"In December of 2006, I embarked on my ninth USO Tour to entertain our troops, my eighth to the Middle East since the 9/11 attacks," writes Leeann Tweeden, a morning news anchor on TalkRadio 790 KABC in Los Angeles, writing on the TalkRadio 790 KABC website.
When I saw the script, Franken had written a moment when his character comes at me for a ‘kiss’... On the day of the show Franken... said to me, “We need to rehearse the kiss.” I laughed and ignored him... He continued to insist, and I was beginning to get uncomfortable.... I said ‘OK’ so he would stop badgering me. We did the line leading up to the kiss and then he came at me, put his hand on the back of my head, mashed his lips against mine and aggressively stuck his tongue in my mouth. I immediately pushed him away with both of my hands against his chest and told him if he ever did that to me again I wouldn’t be so nice about it the next time....
Not long after, I performed the skit as written, carefully turning my head so he couldn’t kiss me on the lips. No one saw what happened backstage. I didn’t tell the Sergeant Major of the Army, who was the sponsor of the tour. I didn’t tell our USO rep what happened. At the time I didn’t want to cause trouble.... Other than our dialogue on stage, I never had a voluntary conversation with Al Franken again....
It wasn’t until I was back in the US and looking through the CD of photos we were given by the photographer that I saw this one:
I couldn’t believe it. He groped me, without my consent, while I was asleep....
A few weeks ago, we had California Congresswoman Jackie Speier on the show and she told us her story of being sexually assaulted when she was a young Congressional aide. She described how a powerful man in the office where she worked ‘held her face, kissed her and stuck his tongue in her mouth.’
At that moment, I thought to myself, Al Franken did that exact same thing to me....
Franken: And, "I give the pills to Lesley Stahl. Then, when Lesley's passed out, I take her to the closet and rape her." Or, "That's why you never see Lesley until February." Or, "When she passes out, I put her in various positions and take pictures of her."
AND: Here's how Franken talked about Trump's "Access Hollywood" tape:
If Moore is elected, and then gets expelled, a Republican governor will replace him with another Republican. If you elect the Democrat, and it turns out Moore is guilty, you're stuck with a Democrat.
The only choice for Republicans is to vote for Moore, and let the truth come out. If he's a scumbag, replace him. But don't vote for the Democrat.
Having lived in Minnesota for 39 years I can make these observations :
1. Garrison Keillor is not funny. 2. Jesse Ventura is not funny. 3. Al Franken in not funny. 4. Mark Dayton, the current governor, is peculiar but not funny.
Many Minnesotans have a healthy, dry, understated sense of humor that relies heavily on irony.
None of these characters seems to capture or appreciate it, not even Keillor who seems to have become an angry curmudgeon, who continually expresses contempt for working class people.
Re the Moore yearbook signature. After his news conference yesterday all Allred had to do was have a forensic expert verify the signature and Moore would have been buried. Toast. It was the perfect opening made possible by Moore's lawyer. Gee, wonder why she won't do that?
"That is what I am thinking too. It looks like his best (only?) way out."
-- Eh, people in the media are already saying things like, "This is how a man accepts responsibility" and useless bromides like that about Franken. In a few more hours, they may be recommending him for awards for forwarding women's rights as an example to how other men should be treated.
Does anyone think if Moore or Trump pulled the, "I made a mistake, but I've always been and always will be a friend to women, so let's all Just Move On," that he'd get the same deference Franken is getting?
Having lived in Minnesota for 39 years, I can make the following conclusions:
1. Al Franken is not funny. 2. Jesse Ventura is not funny. 3. Garrison Keillor is mean-sprinted and not funny. 4. Mark Dayton, the current governor, is peculiar and not funny.
Minnesotans tend to have a dry, understated, gently ironic sense of humor. None of these characters can understand it or imitate it, not even Keillor who seems to have morphed into an angry curmudgeon in recent years.
“Leigh Corfman: Claims Moore provided her with alcohol and sexually assaulted her when she was 14 years old.
She claimed a 32-year-old Moore picked her up near her house in Gadsden, Ala., and drove her to a remote location in the woods, where he told her “how pretty she was and kissed her,” according to the Washington Post.
“On a second visit, she said, he took off her shirt and pants and removed his clothes. He touched her over her bra and underpants, she says, and guided her hand to touch him over his underwear,” the report added.
Wendy Miller: Claims Moore asked her out on a date when she was 16 years old and he was 32. Her mother said no.
Debbie Wesson Gibson: Claims she dated Moore for roughly three months in 1981 when she was 17 years old.
Gibson said he would read her poetry and serenade her with his guitar. She said he kissed her twice during the time they dated. He was 34 at the time.
Gloria Thacker Deason: Claims she dated Moore on-and-off again when she was 18 and he was 32 after an initial meeting at the Gadsden Mall in 1979.
Deason said their physical relationship never went further than kissing and hugging. Like Corfman, Deason also said Moore gave her alcohol on dates, even though she was below the legal drinking age.”
“Beverly Young Nelson: Claims Moore sexually assaulted her in 1977 when she was 16 years old.
Nelson worked as a waitress at a diner Moore frequented. She said Moore once offered to give her a ride home after her shift ended. Instead, she added, he parked his truck in the back of the diner and tried to force her to perform oral sex on him.
“I tried to open my car door to leave, but he reached over and he locked it so I could not get out,” Nelson said in a statement published this week. “I tried fighting him off while yelling at him to stop. But instead of stopping, he began squeezing my neck, attempting to force my head onto his crotch. I continued to struggle.”
“I was determined that I was not going to allow him to force me to have sex with him. I was terrified, he was also trying to pull my shirt off. I thought that he was going to rape me. I was twisting and struggling and I was begging him to stop. I had tears running down my face,” she added.
Moore was 30 years old at the time.
Tina Johnson: Claims Moore groped her in his office in 1991 when she was 28 years old.
"He kept commenting on my looks, telling me how pretty I was, how nice I looked," Johnson told the Birmingham News. "He was saying that my eyes were beautiful."
"I was thinking, can we hurry up and get out of here?" she added
Johnson said Moore repeatedly flirted with her and complimented her on her looks, saying things like he wondered if her children were as good looking as their mother.
She also alleged that as she turned to leave his office after their meeting, Moore grabbed her buttocks.
Those are all bad things, and if we can prove Moore did them, that would be bad.
He has denied them. It is one person's word against another; that's enough to make a judgment call -- and I'm glad I don't live in Alabama and have to make it.
“Kelly Harrison Thorp: Claims Moore asked her out in 1982 when she was a 17-year-old waitress at Red Lobster.
She said Moore, who was 35 at the time, came into her restaurant one day, introduced himself and then immediately asked her out on a date.
"I just kind of said, 'Do you know how old I am?'" she recalled asking, according to the Birmingham News.
"And he said, 'Yeah. I go out with girls your age all the time.”
Gena Richardson: Claims Moore pursued her relentlessly in 1977 when she was an 18-year-old high school senior.
Richardson said she met Moore at the Gadsden Mall, where he asked her which school she attended. She said he also asked for her phone number, which she said she declined to give.
Richardson said he then called her when she was in trigonometry class and asked her out on a date. She said he called a few more times until she relented, and agreed to go to the movies with him.
After their first date, she said, Moore gave her an unsolicited, “forceful” kiss, which prompted her to break off further contact with him.
“It was a man kiss — like really deep tongue. Like very forceful tongue. It was a surprise. I’d never been kissed like that,” she says. “And the minute that happened, I got scared then,” she told the Post. “I really did. Something came over me that scared me. And so I said, ‘I’ve got to go because my curfew is now.’”
Becky Gray: Claims Moore repeatedly asked her out on dates when she was 22 years old he was 30.
She told the Post that his advances crossed the line from weird flirting to harassment.
“I’d always say no, I’m dating someone, no, I’m in a relationship,” she told the Post. “I thought he was old at that time. Anyone over 22 was just old.”
Gray told the paper Moore was “persistent in a way that made her uncomfortable.”
“She says he lingered in her section, or else by the bathroom area, and that she became so disturbed that she complained to the Pizitz manager, Maynard von Spiegelfeld.”
"Until you folks call for the resignations of Moore and Trump, you have no moral high ground."
And this is what will be on CNN tonight. I'll bet dollars to donuts that Trump's and Moore's names come up far more often than Franken's. While reporting on the Franken debacle!
Unk, you missed your calling. You should have been a talking head.
Great. Get some evidence to back up the claims so we can prove something; I'm open to hearing about it. I'm not convinced Moore hasn't done anything wrong. But he has a right to face his accusers and defend himself.
The obvious starting point is the most damning physical evidence: The yearbook.
I recommend that if Congress *truly* wants to be a friend to women: Repeal the statute of limitations on sex crimes, but state that they are like other criminal crimes, and the state must prosecute them with or without the victim's consent. So, for example, Alabama would have to, whether any of these women wanted them to or not, investigate Moore.
I'm not sure if that would suppress actual reports or not, but it would make it so that you couldn't use high profile, decades old, accusations and derail someone's life on he-said, she-said claims.
“Donald Trump's Sexual Assault Accusers Demand Justice in the #MeToo Era: 'We Were Forgotten'”
“.... the lawsuit is “critically important” because “the president’s alleged offenses against women, of sexual harassment, sexual assault, are very serious, much more serious than many of those that have resulted in people losing their jobs.
“That should get a full and fair examination,” Eisen says, “and at the moment that lawsuit is the best vehicle we have to do that.”
Trump, meanwhile, has called the ongoing legal case against him “totally fake news. It’s just fake. It’s fake. It’s made-up stuff, and it’s disgraceful.”
In a statement to PEOPLE, his attorney Marc Kasowitz says the lawsuit is “based on allegations of events that never occurred.”
Trump himself has also denied all allegations against him, tweeting last year that the accusations are “100% fabricated and made-up charges.” He also called the charges “false allegations and outright lies” while on the campaign trail last fall.”
This will give cover to voters in Alabama who are looking for a palatable way to vote for Moore, or at least to vote against his democrat opponent. So I'll say that if Franken is still in the senate on election day, Moore wins.
After living in Minnesota for 39 years I can make the following observations:
1. Al Franken is not funny. 2 Jesse Ventura is not funny. 3. Garrison Keillor is not funny. 4. Mark Dayton is not funny.
Minnesotans tend to have a dry, understated, gently ironic sense of humor, and none of these figures seem to understand it or are capable of imitating it, not even Keillor who seems to have morphed into an angry curmudgeon recently.
“The allegations against Donald Trump of inappropriate sexual behavior had quieted down, but another woman spoke up Thursday — and on Saturday, one more woman came forward. The latest accuser, Jessica Drake, held a press conference with attorney Gloria Allred, in which the adult film actress alleged that Trump kissed her without permission at golf tournament 10 years ago in Tahoe, Calif.”
After living in Minnesota for 39 years I can make the following observations:
1. Al Franken is not funny. 2 Jesse Ventura is not funny. 3. Garrison Keillor is not funny. 4. Mark Dayton is not funny.
Minnesotans tend to have a dry, understated, gently ironic sense of humor, and none of these figures seem to understand it or are capable of imitating it, not even Keillor who seems to have morphed into an angry curmudgeon recently.
Until Al Franken resigns and the lefties forcefully declare that Bill Clinton should not be welcome in polite society the lefties have no standing on this issue.
Even Inga knows that Allred was using a forgery to make the most serious accusation.” —————————————- “Beverly Young Nelson: Claims Moore sexually assaulted her in 1977 when she was 16 years old.”
So ... does this mean that anyone who foolishly bought Al's book, "Lying liars, etc." now has a plausible cause of action to get their money back -- maybe with interest?
Here is what Al Franken says now: “I certainly don’t remember the rehearsal for the skit in the same way,” Franken said, “but I send my sincerest apologies to Leeann. As to the photo, it was clearly intended to be funny but wasn’t. I shouldn’t have done it.”
Thus, in a succinctly 'covering all his possible bases' manner, Al Franken has managed to:
1) deny that the skit was anything like the way she remembered it, but;
2) he nevertheless apologized to her for the skit, without any reservations whatsoever, and even though;
3) he insisted that the photo was merely intended as a joke;
4) he fully concedes -- but only after all these years -- that it clearly wasn't funny, and, in conclusion;
5) only now he says that he shouldn't have done it -- but again, lo these many long years afterward!!
Wow! Given the manifest inconsistencies, maybe we should consider this Al Franken's personal version of the "insanity defense?"
Or, maybe, the wholly inconsistent twists and turns of Al's ridiculous current line of defense, is what he secretly considers his 'personal best' comedy routine of all time!
Until you folks call for the resignations of Moore and Trump, you have no moral high ground.
All we're doing is calling for Franken to get the same scrutiny as Moore and Trump have. We know it's not going to happen, but it's funny to watch everyone scurry around arguing why his case is so radically different that to treat him the same would be the real crime.
And if it's not going to happen, then the criticism of Moore and Trump isn't from some principled place, but is just partisan politics.
As someone has already mentioned: Thomas to Packwood to Clinton. Fool us once...
Having lived in Minnesota for 39 years, I can make the following observations:
1. Al Franken in not funny. 2. Jesse Ventura is not funny. 3. Garrison Keillor is not funny. 4. Mark Dayton, our unusual governor, is not funny.
Minnesotans tend to have a dry, understated, semi-ironic sense of humor, and none of these characters seem to understand it, or be able to imitate it, not even Garrison Keillor, who seems to have become an angry curmudgeon recently.
The desperate bargaining of the Unknown commenter* in this thread is pretty funny: "I'll give up the head of Al Franken if you give up Pres. Trump!" As if this was ever really going to happen. Why would Trump resign over allegations of mistreatment of women, when Clinton didn't. And those allegations didn't stop Clinton's faithful, enabling wife from running for President. And the left said for decades it was just about sex and therefore not important. And in doing so encouraged bad behavior towards women in leftist enclaves like Hollywood.
Now suddenly, when it's convenient to do so, we're to believe that they've rediscovered ethics and morality, and we should forget what they said for the past 20 years; it's really important NOW to root out all the creepy men... Really, they mean it.
Please. Give it a rest. We know how full of shit you are... Really, we do. If Bill Clinton could've run in 2016 you'd all have voted for him.
And as for arguing over who gets "the moral high ground", our culture has become so degraded by the libertine left, that this argument sounds like a sad, sick joke, coming from a leftist.
______ *(I picture the Unknown commenter with a paper bag on its head, like the "Unknown Comic". Google it if you don't know what I am referring to-- I'm too lazy to make the link.)
The photo is clearly doctored. The green paint on the helmet -- XeX.115bv -- was not formulated until 2009. Anyone who knows anything about anything knows that.
Tweeden was a correspondent for Fox Sports Networks' The Best Damn Sports Show Period from 2001 to 2007. In 2008, Tweeden became the third hostess of the NBC late night television series Poker After Dark.[3] She has also appeared on the political discussion series Hannity, as a member of the "Great American Panel" and occasionally appeared on the panel of Red Eye w/ Greg Gutfeld.
Morgan and Michelle Malkin organized a pro-troop "webathon" on June 26, 2008. Conservative talk-show talent Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Mark Levin participated. MAF members raised an aggregate of $1.055 million in gifts for U.S. soldiers and Iraqi children. She is currently Chair of Move America Forward (MAF), a nonprofit, political advocacy group Supporting our military and providing gifts to U.S. soldiers in Iraq. She was honored by Move America Forward (MAF) members on May 10, 2008. Morgan stated in the USA Today "I don't like third parties" and has been working with the Tea Party movement in California.
steve uhr said... The photo is clearly doctored. The green paint on the helmet -- XeX.115bv -- was not formulated until 2009. Anyone who knows anything about anything knows that.
What a crock. If a photo was taken of someone pretending to behead a slumbering friend of theirs, you literalists would call it a way of condoning decapitation.
Just get into reality for a change. Understand the difference between that and make-believe.
Al Franken is a disgusting sexual predastor who is dumber than a box of rocks. And he's a hornylittle dude. We don't let him get near the buffalo out on the range.
I remember when Franken was first elected; several sacks of previously uncounted ballots suddenly materialized seemingly out of thin air. Some were found conveniently in the trunks of election workers' cars. Then the "challenged" ballots were publicly counted by a panel of "election judges. " Many ballots were cast for people with absurd sounding names like "Moon Unit Zappa" (true ballot name), and Franken received many of these questionable votes.
I am not defending Al Franken. I have no wish to defend Al Franken. I wish Al Franken nothing but the worst.
Same as what I wish for the other sexual-assaulters and/or harassers; nothing but the worst. That includes Weinstein. And Bill Clinton. And Bill O'Reilly. And Donald Trump, and all the rest irrespective of party or ideology.
Al Franken is a fucking asshole. Like "Drago" is a fucking asshole.
Exactly how clear do I have to make it? Answer; it can never be clear enough for "Drago." No matter how clear, the relentlessly ignorant, one-note fucking asshole "Drago" won't let it go.
And yes. Accusations lead to investigations. Not punishments. If they are found to be true, then you punish people.I'm a bit worried that people don't get that.
Investigate Trump and Moore. I'm fine with that. But please. Stop pretending to not see what the photo clearly shows and what Franken apologized for.
The vast majority of sexual assaults are not caught on camera.
True. So we, as discerning and not automatically condemnatory individuals, have to analyze the truth and character of the two sides.
For example, a slew of young accusers who file complaints about a candidate, who, the moment he is elected, disappear can, with some justification, be questioned as to their validity.
Meanwhile, a woman who is dragged into court to file evidence against a SITTING president, who told FIVE PEOPLE about the crime when it happened...who was visibly injured...well...I would give extra weight to that person's testimony.
Because words are wind, to quote GRRM.
Al Franken cannot run a typical Clinton Defense. He MAY be able to pull a Media Clinton Defense i.e. constant assertions that what he did did not matter (A Monica), slander the woman's character (The 'Paula') or just not cover it at all. We call this 'The Juanita'.
I recall this 80's movie. In it, a woman was in some kind of bar and some jerk grabbed her boobs and went 'honk honk'.
She was of course humiliated and angry.
Luckily, women never anger or humiliate men. Well, not with gropes at least.
I am at least a little sympathetic to Browndog at demonizing misconduct as 'irredeemable'. Being forever beyond the pale just creates eternal enemies or ideologues.
That being said...Franken has laid down a clear marker on actions such as he committed and how he wants such people punished. Well...the usual metric is this: he confesses the crime, he shows remorse he takes his punishment like a man and then he is forgiven.
When it is Democrats speaking of Democrats, the first two are generally enough. When it is anyone speaking of their political opponents, that last bit (forgiveness) is forgotten.
Bob Livingston, who when caught in his sex scandal, resigned and apologized, deserves forgiveness.
Bill Clinton, who held onto his power with his greasy fingers with all his might as he destroyed everyone else around him, did not, does not and is unlikely to ever earn forgiveness.
So okay. Franken is sorry. Is he going to resign? Is he going to call for a referendum on his status as a Senator? Is he going to do ANYTHING which shows remorse and accepts punishment besides well earned public approbation?
"Dear Republicans. I did something rather badly wrong and I have excoriated your side for the exact same insinuations. Therefore, I am offering up three Senate votes to Mitch McConnell. They can be for a bill They can be for a veto of legislation. They can be for a nominations. But you only get three, they are only valid for a year and I get one veto."
I would call that an Act of Contrition. Make the lying weasel show character...or it's lack.
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«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 480 of 480As a Clinton voter, Inga is only opposed to women being assaulted if she can use it for partisan purposes.
Not irrelevant to your assertion that until a sexual assault is caught on camera it carries little weight.
The fact that you dislike due process just makes you a bad person. It doesn't give any weight to your false equation of accusations and proof.
Pookie number 2 is above partisan politics, no dishonesty ever passed it’s lips.
The hypocrisy reeks, as it usually does on these threads.
If Moore is elected, and then gets expelled, a Republican governor will replace him with another Republican. If you elect the Democrat, and it turns out Moore is guilty, you're stuck with a Democrat.
The only choice for Republicans is to vote for Moore, and let the truth come out. If he's a scumbag, replace him. But don't vote for the Democrat.
So, electing Roy Moore will actually raise the Senate's level of morality?
He must resign.
And should be prosecuted for sexual assault.
Note: He wants an ethics investigation so they can bury this.
Beta weirdo molests hot chick because he could never actually get near her - pathetic
Is taking such a picture a greater violation than the act photographed?
Was the picture at that time a trophy of male power, but now an artifact being used by empowered women?
Pookie number 2 is above partisan politics, no dishonesty ever passed it’s lips.
You're welcome to make a case, but I think you'll run into the same lack of evidence that undermines so much of what you want to be true.
"So, electing Roy Moore will actually raise the Senate's level of morality?"
-- It matters if he's innocent or guilty of the charges.
Inga: "The hypocrisy reeks, as it usually does on these threads."
If it always reeks while you are here...perhaps there are some conclusions you could draw.
Not to worry Inga. Already many dems are making light of Franken's little transgressions.
It's not grope grope, or assault assault.
Besides, your own side came up with the Democrat "One Free Grope Rule".
Don't you remember that? Or has that been conveniently, and hypocritically, forgotten as well?
Remember, history begins anew each day for the lefties.
Having lived in Minnesota for 39 years I can make these observations :
1. Garrison Keillor is not funny.
2. Jesse Ventura is not funny.
3. Al Franken in not funny.
4. Mark Dayton, the current governor, is peculiar but not funny.
Many Minnesotans have a healthy, dry, understated sense of humor that relies heavily on irony.
None of these characters seems to capture or appreciate it, not even Keillor who seems to have become an angry curmudgeon, who continually expresses contempt for working class people.
Re the Moore yearbook signature. After his news conference yesterday all Allred had to do was have a forensic expert verify the signature and Moore would have been buried. Toast. It was the perfect opening made possible by Moore's lawyer. Gee, wonder why she won't do that?
“If it always reeks while you are here...perhaps there are some conclusions you could draw.”
The stench is most foul when you appear, most other times it’s simply a background smell.
Tank: "Note: He wants an ethics investigation so they can bury this."
Exactly. He's the criminal but he wants a "honest" investigation.
That's like Al Capone saying "maybe its time for my very own accountant to perform an audit on my books".
Which is like saying hey, lets have Comey investigate Hillary.
You know, it'll all be on the up and up.
Unknown: "The stench is most foul when you appear, most other times it’s simply a background smell."
The truth, as if it were sulfur, burns the eyes of liars like you.
Go back to pretending you didn't attack Clintons accusers too.
" It was the perfect opening made possible by Moore's lawyer. Gee, wonder why she won't do that?"
Because she knows the truth and hopes she can hide it with Inga's help until AFTER the election.
Shades of Ted Stevens.
Until you folks call for the resignations of Moore and Trump, you have no moral high ground.
"Note: He wants an ethics investigation so they can bury this."
That is what I am thinking too. It looks like his best (only?) way out.
Until you folks call for the resignations of Moore and Trump, you have no moral high ground.
A consistent demand for proof is always the moral high ground relative to your swampy situationalist partisanship.
"That is what I am thinking too. It looks like his best (only?) way out."
-- Eh, people in the media are already saying things like, "This is how a man accepts responsibility" and useless bromides like that about Franken. In a few more hours, they may be recommending him for awards for forwarding women's rights as an example to how other men should be treated.
By tomorrow, I imagine: "Why Can't More Men Be Like Franken?" hot takes.
I will call on Trump and Moore to resign. 20 years from now.
Isn't that the new rule?
Does anyone think if Moore or Trump pulled the, "I made a mistake, but I've always been and always will be a friend to women, so let's all Just Move On," that he'd get the same deference Franken is getting?
Having lived in Minnesota for 39 years, I can make the following conclusions:
1. Al Franken is not funny.
2. Jesse Ventura is not funny.
3. Garrison Keillor is mean-sprinted and not funny.
4. Mark Dayton, the current governor, is peculiar and not funny.
Minnesotans tend to have a dry, understated, gently ironic sense of humor. None of these characters can understand it or imitate it, not
even Keillor who seems to have morphed into an angry curmudgeon in recent years.
“Leigh Corfman: Claims Moore provided her with alcohol and sexually assaulted her when she was 14 years old.
She claimed a 32-year-old Moore picked her up near her house in Gadsden, Ala., and drove her to a remote location in the woods, where he told her “how pretty she was and kissed her,” according to the Washington Post.
“On a second visit, she said, he took off her shirt and pants and removed his clothes. He touched her over her bra and underpants, she says, and guided her hand to touch him over his underwear,” the report added.
Wendy Miller: Claims Moore asked her out on a date when she was 16 years old and he was 32. Her mother said no.
Debbie Wesson Gibson: Claims she dated Moore for roughly three months in 1981 when she was 17 years old.
Gibson said he would read her poetry and serenade her with his guitar. She said he kissed her twice during the time they dated. He was 34 at the time.
Gloria Thacker Deason: Claims she dated Moore on-and-off again when she was 18 and he was 32 after an initial meeting at the Gadsden Mall in 1979.
Deason said their physical relationship never went further than kissing and hugging. Like Corfman, Deason also said Moore gave her alcohol on dates, even though she was below the legal drinking age.”
Richard Dillman said...
Many Minnesotans have a healthy, dry, understated sense of humor that relies heavily on irony.
11/16/17, 3:23 PM
We talking Bob Newhart funny? Or just plain "that was cute" funny?
“Beverly Young Nelson: Claims Moore sexually assaulted her in 1977 when she was 16 years old.
Nelson worked as a waitress at a diner Moore frequented. She said Moore once offered to give her a ride home after her shift ended. Instead, she added, he parked his truck in the back of the diner and tried to force her to perform oral sex on him.
“I tried to open my car door to leave, but he reached over and he locked it so I could not get out,” Nelson said in a statement published this week. “I tried fighting him off while yelling at him to stop. But instead of stopping, he began squeezing my neck, attempting to force my head onto his crotch. I continued to struggle.”
“I was determined that I was not going to allow him to force me to have sex with him. I was terrified, he was also trying to pull my shirt off. I thought that he was going to rape me. I was twisting and struggling and I was begging him to stop. I had tears running down my face,” she added.
Moore was 30 years old at the time.
Tina Johnson: Claims Moore groped her in his office in 1991 when she was 28 years old.
"He kept commenting on my looks, telling me how pretty I was, how nice I looked," Johnson told the Birmingham News. "He was saying that my eyes were beautiful."
"I was thinking, can we hurry up and get out of here?" she added
Johnson said Moore repeatedly flirted with her and complimented her on her looks, saying things like he wondered if her children were as good looking as their mother.
She also alleged that as she turned to leave his office after their meeting, Moore grabbed her buttocks.
"He didn't pinch it; he grabbed it," said Johnson
Moore was 44 years old at the time.”
Those are all bad things, and if we can prove Moore did them, that would be bad.
He has denied them. It is one person's word against another; that's enough to make a judgment call -- and I'm glad I don't live in Alabama and have to make it.
“Kelly Harrison Thorp: Claims Moore asked her out in 1982 when she was a 17-year-old waitress at Red Lobster.
She said Moore, who was 35 at the time, came into her restaurant one day, introduced himself and then immediately asked her out on a date.
"I just kind of said, 'Do you know how old I am?'" she recalled asking, according to the Birmingham News.
"And he said, 'Yeah. I go out with girls your age all the time.”
Gena Richardson: Claims Moore pursued her relentlessly in 1977 when she was an 18-year-old high school senior.
Richardson said she met Moore at the Gadsden Mall, where he asked her which school she attended. She said he also asked for her phone number, which she said she declined to give.
Richardson said he then called her when she was in trigonometry class and asked her out on a date. She said he called a few more times until she relented, and agreed to go to the movies with him.
After their first date, she said, Moore gave her an unsolicited, “forceful” kiss, which prompted her to break off further contact with him.
“It was a man kiss — like really deep tongue. Like very forceful tongue. It was a surprise. I’d never been kissed like that,” she says. “And the minute that happened, I got scared then,” she told the Post. “I really did. Something came over me that scared me. And so I said, ‘I’ve got to go because my curfew is now.’”
Becky Gray: Claims Moore repeatedly asked her out on dates when she was 22 years old he was 30.
She told the Post that his advances crossed the line from weird flirting to harassment.
“I’d always say no, I’m dating someone, no, I’m in a relationship,” she told the Post. “I thought he was old at that time. Anyone over 22 was just old.”
Gray told the paper Moore was “persistent in a way that made her uncomfortable.”
“She says he lingered in her section, or else by the bathroom area, and that she became so disturbed that she complained to the Pizitz manager, Maynard von Spiegelfeld.”
"Until you folks call for the resignations of Moore and Trump, you have no moral high ground."
And this is what will be on CNN tonight. I'll bet dollars to donuts that Trump's and Moore's names come up far more often than Franken's. While reporting on the Franken debacle!
Unk, you missed your calling. You should have been a talking head.
Great. Get some evidence to back up the claims so we can prove something; I'm open to hearing about it. I'm not convinced Moore hasn't done anything wrong. But he has a right to face his accusers and defend himself.
The obvious starting point is the most damning physical evidence: The yearbook.
I recommend that if Congress *truly* wants to be a friend to women: Repeal the statute of limitations on sex crimes, but state that they are like other criminal crimes, and the state must prosecute them with or without the victim's consent. So, for example, Alabama would have to, whether any of these women wanted them to or not, investigate Moore.
I'm not sure if that would suppress actual reports or not, but it would make it so that you couldn't use high profile, decades old, accusations and derail someone's life on he-said, she-said claims.
Trump’s accusers are looking for justice too.
“Donald Trump's Sexual Assault Accusers Demand Justice in the #MeToo Era: 'We Were Forgotten'”
“.... the lawsuit is “critically important” because “the president’s alleged offenses against women, of sexual harassment, sexual assault, are very serious, much more serious than many of those that have resulted in people losing their jobs.
“That should get a full and fair examination,” Eisen says, “and at the moment that lawsuit is the best vehicle we have to do that.”
Trump, meanwhile, has called the ongoing legal case against him “totally fake news. It’s just fake. It’s fake. It’s made-up stuff, and it’s disgraceful.”
In a statement to PEOPLE, his attorney Marc Kasowitz says the lawsuit is “based on allegations of events that never occurred.”
Trump himself has also denied all allegations against him, tweeting last year that the accusations are “100% fabricated and made-up charges.” He also called the charges “false allegations and outright lies” while on the campaign trail last fall.”
This will give cover to voters in Alabama who are looking for a palatable way to vote for Moore, or at least to vote against his democrat opponent. So I'll say that if Franken is still in the senate on election day, Moore wins.
Oh Oh. Nelson has vanished from Inga's list.
Even Inga knows that Allred was using a forgery to make the most serious accusation.
All the rest are innuendo. Bill Clinton got Inga's vote and so did the enabler Hillary.
After his news conference yesterday all Allred had to do was have a forensic expert verify the signature and Moore would have been buried.
Even Inga has stopped talking about the Yearbook.
After living in Minnesota for 39 years I can make the following observations:
1. Al Franken is not funny.
2 Jesse Ventura is not funny.
3. Garrison Keillor is not funny.
4. Mark Dayton is not funny.
Minnesotans tend to have a dry, understated, gently ironic sense of humor, and none of these figures seem to understand it or are capable of imitating it, not even Keillor who seems to have morphed into an angry curmudgeon recently.
“The allegations against Donald Trump of inappropriate sexual behavior had quieted down, but another woman spoke up Thursday — and on Saturday, one more woman came forward. The latest accuser, Jessica Drake, held a press conference with attorney Gloria Allred, in which the adult film actress alleged that Trump kissed her without permission at golf tournament 10 years ago in Tahoe, Calif.”
List of women accusing Donald Trump of innapropritae sexual conduct. Full list.
After living in Minnesota for 39 years I can make the following observations:
1. Al Franken is not funny.
2 Jesse Ventura is not funny.
3. Garrison Keillor is not funny.
4. Mark Dayton is not funny.
Minnesotans tend to have a dry, understated, gently ironic sense of humor, and none of these figures seem to understand it or are capable of imitating it, not even Keillor who seems to have morphed into an angry curmudgeon recently.
Until Al Franken resigns and the lefties forcefully declare that Bill Clinton should not be welcome in polite society the lefties have no standing on this issue.
"Even Inga has stopped talking about the Yearbook"
Maybe it was the Russians who forced the lefties to forge "evidence".
That might explain the unfortunate Dan Rather episode as well.
“Oh Oh. Nelson has vanished from Inga's list.
Even Inga knows that Allred was using a forgery to make the most serious accusation.”
“Beverly Young Nelson: Claims Moore sexually assaulted her in 1977 when she was 16 years old.”
@3:37PM. Read more carefully.
Inga: "Gena Richardson: Claims Moore pursued her relentlessly in 1977 when she was an 18-year-old high school senior."
How can any Bill Clinton supporter cite something like this, true or not, and proclaim it damning evidence?
How can any Bill Clinton supporter cite something like this, true or not, and proclaim it damning evidence?
She's quite stupid, you know. Explains most of what she says.
Watching Inga is like seeing a drowning person struggling to keep their head above water....flailing....flailing...but you just know it won't matter.
Meanwhile, on the other thread, all of Inga's lefty pals have received the talking points and are in full Frankenstein defense mode.
EXACTLY as predicted.
Truth be told Inga probably only said Frankenstein should resign not because she meant it but because she needs the situational credibility.
She knows perfectly well Franken won't resign and the swamp won't force him.
So, just as with the fake lefty crocodile tears about Billy Jeff's victims, it's all fake.
After living in Minnesota for 41 years I can make the following observations:
Tim Pawlenty could be funny at times. So could Amy Klobuchar. Otherwise, they can all kiss my ass.
A britch too far.
So ... does this mean that anyone who foolishly bought Al's book, "Lying liars, etc." now has a plausible cause of action to get their money back -- maybe with interest?
Here is what Al Franken says now:
“I certainly don’t remember the rehearsal for the skit in the same way,” Franken said, “but I send my sincerest apologies to Leeann. As to the
photo, it was clearly intended to be funny but wasn’t. I shouldn’t have
done it.”
Thus, in a succinctly 'covering all his possible bases' manner, Al Franken has managed to:
1) deny that the skit was anything like the way she remembered it, but;
2) he nevertheless apologized to her for the skit, without any reservations whatsoever, and even though;
3) he insisted that the photo was merely intended as a joke;
4) he fully concedes -- but only after all these years -- that it clearly wasn't funny, and, in conclusion;
5) only now he says that he shouldn't have done it -- but again, lo these many long years afterward!!
Wow! Given the manifest inconsistencies, maybe we should consider this Al Franken's personal version of the "insanity defense?"
Or, maybe, the wholly inconsistent twists and turns of Al's ridiculous current line of defense, is what he secretly considers his 'personal best' comedy routine of all time!
The picture of him groping is an obvious joke. I've seen this same shot, or one like it, taken at Hooter's a million times.
Hooter's girls don't let you molest them, but yet millions of Hooter's pictures of men groping their "hooter's" exist.
The Hooter's girls think it is funny, and the men tip them extra. Free money, no molestation, they're good with it.
1) The Hooter Girls were awake
2) The Hooter Girls got paid.
So 3) Does Franken have a receipt?
Agree with the posts about the wise ways of Mike Pence.
Smartest politician in the US given the current witch-burning hysteria?
He's not a witch. As far as we know....
I've been away for a while and see this thread is now up to 453 comments.
Is that because Inga & Co. are defending Franken and saying Trump is the real problem?
Just a guess...
Until you folks call for the resignations of Moore and Trump, you have no moral high ground.
All we're doing is calling for Franken to get the same scrutiny as Moore and Trump have. We know it's not going to happen, but it's funny to watch everyone scurry around arguing why his case is so radically different that to treat him the same would be the real crime.
And if it's not going to happen, then the criticism of Moore and Trump isn't from some principled place, but is just partisan politics.
As someone has already mentioned: Thomas to Packwood to Clinton. Fool us once...
Having lived in Minnesota for 39 years, I can make the following observations:
1. Al Franken in not funny.
2. Jesse Ventura is not funny.
3. Garrison Keillor is not funny.
4. Mark Dayton, our unusual governor, is not funny.
Minnesotans tend to have a dry, understated, semi-ironic sense of humor, and none of these characters seem to understand it, or be able
to imitate it, not even Garrison Keillor, who seems to have become an angry curmudgeon recently.
Gosh, for a while there, I kind of missed Victorianism.
It seems that Feminism is intent on bringing it back, sans women dressing attractively.
What a fool I was. So it's Pence Rules for everyone. Huzzah!
The stench is most foul when you appear, most other times it’s simply a background smell.
"Ere this night does wane, you will drink the black sperm of my vengeance!"
From: Beyond the Valley of the Dolls written by, not Laslo, but Roger Ebert.
Bill Maher season finale tomorrow should have some interesting sound bites.
>>>assertion that until a sexual assault is caught on camera it carries little weight.
4 witnesses to rape
Maher is probably sweating thinking he might be next.
He's a known sleaze.
The desperate bargaining of the Unknown commenter* in this thread is pretty funny: "I'll give up the head of Al Franken if you give up Pres. Trump!" As if this was ever really going to happen. Why would Trump resign over allegations of mistreatment of women, when Clinton didn't. And those allegations didn't stop Clinton's faithful, enabling wife from running for President. And the left said for decades it was just about sex and therefore not important. And in doing so encouraged bad behavior towards women in leftist enclaves like Hollywood.
Now suddenly, when it's convenient to do so, we're to believe that they've rediscovered ethics and morality, and we should forget what they said for the past 20 years; it's really important NOW to root out all the creepy men... Really, they mean it.
Please. Give it a rest. We know how full of shit you are... Really, we do. If Bill Clinton could've run in 2016 you'd all have voted for him.
And as for arguing over who gets "the moral high ground", our culture has become so degraded by the libertine left, that this argument sounds like a sad, sick joke, coming from a leftist.
*(I picture the Unknown commenter with a paper bag on its head, like the "Unknown Comic". Google it if you don't know what I am referring to-- I'm too lazy to make the link.)
Betcha dollars to donuts both Franken accusers vote democrat/donate to dem candidates.
The photo is clearly doctored. The green paint on the helmet -- XeX.115bv -- was not formulated until 2009. Anyone who knows anything about anything knows that.
From Wikipedia:
Tweeden was a correspondent for Fox Sports Networks' The Best Damn Sports Show Period from 2001 to 2007. In 2008, Tweeden became the third hostess of the NBC late night television series Poker After Dark.[3] She has also appeared on the political discussion series Hannity, as a member of the "Great American Panel" and occasionally appeared on the panel of Red Eye w/ Greg Gutfeld.
From Wikipedia:
Morgan and Michelle Malkin organized a pro-troop "webathon" on June 26, 2008. Conservative talk-show talent Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Mark Levin participated. MAF members raised an aggregate of $1.055 million in gifts for U.S. soldiers and Iraqi children.
She is currently Chair of Move America Forward (MAF), a nonprofit, political advocacy group Supporting our military and providing gifts to U.S. soldiers in Iraq. She was honored by Move America Forward (MAF) members on May 10, 2008. Morgan stated in the USA Today "I don't like third parties" and has been working with the Tea Party movement in California.
steve uhr said...
The photo is clearly doctored. The green paint on the helmet -- XeX.115bv -- was not formulated until 2009. Anyone who knows anything about anything knows that.
11/16/17, 6:59 PM
You're so cute. Shush now, grownups are talking.
readering said...
From Wikipedia:
Tweeden was a correspondent for Fox
So, she is faking? Or, so, she deserved it?
I may have done steve err an injustice...
Ah. So we've moved on the "little bit nutty, little bit slutty," defense of Franken I see.
More proof that conservatives don't understand the difference between humor and serious. Or reality and fantasy, for that matter.
What a crock. If a photo was taken of someone pretending to behead a slumbering friend of theirs, you literalists would call it a way of condoning decapitation.
Just get into reality for a change. Understand the difference between that and make-believe.
Conservatives live in the land of make-believe.
Al Franken is a disgusting sexual predastor who is dumber than a box of rocks. And he's a hornylittle dude. We don't let him get near the buffalo out on the range.
I remember when Franken was first elected; several sacks of previously uncounted ballots suddenly materialized seemingly out of thin air. Some were found conveniently in the trunks of election workers' cars. Then the "challenged" ballots were publicly counted by a panel of "election judges. " Many ballots were cast for people with absurd
sounding names like "Moon Unit Zappa" (true ballot name), and Franken received many of these questionable votes.
I am not defending Al Franken. I have no wish to defend Al Franken. I wish Al Franken nothing but the worst.
Same as what I wish for the other sexual-assaulters and/or harassers; nothing but the worst. That includes Weinstein. And Bill Clinton. And Bill O'Reilly. And Donald Trump, and all the rest irrespective of party or ideology.
Al Franken is a fucking asshole. Like "Drago" is a fucking asshole.
Exactly how clear do I have to make it? Answer; it can never be clear enough for "Drago." No matter how clear, the relentlessly ignorant, one-note fucking asshole "Drago" won't let it go.
So now an 'air grope" is punishable but 19 accusations sexual assualt and rape is A-Ok for the President? You are crazy.
It is not an air grope.
And yes. Accusations lead to investigations. Not punishments. If they are found to be true, then you punish people.I'm a bit worried that people don't get that.
Investigate Trump and Moore. I'm fine with that. But please. Stop pretending to not see what the photo clearly shows and what Franken apologized for.
Can I be the first to point out the irony of Chuck (Chuck!) calling someone else a "relentlessly ignorant, one-note fucking asshole"?
Unknown Said
The vast majority of sexual assaults are not caught on camera.
True. So we, as discerning and not automatically condemnatory individuals, have to analyze the truth and character of the two sides.
For example, a slew of young accusers who file complaints about a candidate, who, the moment he is elected, disappear can, with some justification, be questioned as to their validity.
Meanwhile, a woman who is dragged into court to file evidence against a SITTING president, who told FIVE PEOPLE about the crime when it happened...who was visibly injured...well...I would give extra weight to that person's testimony.
Because words are wind, to quote GRRM.
Al Franken cannot run a typical Clinton Defense. He MAY be able to pull a Media Clinton Defense i.e. constant assertions that what he did did not matter (A Monica), slander the woman's character (The 'Paula') or just not cover it at all. We call this 'The Juanita'.
I recall this 80's movie. In it, a woman was in some kind of bar and some jerk grabbed her boobs and went 'honk honk'.
She was of course humiliated and angry.
Luckily, women never anger or humiliate men. Well, not with gropes at least.
I am at least a little sympathetic to Browndog at demonizing misconduct as 'irredeemable'. Being forever beyond the pale just creates eternal enemies or ideologues.
That being said...Franken has laid down a clear marker on actions such as he committed and how he wants such people punished. Well...the usual metric is this: he confesses the crime, he shows remorse he takes his punishment like a man and then he is forgiven.
When it is Democrats speaking of Democrats, the first two are generally enough. When it is anyone speaking of their political opponents, that last bit (forgiveness) is forgotten.
Bob Livingston, who when caught in his sex scandal, resigned and apologized, deserves forgiveness.
Bill Clinton, who held onto his power with his greasy fingers with all his might as he destroyed everyone else around him, did not, does not and is unlikely to ever earn forgiveness.
So okay. Franken is sorry. Is he going to resign? Is he going to call for a referendum on his status as a Senator? Is he going to do ANYTHING which shows remorse and accepts punishment besides well earned public approbation?
If he does not, he can and should be hounded.
You know...Chuckles has to spend a large amount of time denying he is defending Leftwingers for some instance. I wonder why?
I never get accused of defending Leftwingers......
Here is an idea on how Franken can show remorse.
"Dear Republicans. I did something rather badly wrong and I have excoriated your side for the exact same insinuations. Therefore, I am offering up three Senate votes to Mitch McConnell. They can be for a bill They can be for a veto of legislation. They can be for a nominations. But you only get three, they are only valid for a year and I get one veto."
I would call that an Act of Contrition. Make the lying weasel show character...or it's lack.
"Franken deserves what Roy Moore is getting."
And so does Moore.
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