A lot of the allegations are false as you know but given therapy and counseling as other people have done, I think I’d be able to get there.There? Exactly where? I guess: To the resurrection!
I could really use your support or just your honesty if you can’t support me. But if you can, I need you to send a letter to my private gmail address. The letter would only go to the board and no one else.Because privately sent email will stay put, like a penis in a resurrected man's pants.
We believe what the board is trying to do is not only wrong but might be illegal and would destroy the company.Who's "we"?
If you could write this letter backing me, getting me the help and time away I need, and also stating your opposition to the board firing me, it would help me a lot. I am desperate for your help. Just give me the time to have therapy. Do not let me be fired. If the industry supports me, that is all I need. With all due respect, I need the letter today.It's not as if the executives could give him a legal opinion that might scare the board into thinking they don't have the power to fire him. So what argument does he make that might induce the tycoons to help? He doesn't offer to exercise any power for them. He simply presents himself as a frightened desperate man who wants empathy. Yet there isn't a word of empathy for the women he hurt.
There is a glimmer of inspirational material in the idea of "a second chance." It makes me think of that F. Scott Fitzgerald line from "The Last Tycoon": "There are no second acts in American lives."
There's no context for that line. It appears among fragments for the unfinished book, like this:
My blue dream of being in a basket like a kite held by a rope against the wind. It’s fun to stretch and see the blue heavens spreading once more, spreading azure thighs for adventure.
Girl like a record with a blank on the other side.
There are no second acts in American lives.
Tragedy of these men was that nothing in their lives had really bitten deep at all.
Bald Hemingway characters.
wily plagiarist
exigent overlordship
not one survived the castration
Carols Danger tried therapy.
Weinstein is 65. Why doesn't he just retire? Better yet: Write a Tell-All book! Name names, bring down Politicians, the works.
Best-seller! And then there are the movie rights.....
He could have taken it like a man. Stand up for what's right instead of tryng to surrender to the leftist pap.
The board has already surrendered to the very pap that Weinstein is trying to use.
Are there really no second acts in American lives? Seems like one of those things that sounds true but isn't. I mean, sometimes we all wish we'd left at intermission...
Maybe the book went unfinished while looking for evidence?
"Weinstein is 65. Why doesn't he just retire?"
Because...in Hollywood, if you're not a player, you're nobody.
If he is no longer the powerful producer who makes movies and who can help make or break careers, he is no longer a player. In short, he's being cast out...into the void of nobodies.
" It makes me think of that F. Scott Fitzgerald line from "The Last Tycoon": "There are no second acts in American lives."
I'm looking at another line you have there:
"not one survived the castration"
F. Scott got it on this one, too.
Harvey is fired; Harvey loses his power.
Symbolic castration, in public.
I am Laslo.
Yet there isn't a word of empathy for the women he hurt.
Self-pity is the universal women's condition after negotiating any deal.
"He could have taken it like a man. Stand up for what's right instead of tryng to surrender to the leftist pap."
Stand up for what's right? Using his power as a significant employer in Hollywood to sexually harass women...is right? Calling him out for his abuse of his power is...leftist pap?
The right really has gone crazy.
There's some honor in going down to a howling mob of crazed women, but to play it wrong is idiotic. He doesn't understand scripts.
to sexually harass women...is right?
Leftist pap for a mutually beneficial deal. You're thinking of rape probably.
Secretary to writer: How do you write women so well?
Writer: I think of a man. And I take away reason and accountability.
- As Good as It Gets (1997)
The right really has gone crazy.
It's unsurprising that dishonest lefties (Department of Redundancy Department!) are trying to pin this on the right, but "standing up for what's right" means admitting the wrongness of what he had done.
The left, in its perennial desire to excuse rape and murder - and certainly sexual harassment - in the pursuit of power, will never understand this.
Paglia didn't see the effect of self-pity in pulling women down. She thought it was just menstruating every month reminding her that she's stuck where she is.
"Secretary to writer: How do you write women so well?
"Writer: I think of a man. And I take away reason and accountability."
- As Good as It Gets (1997)
That was a terrible movie!
The man with a thousand angry ex-wives.
That was a terrible movie!
Greatest movie ever. Everybody roots for the truth-teller.
The movie's problem is to domesticate him.
Which used to be a woman's skill.
Shorter Harvey: " please do all you can to dissuade the board away from their fiduciary duty."
"Greatest movie ever."
Apparently, it didn't make you want to be a better man.
I wish there were somebody to pitch the script to.
Post number eighteen over five days about this Weinstein guy. I predicted that Ann would squeeze out twenty four. Don't stop now Ann!
The leftist trick is to get pap into the law. Corrupt the people in charge, to the extent they're not there already.
He still has bundles of cash for Hillary!
The trick would be to make Althouse a better man.
At this point all he can do is embarrass himself and embarrass the people who defend him.
And the people who try to divert attention.
"He could have taken it like a man. Stand up for what's right instead of tryng to surrender to the leftist pap."
Yes, he could have admitted what he did, stepped down from his company, went into therapy, personally apologized to everyone he hurt, retired from the business, and not showed up at any public events where his victims might run across him.
The leftist pap is that you aren't fired but put on leave, go to the super-duper intensive therapy with the ocean views and the kale smoothies, make a public statement of non-apology focused on how much you've grown while surrounded by your wife and female attorney, and go right back into the same job with the same power, perks, and control over other people's lives so the people who stepped forward feel like they were victimized again.
rhhardin said...
There's some honor in going down to a howling mob of crazed women, but to play it wrong is idiotic. He doesn't understand scripts.
If you think you understand scripts better than Harvey Weinstein, RH, you oughta shuck your buns on over to Hollywood, there's a vacancy.
That was a terrible movie!
Is quoting a great line from it supposed to be evidence of that?
Blogger Ann Althouse said...
"Greatest movie ever."
Apparently, it didn't make you want to be a better man.
Now now, that's no way to treat your favorite pet. Besides, has any movie, ever, made you want to be a better woman?
Carlos Danger tried to blame his uncontrolled sexual dalliances on Andrew Breitbart.
Now Britbart is dead.
CNN lies all the time for their corrupt party(D).
Who killed Seth Rich?
Althouse makes a funny!
At this point all he can do is embarrass himself and embarrass the people who defend him.
Oh no, he can start dragging other Hollywood people down with him because he's not going to let them sit there smugly while he is roasted.
This is why you get the intensive kale smoothie therapy and your job back - to make sure you still have something to lose and therefore limit the damage to yourself.
Blogger Now I Know! said...
Post number eighteen
Now That We All Know! that you are the former Once written,..., who got himself banned for Emerita Abuse,
Why do t you just sod off, swampy?
So I'm thinking: To whom did he send this email, that it was leaked so quickly. The obvious answer: He sent it to Hillary Clinton.
Clinton didn't leak it of course; but the people who have hacked her email did.
he could have admitted what he did
He made deals with women.
But it's always unfair to women to assume they can make deals.
She never gives in / she just changes her mind. Billy Joel
Now I Know !- if Harvey Weinsten were a Hollywood republican, you'd be cheering and howling. Because principles.
rhardin could write a book on rom coms. Sure he goes off the rails at times, like on the flag thing, but he is an astute analyst of plot.
Harve has his eye on the prize. If he keeps acting cuddly and sorry about his old ways, some young chick out there will try to take him in and fix him using her empathy power and decolletage.
Weekly Standard - Oct 9th:
Hollywood is full of connoisseurs like Weinstein, men whose erotic imaginations are fueled primarily by humiliation, who glut their sensibilities with the most exquisite refinements of shame. A journalist once told me about visiting another very famous Hollywood producer—you’d know the name—who exhibited for my friend his collection of photographs of famous female actresses—you’d know their names, too—performing sexual acts for his private viewing. As with Weinstein, this man’s chief thrill was humiliation, and the more famous the target the more roundly it was savored: Even her, a big star—these people will do anything to land a role; they’re so awful, they’ll even do it for me.
Weinstein is violent, vindictive, and litigious—as well as sexually abusive—facts that the entertainment and political media knew for years. No one wanted to publish that story. But that’s not the same thing as “not being able to nail it down.” “Nailing it down” would have amounted to nothing more than printing a collection of facts under a byline.
a howling mob of crazed women...
How RH sees the world.
Apparently, it didn't make you want to be a better man.
He wore a pussyhat before he saw it.
That's some seriously frank groveling from HW. Isn't showing weakness in Hollywood the kiss of death?
It does make one wonder why people bother to read and comment on this one blog out of millions that they don't like the content. It's almost as if they are worried about what other people are reading, control freaks.
Desperate times and all that....but that plea was pathetic.
"Ashley? This is Harvey..."
"Harvey, why are you calling me? I want nothing to do with you, you pathetic scumbag..."
"I know, I know: we had our misunderstandings. But I could really use your help in calling the board so I don't get fired..."
"Misunderstanding? You made me eat your ass, Harvey."
"See? A misunderstanding. You thought I made you eat my ass, and I thought you did it of your own free will: a misunderstanding."
"Why would I eat your asshole of my own free will?"
"I thought you were responding to my rough charisma..."
"You have no charisma, Harvey. Women did things for you because they were scared of you."
"Scared of me? See: this is new to me. I had no idea women were interpreting me that way."
"Harvey, don't you understand? That was one of the lowest parts of my life."
"Oh, I get it, now. Actresses don't really like to eat men's assholes -- believe me, I get it."
"I don't think you'll ever understand, Harvey..."
"Sure I do. You know, I'm a survivor of abuse, just like you."
"You were abused, Harvey...?"
"Oh yeah. When I was eleven a gang of schoolgirls cornered me in an alley and took my lunch money. Then they held me down and took turns eating my asshole. I think it is that shame that makes me act in inappropriate ways..."
"Oh, Harvey: that's horrible. You know, I have a therapist that helps me. Maybe she could help you, too."
"I don't know, Ashley. I don't think your therapist eating my asshole is going to help..."
I am Laslo.
Blogger Now I Know! said...
Post number eighteen
We know, we know. You've never heard of Harvey Weinstein, Malia Obama, Meryl Streep, Matt Damon, Russell Crowe, Glenn Close, Lena Dunham, Hillary Clinton, Ben Affleck, Casey Affleck, Ashley Judd, Rose McGowan, Donna Karan, or Theresa May.
But you can't wait for Trump post number 37,684,931.
I know it's a very rough draft, but Fitzgerald sounds a little brain damaged.
McGowan blasts spinless Matt Damon.
You go girl!
The Damons, the Afflecks -gross gross Hillarywood men.
Weinstein was one of many from Hollywood who donated to Bill Clinton’s legal defense fund in the 1990s, a Washington Post report from the time stated. More recently, the Clintons rented a home next to Weinstein in the Hamptons in 2015, and Weinstein served as a connector between Hollywood stars and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign.
Blogger Robert Cook said...
"He could have taken it like a man. Stand up for what's right instead of trying to surrender to the leftist pap."
Stand up for what's right? Using his power as a significant employer in Hollywood to sexually harass women...is right? Calling him out for his abuse of his power is...leftist pap?
The right really has gone crazy.
Robert, I do not see that the "right" has a dog in this hunt. This is hot left on left action, and the right is looking on in glee and wonder. These "women" are not females that the normal man or woman on the right can remotely imagine as their wives, sisters, neighbors, friends, or co-workers. They are more like graphic novel characters who appear in the super-market checkout line tabloids. And the folks on the right are practical enough to recognize the quid pro quo nature of Hollywood "business" meetings. It isn't like a hungry mother, desperate to feed her babies in the Depression succumbed to evil advances.
Where's Harvey's wife, Georgina Chapman on all this?
Is she gonna "stand by her man" as one famous political enabler once did?
On a side note, this sentence: "A lot of the allegations are false as you know but given therapy and counseling as other people have done, I think I’d be able to get there."
Total non-sequitur. It's as if someone spliced two random clauses together with a "but." It indicates to me that he's desperate, grasping for a lifeline, but there's nothing for him to lay hold of.
"Robert Cook said...
Stand up for what's right? Using his power as a significant employer in Hollywood to sexually harass women...is right? Calling him out for his abuse of his power is...leftist pap?
The right really has gone crazy."
So you think rhhardin is "the right?"
That would make you an idiot. Are you an idiot?
A lot of the allegations are false as you know but given therapy and counseling as other people have done, I think I’d be able to get there.
I'm a man, but I can change if I have to, I guess.
Your really milking this Mary.
“Now now, that's no way to treat your favorite pet. Besides, has any movie, ever, made you want to be a better woman?”
If you knew the movie, you’d see the joke. Sometimes men forget that women tell jokes.
So you think rhhardin is "the right?"
The left goes for direct action to fix things, the right sees perverse consequences.
That's the primary distinction. Young vs old.
There are mobs on each side though, working off of cliches and platitudes; on which it's still possible to notice side effects, and so out-righting both the left and the right.
If "the left" had called out Bill Clinton, maybe people wouldn't see this as a right/left issue, but as we all knew, "calculations" were made. Evev to this day, Cookie, you shut out the stories about Bill Clinton aa right-wing noise, so you will have to excuse our cynicism.
Ooo! A rare clumber! on a color-coordinated rug
George Clooney is attempting to thread the needle.
When asked about the silence, Clooney told the Daily Beast: 'A lot of people are doing the “you had to know” thing right now, and yes, if you’re asking if I knew that someone who was very powerful had a tendency to hit on young, beautiful women, sure.
'But I had no idea that it had gone to the level of having to pay off eight women for their silence, and that these women were threatened and victimized.'
I am Laslo.
Maybe it's time for Kathy Griffin to appear with Harvey Weinstein's severed head.
"Greatest movie ever."
No,really...a shitty movie. Sentimental, contrived, unbelievable characters, and the Jack Nicholson character was a real asshole.
Maybe Rolling Stone can do a hard-hitting expose on sexual assault and harassment, not on the college campuses, but on the potted plants in Hollywood.
"There are no second acts in American lives."
F. Scott got that one wrong. Nixon got his second act in 1968. He didn't get a third one, though.
Madonna is on her 35th act.
"Is quoting a great line from it supposed to be evidence(that it's a terrible movie)?"
Do you think it's a great line because you think it's true, or because you appreciate how deftly it reveals the speaker is an asshole who dislikes and is afraid of women?
Is it still harrassment when Clooney steps in the shower?
If only "heavy therapy" could cure evil.
It's just so convenient to believe evil doesn't exist, that moral stains (no matter how deep) can simply be expunged with appropriate medical treatment.
But that doesn't make it so. Are we truly so shallow as to believe that a little psychiatric bleach can cleanse even deeply rooted evil in us?
Harry Cohn, who made Harvey look like a saint, was a notorious horndog, tyrant and megalomaniac. When he died in 1958, hundreds came to his funeral. Red Skelton joked, "It's like Harry said: give the public what they want and they'll come out for it."
Ah, Hemingway, Fitzgerald, etc. Actually, Harvey brings to my mind more the tragic line about the grape who ends up a raisin.
Or perhaps better and more apt, the Frankenstein of Ms. Shelley:
"I, the miserable and the abandoned, am an abortion, to be spurned at, and kicked, and trampled on.”
No,really...a shitty movie. Sentimental, contrived, unbelievable characters, and the Jack Nicholson character was a real asshole.
He stands for men in general.
Do you think it's a great line because you think it's true, or because you appreciate how deftly it reveals the speaker is an asshole who dislikes and is afraid of women?
He's doesn't dislike women and doesn't fear them. Women don't get along well with truth, is all.
But what, as Nietzsche said, if truth is a woman.
Truth without reason or accountability. They're male concepts.
I don't know why "sentimental" is supposed to be such a putdown. I guess it's shorthand for "affirms tradition values."
And as for the line, it's both and maybe more. Reductionism has limits.
A question though, does your earnest feminism get you laid? I hope so.
"There are no second acts in American lives." Correction: no conservative second acts.
"Sometimes men forget that women tell jokes." Assumes a fact not in evidence.
Did Weinstein advocate for a 2nd chance for people like O'Reilly or Ailes? I bet not!
The thing about truth without reason or accountibility is that you can't use it for law, however nice it might be domestically.
Women's preferences can only be accommodated one on one.
As to women's reasoning, that fits as correctives to male accounts here and there, without becoming the basis of a law.
Guys abstract from details, produce a principle, deduce the consequences. Women correct the consequences but don't touch the principle.
My mother always said that "its easier to maintain a good reputation than to try to rebuild one you've damaged". Good advice. Second chances are available, but you really have to EARN them.
Toby Keith Get out of your clothes or get out of my car
I'd like to know more about the guy who was paid $400,000 per annum to vet and recruit beautiful, European women for Harvey's delectation. I wonder if this man's life has had a second act?........How do you get a job like that? What's the career path? ......I suppose you can't recruit women on just looks alone. The women have to demonstrate not just proficiency and enthusiasm for all the usual practices but a willingness to iinnovate and meet the fickle demands of an aging, jaded satyr. How to pick the women who are just right for Harvey's somewhat contradictory needs.......At first glance,some aspects of the job seem seem interesting and fun, but Harvey was a notoriously abusive boss. I can see how the job would have its nightmarish aspects.
The most revealing part of his email is this: "If the industry supports me, that is all I need."
That's what allowed him to continue for so long. Revealing that he thinks industry support is all he needs to make it through.
Pedophile priest: "If the church supports me, that is all I need."
Jerry Sandusky: "If the University (i.e. Paterno) supports me, that's all I need."
How to pick the women who are just right for Harvey's somewhat contradictory needs.....
Pimpin' ain't easy.
One of the best and most entertaining threads in a long time.
"Ooo! A rare clumber! on a color-coordinated rug"
Funny and bitchy in equal measure. Even Titus laughed.
Uh oh. Drudge has a siren up. New Yorker is out with their Weinstein article.
3 women accuse him of rape.
Now I Know won't be a bit happy
Yes, I believe Hitler sent out the same Email to Stalin, FDR, and Churchill.
All he needed was some therapy/counseling and Adolph would be back on the right track.
After all, Adolph grew up in 1890s/1900s. The Culture was different back then. Nobody knew Concentration Camps were bad.
SNL could do a hilarious send up of this and Weinstein in general.
But of course they won't. Because its not about being Funny, its about being Liberal.
"Uh oh. Drudge has a siren up. New Yorker is out with their Weinstein article"
Left media may be figuring out that the only way to remain relevant is to be honest about the Left.
Cookie opines: No,really...a shitty movie. Sentimental, contrived, unbelievable characters, and the Jack Nicholson character was a real asshole.
Rhhardin likes movies that confirm his own narrow biases.
"I don't know why 'sentimental' is supposed to be such a putdown. I guess it's shorthand for 'affirms tradition values.'"
It has nothing to do with "traditional values," (whatever these often-named but undefined values may be). When the term "sentimental" is used as a criticism of a movie, it is not a criticism of emotion or of movies that touch one's emotions. That is one of the things art does. However, it is to say: this is false; this is not true; this doesn't convince me that in real life these characters would behave this way. In other words: the writer has forced the characters to do what he or she requires them to do--even if it is not true to who the characters are or how they would act--simply to pander to the audience.
"A question though, does your earnest feminism get you laid? I hope so."
I'm not even "earnestly feminist." I just dislike contrived writing that is supposed to be perceived as witty or sharp. To say that women are like men without reason or accountability is not true as a general statement, so it is a valid line only to the extent it is meant to reveal that the character who says it is an asshole. If it is intended to be a witty truism, it doesn't work because it is not real.
The whole movie seemed like a bad sit-com that was trying for gravitas, but the characters were not convincing in the least.
From televangelists to professional golfers, politicians and Hollywood moguls, the pleading for a seconds chance and the offer to undergo therapy represents not regret for behaviors but a desperate ploy to retain power. Power is not only an aphrodisiac but highly addictive.
The only way to rehab Harvey Weinstein is to weld his zipper shut, and staple his pants to his waist. His wandering "little Harvey" has been doing the thinking for him for too long.
William, I assume the $400k includes his expenses, which could have been large if he bought high class women for HW.
I wonder what a Venn Diagram of the actresses who serviced Harvey to further their careers and their opinion of legalizing prostitution would look like.
I wonder what a Venn Diagram of the actresses who serviced Harvey to further their careers and their opinion of legalizing prostitution would look like.
What would be interesting is a correlation study of the types and number of sexual encounters with Weinstein and a quantifiable measure of career success, e.g, awards, box office value, movie/TV contracts.
"If the industry supports me, that is all I need
Worked for Polanski, worked for Clinton, waa true for Cosby.
even if it is not true to who the characters are or how they would act--simply to pander to the audience.
Yes, the audience is suffering from a false consciousness.
Althouse - "Sometimes men forget that women tell jokes."
I've never heard that one before, and while I'd like to make a witty comeback it would be more proper to say that that is one of the most insightful things I've ever heard you say about the male/female relationship. Which probably says a lot about me I guess.
Your blindness to the built-in biases of your way of thinking is too complicated for me to treat with my pre-millennial smartphone typing skills, but you are assuming what you are purporting to prove.
But I listen to country music sometimes, and sometimes it is venally sentimental. When a DJ gets on a kick like that, I change the channel.
People used to accuse Rush of pandering as a way to attempt to discredit his entire POV.
A lot of the allegations are false as you know but given therapy and counseling as other people have done, I think I’d be able to get there.
Read that and then go listen to the audio released today...
A lot of the allegations are false as you know but given therapy and counseling as other people have done, I think I’d be able to get there.
The allegations are false, and I promise not to do it again.
"Your blindness to the built-in biases of your way of thinking is too complicated for me to treat with my pre-millennial smartphone typing skills, but you are assuming what you are purporting to prove."
I am not purporting to "prove" anything. I simply described what "sentimental" means when used as a criticism of a movie, play, book, tv show, etc.
I remember watching AS GOOD AS IT GETS years ago after hearing how good it was and I hated it from start to finish. I just now read a synopsis of the plot on Wikipedia to refresh my memory of the story, and just reading the plot summary brings back to me all the unbelievable plot contrivances in the movie that I hated.
I can only speak for myself, of course. If you liked it, well....
"Do you think it's a great line because you think it's true [...]?"
Is there a better explanation for What Happened?
Or the various campus accusations that proved to be false?
Or Lena Dunham's non-apology?
Not true in general, but hilariously true in certain cases.
You said the movie was sentimental, then, to your credit, defined the term. If you don't think that a girl could fall for a rich, good looking guy who is a bit of a jerk and says things out loud that others may only think,then I guess the plot seems contrived.
I clicked on the link to your previous blogposts about Fitzgerald and found them very interesting. I read THE GREAT GATSBY about once a year and never tire of it, primarily for the beauty of the sentence structure. This time around, I was most struck by the part after the shooting and before the funeral and denouement. I like Hemingway very much, and read him when I want to prune down my own prose, which can get prolix; but I never have thought about re-reading any of his novels (except maybe for FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS; and I re-read "Big Two Hearted River," Parts I and II, once a year; but I would give up all my Hemingway to have written something as beautiful as those passages I recently read in "Gatsby."
rhhardin said...
to sexually harass women...is right?
Leftist pap for a mutually beneficial deal. You're thinking of rape probably.
Since it looks like meade the censor is not going to tell you to shut your yapper, you need to understand that all women are not like your mother, your sister, your ex wife and your daughters:
We're not all for sale, here to make a sexual bargain.
Weinstein's troubles weren't in his harassment and mutual use by the women of his power for their careers. Weinstein's trouble is that he assumed -- as do you and many of the commenters here, women and men -- that all women have their price and will go along for the right price.
Some women understand they are children of God, and our God is not Harvey Weinstein. We weren't all raised to put on lipstick, short skirts, and to use our natural assets to arouse men to get what we want...
If Weinstein had better understood women, he might have selectively sorted them before he propositioned them and dropped his pants, or put his mouth on their genitals. Some women say No, some women say Yes. If you can't tell the difference betweeen the two, keep your pants up until you can...
Now please shut up already rhardin. You've made your point quite clear, again and again and again. The women you know are sluts, and get what they have coming...
You really need to get out more, and learn to see a better class of women. The sell-outs are not so numerous as Freeman Hunt would have you think, even if her hubby is in the biz himself...
"A lot of the allegations are false as you know but given therapy and counseling as other people have done, I think I’d be able to get there."
1) A "man" that age does not change.
2) He's not the type that believes in forgiveness, so it won't be extended to him.
3) He risked big, won for years, and now is having his final downfall... a big one.
Prediction: Dead within 4 years. Not a wish, just an observation: his wife and daughters and son won't back him when all the laundry is aired. He will realize they are better off without him, and take the coward's way out... Look at the man. He's the picture of fat and sick. Ultimately, your health is your wealth. Harv's a poor boy now.
"You said the movie was sentimental, then, to your credit, defined the term. If you don't think that a girl could fall for a rich, good looking guy who is a bit of a jerk and says things out loud that others may only think,then I guess the plot seems contrived."
It's not so much the basic idea, but the particular story and events and characters depicted in this particular movie. None of it was convincing or seemed believable in any way. It's entirely possible another writer/director could have told the same basic plot in a way that would have been believable and moving. Not this writer/director and not this movie.
BTW, the Jack Nicholson character was not a "good-looking guy who was a bit of a jerk," but a grizzled older man who was an asshole and head case.
We believe what the board is trying to do is not only wrong but might be illegal and would destroy the company.
Who's "we"?
Right. Anyone know the name Harvey has given to his wang?
Can't believe I agree with Cookie on something. As good as it gets is a piece O' crap. But some good/gratuitous hard nip shots of the otherwise not so hot Helen Hunt in it.
What? It's true.
Does Europe have superior sex rehab clinics or just hotter sex rehab therapists?
BTW, the Jack Nicholson character was not a "good-looking guy who was a bit of a jerk," but a grizzled older man who was an asshole and head case.
You should know.
walter said...
Does Europe have superior sex rehab clinics or just hotter sex rehab therapists?
Or no extradition?
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