The most monumental thing to happen in omak. A penis in the sky
— Anahi Torres (@anahi_torres_) November 16, 2017
Thanks for dispelling the age-old mystery.
"What is 'Top Gun'? You think it's a story about a bunch of fighter pilots?"/"It's about a bunch of guys waving their dicks around?"
Why are people so upset?
It’s gender neutral. These days, some women have a penis.
I don't see why it's taken to be dismissive.
It goes along with hunter culture. The women are at home nursing and gathering berries.
Oh lift me up to the spirit in the sky...
Too bad the Navy called them back before it was completed. It takes incredible piloting skills to sky write a portrait of Monica.
The Navy went to hell after the Tailhook hysteria.
What are babes for if not for fighter pilots.
I'm told I flew a perfectly circular loop, but never had any smoke. That would be one ball but it has to be traced in memory.
That is the most monumental thing to happen in Omak.
I saw that picture yesterday and at first glance I thought it was a 10 gallon hat.
I don't know what a snap roll represents.
A one-turn spin out of a kicked-over hammerhead stall is very beautiful to experience but looks vomit inducing from the ground. It's really just floating, no g-forces build up.
A friend of mine, who was a Marine fighter pilot at the time that movie came out, told me it resulted in a change in the Friday nights in the officers clubs. The clubs were invaded by hordes of young women looking for sex. He was married and one Friday he had stopped for a beer before going home to his wife and baby. A young woman walked up to him at the bar and grabbed his crotch.
He told his sister to never again go to the officers club on Friday night.
Precision figure eights and 180 degree turns are just part of standard pilot training. People who project their own sexual fantasies on this simple, innocent flight demonstration are just sexist misogynist pigs. They are probably racists too. And they have dirty filthy minds. The Harvey Weinsteins of aviation.
Now THIS on the other hand...
Sometimes a giant penis is just a giant penis.
Why assume the pilot is male? Plenty of female pilots in the Navy.
Meh. Now if he had done it in s C-130 ...
James 4:14 had it right. An erect penis is but a vapor that appears for a season and then is gone, hopefully in 4 hours or less.
Never mind that the whole purpose of these machines is to kill people and blow shit up, so let's not be dainty.
They could claim it was only a Hopalong Cassidy hat?
A young woman walked up to him at the bar and grabbed his crotch.
Remember when then Donal Trump, not running for anything at the time, pointed out that women will let celebrities grab them by their pussy?
He should have pointed out that they will not only let you grab their pussy, they will, for the right celebrity, grab the celebs hand and place it on their pussy. Or even grab the celeb's crotch.
If you are a big enough celebrity, say, the Rolling Stones, the Prime Ministers wife will blow all five of you in one evening in a Montreal hotel room.
If you are a big enough celebrity, women will let you shove a cigar up their pussy. Then shove your dick down your throat and cum on your dress.
That's what women do if you are a celebrity. Like a fighter pilot, movie star or president.
I never understood why DJT got into so much trouble for pointing out this well known fact in a private conversation.
John Henry
I never could understn
That's what some women do if you are a celebrity.
Most women do not. Apologies if it sounded like I meant all or even most women.
John Henry
"So I guess all the Freudian analysis and mockery of men and their planes is true."
You have no idea, people. No idea.
So let me see if I have this right. If a woman dresses up like a vulva or wears a pink pussy hat, we’re all supposed to applaud but if a fighter pilot — who might be either sex — demonstrates precision flying skills we’re supposed to have a fit of the vapors?
Why do you assume the pilot, and systems operator, were men? Has the Navy identified the crew? I've read it was done by an EF-18G, but nothing else.
That genitalia could serve as a weapon to generate fear!
That weapon could serve as genitals to generate children!
So I guess all the Freudian analysis and mockery of men and their planes is true.
All what mockery? A line from a movie?
A Navy pilot drew a giant penis in the sky.
Let's make all the Freudian analysis and mockery of typists and their keyboards become true:
John Henry
"An ugly man is an ugly man.
An ugly rich man is a rich man"
It's big, but is it art?
It may be a gender bias, bur it looks like a top hat.
Interesting Patterns.
Here's a real fun one!
The pilot will be relieved of duty (if male) but Al Franken will remain a Senator.
Why assume the pilot is male? Plenty of female pilots in the Navy.
My thought also. It pays to advertise?
This would never have happened under Obama.
You can just feel the greatness returning.
Tom Kasanzky: You really are a bunch of cowboys.
Lt. Pete Mitchell: What's your problem Kasanzky?
Tom Kasanzky: You're everyone's problem. That's because every time you go up there you're "unsafe". I don't like you because you're dangerous.
Tom Kasanzky: You're everyone's problem. That's because every time you go up there you're 'unsafe'. I don't like you because you're dangerous.
Lt. Pete Mitchell: That's right! I am dangerous.
Tom Kasanzky: [chomps]
Lt. Pete Mitchell: [laughs]
Ceci n'est pas un pénis.
Old Navy adage comes to mind.
"never fly with an aviator who is below lt commander."
This is also an example of why the Navy and Marines have "Naval Aviators"
The Air Force just has "pilots".
John Henry
And let’s be clear, if a female pilot had made something resembling a vagina, the media would have celebrated her empowerment.
"WARNING: Some viewers may find the photos in this story offensive"
If you are a big enough celebrity, say, the Rolling Stones, the Prime Ministers wife will blow all five of you in one evening in a Montreal hotel room.
That PM's wife is now in a nut house and her son, fathered by Papa Fidel, is now PM.
That was Donna Brazile at the controls.
It's a top hat. What's your gender bias?
Bah. The obvious answer is that this was one of the Ghost Riders in the Sky and the plane's contrail just exposed him. In every meaning of the term.
So whatcha problem guys? Never seen a giant wiener in the sky before?
And no, I don't mean Carlos Danger in an airliner either.
He's advertising for Arby's.
Love it!
Now, let's see a female pilot draw her anatomy in the sky, just to make things even.
Didn't think so.
On an unrelated (sort of) note - when will the criticism of rappers and their lyrics go mainstream?
All this hullabaloo over sex because men have an active outie and women have a passive innie. Women with make men pay for that anatomical mistake forever.
Annie C:
so this all boils down to an advanced case of Penis Envy?
Drawing stuff must be trivial with GPS. You can see what you're doing where before a lot of positional judgment was called for.
Post WWII skywriting was done by a half dozen AT-6's with smoke regulated by punched paper tape. Skytyping.
John Henry@ 8:26am/
* Naval Aviators? nay, "Nasal Radiators"
A ex USAF "pilot'' :)
"According to data collected by the Washington Times in 2013, women make up about 4 percent of Navy F-18 Hornet and radar-jamming jet pilots, just 2 percent of the Air Force's fighter and bomber jocks, and less than 1 percent of the Marine Corps' fixed-wing pilots."
Hey, if thousands of females can wear "pussy hats," can't we draw one lousy sky penis? It's just anatomy, folks.
Oh, fer chrissakes armed services pilots are warriors, not police officers. We make that conflation too often too often at our peril and to the endangerment of our armed services people. Warriors can be a rough bunch, and that includes females. They're supposed to be. You think people we send to destroy an enemy are always going to behave in a manner we expect at any civilian workplace? We have a right to expect our warriors' conduct to be above barbaric or criminal but an occasional "dick waving" is harmless in view of the risks these people take on our behalf. Aggressive behavior is part of the job. What's a skywritten penis compared to beheadings, immolation, drowning, firing weapons from within civilian crowds? Are we as a country still even able to understand what we're up against?
When I was bartender at pub in England, they asked me to draw shamrock in thick Guinness foam but I could not get technique - my first leaf would be too small, so I would make second leaf bigger to compensate and then I was running out of space and made the third leaf too small again. My shamrocks looked much more like penis than plant and so I was asked to stop because it was off-putting to male Guinness drinkers who didn't want to stare at a willy as they drank their pint.
Perhaps the pilot was trying to make a shamrock and did it wrong.
Next time there's a combat mission to be flown, send in the dickless pilots.
Back when I was in the USCG the Navy pilots who wanted to show off flew their fighters under the Golden Gate Bridge. This quickly escalated to flying under the Bay Bridge as well. Then the real studs did it inverted. All went OK until somebody went supersonic. Woke up half the people in the Bay Area. A high altitude vapor trail penis, Meh.
A cowboy rode out one fine northwest day
He looked up to the west as he was bailing hay..
What he saw there made him shake with glee
The navy was skywriting the thing you use to pee...
Yippee aye yay, Yippee aye yo....
Big Dick in the Sky...
As they pulled in the blocks, the skipper's waiting there.
They can tell he's really mad from all the burning hair...
So pilot you should change your ways or with us you will fly...
Rubber dog poop out of Honk Kong for the Big Dick in the Sky...
The Commenter Who Ignores the Post Topic says...
So read this post, but I'm really just mostly listening to Spacemen 3. As I said in a prior comment: their songs are mostly about death and drugs and Jesus -- not a lot of penis metaphors.
If you were to attempt to describe their music in terms of the penis, then some songs are flaccid, and some songs are throbbing.
The flaccid songs are woozy, like the penis flaccid after sex. You know: flaccid in a good way. Relaxed.
The throbbing songs mostly throb from one chord being played over and over and over. These songs go on longer, usually. As I have stated before, the song 'Rollercoaster' -- a throbbing song -- has versions that are five minutes, seven minutes, twelve minutes, fucking seventeen minutes.
There is a version of "Transparent Radiation" that does have a guitar that sounds like jet contrails look, so that relates to the post.
I am Laslo.
I saw a news story in which they interviewed an AF pilot who (I paraphrase from memory)--The pilot who did this is becoming a legend, what he did is very hard. Pun, surely intended.
My own view, having been through the Okanogan, is that the pilot probably figured nobody would see it.
Perspective drawing of a 10 gallon hat.
Very nice post
There are numerous complaints that he didn't draw a vagina.
My best guess is that the Deep State is using testosterone vapor trails now just to make the ladies jealous.
"There are numerous complaints that he didn't draw a vagina."
The sky is the vagina.
And the sky in that picture is a BIG vagina.
Compared to the cock.
I am Laslo.
Can God make a cock so big that it can't fit into a vagina?
Yes, if God is black.
I am Laslo.
Similar to Ken B, I thought it was a tribute to Dr. Seuss's "Cat in the Hat."
Then I realized today that might cause even more offense.
"SkyCock" would be an excellent title for the next James Bond movie.
A poignant tribute to the late Johnny Ward. Lest we forget . . .
"Colonel, you better take a look at this radar."
Mwade and Althouse off for Thanksgiving turkey with the families?
I meant of course Johnny Wadd not Johnny Ward. This damned self-correcting thing decides on its own, "Oh, you typed X but you should have typed Y. I'll change it whether you want you want me to or not." The Soul of a Statist Machine.
The second-to-last stage of any hysteria is trolling. It comes much quicker these days.
I flew with lots of aviators below the rant of LCDR. Somebody had to tell them which direction to go.
The O clubs were rowdy before that movie came out!
DJT never ceases to amaze, people apparently believe his off color locker room banter.
Soon the only American fighter pilots will be flying on video game, but at least there will be no penises in the sky. At least there will be no American penises.
"The O clubs were rowdy before that movie came out!"
Absolutely true.
In a more sobering note, the "O" clubs were even more full of married women when a carrier group and all it's men deployed.
For obvious reasons.
On more than one occasion a military member would return home from a long deployment only to be handed divorce papers from his wife after she "upgraded" to another navy/Marine dude during his absence.
One of the more heart-rending scenes involved a young sailor coming off the carrier to greet his young wife and new baby (born while he was away) and she just walked right up, handed him divorce papers and the baby and the walked away.
Life "in the Nav" (and Marine Corps) can be difficult.
Britain's classic children's program "Blue Peter" will soon be airing its 5,000th episode...
Picture yourself in a boat on a river
With tangerine trees and marmalade skies
Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly
A girl with kaleidoscope eyes
Cellophane flowers of yellow and green
Towering over your head
Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes
And she's gone
Pussy in the sky with diamonds
Pussy in the sky with diamonds
Pussy in the sky with diamonds
glenn said...
Back when I was in the USCG the Navy pilots who wanted to show off flew their fighters under the Golden Gate Bridge. This quickly escalated to flying under the Bay Bridge as well. Then the real studs did it inverted. All went OK until somebody went supersonic. Woke up half the people in the Bay Area. A high altitude vapor trail penis, Meh.
11/18/17, 9:54 AM
Heck, Richard Bong got into hot water by doing loops around the center span of the Golden Gate and buzzing Market Street back in the day. General Kenney said this to him at the time when he grounded Bong, "If you didn't want to fly down Market Street, I wouldn't have you in my Air Force, but you are not to do it any more and I mean what I say." Kenney later wrote, "We needed kids like this lad."
Considering Bong was our all time top-scoring ace with 40 confirmed victories, I'd say he was onto something with that statement. You want aggressive people for your front line combat pilots, and if that means that they are rude, crude, and vulgar, well the alternative in a lost war is much worse.
'"The O clubs were rowdy before that movie came out!"
Absolutely true.
In a more sobering note, the "O" clubs were even more full of married women when a carrier group and all it's men deployed.'
Very true. To the extent that the stereotype about naval aviators is true (and it wasn't/isn't entirely true), the wives were just as bad. Maybe likes attract. A bachelor officer really needed to follow something like the Pence rule to keep out of trouble. I told myself I'd never marry a woman who would marry a man doing what I did for a living.
One time our ship came back to port a day early, and under cover of darkness. Liberty went down first thing in the morning, and a number of our shipmates had unpleasant surprises when they went home. I suppose they should have known to call first.
The way to keep a Marine from walking in on his wife and her lover is to keep a pair of unpolished boots on the doorstep.
"There are numerous complaints that he didn't draw a vagina."
When you are an aviator, you see pussy everywhere.
"Aggressive behavior is part of the job."
Otherwise they get transferred to flying buses with wings after flight school.
There is the answer for the unaccountable pussy.
Many people who see a penis will miss the nuance, that Schrödinger's cat is in the hat.
There are people who have the appropriate mental make-up to be military pilots, and are also perfectly behaved from a social perspective. But not enough to adequately fill the squadrons, and PC attitude today is going to keep too many of the good ones out.
Considering the dysplasia evident in the spread of the would-be testicles, if there is a gender bias, it is more plausible that the cylinder represents a vagina, surrounded by tufts of pubic hair "rim".
Anyway, it's a good reproduction of Schrödinger's pussy in the hat, and a passable interpretation of a vagina with a pubic hair rim. I recommend more air time and hair time to realize a realistic reproduction of the "vagina with hair."
Invert the image and you have two ovaries and Fallopian tubes. Post-hysterectomy so no uterus.
If you effed up and called your rifle a gun in boot camp you ended up holding your rifle in one hand and your dick in the other while chanting the mantra "this is my rifle, this is my gun, one is for shooting the other for fun".
“The pilot will be relieved of duty (if male) but Al Franken will remain a Senator”
“Back when I was in the USCG the Navy pilots who wanted to show off flew their fighters under the Golden Gate Bridge. This quickly escalated to flying under the Bay Bridge as well. Then the real studs did it inverted. All went OK until somebody went supersonic. Woke up half the people in the Bay Area. A high altitude vapor trail penis, Meh.”
Shared an office with a former Navy A-6 pilot at the time that Top Gun came out. He had wanted to fly fighters (F-14s at the time), but was over the height limit. Of course, Tom Cruise was under the minimum height, so couldn’t have flown them either. His comment about the movie was that either of Cruise’s fly bys would have seen him on the next plane to the States, never to fly again in the Navy. It was a blatant safety violation in front of the Air Boss. But, they did do a bit of under bridge flying, at least until there were civilian complaints that percolated up. According to him, his A-6 could out turn and was notably more maneuverable than the F-14s that he couldn’t fly because of his height. He is Ann’s age, and, I think, deep down, was happy that he hadn’t needed that maneuverability to outturn SAMs over Hanoi, which he likely would have been doing flying that plane several years earlier.
One of my memories of sharing that office with him was that we had daily time checks, where we would call WWV and synchronize our watches every day. This was at a time when the computer operators did the same thing everytime they booted the computer. It is weird looking back to that, with all of my many electronic devices synchronized automatically any more. Interestingly, I just looked up “WWV”, and it is broadcast by NIST from Fort Collins, CO. That was coincidentally where we were working, but at an Ag Dept facility.
Was the sky penis pointed towards the crack of dawn?
Sideways it's a trombone.
I see a figure 8 and a vertical climb. In contrails. Standard maneuvers. That would be my story with no apologies for having done them.
Drago said...
One of the more heart-rending scenes involved a young sailor coming off the carrier to greet his young wife and new baby (born while he was away) and she just walked right up, handed him divorce papers and the baby and the walked away.
What I witnessed following a 6 month WESPAC was similay. One of our guys had stopped receiving letters and familygrams from his wif 2 months in. His home ohone (pre cell phone days) was disconnected. On return to port he's scanning the pier and spots his young girl who spots him and runs and jumps in his arms yelling "Daddy! Daddy!" This woman he didn't know asks "Are you Mr Smith?" Folloed by I have a message fŕom your wife. She'supinLAwithherboyfriendBye!" and she ran down the pier. Iwas supposed to have first night off, he was supposed to have duty. We swapped.
Michael, I hadn't heard any of that about Margaret Trudeau. Wikipedia has this little detail, which seems relevant these days:
As an 18-year-old vacationing in Tahiti with her family, she met Pierre Trudeau, who was then Minister of Justice. Sinclair did not recognize him, and she in fact thought little of their encounter, but Trudeau was captivated by the carefree "flower child", nearly thirty years younger than he, and began to pursue her.
Apparently Democrats want to send word north to our second-largest trading partner that they think Canada's PM's parents were pervs.
" His comment about the movie was that either of Cruise’s fly bys would have seen him on the next plane to the States, never to fly again in the Navy."
One of my fraternity brothers back in the 50s once flew his F 104 over Cypress Gardens FL at about 200 feet. It ended his USAF career, I heard but he was a United Airlines pilot a few years later.
When we were in college and he was on the Ski Patrol at Mammoth Mountain, he had ridden a horse into the dining room at the lodge.
He grew up in Latvia during the Soviet occupation and was afraid of nothing. His hero as a kid was Zorro.
"Michael, I hadn't heard any of that about Margaret Trudeau."
The present PM is over 6 feet and Pierre was about 5-8. Look at him and imagine Castro without a beard.
"Cruise’s fly bys would have seen him on the next plane to the States, never to fly again in the Navy."
Unless his father and Grandfather were Navy Admirals.
"Michael, I hadn't heard any of that about Margaret Trudeau."
I thought the whole world had seen the Studio 54 photos of her vagina.
"I thought the whole world had seen the Studio 54 photos of her vagina."
I don't think the cameras had gotten quite that close but there was no doubt that she did not have a Brazilian wax job.
You didn't know that about Top Gun after that volleyball game?
cronus titan said...Why assume the pilot is male? Plenty of female pilots in the Navy.
Yup. Plus I'm told that I have to believe that "some people with penises are women" anyway. Or are we dropping that one?
Ann Althouse said..."So I guess all the Freudian analysis and mockery of men and their planes is true."
To the fainting couch: go!
Mock all you want; if you don't understand the kind of balls it takes to be a combat aviator, well, I'll just say I'm glad other people run the military.
Recent Tweet, GenChuckYeager:
Q: Why did you choose aviation as military career & why @usairforce? A: Duty. WWII. Army Air Corps chose me. I had learned engines as a kid so Army put me in aviation maintenance. Pilots had pretty girls on their arms & clean fingernails so I applied 4 pilot training.
Forget chemtrails! The new government conspiracy against the American people is DICKTRAILS, priapically poisoning the unsuspecting populace.
Everyone thinks it's because as males we're obsessed with phalluses. But a simpler explanation is that we'd also be doing vulvas but it takes much more artistic skill - and better anatomical knowledge - to do a representation of a vulva. A phallus is far easier to make. But at least as a heterosexual I have even more reverence for the vulva than I do for my own wonderfully compatible member. But I never made a clay vulva in junior high - I certainly DID make a clay phallus, and told my art teacher it was a rocket as she glared at me.
This pilot I am sure would have made a cloud vulva as well if he could have - though as my son pointed out, not only would it have been far more difficult but he likely would have run out of fuel.
Richard mcenroe: "You didn't know that about Top Gun after that volleyball game?"
That volleyball scene looked like a documentary to me.....
You called American fighter pilots gay by linking that Quentin Tarantino riff and not one of your commenters noticed?
Danny's not here right now Mrs. Torrance
I thought flying on the deck under the Golden gate bridge was standard during Navy Week.
The war on men began with the war on fighter pilots at "Tailhook."
The most illustrative example is the story of Bob Stumpf whose career ended and who was finally exonerated after he had left the Navy.
It all began with Patricia Schroeder, a divorce lawyer elected to Congress who ravaged the Navy pilot community for years.
She was author of a bill that required military service men to share their pensions with ex-wives no matter how long the marriage and what the divorce was like. A number of Navy pilots who had been divorced by wives while deployed lost half their pensions and she was widely hated in the Navy especially.
A few years later, Navy pilots in San Diego were punished for an impromptu celebration of her retirement from Congress.
The present PC culture is costing the military pilots who have good alternatives as airlines prefer military trained pilots.
The loss of flying time and the "Diversity" training sessions combine to produce a major drain of pilots.
It's hard to overstate the immense impact Top Gun had on the country at the time. Recall, Ronnie Reagan was President, smack dab in the Cold War. And crazy Islamicists were kidnapping CIA folks in Lebanon, while marines were getting blown up in Beirut.
When Top Gun came out, the Navy enlisted ranks swelled - I know, I was a teenager in San Diego at the time, in college, and enlisted in the Navy (it was a special program). You'd wear your dress whites and girls would yell, "Hey, Maverick!" - even to enlisted slags like me. Thanks, Tom Cruise!
And don't forget the Volleyball scene. For a Navy guys, who played beach volleyball, well, life was pretty darn grand.
And, nobody, I mean nobody, was predicting the Soviet implosion 3 years later, the tipping point being our bleeding dry the Commies in their foolish Afghan war.
Stumpf, a Naval Academy graduate and father of three, was suspended from his flying duties for five months while the service investigated the charge.
Trial by press, presumption of guilty (i.e. Pro-Choice), and a quasi-legal standard: including preponderance of allegations, created a toxic environment in the public and private sectors, between diversity classes (e.g. race), in families, and male-female relationships.
I wonder if the phallic symbol is behind socially liberated women demanding powerful cars.
Top Gear needs to sue for copyright infringement.
Judging from your pursed lipped tone, it sound like all that Freudian penis-envy stuff is true also.
Men have been proudly displaying erect penises in their drawings and art for tens of thousands of years, from the cave paintings in France and Spain through the Spirit of the City sculpture in the Peggy Guggenheim Museum in Venice.
"Was the sky penis pointed towards the crack of dawn?"
Tina Louise would be so jealous!
I no longer speak English, apparently. What is omak?
Omak is town in Washington State. It's an Indian name--there may be a tribe by that name, or a reservation
I'm sorry that my Dad has passed away. He was an old man-of-warsman and lamented the loss of what he called the old "fighting, fucking Navy." He would have loved this.
"the tipping point being our bleeding dry the Commies in their foolish Afghan war."
may GOD not let our Afghan war not be Our tipping point
In the 80s and 90s I had a lot of naval aviators in my classes.
In compensation management class we would spend a lot of time talking about motivators.
One of my students came from a family that owned a large national trucking compsny
He told us he could make 10 times as much working for the family.
But he stayed in the navy because where else could he fly an a4 50 feet off the deck at 500 knots 4-5 days a week?
He was a good officer and I am sure they lost him by cutting flight hours.
John Henry
I guess all the Freudian analysis and mockery of men and their planes is true.
If we can conclude that from this incident, what can we conclude about all gay men based on Kevin Spacey?
Comanche voter: thanks. I was thinking that omak was some kind of internet slang or acronym (oh, my aching keister??)
This seems like a natural for Laslo. Althouse does word association!
Shrink: hat.
Althouse: cock.
S: cap.
A: schlong.
S: bandana.
A: boner.
S: headdress.
A: rod.
S: chapeau.
A: penis.
S: fez.
A: johnson.
S: beret.
A: one-eyed trouser snake.
Has anyone checked in on Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds?
Shock sex harass claim: Cuomo turned blind eye to pervert under his nose
Pretty good draftsmanship. Connecting and aligning the balls like that must have been difficult. Respect.
So today on Althouse we can read about some wicked flying by some Navy fighter jocks or what some fashion editor wears on her first day at work. Gee, which do I think is more impressive?
"Making mock of uniforms that guard you while you sleep/Is cheaper than them uniforms . . . ." I have really bottomless contempt for law professors who deride USAF pilots. Each one of them is worth a dozen lawprofs.
Then it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "Tommy, 'ow's yer soul?"
But it's "Thin red line of 'eroes" when the drums begin to roll,
@sean, women of Althouse's generation spat on our soldiers when they saw them in uniform in public. I don't think she was one of them, but she was associated with a bad crowd and may have picked up some bad habits of thought.
But for the record, it was an F-18 aviator who drew the image, not someone from the Air Farce.
Not that there is anything wrong with that.
I responded to a Fred Stoller tweet requesting to buy his book. He sent a signed copy.
Anyone think that it might've been a Navy person expressing his political opinion of Washington liberals.
The war on men began when Eve seduced and raped Adam.
Pretty cool. Penis in the sky with a backdrop of a blue dress, er, I mean blue sky. What was I thinking of?
Wish we could get some clear enough weather over here in Michigan so as to get one of those up in the sky. Lots of laughs, and we could use a few.
It reminds me of a story my first wife told me when in the UW school of social work she had to read up on the efforts of an Israeli Kibbutz to eliminate gender differences by getting both girls and boys to play with dolls in the nursery. No matter how hard they tried, the boys kept turning the dolls into guided missiles. That was long ago in the 1960s. You'd think some people would learn, but in fact some people never learn.
Penis in the sky
Penis in the sky
Penis in the sky
Maybe it's a paen in honor of " especially "toxic" Movember.
Not much focus on Men's health (in the intended sense) at the moment.
Nice that at least one other person here thought of the Austin Powers scene.
What? No outcry about first amendment rights?
Isn't sky writing an artistic effort?
JAORE said...
What? No outcry about first amendment rights?
Isn't sky writing an artistic effort?
11/19/17, 9:12 PM
Sure, just like writing your name in a snowbank.
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