১ অক্টোবর, ২০১৭

The effort to Katrina Trump with Marie continues apace.

I'm seeing things like this (which is at Daily Beast):

I know Trump fed his haters, yesterday morning on Twitter:
The Mayor of San Juan, who was very complimentary only a few days ago, has now been told by the Democrats that you must be nasty to Trump.

...Such poor leadership ability by the Mayor of San Juan, and others in Puerto Rico, who are not able to get their workers to help. They....

...want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort. 10,000 Federal workers now on Island doing a fantastic job.
That's aggravating, when people are suffering, but should it be called "demented" and "racist"? I can see why a Trump hater would jump at an opportunity to frame "They" as Puerto Ricans in general and, in addition, to see Puerto Ricans as a racial group being subjected to disrespect because of race. But that's a leap beyond Trump's text. And yet, if the text supports that leap, one might say Trump intended to cause his followers to make racist inferences.

By the way, what's with the "King Joffrey" epithet?

Later in the day on Twitter, Trump was accusing his critics of doing #FakeNews. Maybe he threw out the red meat in the morning, expecting his haters to trash him as a demented racist and intending all along to come back for a second round accusing them — because it was predictable that they'd go overboard — of doing #FakeNews.

But maybe he started out responding to his critics, because that's what he does. He hits back. Remember what he said at a "town hall" back in April 2016:
“Tone to me matters. Being presidential matters,” Trump told host Greta Van Susteren. “If somebody hits me, I have to hit them back. I have to. I’m not going to sit there and say, ‘I’m wonderful, I’m a president.’ I want to win. I will be so presidential you won’t believe it.”
He must hit back when attacked. Maybe that's all that happened yesterday. The Mayor of San Juan hit him, and he hit back. You saw where turning the other cheek got George W. Bush in the aftermath of Katrina. That's not how Donald Trump does things. It's possible that Trump makes one move at a time, sees how it plays, and then makes the best next move, which in this case will be to hit back at the haters who are calling him a demented racist.

Back in April 2016, Van Susteren pushed Trump to say what he means by "presidential" (because — who knows? — he could become President and then claim to be "presidential" in the sense of the word that he had in mind). At the time, Trump said:
“It means maybe not be so aggressive, maybe not get so personal. But when people get personal with me, they say, oh, they don’t like my hair, okay? If I ever said I don’t like their hair it would be a headline. They’re allowed to say whatever they want to about me. My hair is not that bad is it? And it is my hair. But you know what happens? What happens is they hit me and I hit them back harder and, usually in all cases, they do it first. But they hit me and I hit them back harder and they disappear. That’s what we want to lead the country. I will be so presidential, Greta, you will be so proud of me.”
See? Asked to elaborate on what being "presidential" meant to him, he went right back to the topic of hitting back. They hit me and I hit them back harder. And they disappear. And that's what we want. A fighter is a leader. That's the kind of "presidential" he's going to give us: a leader who fights and hits back.

Notice that his criticism of the Mayor of San Juan is that she is not a leader — such poor leadership.

I'll finish this post with a poll. (Or wait, first I need to figure out what "King Joffrey" means. The only Joffrey I know is the Joffrey Ballet. The article just the situation "trigger[ed] our Joffrey Baratheon into a rage." I'm forced to Google Joffrey Baratheon. Ugh! It's a "Game of Thrones" reference: "Joffrey is an amoral sadist who disguises his cruelty with a thin veneer of charm.")

What Trump said about the Mayor of San Juan was...
pollcode.com free polls

১৭০টি মন্তব্য:

rhhardin বলেছেন...

That's aggravating, when people are suffering, but should it be called "demented" and "racist"?

Call it amusing, which Trump always is.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

I'm getting used to his "hit backs". They are odd and open to leftists threading their racism charge... but the left are going to scream "racist!" no matter what anyway. It's all they have.

When you think of all the abuse the left dish out - towards Bush (baby killing nazi) to Romney (Baby killing Nazi) Romney lost because he didn't fight. Romney allowed people to walk all over him.
So - Trump fights the asshole left. It's clumsy - but I prefer fighting the asshole left than letting the asshole left push you down.

F the left.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

The MSM take is that news is never funny. It's run for women.

whitney বলেছেন...

"I want to win. I will be so presidential you won’t believe it.”

That says it all

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Trump should hire Iowahawk to tweet for him.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Himmelfarb on Jews

Jews earn like Episcopalians and vote like Puerto Ricans.

Crimso বলেছেন...

"Trump’s attacks, dredging up trite racial stereotypes about supposed government dependency, echoed theirs, because at the end of the day, Donald Trump is them."

This just in, Daily Beast idiots: The great majority of Puerto Ricans self-identify as "white." GIMF.

chuck বলেছেন...

The attempt to Katrina Trump is hilarious in its own way. Twitter is full of outright loons living in an alternate universe. And eventually the surge will recede.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Helplessness might lose its good name on the left if the rhetorical cost it high enough.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

but should it be called "demented" and "racist"?

Better question: Are all black authors ridiculous since T. Sowell retired?

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Puerto Rican isn't a race; it's an accent.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

The best thing to do, when called a racist, is to shut up and take it because it is always true. Same with sexist and misogynist.

I think that the real reason the Tweets drive the left crazy is that they are effective and they do an end-around past the left's control of the media. The only defense they have is to cry racism.

Martha বলেছেন...

Geraldo Rivera tried to reason with the Mayor of San Juan this morning during a Fox interview. The Mayor insisted repeatedly that people are dying. When Geraldo pointed out that there were no deaths reported since the storm, the Mayor claimed her statement was nevertheless true because ......as each day goes by we are dying so.....PEOPLE ARE DYING!!!!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Hurricanes during D-prez = love, hugs, enlightenment.

Hurricanes during R-prez = You sick bastard, your climate denial brought this on and now you are making it worse by golfing. How dare you leave us here to die!

gspencer বলেছেন...

For the left - not letting a crisis go to waste,

Matt বলেছেন...

Yawn. Let me know when there is an article about Trump that DOESN'T include the word 'racism' or one of its variants.

Tank বলেছেন...

One of the big reason people (i.e. Tank) voted for Pres Trump is that he is a fighter. We're sick to death of the cuckservatives who are afraid to speak the truth and are always in defensive mode.

Quayle বলেছেন...

Needs a civility BS tag.

Being "Presidential" is a call for phony civility, done mostly when it suits the left.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Hillary has weighed in, of course. A resistance operation has been initiated and she is heading to the front of the marchers. She is the gift that keeps on giving. What an clueless tool.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

159 of us voted that it's Trump punching back, as usual. Twelve demented and despicable people, so filthy in their habits that no fly would lay its maggots in one of their oozing sores, voted for something else.

Sebastian বলেছেন...

"should it be called "demented" and "racist"?" Should it, shouldn't it? Such hard questions on a Sunday morning. The real question is: since everything the deranged left does is in bad faith, why should anyone pay attention?

Progs gonna prog. Dems will use anything and everything to vilify Trump. They'll bitch about white racism whenever they can. They'll treat PR as their political plantation. Why give 'm a penny if all we get is the "people are dying" ingratitude?

Bill Peschel বলেছেন...

Liberals teach their children that violence is bad because violence only leads to more violence and violence never solves anything.

Liberals also believe in using violence against anyone who disagrees with them, because anyone who disagrees with them are racist and sexist and therefore deplorable.

Liberals who attack Trump and get attacked in return can then call Trump unpresidential, crazy, racist, etc.

Liberals are also classic bullies. They shove someone down, then complain when that person gets up and shoves them right back.

jacksonjay বলেছেন...

Next steps for President Trump, based on Trump presidential history.
1. Funny nickname for that mayor lady. Ungrateful Chica?
2. Cabinet Secretary hostage roundtable praising Trump.
3. A week of Trump crowing about biggest election victory ever.
4. Blame Paul and Mitch.
5. Praise Chuck and Nancy.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@Dickin'Bimbos, after Sandy you need to include "promises made but not kept but no one seems to care" for Hurricanes during D-prez.

Mary Beth বলেছেন...

The federal government is sending supplies, they just aren't getting distributed. - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/us-military-on-puerto-rico-the-problem-is-distribution_us_59ce5906e4b0f3c468060dee

Because the island is mountainous, it's risky to deliver the food and water by helicopter drop. - http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/09/28/554297787/puerto-rico-relief-goods-sit-undistributed-at-ports

Diogenes of Sinope বলেছেন...

Puerto Rico is a failed Commonwealth the same as New Orleans was (is) a failed city. When a disaster hits a failed state it's a great time to blame others for everything. It's pure politics.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

And now that "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish" is racist, then there is nothing that is not racist.

Diogenes of Sinope বলেছেন...

Throwing a hissy fit is very counterproductive and only makes the situation worse. With a little cooperation Trump will give away the store. I guess Mayor Cruz doesn't want to seem to be giving Trump the Chris Christie-Obama hug.

Krumhorn বলেছেন...

Our hostess hit it squarely on the nose when she pointed out what turning the other cheek did for W (or, for that matter, Bitter McCain, Rapacious Capitalist Romney, Airhead Bimbo Palin.....). When Trump dispatched the meddling Pope back behind the massive walls of the Vatican (and from whom we've blissfully heard not a peep since), he got my vote.

Now, if he would just learn to govern.....

- Krumhorn

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Yes we get it JacksonJay, you don't like Trump. Other than that all I hear is a bunch of blah blah blah that I have become deaf to due to it's mindless repetition and lack of actual content.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

""They" as Puerto Ricans in general and, in addition, to see Puerto Ricans as a racial group being subjected to disrespect because of race."

Let's look at that Tweetstorm again:

"The Mayor of San Juan, who was very complimentary only a few days ago, has now been told by the Democrats that you must be nasty to Trump.

...Such poor leadership ability by the Mayor of San Juan, and others in Puerto Rico, who are not able to get their workers to help. They....

...want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort. 10,000 Federal workers now on Island doing a fantastic job."

-- The They's clear antecedent is: "The Mayor of San Juan, and others in Puerto Rico, who are not able to get their workers to help." This is a ding on the leadership, not the people, of Puerto Rico.

Maybe it is a bad statement; maybe it isn't true. But it isn't racist; he's basically saying that the local government of Puerto Rico let themselves be compromised by national Democrats.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"Ugh! It's a "Game of Thrones" reference..."

"Game of Thrones" and Harry Potter are pretty much the only fiction references available to the modern journalist. I think they do double-duty as the sum of their non-fiction reference, too.

Instead of dissing Trump with these impressively high-toned literary allusions, couldn't these "journalists" be punching back with story after story on all the can-do community self-organization and massive community self-help efforts now underway all over PR? Now that is what would make Trump look like a real asshole. (Though it wouldn't redeem the mayor of San Juan from asshole status.)

BTW, has anyone heard from John Henry?

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"Romney allowed people to walk all over him."

-- That moment in the debate when it became clear Crowley and Obama's teams had coordinated should've been a "Hold on a moment. Let me read the entire transcript, because he didn't, and... who told you to have this ready?"

rehajm বলেছেন...

Hillary is a Cersei but fancies herself a Daenerys.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"The attempt to Katrina Trump is hilarious in its own way."

-- The left wanted Trump to fail; I remember when that was frowned upon.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"One of the big reason people (i.e. Tank) voted for Pres Trump is that he is a fighter."

-- Oddly enough, as a moderate Republican, I warned the left after they Nazi'ed Palin, Bush, McCain, Romney, Ryan, Walker, etc., etc., that if they keep this up, they might get someone who fights back and is willing to push the envelope on issues more than my preferred Republican candidates, so it would behoove them to dial it down and look to compromise.

They didn't.

They got Trump.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

None of the above. He was making an observation.

Freder Frederson বলেছেন...

Maybe it is a bad statement; maybe it isn't true. But it isn't racist; he's basically saying that the local government of Puerto Rico let themselves be compromised by national Democrats.

Of course it is racist. He is saying that the 'Ricans are too lazy to help themselves and are demanding government handouts. Texans, on the other hand, didn't ask for handouts (they did) and fixed everything themselves with a little help from the Cajun Navy (also bullshit).

sane_voter বলেছেন...

Geraldo is a latino-first kind of guy, so if he isn't buying the the spin the San Juan mayor is peddling, she must be full of shit.

Bob Ellison বলেছেন...

NPR did a story a few days ago with the Puerto Rico governor saying FEMA and Trump were doing a great job.

This twitty mayor is bad. She could do some good for her city by asking for help and thanking the people who give help. Instead, she makes it a political thing. Sad.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"He is saying that the 'Ricans are too lazy to help themselves and are demanding government handouts."

-- They is not referring to Puerto Ricans, in general. He's specifically saying that the government is asking for things and failing to get workers to help them, which is apparently true as loads of supplies remain undistributed.

Do you even understand how pronouns work?

sane_voter বলেছেন...

The left is a flock of parrots.

"Polly sees a racist, sqaaaaawwk"

campy বলেছেন...

A resistance operation has been initiated and [Hillary] is heading to the front of the marchers.

Hope they have an ambulance handy in case she collapses.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

How do you reconcile, "Trump hates Puerto Ricans" with the lavish praise Trump has received and given the governor of Puerto Rico?

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

The words of the very racist Donald Trump:

"We must all be united in offering assistance to everyone suffering in Puerto Rico and elsewhere in the wake of this terrible disaster."

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

What the great racist Donald Trump has to say about New Progressive Party Member Congresswoman Jennifer Gonzalez-Colon of Puerto Rico:

"[She] has been wonderful to deal with and a great representative of the people. Thank you!"

cronus titan বলেছেন...

Strange. Relief efforts in Florida, Texas and US Virgin Islands continue apace and with little incident. Their interest is in helping their populations recover. The mayor of San Juan is a Ray Nagin type. A useful idiot in over her head who will be a temporary media darling because she says stupid and nasty things about a leader the media despises. Her press conference bashing the federal response with a warehouse of fresh bottled water and other supplies from the federal government behind her is reminiscent of Baghdad Bob declaring Saddam;s glorious victory while the US tanks rolled in the background. The media will disappear when she devolves into her natural state to support terrorists and cop killers.

We are seeing why Puerto Rico is on the cusp of bankruptcy and its population fleeing to the US mainland at their first opportunity (and tha was before the storm)

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

I mean, I know to find out that those things Trump said, would require you to do more than knee-jerk respond to whatever the media feeds you and tells you is racist, and require you to analyze Trump's sentences beyond what you're told they mean, but, my God.

Trump says a lot of stupid crap every day; we don't have to invent racism into things he says when, sooner or later, he's bound to screw something up.

James Pawlak বলেছেন...

Perhaps, you should have added "It is true".

Since 1977 all PR's Governors, with one exception, have been Democrats. They appear to have followed the destructive and corrupt model of Democrat mis-managed Chicago.

jacksonjay বলেছেন...

Vermont Tim,
Trump is mindless and repetitious, of course that's the point you are deaf to because of your love for him. Mindless repetition is obviously in the eye of the beholder. I forgot the part about playing golf which was always condemned before. Get it?

Gahrie বলেছেন...

That's aggravating, when people are suffering,


And if it is..surely the attacks against Trump which came first are more aggravating?

Why do the corrupt and inept Puerto Rican and Democratic pols get a pass?

Heywood Rice বলেছেন...

Punching down always looks bad but at least Trump knows not to kill a fly with a bazooka. You use Reince Priebus for that.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"Punching down always looks bad but at least Trump knows not to kill a fly with a bazooka."

-- It was a lesson he had to learn.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

In every natural disaster I can remember there were stark contrasts between locals who pitched in immediately to aid and restore their own communities and those who stood by waiting for the 'government' to 'do something'. This phenomenon represents a microcosm of cultural difference that explain why some communities thrive and some flounder. Yes, leadership is important but so is community ethos. In Puerto Rico the devastation was horrendous but for the truck drivers to leave their jobs 'to be with their families' in the midst of a crisis that demands their skills tells us something of that ethos.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Isn't true that there are thousands of containers full of emergency supplies and food piled up on the wharves of Puerto Rico because there are no truck drivers to deliver them?

How is that the fault of Trump, FEMA or the government?

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Trump is mindless and repetitious, of course that's the point you are deaf to because of your love for him.

Using a word like "mindless" is to assert a negative. Just because you refuse to see something, doesn't mean that it does not exist. Trump is not mindless, and he is pretty effective, especially given that so many in and out of government have declared a resistance to him. I don't "love Trump" he has many faults which I readily admit, but your hatred of him is blind.

Punching down always looks bad

It's not punching down when he takes on the entire news media entertainment complex, it's one against thousands and it's a fair fight.

Scab drivers from the mainland won't get the job done!

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Hope they have an ambulance handy in case she collapses.

Not me. Maybe a tow truck to haul away the carcass.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"How is that the fault of Trump, FEMA or the government?"

-- The "Federal" government; it is important to draw that distinction, especially lately when local government failings (racism in police departments, inefficient school funding, etc.) are getting laid at the federal government's feet.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"if he isn't buying the the spin the San Juan mayor is peddling, she must be full of shit."

She is a big supporter of the Puerto Rican bomber who was celebrated by Mayor de Blasio this year.

She also, according to another Mayor, is not participating in meetings with FEMA.

It looks like, once again, Trump is right. JacksonJay most affected.

Guaynabo’s mayor, Angel Perez, said in an interview with The Daily Caller that his experience with the federal government has been different from Cruz’s, in part because — unlike Cruz — he has been participating in meetings with officials from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and other federal agencies.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

"Joffrey is an amoral sadist who disguises his cruelty with a thin veneer of charm."

Whoever wrote this doesn't actually watch GoT. There was no thin veneer of charm to Joffrey. He was a spoiled, cowardly, self entitled, self indulgent, power hungry, sadistic punk from beginning to end.

Comanche Voter বলেছেন...

As I understand it (optics matter) the mayor gave a video conference protesting the lack of US aid--while standing in front of pallets of aid.

You've got containers full of aid piling up on the docks because you can't get local truck drivers to haul it off.

There are several amphibious ships that were headed to Puerto Rico before the storm hit. They've got helicopters to haul aid inland, and deck wells with landing craft that can haul aid to the beach. Maybe the good mayor can get a Marine transportation company to drive the locals trucks Or maybe she can persuade the local truck drivers to step up and start hauling.

I understand the desire and the need for locals to stay with their families in such emergencies. That's one reason why Waffle House and Walmart organize "jump teams' to go in and operate local facilities after a disaster. The local managers can take care of their families, and the jump teams can run the businesses until things get cleared up.

But all of that takes planning and leadership--and maybe a battalion of USMC transportation folks or USAR transportation companies is what's needed to get stuff off the docks. That is what you need when local leadership is lacking.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

If Trump is anyone from GoT, he's Khal Drogo.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

I guess if it's not being reported by a news media that Wikileaks showed works hand in glove with the Democrats, and especially Hillary, then it didn't happen. Notice it's a cell phone video of an an interview that doesn't seem to have made it to air.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

I'm forced to Google Joffrey Baratheon.

Also, of course, in "Game of Thrones" King Joffrey was assassinated. I can picture the Democrats and their good buddies in the media sitting around a table and whining "Will no one rid us of this troublesome president!?!"

Michael K বলেছেন...

Puerto Rico is still paying the price of politics after driving a Navy base out of PR which put $300 million a year into the economy.

Puerto Rico is an island that suffers from its position in the middle of the Caribbean and its physical separation from the U.S. Its roads were in disrepair and its electrical grid was antiquated prior to the hurricane. The island has also suffered for years from ineffective local government and rising local territorial debt.

The Navy used to operate a large Navy base there, Naval Station Roosevelt Roads. I spent six months on the island in 1993, but when the island’s population protested the presence of the training range at nearby Vieques Island, the Navy shuttered the base, taking $300 million a year out of the Puerto Rican economy.

Politics once again.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

Big Mike: To be fair, a lot of Democrats DID condemn the Scalise shooter.

The disturbing part is the what, 15~% of the population that DOESN'T condemn the violent fanatics on their own side.

virgil xenophon বলেছেন...

Of course left unmentioned by the intrepid reporters is that one of the reasons that supplies are not getting delivered to the general populace is the minor detail that the (leftist) truck drivers union is on strike (so great is their love for their fellow citizens in need) in an attempt to strong-arm the govt for higher wages as revenge for the Governors policies which the truckers claim had harmed them.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

It's a pivot from last week's Trump scandal: OMG Trump called NLF players SOBs!!!! Racist!! Impeach!!!

I'd say that leftists are like screaming toddlers except toddlers wear themselves out after a while. The left doesn't miss a beat before they start screaming about the new Racist Thing That Trump Did.

Trump is so fortunate in his enemies. Whenever I get annoyed with the man, all I have to do is look at the absurd little fools in the pitiful "resistance" and I know I made the right choice in November. (Well, that and his excellent picks for the 5th Circuit this week, made while the Left was focused on football players and Dr. Seuss. Well done, Mr. President! )

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

To see how much the media NEEDS this to be another Katrina (which, in itself, was primarily manufactured), read this article. The theme is that we lost a whole four days because Trump didn't do anything... despite routinely being told that FEMA and other federal agencies on the ground were doing work with local governments, who were being thwarted by problems with the local infrastructure.

Maybe Trump could have done more, but reading this, I just see that a major storm had lots of problems.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

What's wrong with Game of Thrones (dragons) and Harry Potter (magic) is that they are disconnected from any actual reality of the actual human experience. It is a literature that doesn't teach about humanity, and so it is trash. But this is a generation raised on trash, disconnected from a human reality, but convinced that they are more deeply connected, on account of their version of what passes for reality with them, is so simple and easy to understand.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

“The level of devastation and the impact on the first responders we closely work with was so great that those people were having to take care of their families and homes to an extent we don’t normally see,” said an administration official who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he did not want his statement to be interpreted as criticism of authorities in Puerto Rico. “The Department of Defense, FEMA and the federal government are having to step in to fulfill state and municipal functions that we normally just support.”


For example, WaPo really thinks that statement is, somehow, an indictment of Trump.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"What's wrong with Game of Thrones (dragons) and Harry Potter (magic) is that they are disconnected from any actual reality of the actual human experience. It is a literature that doesn't teach about humanity, and so it is trash."

-- Good literature (which GoT might be, I've never read it, and which Harry Potter is, at least, the two I read) can take that disconnect from reality and still touch on humanity. See, for example, Watership Down.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"He blamed the island’s financial woes and ailing infrastructure for the difficult recovery process."

-- It sounds like he (Trump) was right though WaPo. The Puerto Rican government can't even pay truck drivers to deliver emergency supplies to their neighbors, according to your own reporting. So... why are we painting this like Trump is wrong and an asshole?

Michael K বলেছেন...

Trump is so fortunate in his enemies. Whenever I get annoyed with the man, all I have to do is look at the absurd little fools in the pitiful "resistance" and I know I made the right choice in November.

Absolutely. Obama was slick and Romney could not lay a glove on him even though he was lying.

Hillary and this Democrat Party are inept. They are consumed with rage and losing, like the new governors of four New England states.

Last November, while most of the country was either cheering Donald Trump’s presidential win or making an appointment with their therapist about how to cope with the results, New Englanders in four out of the region’s six “blue” states — Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Maine — woke up the next morning with four Republican governors.

Unexpectedly !

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@Matthew, now that you mention Scalise, not nearly enough of them condemned the shooter.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

PRs are Spain's race. They were the slave Empire of all time. Black Africans should seek revenge on them.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

"I don't "love Trump" he has many faults which I readily admit, but your hatred of him is blind."

Nor do I (I don't "love" any politicians), but the Left worships Obama and projects their own servile ass kissing onto their opponents. Any defense of Trump is seen as blind adoration because the Left can't conceive of anybody seeing a president as something other than either a Messiah figure or a demon.

Heywood Rice বলেছেন...

In Puerto Rico the devastation was horrendous but for the truck drivers to leave their jobs 'to be with their families'...

Why is this so hard to understand? They didn't leave their jobs they couldn't get there. There's no phone service etc. It's a disaster for crying out loud.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"still touch on humanity. See, for example, Watership Down."

"Watership Down" is more than a generation earlier than the current dysphoric literature. I read that to my kids 40 years ago.

I also read to them the "Lord of the Rings: series which was closer to real life.

When the kids were teenagers, I was able to take them to see Watership Down, which is a real place with lots of rabbit warrens.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

I'm just glad I didn't let J. Farmer twist my arm into sending money to Puerto Rico. Based on the Mayor of San Juan they'd just sit on it while abusing the senders. I discovered that Tim Duncan set up a relief fund for the US Virgin Islands, and I contributed to his 21 US Virgin Islands Relief Fund instead.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"They didn't leave their jobs they couldn't get there. There's no phone service etc. It's a disaster for crying out loud."

Fair point but why is that Trump's fault ?

jacksonjay বলেছেন...

Jan 24, 2016 - "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said at a ...

That Tim, is blindness.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...


Via Insty.

Seems to be a whining harpy.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

"They were the slave Empire of all time."

Not defending colonial Spain*, but there quite a few empires in contention for that title.

+I have often wondered why the Spanish have not taken flack for their colonialism in the same way the Americans and Brits have. The Spaniards are as white as other Europeans and yet I've heard ignoramuses describe them as "Hispanics." All I can think of is that it's because Spain and their former colonies are nowhere near as successful and important as the former British ones are.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Jacksonjay is obviously a Bourbon and neither learned anything nor forgot anything.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Why is this so hard to understand? They didn't leave their jobs they couldn't get there.

Apparently they are angry because of the austerity measures that Puerto Rico's financial crisis is forcing on them. But you go ahead and cut off your curiosity as soon as you get an answer that suits your agenda. From what I can gather reading the pre-Maria news from Puerto Rico through Google Translate, and it may well be an incorrect impression, the Puerto Rican left is having a Scott Walker tantrum.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil বলেছেন...

jacksonjay said...
Jan 24, 2016 - "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said.

Well, that's not true. Depends on who he would shoot.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

I have often wondered why the Spanish have not taken flack for their colonialism in the same way the Americans and Brits have.

How about the Spanish language? It is much more patriarchal than English, yet the silence is deafening.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Of course left unmentioned by the intrepid reporters is that one of the reasons that supplies are not getting delivered to the general populace is the minor detail that the (leftist) truck drivers union is on strike (so great is their love for their fellow citizens in need) in an attempt to strong-arm the govt for higher wages as revenge for the Governors policies which the truckers claim had harmed them.

My dad told me the unions did that to the US during WWII on the west coast.

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

The Left is batshit crazy. The mainstream media is batshit crazy. And this ditzy Mayor of San Juan is batshit crazy.

Having said that, I do feel empathy for the people of Puerto Rica enduring the aftermath of this horrible storm. It would be nice if the politicians in Puerto Rico would either thank President Trump and FEMA for their yeoman efforts or, politely, just shut the fuck up.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

"I was able to lure one of my supporters int a hotel room and forcibly raper her and it didn't hurt me with Democrats" Clinton laughed to himself.

Heywood Rice বলেছেন...

Of course left unmentioned by the intrepid reporters is that one of the reasons that supplies are not getting delivered to the general populace is the minor detail that the (leftist) truck drivers union is on strike (so great is their love for their fellow citizens in need) in an attempt to strong-arm the govt for higher wages as revenge for the Governors policies which the truckers claim had harmed them.

Have you got a source for this or are we just supposed to believe it because it's on the internet?

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

I thought PR has beneficial tax treatment. Why can't they attract business?

It seems they also learned the lesson of The Philippines. We don't want your base here. A few years ago, they hired Lobbyists to have us come back in some fashion.

Cayman took the opportunity to upgrade after their last huge hurricane hit.

Maybe there's a reason PR refuses to vote for independence.

They have that option, yet it never passes.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

United is flying into PR and waiving excessive baggage fees for humanitarian aid.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Have you got a source for this or are we just supposed to believe it because it's on the internet?

Scab drivers from the mainland won't get the job done!

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

PR is an island.

What a great opportunity for some solar company to get good PR and turn the island into a renewable paradise.

The Hawaiians didn't complain this much when Iniki hit, did they? That year the US got hammered on both sides by hurricanes.

Billy Hill বলেছেন...

Has anybody else noticed that in every interview, including the one done in front of pallets full of supplies, this mayor is in a different set of clean clothes, looking fresh as a daisy? How is she managing that with most of the infrastructure wiped out, including the power grid? And how did she find the time to design that spiffy t-shirt that she was wearing for the interview with Anderson Cooper that said "HELP US. WE ARE DYING.", and then get it printed on an island with no electricity in the middle of an ongoing disaster?
The media wanted Harvey, and then Irma, to be Trump's Katrina. But facts on the ground, and information being put out by ordinary citizens via social media made that impossible. Puerto Rico is a different situation. Volunteers on the ground are sparse to nonexistent, due to logistics, and almost all communication is still down. It is much easier for the MSM to control the flow of information and the narrative, and they are determined to keep this crisis from going to waste.

William বলেছেন...

A day or two after Katrina hit, the New Orleans police chief said that refugees in the sports center were raping babies and practicing cannibalism. The press didn't make much of the fact that the police chief there was a psycho asshole. I think I remember one newsman saying that mosquitoes don't bite dead bodies and thus spread disease as the police chief was claiming. Other than that, the police chief was more ignored than blamed and was never called out on his stupidity And Nagin won reelection based on the bang up job he did during the hurricane.

Dude1394 বলেছেন...

Yes...we saw how the ever so gracious George W. Bush was lied about and ravaged by the democrat media after Katrina. Trump was correct to hit back at an obvious political attack.

From someone standing IN FRONT of pallets and pallets of aid no less. He will win this one as well.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Pala Yulu or whatever that sustainable community is called. What a great teachable moment.

Heywood Rice বলেছেন...

Scab drivers from the mainland won't get the job done!


tim in vermont বলেছেন...


I guess you sure showed me! Your trenchant analysis and fact and evidence laden rebuttals put me to shame! For a second I was hoping that you had an actual rebuttal that showed the facts.

William বলেছেন...

Billy Hill makes some good points about the Mayor. I would ask why is no reporter asking her those questions. The press is serving mostly as a conduit and megaphone for anything negative she wishes to say about the President........Who could have ever predicted that Puerto Rico would be hit by a major hurricane. It's impossible for people like the Mayor to plan ahead for these freak occurrences.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Republicans get called racists all the time. Partly, its because some refuse to fight back, partly because they keep playing defense. You even had asshole Mitt Romney, Mr. Whitebread, calling Trump a racist.

Where is the pushback against the constant charges of Racism? Until Republicans start counter-attacking the Democrats are NEVER going to stop calling them White Supremacists.

Heywood Rice বলেছেন...

I guess you sure showed me! Your trenchant analysis and fact and evidence laden rebuttals put me to shame! For a second I was hoping that you had an actual rebuttal that showed the facts.

This was on the other thread.

I don't really know what is happening in Puerto Rico, and my Spanish is pretty limited, but here is an interview with a union truck driver

Yeah, I know. I traced the "smoking gun" unnamed source aka the "toothless guy" that's being cited by the right wing truth machine. One of the comments on Youtube claims "he is the leader of the truckers teamsters (frente amplio)" The video was posted by Juan Fiol,he gives no information about where the recording comes from but the google says he's the former vice chairman of Trump's Miami-Dade organization, a Cuban American from Florida. This is not simply bad journalism it's total BS.

Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

"The mayor of San Juan is a Ray Nagin type"

Spot on! Agin went to a family reunion and never came back -- from his chocolate city to the Texarkana Federal Fudge Factory where he is known as Nougat because he's up inside all that chocolatey goodness. May a similar fate await that bleached terrorist-supporting mayor.

Dude1394 বলেছেন...

"And how did she find the time to design that spiffy t-shirt that she was wearing for the interview with Anderson Cooper that said "HELP US. WE ARE DYING.", and then get it printed on an island with no electricity in the middle of an ongoing disaster? "

Oh I expect Andreson Cooper made it for her.

With respect to the truck drivers, to heck with them. Get other people to drive the damn things. Use pickups, use cars, get off your ass.

donald বলেছেন...

There's a whole lot more in the comments on that video that directly contradict your interpretation. As I read more, there is no doubt in my mind that this is typical thug union hack ham handed intimidation. YMMV, but it ain't like this isn't right out of the thug union hand book.

Heywood Rice বলেছেন...

but it ain't like this isn't right out of the thug union hand book.

Confirmation bias, also called confirmatory bias or myside bias, is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Confirmation bias, also called confirmatory bias or myside bias, is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses.

You mean like blaming everything on Trump..right?

Big Mike বলেছেন...

If anyone wants to see confirmation bias, antiphone is a good example of confirmation bias in action.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Here's part of a report from Politico on 9/23:

[mayor] "Rossello and other officials praised the federal government for planning its response in detail before the storm hit, a contrast with what Puerto Rico has long seen as the neglect of 3.4 million Americans living in a territory without a vote in Congress or the electoral college.

"This is the first time we get this type of federal coordination," said Resident Commission Jenniffer Gonzalez, Puerto Rico's non-voting representative in Washington."

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

The video was posted by Juan Fiol,he gives no information about where the recording comes from but the google says he's the former vice chairman of Trump's Miami-Dade organization, a Cuban American from Florida. This is not simply bad journalism it's total BS.

The point is that there is no curiosity about it. Why is he ranting like that? Why is he being interviewed? The complete incurious response of the media is plenty evidence for you. How does the fact that it was posted by a Trump supporter invalidate it? If Trump supporters don't get the other side of the story out, it won't get out. We have seen that time after time.

But that is a pretty handy device! If I don't hear it on one of the news outlets that agrees with me on what should and should not be reported, IT DIDN"T HAPPEN! Simplifies everything for you, doesn't it? Take about built in confirmation bias. If you don't like the source, you just ignore the evidence.

I too would like to see some real journalism on it. Don't expect it given that our major journalistic outlets have all been bought by Democrat crony billionaires.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Big Mike said...

If anyone wants to see confirmation bias, antiphone is a good example of confirmation bias in action.

Anti a ironic hipster.

Heywood Rice বলেছেন...

You mean like blaming everything on Trump..right?

Not at all, I never mentioned blame or Trump. I'm questioning information that doesn't meet any journalistic standards being distributed as news.

sane_voter বলেছেন...

There is no way at this time that the truckers don't know they are needed. I have co-workers who have been able to get in contact with their family members in PR. It is sporadic, but they have made contact. The news is out there.

To insure all know, do some leaflet drops to tell the truckers to meet at specific centralized locations to get further instructions and fuel.

Gospace বলেছেন...

Seeing Red said...
Of course left unmentioned by the intrepid reporters is that one of the reasons that supplies are not getting delivered to the general populace is the minor detail that the (leftist) truck drivers union is on strike (so great is their love for their fellow citizens in need) in an attempt to strong-arm the govt for higher wages as revenge for the Governors policies which the truckers claim had harmed them.
My dad told me the unions did that to the US during WWII on the west coast.

Happened a lot on the docks with longshoreman and stewards, right up until the day after Hitler turned on Russia. Suddenly, strikes ans slow downs were a thing of the past...

Communists infiltrated and attempted to control waterfront and seaman unions worldwide. Conveniently before the internet existed, so easier to memory hole. Some of us have good memories.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

That's rayciss!

Ray - SoCal বলেছেন...

Blog post by somebody actually there.

Huge snafu...


Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"To insure all know, do some leaflet drops to tell the truckers to meet at specific centralized locations to get further instructions and fuel."

-- Disaster prep is best done BEFORE the disaster. This is a failure of leadership.

jacksonjay বলেছেন...

As my rebuttal should suggest to you, facts and long reasoned arguments don't hold much sway with Fifth Avenuers. Trump obviously knew his voters. That Tim, is a fact. Something about facts getting in the way of opinions.

The post was about Trump twitter counterattacks. Yes, he does that. Fact. It is Trump's way. Fact. Isn't that repetitious? He been doing that for years. The mayor is a Democrat who hates Trump. Fact.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

From the Daily Caller "Fellow Puerto Rico Mayor Rips San Juan Mayor — ‘She’s Not Participating In Any Meetings" Trump right once again.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Not at all, I never mentioned blame or Trump. I'm questioning information that doesn't meet any journalistic standards being distributed as news.

Journalistic "standards" I guess means getting past the gatekeepers of the Democrat Party that Wikileaks clearly showed infest the mainstream media. it happened. What makes it not news? Because your friends in the media refuse to report it?

That is some ironclad confirmation bias right there. My congratulations on the efficient system you have set up for yourself to accomplish it!

JasksonJay, you are not worth it. Nobody can do a better job of discrediting your believability than you are doing yourself.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Fact is that Puerto Rico is experiencing a financial crisis, and the unions are mad that the money has run out. This is before the hurricane. The fellow there sure seems to believe that he is speaking for the truck drivers, and does so with a lot of passion. What is more believable? that it is fake performance art whipped up by a Trump supporter in Miami, or that the left in Puerto Rico has gone all crazy at modest reforms to the government the same way Wisconsin unions did when Scott Walker was Hitler.

Heywood Rice বলেছেন...

Because your friends in the media refuse to report it?

That's it, fuck you asshole.

jacksonjay বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Darrell বলেছেন...

I read an off-the-record statement of a US Navy officer saying that he had participated in many relief operations over the years and had never seen anything like this. They had relief supplies on the ground within 24 hours and had emergency rescue teams in helicopters there before that. They visited government offices listed on the action plan in place, and nobody was there. They visited the homes of the disaster officials and they refused to leave, even though their safety was guaranteed. They tried to recruit local truck drivers to bring the goods to the designated distribution points, insuring them that the road were being cleared--and they all refused. That made it an entirely different operation because trucks and American personnel would have to be brought to Puerto Rico to do all the work. And that takes precious time.

President Trump is right as always.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Michael K বলেছেন...

Happened a lot on the docks with longshoreman and stewards, right up until the day after Hitler turned on Russia. Suddenly, strikes ans slow downs were a thing of the past...

In WWII, the longshoremen in New Zealand refused to unload ships with weapons and supplies to fight the Japanese who were bearing down on New Zealand. The US Army and Marines unloaded the ships.

There is no limit to the stupidity of union members who should know better. Some of it was communists but some is just stubborn ignorance. The unions were sabotaging Seattle docks five years ago.

One woman said she is focusing her Port protest on “food justice” and corporations that are profiting as grain gets more expensive. Another man said he is fighting for changing the movement’s name to “Decolonize Seattle,” saying “Occupy Seattle” is offensive.

Standard nutty thinking.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

That's it, fuck you asshole.

Sorry, that little pang of cognitive dissonance must have been painful for you! I know it's tough when you have faith that you are right, but when your faith is matched up against the real world of evidence and logic, best to give up!

There is absolutely no way that the media is biased against Trump. Anybody exposed involuntarily in an airport would know this! Is that your point?

Michael K বলেছেন...

The lefties are going nuts early in the day today.

Nice to know. Maybe it's part of the "Take a Knee" thing.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

involuntarily exposed to CNN in airports, I meant to say.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"They had relief supplies on the ground within 24 hours and had emergency rescue teams in helicopters there before that."

They had several amphibious ships in place before the hurricane hit. They put the ships in the path of the hurricane in order to be ready.

Those ships have big flight decks and well decks for landing craft which can bring supplies ashore on beaches. No need for docks.

buwaya বলেছেন...

That there is so little real news out of PR is pretty amazing really. There are sat phones. There are mobile satellite stations. These have been widely used for on the spot reporting from remote places since at least the Afghan campaign of 2001. Its not difficult to reach PR, its easily accessible by boat from Florida (which can easily have satellite internet connections) even if no flights are available for journalists (which I dont believe for a second was ever the case).

PR has many small ports other than San Juan.

More, there is shortwave and there are generators.

The only thing I can conclude is that no news organization is actually trying to report from PR.

These are all problems that William Randolph Hearst, say, could have gotten around in 1898 by chartering a yacht or two and running text to the nearest working cable station, and broken stories with on the spot reports.

buwaya বলেছেন...

Back in the 2000's, I followed some of the freelance reporters in the field in Iraq and Afghanistan, and these fellows often spoke of their portable technological setups to transmit text, voice, photographs and video from places with no infrastructure.

Where theres a will theres a way. One can only conclude that in this case, there is no will.
This silence really does seem like a dog that didn't bark thing.

Michael K বলেছেন...

One can only conclude that in this case, there is no will.
This silence really does seem like a dog that didn't bark thing.

Which is more evidence that Trump and his administration is doing it right.

There was a similar silence out of Mississippi after Katrina which was just as badly hurt as NO but which coped well with the damage and the Governor of Mississippi was a Republican.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

One good EMP blast and that's US. Some will help, some will cower, some will steal.

Hubby just bought some diaster prep stuff. We haven't done that in years.

n.n বলেছেন...

Put down the shirt. Get to work.

The Mayor of San Juan is another Nagin, which explains the sustainable corruption and poverty under her regime.

n.n বলেছেন...

The Daily Beast is an affiliate of the neo-Democratic Party whose rabid color diversity is well known and established, and not limited to over and covert diversity politics.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Somebody who is there and working has a pretty strong opinion.

I have 50 engineers that I have sent out pro bono to help local companies get back on their feet. This includes getting people gasoline and cash, and helping them connect to others that can assist with repairs without delays.

I won’t allow my people to work with the local government.

I have a message for the U.S. Congress: Watch out what relief funds you approve and let our local government handle. Don’t let the Puerto Rican government play the victim and fool you. They have no clue what they are doing, and I worry that they will mishandle anything that comes their way.

They don’t need another aircraft carrier. They need experienced people to run a proper disaster command center.

Yup. Maybe they could get him to take over when the place goes BK. It worked for Detroit.

hstad বলেছেন...

Blogger Bay Area Guy said...
The Left is batshit crazy. The mainstream media is batshit crazy. And this ditzy Mayor of San Juan is batshit crazy.

Having said that, I do feel empathy for the people of Puerto Rica enduring the aftermath of this horrible storm. It would be nice if the politicians in Puerto Rico would either thank President Trump and FEMA for their yeoman efforts or, politely, just shut the fuck up.

10/1/17, 10:41 AM

"..empathy for the people of Puerto Rico...." Yes, suffering as a result of this storm is understandable, but voting in "..batshit crazy...." politicians is not.

Michelle Dulak Thomson বলেছেন...

I watched Meet the Press this morning, and watched a black woman describe the Mayor of San Juan as a "woman of color." She's not. I mean, my husband described "woman of color" as a "term of art" this morning, and accused me of willfully misunderstanding it, but, honestly, if the Mayor of San Juan were walking around Salem this morning, she'd be less likely to be taken for a "brown person" than was the half-Peruvian George Zimmerman. She looks about as "brown" as I do. A lot less "brown" than Paul Ryan, who was on next.

I suppose that all Puerto Ricans are presumed "brown." What good is that to anyone?

Michael K বলেছেন...

"I suppose that all Puerto Ricans are presumed "brown." What good is that to anyone?"

Race baiters love it.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

san juan mayor admits she hasn't met federal officials at joint field office........... Link.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Seeing Red said...
One good EMP blast and that's US. Some will help, some will cower, some will steal.

It would take several to many. The curvature of the earth limits the radius of the affected area and the size of the warhead limits the height it can be set off at and still be effective.

Gary বলেছেন...

Your comments have become a partisan echo chamber.
There was massive flooding in Puerto Rico but there is almost no communication and transportation. THe governor is for political reasons under-reporting fatalities. Reports are coming in of hundreds if not thousands dead.


Jupiter বলেছেন...

"The curvature of the earth limits the radius of the affected area and the size of the warhead limits the height it can be set off at and still be effective."

Well, sort of. You make it sound like no one but us and Russia can build big bombs and shoot them high. That is very far from true. Iran and Pakistan both have bombs that could devastate the US with an EMP pulse and rockets that could put them in position to do it from a boat off either coast. No telling what the Norks have got, or who else the Pakis sold it to. Of course, we don't allow boats carrying nuclear weapons on either the Pacific or Atlantic oceans. There are big signs, visible from orbit, that say "No Nukes Allowed, This Means You!". So we're safe.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"Your comments have become a partisan echo chamber. "

Unlike yours, I guess.

All that cannibalism in the Superdome comes to mind.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

"...Such poor leadership ability by the Mayor of San Juan, and others in Puerto Rico, who are not able to get their workers to help. They...."

80% of truck drivers aren't showing up to deliver the supplies that have arrived.

< 50% of the National Guard members have shown up to do their part in saving Puerto Rico.

Some of those National Guard members are first responders, doing their day jobs. That's fine. Some of the truckers lack the ability to get to work. That's sad, but acceptable.

Must of them, from what I can tell, aren't working to save their society, because they're at home helping their families.

That's not "lazy." But that's your word, not Trump's.

What Trump said was "not able to get their workers to help". And that appears to be factually true.

So how about adding the option: "What Trump is doing is making true statements that should be made"?

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

"THe governor is for political reasons under-reporting fatalities. Reports are coming in of hundreds if not thousands dead."

I really do hope that it 's not true, but I can wait for the facts to come out, and not respond to every rumor.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Freder Frederson said...

Of course it is racist. He is saying that the 'Ricans are too lazy to help themselves and are demanding government handouts. Texans, on the other hand, didn't ask for handouts (they did) and fixed everything themselves with a little help from the Cajun Navy (also bullshit).

You need to learn how to read, Freder. People staying home to help their families aren't necessarily lazy.

But they also aren't doing the job they're paid to do, and that their society needs them to do.
And if you compare the "call up rates" for the TX & FL National Guard, as compared to the PR National Guard, I believe you'll find out a lot mroe of the mainlanders reported in.

Blogger antiphone said...
In Puerto Rico the devastation was horrendous but for the truck drivers to leave their jobs 'to be with their families'...

Why is this so hard to understand? They didn't leave their jobs they couldn't get there. There's no phone service etc. It's a disaster for crying out loud.

You'r right, "It's a disaster for crying out loud." So go to the ports, because that's where any supplies are going to be coming in.

No truck driver should NEED to be told that. It's where they pick up the supplies every day they work.

Unknown বলেছেন...

what race is the blonde mayor? Is she a visigothic conquistadora?

Jupiter বলেছেন...

Freder is nearly always wrong, in objective terms, but he usually makes a degree of sense within the confines of his own twisted assumptions. But I think this time the twisting of those assumptions has become visible in the result. Tell us, Freder, what race are the Puerto Ricans? The government considers them "hispanic", because they speak Spanish, but even I am not so racist as to imagine that the language you speak is genetically determined. So I think what Freder is revealing here, is that to him, any criticism of any population known for general fecklessness, and for voting Democrat, is by definition "racist". In the same way, criticism of Muslims, a group which anyone can enter and no one may leave, is racist to Freder.

bflat879 বলেছেন...

You knew they were going to try and get Trump, it was just a question of who and how. They found someone willing, the Mayor or San Juan and, with the liberal media, that's really all you need. As far as President Trump responding, as the comment above says, you saw what they did to Bush because he refused to hit back so Trump is no fool, he hits back.

One small comment about Romney. I'm surprised, given his treatment by the MSM, he's so willing to go along with them. I'm really disappointed in him.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

I thought PR has beneficial tax treatment.

Those went away. I believe Clinton did the deed.

Why can't they attract business?

Shitty infrasytucture

chuck বলেছেন...

Looks more and more like the mayor needs to be called out for doing a shitty job. We can thank the MSM and Democrats for bringing that to national attention.

Narayanan বলেছেন...

Hey if Romney could rescue Olympics put him in charge of Maria recovery heh.

Narayanan বলেছেন...

The mayora is angling for a speaking slot at next Dem convention. Did PR go for Trump or Hillary?

Jupiter বলেছেন...

I thought PR has beneficial tax treatment.
"Those went away. I believe Clinton did the deed."

Clinton signed a bill in 96 that ended the waiver of corporate taxes on companies doing business in PR after 2006. But the residents still don't pay income taxes. Which is why they won't vote for statehood.

Tim বলেছেন...

Just no on statehood. Yes on free state of Puerto Rico. "Everybody just wants to be free".

নামহীন বলেছেন...

https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2017/09/30/puerto-rico-teamsters-union-frente-amplio-refuse-to-deliver-supplies-use-hurricane-maria-as-contract-leverage/ Some one was asking for this earlier and it has turned up. Union drivers are screwing their countrymen because they are mad at the governor. Actual link.

jr565 বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
jr565 বলেছেন...

Only 20% of truth drivers are even showing up for work. So, if they are choosing not to drive then yes, they are expecting us to do all the work. And Mayor is not attending FEMA meetings but is pontificating about things she chooses not to learn about.
She was invited to attend those briefings, though she continues to refuse to do so.
Also, she told Geraldo people are dying. He asked her what she meant by that since the death toll is the same as it was since last week. A s she said they are dying beciase they are dehydrated. Hyperbole being used to smear trump is pretty easily refuted.
And the reason is that trump doesn't let people smear him. When bush was told that he doesn't care for black people he never responded by saying all the things thst were done. Trump won't let his enemies get away with lying.
The media hates that, but even though they will complain it's largely how he can neuter their talking points.

10/1/17, 8:22 PM Delete

SH বলেছেন...

Like you pointed out; the GW Bush style of just ignoring it didn't work. It used to work... which is why Bush probably tried it. It was the blood in the water theory. Respond to a baseless claim and you elevate it in the news. But; the media had changed. They'll keep baseless claims in the news regardless now if they support the politics (which always lean democratic). If you simply ignore them; they start to be considered undisputed fact. Of course; only some social circles. A lot of us just don't trust the media now.

SeanF বলেছেন...

rehajm: Hillary is a Cersei but fancies herself a Daenerys.

Astonishingly enough, Hillary actually fancies herself a Cersei. Read her book.

HT বলেছেন...

what's marie?

Sebastian বলেছেন...

Can't Congress relinquish US control of PR and recognize it as an independent country? If the GOP is smart, they could even frame it as a leftist, anti-imperialist move, giving in to the demands of lefty PR separatists.

Unknown বলেছেন...

'Jan 24, 2016 - "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters," Trump said at a ...

That Tim, is blindness.'

I too was shocked that after Trump shot somebody down on Fifth Avenue he didn't lose voters. That is clarity of vision.

Unknown বলেছেন...

"They were the slave Empire of all time."

It's a fair cop, but the Arabs, Ottomans, and Dutch were in the running. Tamerlane did not keep enough people alive to judge. The Ottomans had at least one entire population from which they took slaves. Spain's men did come upon some of the most primitive cultures then existing, and did humanity the service of ridding the planet of ritual human sacrifice (for the time being perhaps).

Unknown বলেছেন...

"Anybody exposed involuntarily in an airport would know this!"

The stuff bad dreams are made of.