October 28, 2017

"Was this meant for a comment on the GOP? It sounds like talk to text gone wild"/"Love this--reminds me of Waiting for Godot! Truly, we live in absurd times!"

Comments on a comment that's rated #1 on a NYT article titled "As G.O.P. Bends Toward Trump, Critics Either Give In or Give Up."

Here's the comment that's delighting everyone:
Zero optimism that the Democrats can ever regain hello hi oh you’re there are you outside oh well let me come to the door I’m icing my knee and I’m hard boiling some eggs I’ll turn them off and then will do our meeting yet out that that will be fine I’m Normans out doing some errands and he knows you’re coming so he’ll just go down to the cave I was down in the Cape myself this morning by getting so let me get up because I’m right now sort of trapped in my chair and then I’ll put the ice pack back on when you get here OK thanks bye-bye
New York Magazine highlights the comment and the later comment explaining it:
“I was composing a message using the autospeak, and a friend arrived early to my house,” she wrote in a reply further down the thread. “I had no idea all that drivel was being recorded — there are even errors in the drivel! And then to be a pick, with about 15 emails announcing such, meant that my email went rogue. Yes, folks,” she added. “I guess I do sound like Sarah Palin here!”
Oh, a gratuitous swipe at Palin. She needs to go back on autospeak, where she was charming as hell. And maybe give a little thought to why (some) people like Sarah Palin so much. It's the freedom, the spriteliness. Maybe try it on purpose some time.

By the way, "I’m right now sort of trapped in my chair..." is more "Endgame" than "Godot"...


Achilles said...

The leftist world is boundaried by their hated and ignorance.

Pinandpuller said...

Xanadu would have turned out much different with Autospeak.

vanderleun said...

It's "The Person from Porlock" Redux:


stevew said...

Such people, as this one that takes a swipe at Palin, are insufferable jerks, not least of which because they think themselves so very, very clever.


Sebastian said...

"maybe give a little thought to why (some) people like Sarah Palin so much." Nu-uh. Deplorables are there to be deplored. At best.

Charlie said...

Sarah Palin is dumb but I doubt even she would let this happen.

Matt Sablan said...

Stream of consciousness style never appealed to me. I never liked To the Lighthouse.

buwaya said...

Sarah Palin was naive, not dumb.
Out in Alaska she was dealing with a far different culture vs the national MSM and the Washington system, which were instantly hostile to outsiders.
Her learning curve was along the same path, but much steeper, than that of the general public, much of which was educated in the same way from 2009 on.

bgates said...

And maybe give a little thought to why (some) people like Sarah Palin so much. It's the freedom, the spriteliness.

Maybe you should give a little (more) thought to why people like Sarah Palin so much. It's the honesty, the patriotism, the courage.

The enemies.

Michael K said...

The hatred for Sarah Palin endures on the left, sort of like the hatred of Clarence Thomas.

The Spanish Inquisition would understand. Heretics must burn !

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Enh, she was just riffing on the title of "Going Rogue." Cut her a little slack.

Robert Cook said...

It reads like one of William Burroughs' cut-ups.

Robert Cook said...

"The leftist world is boundaried (sic) by their hated and ignorance."

Yes, so unlike the rightist world, distinguished by love, intelligence, and acceptance for all.

Big Mike said...

Yes, so unlike the rightist world, distinguished by love, intelligence, and acceptance for all.

Cookie gets it! At last!

Zach said...

And maybe give a little thought to why (some) people like Sarah Palin so much. It's the freedom, the spriteliness. Maybe try it on purpose some time.

It's a genre convention that political commentary has to sound prophetic. Every speech is the start of something huge in the comments, even if there's no follow through.

Zero optimism that the Democrats can ever regain hello hi oh you’re there are you outside oh well let me come to the door

Notice the tonal shift halfway through the sentence. She doesn't really feel the way she's coming across in the first half. She should play around with the cheerful persona more often -- it might give her a different take on politics.

In book threads, I often make the point that writing is about more than sentences. This is the kind of thing I'm talking about.

Big Mike said...

Let me know when that smug commentator who dismisses Sarah Palin has been elected governor of her state and cleaned out, however temporarily, the corruption in her state’s party.

Achilles said...

Blogger Robert Cook said...

"Yes, so unlike the rightist world, distinguished by love, intelligence, and acceptance for all."

At the very least we don't kill off millions of people who disagree with the government or throw them in jail.

narciso said...

The problem is the nazguls have made it into her state, and their gollum like state. Has become contagious, she wee very clear about putin in 2008, even prophetic about the Ukraine, btw halperin is the last trophy to go down after Wallace (exiled to that pre primetime aisle on msnbc) couric, Parker it al.

narciso said...

She defeated murkowski the chief GOP powerhouse and Knowles an old line Texan Yale man, but their staff and powers that be Like Perkins and coie retaliated through abuse of the ethics reform process. She ticked off the party chair, the head of the state legislative delegation.

buwaya said...

To be fair, the Spanish inquisition burnt very few heretics.
Most of the condemned were accused crypto-Jews.
Anti-semitism is a fair and accurate description of the principal purpose of the Spanish Inquisition.
Heretic-burning, or execution for religious crimes in one way or another, was conducted on much greater scales in Northern Europe, without benefit of the Inquisitions due process, and, indeed, its mercy - or mercy in the context of its times.

narciso said...

Niki Healey got a sample of this contempt when the establishment in her state hired a low creature will folks to intimate nasty allegations against her first governors racem

Kevin said...

"Oh God, they think I'm an idiot. Let me say something humble about myself and then throw out a nasty Palin reference to let them know I'm one of them!"

Palin references are how the faithful Seig Heil! each other these days.

narciso said...

It cost her half a million in legal fees , to fight those allegations, she decided to resign when she was informed by one Perkins partner that a legal defense fund was indeed a ethics complaint violation.

narciso said...

The same people who marvel at Obama's political process when he ran unopposed in his first race, (all his opponents signatures were challenged) and he had axelrod take out his two leading opponents.

Kevin said...

The same people who marvel at Obama's political process when he ran unopposed in his first race, (all his opponents signatures were challenged) and he had axelrod take out his two leading opponents.

And will tell you today how "scandal free" his time in office was...

narciso said...

So trump not playing by marquis of quernsbury rulrscdoesnt bother me much.

narciso said...

queensbury rules, so they tried the adultery card against her, there was a nasty garden slug, who still circulates all sorts of innuendo against her, like apparently fusion tried against Cruz (recall that kerfluffle)

veni vidi vici said...

what an ass-chancre.

exhelodrvr1 said...

Another elitist progressive asshole. I know, triple redundancy.

Phil 314 said...

Cookie scores a winner at 12:39.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Cookie scores a winner at 12:39.”

He sure did!

alan markus said...

@ 12:39
so unlike the rightist world, distinguished by love, intelligence, and acceptance for all = he’ll just go down to the cave I was down in the Cape myself this morning by getting so let me get up because I’m right now sort of trapped in my chair

loudogblog said...

When I was studying Theater in college, back in the 1980s,Theater of the Absurd was all the rage for the student projects.We were lashing out against adult world that made sense, had rules, and was kind of dull and predictable.America isn't like that anymore. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theatre_of_the_Absurd

The Vault Dweller said...

Given the way her post started and her later quip about Sarah Palin, I think she was going to dig into Democrats in her post. She was probably going to declare them incompetent or impotent. Though given recent revelations surrounding hollywood, which leans left, my guess hunch is that Democrats don't have that much of an impotency problem, so much as a common decency problem.

rcocean said...

It is curious how stupid leftists think they're superior to Gov. Palin because they are Leftists.

They feel the same way about Trump.

Maybe some Psychologist can explain it. Why do common, obscure, Dumb Leftists feel intellectually superior to those who are obviously smarter, richer, and more accomplished?

James K said...


Francisco D said...

"Maybe some Psychologist can explain it. Why do common, obscure, Dumb Leftists feel intellectually superior to those who are obviously smarter, richer, and more accomplished?"

I don't think you need a psychologist to explain it. An honest person who has spent extended time in academia can do it.

Those dumb leftists are the ones who learned to parrot what their dumb leftist teachers said. They never learned to think for themselves, but were awarded grades and honors they neither deserved nor achieved. They are also constantly being told that they are virtuous by the Academia-MSM-Hollywood troika.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

""The leftist world is boundaried (sic) by their hated and ignorance."

Yes, so unlike the rightist world, distinguished by love, intelligence, and acceptance for all."

Interesting that you didn't try to deny the premise, Bob. Lashing out is all that remains to the Left. But, as Hilary Clinton could tell you, it's not quite enough.

Robert Cook said...

@The Cracker Emcee Activist at 5:02 PM:

I don't deny that there are those on the left who are hateful and ignorant, as these are traits common among all human beings. I just make the obvious point that those who think only the left possesses these traits are blinded by their own partisanship.

Everyone thinks they and their kind are possessed of right thought, right morals, logic, and exceptional virtue, and that all others not like themselves lack these traits, possessing only evil or ignorant thoughts and morals.

Everyone is wrong.

Sam L. said...

Still stuck on Sarah, eh? Does the phrase, "Get A LIFE" ring a bell?

Bilwick said...

" . . . love, intelligence and acceptance for all." You know, those signature virtues of "liberal" government sniffers and State humpers, whose love comes with gun and bludgeon; and who are so intelligent they think the more power you give Big Brother, the better off we'll all be!

As for acceptance, I wish they'd accept those of us who want to live free, wanting neither to rule or be ruled--or at least leave us the he'll alone.

Richard Dolan said...

Like Trump, Sarah Palin is exceptionally lucky in her enemies

Paul Bradshaw said...

In what respect, Ann?

Ritchie The Riveter said...

Yes, so unlike the rightist world, distinguished by love, intelligence, and acceptance for all.

Part of the perception behind considering that statement sarcasm, is being blind to the truth of I Corinthians 13:6: Love does not delight in evil, but rejoices with the truth. Intellectual honesty, while allowing for tact, does not allow outright sugar-coating the trut, complete with promises of unicorns (that also can gore the "bad people"). That is a big reason why conservatives are perceived as killjoys and meanies, even as their opponents keep their audience comfortably numb to the truth until What Can't Go On, Won't.

Sarah Palin is dumb but I doubt even she would let this happen.

Compared to her erudite and educated critics ... believers in The Cult of the Credentialed and Connected Omniscient and its tenets of faith ... Sarah Palin is Einstein.

Everyone thinks they and their kind are possessed of right thought, right morals, logic, and exceptional virtue, and that all others not like themselves lack these traits, possessing only evil or ignorant thoughts and morals. Everyone is wrong.

The telling difference, however, is what they seek to do, in their confidence that they are right. Do they respect Callahan's Principle of Leadership ... a man's got to know his limitations ... or do they believe that they are the ones they have been looking for, and should jam their (obviously-superior) socio-economic morality down others' throats?

Sarah, like Trump, doesn't seek to lord it over us ... unlike the priests of that Cult, for whom bashing Palin and Trump are akin to praying the Rosary as they seek to rule us with their "superior" intellects and fundamentally-flawed-yet-never-questioned assumptions.

Despite their erudition ...
And academic pedigree ...
The Best and the Brightest look instead
Like a box of dim bulbs to me ...

(in 2/4 time: https://www.facebook.com/notes/ritchie-the-riveter/dim-bulbs/140514325995655/ )

bflat879 said...

If you want to win, the first thing you have to do is marginalize people you perceive won't let that happen. Sarah Palin has picked more political winners than the majority of political consultants, since she came on the political scene. The MSM has tried their best to make her endorsement toxic but, if you're following politics, people still respect her opinion, especially the voters. Ironically, when she endorses them, many believe they have no chance of winning. I'll name 3 to prove my point, Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, and Judge Roy Moore. She chose Trump over Cruz, when I was hoping she'd pick Cruz and put him over the top.

You can tell who the Democrats fear by the level of attack on them. Sarah Palin has a huge place in their heads and continues to have it, even though she's been relatively quiet. Personally, I love it.

sirpatrick said...

She would be lucky to be half as intelligent, charming, and attractive as Sarah Palin.

CJ said...

How can an old bat that can’t operate a phone correctly and hard boils eggs while she’s icing her bum knee and is Marie to an old man named Norman think she’s *better* than Sarah Palin?!

Unknown said...

Richie the Riveter has driven his hot rivet remarks into the holes-in-the-head muck-minded mites disguised as dopes.
If stainless steel, those rivets are the only pure things in those stinkthinkers' skulls

Segesta said...

Mocking Sarah Palin? That's like mocking Barack Obama. Both are has-beens.

tree hugging sister said...

They can't help themselves be assholes, even when they have a God given chance to be charming.

Years ago I did a post on Mary Travers (the Peter, Paul and MARY Mary), who blithely dissed the woman who'd donated the bone marrow that had saved her life:

"...Mary laughed and added: "The problem was, I'm a lifelong Democrat. I was terrified that if she's a Republican, I could go into the voting booth and, like Dr. Strangelove, my whole brain could change around. When we finally spoke I asked her about this. There was a pause then she said, 'But I am a Republican.' So I said, 'Well, hell, I guess it's about time the Republicans did something nice for me.' "

Hahaha, right? I guess because a simple, gracious, heartfelt "thank you" is just too hard for edgy Leftists.

Robert Cook said...

Mary Travers' remark shows she's an asshole.

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