November 4, 2017

"Senator Rand Paul suffered a minor injury after a man assaulted him on Friday at the lawmaker’s home in Bowling Green, Ky...."

The NYT reports.
The Kentucky State Police arrested Rene Boucher, 59, also of Bowling Green.... Mr. Boucher is an acquaintance of the senator, a police spokesman, Master Trooper Jeremy Hodges, said on Saturday...


Birches said...

He's his next door neighbor, right? I'd attribute it to a neighbor dispute except that today is Resistance Day.

brylun said...

What the NY Times does not tell you: Boucher is a registered Democrat. He is shown through Facebook postings to be high critical of President Donald Trump, an advocate for gun control and healthcare reform.

I wonder why?

Nyamujal said...

Rand Paul has since endorsed the man who assaulted him for president.

le Douanier said...

shorter Brylun: Rand = cuck.

Earnest Prole said...

Rough Trade.

Big Mike said...

Well, the scales have finally fallen from my eyes. Rene Boucher convinces me that the Democrats have had the logical arguments all along and my support for Donald Trump is simply illogical and wrong.


I don't know who the Democrats think they will convince to come over to their side with their threats of violence from folks like "sweet and pretty" Ashley Judd (Althouse's adjectives) and conning guys like Rene Boucher into attacking Republican politicians. Camille Paglia has a few words for you about mending your evil ways.

Bob Boyd said...

Finally an ordinary, decent, non-sexual assault.

eric said...

These attacks are only going to get worse.

First it was a crazy guy shooting up a baseball field.

Now it's our neighbors attacking us.

Chris N said...

I believe freedom from violence is pretty foundational for libertarians

Drago said...

Nyamujal: "Rand Paul has since endorsed the man who assaulted him for president."

Nyamujal goes "all in" on the "Republican speech is violence" and "actual democrat violence is merely speech" approach.


Next up: Democrats shooting up republicans on a baseball field is merely idle gossip while republicans ducking and covering during the shootup is violence against the shooters rights.

Drago said...

Next next up for Nyamujal: moving around too much while an islamist saws your head off dulls the blade and is islamophobic.

le Douanier said...

"I believe freedom from violence is pretty foundational for libertarians."

Only re first order causation.

E.g., it's ok if Rene launches a bowling ball on a track that heads to Rand's head.

Likewise, folks dumping poison into Rand's air and water is okay, cause of the other Rand.


Nyamujal said...

Jeez, get laid or have a drink. You're taking this way too seriously.

le Douanier said...

Drago is a more boring Methadras.

So, ya gots ta go w/ what ya gots, if ya can't have the real think.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Republicans are always behind the curve in the Alinskyite methods, but I'm guessing they'll be quick studies at the art of repaying political violence in kind. Quick and prolific.

Sebastian said...

I hope the GOPe takes note (as if): Progs despise all of us. They want to get rid of all of us. They want to "Eliminate the Republican Party," as Hodgkinson's group was called. Being a nice establishmentarian doesn't help you. Being a McCain maverick doesn't help you. Being Mitt doesn't help you. Being Turn-the other-cheek W doesn't help you. Being Rand doesn't help you. Progs don't play nice. It's war to them.

Fernandinande said...

Dr. Boucher Was a Pain Specialist & Invented a Rice Filled Vest that Is Used to Alleviate Back Pain

Guildofcannonballs said...

This is CIVIL WAR! We shouldn't have to suffer these indignaties under this oppressive fake State.

I give up. All is lost. There isn't no center to hold nothing anyhow. Total and complete kaput. Vanquished. Salted. Locusted. El fine.

Drago said...

Nyamujal: "@Drago
Jeez, get laid or have a drink. You're taking this way too seriously."

Shorter Nyamujal: why can't republicans take their beatings in silence?

Also, why do republicans have to make note of the obvious operational alliance between the left and the Islamists?

I mean, it just isn't cricket to point that stuff out.

Drago said...

Whatever it is this week: "So, ya gots ta go w/ what ya gots, if ya can't have the real think."

We have been informed that "real think" is literally white supremacy.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I'd sooner been born in Nagasaki or Hiroshima circa 1946 than live in these Fake States of America today. The burden is too much. Endless sorrow, all the while knowing what might have been, if only people would have heeded me.

Has there ever been a peoples in history as troubled as us now?

rehajm said...

Since Rand’s rant against the Obamacare repeal it has been obvious he's running for President. Why not try to kill him in the crib?

buwaya said...

Yes there have been people in history far worse afflicted.
A short civil war, a few purges, a bit of ethnic cleansing, a bit of separatism, and it should all settle down again. I am not decided yet on who will be the cleanser and who the cleansed.

However, there have rarely been people in history whose troubles are likely to be as consequential to everyone else.

Drago said...

I'm surprised our lefties have time to post, what with all the work ahead required to keep devout Catholics out of governmental and judicial roles.

Freder Frederson said...

Sheesh, you people really like jumping to conclusions. Nobody on this page has any idea what the dispute that led to this is about. Two rich neighbors arguing and one hauls off and hits the other may have absolutely nothing to do with politics. Even if it does, this was misdemeanor assault resulting in a minor injury, not attempted murder.

Wait for more details before you go off the deep end.

David Begley said...

A real civil war in Saudi Arabia today.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I would guess the lawnmower is the big issue here, rather than politics. Lawnmowers and leaf blowers are an issue where I live as well.

Gahrie said...

Sheesh, you people really like jumping to conclusions.

True. it's called having an opinion based on the known facts. Pretty common among humans.

Nobody on this page has any idea what the dispute that led to this is about.

Also true.

Two rich neighbors arguing and one hauls off and hits the other may have absolutely nothing to do with politics.


Even if it does, this was misdemeanor assault resulting in a minor injury, not attempted murder.

So it's OK to beat up your political enemies, just not kill them? Would it have mattered if it had been a major injury?

Darrell said...

Two rich neighbors arguing

Bullshit. The news story said Paul was ambushed--blindsided. By a fucking Lefty neighbor, judging from his social media profile.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Gahrie said...
So it's OK to beat up your political enemies, just not kill them?

Facts not in evidence.

Darrell said...

Always be ready to punch your Lefty neighbors in the throat. Carry a hammer in your carpenter jeans--on the loop provided.

le Douanier said...

"By a fucking Lefty neighbor"

Yup, Rand is a cuck. Kelley strayed.

gg6 said...

Hey, as long as the "assault" was male-on-male and wasn't sexual, does anyone care any more?

le Douanier said...

"does anyone care any more?"

This depends on the combo of race or religion re perp and victim.

Different combinations matter differently to different news constituencies.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"What the NY Times does not tell you: Boucher is a registered Democrat. He is shown through Facebook postings to be high critical of President Donald Trump, an advocate for gun control and healthcare reform."

Yep, yet another old, violent Dem coot. Jeez, what is it with these liberal geezers? They're dangerously unstable.

I hope someone's keeping a close watch on ARM.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Maybe these old lefty dudes are so angry because, as Shelby Steele wrote in today's WSJ, American liberalism is morally and intellectually exhausted:

"The recent flurry of marches, demonstrations and even riots, along with the Democratic Party’s spiteful reaction to the Trump presidency, exposes what modern liberalism has become: a politics shrouded in pathos. Unlike the civil-rights movement of the 1950s and ’60s, when protesters wore their Sunday best and carried themselves with heroic dignity, today’s liberal marches are marked by incoherence and downright lunacy—hats designed to evoke sexual organs, poems that scream in anger yet have no point to make, and an hysterical anti-Americanism.

This liberalism evolved within a society shamed by its past. But that shame has weakened now. Our new conservative president rolls his eyes when he is called a racist, and we all—liberal and conservative alike—know that he isn’t one. The jig is up.

But American liberalism never acknowledged that it was about white esteem rather than minority accomplishment. Four thousand shootings in Chicago last year, and the mayor announces that his will be a sanctuary city. This is moral esteem over reality; the self-congratulation of idealism. Liberalism is exhausted because it has become a corruption."

Gospace said...

From Austin Bay posting at Instapundit: THE TRULY BURIED HEADLINE: “Republican 2016 Presidential Candidate Who Survived Assassination Attempt By Bernie Sanders Supporter Is Physically Assaulted By Angry Kentucky Democrat.”

And I really like this comment on the blog post:

Lionel Manboobs • 2 hours ago
You don’t read about anesthesiologists attacking ophthalmologists that often.

Maybe they were having a medical dispute...

Nah, it was Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

brylun said...
He is shown through Facebook postings to be high critical of President Donald Trump

There's a shocker. This would be true for at least 80% of Facebook users.

Fabi said...

"This would be true for at least 80% of Facebook users."

Facts not in evidence.

brylun said...

Another sad comment on the Leftists: Most of their protesters now a days are paid to protest.

Pinandpuller said...

Rand Paul does jobs Americans just won't do.

Hagar said...

However, there have rarely been people in history whose troubles are likely to be as consequential to everyone else.

Indeed. As Diefenbaker said: "What if the elephant start having nightmares and goes to thrashing about in the night?"

brylun said...

ARM, that’s quite a stretch, but I bet among your Facebook friends it exceeds 80%.

Humperdink said...

There's a shocker. This would be true for at least 100% of Facebook censors.


exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"You don’t read about anesthesiologists attacking ophthalmologists that often."

My boyfriend is an anesthesiologist. He admits to exasperation with a few surgeons but they have not yet come to fisticuffs in the OR.

le Douanier said...

"He admits to exasperation with a few surgeons but they have not yet come to fisticuffs in the OR."

Works w/ Doc Mike?

Drago said...

ARM: "his would be true for at least 80% of Facebook users."

Statistics is literally white supremacy.

"Math is racist: How data is driving inequality"

And if you don't agree, you are a racist.

Which you are.

Because you are.

The left has spoken.

Drago said...

You know, even Alec Baldwin knows when its time to stop posting.

Food for thought for the lefties.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Speaking of statistics:

Sixty percent of Americans say Trump tax plan will benefit the wealthy - and just a third say they support it

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Drago said...
You know, even Alec Baldwin knows when its time to stop posting
on twitter.

Sounds like good advice for The Donald.

Original Mike said...

"Sheesh, you people really like jumping to conclusions. Nobody on this page has any idea what the dispute that led to this is about."

Thing is, we've seen this show before.

David said...

"Has there ever been a peoples in history as troubled as us now?"

Try the Germans and Japanese in 1945. Russians under the purges. China during Mao's mass slaughters. I'm confining myself to recent history.

narciso said...

No, that's overwrought, they have the intention but not the power to do so

narciso said...

Consider this ridiculous October revolution tribute band.

Michael K said...

Jeez, get laid or have a drink. You're taking this way too seriously.

Fuck off, lefty.

Michael K said...

"He admits to exasperation with a few surgeons but they have not yet come to fisticuffs in the OR."

Works w/ Doc Mike?

Fuck off, lefty.

Earnest Prole said...

Despite what your dopey commenters think, political affiliation is the motive for well less than one ten-thousandth of one percent of altercations in America.

dwick said...

AReasonableMan said...
Speaking of statistics:

Sixty percent of Americans say Trump tax plan will benefit the wealthy - and just a third say they support it

Of course they do, ARM.
Democrats and their MSM party mouthpiece started pounding out that message months before there even was a Trump tax plan.
And with the top 10% paying 2/3 of the income tax and the bottom 50% paying just 3%, it's literally impossible to concoct any kind of reasonable tax reform plan that won't benefit "the wealthy" to some degree - short of just throwing the whole government-regulated capitalism thing aside in favor of a full-on embrace of communism, of course.

Bob Loblaw said...

I'm waiting for more details. It's hard to believe his neighbor just hauled off and hit him over politics without some kind of trigger. If it happened Nov 9th, say, or the day after Obamacare was repealed, maybe. But what makes today different from any other day?

I'd put money on the proposition it's something far more prosaic, like the guy thinks Paul is sleeping with his wife, or ran over his dog, or any of the other dozen things that might make you mad enough to punch someone.

Bob Loblaw said...

Sixty percent of Americans say Trump tax plan will benefit the wealthy - and just a third say they support it

So sixty percent of Americans are barely smart enough to tie their own shoes. Good thing we have slip-ons.

Dude1394 said...

Keep it up Antifa-democrats.

Drago said...

ARM: "Sounds like good advice for The Donald."


Sounds like desperate advice to Donald from democrats who were defeated by him.

Which explains you desire for him to do just that.

Next up: Why FDR decided not to take strategic advice from Hitler or Tojo in 1942.

Drago said...

ARM: "Speaking of statistics..."

Not a chance.

That's still literally white supremacy, according to the lefties, whom I've been told are much smarter and knowledgeable than me.

Of course, it was those same lefties who were telling me that, so perhaps we have a "consider the source" problem there.

jeyi said...

I have to say that that the non-pharmaceutical gizmo the anaesthesiologist alleged perp is marketing for lower back pain sufferers —where you heat up a bean bag in the microwave, and then insert into the lumbar region of a special vest allowing you to harden up the contact points with velcro straps— is an extremely good approach.

Pinandpuller said...

Blogger jeyi said...

I have to say that that the non-pharmaceutical gizmo the anaesthesiologist alleged perp is marketing for lower back pain sufferers —where you heat up a bean bag in the microwave, and then insert into the lumbar region of a special vest allowing you to harden up the contact points with velcro straps— is an extremely good approach.

You put your weed in there.

brylun said...

The NY Times also failed to mention that Sen. Rand Paul was the target of depraved Leftist and Bernie Sanders supporter James Hodgkinson, who opened fire with a rifle during a baseball practice of the Republican team for the annual Congressional Baseball Game.

It seems the NY Times is in desperate need of competent writers and editors.

Anne in Rockwall, TX said...

Rand Paul mows his own lawn?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Earnest Prole said...
Despite what your dopey commenters think, political affiliation is the motive for well less than one ten-thousandth of one percent of altercations in America."

However, since the person attacked in this particular altercation happens to be a politican, there is more than a one ten-thousandth of one percent chance that this one had something to do with politics.

And, hey, Earnest, you can't say the leftists don't make their "altercations" count! Just ask anybody who was on that baseball field.


MAJMike said...

Why are the LibCong so violet?

Rusty said...

Nya Chris N said...
"I believe freedom from violence is pretty foundational for libertarians"

It's pretty much understood that "Liberty" means exercising your rights without the fear of getting beaten up.

mujal said...
Jeez, get laid or have a drink. You're taking this way too seriously."

You should take violence against you political opponents seriously. You should take violence against anyone seriously.

Blogger Unknown said...
"Keep it up Antifa-democrats."

You condone violence?

Quaestor said...

ARM wrote: Facts not in evidence.

A stupid response to a rhetorical question.

Quaestor said...

I hope someone's keeping a close watch on ARM.

A stalwart nine-year-old could deter A Risible Man.

rehajm said...

Sixty percent of Americans say Trump tax plan will benefit the wealthy

I know ARM can't figure it out, but there's the perception and then the reality. It's a poor assumption on the part of the respondents. Sometimes crowds get it wrong...

rehajm said...

Who government targets to pay a tax and who ultimately bears the economic burden of that tax are often very different entities. The economic burden of corporate and business taxes are borne not by the business entity itself but passed through to the entities customers, employees or prospective employees or stakeholders.

rehajm said...

The fear and panic coming from lefties over the tax proposal is because the left's fright narrative of Trump isn't being validated by financial markets. It's being invalidated by every economic metric. Panic is a talking point lefties know they so desperately need. They are scared Trump is right yet again.

Ralph L said...

It's pretty much understood that "Liberty" means exercising your rights without the fear of getting beaten up.
It once meant that government wouldn't infringe your rights. Now we're so uncivilized, it takes a police state to enforce your right to not be beaten up, and it still fails.

walter said...

Surprisingly modest home values for a doc/Senator.
Also surprising he mows his own lawn.
Maybe he has a dog that craps in the neighbor's yard.
Let's see..Ron, Rand...maybe the dog's name is Roy. Roy the dog..bulldog.

kentuckyliz said...

Boucher assaulted the Senator out of gratitude for being a No vote on the draconian health care bill.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Master Trooper is an awesome work title. How cool would that look on your business cards?

Ralph L said...

Trooper York was one of the best commenters here.
Wonder what happened to him.

walter said...

He scored very high on the simulator.

Earnest Prole said...

When did grown men become as excitable and panicky as little girls? There are a million reasons for disputes with neighbors. The fact that you have a D or an R following your name is way down the list.

Birkel said...

Steve Scalise agrees, Earnest Prole.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

It was his neighbor for god's sake, grow a pair.

Jim at said...

A piece-of-shit leftist assaults a US Senator - at his home - and all the excuses are being peddled by the resident leftists here.

You people have no idea of the shit that's coming if you don't get a grip.

And you will have no one to blame but yourselves.

Earnest Prole said...

Little girls.

JMW Turner said...

Earnest Prole, ARM, etc., when the Right FINALLY tires of the Left and its Antifa, University, Media, and Entertainment allies attempting to Steve Scalise them here's wishing you are at the top of the retaliatory list.

Earnest Prole said...

here's wishing you are at the top of the retaliatory list

I've been called many things in my life but Left is not one of them.

Don't let bad karma bite you on the ass.

Big Mike said...

Yup, ARM, it was his neighbor. His neighbor who broke five of his ribs. Not so "minor" a "minor injury."

You are scum, ARM. I've scraped better than you from the bottom of my shoes after walking through a cow pasture. You are worthless on the best day of your life.

JeanE said...

Here's a headline I saw- "Rand Paul Recovering from 5 Broken Ribs Suffered in Alleged Attack". To me this implies that the attack may not have actually happened, and it seems like an attempt to minimize the significance of the incident. I know that a suspect is alleged of committing a crime until the case goes to trial and the jury renders a verdict, but is the crime itself merely alleged to have occurred? Any input from Ann or others knowledgeable of the law?

JAORE said...

"Despite what your dopey commenters think, political affiliation is the motive for well less than one ten-thousandth of one percent of altercations in America."

If you could not google the answer, I'd bet the Ernest Parolee could not express that number in decimal form.

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