৭ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১৭

Al Franken, live. [UPDATE: Franken resigns.]

I'm taking down the live feed. Did you watch? Here's the NYT report now: "Senator Al Franken Resigning Amid Sexual Harassment Allegations."

What's most notable about that speech — which I watched live — is that Al Franken did not apologize for anything he is accused of doing and he persistently — as strongly as he could — asserted his innocence. He may have conceded that in some form, some of the accusations are based on things that really did happen, but not that anything said about him is accurate. I heard an expression of confidence that a fair investigation would vindicate him, but that he is being forced out for the good of the party, because his colleagues will not stand by him and give him due process but need him gone so they can go after Roy Moore (if Roy Moore happens to get elected next week). What a sad, tawdry mess! How is this supposed to bolster support for the Democratic Party? If Franken believes he is a good man being subjected to unfair treatment, he should stand his ground. He seems to be getting out of the way so that the forces of personal destruction can run wild. If he won't confess to precisely what he did wrong and apologize, he should not have resigned. I'm thoroughly disgusted. He didn't give the Democratic Party firmer ground to stand on as it promotes women's equality. He made everything look ambiguous and corrupt.

And that is my quickly typed instant impression.

৩৬৬টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   366 এর 201 – থেকে 366
MadisonMan বলেছেন...

Agree that the Democrats are not at all in front of this. Total reactive mode. Seems like it's over-reactive mode, actually.

Who needs voters if shame from colleagues can overturn an election?

MayBee বলেছেন...

Who else accused women of lying regarding accusations of sexual assault?

Duke LaCrosse players.
UVA fraternity boys.
Lena Dunham.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

Er, principle, stupid autocorrect.

Drago বলেছেন...

MayBee: "Duke LaCrosse players.
UVA fraternity boys.
Lena Dunham."

Well, besides them?...

Similarly, what have the Romans ever done for us?

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Franken "resigned" because there are more victims who have come foward but have not been named.

As someone else pointed out,Trump and probably Moore were elected in spite of known accusations .

Does an Ethics committee require accusers to travel to D.C. and testify? Are accusers put through inconvenient and/or costly, procedures? Would accusers be subjected to hostile examinations by politicians friendly to the accused? Would accusers get the typical leftist online personal destruction ?

Drago বলেছেন...

MadisonMan: "Who needs voters if shame from colleagues can overturn an election?"

MadisonMan cleverly cuts to the lefties endgame.

Well played.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

While I believe in due process, even for Franken, I reflect that Franken (like Franken) has no respect for it at all when it comes to Moore or Trump.

The political maneuvering here is so transparent that one would have to be either stupid or a liberal (but I repeat myself) not to see it: Have Franken resign (or pretend to resign) a safely Democratic seat to increase pressure on the GOP to denounce Moore - so a safely Republican seat can go to a Democrat.

To hell with that game I don't care if the Senate refuses to seat Moore after the election - in that case, the appointed Senator will still be a Republican.

Inga and the Dems want to reclaim the moral high ground (LOL, that will NEVER happen) and gee, it just so happens that what they consider the moral high ground happens to benefit them. Notice how that always seems to happen with D's?

Go to hell.

Quaestor বলেছেন...

Neither has Farenthold.

Caught in a lie Inga desperately tries to change the subject.

Ken B বলেছেন...

Disgust is the appropriate reaction to the Democrat party. They don’t care if he is guilty, they don’t care if Moore is guilty, and they don’t care if Trump is guilty. They want to ride the mob.

buwaya বলেছেন...

Bigger picture view from Richard Fernandez -


"Which will win has yet to be determined by history. All one can do is compare their present strengths and strategies. In the matter of strength there should be no contest. A survey of federal government employees has the liberals over the Deplorables by almost 19 to 1. Over 99% of Department of Education employees backed Hillary. Trump's best showing was in the Department of Defense -- and even there Hillary had 84% of contributions. Add to this the liberal dominance in the media (93%) and academe (92%) and in Big Silicon, and it should be a case of progressive Goliath walking over conservative David.

Yet for a variety of reasons, the contest is much closer than the liberals could have imagined. Even the term "Resistance" implicitly accepts the status of equality if not actual inferiority. One possible explanation for the surprising competitiveness is the existence of some weakness which prevents liberals from generating their nominal power potential. In fact, the inability of the Resistance to generate net thrust is indirect confirmation that the toxic lying, wasteful spending, institutional incompetence, and ideological madness of which they have been accused are at least partially true.

Though they won't admit it, they've realized this. This quiet acceptance has driven their strategy. The Resistance's need to rid itself of weakness explains the choice of rectification, also known as purge, as a major activity. "

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“Caught in a lie Inga desperately tries to change the subject.”

It’s a lie that Blake Farenthold has not resigned or that Republicans or Trumpist here have not called for him to resign? What about you
Quackster? It’s just fine with you that tax payers paid $84,000 in a settlement to his sexual harassment victim? How about Roy Moore, I haven heard you opine on him yet either. Well with Trump’s 16 accusers lying about him so agresiously I suppose you also believe Roy Moore, Trump and Bill Clinton to be victims of their accusers?

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“Disgust is the appropriate reaction to the Democrat party...”

Disgust is the appropriate reaction to child molesters, but the Republican Party needs his vote, so it’s all good.

Luke Lea বলেছেন...

He shouldn't resign. Hope he changes his mind.

hstad বলেছেন...

Qwinn said...
"I tend to agree in general that what Franken is accused of was boorish but not criminal, and it should be up to the voters to decide if its bad enough to merit leaving office." I agree in part! However, when you read comments from the Left, like Inga's, they want Trump and Moore's scalp. Yet most of Trump's sexual accusers where known during the election, and so was the infamous, "Access Hollywood" tape. People still voted for Trump as president. Moore's situation is also similar, the voters will decide if Moore is a bigger scumbag then the DC "Swamp" he is trying to become a part of. Therefore, unless criminal charges are brought against a sitting President or Moore, these accusations by the Left are just political garbage.

Martin বলেছেন...

It sounds like Franken really was forced out, probably under duress, and for crass political reasons as he says.

Of course, the Democrats can get away with that because the media will cover for them, and all this will be down the memory hole by tomorrow morning, leaving only the lie that the Democrats acted morally to police their own.

I do not live in AL, but if I did and had any doubts, this would convince me to vote for Moore just out of orneriness at how the Democrats lie in order to manipulate me.

Ken B বলেছেন...

The 22 senators who called for him to resign did not do so upon careful scrutiny of the facts. They did so upon careful scrutiny of Alabama. Franken is right to be bitter, and Althouse is wrong to imagine they are trying to “promote women’s equity.”

DanTheMan বলেছেন...

>>"If Franken believes he is a good man being subjected to unfair treatment, he should stand his ground."

Absolutely. Let a creep being a creep defend being a creep.

But I do sort of agree with you... let the first Senator without sin cast the first expulsion vote. The vote would be 3 to 3, with 94 abstentions.

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

For the Left, its all about regaining power.

The game plan:

1. Attack Trump with phony Dossier; send Mueller to bird dog him to drive his numbers down.
2. Dems Re-take House in 2018
3. Impeach Trump in Jan 21, 2019. Or hold House hearings to drag it out for 2020 Prez election.
4. Dems Nominate "tough" Kamala Harris (former district atty) to win Presidency.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

As someone else pointed out,Trump and probably Moore were elected in spite of known accusations

After years, decades, of being lied to by politicians, Republicans, to get elected and who then immediately renege on their campaign promises, we deplorable voters have decided to not elect the squishy go along get along RINOs anymore. Yeah Jebbie, I'm lookin' at you. You too Romney you plastic loser.

Trump, and Moore, may be assholes, but they are OUR assholes, who fight for us, fulfill their campaign promises (when not stymied by the establishment swamp critters RINOs and Democrats). We want our elected representatives to actually represent us and come out swinging and kick ass. We want you to do what WE elected you to do.

This doesn't mean we want to elect criminals or rapists (we will leave that to you Democrats) or want to tolerate criminal or untoward actions once IN office. As I said. Our dime and our time and we get to choose.

Who amongst us out here doesn't have some warts or minor imperfections? If you claim sainthood, then I don't believe you...or trust you.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Now search the media for calls by Democrats for Menendez to rezign.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Blogger Yancey Ward said...
"The Ingas of the world just don't get it- the right refuses to play by their rules any longer, and it is clearly driving them nuts. "

In Inga's defense it wasn't a very long drive.

Rumpletweezer বলেছেন...

Dragging his wife to the press conference is just more evidence of Al abusing women.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Hah, Inga waited until page 2 to completely ignore her buddy Ruben Kihuen. And she brings up Blake whatshisname again.

Let me quote Inga here: "Disgust is the appropriate reaction to child molesters, but the Republican Party needs his vote, so it’s all good."

You made a mistake there Inga. That word Republican should be Democrat. Aren't you talking about Democrat Senator Menendez? He's the one who allegedly (according to sworn court testimony) committed child rape--multiple times.

Moore? Well, the "14 year old girl" admitted that she was really 16 at the time, and that she told Moore she was 18, and that when he found out the truth, he broke it off and bailed immediately. And as far as I know, they never had sex, unlike Democrat Senator Bob Menendez and the young girls he allegedly committed statutory rape with, which Inga really, really, really wishes people would shut up about because Menendez totally destroys all the "We are better than you!" narrative.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Thanks for link to the Belmont Club, buwaya. Richard Fernandez is so insightful, I must remember to read him more often.

"Obama may have been right in his Chicago speech to warn of danger, but not in the way that he meant. The danger grew in his time in office. The status quo ante over which he presided was complacent. It was already falling apart. He just never saw it, until this remarkable year."

Unknown বলেছেন...

Oh, that last unknown was me, Vance. Forgot to sign before hitting Publish.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“Oh, that last unknown was me, Vance. Forgot to sign before hitting Publish.”

Oh wow, I’m so shocked! No one would’ve known it was you! But your Torquemada hood gave you away. LOL.

buwaya বলেছেন...

The only real lesson here is that they are all scum.

If they weren't themselves predators, or at least hopelessly clumsy in their adulteries, they were complicit, every last one, and their staff and their hangers on, and the MSM people, and THEIR staff and hangers-on.

And they are actually scummiest about things that most don't know about, or care about, because they can't understand it, except as a sort of unease.

This current hysteria is trivial, as far as its effect on public policy. It is also historically ignorant. It simply does not matter. Who cared that Prince Eugene of Savoy was a homosexual given to orgies? Who cared that the Duke of Marlborough encouraged his sister to be a mistress of James II?

How they are deliberately screwing over the public, or running things incompetently, is much more to the point. But there is no outrage over that, because it is not suitable to trivial emotionalism.

Quaestor বলেছেন...

Abby Someone wrote: It’s a lie that Blake Farenthold has not resigned or that Republicans or Trumpist here have not called for him to resign?

Caught in a lie about Ruben Kihuen Inga desperately tries to deflect.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Trump, and Moore, may be assholes, but they are OUR assholes

That's right, DBQ. It's our assholes against their assholes and I'll take our assholes any day!

buwaya বলেছেন...

To add to R. Fernandez' points, they are also incompetent at the business of purging.
The real purge has to go on in places and ways that have not been struck by the hysteria. This is an incompetent surface-only purge, of "faces", not decision makers, not of systems.

Maybe Trump will do that (the meat of the purge) for them. One can hope, but I am still pessimistic.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

Inga lied when she claimed there was proof that Farenthold committed sexual harassment. Settling a suit even when the claim is frivolous is common practice, since the cost of defending against the suit could easily exceed the reported settlement amount.

Inga knows that, of course. It is Inga who lies, every single day.

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

AA, my hot take is that your hot take is right.

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga: "But your Torquemada hood gave you away. LOL."

Lefty takes time out from her teams purges to label others Torquemada.


BTW, what time is the p****-hat march against Menendez? I know its already 2 years too late but better late than never is what I always say!

MacMacConnell বলেছেন...

Franken said he was heartily sorry and was heart broken that he had to resign, but fuck those lying bitches!

MacMacConnell বলেছেন...

The most but hurt over Franken's resignation are the voters whose ballots were found in Democratic operative's car trunk.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Great quote jimbino!

Big Mike বলেছেন...

The more “evidence” that crops up against Moore, the more it looks as though the whole case against him is a made up steaming pile of crap. The latest is a note scribbled by him that reads like the sort of bland comment an adult writes when asked to sign an autograph for a teenager he doesn’t really know, or at best barely knows.

There’s a lot to sort out and no time to do so. If I were in Alabama I’d vote for Moore, because the Democrat in the race does not reflect my values. If Moore is elected, and turns out to be guilty of some crime, he will not be seated and it will then be possible to replace him with someone who reflects my values.

All that said, I wish that fool Bannon had kept his nose out of that primary.

Nonapod বলেছেন...

How they are deliberately screwing over the public, or running things incompetently, is much more to the point. But there is no outrage over that, because it is not suitable to trivial emotionalism.

While I agree wholeheartedly, I also believe that their hypocrisy needs to be pointed out. After all, these are the people who presume to tell us rabble how to live. These are people who clearly assume that they are our betters and that the rules prescribed to us should not be prescribed to them. It is imperative that voters understand fully who these people really are, how deeply flawed they are, how base they are. It is imperative that voters become far more skeptical and cynical about the sorts of people who run and win public office in the United States of America in the 21st century. Voters need to assume that there's always ulterior motives, that greed and power are what primarily motivates these creatures.

In short, voters need to stop being so damn naive. They need to question more. Voters have been far too lenient for far too long, and as a result a swamp has grown wildly out of control. Maybe all this was inevitable and unavoidable. But I'd hate to think that citizens will just roll over and take this level of corruption.

Trumpit বলেছেন...

I've done a careful and thorough study of the men recently accused of sexual harassment (or worse), and I've reached the unsurprising conclusion that all of them are ugly. Is the fact that they are ugly, and can't attract women through societally acceptable methods and channels, a mitigating factor in their deplorable actions toward women? Was Anthony Weiner any less of a wiener because he looks like a Hornbill (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hornbill). Is there case law, or exonerating jury verdicts to support your conclusions? How many rapists look like Robert Redford, or Paul Newman in their prime at the time of their crime? Do you give a damn if they look like the son of Sam? Do ugly defendants get longer sentences? Studies please.

jimbino বলেছেন...

Franken should simply admit he's a man. Nowadays, that's a sufficient admission of guilt.

As Zorba wisely remarked, "Am I not a man? And is a man not stupid? I'm a man, so I married. Wife, children, house, everything. The full catastrophe."

He also said, "How can I not love them? Poor weak creatures... and they take so little, a man's hand on their breast, and they give you all they got."


"Life is trouble. Only death is not. To be alive is to undo your belt and look for trouble."

buwaya বলেছেন...

The traditional view of state affairs in more traditional societies, among the powerful, was much more live-and-let-live than we imagine today.

Lets take the 17th-18th-century Habsburg court. This was an intensely Catholic society. Everyone important had a personal "confessor" - a religious aide really. They went to mass daily, if not more often.

And they tolerated, well, all sorts of things that would not fly in the 21st century US. Imagine the case where it is well known that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff indulged in homosexual orgies.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

I never thought Moore was an asshole. I thought Trump was an asshole when he was a Democrat (synonymous at this point), and I was and am *pissed* at him over the smears of Cruz's father, but he's redeemed himself otherwise far as I'm concerned.

If I actually had cause to believe they are assholes, it might affect my vote. But again, after what was done to Cain, Stevens, Palin and so many others, the credibility of accusations from the Left against conservatives is actually negative now. These accusations, and their timing, say much more about them than about the accused.

Quaestor বলেছেন...

It's our assholes against their assholes...

Sounds like "inappropriate touching". Be careful, mock, or Inga will demand your resignation!

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Obviously unattractive men need money or power to compete for women. It's not needed to force oneself on a woman though, having money or power. One will have plenty of choices. The rapiness is about something else.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“Caught in a lie about Ruben Kihuen Inga desperately tries to deflect.”

I have no idea what you are referring to Quackster. Elaborate.

“Inga lied when she claimed there was proof that Farenthold committed sexual harassment. Settling a suit even when the claim is frivolous is common practice, since the cost of defending against the suit could easily exceed the reported settlement amount.”

Will the apologists for Republican sexual harrassers and molesters ever have a moment of shame? Doubtful.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

Of course, the hilariously awful forgery that was that yearbook didn't help the credibility either.

Comanche Voter বলেছেন...

Senator Al doesn't think he did anything wrong, and if he got a fair hearing he would be cleared.

Well now Ms. Althouse; have you considered the possibility that Franken is simply delusional? I mean a distinctly second rate comedian publishes a book about himself titled "Giant of The Senate"; he thoght he got "elected" in a election characterized by a lot of Democrat dirty work at the electoral cross roads.

Al's defense--if he ever offered one--would also be delusional. "Those chicks wanted it! They were bowled off their feet by my charm and charisma!" It was all consensual."

Sorry Al--short, aging and pudgy is not as much of a turnon for young women as you seem to think.

Ah well you have been thrown under the bus in the Dem's pursuit of the Great Orange Whale.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

Okay, then, Inga. Present your "proof" that Farenthold did what he was accused of.

PROOF. That's what you claimed. What is it?

buwaya বলেছেন...

Ryan O'Neil had a great deal alleged against him, including chasing underage girls (rumor goes he got Drew Barrymore pregnant when she was 13). So maybe looks have something to do with it.

buwaya বলেছেন...

Shame is obsolete. It went out of fashion in the 60's.
Now its just a weapon used against the few remnants of the people capable of caring.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

Affleck was accused, but didn't seem to take any damage from it. So looks aren't proof against accusations, but they may be against consequences.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

The proof is he didn’t fight the allegations and settled using $84,000 of taxpayer money. I believe his accuser, not him. Why is Franken any more guilty than Farenthold?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

"How many rapists look like Robert Redford, or Paul Newman in their prime at the time of their crime?"

Ted Bundy certainly did not look like Redford or Newman, but some considered him handsome. Unfortunately, girls did not scream and run away when he approached them.

buwaya বলেছেন...

"Democrats are putting up a statue to him in our nation's capital."

Yes. Its usual to forgive peccadilloes in otherwise eminent men, but its a great stretch to say Barry had a positive influence on anything. He oversaw, apparently, the critical stage of corruption of the DC municipal government.

This is an utterly backwards idea of virtue. This can only be explained by raw tribal pandering. Not unusual today.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

Inga, I want to let you down gently, but you need to understand that Trump is entirely out of this. He has already been tried and acquitted in the court of popular opinion, also known as an election. No matter what, this will not touch him. Really, in kindness, just accept that.

Moore? He's getting his trial now. It's a pity that the accusations were not made more timely so that everything could be fully vetted with fairness to all. Funny how that happens...

He means nothing to me, except that it's clear that at least some of the accusations are junk, and that taints any that may be true, so blame the fraudsters. If ultimately he is found to have done something despicable, let the Senate assert themselves to expel him, voting by the sinless first of course.

Blake F? I dunno, again he means nothing to me. I suppose the settlement admitted no wrongdoing so just paying out is not necessarily damning. I would need to know more. I would chiefly need to know more about all the Congs involved in all these deals, it's suspicious to learn of just one at a time.

Franken? How did you like the little dance he did? Cute, eh? I hope you like the smell.

Menendez? Now that one would cost you, if you(r side) did the right thing. I will say that Franken is probably 1/10000 as bad as Menendez.

You really gotta let up. This will not end well. And win or lose, some more intellectual honesty would serve you better as a person.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

Maybe because if he'd actually fought it, he would've had to use his own money.

And no one on the Right is saying Franken is guilty of anything beyond being an ass (and voter fraud). Go ask your fellow lefties why he's any more guilty, they're the ones with the pitchforks, not us.

Funny how your "proof" required the words "I believe". That's not how "proof" works.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

"Why is Franken any more guilty than Farenthold?"

Because, my dear dumbbell, there is photographic evidence of Franken sexually harassing two women. He was forced to admit to the first one - the boob grabbing on the woman on the plane - because of the photo.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

buwaya wrote of Marion Berry:
"He oversaw, apparently, the critical stage of corruption of the DC municipal government."

I lived in DC during part of his reign. During that period, DC had the highest murder rate in the country. I do not remember him fondly.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

Bad boy LT.

“I want to let you down gently, but you need to understand that Trump is entirely out of this. He has already been tried and acquitted in the court of popular opinion, also known as an election. No matter what, this will not touch him. Really, in kindness, just accept that.”

Sorry sweetie, that doesn’t cut it. A modicum of decency would serve Trumpists and Republicans better than the crass apologia and co-dependency you’ve been engaging in.

AllenS বলেছেন...

Listening to the speech in the Senate chambers, Alfranken is that motherfucker in junior, or senior high school that gets caught, and immediately says: "Yeah, but Bobby, Billy, and Joe did the same thing! Now, let me tell you about Tyrone and Marcus, they did something even worse!"

Motherfuckin' rat, snitch, punk-ass, sissy-bitch, someone who needs his ass kicked, royally.

Curious George বলেছেন...

"Inga said...
The proof is he didn’t fight the allegations and settled using $84,000 of taxpayer money. I believe his accuser, not him. Why is Franken any more guilty than Farenthold?"

Here's why you dullard.

MikeR বলেছেন...

"Franken’s resignation shows that only one of our two great parties has any integrity" https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/wp/2017/12/07/frankens-resignation-shows-that-only-one-of-our-two-great-parties-has-any-integrity/?tid=ss_tw-amp&utm_term=.f75dcab342a7
You see, it's working! If anyone is still listening.

buwaya বলেছেন...

DC is not the worst of course.
San Francisco has a park, and statue, dedicated to Harvey Milk.
M. Barry is probably less problematical a figure than H. Milk.

The nature of H. Milk can be determined from the Randy Shilts' hagiography "Mayor of Castro Street"; its clear even from that that he was a classic homosexual predator on teenage boys. And D. Talbot's "Season of the Witch", about San Francisco politics of the time. H. Milk was complicit in all sorts of ways with Jim Jones, to start.

The SF Republicans of the 1990's had every sort of story re H. Milk.

Qwinn বলেছেন...

I lived in DC when Barry got caught on that video.

When I heard he was reelected is when I first truly realized that the Left considers criminal activity to be a resume enhancer.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Why haven't Democrats called for Melendez to resign. I googled for such calls and found none, Inga! Imagine!

You know why Democrats don't care about child sex slaves? Loss of a Senate Seat, Bill Clinton is implicated. More complaints about Bill post presidency from women who worked for a billionaire on his private jet, and were 18 at the time. If Bill is implicated in sex with enslaved children, that's it for him and Hillary.

The flight records, obtained by Gawker, also show former President Bill Clinton rode on Epstein's jet at least 11 times, and often with two of Epstein's female associates believed to have provided the dozens of underage girls to their boss and his well-connected friends.

On the bright side, Inga, there is a Trump angle!

"He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.". - DJT

The only record of him flying on Epstein's plane though, seems to have been catching a ride to New York from Palm Beach. And Trump did eat at Epstein's house, but apparently at the servants table with a friend of his from Palm Beach, not with Epstein.

Still, if you can get worked up about Russian collusion on such thin broth as is there, you should be able to work up a good obsession about this case!

Curious George বলেছেন...


Not "poor abused women." Nope. "Poor Franken."

Milwaukie guy বলেছেন...

J-effin-C, a "hostile work environment" is NOT sexual harassment. Please stop conflating the two. A hostile work environment, even if 100% true, is a pay-the-claim and change-your-office-culture situation. While it deserves a slap on the wrist, it is nothing to resign over.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe বলেছেন...

Watched a bit Franken's speech - much as we could stand.

To paraphrase, he spent his career forcing people to do what he wanted. He was proud and unrepentant to have used the Coercive Power of Government to make people live their lives as he thought they should.

Typical "Progressive."

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Franken’s resignation shows that only one of our two great parties has any integrity

That's because everybody knows that all of the accusers against Bill Clinton were fucking liars!

Qwinn বলেছেন...

I wonder, when (not if) Franken withdraws his resignation, will WaPo retract that "integrity" article?

Of course not. Giving them the ability to print that article is the only reason he's lying about resigning.

buwaya বলেছেন...

The idea of shame in the Federal government was dead long, long ago.
Buried and rotted away.

Obama's Secretary of the Navy, last year, had a naval vessel named after Harvey Milk.


After that there is no shame possible.

MacMacConnell বলেছেন...

After Franken's resignation speech all the female staffers and members crowded around him with tears in their eye giving him goodbye hugs, evidently hoping for one last grop.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

FEBRUARY 3--One of the women listed in wealthy pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s “black book” as a massage provider at his Palm Beach mansion last year ran unsuccessfully for Congress and once accompanied a prominent U.S. senator to a White House state dinner, records show.

But Gwendolyn Beck told TSG she has no idea why her name and phone numbers appear in a list that includes contact information for masseuses and some of Epstein’s underage female victims


Gotta hand it to Menendez, taking a hooker to a state dinner is pretty "bad ass" as the Democratic press likes to say!

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Franken is just as hostile at the Dems as he is at the pretty women. They both owe him and they both have thrown him out, he thinks. He needs to grab the Dems by the fake narrative and squeeze.

Milwaukie guy বলেছেন...

re Fernandez: THIS.

"A survey of federal government employees has the liberals over the Deplorables by almost 19 to 1. Over 99% of Department of Education employees backed Hillary. Trump's best showing was in the Department of Defense -- and even there Hillary had 84% of contributions. Add to this the liberal dominance in the media (93%) and academe (92%) and in Big Silicon...."

For the life of me, I do not understand why this is not a huuuge deal.

I love Belmont Club, too.

buwaya বলেছেন...

Here is an address by Mrs. Pelosi on the dedication of a bust of Harvey Milk at the San Francisco City Hall -


MacMacConnell বলেছেন...

Franken should have used the Richard Dreyfuss apology.

“I became an a–hole — the kind of performative masculine man my father had modeled for me to be,” the actor said. “I lived by the motto, ‘If you don’t flirt, you die.’ And flirt I did. I flirted with all women, be they actresses, producers, or 80-year-old grandmothers. I even flirted with those who were out of bounds, like the wives of some of my best friends, which especially revolts me.

“I disrespected myself, and I disrespected them, and ignored my own ethics, which I regret more deeply than I can express,” Dreyfuss added. “During those years I was swept up in a world of celebrity and drugs — which are not excuses, just truths. Since then I have had to redefine what it means to be a man, and an ethical man. I think every man on Earth has or will have to grapple with this question. But I am not an assaulter.”

Qwinn বলেছেন...

Yes, numbers like that are pretty much proof positive that the single biggest factor in hiring for government buraucracies is political loyalty. The Left has been actively blacklisting conservatives since the 50s (while screaming about McCarthyism the entire time, cause the projection never stops).

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Sen. Robert Menendez mobilized his staff to secure a visa for a Brazilian actress who posed nude on the cover of Sexy magazine; he stepped up for a sultry Ukrainian student who wanted a plastic-surgery consult; and he directd a staff member to “call Ambassador asap” in order to reverse a visa denial to a 22-year-old Dominican model.

The young women were all paramours of Dr. Salomon Melgen, 60, a married eye doctor and one of Menendez’s biggest donors, prosecutors charge. The New Jersey Democrat’s efforts on behalf of Melgen’s lovers came to light in a 68-page indictment against the two men unsealed this month.

Menendez the procurer! "Integrity and quick constituent service!"

Oh, and this!

Senator Bob Menendez only ‘likes the youngest and newest girls’ says Dominican prostitute who 'attended alleged sex parties with him' - Daily Mail

That's integrity. Only one party has integrity. As long as your universe of facts is carefully curated, and your feelings are carefully coddled by a press that refuses to report on a story!

Drago বলেছেন...

Inga: "A modicum of decency..."


It's 2017 and a lefty actually wrote that.

Without irony!

BTW, as of this moment, Franken has not admitted any wrongdoing, has said his accusers are liars, and is still a United States Senator.

So much for the lefties "repositioning".

The good news is that LLR Chuck will be very very very impressed with Franken's courageous actions.

Not as "courageous" as Stolen Valor Blumenthal, but still....

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

And you thought the French were surrender monkeys.

What a bunch of spineless yo-yos. The Republicans are guilty as sin and apologize for nothing and then the Democrats don't do all that much wrong and apologize for everything.

These are the two idiotic parties we're stuck with.

Guilt vs. innocence is such a debacle of tension. I was going to opine on how the truth is usually somewhere in the middle. But then we got D vs. R. Talk about the narrowness of horrible extremes.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

"Facts Matter" Washington Post! Or should it be "Some Facts Matter"

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Democrats don't do all that much wrong and apologize for everything.

Let me guess, you get all of your news from the New York Times?

Qwinn বলেছেন...

Ritmo: "guilty as sin"

Wow, a leftie acknowledges "sin". Who knew?

And socialists are now using the Bible to protest the GOP tax plan. Funny how they are all "Jesus would raise your taxes!" one second, and "get your theocracy off our backs!" the next.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

Sorry sweetie, that doesn’t cut it. A modicum of decency would serve Trumpists and Republicans better than the crass apologia and co-dependency you’ve been engaging in.

How do you figure?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Inga predictably ignores the comments pointing out that there is photographic evidence of Franken's grabbiness, whereas it doesn't exist in the case of this GOP rep she's pretending to be indignant about.

Evidence, Inga. Not feelz. Not "gee, I don't like him or his political views, so of course, I believe the accusers."

Do you ever even attempt to be rational?

Qwinn বলেছেন...

Has Menendez apologized? Link, please.

Has Clinton apologized for raping Broadrick? Link, please.

Has Hillary apologized for enabling Bill? Link, please.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

"grabby hands jerk standard"


"Yes." She went halfway out and turned. "There's one thing I like about you. You don't paw. And you have nice manners-in a way."
"It's a rotten technique-to paw."

--Raymond Chandler, Playback

Who raised these people?

chickelit বলেছেন...

I gave the Dems many votes over the years. So sad to them eating their own like this just to set up an attack on Trump. But they rally have nothing else going for them. If they can’t bring down Trump based on malfeasance, they’ve got no future it seems.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

As it stands today, the Democrats hold the high ground. What the future holds.... who knows.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...


Every single time, I read that first as Parenthood.

Birkel বলেছেন...

To answer a question above:

Congressional pensions become lifetime pensions after serving 10 years in Congress. (from memory and you can google it yourselves)

Al Franken was sworn into office, I believe, on January 1, 2009.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Just when you thought the Alabama Senate race couldn't get weirder:

[Jones is] now embroiled an upsetting controversy of his own: Black voters across Alabama are calling out a campaign flyer with extremely racist underpinnings.


tim in vermont বলেছেন...

s it stands today, the Democrats hold the high ground. What the future holds.... who knows

Yes, they have air cover from the Lolita Express!

What you mean to say is that they hold the press, so the Menendez stuff will never get reported. You didn't even know about it until this morning.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

You don't mean that the same Doug Jones - D who said There were many fine people on both sides of the Civil War could possibly have done something that could be construed as racist!

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

As Michael Harriot explains for the Root, the committee’s flyer relies on an “oversimplifciation of the black mind as only caring about black issues.”

“Part of the reason the Democratic Party has been marginalized as a party that only exists on the coasts and in urban areas is whitemannery like this,” he explains. “The Democratic Party is trash. It is the reason Hillary Clinton lost. It is the reason Donald Trump is president.”

Moar popcorn!

নামহীন বলেছেন...

According to the WSJ this is great inside baseball. The Dems force Franken out so they can attack Moore if he is elected. If Moore is too much trouble the R's can do the same thing and the AL governor will, like Dayton, appoint a senator from the same party(R). The important thing is to keep the seat in the R column - just as the important thing in 2016 was to keep Clinton out of office. Everything else can be dealt with by the Senate and the President. I suspect that the Moore accusations are weak compared to the Franken accusations even though I think the Franken situation has been blown way out of proportion.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

"A survey of federal government employees has the liberals over the Deplorables by almost 19 to 1. Over 99% of Department of Education employees backed Hillary. Trump's best showing was in the Department of Defense -- and even there Hillary had 84% of contributions. Add to this the liberal dominance in the media (93%) and academe (92%) and in Big Silicon...."

Why is that a surprise to anybody? It is why the DC vote went for Clinton by 96% and why Northern Virginia has turned Virginia into a blue state.

It's also why the DC area is the wealthiest in the nation. The federal government has grown rich and bloated. Why would any of those people vote to shrink the federal government? They are swamp creatures (including many Republicans) and quite comfortable with the status quo. Thank you very much, you foolish taxpayers who live outside the Beltway, especially the rubes who vote D so those bureaucrats can live in the manner to which they've become accustomed. They promise to toss you a few crumbs every so often.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

Just when you thought the Alabama Senate race couldn't get weirder

Big Mike

Hooo Boy, that flyer couldn't have been any dumber, more insulting or racist. Maybe the Democrats think that black people 1. don't vote. 2. they have the black vote all wrapped up or 3. blacks are too dumb to look at the flyer. Probably all of the above.

Talk about being ham handed. Wow.

Mike Sylwester বলেছেন...


I used to read and participate a lot at Belmont Club, but the PJ Media website began to freeze or crash my browser all the time.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Wow, a leftie acknowledges "sin". Who knew?

Greed, sloth, gluttony and every other regular Republican/conservative prerequisite trait that they're morally confused enough to mistakenly think of as "virtues."

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

Big Mike said...
Just when you thought the Alabama Senate race couldn't get weirder:

[Jones is] now embroiled an upsetting controversy of his own: Black voters across Alabama are calling out a campaign flyer with extremely racist underpinnings.


12/7/17, 3:25 PM

That's the equivalent of being on third with 2 outs and running back to first when the batter hits a single.

There isn't enough popcorn in the world for this election....

Jim at বলেছেন...

The proof is he didn’t fight the allegations and settled using $84,000 of taxpayer money. - Bullshit Inga

So everybody and anybody who settles out of court is now guilty, according to you.

You are the stupidest person I've ever come across.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Inga says her side has the moral high ground while they support Menedez participating in sex with "underage hooker" and procuring women for others. When Nancy Pelosi gives her approval to Democrat candidates sexually harassing women. When Gloria Allred makes up evidence--forges documents!-- against Republicans. When Franken says he's resigning... maybe. Lies, prostitution, enabling of harassment.

That's Inga's view of "occupying the moral high ground."

Gosh, what's the low moral ground?


tcrosse বলেছেন...

I wonder how this effects Franken's book sales ?

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Greed, sloth, gluttony and every other regular Republican/conservative prerequisite trait that they're morally confused enough to mistakenly think of as "virtues."

TTR's worldview manichean. The only real problem with the Democrats is that they are too darn good! OK. Each of us Republicans is a knuckle-dragging troglodyte who will probable retro-reincarnate on death to an even lower life form due to general evilness, and each Democrat is enlightened, bordering on Nirvana.

This is a great place to start a discussion! TTR's real problem is that he is a lefty in a world where the left has failed so often he is becoming depressed. Blue collar jobs going through the roof under Trump is even more deplorable! Upward pressure on working stiff wages? Another rebuke to his beloved socialism!

Quaestor বলেছেন...

That's Inga's view of "occupying the moral high ground."

All such measurements are relative. A reasonable man (not the risible oaf who thinks he's Aristotle) would grant the Democratic Party the "moral high ground" compared to... well, let's see... hmmmmm. North Korea?

etbass বলেছেন...

DBQ said, "We want our elected representatives to actually represent us and come out swinging and kick ass. We want you to do what WE elected you to do."

Amen, and amen.

Meade বলেছেন...

Franken: Today I am announcing that in the coming weeks I will be resigning as member of the United States Senate.

Yoda: Resign or do not resign. There is no in the coming weeks.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

The Reckoning happens in a bipartisan fashion.


Arizona Republican Rep. Trent Franks is expected to resign from Congress, a source with knowledge told Roll Call.

The 8th District congressman did not confirm or deny any plans to resign. He said he expected to make a statement Thursday.

It is unclear exactly why Franks is stepping down, but one Arizona Republican said there had been rumors of inappropriate behavior. The Republican said the congressman had apparently been making plans to run for Senate in 2012, but abruptly canceled those plans.

“There’s been rumors swirling around him for years, at least in 2012,” the Republican said. “And if this turns out to be true, there won’t be that many people who are surprised.”“

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Wow, a leftie acknowledges "sin". Who knew?

Greed, sloth, gluttony and every other regular Republican/conservative prerequisite trait that they're morally confused enough to mistakenly think of as "virtues."

12/7/17, 3:41 PM

C'mon, Ritmo, you're better than this.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

Pride and Wrath are also deadly sins.

buwaya বলেছেন...

To reiterate the value of "Season of the Witch", D.Talbot, that I noted above.

Note, David Talbot is a leftist, and a founder of Salon. His book pulls no punches about Democratic politics however, thoroughly worthwhile.

Its full of the seeds of today's politics. I think its quite difficult, actually, to understand the modern Democratic party without understanding San Francisco politics of the 1970's. A great deal of today's circumstances have their seeds there, the consequences that played out in the 1970's of the the cultural revolution of the 60's. Not least the tribal cultural-ethnic politics of today.

And a very great deal has to do with a seemingly parochial event, the 1975 SF mayoral election. Which was stolen, through the collusion of the local Democrats including Jerry Brown (now governor) and Willie Brown (former owner of the California legislature and patron-lover of Kamala Harris), through the efforts of cult leader Jim Jones. This is not in question.

This put an end to the old Catholic-ethnic politics of San Francisco, the working-class and small business society that once dominated local politics. These people were the prototypes of the modern "deplorables". They were already leaving SF, and that switch in politics turned the flow into a flood. I once tracked the SFUSD enrollment by race (that data was once publicly available) and you could see the departure in the annual figures.

Replaced by a fundamentally evil, instrinsically corrupt clique. That clique has grown to dominate US politics and all its institutions. Everything converges in San Francisco actually. Robert Mueller even, got his career start in SF's establishment Pillsbury, Madison and Sutro, the "downtown interests" that were mixed up with the Brown political machine. And, also, these are the roots of Nancy Pelosi, and Dianne Feinstein (and especially her husband), and etc.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

TTR's worldview manichean. The only real problem with the Democrats is that they are too darn good! OK. Each of us Republicans is a knuckle-dragging troglodyte who will probable retro-reincarnate on death to an even lower life form due to general evilness, and each Democrat is enlightened, bordering on Nirvana.

I just don't believe in hiring lazyasses. Do you? Are they taking my tax money? That sounds like an employee-employer relationship. I've never hired someone who talked about how horrible the company was, how much less they were going to do with it, and oh yeah, pay me anyway. But you Republicans hire such politicians to be your public servants every time you go into the voting booth. Strange. Maybe you should pay your employees in the private sector to do less for the organization they claim to hate too. Interesting philosophy. Stupid, but interesting.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

Give credit where credit’s due.

“The chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee said Thursday that the committee will never support Roy Moore, the Alabama Senate candidate who has been accused of sexual misconduct with teenage girls.

“Roy Moore will never have the support of the senatorial committee. We will never endorse him. We won’t support him,” Colorado senator Cory Gardner told THE WEEKLY STANDARD. “I won’t let that happen. Nothing will change. I stand by my previous statement.””

PackerBronco বলেছেন...

Blogger Inga said...
As it stands today, the Democrats hold the high ground.

Just because they're showing off their rear ends does not mean they're up on the high ground.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Pride and Wrath are also deadly sins.

Lol. Of which Trump is certainly never guilty!

Especially while tweeting away his wrath and constantly extolling his self-pride.

Thanks for reminding me. You Republicans really are one big ball of sin all the way around.

buwaya বলেছেন...

Kamala Harris is the current iteration of the sort of politics that began in "The Season of the Witch" - in a direct line of descent of the San Francisco -Willie Brown machine.

She is the spawn of a demonic stew.

Unknown বলেছেন...

I'm sure that there will be some Republicans caught up in the scandals.... there's no love for the GOPe anywhere. And politicians in general are scumbags.

But Inga, you should also note that Democrat Kevin Spacey has been caught again... molesting the Crown Prince of Norway. Yes, the Prince of Norway, when Democrat Kevin Spacey grabbed his, er, "Crown Jewels" during a conversation.

And former Democrat congressman and current MSNBC panelist Harold Ford got fired by Morgan Stanley for sexual harassment today. Wonder if MSNBC will keep him on.


Big Mike বলেছেন...

I just don't believe in hiring lazyasses. Do you? Are they taking my tax money?

I have some seriously bad news for you. Most federal employees are lazyasses. Not everybody, but there are an awful lot of people who are retired on the job ... with nineteen years to go before they're eligible to retire.

Amadeus 48 বলেছেন...

The holy trinity of our secular religion are convenience, envy, and power.

I think we need a new religion.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Al Franken on Celebrity Jeopardy

Alex: "The category is '20th Century Women'"
Franken "I don't know anything about women!"

.. some macho badinage...

Alex: "20th Century Women, for $200 here is your clue!"

End of clip.

Unknown বলেছেন...

By the way, Obama is out there calling Trump Hitler today. Literally. The day after Trump moves our embassy to Jerusalem is the day Obama decides to call Trump Hitler.

Because recognizing Judaism is such a Hitler thing to do, right liberals?


Paddy O বলেছেন...

If Democrats start taking corruption as seriously as they are now taking sexual harassment, they'll start winning every election, everywhere.

Though, not the same Democrats as are now in power, so it'll never happen.

Heaven help the GOP if progressives ever realize that overlooking political corruption is an expression of hatred toward the poor.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Most federal employees are lazyasses.

They're not the ones I'm concerned about. I'm concerned about the elected lazyasses they report to.

Most workers period are lazyasses. Have you been anywhere in the world lately? That's just how it goes. Not a surprise considering how little you pay them.

I'm concerned about the CEO and managers how lazy they are. The ones we elect. For them to blame everything on the people that report to them is asinine. It just shows that they can't do the job. FIRE THEM!

buwaya বলেছেন...

San Francisco Democratic politics of the 1970's were a scale model of modern Democratic politics. These are from the Salon writeup on "Season of the Witch"


Some bits -

- Compromise of quasi-government entities -

"Jones used his position to take possession of public housing units and install temple members in them, and he put other followers on the housing authority payroll. The preacher was building his own power base within city government. “He was using his power to recruit members and to put the hammer on people,” said David Reuben, an investigator for San Francisco District Attorney Joseph Freitas, another politician under Jones’s sway. “He had a lot of authority.”

- Ethnic pandering - note: Jones' church was almost entirely black. He was a white man that turned into a black preacher. Not even Tom Wolfe could get as weird as reality.

"The audience, packed with elderly black temple worshippers, erupted into wild cheers at his most routine pronouncements. Temple enforcers roamed through the meetings, keeping a watchful vigil, and even blocking people from entering the bathroom while Jones was inside."

Etc. and etc. and etc. Wolfe's "Bonfire of the Vanities" simply cannot compare with the absurdity, intricacy and layered hypocrisy of reality. Wolfe had to set his piece in New York, because to do justice to San Francisco would have required excessive suspension of disbelief.

MikeR বলেছেন...

Franks, huh? Probably he's been getting angry calls from people who mix him up with Franken.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“By the way, Obama is out there calling Trump Hitler today. Literally. The day after Trump moves our embassy to Jerusalem is the day Obama decides to call Trump Hitler.”
“Former President Obama issued a stark warning against growing nativism in the U.S. and throughout the world at the Economic Club of Chicago on Tuesday, invoking growing complacency and the rise of Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.

Obama told the forum's audience during a question and answer session that the danger at hand was "grow[ing] complacent," according to newspaper Crain's Chicago Business.

"We have to tend to this garden of democracy or else things could fall apart quickly," Obama said.
Despite the democracy of the Weimar Republic, Adolph Hitler rose to power, he continued.

"Sixty million people died. ...”

Vance obviously doesn’t know the meaning of the word “literally”.

buwaya বলেছেন...

"Sixty million people died. ...”

That's being pretty darn literal. Everything but the mustache apparently.

Gospace বলেছেন...

MayBee said...

Who else accused women of lying regarding accusations of sexual assault?

Duke LaCrosse players.

UVA fraternity boys.

Lena Dunham.

Not assault, but harassment-


Which is why I need more proof than he said/she said. Especially with brand new accusations of behavior 40 years in the past with accusers with a history of false accusations against others. Or other possible "Let's get him" reasons such as he put her brother in jail.

Michael বলেছেন...

"I'm concerned about the CEO and managers how lazy they are. The ones we elect. For them to blame everything on the people that report to them is asinine. It just shows that they can't do the job. FIRE THEM!"

The problem, of course, is that those we elect cannot fire the people that work for them. That is the intrinsic horror of the deep state. We can cycle in new "leaders" until the cows come home but if they have no power over those who work for them (the power to remove) then we are stuck with a growing state. Richest counties in US surround D.C., the place where the thing they make is law. They are not interested in slimming down.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Don't worry Michael. They're no one you can't pay off.

Milwaukie guy বলেছেন...

That the fourth branch of government is so overwhemingly partisan Democrat should be a national outrage. Too bad there isn't a political party that could make it an issue.

[Now I know what conflicting edits is.]

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

We have to tend to this garden of democracy or else things could fall apart quickly," Obama said.

After abusing the NSA to spy on his political opponents, oh, and using the IRS to spy on his political opponents and harry their donors, oh and using the FEC to harass his political opponents. Oh, and overthrowing the sovereign leader of Libya, throwing that country into chaos, and exacerbating the civil war in Syria in an attempt to overthrow Assad, when I thought the main reason he got elected was so that we would stop doing stuff like that!

Yeah. What he really meant was this "garden of the Democrats"

Lucien বলেছেন...

So what happens when someone comes forward and says (for the sake of argument, only) that she used to room with some senator, who used to drive them both home from parties totally shit-faced?

Drunk drivers kill thousands every year,right? So even if it happened 25 years ago and no one was hurt it's still gotta be worse than grabbing someone's butt 25 years ago, doesn't it?

tcrosse বলেছেন...

Franken said nothing in his speech which would militate against him being reinstated once winds change. The forcing of a Senator to resign for any reason or no reason is the sort of precedent which might turn around to bite the Dems on the ass.

DanTheMan বলেছেন...

Is there a betting pool on Franken not actually carrying through and retiring? I'd put the odds north of 50% that he never does.

Rabel বলেছেন...

"Trump Is My Asshole"

would make a damn good bumper sticker. You could sell it to both sides, bring America together.

Kevin বলেছেন...

Brilliant, and best analysis I have seen. I have followed you for a long time thanks to Glenn Reynolds, who has great taste.

Kevin বলেছেন...

Brilliant, and best analysis I have seen. I have followed you for a long time thanks to Glenn Reynolds, who has great taste.

Kevin বলেছেন...

Brilliant, and best analysis I have seen. I have followed you for a long time thanks to Glenn Reynolds, who has great taste.

Kevin বলেছেন...

Brilliant, and best analysis I have seen. I have followed you for a long time thanks to Glenn Reynolds, who has great taste.

MacMacConnell বলেছেন...

Franken will hold on till at least Dec 12, the day of the Alabama election. He will rail against Moore's victory. Franken will try to contrast his allegations with Moore's.

The problem is that Franken's "sins" continued into his years as Senator and wasn't something known by voters. In Moore's case the "sins" were well known by voters prior to this election. Their cases aren't equivalent and an election is the due process for deciding if voters give a shit.

Drago বলেছেন...

TTR: "Not a surprise considering how little you pay them."

Whoa! We actually pay them?

Get the General Manager on the horn. I need to chat with him/her prior to the Investors Call.

Tommy Duncan বলেছেন...


I took the time to research your often posted question about Blake Farenthold.

Given the Congressional statement below, why would Farenthold resign? Why would the GOP call for his resignation?

"Statement of the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Ethics Regarding Representative Blake Farenthold
Sep 28, 2015

Pursuant to Committee Rule 7(g), the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Ethics (Committee) determined on September 28, 2015, to release the following statement:

On June 29, 2015, the Committee received a referral from the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) regarding whether Representative Blake Farenthold sexually harassed a former member of his staff, discriminated against her on the basis of her gender, and retaliated against her for complaining about the alleged unlawful treatment. Pursuant to House Rule XI, clause 3(b)(8)(A) and Committee Rule 17A, the Chairman and Ranking Member jointly decided on August 13, 2015, to extend the Committee’s review of the matter.

In its referral, OCE unanimously recommended that the Committee dismiss the matter, because OCE did not find substantial reason to believe that Representative Farenthold engaged in the alleged conduct.

These allegations are also the subject of a lawsuit filed in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, and currently pending in that court. Due to the ongoing nature of the lawsuit, the Committee has not yet been able to complete its review of the matter and therefore is not in a position to dismiss the matter at this time. The Committee will continue its review and ultimately will take any additional action it deems necessary, consistent with the House and Committee rules. The Committee notes that the mere fact of conducting further review of a referral, and any mandatory disclosure of such further review, does not itself indicate that any violation has occurred, or reflect any judgment on behalf of the Committee.

In order to comply with Committee Rule 7 regarding confidentiality, out of fairness to all respondents, and to assure the integrity of its work, the Committee will refrain from making further public statements on this matter pending completion of its initial review.

Pursuant to Committee Rule 17A, the Committee hereby publishes OCE’s Report related to allegations against Representative Farenthold. OCE did not transmit findings to the Committee in this matter, so no findings are published."

Michael K বলেছেন...

Inga has her talking points and don't argue with her.

If you want to argue, argue with the DNC which furnished them to her,

MacMacConnell বলেছেন...

Franken won't resign if Moore is seated in the Senate.

DanTheMan বলেছেন...

>>Franken won't resign if Moore is seated in the Senate.

And if he wins, what do the 10 D senators who called on him to resign do?

Anything at all?

Jim at বলেছেন...

Save this:

In its referral, OCE unanimously recommended that the Committee dismiss the matter, because OCE did not find substantial reason to believe that Representative Farenthold engaged in the alleged conduct.

And use it every, damn time Bullshit Inga tries to change the subject to Rep. Farenthold ... whoever the hell he is.

Tommy Duncan বলেছেন...

From Rollcall:

"Arizona Republican Rep. Trent Franks is expected to resign from Congress, a source with knowledge told Roll Call.

The 8th District congressman did not confirm or deny any plans to resign. He said he expected to make a statement Thursday.

“We will have a statement a little bit later, but that’s all I can tell you right now,” Franks told Roll Call. “The statement will explain.”

It is unclear exactly why Franks is stepping down, but one Arizona Republican said there had been rumors of inappropriate behavior. The Republican said the congressman had apparently been making plans to run for Senate in 2012, but abruptly canceled those plans.

“There’s been rumors swirling around him for years, at least in 2012,” the Republican said. “And if this turns out to be true, there won’t be that many people who are surprised.”

TWW বলেছেন...

One of the best posts you have ever written. One small quibble; it's not the 'Democratic Party', it's the 'Democrat Party'.

MacMacConnell বলেছেন...

"And if this turns out to be true, there won’t be that many people who are surprised"

Like I said last week, every institution knows who the players are in that institution. Any of you believe that most knew FBI Strzok was intermuriel fucking another FBI mattress back. By the way fucking your colleagues at the FBI is a fireable offence, why is this adulterer still employed at the FBI HR dept..

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“And use it every, damn time Bullshit Inga tries to change the subject to Rep. Farenthold ... whoever the hell he is.”

You don’t know who Blake Farenthold is? The pajama boy? LOL. You idiot.

12/7/17, 6:06 PM


“The House Ethics Committee launched an investigation into Rep. Blake Farenthold over allegations that he sexually harassed a former aide and then retaliated against her when she complained about it.

The committee said new evidence in the matter, which was first reviewed in 2015, warranted an investigation. Earlier Thursday, the panel said it was seeking an interview with Lauren Greene, the former aide who says she was sexually harassed by the Texas Republican.

Greene received an $84,000, taxpayer-funded settlement after she sued Farenthold in Dec. 2014 over allegations of gender discrimination, sexual harassment and creating a hostile work environment.

Even though the Office of Congressional Ethics cleared Farenthold, the Ethics Committee has continued to look into the matter.”

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“WASHINGTON — The House Ethics Committee says it has unanimously voted to establish an investigative panel to examine sexual harassment allegations against Republican Rep. Blake Farenthold of Texas.

The committee has reviewed more than 200,000 pages of materials and interviewed multiple witnesses. It says that in light of recent developments, it considers it appropriate to continue the work.”


Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

Trent Franks is resigning over allegations that he discusssed surrogacy with two female staffers. Hmmm something about this just doesn’t ring entirely true. He innocently discussed surrogacy with female staffers? Could it be that he asked them to be the surrogates for him, he then would deposit sperm in their uteri and then they would carry the baby for him and his wife?

Michael K বলেছেন...

Another Inga cut and paste thread.

See ya. I have better things to do than read Inga's foolishness.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Did Farenholt use underage sex slaves? Or was that only sitting Democratic Senator Menendez? You keep bringing this Farenholt guy up. I know you are really really really upset about the guy. But Menendez doesn't seem to rate a peep from Democrats anywhere, except for one sainted Democrat blog commenter here at Althouse.

It's almost as if, now stick with me, because I know this sounds absurd, but it's almost as if this is only about partisan advantage for you, Inga, and not sweeping the worst of the worst from power.

Where are the ten Senators who demanded Franken resign on this issue?

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

“See ya. I have better things to do than read Inga's foolishness.”

Bye! Hey where is that book report? It was due Wednesday!

CWJ বলেছেন...

Seriously. An Inga thread? I read 360 comments and other than a cameo appearance by Ritmo, it's all an Inga thread? SOAB, I feel like Ralphie after getting his Little Orphan Annie decoder ring.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

The committee has reviewed more than 200,000 pages of materials ....

200,000 pages? Ya know, maybe it's just me, but that seems like an awful lot of pages.If the guy had 200 accusers, instead of just one, it would be 1,000 pages per accuser..

FIDO বলেছেন...

Roman Politicians, when caught doing shameful things, usually, for the good of the Family, the Faction, the Republic and Society, fell on their swords.

When a few Senators et al neglected to do this and prospered as a result, it fell out of practice.

So Inga, thank Clinton for this reality you hate. Republicans aren't falling on their swords any more at your say so.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Inga wrote: As it stands today, the Democrats hold the high ground. What the future holds.... who knows.

The future holds nothing for the Dems if it's based solely on destroying Trump. You must be able to see that. So far, nothing but destruction. I call it "Hillary's Revenge."

walter বলেছেন...

Qwinn said...let's just say I can't be arsed to defend Franken on principal alone.
I certainly hope not..especially if you're not used to that potentially painful practice.

Yes Al,
It's far better for the "conversation" to self-punish while denying guilt.
The whining about all the effort you put in to learn the job was a nice touch.
Comedy Sports always has openings.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

There is no empowerment in self-immolation.

walter বলেছেন...

He understands and respects your experience...

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

I'm sorry about the continuing troubles with Blogger, which I have reason to know are temporary, so please bear with me. It's an incredibly annoying problem for me trying to publish new posts, and I apologize if anyone lost a comment as I worked to compress this post into a single version.


Things will be better soon.

"Why, exactly, does it take "weeks" to step down again?"

I assume the Democratic Party needs his vote pending the arrival of the new Senator.

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