November 9, 2017

"President Donald Trump's long-time confidant Keith Schiller privately testified that he rejected a Russian offer to send five women to then private-citizen Trump's hotel room..."

"... during their 2013 trip to Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant, according to multiple sources from both political parties with direct knowledge of the testimony. Schiller, Trump's former bodyguard and personal aide, testified that he took the offer as a joke, two of the sources said. On their way up to Trump's hotel room that night, Schiller told the billionaire businessman about the offer and Trump laughed it off, Schiller told the House intelligence committee earlier this week.... Members of the committee raised the matter because of salacious allegations laid out in a dossier compiled by former British agent Christopher Steele, an opposition research document funded by Democrats detailing alleged ties between Trump and his associates with Russians."

CNN reports.


rcocean said...

Did Jack tapper report it?

That would make it even more Credible.

CNN = most reliable news source for Trump.

rcocean said...

Seriously, how often do you have to lie or get things wrong before people 'write you off'?

The answer seems to be never, when you're the MSM.

BarrySanders20 said...

In Russia, Swamp drain you.

Ann Althouse said...

What's wrong with this CNN report? It shows the Russians tried to plant 5 women with him and it was treated as a joke and laughed off. That shows Trump was tested and he passed the test. This isn't an anti-Trump report.

Drago said...

Can you imagine the response of the media if Trump had taken 26 flights on the Pedophile express with a convicted child molester and on multiple trips ordered his secret service protection NOT to accompany him?

You know, as Billy Jeff did.

And the lefties LOOOOOOOVE him for it.

And the LLR's too.

Drago said...

AA: "This isn't an anti-Trump report."

And it just killed them to write it no doubt.

mccullough said...

Only 5? Trump was insulted

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Is t it obvious? The five Russian women wouldn’t take no for an answer and sexually harassed Donald Trump.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

The President should tweet his #MeToo and denounce #NotMyPresident for victim blaming.

rcocean said...

"This isn't an anti-Trump report."

OK, but if CNN is willing to lie about Trump, what else won't they lie about?

Tough to pose as an objective, credible news source when you're willing to lie *sometimes*.

Hey, its CNN they only lie 90% of the time!

BarrySanders20 said...

"Is t it obvious? The five Russian women wouldn’t take no for an answer and sexually harassed Donald Trump."

In Russia, 5 women sexually harass you.

Original Mike said...

"What's wrong with this CNN report?...This isn't an anti-Trump report."

Where there's a will, there's a way.

Bay Area Guy said...

I mean, c'mon, have you seen Russian hookers? They look like female versions of Leonid Brezhnev.

gadfly said...

@rcocean said...
Seriously, how often do you have to lie or get things wrong before people 'write you off'?

The answer seems to be never, when you're the MSM.

The answer seems to be never, when you're the MSM or Donald Trump - FIFY.

Original Mike said...

"Did Jack tapper report it?"

Just saw a video of Jake Tapper referring to the Clinton campaign as "we" (twice!) during last year's election night coverage. Sheesh!

David Begley said...


You don’t understand how the media work. CNN airs the report and many people think Trump’s guy is lying and the report is true. Just airing the report makes Trump look bad. Donald, when did you stop cheating on your wife?

CNN is out to destroy Trump.

AlbertAnonymous said...

Remains to be seen if it’s anti-trump. I’m sure they spun it as anti as they could, like:

“He must have committed perjury, because the dossier says otherwise and we know the dossier is accurate because 17 agencies said so.”

Original Mike said...

Inga will be able to make this anti-Trump without breaking a sweat.

Gahrie said...

This isn't an anti-Trump report.

That's what's "wrong" with it.

MikeD said...

Begley said: "Donald, when did stop cheating on your wife?" Answer, when he married his mistress!

David Begley said...

Cheating. Beating. Whatever.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Why would I believe Trump’s body guard of many years about anything? The man was a thug.

Darrell said...

4chan made up the pissing hookers story and they proved it--by releasing all the timestamped correspondence with a NeverTrumper they were trolling. And the correspondence between 4chan commenters making it up, offering suggestions for the troll, as they went along. I like that this always gets left out of the story.

rehajm said...

This isn't an anti-Trump report.

It is a common tactic. Write about Trump and women going up to his room in the same story and add some telephone game- Trump blah blah hookers blah blah and suddenly it's exactly what they wanted. Out of whole cloth.

Darrell said...

Accepting the bodyguard's story, it is 100% certain Trump's room had cameras and recording devices planted in it. Russia never missed the opportunity to get future blackmail material on any potentially important foreign visitor. Their building often had the surveillance equipment built in to the walls during construction. You can be sure they captured every second of Hillary fishing for the bribes for the uranium deal. And maybe she accepted the five hooker offer. I heard she was running low on Depends.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

Doesn’t occur to anyone here that of course Schiller tried to shoot down the Dossier. Yes he would lie under oath for his boss. No doubt about it.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Unknown said..."Doesn’t occur to anyone here that of course Schiller tried to shoot down the Dossier. Yes he would lie under oath for his boss. No doubt about it."

Told ya.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Told ya.”

I wanted to make sure I didn’t surprise you OM.

Drago said...

"In Russia, 5 women sexually harass you."

Americas superior productivity means we can accomplish the same amount of harrasment with just 1.37 FHE's (Female Hooker Equivalents)

Drago said...

"I wanted to make sure I didn’t surprise you OM."

The element of surprise requires a modicum of creativity.

'nuff said.

FullMoon said...

Unknown said...

“Told ya.”

I wanted to make sure I didn’t surprise you OM.
11/9/17, 6:54 PM

Didn't surprise anybody.

FullMoon said...

Trump fucked all of them-twice. They all left satisfied Trump too humble to brag about it.

Rabel said...

"I mean, c'mon, have you seen Russian hookers? They look like female versions of Leonid Brezhnev."

You're hanging out in the wrong bars.

tcrosse said...

OT OJ Simpson kicked out of the Cosmopolitan for misbehavior. Possible parole violation. Film at 11.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Even something that exonerates Trump must be spun to make Trump look bad.

It's called the DNC hack press.

YoungHegelian said...

The Soviets sent hookers up to the President of Indonesia Suharto's suite back in the Cold War days. Of course, it was all secretly taped.

The Soviets tried to blackmail Suharto by showing him the films, & saying they would release them if he didn't co-operate. Suharto told the Soviets he wanted copies made so that he could show the women of Indonesia what a great lover he was.

The Soviets let the matter drop.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Bay Area Guy said...
I mean, c'mon, have you seen Russian hookers? They look like female versions of Leonid Brezhnev.
11/9/17, 5:52 PM

No, BAG, that's the hookers YOU get.

Michael K said...

"That shows Trump was tested and he passed the test. This isn't an anti-Trump report."

No, Inga and the other lefties will demonstrate how wrong you are,

"Trump" and Hookers" in the same sentence sets off their idiot receptors.

Standard DNC phrases follow as if by magic.

William said...

I think the way CNN phrased it was that the bodyguard denied taking up the offer. Well, he would say that, wouldn't he. Inga's response shows how effective this tactic is.......Now they have that scandal with Roy Moore to feast on. They were really luxuriating in it......Perhaps the woman is telling the truth. One wonders, however, why she waited forty years to tell it and why she waited until after and not before the primary to tell it.

FullMoon said...

Bay Area Guy said...

I mean, c'mon, have you seen Russian hookers? They look like female versions of Leonid Brezhnev.
11/9/17, 5:52 PM

You gotta take a ride up to Sacramento area someday.

Oso Negro said...

Blogger Bay Area Guy said...
I mean, c'mon, have you seen Russian hookers? They look like female versions of Leonid Brezhnev.

11/9/17, 5:52 PM

This is woefully inaccurate. The average Russian girl in the 20-25 year old range probably weighs 25 lbs less than her American counterpart. Plus, she actually TRIES to be attractive to men. This will be startling for many among you.

Laslo Spatula said...

" This will be startling for many among you."

Not startling to me. At all.

Russian hookers rock.

I am Laslo.

Big Mike said...

EVERYBODY knows that Russian hookers are in the pay of the SVR, and are used to set honey traps. If you're ever in a Russian city and some gorgeous woman comes on to you in a bar -- or gorgeous man, if you're female or are otherwise interested in men -- assume they're in the pay of the SVR and trying to set you up for blackmail.

Darrell said...

Russian hookers do rock.
Until that magic day when they lose a foot in height and double or triple in width. Perhaps the spell wears off.

Michael The Magnificent said...

Just saw a video of Jake Tapper referring to the Clinton campaign as "we" (twice!) during last year's election night coverage. Sheesh!

Saw it too. Paging Dr. Freud! Dr. Freud to the white courtesy phone, please.

Kathryn51 said...

So, this was the phrase that gobsmacked me: " . . . an opposition research document funded by Democrats detailing alleged ties between Trump and his associates with Russians."

I think it's a fake CNN site - no way, NO WAY, they would ever voluntarily state that the dossier was funded by Democrats without the caveat that the dossier was initiated by "the GOP" (as my Facebook friends continually tell me).

Bay Area Guy said...

I apologize for claiming that Russian hookers look like Leonid Brezhnev. I was not talking about Russian hookers here, I was talking about the actual hookers in Russia. They looked like, well, East German shot putters. A buncha Borscht eating Rosa Klebb-types,

BillyTalley said...

Donald the strong is indeed strong. Not sure if I could turn dow 5 Russian women.

Darrell said...

I was talking about the actual hookers in Russia.

In cities where Westerners end up, Russian hookers are quite attractive. Too many boob jobs for my taste, but my taste would be zero. Small breasts rock and always did as far as I am concerned. Russia could take over the fashion model business if they had a mind to.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Naturally we're talking about export grade. Low-end American hookers aren't Barbie either.

Drago said...

Just saw a video of Jake Tapper referring to the Clinton campaign as "we" (twice!) during last year's election night coverage. Sheesh

Uh oh.

If you think LLR Chuck is going to let you impugn the almost magical and perfect objectivity of his beloved Jake Tapper and CNN News, you have quite another thing coming.

Lucien said...

Russian sex workers (and Eastern European sex workers generally) are among the most attractive in the world. Or so I've heard.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, I think one of the Eastern Bloc's main exports was very attractive young women willing to do just about anything sexual with anyone or anything for money. Even today, you can go to numerous high-end and low-end porn sites and check out the model/actress bios and you will be overwhelmed with Russians, Ukrainians, Latvians, etc.

I've never actually seen any of these sites but I have a friend who told me about them.

Matt Sablan said...

So... he laughed it off? In other words, nothing happened?

Matt Sablan said...

"It shows the Russians tried to plant 5 women with him and it was treated as a joke and laughed off. That shows Trump was tested and he passed the test. This isn't an anti-Trump report."

-- Sadly, that's not how it is going to be spun. It is going to be used to add more smoke and mirrors and POSSIBLE COLLUSION! and WE MUST INVESTIGATE THIS COMPLETELY! and JUST ASKING QUESTIONS! to the mix.

Matt Sablan said...

"Why would I believe Trump’s body guard of many years about anything? The man was a thug."

-- So, if you don't believe anything, why believe what he says about Russia offering to send up women? Or, do you selectively believe that, but not that Trump laughed it off?

Drago said...

Unknown: "Why would I believe Trump’s body guard of many years about anything? The man was a thug"

So, lets summarize, shall we?

Trump bodyguard is offered women for Trump. He refuses. -- Unknown calls him a thug.

Democrat lawyer firm hires ex-Mossad agents to threaten and harass victims of lefty/dem sexual assaults.---Unknown calls them...........nothing.

One should note that this is similar to Unknown/Inga's steadfast and absolute refusal to criticize her beloved islamist supremacists for mass murdering innocents, throwing gays off of roofs, burning prisoners alive in cages, lopping the heads off of children, cutting off heads of prisoners by the HUNDREDS on beaches and recording it, cutting off limbs, burning girls who try and learn,...etc.

You get the picture.

These guys get no criticism.

Trump voters according to Unknown/Inga? NAZI's!

Matt Sablan said...

Oh my God... why auto play videos with annoying audio CNN?

WHY? I thought we left Geocities and Angelfire in the dustbins of history!

Matt Sablan said...

"Stuart Sears, an attorney for Schiller, said the chairman and ranking member of the committee should investigate individuals leaking "misleading versions" of Schiller's testimony, calling the conduct "indefensible" and questioning the credibility of the House inquiry."

-- Here is what I don't get.

MULTIPLE witnesses to Congress say that misleading versions of their testimony were released. We've had congressmen flatly tell news agencies that the leaked testimony is incorrect. At this point? The committee needs to just do public hearings.

Sorry. We're no longer at the point where we can trust Congress with closed door hearings for anything short of immediate national security issues... which this fake dossier isn't.

If Congressional committees can't respect secrecy, then screw it. End the investigation or open it up.

Drago said...

The most impressive thing about all this is that the Russians believed it would take 5 women to satisfy The Donald.

Which easily outpaces Hillary, who can only satisfy 1 woman at a time.

Achilles said...

Blogger Unknown said...
Why would I believe Trump’s body guard of many years about anything? The man was a thug.

This is why they posted the story Ann. They knew tools like Inga would do precisely this.

This will roll around in the leftist media for a few days and the retards will convince themselves that Trump raped 5 women in Russia.


They are not good people. The truth doesn't matter to them.

Lucien said...

Matthew Sablan hits it on the head. Certain commenters are willing to believe Trump's bodyguard about the Russians sending five women but they refuse to believe him when he says Trump laughed it off.

It's politics as religion (or politics as if rooting for a sports team). Don't care about the merits, just need to support Team Blue.

narciso said...

Consider what happened to George Zimmerman and the huntress when they sought to make
the media accountable. Conversely look at the menendez trial with tube crazy juror and the credulous judge

narciso said...

In real.

Rahbar Khan said...
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Rahbar Khan said...
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Rahbar Khan said...

Download free games

Ima said...

To stop autoplay videos use chrome extension. disable HTML5 autoplay

Wince said...

Ann Althouse said...
That shows Trump was tested and he passed the test. This isn't an anti-Trump report.

So, Trump did 80% better than the TSA?

And sending in five prostitutes for future blackmail is known in Russia as the matryoshka treatment.

Jim at said...

What's wrong with this CNN report?

The fact CNN felt it was worthy to report in the first place?

This is not news. It's gossip.

Jim at said...

Why would I believe Trump’s body guard of many years about anything?

Thanks for making the point, bint. People like you will believe anything if it fits with your deranged point of view.

You are CNN.

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