November 8, 2017
It was one year ago tonight... "Everybody is crying and so upset and it is the end of their world."
"How did this happen?!"
"You're awake, by the way. You're not having a terrible, terrible dream."
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
1 – 200 of 261 Newer› Newest»Be still LLR Chucks beating heart. These are all his heroes on display. One after another after another.
How did these people not lose their jobs?
I didn't vote for Trump. I still can't believe this used car salesman is our president. And not a day goes by that I don't rejoice at the bullet we dodged by not electing Clinton.
Anybody but him. All you had to do was listen to half the country and you could have avoided this. Nope, you wanted the nose rubbing win of Clinton, you wanted to feed the red staters a shit sandwich.
I don't think a single one of them killed themselves. The hysteria, therapy and medication are still going strong though.
I spent the day reminding people of the good new--that Hillary Clinton will never be President of the United States. Then wishing them a great day. I hope it helped.
We knew a year ago that there would be agita at The New York Times, the New Yorker, elite academia and all the other dependably Democratic cheerleaders. But we couldn't have anticipated the depth of their despair, the extent of their hysteria for the entire time since then. It's . . . wonderful.
To be fair to Chris Matthews, I thought he had the most sober (and accurate) assessment of Trump's win and pushed back on the notion that it was all white racism. You can watch it here and see how Rachel Maddow tries (unsuccessfully) to push back against him by laughably trying to defend Clinton on immigration.
I went to sleep that night sure he had lost.
What a nice surprise.
Still laff-tastic after a year!
J. Farmer: "To be fair to Chris Matthews, I thought he had the most sober (and accurate) assessment of Trump's win and pushed back on the notion that it was all white racism."
True. Mathews was not the only one who, in the moment, before the narrative building began in earnest, actually hit on a couple of salient points.
Not to worry, he got rid of that analysis fast enough once the word went out.
Still feels good and they won't stop giving me a reason.
After last night massacre of the GOP in VA. This is just comfort food. It is foolish to think the absolute hatred of the left will abate. Also the country is split about 50/ 50 The more the GOP tries to legislate using only GOP votes the more the hatred will continue. It was mistake when the Democrats did it It is a a mistake when the GOP does it We need greater majorities and that does not look likely. The GOP has screwed up every legislative initiative.
Ah, sweet, sweet schadenfreude! Liberals' tears taste just like champagne. The media really let their mask of neutrality slip, didn't they? What a rogue's gallery!
One year later Trumpism is in deep trouble. So much winning!
Schadenboner \ ˈshä-dᵊn-ˌˈbō-nər \
It is striking how dishonest, delusional and hateful these people are.
“Democrats erase 32-seat GOP advantage in House”
If you think this can’t happen nationally, think again, or not, just keep whistling past the graveyard that Trump made of the Republican Party.
Trumpism isn't in trouble at all. Democrats, on the other hand, have had a record number of their crimes exposed. Which would matter if this Nation still had a justice system.
One year later, Hillary Clinton is still not president, it's all the winning I need.
“It’s quite an experience to experience a tsunami election, and this is it!” said House Minority Leader David J. Toscano, D-Charlottesville, who conceivably could become the next speaker of the house instead of Majority Leader M. Kirkland Cox, R-Colonial Heights.
The tsunami resulted from the electoral earthquake a year ago that put Republican Donald Trump in the White House, Toscano said. “You can’t get away from this being a very clear reaction to Trump.””
Is it going to be anything like the graveyard Obama made if the Democrats, because that is going to take some coming back from.
Democrats are 0 for 7 in all the House races in the last year. But they won some local seats in States where Trump lost, last night. Wow. What a game changer!
Loved watching the liberals weeping and complaining last year and about monthly since that wonderful day. For decades these liberals have forced every form of perversion and attack on America and her values down our throats...not be the ballot box or the actual Constitution as written, but through lies and distortions. They have been assisted by the media who have been exposed by Trump as the FAKE NEWS are of the liberal dumacratic party. Seeing them put in place has been worth the ride. Almost as much fun is seeing the long term lying RINO’s exposed as part of the swamp. Lock her up. Build the wall. Change the courts to those that make their rulings based on the written word. Cut regulations and government. Cut Taxes. Eliminate half of the government agencies and move the rest out of Washington DC. MAGA
“Democrats won resounding victories in Virginia and New Jersey last night -- a stark reversal of fate from eight years ago, when Republicans dominated 2009's off-year elections in those two states, foreshadowing an historic national midterm wave the following year.
Gillespie actually kept his party more unified than Trump did; exit polls indicated that 95 percent of self-identified Republicans voted for Gillespie, compared to 88 percent for Trump...This is the same guy who came within a percentage point of knocking off a Democratic incumbent in 2014. He’s likely to finish with about 120,000 or so more votes than he won in that midterm election year...<No, the big difference of this year is that the Democratic base was fired up on a scale not seen since 2008. Yesterday’s Virginia electorate was 41 percent self-identified Democrat, 30 percent self-identified Republican, and 28 percent independent or something else. When the electorate looks like that, Republicans will get demolished every time.
BTW, the whole "floral dispute" argument proffered by Boucher's lawyer looks like BS.
So are you going to run Hillary again?
I haven't stopped smiling for an entire year. Each and every day, liberal tears replace the Vermouth in my evening Martinis. I savor each drop, cognizant of how far we'd be down the rabbit hole if Deplorable She had been successful in colluding with the Russians to circumvent our republic.
Dear progressives: please continue to suck it.
A year already?
My, my. Time really goes by fast when you're having fun.
Why isn't she in jail?
Where’s the tag for ”Trumpism is in trouble”?
“We are seeing something extraordinary — something even the Northam campaign never anticipated — a phenomenal repudiation of Trump and Trumpism,” said Quentin Kidd, who studies Virginia politics and runs the Wason Center for Public Policy at Christopher Newport University in Newport News. “These Democratic wins are in the Hillary districts, those districts that have Republican legislators but went for Clinton last year. This is the Democrats’ dream come true.”
Or, as Jon Favreau, a former speechwriter for President Barack Obama, tweeted, “In case there was any doubt: the Resistance is real.”
Last year I was in Cabo San Lucas, trying to follow the election results and getting a sinking pit-in-my-stomach as it appeared more and more like Trump was going to lose... I was sure there was no way he could win against the Dem's vote stealing... I ended up turning the TV off and getting drunk on Tequila, expecting to wake up to a President HRC... I never had a more joyous day full of expectation and hope as I did when I woke the next morning and found out he had won... It was like God had given us another chance... Not surprisingly, the rest of Cabo seemed particularly subdued for the remainder of my vacation...
Oh my gosh, you don't say! The Washington Post comes out with a negative story about Trump?
I just have one response:
Ding dong! The witch is dead!
Which old witch? The wicked witch!
Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead!
Fake Inga proves that NeverTrumper Republicans are in cahoots with Democrats/Lefties. Both liars and anti-Trump. What a scoop!
Unknown fake Inga is missing out on her sky screaming. Get your ass in gear!
Their reaction to the election is the best evidence why he won.
Too wrapped up in their bubble? insulated in their bubble? to notice people giving them the middle finger.
I am sure that when the Russia investigation pans out, you can win all of those red states where Democrats have so many seats to defend too! Plus a bunch more!
When the economy tanks, due to the cheap gas and natural gas, and energy in general, I am sure that people will be lining up across the country, even outside of blue states, to frog march the Republicans out of power.
When that happens.
As that night progressed, my family and friends experienced the lifting of spiritual heaviness that we had no idea had been so strong, until it lifted that night. In hind sight, Trump's army of American spiritual warriors had broken the Clinton/Obama cult's stolen powers that night. And that was eternally, a bigly win. And now the rest of the world is coming to terms with what happened.
Too wrapped up in their bubble? insulated in their bubble? to notice people giving them the middle finger.
Anybody who thought Hillary was a good candidate for President must know that that's like!
It was like my team finally winning the World Series. Only a year later we're still winning.
Miley Cyrus "Hillary deserves to win" boils it all down.
No one "deserves" to win, sweetie.
‘“The real winner was Robert Mueller’
The real winner of Tuesday night’s election wasn’t Northam. It was special counsel Robert Mueller. Had Gillespie won the race for governor of Virginia, Trump would have felt emboldened. Instead of issuing a sniveling tweet from South Korea distancing himself from Gillespie, the president would have anointed Gillespie as a loyal lieutenant and warned congressional Republicans that they had better prostrate themselves before him or else. As part of his victory lap, he would also have gone on to fire Mueller, daring, even taunting, his critics to do something about it.
Now all that is gone. Having cowered before Trump over the past year, congressional Republicans are likely to start heading for the hills in the hope that they can escape his enervating touch. A tax bill, tilted not toward the merely wealthy but outright plutocrats, will surely die the same death that the repeal of Obamacare recently experienced. Above all, Mueller, who is carefully building his case against the president and his confederates, will be able to finish his work unmolested. Until then, Democrats should be able to rely safely upon Trump as their best recruiting agent. In the form of Northam, after all, he may even have given them a fresh presidential contender for 2020.“
Tank was not crying, he was sleeping, reconciled to the horror of four years of the big V.
Instead, two full years so far of entertainment.
When was the last time Hillary was fun?
"...a phenomenal repudiation of Trump and Trumpism,”
Phenomenal! Impeach!
Thank you Trump!
If the 2016 presidential election reflected a primal roar from disaffected white working class voters that delivered for President Trump and Republicans, Tuesday’s results showed the potential of a rising coalition of women, minorities, and gay and transgender people who are solidly aligning with Democrats.
A black transgender activist, Andrea Jenkins, was elected to the Minneapolis City Council. A Hispanic woman won the mayor’s race in Topeka, Kan. A Sikh man was elected mayor in Hoboken, N.J. Latina, Vietnamese and transgender female candidates won state legislative races. Black candidates were elected lieutenant governor in New Jersey and Virginia. A Liberian refugee in Helena, Mont., was elected mayor.
Mark Keam, a Korean-American Democrat who was re-elected on Tuesday to his seat in Virginia’s House of Delegates, said the wave of first-time minority candidates was a direct response to feeling snipped out of the American picture by Mr. Trump’s policies and divisive language.
“In Trump’s America, people are getting screwed and those getting screwed more than others are people who’ve never had a voice in the government,” Mr. Keam said. “Those are motivations a white guy wouldn’t have.”
Tuesday’s results show that unless the Republicans go back to being mainstream conservatives and run on issues like education, jobs and transportations instead of sanctuary cities and Confederate statues, they will hand not only Virginia to liberals, but they will hand the country to liberals and Congress to liberals next year,’’ Mr. Ramadan said.”
I was, at the end of that night, very worried.
Between the TV and Facebook.
This was much more than political disappointment.
I have seen many elections, here and abroad.
What I have not seen is the extreme personal hatred the people have for each other, not merely the other sides politicians. Its now like everyone is Ahab, sworn to kill.
You have now two countries (in places, more), utterly incompatible, intermingled.
Its been building for a long time, and now its been kept white-hot for over a year. It cant be cooled off without cathartic violence.
“When was the last time Hillary was fun?”
Her concession speech.
buwaya said...
Its been building for a long time, and now its been kept white-hot for over a year. It cant be cooled off without cathartic violence.
This is deranged nonsense.
Trump sucks! Run against him in states he carried in 2016.
“Its been building for a long time, and now its been kept white-hot for over a year. It cant be cooled off without cathartic violence.”
Buwaya would like nothing more than to see Americans at each other’s throats. He never became a citizen, I think he despises America.
We are already seeing the violence. All those incidents Chuck poo-poos, “punch a Nazi”, probably Rand Paul, the softball game shoot'em up, this recent church shooting. These were all actions by persons possessed of the kind of rage valorized on the left.
Isn’t inciting violence illegal?
Brandenburg v. Ohio, 395 U.S. 444 (1969), was a landmark United States Supreme Court case based on the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The Court held that government cannot punish inflammatory speech unless that speech is "directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action."[1][2]:702 Specifically, it struck down Ohio's criminal syndicalism statute, because that statute broadly prohibited the mere advocacy of violence. In the process, Whitney v. California (1927)[3] was explicitly overruled, and doubt was cast on Schenck v. United States (1919),[4] Abrams v. United States (1919),[5] Gitlow v. New York (1925), and Dennis v. United States (1951).[6]
Yes ARM, it’s deranged to claim a democrat would go hunting Republican congressmen. Yes Unknown, only an America hater could think it takes rage to tackle a man from behind while he mows his lawn.
unknown Fake Inga copy-and-pastes Wiki without attribution. Shocking. I thought she was citing from memory.
Maybe I am deranged. But I like to think of myself as prudent.
Thats why I have spent considerable effort in hedging my assets abroad, as safely as I can, no doubt missing many good US investment opportunities.
Besides this, its my judgement that the most dangerous situation in the modern world is not Iran, Arabia, Russia, China or North Korea. Even with the danger of some desperate nuke. It is the US political situation. Its a lit fuse leading to a communal bomb in the heart of the worlds largest and most connected economy.
Darrell, if you couldn’t tell that was from Wiki, you’re an idiot. But that isn’t news, now is it?
buwaya said...
Besides this, its my judgement that the most dangerous situation in the modern world is not Iran, Arabia, Russia, China or North Korea. Even with the danger of some desperate nuke. It is the US political situation. Its a lit fuse leading to a communal bomb in the heart of the worlds largest and most connected economy.
I'll have what he's smoking.
I think a doubling down on the Russia thing is what is called for here!
I have to hand it to the Bernie supporter, Occupy activist, and self proclaimed admirer of "agent provocateurs" who organized Charlottesville. It was an effective action. The Russians were big on this kind of divisive stuff, wasn't that what all of their Facebook ads were about? But you have to give credit where credit is due.
It is hard for me to believe that those colluders did not recognize the potential of a trump win. I would submit that a great measure of their confident bluster and the numbers tgey chose to report was meant to depress and tamp down the enthusiasm of their "enemies".
It was terrifying to them that half the nation was impervious to their deceptions.
Rand Paul update--“...Final report indicates six broken ribs and a new X-ray shows a pleural effusion.”
Better to leave the country immediately Buwaya, before the bloodbath you so long for starts.
When I say that if you keep driving like a maniac you are likely to have a terrible accident, I am not inciting you to crash into something.
Yeah, it's not like crazed liberals are attempting their own little Guy Fawkes stunts on baseball diamonds, or anything.
Unknown Fake Inga does something that would get her kicked out of any school with standards and accuses readers of demanding standards. Yeah. We fucked up.
“...I am not inciting you to crash into something.”
“Cathartic violence”
Words have meaning. Your meaning was clear. Nice attempt at backtracking, but it’s in black and white.
We may well do that Inga.
Its going to be much more difficult to move our remaining assets, but we certainly have our bolt-hole.
“We may well do that Inga.
Its going to be much more difficult to move our remaining assets, but we certainly have our bolt-hole.”
Happy Anniversary, President Trump! Hope all eight are just as glorious.
Words have meaning. Your meaning was clear. Nice attempt at backtracking, but it’s in black and white.
It's hard to know if you are lying or just stupid.
Go easy on our super smart Buwaya. He knows too much of the history of World Empires to believe in a USA recovery from the last 24 years of sabotage from the top down. He is not that familiar with the USMC.
I didn't even like Trump but watching those returns swing the way they did was bliss. It was as though the property of smugness took on corporeal form and was socked, POW!, right in the kisser.
2010 Senator Brown win:bottle rocket::2016 President Trump win:ICBM
Inga, and some others, are simply symptoms of your troubles. People can no longer discuss anything without invoking that little demon of rage and spite. Its always there, popping out more quickly, or obviously, in some than others.
But good Lord, there is far more of that demon here than anywhere else I have been, including among communist guerrillas at war.
I am in a privileged position, in between your cultures and not of any of them. So I am in a special position to notice.
“People can no longer discuss anything without invoking that little demon of rage and spite. Its always there, popping out more quickly, or obviously, in some than others.”
Says the man who speaks of “cathartic violence”. Who will receive “catharsis” Buywaya?
For a guy celebrating a world changing victory Unknown, you sure seem kind of bitter.
buwaya said...
I am in a privileged position, in between your cultures and not of any of them. So I am in a special position to notice.
Or just to get it completely wrong. Most people in this country don't give a shit about politics.
"People can no longer discuss anything without invoking that little demon of rage and spite. Its always there, popping out more quickly, or obviously, in some than others.
But good Lord, there is far more of that demon here than anywhere else I have been, including among communist guerrillas at war."
I'll take spiteful comments over murder and concentration camps any day.
I have progressive friends who constantly write spiteful things about non-progressives on Facebook. I don't care. Political talking should be an alternate mode that does not impinge on friendship.
Buwaya has been frantically stirring the pot in these threads for quite sometime. I think it’s out of spite, I believe he hates America. The “cathartic violence” just isn’t happening as quickly as he wants, so he adds some more incitatations to the pot, then stirs stirs stirs some more.
Catharsis is the release of emotion Inga.
Violence quite often results from extreme emotional states.
You all are worked up to as extreme a state as I have ever seen, even among people already at war.
It takes a word, or even a look, in some places here, that indicates a "side", to provoke violence, or at least a state of disabling emotional expression, lets put it that way. And I dont mean just SF State or Berkeley. There are billionaires here with pent-up anger of that extreme nature.
I am warning you about this. The commenters are laughing at all those talking heads that day, but other than superficially its not something to laugh at.
I know you arent worth arguing with, because you have that little demon stopping words from entering your mind, but others here are more reachable.
1 year without Hillary as President is a good year.
Trump has all the right enemies. If he gets the tax cut, he'll win again in 2020.
“I know you arent worth arguing with, because you have that little demon stopping words from entering your mind, but others here are more reachable.”
Yes, others here listen to you inciting “violent catharsis”, because that’s just what the may want. You are the match, or you’d like to be. I see through you, others here don’t.
Chins up, AReasonable(sic)Man and all the other government-sniffers, State-humpers and "liberal" coercion-junkies who post here! One day you noble souls can turn the tables, re-take the reins of power, and continue the good work of transforming the USA into Venezuela del Norte!
The biggest problem both political parties face is simply getting people to vote. More than half the country is so uninterested that they cannont even bother to drive half a mile to the local polling booth. These people are not fertile ground for the kind of race/class war that Buwaya yearns for.
What should I do if the tears of others cause an erection to last more than four hours?
Trump should continue being Trump, that’s all it will require to bring another tsunami of voters in 2018. The 33% who love Trump no matter what, wont be enough to stop the huge wave.
“What should I do if the tears of others cause an erection to last more than four hours?”
Put some hot sauce on it.
". You are the match, or you’d like to be. I see through you, others here don’t."
Your therapist ever talk to you about grandiosity?
"Catharsis is the release of emotion Inga.
Violence quite often results from extreme emotional states.
You all are worked up to as extreme a state as I have ever seen, even among people already at war."
That's one of the great things about America. You can have your catharsis if you want it. You can yell and scream and protest and say stupid, spiteful things. Free speech! You can blow off steam. Then you don't need to go to war with anybody. You can chill out until you build up a bunch of steam again.
(The more prudent ones, of course, don't go stoking the mental fires that build up steam in the first place. Maybe the steamy ones will get tired of doing so.)
The only reason it gets out of hand in some places, like Berkeley, is that people in those places are dumb enough to overlook the importance of the rule of law. People care about the rule of law elsewhere.
“That's one of the great things about America. You can have your catharsis if you want it. You can yell and scream and protest and say stupid, spiteful things. Free speech! You can blow off steam.”
Yes, but he wants “violent” catharsis.
It's a guilty pleasure to watch the slow meltdowns that night. Turns out the know-it-alls knew nothing. Absolutely nothing. The melodramatic predictions are a source of grand entertainment. What buffoons.
Never, ever believe your own bullshit. The press did, with predictable results
These people are not fertile ground for the kind of race/class war that Buwaya yearns for.
Neither were most of the population of the Russian Empire in 1917. They had themselves all set on a democratic socialist regime. But a bunch of hard-asses from the Vanguard of the Proletariat thought otherwise.
A year ago today, a sizable fraction of the elites of the US were gobsmacked by a major political event that they thought was beyond the realm of possibility. They were & are very unhappy. When the elites feel they are no longer in control, it is a dangerous situation. You see this played out every day, when all pretense to objectivity is tossed aside by people who used to think objectivity was one of their tools of the trade.
It amazes me that ARM & Unknown think that a country where a member of one of the two major political parties can't speak on many college campuses (hell, many liberals can't speak) without riot is not a country that's balanced over a precipice.
The people who dont care are that mass, that majority that stands aside in any conflict. In any revolution the greatest number are those most concerned to avoid trouble and loss.
What I really want is for the Democrat propaganda to stand down in inciting rage, and for Democratic institutions, media and educational, to stop making enemies of half the country.
This bile comes from a nasty cycle of provocation, reaction, counter-reaction and so on, but there is a source, and it is a deliberately directed fire-hose.
I dont think any of this can be stopped, just like I dont think Trump will succeed. Both events will be disastrous.
I tell all new engineers that they are cursed, because they are professionally condemned to a lifetime of predicting disaster, which management will do its best not to believe, so that their true totem should be the Greek princess Cassandra. That brings a laugh.
It is nice to see that at least the women of the nation did not cry but organized ran. for office and got elected--more to come in 2018.
Except for childish responses to those who disagree, do you have any thoughts independent of the "Daily Kos" or other leftist websites?
I understand that your training as a psychiatric nurse was subpar, at best. The relatively smart ones go into medical care.
My question is whether or not you have a functional brain. I see no evidence of such.
"It is nice to see that at least the women of the nation did not cry but organized ran. for office and got elected-"
The women of the nation got elected? WTF does that mean?
And liberal women didn't cry? What were Chelsea Handler and Miley Cyrus doing in that clip? Sure, not all the liberal women cried - they put on their ridiculous hats and shrieked like scalded cats.
The sensible women voted for Trump and spent election laughing merrily at all the media asshats.
It sure is! Ashley Bennet comes to mind.
“It is nice to see that at least the women of the nation did not cry but organized ran. for office and got elected--more to come in 2018.”
“N.J. Dem. Ashley Bennett Wins Seat Held by Man Who Mocked Women's March”
Good Lord,
I think I know who Inga is.
Do you live in the tony northside of Chicago? Were you a nurse who married a much older (and discredited) physician?
That just doesn’t get old.
Last night's "phenomenal" democrat victory didn't assuage the fears of our resident lefties, did it?
It is nice to see that at least the women of the nation
Yeah. But since we're talking about Democrats, it's women with dicks--or those that recently used to have them. Can Joe Biden answer his party's call in 2020?
In the meantime, Trump's Asian tour is going quite well.
Which is why the assholes at CNN had to tells a silly lie about Trump overfeeding fish. They had nothing else to bitch about.
So what is this "great" landslide the Dem's are supposed to have won last night? I read about two Governor races and supposedly a handful of state legislature races? What am I missing?
This was a good win too.
“Chris Hurst, Whose Girlfriend Was Fatally Shot on Air, Defeats N.R.A.-Backed Opponent”
YoungHegelian said...
Neither were most of the population of the Russian Empire in 1917.
From wiki:
By the middle of 1915, the impact of the war was demoralizing. Food and fuel were in short supply, casualties were increasing, and inflation was mounting. Strikes rose among low-paid factory workers, and there were reports that peasants, who wanted reforms of land ownership, were restless.
On 3 March 1917, a strike was organized on a factory in the capital, Saint Petersburg; within a week nearly all the workers in the city were idle, and street fighting broke out.
The Tsarist system was overthrown by a liberal February Revolution in 1917. Rabinowitch argues, "The February 1917 revolution...grew out of prewar political and economic instability, technological backwardness, and fundamental social divisions, coupled with gross mismanagement of the war effort, continuing military defeats, domestic economic dislocation, and outrageous scandals surrounding the monarchy."
One of the biggest problems the US currently faces is obesity, currently nearly 40% of the population. Not fertile ground for revolution.
Francisco D, no, ironically, Inga lives in deep red Waukesha County Wisconsin, surrounded by deplorables. She is a not-so-merry widow.
I believe she first showed up here (around 10 nics ago) during the Walker recall effort. That election night was also a barrel of laughs.
“One of the biggest problems the US currently faces is obesity, currently nearly 40% of the population. Not fertile ground for revolution.”
Maybe the crops will fail? Starvation will make people seek “violent catharsis”. Buwaya hoping.
Old times not soon forgotten. Captain Harry from Independence , Missouri won a bigger upset against every organized political group in the USA in 1948..,all he got was loyalty from voters who believed in his Jacksonian leadership style.
@Joshua Baker -- you didn't get the memo. The elections last night were far more important than any mid-terms or presidential elections. It was a landslide that ensured democrat supremacy for generations to come. Head to your nearest FEMA Camp immediately. The Resistance has prevailed!
"Barker" -- my apologies.
Wait, so is the next election the great predicted victory? Because let's be honest, nobody cared about these local races yesterday.
I want to know when Democrats will finally get this right.
Maddow really looks like a fucking man in that clip.
Can we see "her" birth certificate?
And what's with all the Limeys with TV shows?
Maybe when he dies, we'll see the video of Ryan, McConnell, McCain and Graham crying.
They would've have been so happy with Hillary.
Trump spoiled their con game.
Buwaya is right, the majority always wants to stand aside and avoid conflict. In the American Revolution, as an example, a minority supported the revolution and another minority supported the crown. Most people just wanted all the conflict to go away. Unfortunately for them, the world doesn't work that way, and extremists unfortunately tend to drive events.
And I agree with Buwaya, the non-stop rage and hatred of Democrat extremists (including people like Inga and ARM) since the election give me pause. Hopefully this all ends up well, just as the hatred of BushitlerChimpyMcHalliburton never resulted in anything substantive. But I could see a world where mouth-foaming nutjobs take us into a dark place as a nation. Hopefully not, but then again no one predicted the NSDAP being anything but a fringe party of whackos until, well, they weren't.
Joshua Barker said...
So what is this "great" landslide the Dem's are supposed to have won last night? I read about two Governor races and supposedly a handful of state legislature race"
Let's see - Virginia which Trump did not win, voted in a Dem governor instead of a GOPe one. NYC predictably reelected their Commie mayor. NJ, which Trump also did not win, voted in a Goldman Sachs guy, because Dems are so anti-Wall Street and for the little guy. Some Dems also won in Washington state, which Trump also did not win.
In other words, Dems were elected in blue states.
Ho hum. Dems are desperate to be happy about something after a year of nonstop screaming.
And today two important countries owe their existence to Harry Truman: Israel and South Korea. And we celebrate the next Jacksonian President Truman type, named Trump, who happens to be the biggest supporter of those two countries.
“Maddow really looks like a fucking man in that clip.
Can we see "her" birth certificate?”
Another good win. Danika Roem, Virginia House of Delegates, transgender woman, unseated the self described Homophobe in Chief.
Danica Roem, a transgender woman unseated one of Virginia's longest serving and most socially conservative lawmakers Tuesday and is set to make history as the first openly transgender person elected and seated in a state legislature.
“Roem, a Democrat and experienced newspaper reporter, beat Republican Del. Bob Marshall, who sponsored a bill this year that would have restricted the bathrooms transgender people can use. The race was one of the year's most high profile, drawing national and international attention and big money to the northern Virginia House of Delegates district outside the nation's capital.”
Lucien said...
And I agree with Buwaya, the non-stop rage and hatred of Democrat extremists (including people like Inga and ARM)
If you think I am a raging hate-filled Democrat extremist my guess is that you have more pressing problems than Buwaya's much yearned for race/class war.
I'm grateful to be reminded by Andrea Mitchell that Obama had called Hillary "the most qualified person ever to run for the White House." Of course Obama overlooks that the presidential job description was written around George Washington. And that there have been presidential candidates had better resumes than Hillary did (e.g., John Quincy Adams).
But what can you expect from the village idiot from Hyde Park?
My comment still holds about the Russian Revolution. Look at the dates in the link from ARM. The Mensheviks formed a government in February, 1917. The Bolsheviks staged their coup in October/November, 1917. The Bolsheviks didn't overthrow the czar. They'd like history to think they did, but they didn't. Who the Bolsheviks overthrew were the Mensheviks.
ARM, do you think revolutions & coups are bottom-up social phenomena? It seems to me that they are most often top-down, with the disaffected masses being buffeted throughout by processes beyond their control.
Yeah sure ARM, we all believe you.
Darrell said it well, congratulations, president Trump, for your great success, you are the punch in the gut we all needed, god bless & a toast for the day: through the corrections moving through this administration, may all Americans -- and all peoples -- thrive & prosper, in peace and goodwill. Salud, clink! :^)
The democrats are loving those state elections today! It wasn't that long ago when we were told midterm elections were inconsequential because not many citizens voted. Any port in a storm.
Fake Inga is some asshole that used to live in San Francisco. She took the nic because everyone here was calling her Inga. She admitted as much twice. she went back to Unknown a while back. Maybe the original Inga/Allie Oop complained to someone in her Soros cell. Who knows with these nutters?
“ are the punch in the gut we all needed...”
You don’t speak for more than half of America. We don’t agree.
Lucien wrote: "But I could see a world where mouth-foaming nutjobs take us into a dark place as a nation. Hopefully not, but then again no one predicted the NSDAP being anything but a fringe party of whackos until, well, they weren't."
But every violent revolution needs muscle behind it. I don't think antifa and inner city blacks and the occasional misfit like the loon who shot up the baseball field will do it. I have thought for a while that the Dem's contempt for the military, a leftover from the Vietnam era, was a tactical mistake - but they can't help themselves. Oh, the military brass has gone PC, but the rank-and-file is largely drawn from the blue collar deplorables the left hates. Alienating and insulting those people (and the cops) is not a recipe for revolutionary success.
You're a moderate, right ARM? You whack job.
"Who knows with these nutters?"
Yeah, well, whatevs. They are all boring and stupid.
More than half the country is so uninterested that they cannot even bother to drive half a mile to the local polling booth.
Cannot even bother to travel half a mile, you mean.
If they were able to drive, they'd presumably have licenses, but some vague-yet-large fraction of the electorate is unable to acquire a driver's license, which is why imposing a photo ID requirement on voting the way South Africa has would disenfranchise countless voters. Remember that story?
Let's enjoy the memory as we get ready for the Oprah presidency and prog gloating.
The people who cried last year will stick it to us before long.
They despise us.
YoungHegelian said...
ARM, do you think revolutions & coups are bottom-up social phenomena? It seems to me that they are most often top-down, with the disaffected masses being buffeted throughout by processes beyond their control.
To compare the war-weary, half-starved Russians of 1917 with the overfed video-addled population in our own country seems quite a stretch to me. Who is going to lead this revolution, the Kardashians? They are from Armenia, I guess, that's close to Russia.
Ms. Althouse, thank you SO much for the smile at starting today!
Anyone but Trump! seems to mean 'run a felon'.
But while watching Chelsea Handler cry like a baby was very enervating, pride of place goes to President Sad.
The president who openly mocked Trump that HE would do something Trump never would, go down in history as President of the United States.
This is what Hubris tastes like: Salty tears and Vaseline.
Obama (to paraphrase Pratchett) decided to stand in a tub of water on top of a hill, wearing copper armor and waving a big iron pike, in a thunderstorm, decided to scream 'the gods are all bastards'.
That level of arrogance needed to be punished. And it has. Bigly.
Inga can post all her nonsense of how the NYT tells her how bad Trump is and how important she is (Hey Inga...Dow Jones...23,500 and rising! The people are SO scared and miserable...)
Dems won some seats in NEW FRIGGING JERSEY. Wow! What a win! Is there a more blue state?
The doubling down of rage and hubris probably means that the gods have not stopped butt 'pleasuring' the Democratic party yet.
“President Is Losing Support in ‘Trump Counties,’ a WSJ/NBC News Poll Finds
New survey shows disapproval for the president in these precincts has inched up to 50%”
exiledonmainstreet said...
Alienating and insulting those people (and the cops) is not a recipe for revolutionary success.
So, based on your own analysis, you would be forced to conclude that the left has no serious interest in fomenting revolution.
@exiled, FIDO, and others. Last night was devastating for the GOP. Yes, Democrats took the top three state offices, not much of a surprise thanks to a huge turnout in the suburbs that are home to government workers. But all 100 seats in the House of Delegates were also on the ballot, and at least 14 of the seats flipped (last time I looked five cannot be finalized until absentee ballots have been counted). The House is going from 66-34 GOP to Democrat to probably 50-50, maybe 49-51. That's a shellacking.
Mollie Hemingway's analysis highlights something very scary for the GOP:
"For a new crop of Democratic groups, Virginia is the opening salvo and a testing ground ahead of what they hope is a wave election in 2018.
An organization founded by wealthy Virginia donors and bankrolled by a Silicon Valley entrepreneur is beta-testing technology to help low-budget campaigns run more efficiently."
My party had better figure out what those newfangled computer thingys are all about, and fast.
@ARM, you'd lose a violent revolution so fast and so badly that it would make Isreal's Six Day War look like a lifetime.
A lot of people in the establishment and their charges are worried that the Obamacare-gap will be filled through a restoration of markets that will assure affordable and available medical care for a everyone. They are worried that their right to profit from redistributive change will end as people reject minority solutions including monopolies, single-payer, etc. They are worried that health care reform will follow from education reform, which has been another highly lucrative monopoly to force redistributive change.
They are worried that Obama's trail of tears will end with the exposure of establishment-press collusion to suppress the native and alien collateral damage from "clean" wars.
As the tide of immigration reform ebbs, and emigration reform is finally forced upon unwelcoming second and third-world leaders, they are worried about the end of cheap labor and gerrymandered districts.
Perhaps civilized men and women may even reject wicked solutions to hard problems, including abortion rites (i.e. final solution) that deny lives deemed unworthy, inconvenient, or profitable, and that keep women taxable, available, and dysfunctional for social progress. And the Planned Parenthood corporation chartered to normalize population control and cannibalism and provision of products for medical progress.
There is hope for change, maybe. The twilight fringe impinges its long, dark shadow across the dawn.
This was the best rejoinder to Van Jones' charge that Trump's election was a "whitelash."
I don't think the October revolution was inevitable, the swing was the mishandled kornilov affair by kerensky
Who is going to lead this revolution, the Kardashians?
You seem attached to the word "Revolution" & I'm just as interested in the word "coup", which is what I consider the Bolshevik "Revolution" to be.
There are already no shortage of members of the Left who have openly called for a coup against the Trump administration. People who say these things publicly are not in responsible government positions, to be sure. But neither are they driven out of polite society never to be heard from again. You know, like guys who oppose SSM.
I think if there was a coup attempt against the Trump administration a sizable fraction of the bi-coastal elite would support it. But, as Exile mentions above, there's no one on the Left who has the muscle to pull off an armed coup, & too much of the population is pro-Trump to permit a Philippine style "People Power" mass-movement to succeed.
My model for the US is much closer to Spain, 1936.
It was not brought on by short food supplies.
If anything, the Spanish Republic was doing fairly well at recovering from the Great Depression.
Spain was continuing its industrialization, wages and the standard of living had been improving for decades.
The real cause of that war was, in a word, hate. Social change, the creation and very rapid growth of an industrial proletariat, had "sharpened the contradictions", created new, competing politically-aligned mass media that aquired a mass-market.
There was a very similar split into tribes of the mind, as we see in the US today. Radicals, of several kinds, threatened Conservatives, of several kinds, who reacted, as they do. Various other things also had interesting parallels.
Its a very complex subject, and the US of today is an even more complex subject, but the nature of the fault lines and the way they are developing are very similar, even weirdly so.
Highly recommended - Beevor, "The Battle for Spain".
If you want a deep dive into it, of course, its hard to do better than Hugh Thomas.
“Democrats Are Finally Focusing on Statehouse Races
Democrats are finally focusing on statehouse races, and this should terrify Republicans. Democrats lost some 958 state legislative seats during the Obama administration. Those years saw a strong federal executive, but very little attention paid to Democrats at the state and local level.
The Washington Post had a story last week that suggested the huge win for Democrats in Virginia was no accident, but the result of a carefully crafted campaign being tested for nationwide rollout.”
The Federalist, thanks Big Mike.
@Michael K, once I saw that Trump had won in Pennsylvania, Iowa, and Florida, I could go to bed confident that he would win.
Do any of the resident left wingers here see anything a trifle over the top in these responses? They say Trump is hyperbolic and hateful, but he's not a patch on them........Just now I'm reading a biography of Lenin. Czar Nicholas was no bucket of ice cream, but when Lenin was caught trying to overthrow the Emperor, he was exiled to a village in Siberia. It was a cushy kind of exile, Lenin's wife and mother joined him. They had a servant. Lenin spent a lot of time hunting and fishing. He enjoyed his time in exile.....Contrast that with how Lenin treated the Czar when the shoe was on the other foot. He not only had the Czar killed but also his wife and children and even the household servants. Lenin hated the Czar much more than the Czar hated Lenin......In like fashion, the hatred that these people exhibit towards Trump and his voters is much more forceful and malicious than the hatred that Trump and his voters are purported to feel against immigrants, blacks, and Muslims.
Unknown said...
Another good win. Danika Roem, Virginia House of Delegates, transgender woman, unseated the self described Homophobe in Chief.
Danica Roem, a transgender woman unseated one of Virginia's longest serving and most socially conservative lawmakers Tuesday and is set to make history as the first openly transgender person elected and seated in a state legislature.
Alternative more accurate headline: Democrats and media celebrate election of mentally ill white male to Virginia House of Delegates.
the majority always wants to stand aside and avoid conflict. In the American Revolution, as an example, a minority supported the revolution and another minority supported the crown
People will go along to get along, as long as possible. This was one reason for unresolved redistributive change and class diversity (e.g. racism) that plagued the founding of this nation. It is why political congruence ("=") is a resurging ideology favored by the establishment and its charges. It is why immigration reform (e.g. refugee crises) or democratic gerrymandering are critical to preserve the status quo.
“...there's no one on the Left who has the muscle to pull off an armed coup...”
We believe in legal means to see Trump go. He won’t make it to 2020.
"So, based on your own analysis, you would be forced to conclude that the left has no serious interest in fomenting revolution."
No, based on my analysis, I conclude that while some leftists are itching for a violent revolution, they have stupidly alienated those they need on their side.
I do think they are trying to ignite a race war. The problem is that young inner city blacks and Hispanics are not exactly disciplined troops.
Big Mike, your party (it is no longer mine) had better figure out how to do what they were elected to do instead of sitting around with their thumbs up their asses blocking Trump's agenda. McCain and Friends have not been helpful. That would work even better than computers.
We believe in legal means to see Trump go. He won’t make it to 2020.
Why not? What legal reason would there he wouldn't?
Unknown said...
“...there's no one on the Left who has the muscle to pull off an armed coup...”
We believe in legal means to see Trump go. He won’t make it to 2020."
Keep hope alive, as Shiloh used to say!
@Unknown, you mean extra-legal means, made-up "facts" and a four year fishing expedition by Robert Mueller.
Unknown FakeInga thinks Virginia and New Jersey are going to impeach Trump.
YoungHegelian said...
You seem attached to the word "Revolution" & I'm just as interested in the word "coup"
as Exile mentions above, there's no one on the Left who has the muscle to pull off an armed coup, & too much of the population is pro-Trump to permit a Philippine style "People Power" mass-movement to succeed.
So no coup then? We can all just relax.
The Dems have no interest in removing Trump. He is their ticket to large majorities in congress. Depending on just how badly Trump screws up maybe they get single-payer this time.
"In like fashion, the hatred that these people exhibit towards Trump and his voters is much more forceful and malicious than the hatred that Trump and his voters are purported to feel against immigrants, blacks, and Muslims."
True, William, they have the hate. But we have most of the guns - which is why the Left is so eager to take them away from us.
“He is their ticket to large majorities in congress. Depending on just how badly Trump screws up maybe they get single-payer this time.”
Good point!
Danica Roem... mentally ill white male
Ah, neo-female, and, it seems, a significant yet stable deviation of mental and physical characteristics from normal. The gold standard of progressive psychology. Probably a male homosexual that felt restricted by their limited mental-exclusive transition.
We believe in legal means to see Trump go.
Unless he gets sick, there really aren't any. For one thing, unless you get some real hard-core legal goods on him (which no one's even come close to after a year of looking), any Republican who voted for impeachment would be gone next election, and they know it. While the Republican base may be suspicious of Trump, it loathes the Republican establishment & the Democrats even more. Right now, unless there's film of Trump shooting a puppy in the head in front of the White House for fun, it would take over a year just to convince the Trump base that anything said about him wasn't just another media lie, of which they've heard so many.
And just think, after impeachment --- President Pence! That's a thought to warm the cockles of a lefty's heart, ain't it?
I wax reading homage to catatonia on a friends recommendation, it was a very measuted critique of the republic and the militias that supported it, this was whyaul prestige. Sought to rubbish it,back in may.
Unknown Inga's predictions have been so spot on over the past year. Truly, she is a testament to what watching CNN and MSNBC will do to the noggin.
@exiled, that's got to be part of it. But making best use of your dollars in low dollar amount campaigns has to be part of it, too.
And part of it has to be the realization that the GOP under Reince Priebus focused on state-level elections while the Democrats under Obama did not, and based on Donna Brazile's memoirs it is clear that the Hillary campaign sucked money out of the state campaigns for her own. Consequently there have no doubt been many races that should normally have been won by centrist Democrats in 2010, 2012, 2014, and 2016 went to Republicans. The RNC doesn't have Priebus anymore, and the new attention paid to down-ballot races by Democrats is a challenge that the RNC will have to deal with.
My own congresscritter is desperately pleading for money (which she should not be doing when there are state-level races in 2017 that also need money) lest her seat go to a Democrat. But she is an advocate for open borders and voted against the AHCA. Really, if her seat changes color to blue, how precisely would I be able to tell?
Paul Preston, who thinks he is the authoritative Spanish civil war biographer now
"My own congresscritter is desperately pleading for money (which she should not be doing when there are state-level races in 2017 that also need money) lest her seat go to a Democrat. But she is an advocate for open borders and voted against the AHCA. Really, if her seat changes color to blue, how precisely would I be able to tell?"
Well, that's the problem with the GOPe. No wonder she is desperate for money. What, exactly, is the use of her? The Republican Party was handed a bonanza last November; it is beyond exasperating to see them squander it.
Unknown: "Good point!"
Says the voice-actuated automaton who was just arguing the exact opposite.
What will I tell the children?
Hillary Clinton will never be President of the United States.
A year ago, after the talking heads got done crying over Hillary's loss but before they left the air, they tried to incite a financial crisis with all their predictions of financial markets collapsing around the world as a result of Trump's victory. I had forgotten about that. Cocksuckers.
"Blogger traditionalguy said...
Old times not soon forgotten. Captain Harry from Independence , Missouri won a bigger upset against every organized political group in the USA in 1948..,all he got was loyalty from voters who believed in his Jacksonian leadership style.
11/8/17, 10:03 PM"
I remember it well. My father had orders in hand to report to the west coast when Harry dropped the bombs. Saint Harry was the last Democrat I ever supported. (I'd like to help you son, but you're too young to vote).
I reread Homage to Catalonia several years ago. In that book, Orwell details how he used a local church as a latrine. They used the woodworking in the church for firewood. He regretted doing this as some of it was very fine, but he took pleasure in crapping in the church. If you want to know why the Republicans lost, that is why.
Fun to see the lefties downplay potential for violence over the polarization while the left proves the point. Well...not the catharsis part..
YoungHegelian said...
While the Republican base may be suspicious of Trump, it loathes the Republican establishment & the Democrats even more.
We hate betrayers more than enemies.
The Democrats want to beat us up and take our stuff.
The Republicans betray us to the democrats because they want our stuff too.
GOPers will be first in line.
Big Mike, just two days ago, I was reading that the Democrat party was in utter disarray, rocked by Brazile's book and with not much of a message beyond "Resist!" They win elections in VA, NYC, NJ and Washington State, and suddenly they are a behemoth that will destroy the GOP in 2018?
Well, the GOPe Congress has certainly been shooting itself in the foot. But I think the Democratic Party today is like what was once said said of the USSR: It is never as weak as it looks and never as strong as it looks.
While I am not terribly upset over yesterday's results (I would be if I lived in Virginia), I hope that they act as a wakeup call to the Republicans. Those who voted for Trump in Virginia last year were simply not motivated to go to the polls. The Dems will be very motivated, and you know those sheeple will vote for any sort of trash with a D after his, her or xer's name, so the Republicans need to stop dicking around.
She tied you to a kitchen chair
She broke your throne, and she cut your hair
And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah
and suddenly they are a behemoth that will destroy the GOP in 2018?
Yeah. I just read in the NYT that Hillary is a 97% lock to win the special Presidential re-electon.
Fun to watch ARM and Inga pretend their side isn't a bunch of violent thugs who have been attacking political opponents systematically for over a year.
Video proof the democrat party pays people to attack republicans.
"I answer to the head of special events for the DNC and the head of special events and political for the campaign... The campaign pays DNC, DNC pays Democracy Partners, Democracy Partners pays the Foval Group, the Foval Group goes and executes the s—t on the ground."
"I'm saying we have mentally ill people, that we pay to do shit, make no mistake... Over the last twenty years, I've paid off a few homeless guys to do some crazy stuff, and I've also taken them for dinner, and I've also made sure they had a hotel, and a shower. And I put them in a program. Like I've done that. But the reality is, a lot of people especially our union guys. A lot of our union guys…they'll do whatever you want. They're rock and roll. When I need to get something done in Arkansas, the first guy I call is the head of the AFL-CIO down there, because he will say, 'What do you need?' And I will say, I need a guy who will do this, this and this. And they find that guy. And that guy will be like, Hell yeah, let's do it."
On video.
I do wonder what the heck 2020 is going to be like. I take comfort in the theory that whatever happens, in 2021 Hillary Clinton won't be our president. A lot of comfort.
Trump would not have won the presidency had he not been facing Clinton. A good portion of the electorate screamed "EEEEEK" and ran the other way. It's working out way better than I would have expected, though, which makes those clips even more enjoyable.
Anniversary of the Apocalypse
Unknown caught on tape.
I think Laura Ingraham made a good point tonight when she said Trump needs to be a happy warrior, like Reagan. She noted that anger was a good message in 2016 because so many were dissatisfied, but with the economy improving, the unemployment rate down, and the stock market up, the tone needs to be upbeat (while not forgetting his campaign promises). The Dems are all about bitterness and division and hatred - let that be their calling card.
I remember the 80's, when the bitching and moaning from Dems about "Reagan's America" was laughable, because everyone could look around and see the reality did not match the dire portrait they were painting. Trump needs to keep drawing attention to the very real economic achievements, like deregulation and its' effect on business and the workforce, because the media sure won't do it.
@MaxedOutMama, I would have crawled five miles over broken glass to vote against Crooked Hillary. But Trump on the international scene and Trump making progress despite the Establishment means that I will be voting for him in 2020.
Darrell, I've seen the clip of the Screaming Protester many times, and it wasn't until tonight that I actually heard her speak and realized she was a woman. I swear, I thought she was a man.
Not getting over macho grande:
From Darrell's NY Times link:
"In the terror-struck and vertiginous days after Donald Trump’s election a year ago, as I tried to make sense of America’s new reality, I called people who lived, or had lived, under authoritarianism to ask what to expect. I wasn’t looking for concrete predictions — one of the disorienting things about that moment was that no one, no matter how learned, had any idea what was happening — but for insights into how the texture of life changes when an autocratic demagogue is in charge."
Oh, for Chrissake, you ninny, if an autocratic demagogue was in charge, the NY Times wouldn't be in business.
Neither is sbe:
but for insights into how the texture of life changes when an autocratic demagogue is in charge."
Well, one texture of life that changes is that executive orders of dubious legality get shipped over by the Executive Branch to the Legislative Branch. The Executive Office then asks the Legislative Branch to, you know, come up with some laws to cover the situation at hand instead of having the Executive just make shit up as it goes along.
It's like living in North Korea, I tells ya!
Neighbors dispute the fake news about the Rand Paul assault, and suggest its political.
You know it’s political rather than because Paul acted badly, because CNN played it down. That suggests they know.
“One of the biggest problems the US currently faces is obesity, currently nearly 40% of the population. Not fertile ground for revolution.”
Take longer to starve us out of the hills and forests.
Hey..up to 6 broken ribs now...and pleural effusion. theory of Roy the Dog shitting on his lawn one too many times seems to not be the deal.
If there’s a trigger to real breakdown in America, it will come from the pension problem. Millions of state and local government retirees without a pot to piss in. Government will likely spring into action to hand out the free candy. And millions of Americans will ask why government workers get such a sweet deal. We had a local election in Houston and one ballot bond issue is a real stinker. Of course the lefties in Houston voted Yes and it means I’ll be heading out soon. The city is borrowing $1B so they can put it into the pension fund. That’s just a small portion of what’s needed. But great economics, amirite?
Many of us in Wisco saw the over-reaction to Act 10 by the public sector unions as a select group of folks complaining about a bad haircut while many were getting scalped.
A local radio talker said (and I paraphrase) "The worst pay cut rate is 100%"
It is always funny to listen to the suicidal rants of people who miraculously don't kill themselves, or even leave the country.
November 8, 2016, was a glorious night. But I savored it in silence because I am deep in the Blue and do not want to be divorced or friendless.
My model for the US is much closer to Spain, 1936.
Good Lord.
Revolutions have nothing to do with the masses. They occur only when one elite group is materially harmed by another. And elites of all stripes are making out like bandits in America -- always have, and always will.
“If there’s a trigger to real breakdown in America, it will come from the pension problem. Millions of state and local government retirees without a pot to piss in. Government will likely spring into action to hand out the free candy. And millions of Americans will ask why government workers get such a sweet deal. We had a local election in Houston and one ballot bond issue is a real stinker. Of course the lefties in Houston voted Yes and it means I’ll be heading out soon. The city is borrowing $1B so they can put it into the pension fund. That’s just a small portion of what’s needed. But great economics, amirite?”
There are going to be states that bail out their public employee pension plans. Most of them will be Blue States, and that very likely will bankrupt them. Or at least drastically drive up their tax rates - hence part of the panic over Republicans trying to end the federal subsidy for these states (through elimination of tax exemption for State and local taxes). Most of the rest of the country will laugh at their folly. There will likely be attempts to nationalize the problem, with the federal govt to help dig those states out, which are unlikely to be much more effective. The rest of us haven’t had defined benefit pensions for better than a generation now, and see no reason to subsidize retired surly DMV clerks and the like with far more generous pensions than those who would ultimately pay will get. We knew that CA, NY, NJ, and maybe IL are already in this category, but expect from last night that VA may join them. Not a lot of sympathy elsewhere - much of the problem arose through a corrupt political bargain between Dem politicians and govt employee unions where ridiculous pension guarantees were traded for political support, and then when the taxpayers refused to fully fund those promises, the pensions were deliberately underfunded, kicking the problem down the road, time after time. But the social bargain is unraveling in these states, in particular, with rapidly increasing portions of the state budgets going to fund retired govt workers, instead of critical govt services, which are falling apart. The result is that the middle class is fleeing these states, for states with better tax and spend policies, leaving the poor, who don’t pay taxes, but use outsized portions of these services, and the very rich. A Crooked Hillary Presidency might have followed Obama in extra legal strategies to address Congress refusing to fund their priorities (which this is, since the bulk of those whose pensions are likely to be affected constitute one of the most powerful Dem constituencies). Not going to happen under Trump.
I may dislike the inaction by some Republicans. I may dislike some of the statements of President (Dow Jones 23500) Trump. I may dislike some of the policies of some of his appointees. I may not like how chaotic his administrative style is.
1) They, unlike the Left, does not think I am an IRREDEEMABLE Deplorable
2) They, unlike the Left, is not interested in uprooting Capitalism, the cornerstone of our prosperity and democracy.
3) They, unlike the Left, are not attacking people's religion and sueing the Little Sisters of the Poor for DARING to believe something different than the Left
4) They, unlike the Left, have respected legitimate transitions of power.
5) They, unlike the Left, do not want to seriously infringe on many rights of Speech, Arms and Property.
6) They, unlike the Left, are not teaching little Johnny "You might actually be a little girl if you THINK you are..."
7) Unlike the Left, the Right doesn't hate White People. And we actually criticize OUR racists. Except that now that the entire Right and all Whites are supposedly racist, I guess we needn't bother any more.
So this desperate wish fulfillment by some of the Leftists here on a huge Republican Civil War, not happening.
There is unity in your TDS. But the rest of your message is essentially toxic to make my dislike for Trump into a mere incidental.
Many here have forgotten or missed the fact that the GOPe and LLR were positively giddy over a Hillary presidency and are now beside themselves she lost. I have no doubt they are purposefully sabotaging the agenda they all ran on so that Trump fails, even if it means losing both houses, they hate him that bad. The Uniparty will punish those deplorables if it is the last thing they do.
Also, they hope to demoralize their base to keep them home. Many know they will have cush jobs on Wall Street if they lose their seat and haven't already made their millions at the public trough.
Trump is a raised middle finger to all the right people. Take a bow, Inga, because it was people like you that got him elected, and it’s people like you that will get him re-elected. There’s a saying about the soap box, the ballot box and the cartridge box. We’ve been polite. We’ve been restrained. In return leftist idiots are shooting up our churches and calling for gun control. Their candidates think ‘freedom’ means that 40 year old men should be free to go in the washroom to pee beside 8 year old girls. You can’t defend lunacy like this. Every second liberal Hollywood celeb is being unmasked as a sexual pervert or rapist these days. Enjoy obscurity, you leftist morons, for you surely earned it.
I’ll give that retarded chubster, Michael Moore, part marks. He said the Donks need to give the party back to the people. The problem they have though, is “people”. They need to purge themselves of the perverts, degenerates and howler monkeys as well as the crime bosses. (And yes, the Repubs need to clean house too - McCain needs to be put out to pasture, or shot and rendered down in a glue pot).
Trump is a small step in the right direction. America has lost its way and if it continues politically correct morons will pull the roof down on us.
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