November 10, 2017

Louis C.K. puts out a statement: "These stories are true."

Here's the full text:
I want to address the stories told to the New York Times by five women named Abby, Rebecca, Dana, Julia who felt able to name themselves and one who did not.

These stories are true. At the time, I said to myself that what I did was okay because I never showed a woman my dick without asking first, which is also true. But what I learned later in life, too late, is that when you have power over another person, asking them to look at your dick isn’t a question. It’s a predicament for them. The power I had over these women is that they admired me. And I wielded that power irresponsibly.

I have been remorseful of my actions. And I've tried to learn from them. And run from them. Now I’m aware of the extent of the impact of my actions. I learned yesterday the extent to which I left these women who admired me feeling badly about themselves and cautious around other men who would never have put them in that position.

I also took advantage of the fact that I was widely admired in my and their community, which disabled them from sharing their story and brought hardship to them when they tried because people who look up to me didn't want to hear it. I didn't think that I was doing any of that because my position allowed me not to think about it. There is nothing about this that I forgive myself for. And I have to reconcile it with who I am. Which is nothing compared to the task I left them with.

I wish I had reacted to their admiration of me by being a good example to them as a man and given them some guidance as a comedian, including because I admired their work.

The hardest regret to live with is what you've done to hurt someone else. And I can hardly wrap my head around the scope of hurt I brought on them. I’d be remiss to exclude the hurt that I’ve brought on people who I work with and have worked with whose professional and personal lives have been impacted by all of this, including projects currently in production: the cast and crew of Better Things, Baskets, The Cops, One Mississippi, and I Love You, Daddy. I deeply regret that this has brought negative attention to my manager Dave Becky who only tried to mediate a situation that I caused. I’ve brought anguish and hardship to the people at FX who have given me so much The Orchard who took a chance on my movie, and every other entity that has bet on me through the years.

I’ve brought pain to my family, my friends, my children and their mother.

I have spent my long and lucky career talking and saying anything I want. I will now step back and take a long time to listen. Thank you for reading.
ADDED: Notice that he's taking a very strong position on the meaning of consent: It's not enough to ask and get a semblance of consent when you have power over another person. And he doesn't mean only power over the other person's career. He includes the power that you have because the other person admires you.

Now, Louis C.K. is fighting for his life here, so maybe he'll say anything, but let's assume this is sincere. I think it means that, from an ethical standpoint, consent is never enough. To share your sexuality with another person, you have to mean them well. You can't be taking advantage of them, even when they like you so much they say yes to what you're offering them. This isn't a legal argument. It's philosophy.

Don't offer bad sex, even to those who will consent to it. Don't take whatever you can get. You should know when you're extracting perverse pleasure from humiliating or hurting someone else. That's what I take Louis C.K. to be saying — whether he's sincere or not. He knows he did wrong, and I think he knows he got off on his own awfulness.

ALSO: Louis C.K. is free to apologize in such a morally profound way because what he is confessing to is not a criminal offense.


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n.n said...

Basically, people are discovering the self-evident truth, that liberalism is a degenerative ideology, and that progressive liberalism has thresholds that civilized people will not explore, let alone normalize under a layer of privacy.

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Unknown: "Exposing oneself in a coercive way to people who do not want to see it is an aggressive act, possibly even a crime. Ever heard of Indecent Exposure?"

Yes, which is why we were so surprised your side came out in such vocal and strong defense of someone who did that.

But then again, that was before Fen identified his "law".

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Instead, you gave us the "one grope rule" and "trailer park trash" and "thats what you get when you drag a $100 bill thru a trailer park" and "nuts and sluts" and celebrated the practitioner of it as well as annointed the key enabler of it."

Yep. But Inga knows what liberal priorities are. Nina Burleigh came right out and said that she didn't care what Clinton had done to women, she would give him a BP for keeping abortion legal.

What's a little rape compared to that?

Jupiter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

But are we really supposed to believe that these high-powered comediennes we have here are incapable of leaving a room under their own power?

Yes, we can, and should. Women were denied agency when progressive liberals and female chauvinists placed conception before Choice. It was not only babies that were victims of a degenerative ideology that encouraged pursuit of wealth, pleasure, leisure, and democratic leverage as the highest god... I mean, good.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“So it would have been OK to just expose his penis without the sexual act?”

“Exposing oneself in a coercive way to people who do not want to see it is an aggressive act, possibly even a crime. Ever heard of Indecent Exposure? If you catch a glimpse of a woman breast when she’s breastfeeding her baby, it’s hardly indecent exposure.”

walter said...

Maybe the "common preference" of mastur-bition is best performed with consent by those that don't admire or expect anything from the wanker.
Althouse can create the rules governing this "commmon preference".

Drago said...

n.n: "Basically, people are discovering the self-evident truth, that liberalism is a degenerative ideology, and that progressive liberalism has thresholds that civilized people will not explore, let alone normalize under a layer of privacy."

Careful. Be very careful. Using "civilized" is guaranteed to generate a backlash from the usual suspects about how our society is the worst on planet earth and there is nothing about us that is worth sustaining or defending.

Gahrie said...

I said the ethical question doesn't depend on the other person's consent. The way I've phrased it completely omits the mind-reading demand. You need to look into your own mind and judge your own good or bad intentions. Then it doesn't matter what the other person is willing to accept or say she's willing to accept. You should refrain from offering what is not good, and if what you want from the other person is to hurt and humiliate, then what you are doing is wrong. You shouldn't even get to the point where you need to discern if she accepts. You should withhold even what would be accepted.

Look lady...I just wanna get laid......

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Yes, which is why we were so surprised your side came out in such vocal and strong defense of someone who did that."

Inga has forgotten that Billy Jeff pulled out his winkie and aimed it at Juanita Broaddick.

What's amazing is that she behaves as if everyone else has too.

Unknown said...

"Exposing oneself in a coercive way to people who do not want to see it is an aggressive act..."

I demand the coverage of cleavage!

Ron Winkleheimer said...

why is a man's exposing his genitals to another person worth all this scorn and a woman's breastfeeding in public celebrated? Either it's OK to expose those body parts or it isn't.

That may be the most socially obtuse thing I have ever read.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Nina Burleigh came right out and said that she didn't care what Clinton had done to women, she would give him a BP for keeping abortion legal.

So you're saying you didn't find Clinton to be dominant enough for you?

Moar rape! That's domination, for you!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Look lady...I just wanna get laid......”

Just start with trying to be more charming.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Inga has forgotten that Billy Jeff pulled out his winkie and aimed it at Juanita Broaddick.



Just not dominating enough for manstreet.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"I simply asked you to describe your indescribable preferences"

You take an unhealthy interest in my sex life.

That's rather - creepy. I have no interest whatsoever in yours.

Sebastian said...

@AA: "consent is never enough" I understand you have other reasons, but one reason is that, under the merging dispensation, consent can only be enough if the partners have equal power. Since that equality can never be adequately gauged, and can always be retroactively be misrepresented--someone has power because he is "admired" etc.--consent is just another convenient tool to whip out. Of course, that complicates normal sexual relations quite a bit.

@MM: "When will they start acting strong?" As soon as weakness ceases to pay off. As long as women can profitably claim strength while showing weakness, they will continue to have it both ways.

Gahrie said...

Women seem wicked, when you're unwanted...


I've been waiting years for you to hit me with that one........

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Point out where I defended rape.

You are getting more juvenile and ridiculous every day.

Rabel said...

"The power I had over these women is that they admired me."

Althouse, you note this in your addition but you fail to note, as I read it, that it excludes any other power he held over these women.

I think this particular statement by Louis, which he repeats later in the apology, is the basis of a defense in any civil suit which may follow. That is, he is denying that he was in a position of actual power or influence as regards the women's careers. That is a lie.

And, I'll add that I believe he is laughing at us, all of us, in the phrasing of the apology. The multiple uses of "dick" rather than "penis" followed by his use of "predicament."

His excuse that he learned later in life that his actions were wrong is, in essence, the Costanza defense.

Yes. He's laughing at us - me, the Times, Althouse and especially the accusers. I still say his apology is insincere.

n.n said...

Despite enjoying immunity through a quasi-legal layer of privacy, the diverse secrets of the Pro-Choice Church continue to be exposed. It seems that selective, opportunistic, and unprincipled will no longer be tolerated, let alone normalized. Avoiding reconciliation of moral, natural, and personal imperatives under a twilight faith and Pro-Choice religious/moral philosophy only ensures a dysfunctional end.

Gahrie said...

AA: "Obviously, taking pleasure in impregnating women is a selfish matter unless the woman openly wants the same thing."

Just closing the circle here, would the reverse be true as well?

Of course would simply be the woman's choice..which is absolute and never to be judged.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Of course would simply be the woman's choice..which is absolute and never to be judged.”

You see? Gahrie that’s not charming, you’ll never get laid with that chip on your shoulder.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You take an unhealthy interest in my sex life.

You make social judgements of men out of your "sexual" preferences. So it's fair game to ask you to clarify/explain them.

Gahrie said...

I think a moral person would reject that sexual partner.

A moral person would reject abortion.

Gahrie said...

You see? Gahrie that’s not charming, you’ll never get laid with that chip on your shoulder.

But I'm right.....

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Point out where I defended rape.

If someone thinks that morality and manliness are one and the same, then that someone is sorely mistaken.

Our species, like many, has a long, proud? history of rape.

Methinks your caveman ancestors bopped one too many prehistoric sexileds over the head with a club and dragged her back to the cave by her hair.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

I think this is very relevant. Camille Paglia discussing the Harvey Weinstein incident were he masturbated in front of Angie Everhart and her reaction is to complain about it at dinner. Camille points out that woman have been trained into the bourgeoisie value of trying to please and avoiding confrontations.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“You see? Gahrie that’s not charming, you’ll never get laid with that chip on your shoulder.”

“But I'm right.....”

Nor is it charming to be so wrong and think you’re right. Alas Gahrie, you’ve got a lot of work to do on your charming skills.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Camille points out that woman have been trained into the bourgeoisie value of trying to please and avoiding confrontations.

Sexiled on manstreet is a good example of that. So averse to confrontation.

So much so that she outsources all confrontation to another gender entirely. Just has no ability to stick up for herself, and often, to even know what she stands for.

Earnest Prole said...

And who would have guessed that a Venn diagram of the attitudes of creepy old Hollywood leftists and creepy old Althouse righties would also form nearly a perfect circle.

Howard said...

What a fucking scumball. Of course, his uber blue material was just a cry for absolution, sorta like his pathetic apology. I'm glad his recent material has fallen off, otherwise I might miss him. We still have Bill Burr.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“And who would have guessed that a Venn diagram of the attitudes of creepy old Hollywood leftists and creepy old Althouse righties would also form nearly a perfect circle.”

Hollywood and Alabama meet.

Ken B said...

It’s fun watching those who see themselves as our moral betters telling us, in detail, the kinds of consensual sex we shouldn’t have. It's like watching old footage of revivalists bellowing about sodomy, or reading Victorian marriage manuals advising brides about the impending fate worse than death.

Jupiter said...

Rabel said...

"That is, he is denying that he was in a position of actual power or influence as regards the women's careers. That is a lie."

Oh, bilge. Bilge rampant, bilge raging, Bilgeus Erectus on aluminum stilts. Have you ever seen the shit Sarah Silverman gets up to? Stand-up comedy is not beanbag. Are you familiar with the "work" of Karen Finley? Google "yams up her ass". Yes, on stage, with chocolate sauce. I was there, shouting "Show Us Your Tits!", much to the horror of those around me. She obliged, as I knew she would. It was part of her act.
The "artistic community" of which these people are well-known and respected members is the most recent salient of the War On Decency, and the idea that these little shrinking violets have been harmed by seeing a guy wank off in his own hotel room is hysterical. Hysterical. As in, symptomatic of hysteria.

Anonymous said...

"What kind of messed up crowd do you run with, what kind of messed up upbringing did you have that makes you think it's OK to show random women your dick?!?!? And then to start masturbating in front if them?"

Isn't that what the left has been telling us since the 1960s?

That there is nothing sacred about sex, that modesty is silly and chastity is evil, that "vanilla" isn't as good as the other flavors?

The whole point of 'sexual liberation' was to liberate us from any and all sexual constraints - or, at least, to recognize that anything is okay (no, good!) as long as it's "between consenting adults".

Well, this was between consenting adults. Who are we to judge?

Of course I don't live my life that way. I did when I was young, but I decided I wanted to be happy rather than free, and so embraced those old-fashioned prudish rules that protect me from things like this. And for this I was mocked, and told my children needed to be rescued from my beliefs.

Just like "unknown" tried to revive the old "don't look at me, let's talk about what's wrong with Alabama" schtick.

Night Owl said...

I never read the book or saw the movie "Fifty Shades of Grey", but I assume it was fiction. As were the "bodice-rippers" and Harlequin romances that I read as a teenager. They are sexual-fantasies. People enjoy fantasizing about things that they would never, ever want to do in real life. Adults should be able to grasp this concept, since even young children playing make-believe understand that while it may fun to "kill" each other in a game, they cannot do so in reality; nor do they want to, unless there is something emotionally wrong with them.

Assuming a man is foolish enough to use romance novels as a basis for judging what a woman expects on a date still doesn't explain Weinstein and the potted plant, or masturbating in front of horrified women, does it? Or am I that out of touch with current trends in women's romance novels?

Anonymous said...

"Of saying, "Louis, you ridiculous bastard, put your dick back in your pants and let's go have a drink."?"

This would be a marvelous response. Maybe a perfect response.

Howard said...

You need to check your purse, Jupiter (if that is your real name). Not to worry, Uncle Ziggy will prescribe a Steely Dan to calm your nerves.

Anonymous said...

Gahrie: It is an open secret that women often mean yes when they say nothing or say no...Fifty Shades of Grey was successful because women liked it, not men. "Romantic" fiction is called bodice rippers for a reason, they're full of sexually aggressive men and quasi-rape.

Is whacking off in front of Our Heroine really a common trope in chick-porn these days?

Man, bodice-rippin' and quasi-rapin' ain't what it used to be. Seems more Norman Bates than alpha-male, if you ask me.

Kids these days. Estrogens in the water supply?

Rabel said...

Jupiter, I can't see how your 3:48 relates to the quote you cited.

tcrosse said...

Hollywood and Alabama meet someplace in Arkansas.

YoungHegelian said...

@Night Owl,

They are sexual-fantasies. People enjoy fantasizing about things that they would never, ever want to do in real life.

No. Women may have sexual fantasies like that, but not guys. If a guy has a sexual fantasy about something, it's amazing what obstacles he will overcome to bring it to reality, in minutely choreographed detail ("Lime green. The fishnets must be lime green."). It's what keeps hookers in business.

Now, he may discover that it was more fun in theory than in practice, but he at least tried.

I think, when discussing the strange sexual acts often on display in some of these stories of abuse, that it's important to remember that male sexuality is at root fetishistic in a way that female sexuality is not. It explains why multiple women keep describing the same bizarre sexual act being performed by the abuser across years .

Ken B said...

YoungHegellian needs to meet a broader range of women, methinks.

YoungHegelian said...


Thanks for the gratuitous insult, asshole.

It wasn't me who said that "People fantasize about things they'd never do". It was Night Owl.

Or, along with your propensity for insults, is reading comprehension not a strong suit?

steve uhr said...

So is his career over? Better Things is one of the best things on tv. It would be too bad if it's cast and crew pay a big price for CK's behavior.

tcrosse said...

So is his career over?

So he's deplorable, but is he irredeemable ?

Comanche Voter said...

Ah the remorseful wanker. To paraphrase Rhett Butler, "Frankly Louis C.K. I don't give a damn" about your apology--or your wanking off in front of a bunch of women. Your Momma didn't spank you enough when you were a little boy.

Ken B said...

You seem to be the one who can’t read, even your own post. I am pointing out there are a lot of women with (some really rather engaging) fetishes. So I pointed out you seem to be making a false generalization. Your reaction is to
1 call me an asshole
2 complain about insults

I think I'll demote you to YoungHeideggerian

Gahrie said...

When did the Hippies start turning into Victorians?

Sebastian said...

"But are we really supposed to believe that these high-powered comediennes we have here are incapable of leaving a room under their own power? Of hanging up a telephone? Of saying, "Louis, you ridiculous bastard, put your dick back in your pants and let's go have a drink."?" Yes, we are. We are also supposed to believe that some went to CK's hotel room in the expectation that they would discuss the nature of comedy and the meaning of life.

Jupiter said...

Rabel said...

"Jupiter, I can't see how your 3:48 relates to the quote you cited."

Weinstein was widely known to be able to make and break the careers of actresses, and he boasted of and traded upon that power. Louis CK is a lounge act who invited a couple chicks up to his hotel room. That he was trading on his limited star power to hold their interest is plausible. That it amused him to see what people would tolerate because of his prominence seems quite likely. But the idea that he subjected them to appalling indignities, which they tolerated only from concern for their careers, is absurd.

But you go beyond that. You suggest that he claims their admiration so as to deny the actual power he held over them. And that he finds the whole situation hilarious. Ha ha, says Louis CK. Yeah, I'll bet he thinks this is a riot. Probably working it into his act right now.

Sebastian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
YoungHegelian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sebastian said...

"When did the Hippies start turning into Victorians?" Slightly OT: with the way women's sexual ethics appear to be evolving, are we sure Victorianism was a form of patriarchy?

Anonymous said...

Ken B: Some women liked watching LCK jerk off, but you scorn him just for the way he takes his pleasure. You aren’t scorning him for pressing unwanted acts on others but just for his desires.

If that's what's she's doing, then, day-um, I'm in agreement with Inga. [Makes sign of the cross several times rapidly.]

I have no trouble pouring scorn on this pathetic clown's behavior, regardless of the consent status of the people present. If that's the way he takes his pleasure, he's one broken fucked-up sleaze-bag. If some women liked it and stuck around, they're fucked-up sleaze-bags, too.

Though I think I can say, that, unlike Inga, I am not being inconsistent, since "consenting adults" has never been the lodestone of my sexual morality. I'm generally a proponent of minding my own business about such things, but hey, if people can't *not* whip it out in public, get a room, and master the adult art of discretion, then yeah, I'm gonna pour some disinfectant scorn when their sliminess oozes onto the commons.

Rabel said...

"You suggest that he claims their admiration so as to deny the actual power he held over them."

You got that part right. Plus one for you.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Ann Althouse said...He did ask and get a no. But he never "showed a woman my dick" without asking and getting a yes.

Pardon me, ma'am, but we all agree that a woman saying "yes" at one point does not say anything about whether consent was present at all points during an interaction. We all know that a woman can say "yes" and then withdraw consent at any time. The withdrawal of that consent does not even have to be verbalized--we all agree that a woman can withdraw consent without saying "no" at any moment and if a man does not respect that--if he does not act on the fact that he no longer has consent for whatever action he's doing--then he's guilty of sexual assault and/or rape.

We haven't ALL agreed on this last part, but lots of us think that a woman can even decide after the fact--after an interaction, possibly YEARS after--that even though she SEEMED to consent at the time she really didn't and so the interaction should be considered wrong and/or classified as sexual assault...she herself should definitely be considered a survivor of sexual assault or harassment.

So, you know, your discussion of whether or not the commenter correctly characterized CK's statement is a bit beside the point. His statement itself is close to meaningless. Assuming he's being truthful: just because the women he interacted with in that way initially "said yes" does not in any way give us information about whether they continually consented to the interaction.

These are the rules.

Jupiter said...

Rabel said...

"Jupiter, I can't see how your 3:48 relates to the quote you cited."

OK, Rabel, I have done some research, and while I don't agree with you, some of the accusers apparently do. I had not realized how many people think Louis CK is somebody. That comes of not owning a television. Is he as important as those rap idiots? Kanye Kardashian, or whoever?

Ken B said...

If that's your position I can respect that because it’s honestly stated and you aren’t claiming a false consistency with other positions. Inga would scream blue murder if someone judged what a woman wants, say being a lesbian, negatively. She'd scream about anyone talking about nymphomania. Inga is being dishonest in portraying her mockery of his desires. You are not.

YoungHegelian said...


When did the Hippies start turning into Victorians?" Slightly OT: with the way women's sexual ethics appear to be evolving, are we sure Victorianism was a form of patriarchy?

I think that if you looked into the origins of "sex-negative" Second Wave feminism (e.g. Andrea Dworkin) you'd discover that while right-wing, especially "theocratic" men, are presented as the target of opportunity, there is a powerful undercurrent of what bastards left-wing men are as well. When you read the biographies of the Founding Mothers of SW feminism, many of them did have authoritarian families. But, once they left home, many of them were treated like shit by boyfriends, husbands, & their lefty-milieu in general.

It was the Sexual Revolution, for God's sake! Those guys wanted some ak-shun! If they wanted mamby-pamby mealy-mouth sexuality, they would have stayed home in Poughkeepsie. The lefty guys of the 50s, 60s, & 70s were really mean to the women in their orbit, just as they were mean to each other.

The problem is that feminism needs the Sexual Revolution for its fantasies of lesbian community, post nuclear family society, ubiquitous birth control so that women can work, etc. The problem is that men in general & lefty men in particular see the Sexual Revolution in a whole different light from feminist women.

When you make jokes about going back to Victorianism, remember that much of what we see as parts of the Progressive Movement among Victorian women (e.g. the Temperance Movement) contained as part of its message the need for repression of male sexual "excess".

Jupiter said...

"Louis C.K.'s 'SNL' Monologue About Child Molestation Leads to Uproar"

Christ, he probably *is* working it into his act right now. The chicks are probably in on it.

Richard said...

Jupiter, about yours of 1:04 I think, lawyer or not, I want you to represent me...mainly for thoughts.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Ann Althouse said....You need to look into your own mind and judge your own good or bad intentions. Then it doesn't matter what the other person is willing to accept or say she's willing to accept. You should refrain from offering what is not good, and if what you want from the other person is to hurt and humiliate, then what you are doing is wrong. You shouldn't even get to the point where you need to discern if she accepts. You should withhold even what would be accepted.

Feynman: The first principle is that you must not fool yourself — and you are the easiest person to fool.

Your stated conception of sexual morality sounds an awful lot like what the Christian squares used to preach back in the 50's, man. That's all old hat. Your fellow flower generation pals made sure of that. Now even suggesting that sexual expression (much less sexual activity) should be restricted to situations involving real love is "slut shaming" or some other counterrevolutionary offense (upholding patriarchal morality, imposing a sexist view on how women should use their bodies, etc). Seems silly to want to go back to that moral understanding now!

Matt said...

I know that as a middle-age, middle-class Christian, straight white guy that I can never show women the same kindness, courtesy and respect as our elite lefties display as they have them take their clothes off for the whole world to see because art and allow men dressed as women to take over their private places.

But I will say it has never occurred to me, even as a teenager, to go up to a female acquaintance and ask if they wanted to watch me punching the clown. There's something wrong with someone does that. In all seriousness, I find it really disturbing.

Ken B said...

HoodlumDoodlum and I agree on what Althouse is doing (we just differ in our reaction) She is smuggling religious values in, without admitting it. Sex for fun is bad, sex for [love, more catholics] is good.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Ritmo, if you don't understand the difference between brutishness, manly strength, and bitchy sniping (your default mode), then I feel sorry for you. And that's not snark - I genuinely feel bad for a guy who thinks that a woman who likes masculine men means she is for rape and cave man behavior. I am sorry you evidently didn't have a dad or uncle who set a good example for you, but I do not feel obligated to explain to you what you never learned.

No wonder liberal feminists rant about "toxic masculinity." The men they're around are liberal too.

Drago said...

Gahrie: "When did the Hippies start turning into Victorians?"

Actually, TTR could probably help with this one.

I'm going to say that it started with 3rd wave feminism and has achieved full "Victorian" flower with 4th wave feminism with the complete absorption, as always, of the originally ok ideas by marxist identity politics.


n.n said...

Ken B:

smuggling religious values in, without admitting it

Yes. Everyone has a religion, a moral philosophy, that established the boundary of behaviors that should be normalized, can be tolerated, or mus be rejected. Everyone has a faith, a logical domain that coexists with science, philosophy, and fantasy. Few people, outside of normal acts on planet Earth, restrict their speculation to the scientific logical domain, which is notoriously constrained to a limited frame of reference in both time and space, backward, present, and forward.

mockturtle said...

But I will say it has never occurred to me, even as a teenager, to go up to a female acquaintance and ask if they wanted to watch me punching the clown. There's something wrong with someone does that. In all seriousness, I find it really disturbing.

Cases of arrested development, I should think. Or maybe men are so jaded by displays of nudity and pornography it takes some kinky weirdness to get it up and get it off.

Drago said...

The Inga Handbook:

The more the ARMY of harassers and enablers in Hollywood are exposed, the guiltier Alabama is.

The more the islamists throw gays off roofs, burn them alive in cages, cut off the heads of children and sexually enslave females, the guiltier the white conservatives in America are.

The more republicans are physically assaulted by leftists, the more vigilant we must become regarding republicans.

Right wing speech is violence. Left wing violence is speech.

The list is, obviously, much longer than can be relayed here.

mockturtle said...

Well done, Drago.

Drago said...

Robert Menendez has been credibly accused of engaging in sexual acts with underage hookers.

So you know what that means to Inga, don't you?

South Carolina is irredeemable.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

angeldyne wrote: Though I think I can say, that, unlike Inga, I am not being inconsistent, since "consenting adults" has never been the lodestone of my sexual morality"

Inga is being "inconsistent" because she, like other liberal women, didn't condemn Bill Clinton or Teddy Kennedy. They did much worse than wank in front of women, but were excused by the same feminists who screamed about Clarence Thomas and Coke cans for months.

In this thread, Inga's predictable reaction has been to scold conservatives for their reactions to the pervy behavior of a liberal.

This article, published in the liberal Daily Beast is a rare example of leftist soul searching:

William said...

Louis has a rfetish--it apparently exists only in Hollywood-- of wishing to masturbate in front of recent acquaintances. This must be an extremely unusual fetish. The tell is that there's no slang term for it. I don't even think it has porn sites. Just a suggestion, but my term for this fetish is "pulling a Harvey". This term plays due deference to its most celebrated and storied practitioner. Harvey is a creature of Hollywood and it would no doubt give him great satisfaction to be the founder of his own perversion, like Masoch or deSade.

William said...

If you know a girl well enough to ask for a handjob, are you sufficiently acquainted to ask leave to masturbate in front of? I would think that what with carpal tunnel syndrome some women wouldn't mind a helping hand when it comes to pleasuring a man.

tcrosse said...

If you know a girl well enough to ask for a handjob, are you sufficiently acquainted to ask leave to masturbate in front of?

Ann Landers issued a pamphlet titled 'Necking and Petting -- and How Far to Go' which should cover that eventuality. Not available at Althouse's Amazon Portal.

William said...

The conduct of Louis is more bizarre than evil. I shouldn't think that it would cause PTSD among his victims. Perhaps his apology was self serving. Perhaps the trauma the women say they experienced is a little exaggerated. The depth and breadth of my cynicism is exceeeded only by the mendacity of Hollywood figures......Who do you think will be the first sinner able to walk back his misconduct and again join the ranks of the enlightened? My money is now on Louis, but Halperin has got a shot at redemption.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“In this thread, Inga's predictable reaction has been to scold conservatives for their reactions to the pervy behavior of a liberal”

What’s hilarious is that it’s the right wing sexual dunces here who were defending his behavior, not me. I was pointing out that his behavior was wrong and defending his behavior is wrong, but you’re too ignorant to have noticed that, you dummy.

Drago said...

We should establish a pool to guess which conservatives get criticized by Inga as more lefties get exposed.
I'm betting that if 2 more lefty producers in Hollywood get called out that Inga will call for Paul Ryan's arrest.

If 3 more lefty producers are exposed Inga is likely to call for disbanding the republican party.

Now, if even more "nasty women" get exposed for enabling these idiots (and that number of lefty women already numbers in the hundreds), Inga might go completely nuts and demand Montana be nuked.

Drago said...

One has to wonder which Alabama city bears the most responsibility for the Hollywood lefties behavior: Mobile, Montgomery or Birmingham.

Personally, I would think Huntsville bears the brunt of the responsibility for CKs actions.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

YH wrote of female sexual fantasies that are not acted upon:

" Women may have sexual fantasies like that, but not guys."

That's because the matter of physical strength comes into play. Using my earlier example, those '30's women could daydream about being carried up the stairs by Clark Gable and ravished because in the fantasy, Clark Gable didn't beat the shit out of them or pull a knife or gun on them the way a real rapist might do. Women are physically vulnerable in a way men are not,which would make acting out a fantasy with a guy you don't know very well pretty risky. This man could be nuts and could easily put an end to you. Men don't face the same sort of risk when they are acting out some fetish with a hooker, although there are certainly risks involved.

Beach Brutus said...

I bet with a touchy-feely apology as that, he will really lure in the babes now.

Drago said...

And before we climb up on our high horse and criticize Harvey Weinstein let's keep in mind: The Crusades

Drago said...

I mean, sure, literally thousands of lefty Hollywood types abused women and/or enabled/covered it up. On the other hand, the US burns lots if fossil fuels know, what's really the crime here?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I disagree with some of the male commenters' takes on this but that's just a difference of opinion. It's not like they are whipping out their dicks and masturbating in front of women.

That appears to be the favorite indoor sport of liberal Hollywood men.

Drago said...

When, not if, Robert Menendez gets convicted, every republican should be forced into reeducation counseling to make sure Menendez doesn't do it again.

And, oh yeah, those Duke lacrosse guys too! Just because they were innocent doesn't mean they should escape justice for the Dems transgressions.

Drago said...

"That appears to be the favorite indoor sport of liberal Hollywood men."

For which you are responsible. Just ask Inga. She'll tell you.

Ken B said...

Don’t forget Drago, Trump likes his steak well-done.

Drago said...

I sure hope I can finagle early parole for Roman Polanski drugging and sodomizing a young girl and then receiving a massive standing ovation from the Hollywood left.

I clearly have much to answer for.

Drago said...

"Don’t forget Drago, Trump likes his steak well-done."

Great. You had to say it. Now watch Chuck call for the entire kitchen staff to be put under oath.

Ken B said...

We make sport of Inga but it’s Althouse being incoherent and scolding today.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

And what about all the liberal woman, like Meryl Streep, who initially defended Weinstein?
Did any liberal woman object to Louis CK's vile comments about Palin and her Down syndrome son? How many powerful women have covered and enabled the sick behavior of Hollywood pervs? How many gave Polanski a standing ovation at the Oscars, despite knowing for a fact he raped a 13 year old. Oh, yeah, liberal Whoopie Goldberg said it wasn't "rape-rape."

Sisterhood, my ass.

Drago said...

exiledonmainstreet"And what about all the liberal woman, like Meryl Streep, who initially defended Weinstein?"

And prolonged, proooooooooooolonged standing ovation by Meryl and crew for a convicted child sodomist.

And Inga says .....nothing.

Ken B said...

Maybe this wasn’t wank wank?

walter said...

Blogger William said...
The tell is that there's no slang term for it.
It does now: mastur-bition

Oso Negro said...

Ahem. I am not rich, famous, or powerful. But I can tell you that a goodly number of women get a kick out of seeing a man's penis and there are some among there number who will ask to do so. Not all women, young or old, are shrinking flowers when it comes to sex.

walter said...

But William, if you google "women who like to watch men masturbate", there are plenty o' hits.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Gee, if right wing men are such "sexual dunces" than why are conservative women so much happier than you, Inga?

" Over the last 40 years, women who describe themselves as “conservative” have been more likely than women to their left to say they are “very happy,” and those who say they are “extremely conservative” have been happier still. Over the same period, conservatives in general have held the same pattern: Righty men, too, have been happier than their more liberal counterparts."

And election night 2016 made me even happier!

Night Owl said...

"No. Women may have sexual fantasies like that, but not guys."

I don't know about that... Do men not engage in "rape" fantasies with their partners? Do only rapists get off on rape porn?

In addition, it seems like a lot of men have fantasies about having sex with school girls, and from what I've seen in movies ask their adult partners to dress like school girls. Do all men with this fantasy actually go out and attempt to seduce school girls, or are they able to keep the fantasy separate from reality? Of course, maybe I'm getting an incorrect impression from Hollywood regarding how many men have this fantasy, and this fantasy is actually rare among men?

"If a guy has a sexual fantasy about something, it's amazing what obstacles he will overcome to bring it to reality, in minutely choreographed detail ("Lime green. The fishnets must be lime green."). It's what keeps hookers in business."

That sounds more like a fetish than a fantasy. Women have fetishes that they will act on, not just men. Of course fetishes and fantasies can overlap, but fantasies can be much more elaborate than a simple harmless fetish for green fishnet stockings.

Problems occur when someone's sexual fetish is not so harmless, such as they get off by shocking and humiliating themselves and others. A sex worker or someone who engages in consensual bondage/S&M won't do because it's pretty tough to shock those people. So they go after co-workers, subordinates, strangers.

"I think, when discussing the strange sexual acts often on display in some of these stories of abuse, that it's important to remember that male sexuality is at root fetishistic in a way that female sexuality is not. It explains why multiple women keep describing the same bizarre sexual act being performed by the abuser across years."

I don't know what the stats are for men vs women regarding fetishes. It may indeed be as you say; or maybe it just seems that there are less kinky women because men don't report it when strange women expose themselves and act lasciviously in their presence.

Earnest Prole said...

I can tell you that a goodly number of women get a kick out of seeing a man's penis and there are some among there number who will ask to do so.

There are a goodly number of men who get a kick out of seeing a straw man's penis, but not for reasons you would like.

Jupiter said...

Blogger William said...
"Louis has a fetish--it apparently exists only in Hollywood-- of wishing to masturbate in front of recent acquaintances. This must be an extremely unusual fetish. The tell is that there's no slang term for it."

Not so fast. The gals are claiming it happens a lot;
"Women Recall The First Time A Man Masturbated In Front Of Them Without Consent"

Drago said...

Earlier today an "Asian" (wink wink) man purposely plowed into some people standing outside the school.

I immediately had to consider turning myself in before Inga reported me.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Oso Negro said...
Ahem. I am not rich, famous, or powerful. But I can tell you that a goodly number of women get a kick out of seeing a man's penis and there are some among there number who will ask to do so"

It's a real good idea to let her ask first, rather than assuming that she's gonna get a thrill out of seeing Mr. Happy spring out of your pants.

ALL straight women who enjoy sex get a kick out of seeing a man's penis. But it's usually the penis of a particular man and at a particular time and place. It's one thing to see the mighty Mr. P when you are in the bedroom feeling frisky and quite another to see it when the hobo sitting next to you on the bus unzips.

Drago said...

I'm going to give it about 6 more months until the "Big Shift" occurs and we are dutifully informed that all these Hollywood types were really republicans all along.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

And note that that article about happy conservatives dates from 2013. So conservatives were still happier than liberals when Obama was in office.

That's probably why we didn't need Play Doh and support puppies to comfort us when Obama was elected and reelected, nor did we feel the need to gather in parks and howl at the sky in November 2009. We just got up and went to work.

walter said...

Getting lost here is the supposed apology for shoving someone into a bathroom. That doesn't sound like a remotely "consensual" act.
And if he remembers the act but not the person, might indicate some other "issues".

Ken B said...

Drago, Donna Brazile is already a white, male, Republican.

EMyrt said...

Gahrie said...

When did the Hippies start turning into Victorians?
11/10/17, 4:31 PM

When the sex hormones started running down.

mockturtle said...

I might find it arousing to watch a man masturbate IF he didn't know I was watching.

Laslo Spatula said...

The guy really doesn't understand the concept of bukkake.

I am Laslo.

Laslo Spatula said...

"I might find it arousing to watch a man masturbate IF he didn't know I was watching."

It's kinda like watching blind women masturbate.

They don't even see the camera.

I am Laslo.

Night Owl said...

exiledonmainstreet said:

"That's because the matter of physical strength comes into play."

That's really the crux of the matter, isn't it? Why don't men care when women make unwanted advances on them? One big reason is that they don't feel physically threatened the way a woman does when a man is acting sexually aggressive towards her.

The rest of that comment @ 6:13 PM is excellent as well.

The concept of equality on the sexual playing field between men and women is an ideal that may never be fully realized, unless women start to breed with men who are smaller than ourselves.

n.n said...

The girls conned by female chauvinists to Slut Walk for social progress must feel pretty betrayed right about now. They enabled the progress of males chauvinists. And the ones advised to Choose under a layer of privacy... Well, it doesn't have to be a Pro-Choice, Pro-Choice, Pro-Choice, Pro-Choice world. They need to discover a conservation of principles and reconcile moral, natural, and personal imperatives.

n.n said...

equality on the sexual playing field between men and women is an ideal

On the sexual playing field. In the boardroom. In the kitchen... Is an ideal and a choice. Choose wisely.

Lewis Wetzel said...

If you were to ask an educted Victorian gentleman why you could not have men and women -- regardless of whether they were single or married to another -- work together, his response wouldn't be that the rascals would hump like wildebeasts in heat, it would be that the man would press the advantage of his position on the woman.
This seems about where we are now, but the response of today's society is that men and women can work together, as long as the women can call on the political state as her protector. Her 'brother' or 'father', if you like.
Doesn't seem like we've advanced much.
The attitude of Boomer culture towards Victorian culture would make a fascinating book. It's probably already been written.

Anonymous said...

"walter said...

"And though he can't say this in public, there are women who get off on watching a guy get himself off."

No. Just no. I guess that, in a country of 350 million people, there are at least a few people with every kink you can name, so I'm not going to say it's categorically false. However, in a first encounter with a random woman, the likelihood that she's going to get off on this is nil.

If you're paying her (money or nonmoney perks), she might fake it, though.

chickelit said...

exiledonmainstreet said...Inga has forgotten that Billy Jeff pulled out his winkie and aimed it at Juanita Broaddick.

Clinton was trying to show her his Krummlauf, not his "winkie."

Anonymous said...

"walter said...

"But William, if you google 'women who like to watch men masturbate', there are plenty o' hits."

Googling whether there is porn of something might not be the best guide to its prevalence in real life.

walter said...

If you say so..

walter said...

Your intuition probably tells you women having rape fantasies is extremely rare.
Studies show otherwise.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Listen, keep your pecker in your pants.

walter said...

"Googling whether there is porn "
Not what I did..not what I found..though there was that as well.

EMyrt said...

From my retired libertine perspective, you guys seem to be talking past each other, when not flinging monkey poo. Part of it is a tendency that has irked me since blogging and commenting made it so obvious: nearly everyone tends to overgeneralize, it’s not about most men or some women, it’s about Men or Women.

We are exquisitely sensitive to how the generalizations don’t apply to us individually and pretty oblivious about applying generalizations to others, especially the opposite sex.

I agree with the weaker form of Ann’s position (and some of Unknown’s, whoever she is). A starting heuristic is to treat the object of your sexual desire as another human being, as you would like to be treated yourself; if you can’t or won’t, just pay for it or buy yourself a doll or a dildo. But, the problem with the Golden Rule when it comes to sex is that the perceptions of most men and most women tend to be so different.

My husband and I were swingers in the early 1980s, and I found the anthropology more fascinating than the sex, although that could be fun, too. It was a revelation, even given that we were both early adopters of sexual selection theory, how very different the strategies and perceptions of men and women are. Overgeneralizing myself there, perhaps.

madAsHell said...

Didn't Laslo write this excuse......yesterday!!

EMyrt said...

I’ve had far more field experience than any of you, and I have never met a woman for whom whipping out your dick was appropriate early in courtship, (e.g, before you’ve fucked each other a few times). In fact, performing courtship rituals (in the biological sense) in the wrong order or at the wrong time or place (she thinks it’s a business meeting, he thinks it’s a tryst) is one of the biggest problem plaguing sexually unsuccessful men.

The sexual revolution has made it harder, especially for beta and gamma guys who, with the breakdown of the old rules, have no clue how to proceed. Abusers often have courtship disorders, too, sometimes fetishistic ones, e.g, Harv and Louis, but their dominant social position allows them to bully their way through, and at least get their rocks off. All the research shows fetishism is much more a male thing.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Surprised that there is a fair amount of handwringing in this thread about what turns someone else's crank.

Here's a simple guide to staying sane in this world of crazy sexcapades:

~Don't worry about what other consenting adults do. It doesn't matter if you think it's weird or gross or sick or demented or whatever. If you're not invited, it's none of your business and your opinion doesn't mean anything, so don't be an annoying scold. No one cares what repulses you.

~If someone asks you to do something, ask yourself: Do I want to do that, with that person? If the answer is yes, go ahead; have fun and be safe. If the answer is no, graciously decline; if the person is a dick about that, abandon ship and avoid that person in the future.

~If someone forces you to do something, call the police.

~Have a sense of humor. It's just sex. Chill out.

(P.S. This only applies to adults; duh.)

YoungHegelian said...

At the risk of moving into Too Much Information mode (like that's ever stopped us...), it could very well be that the reason that the Hollywood Whackers were publicly whacking wood is because, well, it's what they could still do, sexually speaking.

It may very well be that they had either physical or psychological issues with maintaining erections, & so could not engage in regular sex. So, they did what they could with what they had.

Yes, I know there's no shortage of meds for that. But, in the best of circumstances, it takes some planning, & for some guys, they just don't work at all. I can also imagine how telling a gorgeous but appalled young starlet you're trying to seduce "Now, hold on just a minute here, darlin', while I stab my willie with the Tri-Mix" just ain't gonna help the situation.

Oso Negro said...

Blogger exiledonmainstreet said...

It's a real good idea to let her ask first, rather than assuming that she's gonna get a thrill out of seeing Mr. Happy spring out of your pants.

ALL straight women who enjoy sex get a kick out of seeing a man's penis. But it's usually the penis of a particular man and at a particular time and place. It's one thing to see the mighty Mr. P when you are in the bedroom feeling frisky and quite another to see it when the hobo sitting next to you on the bus unzips.

And yet another woman feels compelled to explain acceptable male sexual behavior to men. :)))))))

Oso Negro said...

Blogger EMyrt said...

I’ve had far more field experience than any of you

11/10/17, 8:58 PM

Well, there's a bold claim! Have you anything to back that up, besides your sojourn among the swingers? Are you a seasoned professional? I would think that would skew your view.

Lem the artificially intelligent said...

How long will todays version of the Salem witch trials go on for?

It's getting ridiculous.

n.n said...

Salem witch trials?

No, witch trials are yesterday. Today, it's baby trials (i.e. Pro-Choice or selective, opportunistic, unprincipled). It's progressive liberalism, that with the resumption of abortion rites (i.e. human sacrifice), Planned Parenthood (i.e. clinical cannibalism), institutional diversity (i.e. racism, sexism), and political congruence ("="), there is no logical limit to trans-social progress.

n.n said...

So, who is pushing these minority public masturbators, a trans-social orientation, back into the closet?

Ken B said...

It’s cute that one poster thinks that, having been a swinger, she must have broader experience than any of us. Having been to Italy —twice!— I guess I am more well traveled than the rest of you.

Misplaced Pants is entirely correct. But what he advocates is precisely the opposite of what Althouse demands. And to the experienced EMyrt I will point out that two people agreeing to uncaring anonymous sex are in fact treating each other as persons, by respecting each other’s limits, demands, desires, and intentions. It is Althouse, preaching “no you cannot do that” who refuses to respect people's autonomy or grant them the dignity of accepting their value judgment as legitimate.

Ken B said...

I'm impressed by the longevity of one of our commenters. Darwin articulated sexual selection theory in the 1860s. We have amongst us one of its “early adopters”. When she says she was a swinger in the 80s I guess she means the 1880s.

walter said...

The uber-experienced swinger should weigh on what the expected activities might be for a coupla women going to a celeb's hotel room.
I'm just glad the kid's in gen pop are safe. Imagine if female teachers were boinking students?
Well..parents might actually prefer they pleasure themselves instead..

chickelit said...

I'm still missing what this Louis C.K.'s value is and why his apologists feel so compelled to defend him. Please rise and defend your man in clear English sentences. Describe his most profound contributions to the art of humor. Otherwise, he's just another overrated wanker. Don't take for granted that most people appreciate his apparent genius.

walter said...

Prefer a more accurately valued wanker?
I'm not a big fan..not enough to endure an entire special.
But selected bits that wind up on Iheart 24/7 comedy are very funny.
For me, it's less about defending him than maintaining context with respect some of his "victims".

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm still missing what this Louis C.K.'s value is and why his apologists feel so compelled to defend him.

I think it's in creating this human universal known as "laughter" - one of the many emotions, reactions and social phenomena unknown to your tribe of sociopaths, autistics and other disengaged weirdos.

Don't take for granted that most people appreciate his apparent genius.

Something called "the free market" does, apparently. Now on with your project of creating a Ministry of Approved Kultur from which you can designate yourself Chief Komissar. You know, to diktat to people what they should and should not find funny. From someone as accomplished in creating and understanding it as yourself.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That's probably why we didn't need Play Doh and support puppies to comfort us when Obama was elected and reelected, nor did we feel the need to gather in parks and howl at the sky in November 2009.

Because the state of the world doesn't actually concern you! Which is why it drops a few orders of magnitude every time one of your over-emotional incompetents gets in.

We just got up and went to work.

For someone else. On something they told you to do. Just like any good slave, conformist.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I genuinely feel bad for a guy who thinks that a woman who likes masculine men means she is for rape and cave man behavior.

Quick trivia question for the expert spokesperson on all women: What is the prevalence of rape fantasies among this gender of yours about whom you claim to know so much?

I am sorry you evidently didn't have a dad or uncle who set a good example for you...

Well, he/they didn't teach me to become or create a baby daddy, like yours apparently did. Doesn't sound like too great an example, that.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Gahrie: "When did the Hippies start turning into Victorians?"

Actually, TTR could probably help with this one.

I'm going to say that it started with 3rd wave feminism and has achieved full "Victorian" flower with 4th wave feminism with the complete absorption, as always, of the originally ok ideas by marxist identity politics.


I don't know what 4th wave is. Apparently 2nd wave were the anti-sex gurus, much like their exiledonbabydaddystreet when she's not pretending otherwise. The Andrea Dworkins and Catherine McKinnons. They actually wrote a lot of warped legal theory on this. Then I keep getting told there was a 3rd wave of pro-sex feminists, although you never really hear/see that much of them. Perhaps they transitioned onto the raunch girl culture.

But other than that, the 2nd wave basically won out on college campuses. Sex still takes place on college campuses of course - just don't ask me where or how - apart from big, overpopulated state party schools.

My thought is that the repression urge is too great in America and that the left basically took inspiration from Reagan's social conservatives in the 1980s and dialed it up a notch into the abortion known as "PC." And everything could only go even further downhill from there.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think the most important question to ask chicken little is when/what he ever did to make someone else laugh.

Apart from when he tripped over those shoelaces of his that his classmates regularly tied together.

Or when he took a swift one to the seat of the pants after not noticing the "Kick me" sign on his back.

Yeah, I think he never really made anyone laugh since then. The good old days!

Glen Filthie said...


Everything in life right up to and including slavery, is a choice. This is the usual “low men being undone by low women” schtick. Where others see this as something bigger - I see only a pervert and whores, clamouring for the attention of stupid people. Watching these leftist slobs eat each other is the most gratifying act they will ever perform.

Earnest Prole said...

This thread is proof that the average Althouse commenter is 68 years old and still lives with his mother.

M Jordan said...

Bogus apology. I’m surprised how many here bought it. His use of the word “dick” is egregious and clearly shows the whole thing is an act.

Get him outta here.

Laslo Spatula said...

The Guy Who Masturbates at the Bus Stop...

I'm at the Bus Stop, waiting on the 71, when this hot woman approaches. She's wearing those leggings, so I know what her ass looks like. She's hot.

I ask her "Do you want to see my cock?"

She takes out her ear buds and says "What?"

So I say again: "Do you want to see my cock?"

She says "Fuck no!" and takes a step back.

"Wrong answer," I say, and I pull my cock out. My cock is hard.

"Don't do that," she says.

"Look how hard my cock is," I say.

"Get away from me, you freak," she says, shaking her head.

"My cock is REAL hard," I say, and it is. My cock is real hard.

"I'm going to call the police," she says.

"Your ass looks great in those leggings," I say. "Your ass in those leggings is making my cock really hard."

"I don't want to see your cock!" she yells, but she doesn't leave. She must really need to get on the next bus.

Now I see the bus coming down the street so I ejaculate on the sidewalk.

"You're an asshole," she tells me as she gets on the bus. She pays her fare, and heads towards the back. She is wearing those leggings, so I know what her ass looks like.

I pay my fare, and sit in the front.

I am Laslo.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Editing Laslo:

"Wrong answer," I say, and I pull my cock out. My cock is hard.

"Don't do that," she says.

"Look how hard my cock is," I say.

"That's not a cock, cocks are bigger than that." she says, shaking her head.

Unknown said...

if a penis rises with no woman to see it

was it erect?

That is Lous philosophical question

Unknown said...

> You suggest that he claims their admiration so as to deny the actual power he held over them. And that he finds the whole situation hilarious.

How many years did he have to write that apology, knowing this day was coming (not intentional pun), feeling the quickening (not a pun) via "Harvey"?

Where does the act end (not a pun), and "the man" begin (not a pun)?

Lewis Wetzel said...

Back in 2008, to the applause of the American Left, Louis CK made an especially obscene anti-Palin rant.
The show biz left really is despicable. And tasteless. All of the acts I have read about lately remind of the selfies boorish guys take to impress women on dating sites: shirtless, paunch showing, with a can of beer in one hand. These are your models of success, Lefties, the people you always admired for their artistry and their integrity. They are all little Caligulas.

Unknown said...

If "Pootie Tang" didn't kill his career, I doubt this will.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Remember when Olbermann called Michelle Malkin a "big mashed up bag of meat with lipstick"? Wasn't that funny, lefites? Huh? Don't tell me you didn't you laugh.

tim in vermont said...

Blogger Earnest Prole said...
This thread is proof that the average Althouse commenter is 68 years old and still lives with his mother"

It's endlessly amusing what passes for "proof," rhymes with Troof, for you guys.

Clark said...

Because women would NEVER pretend to want and enthusiastically enjoy sex for any reason.

tim in vermont said...

Pootie Tang was funny.

tim in vermont said...

I have a difficult time getting upset ovee this.

mockturtle said...

"That's not a cock, cocks are bigger than that." she says, shaking her head.

A line every female should use in these situation.

chickelit said...

The Toothless Revolutionary replied: I think it's in creating this human universal known as "laughter" - one of the many emotions, reactions and social phenomena unknown to your tribe of sociopaths, autistics and other disengaged weirdos.

Rosie O'Donnell also makes people laugh -- are you one of the those too? I don't get her either. I pity those people. I can sense how their lives/careers will peter out. Sad!

Drago said...

TTR: " Then I keep getting told there was a 3rd wave of pro-sex feminists, although you never really hear/see that much of them."

Thats my thinking as well. Where are these guys (California speak)?

TTR: "My thought is that the repression urge is too great in America and that the left basically took inspiration from Reagan's social conservatives in the 1980s..."

LOL. I get that you have to throw that out there but you don't believe a word of that and you know it!

Thuglawlibrarian said...

Bye Felicia.

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