November 17, 2017

Liberal websites absorb/process the Al Franken news, part 5: The Nation.

The front page of The Nation is ready to impeach Donald Trump but eager to help Al Franken:

The Franken article, by Joan Walsh, is, "What Should Democrats Do About Al Franken?/With work, Franken can and should survive this story of his past bad behavior. But if there are more tales like this, he’s probably history." Walsh obviously loves Franken, and she's open about it. She "loved" his "hilarious" book and says it made her want him to run for President. She admits to having a "huge double standard":
I believed Moore’s accusers right away—especially given all the detail in their accounts, and all the corroborating witnesses. I confess: I spent at least 30 minutes looking for proof that Franken didn’t do what he’s accused of. 
That's how the human mind works. Good to admit it!
I reached out to women who are close to Franken, and at least two say they don’t know enough to confirm or deny it, but they’re devastated. I don’t know him well enough to be devastated, but I’m enormously sad.... This... really hurts....
She does not want Franken to resign: 
Franken has been an excellent senator; you can’t just trade him for a player to be named later. It’s one allegation, albeit an ugly one, and he’s apologized for it. If more come out, we can reexamine this question. But Republicans have persevered through much worse than this....

Franken has been an excellent senator, a committed feminist, a brilliant Trump foil, and the rare Democrat with a sense for the dramatic and the entertaining. We shouldn’t disown him just because Republicans want a scapegoat. We will have to, though, if these stories multiply, as they have with Trump and Moore. My fingers are crossed that they will not.
She's just rooting for her side, openly and nicely.

Meanwhile, 8 minutes after the Walsh piece went up, The Nation gave us "It Is Time to Impeach the President" by John Nichols. That's the balance at The Nation. Unlike Walsh, Nichols doesn't explain the urge to oust Trump in terms of his own personal emotional journey. He takes the lofty rational tone and says things like "The grounds for impeachment are sufficient, and they are well established" and who knows what a roiling cauldron of emotion Nichols is on the inside?


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sparrow said...

I way prefer honest partisanship to the pretense of objectivity.

Curious George said...

Here let me save Inga some bandwidth:

Unknown said...
Until Trumpists and rightists call for the resignation of Moore and Trump along with Franken they have no moral high ground upon which to stand. Trump admits to sexually assaulting women, a picture exists of Franken doing so and there are multiple allegations against Moore (as there are against Trump).

Anonymous said...

A Republican is condemned and shamed, a Democrat is excused and ignored. After the fact. The act has the same effect on the victim.

Got it.

dbp said...

There is a picture of Franken and he gave an apology, so we have pretty firm knoledge that he did the acts he is accused of. Trump bragged that he could engage in boorish behavior and get away with it because the women (victims) were willing. As for Moore, we have no proof at all that he did any of the things he is accused of.

The left is happy to convict an punish conservatives on the basis of accusation, but their fellow leftists get a pass, even when there is no doubt about their guilt.

Bay Area Guy said...

Joan Walsh? Hmmm. Didn't we just hear from her about how she casually slept with her bosses based on the excitement factor?

Then I think about a couple of consensual experiences with men hugely my superiors. The come-ons took me by surprise, and flattered me, and seemed real. Like, of course I deserve this attention! I’m great! Or at least pretty great, right? In none of these instances was I chasing a job, or an affair either. I was flattered by the unexpected attention of a powerful man I respected. I knew I could learn from them; I enjoyed spending time with them. Also, by the way, they were married, so it was safe, right? I confidently spent time alone with them, believing they were interested in my mind and my work. Who wouldn’t be?

They weren’t. I would eventually learn that there was no actual relationship offer on the table, and no professional benefit either. And again I felt like: I am a fucking fool.

Yes, Joan, you were and still are a fucking fool -- at least on politics. You may be a great chef or something. Who knows?

rhhardin said...

I spent at least 30 minutes looking for proof that Franken didn’t do what he’s accused of.

That's how it works as an interpersonal problem rather than a public problem.

You can even see how it works as courtship. She looks for the good side of the guy.

Comanche Voter said...

Ahh-that Al Franken! What a kidder! As for Inga I don't know that Trump "admitted" to sexually assaulting women; he claimed he could just "grab their pussy". OTOH, good old Al, the no talent, not very funny "comedian" presents us with photographic evidence of the act. Nobody ever said Al Franken was the sharpest pencil in the box.

Meanwhile let's get back to the "Jeff Sessions lied to the Senate meme". The supposed lie occurred in response to an extremely convoluted, not to say incoherent, question from our boy Al. Had that been a deposition, and I Sessions' lawyer, I would have instructed him not to answer the question, until (ha ha--fat chance of that occurring) Franken could frame a proper question.

Franken has done a lot of damage in his Senate (and earlier) careers. But at least he's given our host fodder for half a dozen or more posts this weekend, so there is that.

eric said...

There's something very fascinating here and it's not about the overtly biased lefty media sites.

I'm thinking, the media didn't find Bill Clinton victims. This is how Drudge got his start. Because the media looked away.

The media didn't find the John Edwards story either. They mocked the National Enquirer as a gossip rag. They looked away.

The media didn't find the story on Anthony Weiner either. Refused to believe it and even doxxed the guy who dared expose him. Andrew Breitbart pretty much exposed Weiner.

Again and again it seems our nation's media protects Democrats. Which is bad. But worse? Well....

The Roy Moore accusers didn't come out for the last 40 years looking for someone to tell their story. The media went out and found them, somehow. We don't even know how yet.

Oh, and the media didn't find the Franken accuser either, nor will they bother to look for more. And, a message is already being sent to any further accusers. Have you seen some of the talk about how his current accuser is a slutty playboy model who was asking for it? Doesn't really encourage any more coming out parties.

Maybe this is just my perception.

However, it seems again and again the media spends time and resources to find people to accuse Republicans while simultaneously spending time and resources to undermine Democrat accusers.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

As happy as I would be to see the last of Franken, I kind of hope he doesn't resign, because I agree with Scott Adams that it would increase Moore's chances of getting in. The hypocrisy of the Senate leadership would be so obvious to Alabama voters.

I don't care about Moore. I don't care if they don't seat him and the governor appoints another Republican. I don't want that seat to go Dem.

rehajm said...

Roy Moore's Law: America's capacity for hypocrisy doubles every two weeks.


MadisonMan said...

Trump bragged that he could engage in boorish behavior and get away with it because the women (victims) were willing

The operative word, of course, being could.

The subjunctive: it can be your friend.

Ken B said...

Trump is indeed guilty of not being Hillary Clinton.

traditionalguy said...

Franken needs to switch Parties. He would make a really great RINO, and then the GOP would gladly cover for his small peccadilloes. John McCain would introduce him around to this Deep State Buds, and all would be harmony again.

Ken B said...

Iowahawk wins the internet, again.

n.n said...

Moore exposed the danger of the feminist Slut Walk that threatens to obscure the underage/consent divide. Fortunately, he cut the courtship short following discovery.

Trump exposed the weird and depraved underbelly of social liberalism and specifically "friendship with benefits" (e.g. "casting couch" relationships) that threaten the equal status of women in the workplace and polite society.

Franken demonstrated the vulnerability of an unconscious woman to violation of her personal space and dignity. A lesser woman would have been paralyzed with that revelation.

Ken B said...

Are you referring to how the GOP bailed on Moore instantaneously?

Oso Negro said...

Althouse rocking the Sexual Holocaust with a Frankenpalooza! Here in Eastern Europe the unenlightened Post-socialists enjoy much broader personal freedom.

buwaya said...

Now, I am not an American woman, so I have little idea of the actual state of emotion on this stuff (disgust?). But the whole wave of outrage about sexual abuse seems it is devolving from genuine surprise into a mix of entertainment (a soap opera), a comedy, and a religious rite.

Fun plus sanctity. Its a very odd thing.

Another surprise is that the National Enquirer is not leading and breaking stories. I suspect they were seen to after the John Edwards business.

Gospace said...

"I believed Moore’s accusers right away—especially given all the detail in their accounts, and all the corroborating witnesses."


buwaya said...

The US, in other words, may now, finally, be turning into Italy.

It almost did, post Clinton, if the Democrats hadn't turned up the "rape culture" propaganda after 2010.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

eric said...

Andrew Breitbart pretty much exposed Weiner.

Maybe I'm misremembering, but I thought it was Weiner that exposed wiener.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

"Franken has been an excellent senator, a committed feminist, a brilliant Trump foil, and the rare Democrat with a sense for the dramatic and the entertaining."

Translation: I like him, he's a liberal, he hates Trump, and he makes me laugh.

It's high school all over again.

John Nowak said...

>The operative word, of course, being could.

I'd suggest the operative word is willing.

Mike Sylwester said...

If Franken leaves the US Senate, the level of civility there can only rise.

Whenever I have seen his questioning of witnesses in committee hearings, he has been extraordinarily obnoxious and insulting.

He himself does not deserve any civility or grace in his situation.

He should be treated just as meanly as he himself treats other people.

buwaya said...

Its always high school.
When people grow up they just get better at justifying it, and making money out of it.

Its hard to be too cynical.

Michael K said...

I wonder if The Nation was working on this in their latest cruise to Cuba or Russia. I guess Russia is out since the end of the Cold War. Maybe Venezuela next season.

buwaya said...

They have Kamala Harris now, so there's your annoying questioner. Franken may be redundant.

Wait, hmmm.

Henry said...

I feel sad for people so invested in politics that a Senator Franken makes their heart race. I thought our childhood days of the Boy Orator of the Platte and the Happy Warrior were over.

lgv said...

So, as much as I loathe Franken (more so than Trump), I don't get it.

He did things he shouldn't have before he became a senator. Schumer and McConnell want an ethics probe? Seriously? Now we are quoting him from 1976. We

We have now coflated boorish sexist behavior, flirtation, sexual harassment with sexual assault. The net is now sufficiently big, considering we place no statute of limitations on bad behavior. It is time to throw Clinton, JFK, and LBJ into the pile, Let's remove all memory of these horrible men. Change all names and remove all statue of sexist men.

BTW, I'm starting a statue removal business. I see growth potential every week.

mccullough said...

Walsh is asking other Franken accusers not to come forward.

Bilwick said...

The heresy of Antinomianism rears it's ugly head once again!

n.n said...

Perhaps a witch hunt to offset the Democratic baby hunt that is now in its fourth trimester.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

"No matter how cynical you become, it's never enough to keep up." Lily Tomlin.

MD Greene said...

All politics is tribal.

Infinite Monkeys said...

It’s one allegation, albeit an ugly one, and he’s apologized for it. If more come out, we can reexamine this question.

What's the magic number? Two women? Three?

But Republicans have persevered through much worse than this....

Right? They persevered through listening to the excuses for Ted Kennedy, the excuses for Bill Clinton, the excuses for John Edwards, the excuses for Anthony Weiner....

Darrell said...

especially given all the detail in their accounts, and all the corroborating witnesses.

Yeah, "witnesses." People they told yesterday about what happened forty years ago.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

the press = democrat operatives.

Californio_6th_ gen said...

We wouldn't want to lose a comedian in the U.S. Senate......ponder that.

Henry said...

For the record Mother Jones is still ALL IN on Trump-Russia Scandaling. The froglike Senator from Minnesota is relegated to More Top Stories, where he gets second billing in a three-character play:

"Trump Slams Al Franken for “Really Bad” Groping Photo, Remains Silent on Roy Moore"

This way to egress.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MacMacConnell said...

It would be interesting if Moore wins, will his lawyers sue for release of the Senator's names whose behavior resulted in payments and nondisclosure contracts during his ethics hearings.

Sebastian said...

"She admits to having a "huge double standard"" She "admits," does she. Do progs have any other kind?

Is there any instance of an actual prog consistently applying a common prog standard impartially to all sides?

Hypothesis: If the sexual harassment witch hunt makes it happen, it will be the first time.

Kevin said...

"Franken has been an excellent senator, a committed feminist, a brilliant Trump foil, and the rare Democrat with a sense for the dramatic and the entertaining."

Committed feminist? Seriously?

Are we still stuck on the "sexually harasses women but votes for Planned Parenthood" version of feminism?

Maybe Feminst Franken should call Nina Burleigh for a blow job.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

The heresy of Antinomianism rears it's ugly head once again!

You don't see that word very often, at least I don't.

I too have seen plenty of "defenses" along the lines of, "she's right-wing and a slut, so the hell with her." But apparently that is not victim blaming or slut shaming, because shut-up. And people saying they don't believe the accusation. There is an actual photograph of the groping and he has apologized, so what it there to not believe? That she didn't really feel bad about being groped? Because she is a slut you know.

Does the MSM not realize that they no longer have a monopoly on mass communications? That in the next few years (I'm talking five years, max) the media landscape will be totally unlike anything you see today? That the very concept of a broadcast "network" will be an anachronism, along with the "network" news? That the idea of "cable channels" will also be obsolete? Maybe they do, and that is why they are so desperate to retain control, so that they can implement measures to regain their monopoly. Did you know that people are being arrested for Twitter and Facebook postings in Great Britain.?

Darrell said...

A man was arrested in Great Britain for persistently talking to a woman.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

A man was arrested in Great Britain for persistently talking to a woman.

I've never been to London, and I have always wanted to see it. But I'm wary of visiting a police state.

Big Mike said...

Franken has been an excellent senator

This assertion forever condemns Joan Walsh to the ranks of the dingbats.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Did you know that people are being arrested for Twitter and Facebook postings in Great Britain.?

11/17/17, 1:10 PM

Nobody can be more terrified of the changing media landscape than the BBC. The Beeb is PBS on steroids.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I've never been to London, and I have always wanted to see it. But I'm wary of visiting a police state.

11/17/17, 1:16 PM

I'm glad I was there in the '80's.

tcrosse said...

To be fair, at least in his first term Franken kept his head down, did the work, and was excellent at constituent service. One day he visited the large food company where I worked, for my sins. I tried to get him to autograph a box of Frankenberry cereal, but a company big shot told me it wouldn't be tactful.

prairie wind said...

Yeah, "witnesses." People they told yesterday about what happened forty years ago.

The current trend toward elimination of statutes of limitation for sexual crimes will do a lot of damage. We know that eye witness reports are often wrong but imagine how wrong they are after a few decades go by. In this mob, though, we are bound to believe any and all accusations or be labeled pro-rape.

John Nowak said...

>A man was arrested in Great Britain for persistently talking to a woman.

Depending on what he was saying and how he was doing it? Could easily be legitimate. If he was telling her he wanted to screw her, over and over, I'd want him arrested too.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Back in the 60s and 70s predictions concerning the future of communications were being made by respectable mainstream sources such as network news associations, probably picked up from various think tanks. Here is a link to one with Walter Cronkite made in 1967 presenting the home office of the future.

They actually got a lot of it right considering the technology they had. One thing I notice in the predictions however, is that there is not much thought given to the end users using the technology to communicate to a mass audience. Something like that just wasn't on their radar.

Bay Area Guy said...

The US, in other words, may now, finally, be turning into Italy.

Hmm. Is this true? I've heard that in Italy, married professional men are allowed to have a mistress on the side, as long as it's done discreetly, without embarrassment to the wife.

If true, all this consensual sex would ease tensions and greatly reduce the risk of unwanted sexual groping.

Nobody gropes, if they are getting laid, right?

I will check with Bay Area Gal on this important societal development, and whether Sophia Loren is still around.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

Something like that just wasn't on their radar.

The future was going to be just like the present, but with more technology, and maybe funny clothes.

Skip ahead to 15:35, they got the purple hair right.

n.n said...

Catastrophic Anthropogenic Climate Change has submerged the feminist narrative, creating social refugees who will not experience Slut Walks in the future.

n.n said...

Note to immature men and clowns everywhere: don't violate the personal space and dignity of unconscious women, even in jest.

tcrosse said...

Nobody gropes, if they are getting laid, right?

An attractive woman will get her ass pinched black and blue on the streets of Rome.

Nonapod said...

One thing I notice in the predictions however, is that there is not much thought given to the end users using the technology to communicate to a mass audience. Something like that just wasn't on their radar.

That is the hubris of the elite. They never expect that normal, everyday people will want to say things back. They could never imagine that regular folks would want to actually create their own content, form their own opinions, or actually participate in debate and discussion of their own accord. They're just mindless drones that just consume whatever is presented to them without objection.

Of course in reality, once the various barriers are removed it turns out that human beings tend to not behave in the ways that the enlightened imagined they would. They tend to have these annoying opinions and questions for some reason.

Charlie said...

"a committed feminist"


Darrell said...

Ron Winkleheimer said...

That is the hubris of the elite. They never expect that normal, everyday people will want to say things back.

Why should the Technocrats care what normal people say? From their perspective society needs to be managed by experts who have the expertise to determine what is best, with what is best somehow, by coincidence I'm sure, turning out to be beneficial for the experts. Its pure chance, really.

buwaya said...

What used to happen to (some) gentlemen who disgraced themselves -

Major Valentine Baker (Baker Pasha) - Soldier, explorer, and, in the end, mercenary.

"... Colonel Baker's career in the British army came to an untimely end. He was arrested on a charge of indecent assault upon a young woman in a railway carriage. Baker offered no defence, and was sentenced to a year's imprisonment and a fine. He was then dismissed from the service.[1] The case led to the introduction of corridors on trains; previously compartments only had doors to the outside."
"Two years later, having meanwhile left England, he entered the service of the Ottoman Army in the war with Russia."
"He remained in command of the Egyptian police until his death in 1887"

A useful and very adventurous life.

As with Kipling's "gentlemen rankers", there was a way off into the empires and a new start -

"Ship me somewheres east of Suez, where the best is like the worst,
Where there aren't no Ten Commandments an' a man can raise a thirst"

Kipling, Mandalay

Jupiter said...

"I confess: I spent at least 30 minutes looking for proof that Franken didn’t do what he’s accused of."

Interesting. There is no proof at all that he stuck his tongue in her mouth, just she-said without any he-said. So what is she talking about? She looked for proof that wasn't him in the photos? No, "I reached out to women who are close to Franken, and at least two say they don’t know enough to confirm or deny it, but they’re devastated."

So, you see. She asked some women. There you go. Case closed, mission accomplished. Al Franken is now convicted of holding his hands near the breasts of a sleeping woman. Shall we just shoot him and get it over with, or does he deserve worse?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Democrats are so awesome, they can rape and pillage and grope all they want.

Jupiter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Mike said...

@Jupiter, he deserves worse, of course.

Jupiter said...

Keeping in mind, that the woman whose virtue he impugned had previously posed naked, in order to facilitate the production of a masturbation aid. There are some nice boob shots circulating, and I suspect that copies of that issue are seeing a modest increase in value. I guess when you have sold off a substantial chunk of your virtue, you need to protect the remaining store all the more fiercely. Maybe Al should be forced to have his picture taken while he's sleeping, in a humiliating pose. A fate worse than Death!

buwaya said...

"Shall we just shoot him and get it over with, or does he deserve worse?"

If this is a serious violation of prevailing customs, then he should be held to the same standard as any other such violator of current taboos and suffer the same consequences. If he is not, neither should anyone else.

Fairness is the real issue here, not the value of the standard.

The point of standards is that they are arbitrary.
These are human things after all, not some law of God.

Big Mike said...

Prediction: Franken will skate and Scott Adams will be right -- it will help Moore in Alabama. The Democrats have made the tactical assessment that Franken being allowed to skate won't help Moore enough to tilt the election away from Jones.

buwaya said...

"Keeping in mind, that the woman whose virtue he impugned had previously posed naked"

So also had various victims of Mr. Weinstein, etc.

These customary standards are arbitrary, that is their nature.

Darrell said...

Oh please, Lord, don't let a meteorite fall on the La Costa Resort, near Carlsbad, CA where the Left is holding the secret The Democracy Alliance conference with George Soros.

Hunter said...

Infinite Monkeys said...
It’s one allegation, albeit an ugly one, and he’s apologized for it. If more come out, we can reexamine this question.
What's the magic number? Two women? Three?

Meanwhile in satire:

Evangelicals Announce They Will Withdraw Support For Roy Moore Should Three Or Four Dozen More Women Come Forward

Something like that, yeah.

Bad Lieutenant said...

The Democrats have made the tactical assessment that Franken being allowed to skate won't help Moore enough to tilt the election away from Jones.

How has no one found any dirt on this Jones?

Jupiter said...

buwaya said...
"Keeping in mind, that the woman whose virtue he impugned had previously posed naked"

"So also had various victims of Mr. Weinstein, etc. "

If all Weinstein were accused of was having his photograph taken with his hands near Rose McGowan's kevlar-encased breasts, I suspect he would have managed to weather the storm.

Anonymous said...

My hope is that this generalized witch hunt will ultimately result in so-called "feminists" evaluating where their movement has gotten the relationship of men and women today. I trust Ann to be level headed and fair, but my impression of the feminist "movement " today is that it is out of control and that there are no consistent standards to judge any man's behavior. The goal posts seem to move with each occasion and the political preference of the current sinner. Vendetta is one word that comes to mind for the "movements'" current approach to male/female interaction. ( I realize that a lot of this is a coastal phenomenon and that men and women in flyover country still seem to get along reasonably well.)

Darrell said...

How has no one found any dirt on this Jones?

Yeah. He cheers the death of 60 million babies and supports the rest of the Leftist agenda.

Achilles said...

Let us all be honest about what kind of country Joan Walsh and John Nichols want us to live in.

-They want a country where rich liberals can prey upon the poor masses above the law. They want a country where predators like Bill Clinton can rape women and remain in power so long as they serve the greater good. They want a country where Hillary can sell government influence to Russia.

-The greater good is sending the federal government after political dissidents. Anyone who disagrees with the party in power if fined, goes to ail, or is killed.

-It is gun confiscation and eliminating the right to self defense.

-It is wealth redistribution. Not from rich to poor. From favored corporations getting taxpayer subsidy and everyone else being taxed and regulated out of business. From people who try to be self sufficient to people whose votes can be bought.

They are openly admitting they are disgusting human beings.

buwaya said...

If Mr. Weinstein had been caught in flagrante rape-culturo as this, I have no doubt he would be suffering very nearly the same problems. Note that he was kicked off his company board, Weinsten Co. is likely to go bankrupt, projects are cancelled, and etc.
A huge hit to his net worth and future income, not to mention all his professional and political influence.

All Franken risks is being removed from public office.

buwaya said...

"They are openly admitting they are disgusting human beings."

It is typical for totalitarians to seek impunity.
Usually they have better. or maybe just broader, arguments for it.
And over much less petty things.
Lenin was good at that.

Kevin said...

Father may I ask you a question in private?

Certainly, my son, certainly. Is there something troubling you, my son? Don't be shy to speak up. Remember, I know all the urges that can trouble young men deprived of the society of women here in the Senate.

No Father. It's nothing like that, Father. It's about this new thing they're all talking about. About this new treatment that gets you out of the news in no time at all and makes sure you never get back in again.

Where did you hear about this? Whose been talking about these things?

These things get around, Father. Two Senators talk as it might be, and somebody can't help overhearing what they say. Then somebody picks up a scrap of newspaper in the cloakroom and the newspaper tells all about it. How about putting me in for this new treatment, Father?

I take it you are referring to the Senate Ethics Committee?

I don't know what it's called, Father, all I know is that it gets you out quickly and makes sure that you never get in again.

That's not proven, Senator 655321. In fact, it is only in the experimental stage at this moment.

But it is being used, isn't it, Father?

It has not been used yet in this Congress. The major party donors have grave doubts about it and I have heard that there are very serious dangers involved.

I don't care about the danger, Father. I just want to be good. I want for the rest of my life to be one act of goodness.

The question is weather or not this technique really makes a man good. Goodness comes from within. Goodness is chosen. When a man cannot chose, he ceases to be a man.

I don't understand about the whys and wherefores, Father. I only know I want to be good.

Be patient, my son, and put your trust in the media.

buwaya said...

Note also that in the Weinstein fiasco the losers aren't just Weinstein but his family (brother, wife, children, brothers wife & kids), business partners, investors, employees, all of THEIR families, and etc. and etc.


Bay Area Guy said...

Oh please, Lord, don't let a meteorite fall on the La Costa Resort, near Carlsbad, CA where the Left is holding the secret The Democracy Alliance conference with George Soros.

Man, I like La Costa! I went there 10 years ago for a nice week with family.

Did you know that La Costa was built by Moe Dalitz and mob loans from the Teamsters Pension Fund?

Fuck George Soros.

Matt Sablan said...

"Franken has been an excellent senator; you can’t just trade him for a player to be named later."

-- So, then no. The Senate isn't a zero tolerance zone for sexual assault. Good to know.

"Franken has been an excellent senator, a committed feminist, a brilliant Trump foil."

-- Except for the whole joking about raping them and groping them -- a totally committed feminist.

David Baker said...

If you looked like Al Franken, what would you do?

Rumpletweezer said...

Pavlov is missing a lot of dogs.

Matt Sablan said...

"Trump bragged that he could engage in boorish behavior and get away with it because the women (victims) were willing

The operative word, of course, being could."

-- Is it really boorish behavior if it is consensual?

Achilles said...

William Chadwick said...
The heresy of Antinomianism rears it's ugly head once again!

Heresy? Actually it is a plank in the democrat party platform.

Flasparty said...

Curious George said, "Trump admits to sexually assaulting women"

No, In a 12 years ago moment when he thought he was alone with another man, he talked about consensual contact (They let you ...) in general terms that, based on Trump's speech patterns, is generally understood to refer to himself.

David Baker said...

Here's the deal: Franken stays, Moore goes.

And remember, it's a one-party system.

Matt Sablan said...

"He did things he shouldn't have before he became a senator. Schumer and McConnell want an ethics probe? Seriously? Now we are quoting him from 1976."

-- So is the cut off on old things being used against someone 1977?

Achilles said...

David Baker said...
If you looked like Al Franken, what would you do?

Watch porn and masturbate a lot or go find fat/ugly chicks at the bar.

Although it seems that there are plenty of willing leftist women out there who like him. It seems with Franken it is more that he is just an asshole. He has physically threatened and assaulted more than one person in public.

tcrosse said...

"Trump bragged that he could engage in boorish behavior and get away with it because the women (victims) were willing"

Trump is plainly guilty in word and thought, if not in deed. It's like Jimmy Carter lusting in his heart.

Achilles said...

David Baker said...
Here's the deal: Franken stays, Moore goes.

And remember, it's a one-party system.

I wonder if McConell knows he has made this crystal fucking clear. The republicans in this fiasco are worse than the democrats.

Matt Sablan said...

"Keeping in mind, that the woman whose virtue he impugned had previously posed naked, in order to facilitate the production of a masturbation aid."

-- Ah, there we are. Who had "A little bit nutty, a little bit slutty" for sexual harassment bingo?

rehajm said...

Oh please, Lord, don't let a meteorite fall on the La Costa Resort, near Carlsbad, CA where the Left is holding the secret The Democracy Alliance conference with George Soros.

His own violence whores could be bought to work against him.

Bay Area Guy said...

In a preemptive strike, Democratic Gubernatorial candidate in Ohio, Bill O'Neil boasts about bedding 50 attractive females.

Good on ya, Bro.

As to the Moore situation, I have a solution:

1. Sessions resigns AG (worthless and clueless, anyway).

2. Write in Sessions for Alabama Gov Race, to beat Moore.

3. Appoint Sheriff David Clarke from Milwaukee as new AG.

That is all.

Bay Area Guy said...

Should be Alabama Senate race, sorry.

Gospace said...

Bad Lieutenant said...

How has no one found any dirt on this Jones?

If Moore had run this ad, he'd be absolutely sunk by MSM and righteous Republican hypocrites:

And this didn't occur a long time ago in a galaxy far far away. This happened after Democrats all lined up to approve the tearing down of inappropriate- in their eyes - statues and memorials to Confederate soldiers and bravery.

chickelit said...

I feel like I’m seeing how sausage is made — by feminists.

Matt Sablan said...

I note that it seems the new defense is a bunch of women Franken didn't grope are coming out to defend him.

The media didn't care about all of the women Trump didn't grope who stood up for him, or the women who stood up for Moore.

So. Yeah. Don't care.

David Baker said...

Washington Post asks handwriting expert (former FBI) to evaluate yearbook entry:

“Looking at the yearbook entry,” he said, “it looks pretty spontaneously prepared” — that is, it doesn’t look like the writer stopped and restarted, as though someone were tentative in writing perhaps because they were trying to imitate another writer. “It looks very fluid. I don’t see any indications of unnatural writing.”

“The writing seems consistent with one writer,” he added, though he pointed out that “Old Hickory House” and the second date appear to be different stylistically — though he’d need to see examples of Moore’s hand-printed writing to be able to determine whether it’s authentic. (Moore’s lawyers didn’t provide any examples of non-script writing that might show an inconsistency.)

Songer, the former FBI agent, was applying a different standard of proof to the question than did Hannity. Songer wanted to know whether he could demonstrate without question that the handwriting might or might not be Moore’s. Hannity, and many other Moore defenders, are content with the existence of doubt. (end WaPo quote)


The only thing I'll add is that you, as the handwriting expert, work with what you have. And what you have is rarely ideal. Nevertheless, I'd love to examine that yearbook.

Bay Area Guy said...

Maybe, as Senators, Al Franken will grope Roy Moore.

Scott M said...

I feel like I’m seeing how sausage is made — by feminists.

I learn something new every day. I always thought feminists hated sausage.

Clyde said...

I'm sure that Mr. Nichols was one of the scream-at-the-sky contingent on the anniversary of Trump's election.

Nyamujal said...

Schumer is Jewish.

n.n said...

Except for the whole joking about raping them and groping them -- a totally committed feminist.

Not just joking about raping and groping, but, at the very least, enacting them with an unconscious woman. The photographic evidence may not establish which base Franken stole; but, it does without question establish that he with exultation violated her space, with the intent to either threaten or humiliate her.

Yancey Ward said...

It is getting more and more difficult to be genuinely cynical, and the Left is killing satire and parody by turning it into reality.

n.n said...

Al Franken will grope Roy Moore.

Hopefully, Franken will do it while Moore is conscious, then Moore will address Franken's female (i.e. competitive) or male (i.e. misogynistic) chauvinism at 10 paces.

Bilwick said...

See today's "Bleat" (humorist James Lilek's blog) for an interesting rumination on Franken. My favorite part is Lileks calling Franken a "toad," which is how I've thought of him since he switched from comedy (I actually liked the Stuart Smalley movie) to State-shtupping.

Spiros said...

Al Franken's accuser is an extremely attractive woman. No doubt about it. Usually, it's men that find attractive women untrustworthy. This is known as the "too hot to trust" theory. But in this case, Ms. Walsh adopted the sort of macho attitude that douche-bags have about good looking women on the prowl. In seeking to empower women, Ms. Walsh has adopted traditional gender attitudes! Really sad stuff!

tcrosse said...

@William: thanks for the heads up.

Unknown said...

What we have here is the Droit de Signeur trying to come back: our so-called "betters" i.e. the Democrats and GOPe have rights to rape and harass and do whatever, before we peasants have any rights.

And why? Because they are our betters. Just ask them. As with the kings and aristocracy of old, they get to prey on people and it's just their privilege to do so.

Where is Washington and Jefferson now?


Bay Area Guy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
David Baker said...

RE: If you looked like Al Franken, what would you do?

Achilles said..."Watch porn and masturbate a lot or go find fat/ugly chicks at the bar. Although it seems that there are plenty of willing leftist women out there who like him."

The only leftist woman that I can think of who'd be willing to put out for the cause - is Ashley Judd. But even here I'm sure there'd be conditions, including a severe time limit.

Bay Area Guy said...

Moore still has a chance to save himself (politically). He can still play the Kevin Spacey card:

"Fellow Alabamans. With respect to the charges against me, I was simply too drunk to remember what happened with those 14 year old girls in the 70s. Was drinking a lotta Wild Turkey back then. However, I do believe 14 was the age of consent, 16 for first cousins. Also, as of this day forward, I am announcing that I am a Gay Dixiecrat. Freebird!"

Drago said...

I love that the lefties have "gathered themselves" and have faithfully returned to full blown defense mode of Franken, putting the lie to EVERYTHING the lefties have been saying about sexual assaults.

Not to worry though. The Lefty Outrage Click has been set to go off in just 20 years when suddenly the lefties will admit publicly that Franken should have resigned.

Just 20 years to go for Lefty Principles Rediscovery!

Yancey Ward said...

David Baker,

I more or less think Roy Moore did sign the year book during the Christmas holiday in 1977- the writing is fluid and the "Roy" part of it does look like the way Moore signed other documents that are genuine. If that part is a forgery, it is an excellent one. However, I think every word and number after "Roy" was added in just the last week- the change in color, the change in the numbers, and the "DA" part. I think someone, probably Nelson herself, wanted to make sure no one questioned whether or not "Roy" was Roy Moore, and she forged the rest of the document using the court document she got in 1999 from Moore's office with his signature and his clerk's initials.

Bay Area Guy said...

Tampa Bay QB Jameis Winston accused of groping a female Uber driver.

Will this groping madness never end?

Darrell said...

The one 14-year-old turned out to be 16 in 1979. She remembered everything except how to do math. Moore says he never heard of her. The yearbook liar was 17 and the others were 17 and 18. Sixteen was the age of consent in 1979. Since Allred was controlling the actual yearbook, what did that ex-FBI agent look at, a photocopy?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"The US, in other words, may now, finally, be turning into Italy."

I was reading about Italian politics in the '70's and '80's last night and the same thing occurred to me. What's going on now isn't the end of the world. It's the way of the world. A plutocracy overlaid with silliness.

Darrell said...

The "DA" part was when he was a judge and his assistant added his initials when he signed documents--much later than when she said. Somebody got his signature as a judge and added it to the yearbook from an earlier time. Moore was a deputy DA in 1977 and 1979.

Big Mike said...

@Darrell, math is hard if you're a Democrat.

Big Mike said...

@Darrell, where did you see the yearbook signature?

David Baker said...

Yancey Ward said..."I think every word and number after "Roy" was added in just the last week- the change in color, the change in the numbers, and the "DA" part."

I have to disagree since the "Moore" part also looks authentic. The "DA," however, may have been added by someone else. Nevertheless, I'd focus on the authenticity of the preceding signature and inscription. And frankly, I don't understand why Moore's lawyer denies the writing is not his client's. While the "entry" may not be authentic, the writing appears to be genuine based on the evidence currently available (which is plenty).

Meanwhile, I've seen references here - including your own - regarding the change in ink colors, which "I" have not seen. I suspect this assertion is bogus, especially since no independent party has examined the yearbook entry firsthand. Nonetheless, I'd like to see the "multi-color" copy myself, if you could provide a link.

Big Mike said...

I guess I'm asking what David Baker is asking for, but with a bit less skepticism (remembering the crude forgery that Dan Rather and other lefties fell for).

Darrell said...

Delbra Adams, Roy Moore’s former longtime secretary and judicial assistant, says that in 13 years of working for the senatorial candidate she never saw or experienced any inappropriate conduct toward women.
Adams was working in Moore’s law office during the period that a new accuser claims that he groped her in the same office in 1991 after a meeting. Her desk was right outside his office door at the time.

“I think he is a good man,” Adams told Breitbart News in an interview. “I don’t believe any of this. I don’t believe it until somebody actually proves it to me. But I never saw anything like that out of him.”

Asked whether she saw or experienced any inappropriate conduct on the part of Moore at any time, Adams replied, “No. None.”

She further stated that she is surprised by the allegations against her former boss.

Adams started working for Moore in 1987 while he was in private practice. She followed him to his new stint as an Etowah County Circuit Judge and continued to work for Moore as a judicial assistant until he was sworn in as Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court in January 2001.

Adams’ initials – D.A. – have become part of the story involving the allegations against Moore. Adams signed her initials alongside a stamp of Moore’s signature on the 1999 divorce document for Moore accuser Beverly Young Nelson.

David Baker said...

Actually, I think I do understand why Moore's lawyer is denying his client wrote that inscription - since in the eyes of the public, to admit one is tantamount to admitting all. I think he also understands that there's little likelihood Gloria Allred will allow an independent examination anytime soon, if ever.

So, better to deny - up to obtaining access to the yearbook itself.

Gospace said...

Gospace said...

Color photo and B+W photo of the inscription.

11/14/17, 2:30 PM

I provided the link 3 days ago for you. Right after you posted:

David Baker said...
Leigh said..."The inscription and the "Love, Roy" are written in one color of ink. The "Moore, DA" and "Olde Hickory ...." are added in different ink, written by a different person."


Tough having an internet that can remember things. If you didn't look, which you apparently didn't, you can't see the two different colors. I have a friend who can't see the two different colors. But he's color bind. What's your excuse?

MountainJohn said...

Another example of the superior nature of traditional ways. A couple of generations back, anyone who groped, mistreated, or harassed a woman could expect a swift, sudden, and very violent visit from her father, brother, husband, boyfriend, or uncle.

Tim said...

Sung to the tune of "How do you solve a problem like Maria" From the sound of Music:

He'll ram his tongue right down your throat,
When supposed to fake a kiss.
His fingers like to roam and rush
When your in sleeping bliss,
And when you call him on it,
He'll answer just like this:
Why can't you take a joke your just so silly!

How do solve a problem like Al Franken?
How do you make it all go away?
The media likes to say,
Al really ought to stay,
We can't have him damage our Democrat brand:
How do solve a problem like Al Franken!

...How do you keep his senate seat,
In our hands...

Kevin said...

“Schumer is Jewish.”

Franken has daddy issues.

Clyde said...

The latest, from Ohio, is about a state Supreme Court Justice who is running for governor as a Democrat. His response to the Franken kerfuffle, posted on Facebook, began: "Now that the dogs of war are calling for the head of Senator Al Franken, I believe it is time to speak up on behalf of all heterosexual males." He then said that he would save his primary opponents the opposition research and then claimed that over the past fifty years, he's been intimately involved with about fifty attractive women, and also said in an interview with that while Judge Roy Moore "apparently seems to be a challenged individual when it comes to morality," that Moore deserves due process, rather than having the media decide a Senate race. Needless to say, the response from most has been negative. Personally, while it's been against my policy since 2001 to vote for any Democrat, in his case I might have made an exception if I was an Ohioan.

David Baker said...


Without seeing the original entry, how can you claim, well, anything. Also, weren't you relying on third-party information?

Clyde said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Clyde said...

The Ohio Supreme Court Justice is Bill O'Neill, by the way. You go, Justice!

Darrell said...

Beverly Young Nelson--or someone, perhaps someone working for Allred, took the stamp of Moore’s signature on the 1999 Beverly Young Nelson's divorce document and transfered it, copied it, to the yearbook, which was supposed to have been signed in 1977. They thought the DA was "district attorney," not realizing it was his assistant's --Delbra Adams--initials. Since she started working for Moore in 1987, the yearbook signature can't be valid.

Quaestor said...

-- Is it really boorish behavior if it is consensual?

It's worse. Two boors behavings boorishly equal twice the boorishness.

The Godfather said...

We have this thing in America called democracy. Franken was duly (at least the 2d time) elected by the voters of Minn. Nobody, not "the Democrats" or the Senate or the media, has the right to remove him from office before the end of his term because they don't like his behavior years before he came a Senator.

There's also democracy in Alabama. If the people of that State elect Moore to the Senate, nobody, not even Mitch McConnell, has the right to remove him from office before the end of his term because they don't like his behavior decades before he became a Senate candidate. And if he's defeated in the election, and it's later proved that the charges against him were false, nobody will have the right to seat him in the Senate until and unless he's elected there. Not even Mitch McConnell.

David Baker said...


Okay, I looked at your link. If true and authentic, looks incriminating (superimposed).

tcrosse said...

Godfather nails it at 5:15.

The Godfather said...

@Althouse: I know the Franken and Moore stuff is driving traffic, and you're getting Yuu-uge! volumes of comments and (I hope) Amazon business, can't we go back to non-grope-related stories?

Just askin'.

The Godfather

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

He takes the lofty rational tone and says things like "The grounds for impeachment are sufficient, and they are well established" and who knows what a roiling cauldron of emotion Nichols is on the inside?

One that doesn't like being so egregiously lied to?

tcrosse said...

...can't we go back to non-grope-related stories?

It's the Al Franken Decade.

tcrosse said...

Lies with adverbs are the worst.

Achilles said...

Gospace said...

Color photo and B+W photo of the inscription.

It is getting pretty clear that this person is a liar.

The other person is lying about her age.

This is looking like a smear job from the start. I want to know if McConell put them up to it. The reactions to the allegations from the swamp look choreographed.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

As with whether one "should" or "shouldn't" agree to consent itself, these are all social judgement calls, as well. Look at Roy Moore's defenders. People see what they want to see and the fact is that we should stop seeking to criminalize awkward advances/flirting. Signals will be missed. Franken doesn't have a history of this stuff. His case is also extremely mitigated by the fact that as a comedian/performer, a single instance of possibly taking a scene "too far" really doesn't say all that much. The photo is a little more incriminating, at least if there was touching involved and especially at his age. If not, then I don't see it as much worse than posing in a goofy or threatening way in relation to an effigy. Pranks are pulled on the sleeping. Making it a sexualized prank though was stupid.

Moderates will see all this because they understand humor. Whether lefties do depends on whether they believe moreso in the false god of PC identity politics. And the right will fail to get any of this altogether because they don't know what humor or performance (i.e. make-believe) even is.

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

One that doesn't like being so egregiously lied to?

I agree. The fake Russian Collusion story Hillary and Obama concocted to justify spying on a political opponent and hide the rigging of the democrat primary is disgusting.

Unknown said...

Libs and Dems being crafty at checkers. They have no more use for the Clintons, and Franken's seat is safe, so they throw them both under the bus of righteousness and then apply it to Trump. Moore is just a happy little tree and a timely bonus tool.

dbp said...

""Trump bragged that he could engage in boorish behavior and get away with it because the women (victims) were willing

The operative word, of course, being could."

-- Is it really boorish behavior if it is consensual?""

I guess it would be boorish if you get slapped and brash if you don't--Brash, because you could have been slapped.

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
As with whether one "should" or "shouldn't" agree to consent itself, these are all social judgement calls, as well. Look at Roy Moore's defenders. People see what they want to see and the fact is that we should stop seeking to criminalize awkward advances/flirting.

Sorry. Too rational. Get out. You are no longer welcome in the new Puritanical Progressive Movement or the old Puritanical Conservative Movement.

Bay Area Guy said...

The Huffington Post has a piece describing both Clinton and Sanders campaign workers alleging sexual harassment. No groping alleged, though.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I agree. The fake Russian Collusion story Hillary and Obama concocted to justify spying on a political opponent and hide the rigging of the democrat primary is disgusting.

Trump said he asked the benevolent Mr. Putin, very nicely, please please please with sugar on top, to admit to whether or not he interfered with the U.S. election. And then got repeated denials that Trump doesn't think are worth being skeptical about or investigating further.

Anyone who thinks that Trump's behavior in this regard is patriotic needs to be carted off to Siberia or poisoned with polonium. And if they're American and they believe that (because no one else in the rest of the world is dumb enough to) then they're no patriot. They're either idiotically naive or just downright treasonous.

Big Mike said...

@Gospace, much obliged.

tcrosse said...

Meanwhile there are strange noises coming from under the bus.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Anyone who thinks that Trump's behavior in this regard is patriotic needs to be carted off to Siberia or poisoned with polonium. And if they're American and they believe that (because no one else in the rest of the world is dumb enough to) then they're no patriot. They're either idiotically naive or just downright treasonous.”


wildswan said...

Men try to find out what you will and will not do - which is OK. But then there are people like Weinstein and Al Franken, The FrankenSteiners, who grab when they have been told, no and trample. They sort of manipulate situations to make you look stupid for for saying no - just exactly as Al Franken is described as doing. They start malicious slut stories - as is happening to this woman. If they have any power, they use it to try to degrade your life. As FrankenStein defenders are doing. All this does happen and women hate it. And so, in my opinion, there's no way for Weinstein or Franken or their defenders to make their type of behavior acceptable because all women have all been through the same thing to some extent and recognize it.

How will this end? I hope Weinstein is prosecuted and the Clinton. I hope people see through Al Franken - The Democratic Senator is a mean abusive guy supported by feminists as usual because he is a Democrat. "Vote Democrat in 2020 - the party run by sexual predators for sexual predators should not perish from the earth. I'm Gloria Already to Support Any Democrat and I approve of the message this sends to little girls."

I hope customs change. It's my opinion that the rape culture and the hook-up culture are the same phenomenon but at different times - a sort of before and after picture.

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

Anyone who thinks that Trump's behavior in this regard is patriotic needs to be carted off to Siberia or poisoned with polonium. And if they're American and they believe that (because no one else in the rest of the world is dumb enough to) then they're no patriot. They're either idiotically naive or just downright treasonous.

The point is Trump didn't work with the Russians to get elected. Patriotic has nothing to do with it. He is doing his job.

Hillary and Obama did collude with Russia. They both paid Fusion GPS to work with Russia. Hillary took $145 million dollars in bribes from Russia. Obama was caught on video tape promising to sell the US out. And he promptly did.

Hillary and Obama are traitors. Flat out. You are supporting traitors. There is not a shred of evidence Trump is doing anything for Russia or ever worked with them during the campaign.

In fact the russian lawyer who was in the country only because the Obama administration made a special provision for her to stay met with Fusion GPS before and after her meeting with Don jr while Fusion GPS was being paid by both Clinton and Obama. The whole thing was a setup by the democrats from the start.

There will be a reckoning.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

The Republican President is a mean abusive guy supported by rightists as usual because he is a Rightist. "Vote Republican in 2020 - the party run by sexual predators for sexual predators should not perish from the earth. I'm ready to support any Republican and I approve of the message this sends to little girls.


hombre said...

"I believed Moore’s accusers right away—especially given all the detail in their accounts, and all the corroborating witnesses."

Details are easy. Alleging prior statements to relatives and bedmates is biased self-corroboration, not independent corroboration.

In the memorable words of James Comey, no "self-respecting prosecutor would file these charges." They are, however, good enough for Democrats, the GOPe, the leftmedia and their dupes.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Anyone who thinks that Trump's behavior in this regard is patriotic needs to be carted off to Siberia or poisoned with polonium. And if they're American and they believe that (because no one else in the rest of the world is dumb enough to) then they're no patriot. They're either idiotically naive or just downright treasonous."

Treasonous like taking $145 million in bribes or treasonous like a mysterious Gypsy woman telling you Trump paid her to piss on Obama's bed?

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

" The Republican President is a mean abusive guy supported by rightists as usual because he is a Rightist. "Vote Republican in 2020 - the party run by sexual predators for sexual predators should not perish from the earth. I'm ready to support any Republican and I approve of the message this sends to little girls."

And to Juanita Broaddrick.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

The Left isn't even really trying anymore.

Bilwick said...

I wonder if the Toothless State-fellator was as anti-Russian during the Cold War.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

FrankenPRETENDED to grab the nudes model's boobies while she slept, big deal. It was a joke. It wasn't clever, but it was funny, unless we've decided that no jokes are funny anymore. After all, jokes are most about making people lose their dignity in some way, so I guess if you think all joke are bullying tactics, none of them are funny.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The point is Trump didn't work with the Russians to get elected. Patriotic has nothing to do with it. He is doing his job.

Trump is being rolled by the Russians. It's pathetic and disgraceful. Bush "looked into his eyes, his soul..." etc. or some such. Trump the Gump is just as gullible - plus the fact that it's more than 15 years later. Any American with a shred of power and knowledge at his disposal knows that Putin's a killer and a thug and wastrel of Russian nationalism. He hasn't done shit for his country, but he creates a lot of drama and distraction and chaos in everyone else's. Which is apparently something you're ok with.

Go kiss the man. Go ride on a horse with him with your shirts off. You two are like birds of a feather. Just totally pathetic how incapable you are for seeing a tyrant (who wants to USE and suck off the US) for what he really is.

There will be a reckoning.

Yeah, yeah yea. This masturbation fantasy of yours rears its ugly little head at least once per thread. It shows how warped your sense of reality is. But then, you don't know how the uranium market works or how the U.S. regulates it. People like you could be poisoned by Putin with polonium and not even know it. How wonderful that there are people like you in the world; tyrants need you. So easily lied to and manipulated.

BTW, how are those science courses of yours coming along? Did you get to the section on how radiation works, yet?

Achilles said...

Unknown said...
The Republican President is a mean abusive guy supported by rightists as usual because he is a Rightist. "Vote Republican in 2020 - the party run by sexual predators for sexual predators should not perish from the earth. I'm ready to support any Republican and I approve of the message this sends to little girls.


This is the left. They are terrible people who care nothing for the truth or fairness or the rule of law. It is all about power and the purpose of that power is to hurt others and obtain more power.

This blog space is better without you.

Michael K said...

Ritmo and Inga make a nice pair.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Soon we can expect Greek demigod to proclaim: POLONIUM POISONING IS A HOAX! IT'S A BENIGN SUBSTANCE, LIKE CO2!

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

I was thinking the other night about Jesse Jackson "counseling" WJC after the Lewinsky thing blew up. I would have loved to have heard that conversation! Easily the most laughably and transparently cynical political ploy of my lifetime.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Think of something intelligent to say for a change, Dr. Michael Mengele Kennedy KKK. I know you are incapable of participating in a thread that isn't just the standard kiss-ass canon to the right-wing bullshit machine, but do try. Geezers like you are supposed to get less easily distracted, not moreso.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Ritmo and Inga make a nice pair."

Every court needs it's jesters.

Achilles said...

That's weak sauce TTR. All assertions and no supporting evidence.

Meanwhile it looks like Hillary and Obama paid Fusion GPS to set Don jr. up.

"The network reported that Veselnitskaya met before and after the Trump Tower conclave with Glenn Simpson, a former Wall Street Journal reporter and founding partner of Fusion. Simpson was in charge of both the dossier project and the opposition research on Browder. He attended a Manhattan court hearing with Veselnitskaya prior to her visit to the Trump building.

The contact between Simpson and Veselnitskaya has already fueled speculation that the Trump Tower meeting was a setup."

Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga...Allie Oop said...

“This blog space is better without you.”

Your wife and kids would be better off without you. You’re unstable, an extremist and always seem like your ready to strap on a suicide vest to go blow up some liberals. When you finally do go off the deep end, I feel so sorry for your family, how ashamed they will be to have been associated with you.

Added: Achilles also would benefit from some conspiracy theory addiction rehab.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Every court needs it's jesters.”

Every blog needs people to call bullshit when they see it. Obviously you folks don’t like it. Too bad.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

All assertions and no supporting evidence.

If you need supporting evidence to know what polonium does or how Putin uses it then I suggest you emigrate to Russia, make a ruckus insulting him, and try the stuff on for yourself.

Where is your supporting evidence that Clinton and Obama made a deal simply to give Russia a nuclear advantage over us? You don't even know who decides what when it comes to regulating the uranium market, I can bet. Or how much of it America had.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Achilles also would benefit from some conspiracy theory addiction rehab.

Very true.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Inga and TTR's comments always have a palpable air of desperation. I appreciate the laughs.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“...comments always have a palpable air of desperation.”

You have no idea how this makes me laugh. Your party and your President are in deep shit, it’s only a matter of time before you realize it. There is no desperation on the left, but there is great anticipation.

Clyde said...

Wile E. Coyote always had great anticipation, too. Never panned out.

Howard said...

Let me get this straight. Now that conservative republican Trump supporters think what Stuart Smalley did was sexual assault, then they now must agree with the radical turd-wave feminist progressives that college campuses are cesspits of rape culture.

pacwest said...

"FrankenPRETENDED to grab the nudes model's boobies while she slept, big deal. It was a joke. It wasn't clever, but it was funny, unless we've decided that no jokes are funny anymore. After all, jokes are most about making people lose their dignity in some way, so I guess if you think all joke are bullying tactics, none of them are funny."

As much as I dislike Al Franken there is a lot of truth to this. Although I would add that Franken was probably aware of the revulsion she had for him and the photo was more 'revenge humor' rather than just a joke.

chickelit said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...Soon we can expect Greek demigod to proclaim: POLONIUM POISONING IS A HOAX! IT'S A BENIGN SUBSTANCE, LIKE CO2!

There is no known curie for Po poisoning. It must be extracted with chemical claws.

Howard said...

You can't "set up" an honest man, Achilles.

JackWayne said...

What I like about all this is that Franken is probably one of the stupidest Senators we have and yet, that’s not a topic of conversation.

FIDO said...

Let's face it: She is an enabler who excuses and exonerates the creepy and assault actions of HER men.

Meanwhile she hates the 'enemy' men.

How was this piece allowed to be published by a reputable...oh the NATION. mistake.

Speaking of a Masturbatory Aid, Jupiter, that is one for the Left. And it doesn't even need boobs.

chickelit said...

Has anyone published a book yet called "The Death of Humor"? Seems like a few canaries have already died.

Perhaps we need to go through a phase in history where all this pent-up hatred for straight white males can be vented. Let's lead more men to the guillotine to deprive them of "membership" in civil society.

Unknown said...

If TTR and Inga bumped uglies, we would know, they would both stop posting for 5 minutes.

Howard said...

A conservative standup festival would be the death of humor.

Howard said...

Blogger Rt1 Rebel said... If TTR and Inga bumped uglies, we would know, they would both stop posting for 5 minutes.
Please refrain from verbalizing what you keep in your spank-bank

Howard said...

You've been great, I'll be here all week.

FullMoon said...

Trump said he asked the benevolent Mr. Putin, very nicely, please please please with sugar on top, to admit to whether or not he interfered with the U.S. election. And then got repeated denials that Trump doesn't think are worth being skeptical about or investigating further.
Jesus, you are stupid. After all the times Trump has played you idiots with a lie, you continue to fall for it. What Trump said was "Russian interference is a bullshit story and everybody knows it" Used different words to fuck with people like you, and it worked, just like every single other time he yanks you chain. What a doofus.

chickelit said...

We'll look back on this brief bloody period of white cis male dismemberment as Hillary's Revenge™.

chickelit said...

Speaking of humor, will Althouse review the vaunted Bill Maher's take on all this?

MacMacConnell said...

Al Franken was 55 years old while on the USO trip, he should have pleaded arrested development. I think his idea of the SNL Leslie Stahl date rape drug skit was in his 40s, which would support the pleading.

FIDO said...

The point of this exercise is not in actual expectation that Inga or Jupiter show consistency. They haven't on Clinton or Trump.

It is, instead, to show to the vast middle of the road Americans what kind of 'fairness' they can expect from Inga and her ilk. Would I/my brother/my son/my father/ be treated with the willful blindness and exculpatory spin that Weinstein, Clinton, Epstein, Wiener, Edwards, and the Kennedys get?

For most of us, the answer is 'no'.

Not to mention the sheer toxicity of their ideology. The Left is unfair, inconsistent, and mendacious to a glaring hypocritical fault.

This is why you get more Trump. Because everyone acted like a fool and an ass a time or two. Even Ms. Althouse may have shown an immodest ankle (consensually) at some point in her youth.

Trump says it is not criminal to have acted a fool on occasion. Steinem will try to nail your ass for something 30 years ago...if you are a Republican or have 'incorrect' leanings (i.e. not a feminist)

Yup. We are going Alinsky on the Left and holding them to their own weaponized standards. They are screaming bloody murder about that fact, which is rich considering how they have been giggling through the rest of the nation's screams so far.

Pain in instructive.

chickelit said...

Chardonnay can help white cis-males get through this brief bloody period.

chickelit said...

Michael K said...Ritmo and Inga make a nice pair.

Balls or boobs?

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