyptians who accompanied the ziaves in the Mexican war.
The 70s were a grab bag of good and bad, I think I heard 'don't stop thinking about tomorrow during the Clinton years, enough to last me a generation. Anna was probably a Vienna convention violation.
Fuque off.
Hmm... Gloria Alfred and her daughter got 33% if any media deals her clients, accusers of Trump, got.
She reminds me of krauts from the old bensin show a relic of the late 70s and 80s.
narciso - sure 'buwaya' is tagalog for crocodile - wikipeida tells us that - but there is a commenter who calls himself that and recommends three really really good books. I like the words i read to mean as much as they can, with primary and secondary meanings, so I wonder - just what does buwaya really mean?
Sure I would like to communicate without words, like Horowitz or Mary Cassat, but that is not happening any time soon.
What does narciso mean, by the way - I know the flower (spelled differently), the Greek mythological figure (spelled differently), and the cigar - is there another meaning?
@Kathryn51, FullMoon posted the link at 9:38.
Full Moon and Big Mike - thanks for the follow-up.
@james squared, you didn’t like anything by ABBA?
I guess it refers to wisdom, narciso is the first name of the Cuban combination of Patrick Henry and betsy ross, he came up with the flag while in exile in new York. He led another of expeditions against the island, perishing in the attempt, but 50 years thereabouts it was liberated from Spain. He was an idealist a little like don quixote I suppose.
Some passages are profound and for that reason, often not repeated:
A lifetime of reading the post or the times is certainly the former.
Aggressive Cameltoe Girl was in the bar a few days ago. Yes, the cameltoe was aggressive: tight yellow jeans this time. When she sits at the bar she sits like a girl riding on the rear of a motorcycle: legs splayed apart, knees bent, back arched and forward. I don't know if she has ever gone for a ride on the back of a motorcycle, but I bet she has, at some point: she just seems like the kind of girl who would've once had a boyfriend who rode a motorcycle.
This way of sitting is ideal for the Guy Who Stares At Women's Asses Too Long. If you happen to look in his direction and follow his line of sight, your eyes will inevitably be directed to the ass of a woman. A lot of these asses belong to college girls. A lot of the men at the bar check out the asses of the college girls: the asses of the college girls can be a wonderful thing. The key is -- if you are a man checking out their ass -- you check out their ass briefly, then stop looking. Maybe stare at the television again, say.
As his name implies, the Guy Who Stares At Women's Asses Too Long stares at women's asses too long: if the women with the ass in question is with friends, one of those friends will follow his line of sight, and her eyes will inevitably be directed to the ass of her friend. She will then look at him the way women do when they encounter a particularly creepy guy, and there will be whispers amongst their group. I imagine the whispers are them assessing the situation, and confirming that, yes, he is indeed creepy. But not particularly threatening: just creepy. The looks on their faces is distaste, not apprehension or fear.
Then there are the creepy guys who instill apprehension or fear; they are their own breed. Some ride motorcycles. Indeed, Aggressive Cameltoe Girl may have ridden with one of them in the past: she just seems like she has had that kind of past. But that is for another time.
There are more than a few men at the bar who become creepy -- the not particularly threatening kind -- when women are concerned. These men are broken when it comes to women: women are an Other that mesmerizes and confuses them. Of course, women mesmerize and confuse a lot of men, but most men can still interact with them and accept -- even appreciate -- the Mystery: the broken men are mesmerized and confused on a fundamental level, a level that prohibits any chance of them actually being with one.
Anyway, I have seen the Guy Who Stares At Women's Asses Too Long stare too long at the ass of Aggressive Cameltoe Girl, riding her bar stool like it was the back of a motorcycle. Of course, I am relatively sure Aggressive Cameltoe Girl doesn't worry about this: when you wear pants tight enough for Aggressive Cameltoe I suspect you know men will be checking out your ass, and that some of those men will be broken. Maybe that is the point; maybe not. Mystery.
- james james
Fallen in The Reckoning they fill the media with their stories
Thick as Autumnal Leaves that strew the Brooks
In Vallombrosa, where the Etrurian shades
High overarched embower; or scatterd sedge,
Afloat, when with fierce Winds Orion armed
Hath vext the Red-Sea Coast, whose waves o'erthrew
Busiris and his Memphian Chivalry,
While with perfidious hatred they pursued
The sojourners of Goshen, who beheld
From the safe shore their floating carcasses
And broken chariot wheels: so thick bestrown,
Abject and lost lay these, covering the flood,
Under amazement of their hideous change.
Big Mike said...
"@james squared, you didn’t like anything by ABBA?"
Part of the Seventies Hangover, not the Forgotten Seventies.
Some catchy songs. And the Abba guys wrote the music for "Chess", of which I mentioned "One Night in Bangkiok" as part of a comment on Show Tune Tuesdays at the bar.
If strands cross enough you get stitching.
- james james
Spain was a co-belligerent with France in the War of Cochinchina (1858-62) undertaken by both in alliance, with the casus belli being the dreadful persecution of Catholics there, Annam and Tonkin. Their effort was justified as a punitive expedition.
The Spanish portion of the allied expedition constituted the majority of the infantry, at least initially, the French being short of troops. These were native colonial troops from the Philippines, under Spanish officers, as was usual. My ancestor was a Spanish major of infantry, risen from the ranks after long service, to the highest commissioned rank possible for one of his origins. He led a battalion of his regiment. He served from the beginning of this war at Tourane (now Da Nang), the assault and capture of the outlying forts of Saigon, and the assault of the Citadel. The allies were very over-extended though, and were counter-attacked by superior forces. Subsequently he served in the garrison of Saigon during the very protracted Vietnamese counter-siege of the Citadel. When the French eventually relieved Saigon the Spanish-Filipino troops were repatriated to Manila.
There is much more. That whole war is quite a story, largely untold in English.
France offered to split whats now Vietnam with Spain, offering it Tonkin, or effectively modern North Vietnam. The Spanish wisely declined.
In retrospect it makes sense, with the proximity of phillipines to cochin china, but I had never read that story in karnow certainly not in Ken burns bad pastiche he tried to sell as a definitive volume. Its interesting to consider what might have had happened if the Spanish had excepted. A little like what would have have happened in the French war if Britain had held onto havana harbor.
narciso - thanks for the answer - where exactly in New York did he come up with the flag - I only ask because my great-grandparents lived in New York at the time. I trust you more than I trust whatever a google search might tell me.
buwaya - Annam, Tonkin, Saigon, Tourane (Da Nang) - I will look those names up in the Catholic Encyclopedia.
The firstv version is apocryphal:
Is he swell known fugure, your long ago ancestor?
Was a tenant farmer in the Manhattan farm-fields of the mid 19th century that later housed the Port Authority bus station.
A cousin once or twice removed from Alexander Graham Bell, for what that is worth.
And it was not that long ago - I was talking to one of his grandchildren on the phone a couple nights ago.
No, not at all.
The whole matter is obscure. There are some rather old histories in French, but in Spanish its a matter of archival research.
This, like a lot else, requires a proper treatment in English.
you can still see, if you care, how the cats of Manhattan, due to the choices made long ago, look different than the cats anywhere else.
Fascinating as was this character:
Who knew: pictures of cats in prayerful poses, superimposed on quotes from the most quotable book in the Bible, are a thing:
google Phillipians Cats. No more words than those two needed.
Big Mike: Dry wells work best in the desert where there is a lot of sand and gravel soils and the water table is deep (hundreds of feet). In wetter areas, groundwater is shallower (less than 20-feet) so you have less dry soil available to take up the storm water. Also, dry wells can be susceptible to biofouling and sediment plugging. They require site-specific design and regular maintenance.
Dry wells and stormwater infiltration basins are becoming more popular and in some areas are a requirement for large development projects
Here is a good overview for New Jersey. It reads like a giant pain in the ass
"Hope springs eternal in Michael K’s little dick."
Thank you for demonstrating what a creep you are.
Ann asks no personal insults and you last an hour.
Not sure why you don't just block the she-troll's comments Mike. She should be banned for that one, but the way the Chrome comment blocker works is that you have to view the thread by clicking on the headline of the post.
. I was directly quoting John who is a conservative commenter,
Inga, that's a different john, not our pal John Henry from PR. This one is like you. It was confusing at first, I agree. But you are just right-on-ing one of your own, not getting a statement against interest.
Althouse should do a poll!
Which defense of the text is best!
"Not sure why you don't just block the she-troll's comments Mike."
I tried that with Ritmo and could never make it work. I just skip those comments.
Inga was not this nasty and obscene before. I think she is getting the cold realization that the Trump-Russia thing is bullshit.
Delusions can be tough when they become obvious.
The colors of autumn have fallen.
trash appears everywhere
God abides in fallen leaves.
If you ban her there's no chance that she might learn something.
There's her entertainment value.
Blogger Michael K said...
Hope springs eternal in Inga's little mind.
Blogger Inga said...
Hope springs eternal in Michael K’s little dick.
You people act surprised when a commenter responds to an insult with an insult. I only respond occasionally nowadays. If I responded to every insult it would take over the thread.
Also, Bad LT, the John I quoted is a conservative. He’s posted on Althouse for years. I’ve been reading and posting since 2011. John with the same avatar was around back then too, posting as a conservative. I quoted his question, people here went nuts and attributed it to me. This isn’t the first time this has happened. People here are so eager to attack that they are careless about noticing QUOTATION marks.
If you ban her there's no chance that she might learn something.
Now who's delusional? You can lead a troll to knowledge, but you can't make her think. That's not why she's here. I wish I could find the thread where she said that she wasn't here to discus, just to. disrupt, taunt, and insult. But since it's pretty clear that that is why the she-troll is here, it isn't worth my time to go look. How many times does one have to prove to it that it is a liar? I found my limit.
And Michael K,
If you don’t want to be insulted, don’t insult first. I’ve ignored your last few insults, I won’t do that every single time.
Tim, your obsession is getting the better of you....again.
Tim. In my defense I did say that she also has entertainment value.
Her rejoinder to Michael's comment shows a distinct lack of imagination but you gotta admit her constant parroting of the leftist narrative without knowing what it means is kinda entertaining.
An ideology so dense that thought can't enter into it.
And Rusty, you would be better served staying in your garage and working on your cars. Your political acumen is non existent, you are on par with a Full Moon.
As if on cue.
Thank you Inga for those deep insights into my personality. It's refreshing to see your support for the working man. folks you obviously think are beneath you. Please feel free to avail us all of your cutting wit and deep insights into the human condition.
I thought the haiku was rather good.
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