October 26, 2017

"Protesters splattered red liquid onto the base of the bronze statue of Theodore Roosevelt outside the American Museum of Natural History in Manhattan..."

"... and later published a statement on the internet calling for its removal as an emblem of 'patriarchy, white supremacy and settler-colonialism.' 'Now the statue is bleeding,' said the statement Thursday from the protesters, who identified themselves as members of the Monument Removal Brigade. 'We did not make it bleed. It is bloody at its very foundation.'"

The NYT reports.


Now I Know! said...

Obvious false flag operation.

traditionalguy said...

What did Theodore Roosevelt ever do to else anybody except live a good life? I guess his CRIME was being a strong white man serving in leadership once in the USA.

Birkel said...

It's ok. I have it on good authority that the slope is not slippery.

Freeman Hunt?

mccullough said...

Less likely to break your neck defacing this statue than TR's visage on Mt. Rushmore.

TrespassersW said...

If they don't like our monuments, they are cordially invited to move somewhere where the monuments are more to their liking.

I'll help them pack.

Gahrie said...

One of the most progressive presidents ever....and the greenest.

Darrell said...

Deport. No matter where they were born.

etbass said...

I certainly hope the leftist deBlazio views this act as a crime. I know the current Comish, Frank Reagan would go after the gang that defaces the memorial of his predecessor, Teddy Roosevelt.

Curtiss said...

In my day there were groups like the Baader-Meinhof Gang and the Simbionese Liberation Army. Now there's the Monument Removal Brigade. With red paint and witty metaphors. It's amusing.

mockturtle said...

TR is my favorite US President so this seriously pisses me off. These vandals had better be glad I wasn't around when they did this! :-(

Kate said...

Y U H8 Robin Williams?

buwaya said...

"What did Theodore Roosevelt ever do to else anybody except live a good life? "

Sins vs modern thought -

- He was a very avid hunter.
- He owned a Western ranch.
- He supported expansion of the US Navy and wanted to configure it as a force capable of global operations. He was not the initiator of the virtual creation of the modern USN (this was a matter of the Chester Arthur and Grover Cleveland administrations), but he certainly pushed it hard when he had the chance.
- He supported retention of the Philippines throughout his career (colonialism! finally), and supported the various wars there, and the consequences thereof.
- He pushed through the construction of the Panama canal, and perhaps surreptitiously aided the necessary Panamanian revolution that was required to make it possible. (more colonialism!)

As for other things, he was a very Trumpian sort, re "the swamp" as it was in his day -

"To destroy this invisible Government, to dissolve the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day. This country belongs to the people. Its resources, its business, its laws, its institutions, should be utilized, maintained, or altered in whatever manner will best promote the general interest."

Jim at said...

Gee. I never saw this coming.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Obvious false flag operation."

If so, they certainly have the spiel down perfectly.

It delights me that the Left can't even recognize it's own insanity. They're not even true believers anymore. That would require some ability to rationalize their belief system. They're just reflexively batshit.

Bob Ellison said...

I don't like much about TR. He was a populist, progressive, statist guy. He left his political party and ran again as another partier because he thought he was the bestest guy around. Pride.

It's not a good biography. But he did some good. Maybe about as much good as bad.

Rob said...

Teddy Roosevelt's statue must go and be replaced by a statue of Cecil the Lion.

Original Mike said...

Did he own slaves too?

LYNNDH said...

Maybe they should bleed a little themselves.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Mmmmm, yes, yes, just those dirty Confederate traitors, right nice smart people? No slippery slope exists, no no no. People warning about that kind of thing--people who found it stupid to give in to the idiocy of a howling mob--were just closet racists & ignorant, regressive ugly deplorables.

Who could have seen this coming? Shocking.

Bob Ellison said...

Picture it: it's 1912, and your political party, the one that founded itself upon the dissolution of slavery in America and fought a civil war on that, disappoints you by not anointing you. So you make a new party, and get your head chiseled onto a mountain, and that's about it.

Ken B said...

"Obvious false flag operation."

That is exactly what several of us have been saying about him for ages. But now Inga turns on Chuck too?

Fabi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Godfather said...

Trump was wrong. He said Washington and Jefferson statues would be next, and it turns out it was TR. When they get to the real racist, Woodrow Wilson, wake me up for the march. Cousin Franklin wasn'r all that pure either.

Fabi said...

The entire country secretly supports defacing these horrible statues! They shouldn't change tactics until after the 2018 midterms. America applauds your bravery!

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

LYNNDH said...
Maybe they should bleed a little themselves.

I'm afraid that's coming. Sooner than most of us think.

samsondale said...

Do they want more Trump? Because this is how they get more Trump.

n.n said...

the slope is not slippery

The slope is not slippery. It is, ironically, progressive (i.e. monotonic). Teddy was fated to fall. Next are other progressives, liberals, and progressive liberals, too. There can be only a single, monopoly, or one power.

Conservatives are standing their ground on principle, the middle road, and watching the evolving civil war that threatens to derail life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. So, bring on the fascists and other left-wing monstrosities. Bring on the "good" Americans, their enablers.

David said...

Next: FDR! Opressor of Asians.

Curious George said...

Time to thunk some skulls.

FWBuff said...

Why not go after the Statue of Liberty next? White privilege, Euro-centrism, and native American exploitation avenged!

Tommy Duncan said...

Let's end this by tearing down all evidence of the works of dead (and living) white men, including the evil technology they invented (cell phones, heating and air conditioning, automobiles, plumbing, electricity, internet...).

Let's go post colonial!

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

When do we get to start calling these people the American Taliban?

William said...

The 1912 election was the most consequential of the 20th century. If TR had won, my guess is that we would have entered the war sooner and that Germany would have unmistably known that she had lost the war. On the plus side for Germany, TR might have pushed back against the reparations and war guilt. The world, in any event, would have become a different place if he had won.

Mark Nielsen said...

Can't say for certain that it *isn't* false flag, but regardless of that, it's authentic enough that the NYT seems to be afraid to allow their readership to weigh in with comments.

Michael K said...

When I was a mere stripling, the UCLA glee club decided to paint Tommy Trojan, the USC symbol, blue which the the color of UCLA.

A group of us caught several of them, gave them a bath in a nearby fountain, shaved half their heads and painted the rest blue.

That was a long time ago and a trivial incident compared to the current culture war, but it does sound like a good idea to me.
Of course some of them will already have shaved half their heads and dyed the rest of their hair blue.

Michael K said...

If TR had won, my guess is that we would have entered the war sooner and that Germany would have unmistably known that she had lost the war.

I think I would preferred Taft who was a better man than TR.

MadisonMan said...

Not only that, but TR groped a woman once!

ccscientist said...

By definition, any statue of any white man is a symbol of white supremacy yada yada. So I guess the era of statues is over. There are no historical figures of any note who were pure enough by Leftist current standards, and those who might be were still men and still white, so pull em down!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm not a big gun nut like the rest of you right-wing wackos, but man are these pretty. And entirely of a piece with TR. I would totally get one if I had an extra spare just £85,500 lying around.

TR was a progressive, and a great president. Two attributes to cause the modern day nutjob to hate him with burning intensity. He would be drummed out of today's Republican Party worse than they did to Jon Huntsman, or even Jon Kasich, for that matter.

TrespassersW said...

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...
When do we get to start calling these people the American Taliban?


Achilles said...

These people are not compatible with free society. They will keep pushing until they can seize power over others. Once they achieve power they will inevitably kill off people they can't control.

They need to be defeated utterly.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

I still marvel that Taft went on the SCOTUS after being President. It reminds me of Jefferson, who put on his tombstone three achievements -- I think they were the Declaration of Independence, the VA Declaration of Human Rights, and the founding of UVA. Being POTUS didn't make the list.

But Obama was, like, the smartest President EVER, so maybe TR needs to leave Mt. Rushmore. In fact, maybe all four need to leave Mt. Rushmore. We can make the whole thing into a super-ginormous Obama portrait.Who needs anyone else?

In other news, on the cover of this week's New Yorker is a portrait of Trump as Pennywise the Dancing Clown from Stephen King's It. I suppose Hitler was getting old. That said, about four or five pages into the book, Pennywise has ripped a little kid's arm off, and somehow I can't see Trump doing that.

D 2 said...

It's not like it was a little known plaque in some old graveyard identifying the dead. You need the Mayor batting cleanup for that heavy stuff.

I dont live anywhere close to Madison - but coming to this site and reading that story was a good enough line for me to draw.

In the rules of my magic unicornland, Anyone who wants to talk about what old statues must be toppled must first publicly disavow the Mayors actions as highly indecent, call for him to apologize, and work to have the plaque re-installed.

If you dont agree to that, I dont care what you think of toppling X. Not saying I agree with toppling X - i am saying that is the test before possible discourse to see if you are human.

MacMacConnell said...

" That said, about four or five pages into the book, Pennywise has ripped a little kid's arm off, and somehow I can't see Trump doing that."

Sure he could do that and did, the kid was CNN or Hillary.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I imagine the establishment of his day hated TR as much as the right-wingers hated Obama.

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
I'm not a big gun nut like the rest of you right-wing wackos, but man are these pretty. And entirely of a piece with TR. I would totally get one if I had an extra spare just £85,500 lying around.

We have a house closing in a couple weeks. I am budgeting in One of these. Hopefully one of these too. Going to get a bullet press too. Save on ammo costs. I doubt I will waste any money on a bump fire stock but there are some cool belt fed AR uppers around.

It would be interesting to see what Teddy did with Google and Amazon though. He had a certain thing for monopolies.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It reminds me of Jefferson, who put on his tombstone three achievements -- I think they were the Declaration of Independence, the VA Declaration of Human Rights, and the founding of UVA. Being POTUS didn't make the list.

Jefferson was a slightly overrated politician. And horribly hypocritical.

Wonderful speech writer, though. Which is something we delegate to the interns nowadays.

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
I imagine the establishment of his day hated TR as much as the right-wingers hated Obama.

Obama was a tool for the globalists who own "the establishment." Not much air between him and the GOPers he played kabuki with.

You are thinking of examples like Reagan. And now Trump.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I doubt I will waste any money on a bump fire stock but there are some cool belt fed AR uppers around.

Not quite feeling the spirit of your brother-in-arms Stephen Paddock? Just think of how many Las Vegas massacres you could commit with enough of those!

I know that gets you excited. Or filled with passionless remove for the victims. One or the other.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Obama was a tool for the globalists who own "the establishment." Not much air between him and the GOPers he played kabuki with.

You are thinking of examples like Reagan. And now Trump.

What a crock. Reagan loved outsourcing. How much of it did he prevent? Our trade deficit soared under him. As did the global economy.

Trump outsources his Mar-a-Lago work to immigrants and his ties and other clothing lines to Chinese sweatshops. And Jared Kushner offers special visas to Chinese investors who put enough money into his own real estate.

Incredible how much you're able to see once you take those right-wing blinders off. You're definitely one of those "true believers" who cares only about what Trump says, not what he actually does.

Keep the faith. It must be easier to keep up than the alternative facts and the alternative reality.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I am budgeting in One of these. Hopefully one of these too. Going to get a bullet press too. Save on ammo costs.

Cool! The only thing you're missing is something to use them on/against. I guess you'll be calling up the Taliban soon to come on over, as you'd hate for one of those things to go unused/to waste. What a shame that would be.

How stifling and disappointing it must feel to waste that much on the latest of tactical weaponry without anyone to legally use it on. That must really bum you out.

Don't worry though. I'm sure eventually you'll identify a foreign/domestic/aggressive/friendly target to use it on. People like you always do!

One way or another you'll get your bullets unloaded or discharged.

rcocean said...

"If TR had won, my guess is that we would have entered the war sooner and that Germany would have unmistably known that she had lost the war."

Yeah, and we would've lost 150,000 or 250,000 men instead of 50,000.

I suppose it would've been worth it, maybe, to make sure "Germany would have unmistably known that she had lost the war" As long as you weren't one of the extra 100,000 or 200,000 men who died.

rcocean said...

Some peeps are upset at TR statue getting trashed, but 5 years from now they'll be yawning just like they are over the General Lee's statues.

The Left never gives up and the Right only cares for so long and then loses gracefully.

mockturtle said...

Pants asks: When do we get to start calling these people the American Taliban?

More importantly, when do we get to start beating their sorry asses?!

mockturtle said...

rcocean contends: Some peeps are upset at TR statue getting trashed, but 5 years from now they'll be yawning just like they are over the General Lee's statues.

I'm not yawning over R.E. Lee's statues. Their destruction is sad and reprehensible. Can't we get some security around these monuments? Surely there are videotapes available. Has anyone--anyone at all!--been arrested for these acts of vandalism?

William said...

I've read biographies of Taft, TR, and Wilson. None of them ever cheated on their wives or, if they did, they were remarkably adept at hiding their tracks. The past is a different place.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

When do we get to start calling these people the American Taliban?

Probably when they become like the American right-wing, who agree with their Muslim ideological brethren on the importance of colonizing and religiously/nationalistically dominating others. The belief in those things are what unites Muslim and Christian conservatives.

Seriously, strip back the differing garb, skin tones, and speech patterns and both the Muslim and Christian right believe in nationalistically/religiously dominating the world and making it all more puritanical.

mockturtle said...

William, there is a lot of evidence that Wilson did.

mockturtle said...

PS: It was definitely a love affair whether or not there was sex involved.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm not yawning over R.E. Lee's statues. Their destruction is sad and reprehensible.

But what he stood for and what they were commemorated for were apparently not. Yeay - go slavery! Woot woot! Go insurrection and rebellion! Go racism! Keep your "way of life" and the human bondage it required! Fight the U.S. over it! Expand your dream of a slave empire throughout the Caribbean! What noble virtues to believe in and enshrine and memorialize and eulogize.

mockturtle claims to be an educated person. Not sure why she hasn't proclaimed herself to be a moral one. Other than perhaps the fact that she's not one. Statues over symbols. Rocks over reason. Enshrine the wrong values for all time.

steve uhr said...

According to their Tumblr page:

"This is not an act of vandalism. It is a work of public art and an act of applied art criticism."

hard to argue with nonsense like that.

mockturtle said...

"This is not an act of vandalism. It is a work of public art and an act of applied art criticism."

I'll wager that if some protesters splashed red paint over the front of an abortion [or PP] clinic they would be arrested and that claiming it was a political statement would be considered a weak defense. :-(

n.n said...

Teddy confronted the status quo. Barack progressed it.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
I imagine the establishment of his day hated TR as much as the right-wingers hated Obama.

10/26/17, 7:06 PM

Obama is as establishment as they come. So are you. You fight tooth and nail for the status quo.

n.n said...

PP, Profitable People, or People Profit, would be concerned that someone invaded their stash. The Pro-Choice Church would be concerned that rites were performed without qusai-religious supervision. The neo-Democratic Party would be concerned that the veil of privacy that obfuscates the chambers' operation had been compromised... As if anyone still doesn't know what happens behind the walls of abortion chambers and inside PP offices.

tastid212 said...

These wannabe Red Guards must be proud of themselves and their cleverness right about now. I wonder who is footing the bill? Are they from New York or do they travel around? The AMNH has security cameras, as do the subways. Where were the police? de Blasio doesn't want to catch them, that's for sure; they're just a natural extension of his hate statue commission.

Michael K said...

"You fight tooth and nail for the status quo."

I don't think Ritmo does Latin.

William said...

I don't think the quarrel is with the statue of TR, but rather with the fact that he is shown on horseback, leading two people of color on foot. That's a no-no. My earlier suggestion is that the two figures he is shown leading, should be re-sculptured and made into images of FDR and Eleanor.....,,FDR cheated quite a bit on Eleanor. No mystery there. The mystery is why he married her. FDR had this weird Roosevelt fetish. Eleanor was even more of a Roosevelt than he. TR was the supreme, high Roosevelt, and she was his niece. FDR was a distant cousin. He became even more of a Roosevelt by marrying her.......A solid trio of Roosevelts marching forward to the sunny uplands would be unassailable by the left and a comforting reminder to all of us what is good and decent about America. It shouldn't be too hard to reconfigure the present statue in such a way. Win win for everybody,

rcocean said...

"I'm not yawning over R.E. Lee's statues."

Well, Mockturtle that makes two of us. But where are the history professors? Where are the politicians? Where are the cultural elite? Hell, even go to a "Conservative" magazine site like National Review or The Weekly Standard, all they give it is a perfunctory "well, isn't that sorta sad..but back to Trump"

Imagine, we've got literal barbarians destroying statues America's heroes. And we got crickets - or limp-wristed "oh wells" or "Maybe they have a point" from those in power and those who claim to be our cultural leaders.

I wonder why?

bagoh20 said...

Just arrest vandals and fine the hell out of them. It wasn't an accident. Isn't that what we always did?

I say put up statues of Trump everywhere and rake in the voluntary taxes of the vandal class.

It's a cash cow!

narciso said...

Idiots don't get what the carnage in the civil war was like 5 million when adjusted for population.

Phil 314 said...

History is HARD!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Obama is as establishment as they come.

Which pro-establishment policy of the ACA were you against? Doing away with pre-existing exclusions? Expanding Medicaid? Disincentivizing the young and healthy against staying out of the market? Doing away with the stupid shutting out of Cuba? With maintaining belligerence against the anti-al Qaeda Iranian regime? Or leveraging them against the Saudis? Of deprioritizing anti-cannabis policing at the hands of the DEA?

Your problem is you think you're part of an arbitrary "team" instead of someone who can think for themselves and evaluate a new policy or a pre-existing one on its actual merits. And perhaps you're right to recognize those shortcomings and simply work within them.

Good luck to you.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"I'm not yawning over R.E. Lee's statues."

Well, Mockturtle that makes two of us. But where are the history professors?

Erecting and defending statues of Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot, apparently. Hey it's a part of history - RESPECT IT!

On what kind of skillet do you prefer to fry your brains?

narciso said...

Well that would be the buffalo soldiers. Frankly I think the plate amendment was a poor
Choice I guess it was conperable to the 1946 bell act, do i have that right. Maybe see should have cut loose Puerto Rico in trade.

narciso said...

You haven't been reading the new York times red century encomiums have you. Sohrab ahmari has the highlights

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
I am budgeting in One of these. Hopefully one of these too. Going to get a bullet press too. Save on ammo costs.

Cool! The only thing you're missing is something to use them on/against. I guess you'll be calling up the Taliban soon to come on over, as you'd hate for one of those things to go unused/to waste. What a shame that would be.

How stifling and disappointing it must feel to waste that much on the latest of tactical weaponry without anyone to legally use it on. That must really bum you out.

This is going to be hard for you to understand but I will give it a shot. I don't want to use them on people. I am not a fascist/progressive/socialist. I believe in freedom and defending it.

I believe in leaving other people alone.

I know. It is tough for someone like you who wants to use the government monopoly on power to force people to do what they want. But you are going to have to get over it.

The great part is there are so many more of us than you and we are much better armed than you. The reason there will be peace is because the people who fight for freedom here are stronger than the progressive thugs.

narciso said...

Sounds east Germany in 53, or Poland in 1970.

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...
"Obama is as establishment as they come."

I left this here because it is truth.

Which pro-establishment policy of the ACA were you against?

Forcing the american people to buy a product from huge crony corporations that wrote the bill.

Doing away with pre-existing exclusions?

You don't seem to understand what INSURANCE is. You must be an idiot.

Expanding Medicaid?

On the back of the middle class like Obama did? Terrible idea.

Disincentivizing the young and healthy against staying out of the market?

Obamacare did that by increasing premiums massively.

Doing away with the stupid shutting out of Cuba?

We understand you love murderous regimes. You would like to be in charge of one here so you can throw all of us in jail if we don't buy insurance from your giant crony corporate friends who are making record profits on Obamacare.

With maintaining belligerence against the anti-al Qaeda Iranian regime? Or leveraging them against the Saudis?

Giving Iran nukes solves what problem? Oh you hate Israel. The only free country in the ME. Imagine that.

Of deprioritizing anti-cannabis policing at the hands of the DEA?

I haven't seen anything happening here in Washington. Fortunately I think most of these resources are going to progressive voter fraud.

Your problem is you think you're part of an arbitrary "team" instead of someone who can think for themselves and evaluate a new policy or a pre-existing one on its actual merits. And perhaps you're right to recognize those shortcomings and simply work within them.

This is just stupid. You are lacking in self awareness or honesty. The only "team" we have representing us is ourselves. We are up against people who want to replace the entire electorate/workforce with illegal immigrants. People who want to tax us into poverty where we can be better controlled. People who want us to buy things from government favored cronies.

Good luck to you.

Nobody believes you actually mean this. You really don't mean anyone who disagrees with giving you people power well.

narciso said...

Don't tell him that Ac has been protecting leading Al queda figures like serif Al Del, and even some of ubls family, for the better part of a dozen years.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The reason there will be peace is because...

Because people like you make access to weapons like the ones Stephen Paddock used to kill 60 people possible.

I believe in freedom and defending it.

I'll remember that a nameless psychopath in Oregon defended me from something that never threatened me. Sure hope pretending that feeds into your hero complex, though.

As for freedom, use it or lose it. All I hear you doing is bitching and moaning and rubbing your unused gun.

Just go out and use it. Putting it up there and admiring it is what a poseur like you does - I get that. But sooner or later you'll just be too tempted to put holes into people (or yourself) to not do just that.

Just stop masturbating to it already.

I believe in leaving other people alone.

You can start by leaving me alone. You're like a psychological molester. I don't need you or your stupid bullshit.

Gahrie said...

Why not go after the Statue of Liberty next?

It's a woman...d'uh.....

Women must never be held responsible for anything...even fictional women.

narciso said...

Iran, the details are in Catherine levys the exile. About ubls time on the run, protected he and his family protected by iranian and pakistani intelligence.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I left this here because it is truth.

It was bullshit. She didn't defend it because she couldn't.

You're defending it because you wouldn't know the truth if it smacked you upside your fat fucking head. You literally have no clue what you're talking about.

"Which pro-establishment policy of the ACA were you against?"

Forcing the american people to buy a product from huge crony corporations that wrote the bill.

In what way was "force" used? And which "small" insurance companies with no market capitalization should have been favored?

You are the dumbest of dumb asses.

"Doing away with pre-existing exclusions?"

You don't seem to understand what INSURANCE is. You must be an idiot.

No. I just didn't realize the point of health insurance was to kill people with prior health conditions. Which almost everyone has in some form, unless you subscribe to the Nazi theory of superior health.

"Expanding Medicaid?"

On the back of the middle class like Obama did? Terrible idea.

Better than on the backs of the working poor, like you do.

"Disincentivizing the young and healthy against staying out of the market?"

Obamacare did that by increasing premiums massively.

Premiums would go back down if you bitches would keep expanding Medicaid, like you're supposed to. Or write in the fixes to stabilize the market, which you're not doing. Because you don't care and like seeing people go without care and being killed. As long as they're not "middle class."

"Doing away with the stupid shutting out of Cuba?"

We understand you love murderous regimes.

I like being able to go to where I want to visit because I believe in freedom and you believe in a nanny state telling Americans where to go and what to do.

You would like to be in charge of one here so you can throw all of us in jail if we don't buy insurance from your giant crony corporate friends who are making record profits on Obamacare.

Your rhetoric is boring enough to hypnotize a meth addict.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"With maintaining belligerence against the anti-al Qaeda Iranian regime? Or leveraging them against the Saudis?"

Giving Iran nukes solves what problem?

Which nukes has Iran been given, O Dumb Asshole?

Oh you hate Israel. The only free country in the ME. Imagine that.

Imagine that. I've actually been there. Have family there. Instead of just jerking off to it and using it to fuel your war fantasies or as a staging ground for American proxy wars like you do. And I also know that my country is America and prefer America to be stronger to help whomever it wants to first. If you love Israel so much go and move there. But they seem to not let in low-information low-earners like you. They're a bit less interested in an economy with low human capital, which is the only one in which a dunderheaded layabout like yourself can thrive.

"Of deprioritizing anti-cannabis policing at the hands of the DEA?"

I haven't seen anything happening here in Washington.

You don't see anything, period.

"Your problem is you think you're part of an arbitrary "team" instead of someone who can think for themselves and evaluate a new policy or a pre-existing one on its actual merits. And perhaps you're right to recognize those shortcomings and simply work within them."

This is just stupid.

And your intellectual accomplishments are what, exactly? What books have you written? What knowledge has anyone else gained from you? What is it that you've figured out about the world that no one didn't already know?


You are lacking in self awareness or honesty. The only "team" we have representing us is ourselves.

That's nonsense. You are too dumb to vote for (or even understand) your own interests and just outsource your vote to do the bidding of interests of whomever is wealthier than you.

We are up against people who want to replace the entire electorate/workforce with illegal immigrants.

That must be one hell of a drug you took to convince you of that.

People who want to tax us into poverty where we can be better controlled.

Right. I'll bet you right now whatever amount you want that your tax bracket is below $60,000 annually. Go and tell me how the rate of taxation on that changed esp. for a higher amount at any time in the last fifteen years. Dumbass. Liar.

People who want us to buy things from government favored cronies.

You don't like insurance companies? Start your own one then, idiot.

"Good luck to you."

Nobody believes you actually mean this. You really don't mean anyone who disagrees with giving you people power well.

Aside from being grammatically bullshit, what you resent is that I can use my mind and argue for what should be done with power, rather than to seek it. I don't have your paranoia problem where you covet and worry about power constantly - since you obviously have none of it in your own life. Maybe if you had more control over yourself and your own destiny you wouldn't be obsessed with what other people do with whatever power's been given to them. But because you're a total loser, you project this anxiety onto whomever has actually achieved power.

John Richardson said...

Well, bully for them as TR himself might have said. He'd have also challenged them to a boxing match.

FIDO said...

Why do these people insist that I learn to hate them?

Swede said...


Lost My Cookies said...

Smash the windows and turn the altar rails while you're at it, you puritan bastards.

Lost My Cookies said...

I meant burn the altar rails. If they are nice they may have already been turned.

George M. Spencer said...

Teddy Roosevelt's courage was beyond belief.

He transformed himself from a sickly child into a robust athlete.

When his mother and wife (who had just given birth) died within 48 hours of each other, he transformed his grief in to action by becoming a rancher and sheriff.

When he captured two thieves out west, he decided against hanging them on the spot and remained awake guarding them for 48 hours waiting for help.

When a massive grizzly charged him, he shot it it between the eyes at point blank range.

When a barroom drunk armed with two pistols was terrorizing him and people drinking there, he knocked him out with three punches.

When his men we stuck on hill in Cuba, he led them to victory on horseback.

And...the topper...when he was giving a speech during his third run for the presidency a madman shot him point blank in the chest. The bullet was deflected by his metal glasses case and lodged in his chest. Realizing that he was not mortally wounded, he gave a 90-minute speech--while bleeding onto his white shirt! "It takes more that than to kill bull moose," he told the crowd.


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