November 18, 2017

"Wikileaks used to be a champion of (seemingly) what they're absolutely not helping with right now."

Said Bill Maher on his show last night. I'm not that interested in how the guests he happened to have on his panel reacted to that prompt. I just wanted to transcribe that one sentence, because it fascinated me.

It's short but complicated, confusing but it hangs together. It's about Wikileaks, but it's kind of about everything in politics, isn't it?

Think of all the individuals and organizations who seemed to be a champion of something you cared about who are absolutely not helping with right now.


Are W said...

In my opinion, members of the Senate are the biggest non champions this year.

Rob said...

The mental gymnastics on Maher’s show last night were stunning to behold, a modern-day version of the contortions American leftists put themselves through to justify the Hitler-Stalin non-aggression pact.

rhhardin said...

Radio Derb this week

[T]he mask has been dropped. Bret Stephens doesn't do masks. He just hates us white Anglo gentiles, and doesn't care who knows it.

That's the key point: He doesn't care who knows it. He's on the right side in our Cultural Revolution. It's fine for blacks to insult whites, for women to insult men, for city slickers to insult flyover hicks, for Jews to insult gentiles.

The converses are not okay, in fact worse than not-okay. For a white to drop the mask of politeness and openly insult blacks — or even, as I found out, to just state true facts about them without malice — is considered an outrage. Likewise for a male to point out that a fair proportion of successful women in showbiz are cheap sluts, or that metropolitan liberals are often crass snobs, or that the percentage of obnoxiously ethnocentric jerks among American Jews is rather high, is the cue for a Two Minutes Hate against the speaker.

These petty resentments and animosities have always been present under the surface, of course. I'm just saying that now, where they are in line with the CultMarx narrative, they can be openly and freely expressed, and used to whip up pogroms against the offender groups: whites, men, gun owners, Trump supporters, gentiles.

I'm sure Chinese students of the mid-1960s often nursed resentments against their teachers, politicians, and other authority figures. Those resentments were kept in check by polite traditional restraints, though, as well as by the enforcers of a totalitarian state; but once Mao Tse-tung let loose the Red Guards, the targets of ordinary social resentment could be humiliated, beaten,and killed.

Our own Cultural Revolution has so far drawn the line at humiliation. I quietly wonder how much longer that will continue to be the case.

Anonymous said...


Re Franken, Moore, DJT, etc. here is my prediction for Nov 2020!

POTUS: Warren or Sanders or Gillibrand
VPOTUS: Gillibrand or Kamala Harris or Amy Klobuchar or Booker


Speaker in Nov 2018: Pelosi
Majority Leader in Nov 2018: Schumer


Jaq said...

Thanks A.P.! I was feeling down before good old "Wrong Way" showed up! There is always the stopped clock risk though.

rehajm said...

Amy Schumer will not be Senate majority leader in 2018. Take it to the bank!

rehajm said...

Shorter Maher: You mean they actually believe that crap?

Bruce Hayden said...

Wikileaks has been a pet of the left here because it typically embarrassed Republicans and the elite. But this time around, they embarrassed Crooked Hillary and her campaign. After the DNC sold out and became a wholly owned subsidiary of her campaign, someone inside downloaded the DNC emails and then sent a copy to Assange, and they were then leaked to the public, instead of being suppressed as a good progressive would have. He was never really a fellow traveler, but rather merely a convenient ally. He is the one who speaks truth to power, not the progressives and the Dems, no matter how desperately they want to believe that of themselves, or relive their misspent youth. They are upset that Assange and WikiLeaks are soot the reservation now. They were never on it.

Matt Sablan said...

I'm old enough to remember when the left thought information wanted to be free.

Anonymous said...

rhhardin quoting J.Derbyshire: "Our own Cultural Revolution has so far drawn the line at humiliation. I quietly wonder how much longer that will continue to be the case."

I know my jaw has been dropping at some of the things people like Bret Stephens have been excreting recently, about Americans of a certain racial and ethnic persuasion. If such speech were applied in any other direction (particularly at people like themselves), they'd be screaming and yelling at high decibel about bigotry and the evils of stereotyping, and why everyone must STFU because denigration leads to dehumanization leads to violence, etc., etc., etc.

The lack of self-insight is astounding.

Sydney said...

Re: Former champions of things they are absolutely not supporting right now.
So many examples, so many.
1)My own professional organization used to be champions of family physicians. They provided support for the practice of medicine, whether it was practice management or getting hospital privileges. Now they are champions of whatever mandates the government brings down. That turn occurred about 8 years ago.
2)The Roman Catholic Church. Used to be big on Tradition - the thought and belief handed down for generations from Christ through the Church, with much debate and intellecutal rigor applied before it becomes dogma. Now, it appears to be abandoning that Tradition, or at least flirting with abandoning it.
3) The Democratic party. It used to be the champion of the individual over the corporation. Now it is all about corporate cronyism and identity politics.
4) The United States Government- Senate and House - used to be about government by representation. Now it is all about hanging on to power and perqs.
5) The ACLU - used to be about protecting civil liberties. Now it is about only protecting certain civil liberties (i.e. NOT freedom of religion or the second amendment)
6) Politics- at some point, the ideal of politics was engagement. Now the ideal is activism.
If I had more time, I am sure I could think of more

Darrell said...

I wear steel-toed shoes in case I ever meet Maher.

David Begley said...


Well put and true. The American Bar Association became a wing of the Democrat party about 20 years ago.

At my alma mater (Creighton), global warming is the gospel and taught in the Theology Department.

Wilbur said...

Sydney, I believe you're 50+ years too late on the Catholic Church.

When this altar boy learned at age 11 that a lot of their rules/traditions were just made-up stuff that they could change when they felt like it, then their whole edifice crumbled for me.

JAORE said...

Comey has got to be the poster boy for this topic.

Hero of the left, demon of the right.
Hero of the right traitor to the left.

Left: He's GOT TO GO!
Comey fired, left: How traitorous to remove him!

Rinse and repeat.

Michael K said...

Sydney, Now they are champions of whatever mandates the government brings down. That turn occurred about 8 years ago.

That began in 1986 with the RBRVS. That was aimed at surgeons, like me, and internist friends boasted about how they were going to get all that money that would be taken away from us.

The AMA and the Harvard School of Public Health combined to submit the successful proposal for that Medicare "Reform."

What happened was that the AMA which had, as you said, been mostly a family doctor lobby, now became a government partner in controlling American Medicine. Around that time, I became a delegate and attended several conventions. It was an eye opener. The elaborate campaigning for office was explained the first time I attended the Finance Committee and saw the salaries of the Board of Trustees.

I had previously only attended the December Scientific Session. As a delegate, I attended the June session when elections were held. I quit the next year.

They have spent the last 30 years as a tool of government and have been well paid.

Fritz said...

Sydney said...
Re: Former champions of things they are absolutely not supporting right now.
So many examples, so many.
1)My own professional organization used to be champions of family physicians. They provided support for the practice of medicine, whether it was practice management or getting hospital privileges. Now they are champions of whatever mandates the government brings down. That turn occurred about 8 years ago.
2)The Roman Catholic Church. Used to be big on Tradition - the thought and belief handed down for generations from Christ through the Church, with much debate and intellecutal rigor applied before it becomes dogma. Now, it appears to be abandoning that Tradition, or at least flirting with abandoning it.
3) The Democratic party. It used to be the champion of the individual over the corporation. Now it is all about corporate cronyism and identity politics.
4) The United States Government- Senate and House - used to be about government by representation. Now it is all about hanging on to power and perqs.
5) The ACLU - used to be about protecting civil liberties. Now it is about only protecting certain civil liberties (i.e. NOT freedom of religion or the second amendment)
6) Politics- at some point, the ideal of politics was engagement. Now the ideal is activism.
If I had more time, I am sure I could think of more

O'Sullivan's law:

O’Sullivan’s Law states that any organization or enterprise that is not expressly right wing will become left wing over time. The law is named after British journalist John O’Sullivan.

Bob Boyd said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
glenn said...

It’s hell when the little people don’t follow orders.

Rob said...

Last night on Maher's show, we heard a theme we've been hearing a lot lately, including from Hillary Clinton, who said in a radio interview yesterday: "Look at the contrast between Al Franken, accepting responsibility, apologizing, and Roy Moore and Donald Trump who have done neither. [That] is the kind of accountability I’m talking about. I don’t hear that from Roy Moore or Donald Trump."

So people who admit sexual wrongdoing are on a higher plane than those who have the audacity to deny the allegations against them. Denial of the charges seems to be a crime in and of itself; you become an Enemy of the State. We hear it in the "national conversation" about sexual improprieties; we hear it in the university star chambers that judge student allegations. This is what totalitarianism looks like.

n.n said...

Denial of the charges seems to be a crime in and of itself

They disregard photographic evidence, deny the form and purpose of rape (or is it rape-rape), then demand to prove a negative. The twilight faith in all of its diverse splendors.

Birkel said...

Anybody who thinks these changes have happened recently should re-visit their assumptions.

Take it as a given that you noticed recently.
That means the organizations stopped pretending some time before you noticed.
That means they were hiding their positions prior to that.
That means the people who held those ideological positions gained authority with the organization before that.

Follow where logic dictates and you will see The Long March.

The goal is a subversion of individual freedom so that power may be exercised completely.

CWJ said...

I'm currently reading Ann Applebaum's "Iron Curtain." It's instructive. As someone born after the Eastern Block had become an established fact, I wondered how that came to be.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Malcolm Nance is pretty straightforward and uncompromised. He said they were basically a Russian intel clearinghouse operation. Just cause Assange seems to have a purer motive, doesn't mean he/they actually do. Everyone wants to see wikileaks as a white knight, which by now you'd have to have your right-wing partisan head up your ass to still believe.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So people who admit sexual wrongdoing are on a higher plane than those who have the audacity to deny the allegations against them.

Rob, you're sounding smug.

Right-wing sexually smug predators.

Birkel said...

Information wants to be free.
Blame the messenger.

Right, TTR?

William said...

I read Applebaum's book,Gulag. She writes that some 28 million people passed through the Gulag system. Of that total, at least seven million died. Both the inmates and the administrators of the system thought of it as slave labor. The administrators would bid among themselves for the services of prisoners whose skills were in demand. There is reason to believe that some people, like mining engineers, were arrested and sent to the Gulag simply because of the skills they possessed.......When people talk about the stain of slavery on the United States, I can't help but think of the Gulag and the brave defense that the Hollywood Ten offered of the Soviet system. Maher continues in that fine tradition: Alabama sex scandals are so much more evil than Hollywood sex scandals, just as Alabama slavery was so much worse than Gulag slavery.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Trump certainly loved him some Wikileaks. There’s a compilation video out there somewhere. Pretty funny.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“So people who admit sexual wrongdoing are on a higher plane than those who have the audacity to deny the allegations against them.”

The vast majority of sexual offenders deny the allegations against them.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Information wants to be free.

Republicans want to be let off the hook. And not held accountable for anything.

Free to pursue as much power as they want, to use as incompetently as they please.

Right, Birkel?

Wince said...

"Wikileaks used to be a champion of (seemingly) what they're absolutely not helping with right now."

Helping what, exactly?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"The vast majority of sexual offenders deny the allegations against them."

Like the innocent?

You are in a truly insane place.

narciso said...

Malcolm nancecis a blithering idiot, hes the greatest embarrassment to the udt's since Jesse ventura, Steven macintyre noted his category error at climate audit.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The vast majority of sexual offenders deny the allegations against them."
“Like the innocent?

You are in a truly insane place.”
Because a sexual predator claims innocence, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be investigated. To dismiss the allegations based on a claim of innocence is insane. As Trumpists do regarding Trump’s sexual assault problems. As Moore’s supporters do. As those who have no morals or scruples do. You’d rather have a pedophile voted into office than a Democrat. What does that say about you?

traditionalguy said...

That gem is inside baseball in all political organizations. The people who preach the most against things are actually acting and voting for those things, under cover.Their passionate professions are part of that cover.

Trump has put a spotlight on many a Rino Rat.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Malcolm nancecis a blithering idiot, hes the greatest embarrassment to the udt's since Jesse ventura, Steven macintyre noted his category error at climate audit.

So you don't like him because he's black. I get it.

"climate audit." Sounds like a totally reputable site. So glad we get our political advice from people for whom taking the temperature is too hard a task to do without pretending there's some conspiracy to it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"climate audit" is published on Wordpress and hasn't uploaded a new post since October 10th.

This monitoring the climate conspiracy must be very busy, consuming stuff. Especially when you've got to take time to gumshoe about on all the other political intrigue that has nothing to do with the science you pretend to be interested in. Climate conspiracies as a pretext for endless political fixations and other government-oriented paranoias. Really, truly cogent stuff there. Plato would be proud.

Hyphenated American said...

Unknown: Hillary denies being paid by Russians to sell American uranium
Obama denies any knowledge that irs illegally targeted hundreds of conservative groups. He even denies that irs was corrupt.

Hyphenated American said...

“So glad we get our political advice from people for whom taking the temperature is too hard a task to do without pretending there's some conspiracy to it.”

With this one phrase you showed how little you know about the global warming debate.
Ignorant and arrogant - that’s a rather explosive combination.

Birkel said...

UnknownInga64 writes "Because a sexual predator...

Blissfully unaware that assuming the conclusion is a logical ereor, nevertheless UnknownInga64 persists in its demagoguery.

Birkel said...

As for TTR, I think charges of racism have become annoyingly common and easy to dismiss, therfore.

Beside that, you assume so much about those you wish to criticize and how they think that you are left repeating false and tired charges that have lost their power. When you declare war, the other side will fight, too.

You are now boring.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

With this one phrase you showed how little you know about the global warming debate.

There is no debate. There is the science and the reality, and there are political wackos who think that unless you believe that trees will starve without industrial CO2, or that volcanoes and sunspots have a greater effect on climate than having an atmosphere in the first place - without which nothing in the known universe can even possess a climate - then you're on the warpath to cripple America's economy by keeping an industry that employs less people than Arby's isn't propped up and subsidized enough by the government to survive long past its natural expiration in the last century.

BTW, I wasn't aware that the climate needed "auditing." Most of us just look outside, take out a thermometer, and go from there. But I guess those methods are too primitive to take on the right-wing bullshit machine that pretends to see a conspiracy in the weather. A PR machine that says melting glaciers and icebergs are lying to them, but that an industry - the very industry paying off the same PR firm that Phillip-Morris got to say cigarettes were safe - is not.

Jim at said...

You’d rather have a pedophile voted into office than a Democrat. What does that say about you?


Actually, it says more about the Democrat.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You are now boring.

So is your mother. So what?

But unlike her I don't lie to you.

Birkel said...

See? Boring in the extreme. Lazy and unimaginative. Your recitation of bromides affects no reader.

Yours is failure.

cubanbob said...

Because a sexual predator claims innocence, doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be investigated. To dismiss the allegations based on a claim of innocence is insane. As Trumpists do regarding Trump’s sexual assault problems. As Moore’s supporters do. As those who have no morals or scruples do. You’d rather have a pedophile voted into office than a Democrat. What does that say about you?"

Please do tell us about "Suitcase" Al Franken, Menedez the criminal, Hillary the sex pest enabler, grifter, criminal and traitor and let's not forget Barack Obama who purposefully allowed the criminal conduct of his AG's, the intelligence agencies and his cabinet officer(s).

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

See? Boring in the extreme. Lazy and unimaginative. Your recitation of bromides affects no reader.

Yours is failure.

Let me get this straight. Excitement to you is more important than truth?

Then why should I talk to you. Go to a fucking amusement park. Get on a roller coaster. Sign up for Space X.

Frankly, you bore the fuck out of me. But I'm not so smug and stupid as to expect that the purpose of other people is to entertain me.

Your mom truly must have been boring in the extreme for you to think that this was how you would get your kicks and jollies in life. By anonymously annoying people on the internet and browbeating them with irrelevant political platitudes.

Get out of your basement.

Drago said...

Unknown: "You’d rather have a pedophile voted into office than a Democrat."

The folks who give standing ovations to convicted pedophiles would like to take a moment to lecture everyone else.

Lets be sure to give them a good listen...

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Actually, it says more about the Democrat.”

Actually, no it doesn’t.

“In 1994, Trump went to a party with Jeffrey Epstein, a billionaire who was a notorious registered sex offender, and raped a 13-year-old girl that night in what was a "savage sexual attack," according to a lawsuit filed in June 2016 by "Jane Doe." The account was corroborated by a witness in the suit, who claimed to have watched as the child performed various sexual acts on Trump and Epstein even after the two were advised she was a minor.

"Immediately following this rape Defendant Trump threatened me that, were I ever to reveal any of the details of Defendant Trump’s sexual and physical abuse of me, my family and I would be physically harmed if not killed," Jane Doe wrote in the lawsuit, filed in New York.

The lawsuit was dropped in November 2016, just four days before the election, with Jane Doe's attorneys citing "numerous threats" against her.”

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The folks who give standing ovations to convicted pedophiles would like to take a moment to lecture everyone else.”

Like you who continue to support for Roy Moore and Donald Trump. You don’t have a leg to stand on. I never applauded or supported convicted pedophiles or sexual molesters, unlike you. Let’s hear you call for Trump and Moore’s resignation, until then you’re just blabbering.

Drago said...

Unknown: "Like you who continue to support for Roy Moore and Donald Trump. You don’t have a leg to stand on. I never applauded or supported convicted pedophiles or sexual molesters, unlike you."

The entire left of Hollywood stood for a convicted pedophile.

On camera (like Franken!), for a prolonged, prooooooooooloooooonged standing ovation, for a guy who drugged and sodomized a 14 year old girl.

These hollywood types were some of the biggest backers of your party and your pals, whom you support.

These same hollywood types joined forces with more of your Big Law dem pals to actually create Goon Squads of thugs to go out and harass these victims of your beloved dems.

Literally hundreds and thousands of big shot dems in the media, the law and in politics were "in on" the suppression and attacking of decades worth of victims of your bestest buddies.

And whats best about it all: all the lovely, lovely pics of Hillary and all the dem politicians rubbing shoulders with all those hollywood thugs and Big Law types who went after all those victims.

I'm afraid all your screeching at the moon isn't going to make that go away.

Oh, and as expected, naturally, the dems are beginning to rally around Franken and Clinton (still!).

Fantastic and predictable!

The only thing more outrageous is your simultaneous shrill call for importing more practitioners of FGM and burning of gays alive in cages.

Because, of course you are.

Of course you are.

You are EXACTLY like every other member of your team. Exactly.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The entire left of Hollywood stood for a convicted pedophile.

On camera (like Franken!), for a prolonged, prooooooooooloooooonged standing ovation, for a guy who drugged and sodomized a 14 year old girl.”

I wasn’t there, I’m not an actor, I am a liberal who lives in flyover country and I don’t identify or associate myself with those who applaud pedophiles and sexual molesters. I rejected and continue to reject those who make excuses for sexual predators. If I am guilty by association, So. Are. You.

As I said, you haven’t a leg to stand on. Until you call for the resignation of Moore and Trump, you are as bad and as hypocritical as you think I am.

Drago said...

Unknown: "I wasn’t there, I’m not an actor, I am a liberal who lives in flyover country and I don’t identify or associate myself with those who applaud pedophiles and sexual molesters."


Your rules.

Live. By. Them.

And love it....

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Drago can only reply with, blah blah, blah. You are a victim of your own rules.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

And of your hypocrisy.

buwaya said...

If it makes sense to beat 10 year old boys over the head about "rape culture", or whatever the fashionable name-calling is, and denigrate them as a class relative to girls, then it is reasonable to tar all Liberals with the sins of their leadership, cultural and political.

Universal experience if you have had kids in K-12 over the last 20 years in a "blue" area, and I gather "red" too these days.

Jaq said...

Project much,Unknown?

Birkel said...

You gather correctly.

You keep asserting you have mentioned facts. Would you mind typing them for those of us who cannot read your small brain?

Drago said...

Unknown: "And of your hypocrisy."

What is most astonishing is that all of Inga's beloveds who gave the convicted pedophile a standing ovation, and did it PROUDLY, were happy to do it during a global telecast where they went out of their way to discuss morality.

Thus, the conclusion is inescapable: if you are a lefty, you are more than welcome, MORE THAN WELCOME, to engage in the drugging and sodomizing of children.

Just as the left proved almost 50 years ago you could be a lefty and kill your young concubine and the lefties would continue to lionize you.

Just as the left proved you could rape a women and still be a hero for a quarter century.

Just as Inga proves today that the left can create entire industries out of the sexual abuse of women and girls, ENTIRE INDUSTRIES, and still be heroes.

If I were Inga, I wouldn't want to confront such cosmic-sized evil and hypocrisy of her side as well.

Which is why she squeals so....yet begs and screams to allow the practitioners of modern sexual slavery to enter our nation in ever greater numbers.

Drago said...

What it most amusing is that the left couldn't even PRETEND to be mad about Clinton and all the other dem abusers these days.

72 hours later and they are ALL reverting right back to form, in full "move on" mode for every single dem.

Precisely as predicted.

Inga is simply pretending she is not a member in good standing of this "team" effort to wipe out the dems sordid past and present.

She is "With Them" every step of the way.

Transparently so.

bagoh20 said...

The U.S Senate is a group of people with a set of skills and experiences. What is this assembly of individuals best qualified to do? With that in mind, it's not surprising what they do, and how useless or even detrimental it is to the rest of us. As a group they are greater than the sum of their parts at this work. They are overachieving.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

LOL! You’re still blabbering.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If it makes sense to beat 10 year old boys over the head about "rape culture", or whatever the fashionable name-calling is, and denigrate them as a class relative to girls, then it is reasonable to tar all Liberals with the sins of their leadership, cultural and political.

It's not "reasonable." It's sniveling partisan resentment. And just as irrational as your side is known for.

But thanks for letting us know how in-tune you think we are with the culture, as well as with what's fashionable. I would tend to agree.

It's probably true. Because unlike your side, we don't pretend to think that we can control people, or societies. Or the culture.

And we're ok with that. And that's why we're ok with it.

Drago said...

TTR: " Because unlike your side, we don't pretend to think that we can control people, or societies."


It's like the last hundred years never happened.

Drago said...

Unknown: "LOL! You’re still blabbering"

buwaya said...


To "control culture" one must have the instruments of control - you know, the chains and fences and cattle prods.

Such as schools.

So someone does think they can control, and direct, culture. And they are right. Not a new thing at all. And this is an overt goal in educational philosophies, all of them, from La Salle to Dewey to the likes of Bill Ayers (that was the field in which Bill Ayers has been most influential btw). The issue is not control, but who is in charge and where are they driving the herd.

Its a fascinating subject, philosophy and technique of education. Much overlooked as a mechanism of history.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

On camera (like Franken!), for a prolonged, prooooooooooloooooonged standing ovation, for a guy who drugged and sodomized a 14 year old girl.

Who forgave him and said he'd been punished enough.

As had did Leeann Tweeden about Franken.

The right really does have a consent and vengeance problem. They get way too wound up in the latter without really giving a fig about the former. Moore's victims do not think he's fit for office. Tweeden thinks Franken is. Perhaps if you weren't all such a bunch of white knights and actually considered what the people affected by these problems want or think, then you'd stop making a partisan zero-sum tit-for-tat game out of it all.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's like the last hundred years never happened.

In America? I think they did. I consider myself decently educated about American history 1917 - 2017. Do you?

Why do you have to superimpose Russian and Chinese history on America? It sounds pretty desperate to forget your own country's history if you really want to claim that the left somehow victimized an American like you all these past hundred years.

And BTW, Republican Teddy Roosevelt called himself a "progressive." Does that mean he was "of the left," also?

Tell me what he did to America that was as bad as what the Chinese and Russians did to their countries.

Tell me what good "the right" did for America between even a fifty-year slice of that time: 1917 and 1967.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Very edifying as always, buwaya.

n.n said...

then it is reasonable to tar all Liberals with the sins of their leadership

Not merely the leadership, but individuals through principled alignment. The principle of diversity (e.g. color, sex). A principle to debase human life (e.g. selective-child). A principle of abortion rites (i.e. presumption of guilt). A principle of political congruence ("="). A principle to conflate logical domains, past, present, and future, near and far. A set of principles under the Pro-Choice umbrella.

buwaya said...

In cultural change - thing dont just happen, to a large degree these are engineered.

A lot is fallout from technology, true. To a degree the consequences of technological change are random - they happen according to the economic consequences of the changes resulting from what is fundamentally unpredictable.

However, there are, overlaid on this, changes that are effectively directed. There are numerous historical examples. The counter-reformation for instance, was in large part, in its most effective mechanisms, a program for the expansion of Catholic higher education, to get the European upper classes on-side with the Catholic Church. Thats what the Pope actually required Ignatius Loyola to do, and beyond anything else it was the most effective firewall against Protestantism. It wasn't Tercios and the Inquisition.

Historical examples are plentiful.

More recently thats what Gramsci was on about. And what Alan Bloom was complaining about.

buwaya said...

Indeed, it is edifying.

And quite evident. The results are easy to see, in the techniques and content of education especially, if one is in a position to compare over time.

The decline in standards (even in the general loss of content, regardless of its nature, see Hirsch), in the philosophy, the values its pushing, is quite clear. This all is deliberate, and it is moreover the very core of the Liberal project, and it is centrally directed.

Educational philosophy is Liberalism, full stop. Everything else is a symptom or auxilary.

Hyphenated American said...

“There is no debate. “

This is what I love about liberals. Many of them cannot solve a simple differential equation, and yet they publicly announced that no one is allowed to disagree about a very complex, barely understood climate science.

The scream “there is no debate” reminds me of a good friend of obama, former president of Iran publicly announcing “there are no homosexuals in Iran”....

“There is the science and the reality, and there are political wackos who think that unless you believe that trees will starve without industrial CO2, or that volcanoes and sunspots have a greater effect on climate than having an atmosphere in the first place - without which nothing in the known universe can even possess a climate - then you're on the warpath to cripple America's economy by keeping an industry that employs less people than Arby's isn't propped up and subsidized enough by the government to survive long past its natural expiration in the last century.”

A long, long, long scream of a brain cell, wishing to be acknowledged and respected. Is this all you got in defense of a thesis that due to man’s emissions of the CO2 we will destroy this planet in the next few decades?

Btw, genius, it’s “fewer people”, not “less people”.

“BTW, I wasn't aware that the climate needed "auditing." “

You don’t like the catchy name?

“Most of us just look outside, take out a thermometer, and go from there.”

The data you see presented at conferences and shown in the magazines are not raw measured temperature. It has been “corrected” to supposedly account for multiple inaccuracies. How the correction is done is rather controversial. There is a huge discussion why the reported tempeterature from the past keep changing, for example.

Again, you have zero knowledge of the issue of global warming. Stop posting about it.

“But I guess those methods are too primitive to take on the right-wing bullshit machine that pretends to see a conspiracy in the weather. “

Actually, the proponents of the global warming scare say that they cannot rely solely on the measured data.... In fact, the data measured directly, without corrections shows less global warming,

“A PR machine that says melting glaciers and icebergs are lying to them, but that an industry - the very industry paying off the same PR firm that Phillip-Morris got to say cigarettes were safe - is not.”

You would rather talk about conspiracies, than look at the data. You are a typical uneducated liberal.

CWJ said...


Again, Applebaum's "Iron Curtain" is instructive, and in sync with most of your comments.

Hyphenated American said...

“Tell me what good "the right" did for America between even a fifty-year slice of that time: 1917 and 1967.“

The right cut taxes in the 1920ies, which resulted in a booming economy, the roaring 20ies.
The right told everyone USA and Britain should not disarm and prepare for war with Nazi germany - remember Churchill?
The right correctly said not to appease Hitler and Stalin.
The right presided over the booming economy in the 1950ues, the time which even today liberals romanticize.
The right started to desegregate federal government.
The right convinced Truman that Stalin was not nice and USA should keep the troops in Europe.

Drago said...

TTR: "Why do you have to superimpose Russian and Chinese history on America?"

I'm sorry. You'll have to speak up. I couldn't hear you over all the left wing superimposing of Nazi Germany on America.

Which you yourself freely engage in.

But then again, I often forget that the "rules" you establish are for others and not yourself.

Hyphenated American said...

“TTR: "Why do you have to superimpose Russian and Chinese history on America?"

One of top folks in the obama administration proclaimed that chairman Mao was one of her most beloved philosophers.
Mao killed more people than Hitler.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The data you see presented at conferences and shown in the magazines are not raw measured temperature. It has been “corrected” to supposedly account for multiple inaccuracies. How the correction is done is rather controversial. There is a huge discussion why the reported tempeterature from the past keep changing, for example.


How "raw" is it to watch ancient glaciers suddenly (in geologic timescale terms) melting, dildo? Or is that evidence somehow not "raw" enough for you?

What is it that makes the surface temperature of Venus hotter than Mercury? Some far-off deep-space heat source that competes for the sun's heat? I'm sure you think that would make a lot of sense now, wouldn't it.

You would rather talk about conspiracies, than look at the data.

DOD's looking at the DATA. Are Exxon-Mobil or Shell looking at the data? Because 50, even 35 years ago, they were. But you're a moron if you think companies care more about telling YOU the truth than about their profits. You're a communist. A loud-colored, garish, pop-art, mustachioed figurine avatar-ed communist. What are you anyway, fucking color-blind? That avatar fucking SUCKS.

BTW, the links get their data from NASA. You know. The adults who put people on the moon, telescopes into orbit to view deep space all the way to the Big Bang, and launched nearly decades-long missions to Saturn and beyond. What have you done to compare to that? You, OTOH, just jerk off into your computer insulting and bitching at people anonymously for not accepting that despite pretending to not understand the relation of the atmosphere to temperature, that your purported ignorance is somehow superior to all that's actually KNOWN.

Eat this, commie scum:

I realize your brain is fried. So try using your eyeballs instead, bum.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The right cut taxes in the 1920ies, which resulted in a booming economy, the roaring 20ies.

LOL. YEAH! Right up all the way through into 1929! Which only led to a global depression, worsening the already weakened economy of Germany, giving us fascists around the world to ally themselves with her, a world war against the Soviets that they had no choice but to win against the genocidal maniacs confronting them, and decades more of communism around the world as a result.

So fuck you and your 1920 - 29, fascist commie buttcrust clown.

wildswan said...

How to tie a knot - it's very hard to put into words:

Form a small loop leaving enough rope for the desired loop size. Pass the end of the rope through the loop as though making an overhand knot. Continue around the standing end and then back through the small loop.

But it's easier to explain a bowline knot in words than to explain the contortions Bill Maher and others are getting into as they follow Crooked Hillary's crooked line. I mean, Hillary intends to be the candidate in 2020 and liberals are contorted as they try to say they like it because they hate it and as they try to clear the battle space for something they DO NOT WANT. But - they gotta do it.

Hillary for President - how do you feel, Democrats?

How to tie the strongest knot in the world
Form a small loop leaving enough rope for the desired loop size. Pass the end of the rope through the loop as though making an overhand knot. Continue around the standing end and then back through the small loop.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

One of top folks in the obama administration proclaimed that chairman Mao was one of her most beloved philosophers.

Actions speak louder than words, you little thoughtcrime policeman.

This is the worst he can say about the Obama administration. That it didn't do anything wrong, but he wants to prosecute one of its "folks" for who she "beloved."

That deserves one big, wet raspberry mouth fart. Come up with something that anyone cares about, for a change.

CWJ said...

Once upon an earlier time, Greenland had "melted away" and Northern Europeans had made a livelihood farming it. But disaster I tell you, disaster.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I couldn't hear you over all the left wing superimposing of Nazi Germany on America.

Which you yourself freely engage in.

How would you describe race relations throughout the American South ca. 1865 - 1965?

If only JimBob and friends had access to Zyklon B instead of having to resort to mass lynchings. Good thing we decimated that region's economic development after Lincoln, Grant and Sherman, else who knows what they might have come up with!

American industry! OH well, at least we had the cotton gin - the greatest prolonger of slavery since cotton.

CWJ said...

Whoa Ritmo,

In the imortal words of Ray Davies-

"Have another drink it'll make you feel better,
Have another drink and you'll feel alright.
If you feel down and you're under the weather
Have another drink and you'll feel alright."

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The right correctly said not to appease Hitler and Stalin.

Well isn't that lovely. It was only their right-wing 1920s economy that led to the rise of those two to power in the first place. Seems like not appeasing the strongmen their economic ruin created was the least they could do. How nice of them.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The right started to desegregate federal government.

Really? FDR was the first president to hire black white house staff. And it was Truman who desegregated the armed forces.

Everything you say is ignorance piled on top of a lie. With other commenters, I go through their subterfuge one-by-one in a single posted comment. Your howlers are so atrocious that I can devote a single comment of my own to each one. That's how bad they are.

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

How would you describe race relations throughout the American South ca. 1865 - 1965?

Under democrat/progressive party control.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The right presided over the booming economy in the 1950ues, the time which even today liberals romanticize.

And what right-wing economic things did they do for that to happen, wank-smacker? This was the time when top marginal tax rates were 90%. There was no deregulation happening, no tax slashing. Republicans had not yet been infiltrated by the Buckleys and Goldwaters and Reagans. They were still a more liberal party and had to be - FDR's state of affairs was still the force to be reckoned with that even the opposition party could do so much (so little) to oppose.

You are an ignoramus. Nixon started the EPA and emphasized drug rehabilitation over the conservative "war" on substances that people choose to put into their bodies. His party only became an explicitly conservative one once Reagan won, you dilbush.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Under democrat/progressive party control.

Okay! Here chimes in the other numbnuts moron.

I guess we can now call Theodore Roosevelt a "democrat."

We're talking about a president so important that he's carved on Mount Rushmore and this Trumplestiltskinforeskinite doesn't even fucking know what his (or Lincoln's) political philosophies consisted of.

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

This is the worst he can say about the Obama administration. That it didn't do anything wrong, but he wants to prosecute one of its "folks" for who she "beloved."

Ignoring the fact Obama was caught using the IRS to punish political groups that opposed him.

Ignoring the fact Obama was caught using the ATF to sell guns to Mexican drug gangs.

Ignoring the fact that Obama and Hillary funded Fusion GPS while they put together a phony intelligence dossier the FBI and NSA promptly used to justify spying on a domestic political opponent.

Ignoring the fact that 2 republican lawmakers have been hospitalized by deranged leftists recently.

Ignoring the fact that Obama lied repeatedly to get Obamacare passed and acted illegally to support it.

CWJ said...

"FDR was the first president to hire black white house staff." Did he call them all "George?" Ooh. White house staff. Easy virtue after Wilson resegregated the entire federal bureahcracy.

"And it was Truman who desegregated the armed forces." Yeah Harry was a raving left winger. Again see Woodrow Wilson.

Achilles said...

Ignoring the fact Obama was caught emailing secret/top secret information to hillary's home server under a pseudonym.

buwaya said...

Relations in the American South were - complicated.
It was quite difficult to make that work in a global society.
It still is, no matter what side you are on. Reconciling American domestic issues and rhetoric with a world where it is all irrelevant always leads to bizarre confusion.

Reading "A War of Frontier and Empire: The Philippine American War 1899-1902", D. Silbey
A new-ish, short history of that war, anecdotal and certainly not a detailed military history (which doesnt exist for that war), but I think very worthwhile. Lots of insight, counter-factuals, analysis from the point of view of ALL participants, and its very well written.

An anecdote - on the arrival in Manila of the 25th US Infantry, one of the black "Buffalo Soldier" regular regiments, in 1899.

A bystander asked "what are you coons doing here?"

A soldier replied "We have come to take up the white mans burden!"

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Under democrat/progressive party control.

Okay! Here chimes in the other numbnuts moron.

Democrats/progressives were the party of slavery and the party of eugenics and the party of Jim Crow.

This is an indisputable fact. Socialism as ideology has been the root of injustice and death and poverty since it existed. Socialism is evil. Period. There numerous examples in history where it has lead to poverty and mass killings.


Hyphenated American said...

I made the toothless communist mad.... again. How? By simply stating the well known facts.....

“How "raw" is it to watch ancient glaciers suddenly (in geologic timescale terms) melting, dildo? Or is that evidence somehow not "raw" enough for you?”

You talked about using a thermometer to demonstrate global warming, and the man’s undeniable role in it.... when confronted with the obvious known fact that you don’t actually see the measured data, but rather the data which was “corrected” multiple times, with an unknown method... you jumped on a glacier, so to speak...

You amuse me.

“What is it that makes the surface temperature of Venus hotter than Mercury? Some far-off deep-space heat source that competes for the sun's heat? I'm sure you think that would make a lot of sense now, wouldn't it. “

Venus has atmosphere, while mercury does not. What’s your point, genius? Of course mercury is a very light planet, so it cannot have atmosphere...

“DOD's looking at the DATA. “

Who at DoD look at what data?

“Are Exxon-Mobil or Shell looking at the data? Because 50, even 35 years ago, they were. But you're a moron if you think companies care more about telling YOU the truth than about their profits. You're a communist. A loud-colored, garish, pop-art, mustachioed figurine avatar-ed communist. What are you anyway, fucking color-blind? That avatar fucking SUCKS. “

Sigh. I am talking about science, and you whine about conspiracies.

“BTW, the links get their data from NASA. You know. The adults who put people on the moon, telescopes into orbit to view deep space all the way to the Big Bang, and launched nearly decades-long missions to Saturn and beyond. What have you done to compare to that? “

Are you now claiming that the same people who put Americans on the moon, analyzed the climate data at NASA? Prove this claim.

“You, OTOH, just jerk off into your computer insulting and bitching at people anonymously for not accepting that despite pretending to not understand the relation of the atmosphere to temperature, that your purported ignorance is somehow superior to all that's actually KNOWN. ”

Sigh. I pissed you off yet again by showing that you know nothing about the scientific debate about global warming, literally, nothing.
One day you will learn that it’s a good idea to listen to your betters, instead of barking at them. You may learn some things.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Again see Woodrow Wilson.

What about Woodrow Fucking Wilson? He was a Virginian Southern cunt who dragged his heels on most things, including suffrage, realized Europe's problems were ours as well, and apart from that was apparently a lot less progressive than Republican Theodore Roosevelt. So sue me for looking at personality and ideology over something as trivial as party. I guess you are such a true partiSAN that you can't even tell what each party stood for a hundred years ago. You're that in hock to the party name. Principles, my ass. I'll chew you up and spit you out like a Bull Moose.

Hyphenated American said...

“The right correctly said not to appease Hitler and Stalin.

Well isn't that lovely. It was only their right-wing 1920s economy that led to the rise of those two to power in the first place. Seems like not appeasing the strongmen their economic ruin created was the least they could do. How nice of them.”

Stalin was in control of the Soviet government in 1923, with Lenin effectively under house arrest - but then Lenin was in charge since 1925. Mussolini took over Italy in 1924. Hitler almost took germany over in 1924 - but was defeated and arrested. He became the chancellor of Germany in 1933.

It’s well known that USA was a very prosperous country in the 1920ies....

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Sigh. I am talking about science...

Oh, really? Is Hill & Knowlton Inc. talking about science?

You seem to not understand that PR firms can employ scientists to meet their own ends, grasshopper.

Hey. Your former beloved Soviet Empire employed scientists, as well. Even got the nuclear thing going pretty strong.

Strong enough to meltdown and evacuate an entire town north of Kiev, that capital of the country they occupied then and keep wanting to take over today.

CWJ said...

"I guess you are such a true partiSAN that you can't even tell what each party stood for a hundred years ago."

Not me boyo.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It’s well known that USA was a very prosperous country in the 1920ies....

So what?

Seeing as how you're new to capitalism, I'll go easier on you - and just gently teach you about something called the "boom and bust" cycle. Or the business cycle.

In 1800s America, severe recessions or even depressions were regular occurrences. But by the 1920s, the country was too urbanized for industrial cycles to not devastate a population no longer reliant on farming in order to eat.

After FDR regulations were implemented that effectively ended the depressionary lows of the boom and bust business cycle. But predatory, deregulatory Republicans thought that bit in too much into their donors' profits and other invested riches. So we got rid of them. Then voila - 2008. The worst one since 1929.

I understand your greatest fear is that a billionaire or some other captain of industry might be a few millions less richer in one year or that. But I guarantee you that they don't care about the American economy, or the hundreds of millions of ordinary folks who do.

So keep doing their bidding. See where it gets you.

Just like Calvin Coolidge did. And then Herbert Hoover, after him.

The economy can still do fine without making it one in which only those with means do well in it.

buwaya said...

Wilson was terribly progressive, in the modern sense.

His big thing was an elitist ideology, that government should be put into the hands of a bureaucratic elite, to rule with expert knowledge and reason over the ignorant masses, who were to be indoctrinated in such principles as their betters saw fit.

He was in the same milieu as John Dewey, an advocate for the use of education as a means to inculcate ideologies.

Both, save for minor details (blacks, yes or no, is in context minor), are very compatible with the world view out of Washington, Harvard, or for that matter Brussels or some French Grande Ecole.

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
On camera (like Franken!), for a prolonged, prooooooooooloooooonged standing ovation, for a guy who drugged and sodomized a 14 year old girl.

Who forgave him and said he'd been punished enough.

It is ok to drug and rape a girl if later the woman(under pressure) says it was ok.

The left has no moral core. It is all about power over others. Power to say what happens with the money they earn. Power to say if they can defend themselves. Power to starve, beat, and kill dissenters. Power to spy on their communications.

Most importantly the power to impose two sets of standards of behavior. One for important leftists, who sometimes feel the need to rape young children, and everyone else.

The only thing you all are making clear is we can never let you have power over us again. Obama and Hillary made your intentions towards us clear. The wave of violence you have unleashed since the election is not an outlier.

Drago said...

TTR: "Who forgave him and said he'd been punished enough."


There you go Inga.

Bask in it!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

This is an indisputable fact.

It is an indisputable fact, that:

1. Parties change what they claim to be their "principles" over time, or they die.
2. Socialism is alive and well all throughout Western Europe and the rest of the industrial world, and there's no widespread "death, injustice, poverty and mass killings" in these countries.
3. A douchebag who names himself after a Greek warrior demigod will say stupid things on the internet.

Anyway, if you want to stay true to the Republican party principles of 1904, tell me what Teddy Roosevelt stood for.

Also, tell me what Lincoln's views on economics and class were.

Or even Adam Smith's, for that matter.

Your ignorance is apparently only limited by the extent of your anabolic steroid supply.

Achilles said...

After FDR regulations were implemented that effectively ended the depressionary lows of the boom and bust business cycle. But predatory, deregulatory Republicans thought that bit in too much into their donors' profits and other invested riches. So we got rid of them. Then voila - 2008. The worst one since 1929.

This is patently untrue. Bill Clinton signed the repeal of Glass-Steagall. The entire democrat party was behind the deregulation of lending standards that led to the mortgage bubble and the consequent crash. One of Bush's biggest failures was not pushing reforms enough.

After the crash democrats responded by putting in regulations that killed off many small banks and concentrating the banking industry into large and larger firms. As usual.

You can't even discuss the issue in good faith. Your entire ideology is based on whitewashing the history of your failures and blaming them on others.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It is ok to drug and rape a girl if later the woman(under pressure) says it was ok.

It's not an issue of whether it's ok, roid rager. It's an issue of whether victims should have a say in sentencing. Apparently you don't think they should. Or that they only should in matters where vengeance can be maximized, rather than mitigated. You have no business commenting on the entire purpose of a justice system, with your Arabian blood feud understanding of crime and punishment.

The left has no moral core.

The right doesn't respect the wishes of the victim. It relates to its lack of understanding of personal autonomy and consent.
Talk about collectivists. Right wingers have no respect for the wishes of the individual, but proclaim themselves the champions of their rights.

What douchebaggery.

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
This is an indisputable fact.

It is an indisputable fact, that:

"usual garbage"

You can't discuss any of this in good faith.

You aren't very smart. You pretend to be "educated." But then you take a common historical occurrence and twist the causes and affects to fit your paradigm.

You are a joke. You are morally deficient just like every other leftist. If you didn't have double standards you would have no standards at all. You are not interested in analyzing facts and coming out with best outcomes. You are interested in power and justifying your abuse of it.

We can never let people like you be in control again.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

This is patently untrue. Bill Clinton signed the repeal of Glass-Steagall. The entire democrat party was behind the deregulation of lending standards that led to the mortgage bubble and the consequent crash. One of Bush's biggest failures was not pushing reforms enough.

Talk about patently untrue. Achilles' consistent half-truths appease the half-brain with which he enters into these conversations. The lending standards were only a part of it - the part that benefited poor folks - whom he HATES. So of course he conveniently disregards the part about relaxing INVESTING standards. Because to do so would be to not let the rich investors and business owners that he worships off the hook.

He really does think that rich people have magic beans. I think it shows that his net worth must be less than 10k. Amazing how stupidly some of the poorest and stupidest bastards really do think that rich folks will save their sorry hides, as long as they pay enough economic and political homage to them. Pity that it never happens that way. Instead, they just keep screwing guys like him. It's like he's got economic Stockholm Syndrome, or something. Constantly appeasing his economic abusers. Sad.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“There you go Inga.

Bask in it!”

Bask in what, you dummy? If the victim decided to forgive her assaulter that is her decision. It has absolutely nothing to do with assuaging your hypocrisy. You and those you support, Trump and Moore, do not even admit that the victims are telling the truth. You and your rightists would rather have a sexual molester and assaulter in office than a Democrat. Your immorality and hypocrisy stands.

Hyphenated American said...

Toothless revolutionary: you wrote the following :

“So glad we get our political advice from people for whom taking the temperature is too hard a task to do without pretending there's some conspiracy to it.”

Are the data used to prove the man-made global warming simply measured as you said? Go ahead, answer me.

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
"It is ok to drug and rape a girl if later the woman(under pressure) says it was ok."

It's not an issue of whether it's ok, roid rager. It's an issue of whether victims should have a say in sentencing. Apparently you don't think they should. Or that they only should in matters where vengeance can be maximized, rather than mitigated. You have no business commenting on the entire purpose of a justice system, with your Arabian blood feud understanding of crime and punishment.

"The left has no moral core."

The right doesn't respect the wishes of the victim. It relates to its lack of understanding of personal autonomy and consent.
Talk about collectivists. Right wingers have no respect for the wishes of the individual, but proclaim themselves the champions of their rights.

What douchebaggery.

Thank you for proving my point beyond any doubt.

The left has no standards except those that result in them having more power over others.

These people can never be allowed to be in control again.

Hyphenated American said...

“y. You and those you support, Trump and Moore, do not even admit that the victims are telling the truth. ”

Do you admit that the victims of Obama-Hillary collusion with Putin are telling the truth?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It is an indisputable fact, that:

"usual garbage"

You can't discuss any of this in good faith.

Dispute those facts I enumerated, trailer tomboy.

I ain't talking about "faith." I'm talking about fact. Those facts I listed are facts, and they're accurate facts. They crush your stupid, serf-like worldview, but that's your faith. Which has nothing to do with the facts.

Now try once again:

It is an indisputable fact, that:

1. Parties change what they claim to be their "principles" over time, or they die.
2. Socialism is alive and well all throughout Western Europe and the rest of the industrial world, and there's no widespread "death, injustice, poverty and mass killings" in these countries.

And just for shits and giggles:

3. A douchebag who names himself after a Greek warrior demigod will say stupid things on the internet.

Argue against at least two of those facts. If they're so wrong, you won't need "faith." You'll just cite a fact or two that shows them to be wrong. Which, of course, you won't, because you have none.

You really are one emotional baby. Sorry to destroy your nonsensical and infantile worldview so easily.

Achilles said...

The lending standards were only a part of it - the part that benefited poor folks - whom he HATES. So of course he conveniently disregards the part about relaxing INVESTING standards.

Bill Clinton signed the repeal of Glass-Steagall.

Bill Clinton signed the repeal of Glass-Steagall.

Bill Clinton signed the repeal of Glass-Steagall.

Bill Clinton signed the repeal of Glass-Steagall.

Bill Clinton signed the repeal of Glass-Steagall.

Bill Clinton signed the repeal of Glass-Steagall.

Are you still this stupid?

Bill Clinton signed the repeal of Glass-Steagall.

Bill Clinton signed the repeal of Glass-Steagall.

Bill Clinton signed the repeal of Glass-Steagall.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

These people can never be allowed to be in control again.

Why don't you try controlling yourself, first. Dummy. Or at least your pocketbook.

What's the largest check you've ever written? $5.99 for a dozen eggs and a carton of milk at the grocery store?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“These people can never be allowed to be in control again.”

What are you going to do, big talker? Strap on your suicide vest and blow up the DNC?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Yet he supports the Oligarch Trump, ya can’t make this shit up, lol.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Bill Clinton signed the repeal of Glass-Steagall.

Are you still this stupid?

Ah right. Champion of the Left, Bill Clinton. The guy who signed NAFTA, DOMA, Welfare reform, crime bill, etc. And now Glass-Steagall. Everything that every progressive was against. And under the direction of a Republican congress that he needed to "triangulate" with (according to his Republican advisor, Dick Morris - a FOX News darling) in order to save his political skin.

But go ahead and keep pretending that anyone on the actual left wants or wanted anything to do with that squishy consummate liar, son of a traveling salesman.

Were you always this stupid?

Achilles said...

Unknown said...
“There you go Inga.

Bask in it!”

Bask in what, you dummy? If the victim decided to forgive her assaulter that is her decision. It has absolutely nothing to do with assuaging your hypocrisy. You and those you support, Trump and Moore, do not even admit that the victims are telling the truth.

This picture shows how credible these accusations are.

You are a disgusting human being who will jump to conclusions and use those conclusions to promote injustice.

Hyphenated American said...

“After FDR regulations were implemented that effectively ended the depressionary lows of the boom and bust business cycle.”

Patently false statement.
The Great Depression ended when USA started spending enormous amounts of money preparing for ww2. Before that, mind you, the American economy experienced something unheard of - a recession in the middle of a recession.... In 1938 the economy crumbled again.

Secondly, only very stupid and ignorant people can forget the malaise of the 1970ies, a lost decade when all liberal policies were implemented.... One of the worst recessions was in 1981, when Reagan attempted to defeat the Carter inflation. Luckily, with reagan’s Tax cutting and deregulation, the economy quickly recovered and gdp grew at an astronomical rate. USA was prosperous again fir a few decades, until the liberal policies of forcing banks to lend money to poir people brought down the housing market in 2008. With obama as president the economy saw the slowest recovery from recession in the modern times....

narciso said...

The problem was the car revisions and other reforms suggested by cloeard and puven, created a market for dubious subprime lending, gretchen morgenson, outlined how this worked.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

There goes Hyphenated American. Yammering on about the horrors of the 1970s and 1938 in relation to the Good Old Days of 1929 - 1932!

Just stick to the fucking point. You eat around the margins like a slug on the edge of a leaf.

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

But go ahead and keep pretending that anyone on the actual left wants or wanted anything to do with that squishy consummate liar, son of a traveling salesman.

You can't discuss anything in good faith.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Do you admit that the victims of Obama-Hillary collusion with Putin are telling the truth?”

What are you blathering, about you ex Soviet ninny? Obama’s Hillary collusion, lol. Look, Althouse isn’t peddling fake news pushed by Russian bots, sorry buddy.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You can't discuss anything in good faith.

I don't need faith. I rely on facts.

Here's a fact-finding exercise for you: Find someone who calls himself a "leftist." Or a "liberal."

Ask him what he thinks of the policies that Bill Clinton signed into law.

Keep your faith to yourself. Learn to get to the relevant facts or quit wasting my fucking time.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“You are a disgusting human being who will jump to conclusions and use those conclusions to promote injustice.”

You are a worse drama queen than any 14 year old girl or boy I’ve ever seen. “Injustice!” LOL.

narciso said...

Reducing the missile inrerceptots in Poland and Alaska, cutting back. On other defenses, allowing the entire polish govt to be decapitated empowered Syria and Cuba. Brokered the Iran deal.

Achilles said...

Unknown said...
“These people can never be allowed to be in control again.”

What are you going to do, big talker?

Just what I said. We will never allow someone like you or that you support to be in power over us again. Your entire party is corrupt and disgusting. Your party leader called us "irredeemable and deplorable."

You justify violence against us repeatedly. Your party was caught on video tape talking about paying for violence at Trump rallies. Your side has put two congressman in the hospital with life threatening injuries and none of you denounce nor take responsibility for it. You want to take our guns away so we can't defend against your mob violence. I have already posted about Obama weaponizing the federal government against his political opponents.

You are violent hateful people. Your masks have slipped.

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
You can't discuss anything in good faith.

I don't need faith. I rely on facts.

Stop pretending to be stupid. You know exactly what I am talking about.

Achilles said...

Unknown said...
“You are a disgusting human being who will jump to conclusions and use those conclusions to promote injustice.”

You are a worse drama queen than any 14 year old girl or boy I’ve ever seen. “Injustice!” LOL.

She was 16 when the claimed events happened. Another one of the lies that is causing the story to fall apart.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“You justify violence against us repeatedly.”

You know Achilles, if you were a truly moral person as you claim, you wouldn’t lie. And all your hysterics about violence and hatefulness is nothing more than projection. No one is going to hurt you. Stop shaking your spear, you look stupid.

narciso said...

So if the banks had actually been trading issues of new companies instead of subprime debt, circumstances might have been different.

The federal reserves interest rate hike in tbe mid 00s, reset much of the cost of the adjustable component of recent subprime debt

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“She was 16 when the claimed events happened. Another one of the lies that is causing the story to fall apart.”

If you’re referring to the 14 year old Leigh Corfman, she was 14. But really, if she was 16 how would that have been better? Listen to yourself defend a sexual predator. You want to call yourself a moral person?

Hyphenated American said...

““Do you admit that the victims of Obama-Hillary collusion with Putin are telling the truth?”

What are you blathering, about you ex Soviet ninny? Obama’s Hillary collusion, lol. Look, Althouse isn’t peddling fake news pushed by Russian bots, sorry buddy.”

In a typical fashion, a liberal demands that conservatives believe everyone who says she is a victims - but won’t do it herself....

Anyway, it’s always fun to watch communist lackeys and apologists of socialist crimes to do a 180 and blame Obama’s best buddy Putin for everything. Liberals are so flexible after elections....

Oh, and one more thing,.. I did not choose to be born in the USSR, the socialist paradise. And yet, you think somehow the fact that I was born there is a compromat on me. On the other hand people choose to be moslems, choose the religion of Isis, Al Qaeda, Hamas and Iranian mad mullahs, but you would never insinuate that their choice of religion may be unwise...

Why is that? Is it because you are a racist, or because you are a moron?

Hyphenated American said...

“r? Listen to yourself defend a sexual predator. You want to call yourself a moral person?”

Listen to yourself defending Obama and Hillary betraying this country to appease Iranian mad mullahs and selling our uranium to their best friend, Putin,...

Do you also defend obama for using irs to illegally silence conservative groups?

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

Listen to yourself defending Trump who couldn’t love Putin more. Your conspiracy theories about Obama-Hillary “ collusion” have fallen flat. Even Sessions won’t bother with it. Not so the Mueller Trump Russia Investigation. More indictments coming. Subpoenas galore just went out, the rats are scrambling.

Hyphenated American said...

“Listen to yourself defending Trump who couldn’t love Putin more. Your conspiracy theories about Obama-Hillary “ collusion” have fallen flat”

So you won’t trust the victims then, who talk about obama and Hillary.

Anyway, tell me, was it president Trump who sold 20% of US uranium production to Putin?
Was it president Trump who withdrew the US missile defense from Eastern Europe to appease Putin?
Was it president Trump who made a deal with Putin to appease and fund Iran?
Was it president Trump who facilitated Putin and iranian mad mullahs take over of Syria?
Was it president Trump who told Putin he would appease him after the 2012 elections?
Was it president Trump who hired spies to work with Russian officials to get komptomat on his opponent, and then used it to get his fbi to wiretap his opponent’s campaign?

The mueler investigation did not even look at the dnc server, which was allegedly hacked by Russians. What kind of investigation into Russian interference is it?

James K said...

if she was 16 how would that have been better?

For one thing, 16 was the age of consent, so there's no crime involved. That's a pretty big difference. A lot of people from that area have written about how that was the culture, that girls married young in their teens, often to considerably older men.

narciso said...

It doesn't fit on his cue card, ha.

Now federal reserve poll y like interest hikes in the late 20s, had as much to do as say smoit Healey in turning.a mild downturn into a great depression

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Stop pretending to be stupid. You know exactly what I am talking about.

I gave you the facts. You pretended that they didn't matter. I think you were ashamed to admit that you didn't know or consider them.

It is an indisputable fact, that:

"usual garbage"

The way I see it, the only usual garbage here is your own usual garbage behavior when it comes to admitting to relevant facts, no matter how inconvenient they are to you or your boring anti-Democratic party crusade. There is more to life than your anti-Democratic party crusade. Either deal with the facts or stop addressing me. I don't "know exactly what you're talking about" and I don't care to know "exactly what you're talking about." Not as long as you're going to get all Bill Clinton squishy about the actual facts.

Talk about garbage discussion. "Agree with me or I have a tantrum" is not the discussion for me. If you want to play that game then go elsewhere. There are plenty of sites on the internet for groupthink like that.

narciso said...

The dossier was financed from the Dec which hired fusion gps which in turn hired steeles
Company orbits among others to gather dubious reports from allegedly fab sources of little reliability

Achilles said...

Unknown said...
“She was 16 when the claimed events happened. Another one of the lies that is causing the story to fall apart.”

If you’re referring to the 14 year old Leigh Corfman, she was 14. But really, if she was 16 how would that have been better? Listen to yourself defend a sexual predator. You want to call yourself a moral person?

The point is she is a liar. The yearbook signature is a fake. If you look at the evidence presented, actually look, the accusers appear to be liars. You are pedaling lies to smear an entire group of people and justify violence against them.

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Stop pretending to be stupid. You know exactly what I am talking about.

I gave you the facts. You pretended that they didn't matter. I think you were ashamed to admit that you didn't know or consider them.

You pretend republicans are the source of all evil, then when I point out it was democrats that did what you say, you make them honorary republicans.

You are a joke and not that smart.

Achilles said...

Unknown said...
the rats are scrambling.


If you weren't so stupid you would realize you live in a bubble. I read all of the news you do. I also read a lot more that you don't read.

It is why you can convince yourself Moore is guilty and you don't even know that Allred has bailed on the yearbook signature because it is already proven to be a fake and the accusers have been caught lying about their ages.

It is also how you can convince yourself that even though there is concrete evidence Hillary took over $140 million dollars from the Russians and paid Fusion GPS to make up a bunch of evidence that somehow Trump is the one colluding with the Russians.

You choose to be ignorant and stupid because that is the path you see to gaining power over others. Stalin had plenty of supporters like you.

narciso said...

Mind arson like this example. Renders them unable to. Comprehend the situation:

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“The point is she is a liar. The yearbook signature is a fake. If you look at the evidence presented, actually look, the accusers appear to be liars. You are pedaling lies to smear an entire group of people and justify violence against them.”

The 14 year old victim did not have Moore sign her yearbook. The 16 year old did. You are confusing Leigh Cotrfman the girl that was 14 with Beverly Nelson the 16 year old who had the yearbook. Get your facts straight before you accuse them of lying, you gullible conspiracy theory doofus.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“If you weren't so stupid you would realize you live in a bubble.”

Which bubble? The conservative bubble called the Althouse blog comments section? The super deep red county in which I live?

“I read all of the news you do. I also read a lot more that you don't read.”

You read and watch bullshit conspiracy theory idiots, and you’re enough of one to buy it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You pretend republicans are the source of all evil, then when I point out it was democrats that did what you say, you make them honorary republicans.

Do your steroids come with partisan lenses? Clinton's Congress was completely run by rabid right-wing Republicans and their crazy agenda. His political advisor, Dick Morris, was a Republican who advised him to "triangulate" to the right. Clinton was a conservative Democrat to begin with, one who first gained traction in his 1992 race by bitching out a black female rapper for her social views.

Clinton was as liberal or to the left as Teddy Roosevelt was conservative or to the right. I keep asking you to find anyone on the left or who calls themselves a liberal who believes that Clinton is/was liberal or progressive. You cower away from the challenge. This is a direct repudiation of any claim you could have to evidentiary truth. You don't ask, you don't observe. You just project, insult and fulminate. All in the service of what you consider to be the most important objective in the universe: The Trumpification of the Republican Party.

You are a joke and not that smart.

Read the above. All fact, rational/intelligent interpretation, and conclusion. And you can't refute any of it. That's why you ignore it and deflect. Which if you were intelligent, you'd address rationally and without any of your emotional insults, labels and deflections.

So when it comes to jokes and smarts, enough said.

narciso said...

Getting back to theme of thecthread, Wikileaks was ok when they were burning siyrces and methods, with manning and Snowdon but when it came to unmasking one party dirty secrets then it became verboten.

VaneWimsey said...


"Think of all the individuals and organizations who seem to be a champion of something you cared about who are actually not helping with *it* right now."

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

So when it comes to jokes and smarts, enough said.

The slave owners are all honorary republicans.

The confederates are all honorary republicans.

The writers of Jim Crow are honorary republicans.

The socialists/communists that murdered millions of people in Zimbabwe/Cuba/Russia/Germany/Venezuela/North Korea/Vietnam/China/Cambodia are all honorary republicans.

When Obama deregulated the mortgage/lending industry he was an honorary republican. But he is cool now.

When democrats running fannie/freddy made billions of dollars selling mortgages with government backing to people who couldn't pay them back they were honorary republicans.

Now the Clintons are honorary republicans. That is particularly impressive work.

History must remain malleable.

Achilles said...

Corfman lied about using a phone in her bedroom to talk to Moore. She has also wrongfully accused 3 pastors of sexual abuse. People in her community are pointing to several people she wrongfully accused. She is not believable.

"Corfman clearly claimed she spoke to Moore on what she said was “her phone in her bedroom” on at least one of those occasions. The Post did not specify whether the second or third alleged calls purportedly took place on a bedroom phone.

Wells, Corfman’s mother, was asked by Breitbart News: “Back then did she have her own phone in her room or something?”

“No,” she replied matter-of-factly. “But the phone in the house could get through to her easily.”"

Nelson is an obvious liar. Here is a picture of Moore's "signature."

She has family members coming out and calling her a liar too.

But keep calling over 60 million people child abusers. That should work for you. In your little bubble.

urbane legend said...

Wilbur said...
Sydney, I believe you're 50+ years too late on the Catholic Church.

When this altar boy learned at age 11 that a lot of their rules/traditions were just made-up stuff that they could change when they felt like it, then their whole edifice crumbled for me.

True enough. But they aren't alone in that. The dedication to the KJV as the only Bible, especially by Baptists, seems to me to border on idolatry.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Remember why Julian Assange is a fugitive? Anyone remember what the charge is?

Jaq said...

There is no "truth" with Democrats in particular, or the "left" in general. There is only "helpful" and "unhelpful." You see it all the time, criticism of a lefty for stating a true fact for being "unhelpful."

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

History must remain malleable.

Like I said. You can't refute a word of it. Just divert and deflect with generalizations and stereotypes. That's pretty much all you're good at, isn't it?

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