The Franken article, by Joan Walsh, is, "What Should Democrats Do About Al Franken?/With work, Franken can and should survive this story of his past bad behavior. But if there are more tales like this, he’s probably history." Walsh obviously loves Franken, and she's open about it. She "loved" his "hilarious" book and says it made her want him to run for President. She admits to having a "huge double standard":
I believed Moore’s accusers right away—especially given all the detail in their accounts, and all the corroborating witnesses. I confess: I spent at least 30 minutes looking for proof that Franken didn’t do what he’s accused of.That's how the human mind works. Good to admit it!
I reached out to women who are close to Franken, and at least two say they don’t know enough to confirm or deny it, but they’re devastated. I don’t know him well enough to be devastated, but I’m enormously sad.... This... really hurts....She does not want Franken to resign:
Franken has been an excellent senator; you can’t just trade him for a player to be named later. It’s one allegation, albeit an ugly one, and he’s apologized for it. If more come out, we can reexamine this question. But Republicans have persevered through much worse than this....She's just rooting for her side, openly and nicely.
Franken has been an excellent senator, a committed feminist, a brilliant Trump foil, and the rare Democrat with a sense for the dramatic and the entertaining. We shouldn’t disown him just because Republicans want a scapegoat. We will have to, though, if these stories multiply, as they have with Trump and Moore. My fingers are crossed that they will not.
Meanwhile, 8 minutes after the Walsh piece went up, The Nation gave us "It Is Time to Impeach the President" by John Nichols. That's the balance at The Nation. Unlike Walsh, Nichols doesn't explain the urge to oust Trump in terms of his own personal emotional journey. He takes the lofty rational tone and says things like "The grounds for impeachment are sufficient, and they are well established" and who knows what a roiling cauldron of emotion Nichols is on the inside?
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 272 of 272There is no desperation on the left, but there is great anticipation.
Are we still talking about the electoral college? The recounts? The Trump Academy? The pussy tape? The impeachement? The shoot someone on fifth avenue? The dozens of abused women?
What exactly are you anticipating greatly this time?
Repeating: Unless someone else comes forward Franken skates. Melanie Morgan didn’t really pan out did she?
"I have to disagree since the "Moore" part also looks authentic"
The o's in Moore do not match the o's in Roy nor love, and why would Olde Hickory House not be written in the same cursive?
So much for personal space and dignity while people are unconscious. What the single image shows is not that Franken did not assault and perhaps rape the unconscious woman, but that he violated her personal space while she was unconscious, with at minimum the intent to either humiliate or threaten her. This is a case of the feminist standard of superior exploitation that they have used as a selective (i.e. Pro-Choice) standard to exploit men, fund raise (i.e. profit), and political progress.
Moore, on the other hand, dated perilously close to the age of consent, and, on one occasion, cut short a courtship following discovery.
Also, most Americans have not adopted the Pro-Choice religion, and twilight faith, so they reject color diversity (e.g. racism) and other forms of progressive diversity (e.g. sexism) that denies individual dignity, and abortion rites that deny human life. They believe in the natural and constitutional right to due process, which implies a presumption of innocence, and not a trial by press and preponderance of allegations.
The outcome of liberals' sexual revolution and transgender conversion therapy targeting adolescent and even prepubescent girls and boys has progressive consequences. So has denying women's agency, men's rights, and baby's their lives, by placing conception before Choice. So has the feminists' "pride parade": Slut Walk.
re: social progress
The so-called "rape culture" enabled through liberals' implicit lowering the age of consent, re-establishing abortion rites, and normalizing "friendships with benefits" (a.k.a. casting couch relationships).
Jesus, you are stupid. After all the times Trump has played you idiots with a lie, you continue to fall for it. What Trump said was "Russian interference is a bullshit story and everybody knows it" Used different words to fuck with people like you, and it worked, just like every single other time he yanks you chain. What a doofus.
Oh I know. What a genius Trump is to only be pretending not to take his job seriously! Brilliant! Whatever you say, Handyman.
Known Unknown said...
...and why would Olde Hickory House not be written in the same cursive?
That's one of those questions that occur immediately to normal people, but are dismissed out of hand by liberals when they seek to create a narrative from phony stuff.
Remember how they tried to imagineer a typewriter that used a then non-existent font with proportional spacing and could exactly center lines and was used to produce routine documents in a backwater ANG office? Reality must not be allowed to destroy the narrative.
Imagineer- The art of engineering a mechanical object that doesn't exist.
"It's okay when our guys do it. But when they do it, we'll scream to the high heavens. Not that we believe in heaven you understand."
All the hoopla and unintended consequences of character assassinating Roy Moore have made me forget why the left (and some on the right) hate him so much in the first place. Then I remember: Steve Bannon.
Danielle Butcher @DaniSButcher tweeted...
"The fact that Al Franken won’t resign but is calling for an ethics investigation proves he is confident that the system will protect him."
For liberals it was easier to throw CK under the bus, but Franken?
He's there to carry out their wishes.
The bind is deliciously... schadenfreudic.
I'm calling 'Al Franken is like Bill Clinton' tag...
If the Althouse tags were open to commenters surjections.
All the hoopla and unintended consequences of character assassinating Roy Moore have made me forget why the left (and some on the right) hate him so much in the first place. Then I remember: Steve Bannon.
Yeah, no. Roy Moore is unique in recent American history for openly defying rulings of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals; brush up on his career in Wikipedia. Moore had the hatred of the left and the dislike of the right before anyone heard the name Steve Bannon.
" Moore had the hatred of the left and the dislike of the right before anyone heard the name Steve Bannon."
And that is why he will be elected.
I'm looking forward to meeting Bannon at a reception tomorrow afternoon.
Yes because they were ruling outside of known precedents I think they care only what the trial bar imposes on tbem.
The conservative case for disliking Moore: If liberal state supreme court justices emulated Moore and openly defied the US Supreme Court, a large number of American citizens would lose the right to bear arms, among other rights.
It sounds like Moore was either a cynic of establishment jurisprudence or a closet liberal a la Pro-Choice justices, a transgender judge overriding Democratic will in California, a Democratic judge in Hawaii overriding civil rights, and I believe the whole Ninth Circuit.
Oh, well. Back and forth, round and round. Fore!
Earnest Prole replied: Yeah, no. Roy Moore is unique in recent American history for openly defying rulings of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals; brush up on his career in Wikipedia.
The left's opposition to Moore is axiomatic; they would oppose him no matter what; They would oppose Jeff Sessions if McConnell's musing had actually happened. More interesting is the Republican opposition to Moore. Quoting Wiki: "The controversy led many Republicans to call for Moore to drop out of the race." This is so reminiscent of how many Republicans treated Trump! You have a real bling spot if you cannot fathom why so many voters chose Trump over other Republicans. The same blind spot prevents Democrats from seeing why Sanders was a legitimate threat to Hillary. Democrats were too chicken to have their internal revolution. They will pay a very steep price for that in the future because the Clinton wing is not going down.
Soon appearing wrapped around a piece of bubblegum:
Why is Hillary Clinton like a ham sandwich?
Because, sooner or later, they both get indicted.
The conservative case for disliking Moore: If liberal state supreme court justices emulated Moore and openly defied the US Supreme Court, a large number of American citizens would lose the right to bear arms, among other rights.
That same judge in Hawaii continues to defy the Supreme Court regarding the travel ban. He will be slapped down again.
@Michael K, don’t forget to ask him what I asked you to ask him!
why he will be elected
If it is, despite Democratic collusion with the mainstream and fringe press to disenfranchise, the democratic will, then yes. As long as he is not from the Pro-Choice school of jurisprudence (e.g. selective, opportunistic, twilight faith), and not beholden to establishment forces to uphold or progress the status quo, then he will add welcome diversity (i.e. character) to the senate pool.
Oh, and we should probably consider qualifying social progress to discourage "friendship with benefits" (a.k.a. "casting couch" relationships), feminists' Slut Walks (i.e. degrading women and girls for political profit), and left-wing humor (e.g. groping/threatening unconscious women, normalization of "rape culture").
To think this all may have started with Watergate (i.e. trial by press), progressed with feminists' targeting men and boys with accusations and slander of superior and involuntary exploitation (and extortion of funds from corporations and taxpayers), and culminated in the exposure of social liberal culture ("rape culture"). All while sacrificing a few adolescent and prepubescent boys and girls for the cause of transgender normalization, and deny life/human rights to around one million babies annually for the cause of social progress at the expense of women's agency, men's rights, and, of course, the millions of human lives aborted/cannibalized in abortion chambers under the quasi-legal rites of the lefts' secular baby trials.
I don't know if I'm terrified or saddened by the fact that the people currently in power share the views expressed in a majority of the comments on this blog. It's a fucking disgrace. May god help us.
The Get Trump squad is active. They are organized. They are unified. Have you noticed that they really want to get Trump?
So, with full disclosure of why conservatives should support due process, progressive liberals should lose their religion (and humor), and the mainstream press should refrain from extrajudicial practice, let us vote.
Why is Hillary Clinton like a ham sandwich?
Alternative punch lines:
They're both surrounded by bread which is cooked dough.
They both can't stand on their own and prefer to lie.
Nyamujal said...
I don't know if I'm terrified or saddened by the fact that the people currently in power share the views expressed in a majority of the comments on this blog. It's a fucking disgrace. May god help us.
11/17/17, 9:19 PM
Poor baby!Want your ba-ba? How, exactly has your life become worse since the election?
She describes the forced kiss as slimy. If Franken had used a Tic Tac, the kiss would have been minty, but no less disgusting.
I recently learned that the French greeting kiss usually on both cheeks, isn't a real kiss. It is more like a cheek to cheek thing with obligatory smacking-the-lips sounds. The French know better than to spread germs. Louis Pasteur, the great French chemist, & microbiologist, discovered that germs, microscopic living things, were responsible for many illnesses.
"Poor baby!Want your ba-ba?"
I could be wrong, but I'm not sure that this sorta response disproves the suggestion that we're F-ed if y'all's sorta thinking is making real decisions re our gov. Quite the opposite.
Just sayin'
Pasteur was indeed a great scientist, but he is sometimes miscredited with being the first to invent inoculation and vaccines. It was a Brit, Edward Jenner, who made the correlation between cowpox and smallpox immunity -- the whole story about eight maids a milking. The term "vaccine" is bovine in origin. Louis Pasteur proposed that to honour Jenner, the term be widened to cover the new protective inoculations.
>I don't know if I'm terrified or saddened by the fact that the people currently in power share the views expressed in a majority of the comments on this blog. It's a fucking disgrace.
I don't know what sort of response you think this comment deserves, but "Want your ba-ba?" is in the ballpark.
Full M,
I don't do the "sky is falling thing." I do the have the "I can see this misdirection and scape goat thing-y could keep workin' for, at best, sixteen years" thing-y. So, I'm gonna take advantage while it continues. And, I don't feel dirty cause I'm trying to Paul Revere the rubes. So, it ain't on me, re being an advantage-taker re normal folks.
Earnest Prole said...
The conservative case for disliking Moore: If liberal state supreme court justices emulated Moore and openly defied the US Supreme Court, a large number of American citizens would lose the right to bear arms, among other rights.
You are saying this like it hasn't already happened. Repeatedly. How many times does DC have to lose in court before it obeys the Heller decision and allows residents to get concealed carry permits? How many times did Obama lose in court over FOIAs, illegal FISA requests, illegally funding Obamacare subsidies? How often does that douche judge in Hawaii need to be over ruled before the plain letter of the law is used to judge whether or not Trump can block Visa's from certain countries?
Always a one way street with the left.
"Poor baby!Want your ba-ba?"
Damn brah, you just pwned me with that. It seems like you're kinda a big deal around here.
FullMoon said...
Nyamujal said...
I don't know if I'm terrified or saddened by the fact that the people currently in power share the views expressed in a majority of the comments on this blog. It's a fucking disgrace. May god help us.
11/17/17, 9:19 PM
Poor baby!Want your ba-ba? How, exactly has your life become worse since the election?
The federal government isn't using the IRS and the FBI to attack people who disagree with him as much. Also the people who were using the federal government to spy on his political opponents are being outed.
Reading Althouse and Trumpkin comments on sexual harassment has me going:
"The federal government isn't using the IRS and the FBI to attack people who disagree with him as much. Also the people who were using the federal government to spy on his political opponents are being outed. "
Did you attend the recent flat earth conference in NC? Seems like you'd fit in great there
Howard said...
You can't "set up" an honest man, Achilles.
I don't give a shit if Don jr. is honest.
I give a shit that the democrat party was caught trying to create a russian "collusion" case in order to persecute and spy on political opponents. I also give a shit that there are people in this country that support these traitors. I also give a shit that the democrat party was caught on tape admitting they pay for people to attack Trump supporters at political rallies.
These facts are easily available. People are making a conscious choice to support traitors.
Known Unknown said... "The o's in Moore do not match the o's in Roy nor love..."
Disagree. The "o" in Roy is nearly a perfect match of the first "o" in Moore. It also matches the "o" structure in the word "more" ("more beautiful...") at the beginning of the inscription. These "o" structures represent strokes unique to the writer, particularly when followed immediately by the letter "r" - which tend to form points at the end of flat lines. This unique stroke structure is also evident in "Moore," that is, the connection between the "o" and the "r"; study the comparative "r-e" structures in "more" vs. "Moore."
"...and why would Olde Hickory House not be written in the same cursive?"
I can only guess that the writer wanted "Olde Hickory House" to stand out. But there's also a unique stroke structure found in the first and second "2," and both "7's," in "12-22-77." It's a beginning "tick" where the pen/pencil starts briefly to the left, then immediately reverses itself to form the upper portion of the desired numeral. Noticeably, this tick or tendency is also present at the beginning T-crossing in the word "To." Although less obvious to the untrained eye, this tendency is also evident in the "1977" found in the body of the inscription.
In addition, there’s good evidence that the "D" in "D.A." was written by the same writer who wrote the "O" in "Olde." If you look closely, these two separate letters have very similar construction - almost interchangeable. There are other similarities, but these two letters stand out.
Nyamujal said...
"The federal government isn't using the IRS and the FBI to attack people who disagree with him as much. Also the people who were using the federal government to spy on his political opponents are being outed. "
Did you attend the recent flat earth conference in NC? Seems like you'd fit in great there
You people are not really that stupid. You know the DNC refused to let the FBI look at their servers. You know the DNC hack was an inside job. You know Comey wrote memos promising to exonerate Hillary before the investigation into her email server was carried out. You know Hillary received $145 million dollars from Russia.
This information is not hard to find. You people are a joke.
Nyamujal said...
I don't know if I'm terrified or saddened by the fact that the people currently in power share the views expressed in a majority of the comments on this blog. It's a fucking disgrace. May god help us.
I already know there are amoral hateful losers out there wiling to support the most corrupt politician in US history. I already know there are people who applaud Obama turning the federal government on their political opponents and cheering leftist violence against people they disagree with.
David Baker said...
In addition, there’s good evidence that the "D" in "D.A." was written by the same writer who wrote the "O" in "Olde." If you look closely, these two separate letters have very similar construction - almost interchangeable. There are other similarities, but these two letters stand out.
You have seen the original color picture of the entry. You know the "D.A." was actually written by the secretary. No judge writes "D.A." to initial district attorney. That's just stupid.
There is absolutely nothing legitimate about the entry in this picture.
"You know the "D.A." was actually written by the secretary."
I "know" no such thing. The claim is internet conjecture.
"You people are not really that stupid. You know the DNC refused to let the FBI look at their servers. You know the DNC hack was an inside job. You know Comey wrote memos promising to exonerate Hillary before the investigation into her email server was carried out. You know Hillary received $145 million dollars from Russia. "
You're definitely onto something here. It's all a conspiracy man. Just take the latest NYT crossword, circle every third letter and it'll spell "BENGHAZI".
Achilles is correct. Not just about the crimes of Obama and Hillary, but that their supporters know all about it. They support it, and their denials are the same sort of gaslighting they always use to cover for them. They haven't figured out yet that it won't work anymore.
Nyamujal Is the sort of elitist who cannot change his (her?) car’s oil, but looks down on the mechanic who can strip s car’s engine down to a he block and rebuild it, regrind the crankshaft, and rebuild it with new rings and seal and bearings and gaskets. Can’t fix a leaky faucet, but holds the plumber in contempt.
You can’t even run your own life; I’ll be damned if you’ll run mine.
@David Baker, you are full of shit.
Which joke is more dangerous today? Al Franken did nothing wrong or Hitler did nothing wrong?
I don't know if I'm terrified or saddened by the fact that the people currently in power share the views expressed in a majority of the comments on this blog. It's a fucking disgrace. May god help us.
Now you know exactly how I felt when Obama was president.
Heterosexual White Men don't drink Chardonnay...unless they are from France or California, which calls that whole 'heterosexual' thing into question...
Nyamujal said...
You're definitely onto something here. It's all a conspiracy man. Just take the latest NYT crossword, circle every third letter and it'll spell "BENGHAZI".
You are smart enough to know the truth. You just choose to ignore the truth. That shows that you really aren't that smart.
But enough good and decent Americans know who and what you people are now and we know we can never let you back into power again. Obama and Hillary and their supporters have made their intentions clear.
Here is the saddest part of this piece.
The woman could, confronted with someone she admires behaving badly, perhaps step back. Seeing how, according to her ideology, she needs to destroy this person, she hesitates. Her fingers hover over the keys. Could it be that this witch hunt against men has become overwrought and overly destructive? Could it be that Feminist have become the worst admixture of Puritans, Victorians thrown together with that Magic of Medea which makes that gender oh such a delight to be around?
Should she, in fact, put down that Sacred Sabre of Sexism which she has prepared for Trump and Moore because that blade also demands the blood of Franken?
Alas, her fingers descend, the Sabre is Raised, but she denies the blade all the victims it deserves. That proud blade, chipped by Clinton, shatters in her hand.
Franken is spared, but that blade cannot be used again, certainly not by her.
The Really Angry Commenter says...
Jesus, you people are as stupid as shit and your shit is full of stupid! Everything you say is so full of shit except monkeys throw shit better than you, you're a monkey that can't even throw shit right!
The facts are obvious and are right in front of your face, except you can't even see it because your face is full of monkey cock! You suck the cock of monkeys with the shit you say!
You act like you're some kind of expert, but the only thing you're expert at is being full of shit! You people are as stupid as shit and your shit is full of stupid!
I am Laslo.
The Really Angry Commenter says...
Jesus, you people are as stupid as shit and your shit is full of stupid! My dog is smarter than you, and my dog eats cat shit out of the litter box! Even my cat knows to bury his shit, but you just leave your shit out there for everyone to see, you are that stupid!
Where do you even get the shit you say? Is there a big giant steaming pile of shit somewhere that you go to to get your shit? Because you must get a lot of it, considering how much shit you leave here as comments!
You would think you'd be embarrassed, but it is obvious you like the smell of your own shit! You people are as stupid as shit and your shit is full of stupid
I am Laslo.
The Really Angry Commenter says...
Jesus, you people are as stupid as shit and your shit is full of stupid! Little babies shit smarter than you! You're like little babies, playing with their shit, except babies have a reason for being so stupid, you stupid babies!
I bet you write your stupid baby shit and think you have made some kind of point, but it's just pointy shit! Doesn't it hurt you to take a shit with your shit so pointy?
Why do you even bother to write anything? I bet all the things you say came to you when you were sitting on the toilet! Because your ideas belong in the toilet, because they're shit! You people are as stupid as shit and your shit is full of stupid!
I am Laslo.
Uh oh, Laslo has figured out the ! hack: if it's worth writing, it's worth adding an exclamation point!
Now nobody can stop the Las! I thought he was bullit proof before!
" if it's worth writing, it's worth adding an exclamation point! "
And it was on my keyboard the entire time!
I am Laslo.
"Unknown said...
You have no idea how this makes me laugh. Your party and your President are in deep shit, it’s only a matter of time before you realize it. There is no desperation on the left, but there is great anticipation."
Just a matter of time huh? How much? Didn't you make similar predictions regarding Scott Walker?
What a dullard.
Remember how they tried to imagineer a typewriter that used a then non-existent font with proportional spacing and could exactly center lines and was used to produce routine documents in a backwater ANG office? Reality must not be allowed to destroy the narrative. Imagineer– The art of engineering a mechanical object that doesn't exist.
Actually, a “typewriter” that could do the job back in the 70’s did exist (though not the exact font). The IBM Selectric Composer® could do it — and the IBM Magnetic Tape Selectric Composer® (MT/SC) could accomplish the job with even greater ease (e.g., centering and right alignment, not to speak of justification, could be close to automatic). I personally programmed and used the MT/SC quite extensively during the early 1970’s to produce complex typeset documents.
Even the specific font (used in the Rather hoax) could then be closely approximated. “Times New Roman” hadn’t yet been designed, but the closely similar and ancestral “Times Roman” did exist, in general and as a Selectric-style typeball for the MT/SC system. This article includes pics showing the system, representative typeballs, and a few of its fonts. (Though the author’s recalled problem getting text to justify is really absurd.)
Not that a Texas Air National Guard office would have had one of these (expensive!) gizmos nor bothered to use it for writing a memo….
You are smart enough to know the truth. You just choose to ignore the truth.
Oh boy. Yup, the truth is out there, isn't it?
That is the most monumental thing to happen in Omak.
The Omak Stampede.
Thanks Laslo! I always think of your Really Angry Commenter guy when a certain Dumb Monkey comments.
“The Really Angry Commenter says...
Jesus, you people are as stupid as shit and your shit is full of stupid! Little babies shit smarter than you! You're like little babies, playing with their shit, except babies have a reason for being so stupid, you stupid babies!
I bet you write your stupid baby shit and think you have made some kind of point, but it's just pointy shit! Doesn't it hurt you to take a shit with your shit so pointy?
Why do you even bother to write anything? I bet all the things you say came to you when you were sitting on the toilet! Because your ideas belong in the toilet, because they're shit! You people are as stupid as shit and your shit is full of stupid!
I am Laslo”
Dumb monkey said...
“Just a matter of time huh? How much? Didn't you make similar predictions regarding Scott Walker?
What a dullard.”
Laslo, think about doing a guy based on Achilles. He could be a wild eyed conspiracy theorist who plots mass mayhem and murder of the “traitors” and “amoral people” on the left who disrespect Donald Trump and “plot coups” against him. It could be scarily funny.
Unknown: "He could be a wild eyed conspiracy theorist who plots mass mayhem and murder of the “traitors” and “amoral people.."
We already have that story in Hodgkinson, a Bernie bro who joined a group called "Terminate all republicans" and then he went out to do it.
But since history begins anew each day for the lefties it is easy to whitewash him out of the picture and then project what a Dem actually did on to republicans the lefties simply disagree with.
Unknown said... [hush][hide comment]
Thanks Laslo! I always think of your Really Angry Commenter guy when a certain Dumb Monkey comments.
Yeah, me too. No doubt all you guys think he is talking about anyone but you, right?
What a bunch of ....
oh, wait....nevermind.
It was a Brit, Edward Jenner, who made the correlation between cowpox and smallpox immunity -- the whole story about eight maids a milking.
It is even older than that but Jenner was scientific about it.
In 1715, Lady Montague suffered from an episode of smallpox, which severely disfigured her beautiful face. Her 20-year-old brother died of the illness 18 months later. In 1717, Lady Montague's husband, Edward Wortley Montague, was appointed ambassador to the Sublime Porte. A few weeks after their arrival in Istanbul, Lady Montague wrote to her friend about the method of variolation used at the Ottoman court. Lady Montague was so determined to prevent the ravages of smallpox that she ordered the embassy surgeon, Charles Maitland, to inoculate her 5-year-old son. The inoculation procedure was performed in March 1718. Upon their return to London in April 1721, Lady Montague had Charles Maitland inoculate her 4-year-old daughter in the presence of physicians of the royal court.
Lady Montague actually first introduced the practice. The use of cowpox was Jenner's innovation.
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