October 29, 2017

I record all the Sunday morning political talk shows, but I don't know if I'll be able to stand to watch even part of any of them.

I'm going to try. I'll let you know. But I don't want to listen to people guessing about the Mueller indictment. What are the other topics they might decide to fill the time with? I have no hope that any of it will be watchable. Political television is pretty awful. It seems that those who make the decisions about how the allotted time will be spent believe the spending of time on a subject says something about its importance and is, in fact, what's most important, overriding whether any of the words add much of anything.

I prefer print because I can instantly see where the headlines are placed on the front page and how long the articles are, and I can skim or jump to whatever I want. TV has no respect for your time and your autonomy. I try to get control by recording everything and jumping forward, but with these news talk shows, I find I'm speeding through everything and there's no significant difference from not watching at all. It's as though I just like the theoretical possibility of watching. But why?


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gadfly said...

Michael The Magnificent said...
What are the other topics they might decide to fill the time with?

Mueller, Rosenstein, Hillary, and Bill colluding with the Russians on Uranium One?

Should be no issue here - since uranium in any form is not exportable without a license - and Uranium One and the Russkis don't have such a license.

If Wyoming uranium is being sent to Canada and elsewhere without proper documents, somebody needs to be arrested. Logically enforcement is a function controlled by the Trump administration.

The NY Times inferred that RSB Logistics, a transporting carrier, had an export license, but that license does not permit violation of the law requiring Uranium One to have exporting rights.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So the contradiction in what you just wrote escapes you?

Not as much as basic reality apparently escapes you. Addiction rates don't go down with increased availability of addictive substances. It's a human fact. Say whatever you want about your own personal sense of pride - that doesn't change human reality.

Illicit drugs and personal responsibility have nothing to do with it, just over prescribing?

Pretty much. If you want to decrease addiction rates by increasing general population supply and berating addicts, good luck. That won't happen.

But like I said, your tribe is finding non-results-oriented governance to be all the rage. You're not concerned with what works or what doesn't. Just what makes you feel like a stronger, more self-righteous straightedge.

Glad you could get to the heart of the matter so succinctly. I guess the drug problem is now solved. Period, end of story.

Just because you feel I gave you cause to double-down on your motor-mouthed rhetoric doesn't mean the actual issue was addressed, or even of interest to you.

If you could show a little more intellectual honesty, and just a bit of logic you might not be treated so badly around here.

Why don't you try being personally honest, first? You care about boasting to the world that you're a strong person who would never become addicted to anything, and so should everyone else - so there's no problem and end of story. But that's not how the world works. Even Trump isn't dumb enough to believe that's how it works. Not completely, anyway.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

pacwest said...
Very weakened.

They are not 'weakened', they are what they always were, partisan hacks, fundamentally unserious about dealing with the economies real problems.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

pacwest seems to think that physicians should be able to prescribe as much opioid as they want, to anyone - but that their personal/professional? responsibility is more limited than a the person to whom they were or were not originally prescribed, let alone the pain that they were in.

Interesting thought. He might want to try writing the boards of all 50 states and the DEA on this wunderkind idea of his. Controlled substance prescribing for everybody!

This is the same crowd that believes in limiting malpractice rewards, folks. Nice bit of cognitive dissonance, there.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Naw, just reiterating the fact that you had the same opportunity as me, and as my poorly educated peers to invest in the bay area in the early days. You were too stupid to do it.

No, you bought a house there because you lived there. I did not. I can live wherever I want to.

I can invest wherever I want to, also. You didn't buy in other markets because you can't travel to them. I can. I might have invested in them I might not have. It's none of your business or concern and has nothing to do with anything.

If you felt less insecure about what a moron you were you wouldn't contaminate every thread with your real estate history. How does that have anything to do with "Sunday morning political talk shows?" DO you think Althouse is "too stupid" to not make her every thread about this personal issue for you? And what about her non-investment in your "only housing market in the world?" As for non-residents, I'm sure they invest there, too. It doesn't exactly do wonders for a community, but there you have it; you don't care about place at all - just what you could make off of it.

Same thing you're doing to this thread. Just before you wake up, fling the Cheetos off your t-shirt, throw away the bottle of Jameson that collapsed in your belly folds as you zonked out, and proceed just as always to delete your spam.

COMMENTS ARE MODERATED some but not all of the time. This is for the purpose of excluding/removing a small handful of commenters who, I believe, intend to ruin this forum. They already know who they are. For everyone else, try to be responsive to the post, don't make personal attacks on other commenters, bring some substance or humor to the conversation, and don't do that thing of putting in a lot of extra line breaks.

Show me a single one of your comments here or anywhere that were:

1) Not personal
2) Responsive to the post.

This is not the "I'm the best real estate investor 101" online community. You've walked into the wrong website, shithead.

Be appropriate. Go away. Get some fucking pride and decency, for a change, you fat, simple-minded slob.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
pacwest said...

"That doesn't work, medically."

Then you are suggesting all reabilitation efforts should stop??

"Addiction is not overcome by increasing supply"

Then you are for strengthening our southern border. You're just another closet Trump supporter.

"and taking responsibility from gatekeeper/prescriber to addict. Show an example where that occurs."

In all instances of recovery from addiction.

Since you were just complaining about the incivility of certain commenters, I won't comment on nuclear subs, or monkeys for that matter.

Luke Lea said...

"It's hard to watch church on TV if you're not a believer."

I sometimes get the sneaking suspicion tv preachers are in the employ of the devil. Had a couple as clients when I was a landscape gardening contractor; both were crooked. Hard to imagine them converting non-believers, that's for sure.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


"Too long, can't read."


Mommy Althouse, Full Moon made me cry,tell him to talk about something else.
LULZ, loser. SAD

Again, how is your real estate history:

1) Responsive to the post?
2) Not a personal obsession that you think is somehow a successful "personal attack?"

You don't have anything to contribute here. If buying a house somewhere as a low-income, uneducated bore is so important to you then why are you not able to find places (online or IRL) where they care to hear it? Is it because no one cares?

Obviously it is. Now respect the forum. You're insulting the host, not just me:

COMMENTS ARE MODERATED some but not all of the time. This is for the purpose of excluding/removing a small handful of commenters who, I believe, intend to ruin this forum. They already know who they are. For everyone else, try to be responsive to the post, don't make personal attacks on other commenters, bring some substance or humor to the conversation, and don't do that thing of putting in a lot of extra line breaks.

Probably explains why you delete so many of your own posts. Also because of how embarrassingly stupid they'd be even if you weren't blatantly shitting on the Althouses/Meadehouses who are hosting your filth and slop.

pacwest said...


Not so. Take a look at the Freedom party's stance re the AHCA. What do you consider the economy's real problems?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Then you are suggesting all reabilitation efforts should stop??

THat's post-hoc, not preventive.

"Addiction is not overcome by increasing supply"

Then you are for strengthening our southern border. You're just another closet Trump supporter.

You're an open xenophobe. You're making the issue of addiction about foreigners because you think it's ok if big pharma does it.

"and taking responsibility from gatekeeper/prescriber to addict. Show an example where that occurs."

In all instances of recovery from addiction.

It's less cost-effective to anyone or any society to prevent addiction than to rehabilitate it, let alone the fact that that's not 100% and you don't care about the lives lost in the process.

Since you were just complaining about the incivility of certain commenters, I won't comment on nuclear subs, or monkeys for that matter.

You don't have to. Your inability to reason speaks for itself.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

*more cost-effective

pacwest said...

"pacwest seems to think that physicians should be able to prescribe as much opioid as they want, to anyone - but that their personal/professional? responsibility is more limited than a the person to whom they were or were not originally prescribed, let alone the pain that they were in."

You really are incapable of rational discussion aren't you? As I stated previously, over precription is hardly the only reason for USA's drug problem. And we are now faced with the problem, instigated by uncaring folk like you, where people are not able to get painkillers for legitimate reasons due to blowback from overprescription.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Maybe in real lise you are actually an interesting person, with friends family and a cheerful outlook on life.

Maybe if YOU were you wouldn't come here to get all offended that other people are intelligently and productively and happily discussing a topic so straightforward that the only person who can't contribute to it is you: Sunday morning political talk shows.

pacwest said...

Ah well, I had to try it once. You win toothless.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

As I stated previously, over precription is hardly the only reason for USA's drug problem.

Oh, really? What else stands as a reason for it? Moon rocks? Asteroids? It's not the only reason - no one ever said that; it's the most important current reason. And the most important current consequence is towns decimated by lack of productivity with 25% addiction rates compounding their downsizing by the Reagan Revolution's anti-manufacturing globalization efforts.

But I'm sure you can go do a Tony Robbins motivational speech for a quarter of the population and all will improve.

You don't have to be "uncaring." You are proudly uninformed/misinformed - and that's way more dangerous.

Who said I'm going to "instigate" people "not getting painkillers for legitimate reasons?" How did I push for that, exactly? You are too afraid to recognize the problem of overprescribing for that reason? You know, there are options besides opioids for pain. Opioids are only effective for acute pain, anyway. Not neuropathic pain, not a whole lot of other stuff that the non-pain specialists in medicine have overprescribed them for. We didn't have a dearth of analgesia prior to this; we had many physicians without an understanding of how to use them properly who still lack that understanding. We also have the fact that in states with legalized weed, prescription opioid deaths decrease. Now try explaining that one to the Jefferson Sessions-headed Justice Department to whom the DEA reports. Apparently he's going to block one more, sometimes very effective, NON-lethal, NON-opioid painkiller. Go GOP and personal responsibility. Is bad policy ever anyone's responsibility? Because it's hard to see how the Trumpsters are going to help do anything right with this one.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Jesus, dumfuck, you brought up my real estate, as you always do.
I enjoy making you cry. When you go running to mommy Althouse, you lose.
You are an ass. Boring. I enjoy making you cry. You are a loser. You know it. Your family knows it. Most here know it.


Oh wait, it wasn't too long and I can read. It was just stupid.

Have you ever considered that others are able to discuss the topic of the post, with me or without me, whereas you just get your panties in a bunch about the fact that I'm here talking about what Althouse wrote for her topic? Who died and made you an uncontributing critic? It's not like the thread was just dying there, gasping out for all your bitchy, uninterested non-expertise in everything other than the topic, or everything other than the fact that I said something and you appointed yourself thread monitor and excitement monitor, and some sort of authority to tell people to shut up about anything that didn't entertain your attention deficit-disordered ass.

Your like a fucking hall monitor. A hall monitor who tells the kids they're not fun enough and not accomplished enough.

Fucking North Korea! You're like the drunk who can't remember what pub he was drunkenly getting his ass kicked in.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

"What bullshit. Cite your source. "

Hilarious.The sourceless ranter wants someone to name a source.

You folks go on debating the two ignoramuses.

Back to my book.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The current subject is your appeal to our illustrious hosts to protect you from my modest appraisal of your lack of wit, imagination and quality of commentary.

Actually the "current subject" is always supposed to be the topic of the post.

Your appraisal is certainly modest, but so is the appraiser: The same jack-off who can't even remember what the topic of the post is about.

If you can't contribute to the topic then who gives a fuck about your personal attacks and "appraisals"? No one.

So not only are a you a useless critic, you can't even figure out what you're supposed to be criticizing.

You are more used to being ignored than you know. But you do have an inkling of it. Time to delete your own posts, once again. As always.

Achilles said...

AReasonableMan said...

They are not 'weakened', they are what they always were, partisan hacks, fundamentally unserious about dealing with the economies real problems.

Actually Trump has been rolling back the Deep State regulations DC has been using to punish companies that don't pay up. He actually is dealing with the real problems in our economy.

Our economy is back at 3% growth for the first time in a decade.

GE is a company that is bad at making things efficiently and innovating, and good at buying influence in DC. Their stock is down over 30% this year after their crony friends lost the election.

A free market with fewer corrupt bureaucrats taking bribes and favoring industry cronies will grow much faster than what the democrats/republicans in DC have been building the last 30 years.

Achilles said...

They could solve the over-prescription of opioids overnight by legalizing pot. It works better in many situations involving chronic pain anyhow.

Just saying.

Guildofcannonballs said...

I enjoy the squeals when the tails are pulled on the porcine.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Achilles said...
Our economy is back at 3% growth for the first time in a decade.

This is nonsense. It reached 3%, barely, for two quarters. Current growth is not fundamentally different to Obama's presidency.

Fabi said...

I've found that ingesting (edibles) sativa does much better for pain than smoking it. Good mushrooms really don't kill the pain, but you really don't care.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fabi said...

The economy never grew at a 3.0% or higher rate under Obama, ARM. Lulz

FullMoon said...

Guildofcannonballs said...

I enjoy the squeals when the tails are pulled on the porcine.

10/29/17, 5:22 PM

Me too,Music to my ears.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Did you click on the link or are you just displaying your ignorance for us all to laugh at? Achilles was quoting quarterly figures which is what I was referring to.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

Trump and cohorts have a lot of explaining to do.

“Trump is playing up two counter-scandals that have become favorites in the conservative media: an Obama-era uranium deal involving Russia, and the revelation that Clinton associates paid for a salacious dossier of opposition research on Trump during the 2016 campaign.

The political reason Trump is embracing both of these stories is clear enough: He’s trying to cast Russia-related dirt on both Democrats and the FBI (which he views as part of a “deep state” unfairly persecuting him), to try to discredit the investigation as a whole, and to change the subject from the question of whether any of his associates colluded with the Russian government during the campaign.

The important thing to remember is: Regardless of their veracity, neither of these other issues has any bearing on whether the Trump campaign improperly coordinated with the Russian government to sway the 2016 presidential campaign.

The notion that the Clinton campaign paying Steele is the same as Trump (allegedly) colluding with Russia is laughable.

The former involves paying an experienced private investigator — remember, Steele is a retired British agent — to conduct research. The latter involves working with a hostile foreign government to influence the outcome of a US election, and potentially aiding and abetting a crime (the hack and theft of Clinton campaign and DNC emails) in the process.

Most importantly, attacks on the provenance of the Steele dossier would only matter if it were the only real source of allegations about Trump and Russia. It’s not.


Fabi said...

What did I say that was false, ARM? Nothing. If Trump's economy is already hitting 3.0% then it's fundamentally and mathematically different than Barry's.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Did you actually click on the link and look at the data? Why don't you do that. Actually look at the data so you know what you are talking about.

tim in vermont said...

"...Fundamentally unserious about dealing with the economies real problems"

As defined by TTR

tim in vermont said...

Didn't Hillary's campaign just admit to paying a Russian spy for dirt on Trump? Whatever. We will hear all about it in the morning.

Achilles said...

AReasonableMan said...
Achilles said...
Our economy is back at 3% growth for the first time in a decade.

This is nonsense. It reached 3%, barely, for two quarters. Current growth is not fundamentally different to Obama's presidency.

I followed the link ARM. It is a false premise. You can find a quarter or two of growth in the Obama presidency. But he averaged less than 2% and that is with Yellen printing a Trillion dollars a year.

Trump is averaging over 3% without all of the printed money. Average. If you weren't an idiot you would realize why that article was stupid. When you add up all of Obama's quarters and divide them by the number of quarters you get under 2%. When you add up all of the quarters for Trump and divide by the number of quarters you get around 3%.

Also a hypothesis for why the economy does better when regulations are rolled back is easy to form. My hypothesis for why the economy will do better without DC punishing companies that don't pay up is easily supportable. You just posted a stupid article without employing any critical thought.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well then, genius, stick to the topic and stop responding to me. You are powerless .

Actually, you're powerless not only to tell me what to do but to even have any reason for existing here apart from as a bullshit artist. Otherwise, YOU'D be responding to the actual posts. Topically.

You're mediocre unimaginative insults have no affect at all on me.

Not while you're drunk. But once you piss it out of your system (whether in a potty-trained manner or not is unknown) you return to delete your own embarrassing posts. Without fail.

So, like you, my insults of you are for my own benefit. Your posts are themselves insulting enough of your own intelligence to serve the purpose of getting you to delete them later. Which is good.

I enjoy your discomfort.

This is like listening to an admitted molester describe the pleasure he feels from communicating lewdly with a minor, only to out himself in surveillance feeds that the cops were listening in on all along.

AND, it conforms perfectly to my contention earlier upthread about the uselessness of Republicans when it comes to anything other than spreading hate.

A natural-born harasser. His party would be proud.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Didn't Hillary's campaign just admit to paying a Russian spy for dirt on Trump?”

No. Christopher Steele isn’t a Russian spy.

tim in vermont said...

He paid the Russian spy with her money. How long would that kind of shell corporation argument hold up if it were Trump?

tim in vermont said...

Why do you still defend that money grubbing rape enabler?

Inga...Allie Oop said...

I wonder, does Althouse have a tag for “Trump’s in trouble”? Maybe it’s time.

tim in vermont said...

War mongering pair too.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hey, Everybody!

Michael Mengele K. K. Kennedy is going to read a book, now!

Did anyone care? He seems to think you do.

Be sure to let him know in the comments!

Tell him how important it is to you to know that he will now proceed to read a book. Right before his caretakers change his diapers.

Such a big boy!

tim in vermont said...

I wonder why the Clinton campaign lied to everyone about paying GPS for so long, and why did they call it "legal fees"?

Fabi said...

Good to know that I claimed nothing false, ARM.

Achilles said...

Unknown said...
Trump and cohorts have a lot of explaining to do.

I agree. Hopefully we are explaining to our kids how the traitors in the Clinton campaign, the FBI, and Obama administration were brought to justice and put in jail or executed after a solid investigation and trials with due process. It is the only peaceful solution at this point.

Most importantly, attacks on the provenance of the Steele dossier would only matter if it were the only real source of allegations about Trump and Russia. It’s not.

Faithfully asserted but with no evidence to back it up. Zero. Not a single piece of credible evidence brought forth after months of investigations.

Meanwhile there is ample evidence that the FBI covered up Russian racketeering and bribery during the time Clinton was taking bribes from Russia at State. $143,000,000 worth known about so far.

And who was running the FBI in 2010?

If Mueller doesn't resign he has no honor. This investigation is being headed by one of the perpetrators. Anyone who supports this is a traitor. They are trying to take Trump down before the Clinton corruption they were involved with becomes known to all.

I like watching traitors squirm.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sprezzatura said...

"I wonder, does Althouse have a tag for “Trump’s in trouble”? Maybe it’s time."

I dunno.

It seems like it's still the time for her "Trump is changing the GOP" (may not be exactly the right wording) tag. This is the "GOP and America in trouble, because of DJT" tag, but in a way that Althouse's fans can't suss out.

Gotta keep the rubes buyin' Bezos. For the kickback.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Did anyone care?”

I do! I’m always happy when he’s reading a book.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sprezzatura said...

"“Did anyone care?”

I do! I’m always happy when he’s reading a book."

He just went into another thread and commented.

He doesn't understand that these comments are time stamped.

As I've written many times, he's the funniest commenter here. W/o even trying!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

“He just went into another thread and commented.

He doesn't understand that these comments are time stamped.

As I've written many times, he's the funniest commenter here. W/o even trying!”

Whaaaaat?! He said he was leaving to read a book, he told a fib!

I Callahan said...

255 comments. That means Ritmo has entered and left his little turdlets all over the place again.

I'll be back when it's gone.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Achilles said...
Trump is averaging over 3%

What is it with you guys and math? Trump is not averaging 3%

3rd quarter 2017: 3.0 percent
2nd quarter 2017: 3.1 percent
1st quarter 2017: 1.4 percent

On what planet does that make an average of 3%?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Fabi said...
Good to know that I claimed nothing false, ARM.

If you are basing this false claim on Achilles 'math' then I suggest you do your own math in future rather than rely on the work of others. You may not do it any better but at least you will have pride of ownership.

Fabi said...

First quarter 2017. Lulz!

Quite while you're behind, ARM.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

So we are just going to make up when the 2017 year starts to satisfy your desire to pretend that Trump has had a significant positive effect on the economy?

You should have told me you were playing pretend.

Sprezzatura said...

"So we are just going to make up when the 2017 year starts to satisfy your desire to pretend that Trump has had a significant positive effect on the economy?"

Except that the accounting of the rise of the stock market goes back to early Nov 2016.

This is some very high level scholarship here.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

anti-de Sitter space said...
Except that the accounting of the rise of the stock market goes back to early Nov 2016.

This is some very high level scholarship here.

I thought of mentioning this but decided it was too much for him to cope with in one sitting.

Achilles said...

AReasonableMan said...
Achilles said...
Trump is averaging over 3%

What is it with you guys and math? Trump is not averaging 3%

3rd quarter 2017: 3.0 percent
2nd quarter 2017: 3.1 percent
1st quarter 2017: 1.4 percent

On what planet does that make an average of 3%?

Ok ARM. Brilliant argument you have going there. Are you gong to weight the first quarter of 2017 any differently than the 2nd and 3rd quarter of 2017?

Can you think of a reason why you might do that? Or are you that stupid? Since I think you are probably that stupid I will help you: Trump wasn't President when the 1st quarter started.

Just for fun:

"Difference between being a cubs fan and a socialist? A cubs fan can point to a success every 108 years."


Birkel said...

Trump is responsible for Obama's economy.

All Leftist Collectivists know that.

Birkel said...

Shall we start counting the economy from the fiscal year?

All lines are arbitrary if they hurt Democrat narratives.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Haha. told...

Moonie's examining me verrrrry closely. I think he monitors how many times I go to the bathroom, too!

Moonie, what else have you observed about me? Did you ever think it would be odd to ask to be invited to live with me 24/7? Just think about how much monitoring you could do, then! Must be like a dream, to you.

You sound like the kind of perv who would follow another guy into the bathroom. Or maybe just stand right outside while listening in.

Right-wingers are an exceedingly strange bunch. And no, Moonie - if you sit in the stall next to me and tap my foot I won't be deciding against a call to the police.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

OK, if you don't want to average over a calendar year and selectively choose to only average over two quarters then you have to concede that the article was correct and that over two two quarterly periods the economy averaged considerably more than 3% under Obama. You can't have it both ways.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

“He just went into another thread and commented.

He doesn't understand that these comments are time stamped.

As I've written many times, he's the funniest commenter here. W/o even trying!”

Whaaaaat?! He said he was leaving to read a book, he told a fib!

When he does that it's his way of saying that he doesn't know enough to stay around and contribute/challenge but he still wants to sound smart anyway. He's reading a book! Impressive!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

255 comments. That means Ritmo has entered and left his little turdlets all over the place again.

I'll be back when it's gone.

Oh we'll miss you so much!

BTW, did you check out all of FullMoonie's comments? They were posted as a direct challenge to get me to not respond. I don't think they were effective.

Anyway, Moonie owns a HOUSE! IN SAN FRANCISCO! Did you know that? He's very proud of it. Says it makes up for all his stupidity, personal fixations and inability to contribute. HE OWNS A HOUSE THAT MEANS HE'S SMARTER THAN YOU. Maybe smarter than all of us combined!


Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

2nd quarter 2014: 4.6 percent
3rd quarter 2014: 5.2 percent

When is Trump going to average two quarterly average growth of 4.9%? Enquiring minds want to know.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The fact I own a home in S.F. (and Santa Clara co, and Az) hurts you so much that you bring it up every single time you attempt to annoy me.

Oh my god. I just think about some pseudonymous guy I'd never know or want to know all day every day. That's how much it eats me up. No, it's not all the other multiple McMansion dwellers, it's you. You are so unique. I can't get anything done. Please help me! Or maybe just send me your address so I can see up close and in person all that I'm supposed to be jealous of and settle things with you the old fashioned way.

I am proud to be a homeowner.

So are banks. And the majority of the country. Way to stand out in a crowd! Are you also a proud tea drinker? Hamburger eater? Never stop telling yourself how unique and special you think you are! Let me guess, do you also own and drive a car? You're really onto something very individual and rare!

Fabi said...

This beats all. Think I'll go polish the underside of the sink -- something productive.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

One interesting thing I have noticed is you delight in complaining that white women are no match for submissive Asian women.

Another thing you apparently imagined. Not sure what it's supposed to mean that you came up with some weird thing like this. IRL people supply quotes when they accuse people of things. It's nice that you drink enough to think your fantasies are real, though.

And your fantasy of actually having many encounters, flirtations and experiences with the opposite sex.

Oh, fantasy - that's right.. Of course! And you would know that my love life is fantasized because... you actively monitor me and keep a camera in my underwear and know all my comings (literally) and goings and meetings and everything else that a good little Orwellian stooge like yourself should feel privy to amongst another American. Interesting. Maybe I'm also an illegal alien who voted 12 times per election.

Are you methadras? Something tells me you're the one hiding something.

pacwest said...

It's way to early to be judging the Trump economy. If you get 5 or six quarters of 3%+ growth that would be something to crow about. Another misconception is that the stock market rise is due to Trump. Earnings are almost entirely the cause of that. PE multiples before Trump's election were around 16. They are around 17 now. Hoping for the best, and I think Trump is trying to create a business friendly environment, but 2 quarters of growth and the recent rise in the markets are not good metrics to use. Consumer confidence would be a better one for short term evaluation of the Trump agenda.

Arm, are you really a fiscal conserative? I've not really seen any indication of it in your comments.

FullMoon said...
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Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Fabi said...
Think I'll go polish the underside of the sink -- something productive.

Relative to your contributions to this debate I would guess it would be quite productive.

Sprezzatura said...

Polish jokes are racist.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Moonie thinks the only way others could have an actual love life is if his own wasn't so damn uneventful and boring. He had that quote about "the little lady" referring to his own wife as nothing more than a house speculator. You really can tell how bored/boring he is. He's got the personality of an action figure. No will of his own. Just finding the right "nest" and going from there. I have the feeling he either keeps her all locked up in there or lets her have free reign and keeps his nuts in a Mason jar under the sink. Either way, he's definitely not his own man.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

pacwest said...
It's way to early to be judging the Trump economy.

I agree.

If you get 5 or six quarters of 3%+ growth that would be something to crow about.

Let's wait until that actually happens before anyone starts crowing.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

pacwest said...
Arm, are you really a fiscal conserative?

I recognize that there are two ways to cut the deficit, increase income or decrease expenditure. Decreasing income is not one of those two options.

Does that count?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hahaha ! You have never, ever, in your entire life been in a physical altercation.

Then include that fancy shmancy address of yours in that reply, methadras. Go on and stop backing down.

Maybe we can just drone it. You'd love the attention. A video entitled, "belongs to nameless internet tough guy". We could buzz it over and over again. Intersperse the feed with shots of the new Apple Co. complex so that you can feel that you're like the next Steve Jobs or something.

pacwest said...

DBQ would probably be better at the explanation than me if she is spending the time wading through this crap.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh, my mistake.

EVERYTHING you say is a mistake. You're dumber than a $2 bill. You're talking about buwaya puti and how he thinks Filipino women are everything that American women should be. I'd ask you to take up your beef with him but obviously you're on the roll that the guy was on who asked if it was over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor.

What a retard! "SAD." Nice Trumpism. Do you grab 'em by the pussy, too? What's it like being with the same boring house speculator long enough to make you as horny as George H. W. Bush? You do sound mightily frustrated and JEALOUS!

Isn't that awesome house of yours big enough for you to find a secret room to jerk off in before your shrew-like toad of a wife walks in? I'm sure she's about as far up your ass as you wish you were up my ass. All that monitoring! Wow.

FullMoon said...
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pacwest said...

Does that count?

I don't think so. But it is encouraging you can do the math:)

FullMoon said...
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Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Aww, look at you, threatening to settle it the old fashioned way, then calling me "internet tough guy".

Type out your address in your next reply. That way you get to be the "tough guy."

Go on, do it. Prove that you really do think you're as important as you say you are.

It's nice to know that on nights like this you don't stop at your usual 6-bottle limit.

Even I'd manage to make your life less boring than you make it. A 12-step program is not that far off in the horizon of your "future."

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Nice try to bring Buwaya into it as a diversion.

He was the one that said what you accused me of saying. Not me. Keep a fact or two together, shit-for-brains. Proud, proud, shit-for-brains.

Smell your farts. How could you forget how righteous they smell!

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Clinton would shut down fracking, right after she found a way to rape it, and bleed some money into her banks accounts.

FullMoon said...
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Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Clinton would shut down fracking, right after she found a way to rape it, and bleed some money into her banks accounts.

Jesus! Did someone grab you by the pussy or what?

Show us on the doll where Mr. Trump touched you.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I sure am not going to meet you and risk a judo chop or some of your King foo tricks. Or is it MMA? Yeah, that;s the ticket. You been up all night watching MMA, practicing in front of the mirror/
"You talkin; to me?"

The words of an admitted bullshit artist.

If you don't type out the address then where will the next 12-step meeting convene? How can your fellow drunks discuss their problems if not in the privacy of your biggest and bestest house in san francisco that everyone should be living in EVER?

FullMoon said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

Nice try to bring Buwaya into it as a diversion.

He was the one that said what you accused me of saying. Not me. Keep a fact or two together, shit-for-brains. Proud, proud, shit-for-brains.

Nope, not going to work, loser. You said it . You also said looks don't matter, personality is more important. While that may actually be true, you inadvertently acknowledged your lack of reasonable attractiveness. I will leave that alone, as it is your genetics that are responsible for that. In fact, I will give you assumed credit for attempting to keep yourself appropriately groomed to compensate.

Sprezzatura said...

"Clinton would shut down fracking, right after she found a way to rape it, and bleed some money into her banks accounts."

How much do y'all like to say it took for her to ship 20% of our uranium to Putin?

Isn't it a handful of millions?

So, by your own logic (i.e. HRC power for sale to the highest bidder), why wouldn't she sellout to the coal and nat gas folks when they throw around a lot more dough? [BTW T. Boone really wants to know cause his nat gas payoffs have sucked, esp v Koch dough payoffs.]

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Nope, not going to work, loser. You said it .

Quote/cite it then, loser.

I realize that this is a difficult task to ask of someone as stupid and egomaniacal as yourself - who believes he owns the most awesome property since the Egyptian pharaohs had the pyramids built. But it's sort of what you need to do to not be revealed as a an insignificant queef from toddler in a tiara. Which is probably how you found the inspiration/gumption to initiate your first marriage, but that's beside the point.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Moonie lives in the 500 sq ft version of the Luxor. Because it's in San Francisco, you know.

He's trying to replicate with ethanol what Alice in Wonderland did to her own sense of perception and perspective when chasing the white rabbit.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sprezzatura said...

"Moonie lives in the 500 sq ft version of the Luxor. Because it's in San Francisco, you know."

W/ those specks, assuming it's in a hot hood, hopefully it, at least, has a roof deck. And private parking.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Not going to work with me.

Ok, so you admit you're too drunk to remember who actually said what, but still wanted to bs your accusation out there anyway. Good to know!

Inga...Allie Oop said...

I think Moonie’s wife left him. Heard he went nuts.

Sprezzatura said...

BTW Toothless,

I think Alcatraz is shutdown. So, your estimation re Moon's tiny SF status may have expired.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"Moonie lives in the 500 sq ft version of the Luxor. Because it's in San Francisco, you know."

W/ those specks, assuming it's in a hot hood, hopefully it, at least, has a roof deck. And private parking.

It has a lot of anti-intallekshualls. Because he can't stand 'em. But he does manage to fit as many smug self-fart sniffers in there as any San Franciscan can accommodate!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think Alcatraz is shutdown. So, your estimation re Moon's tiny SF status may have expired.

This is also a strong possibility.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The left gave us Hillary and the left refuse to clean house. So - fuck it. Hillary it is. Stick with her.

She's a corrupt money grubbing liar, for sale to the highest bidder, and democrats need to own her. Bleach bit it? nah. stick with it.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hahahaha! The three genius' . You in good company now doofus. Ya got Inga and her boyfriend on board. Birds of a feather and all that.

I think this would be an example of a not so genius retort.

Again, perhaps the smell of your own San Francisco farts is getting stale, but that's no excuse to replace them with endless bottles of whiskey as your next drug of choice. Plus, they're hell on your ego, and goodness knows how much massaging that needs.

FullMoon said...
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FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Mike said...

@Althouse, you probably aren’t going to notice this comment, but just in case you do ... I’m curious. Did you finally watch any of the Sunday morning talking heads shows?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

How dare you insult fellow San Franciscan Rachel Maddow! She just likes to sniff her own farts as much as you do!

I know it's hard to open a 20-second South Park clip making fun of you and Maddow's habits. But don't worry. The missus doesn't usually check in on you and whatever you're doing behind that closed door for at least every 30 seconds.

She likes to give you time, that way. You can still hide the bottles, if you do it right, too.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

...threats of violence,

I just want to know where you live. You know... not every section of S.F. is as tony and posh as every other. Are you hanging with the GOOGLE commuters or rubbing shoulders with the assless chaps of Castro? This is important to know because obviously you will be my next realtor as I commit myself to the only way my status will ever increase - BY BUYING EXACTLY THE HOUSE IN SAN FRANCISCO THAT YOU SAY EVERYONE SHOULD/NEEDS TO BUY.

the fart jokes,

Right. South Park. Really unsuccessful, loser stuff. What do those guys know about how awesome home ownership in San Francisco could be? They really don't understand anything. How could they hope to see it from your superior perspective?

...the fat wife stuff.

You've speculated (fantasized?) endlessly about my romantic life. Tell everyone here something about yours. Other than how Ms. FullMoon HouseMouse sez let's buy a house, and then somehow seems to exit any sphere of importance in your life. Do you just keep her around because you appreciated the property advice decades ago? That seems a bit, um, quaint. So you're basically just keeping her around in case she lends a tip to the next very cutting edge real estate trend? Is that why you keep her around?

Your sex life must be incredible.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Was the house in your name, Moonie? You know, if she makes more than you then by CA community property standards your sucky ass low-earning claim could entitle you to her superior earnings after the settlement.

Just something to think about. It seems you're confusing love with money. Oh, that's right - you're a right-winger!

Sprezzatura said...

That'd be cool if Moon's gota sugar mom. Maybe Meade has an opinion re this.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That'd be cool if Moon's gota sugar mom.

Especially given the high likelihood that her earnings top out at $75,000. Max. In the bay area.

Moonie thinks unearned income is way more awesome than earned income. He's really not that much different from any other right-winger, in that regard.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Try to give a less bitch-like response, FullPoon.

FullMoon said...
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Inga...Allie Oop said...

“Bark, puppy. I am Pavlov, you are my dog.”

Yawn. How about those indictments tomorrow? Much more interesting.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

It will be howling fun, Moonie.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I will give doofus the last word.

You sound like O'Reilly, Poon.

Are you a harasser, too? It seems that way.

Michael K said...

Total left wing troll thread.

Too bad. Ann had a nice blog,

Achilles said...

pacwest said...
It's way to early to be judging the Trump economy.

Sure. But he is doing the things that everyone knows would actually help the economy and it is reacting favorably.

We also have all the evidence we need to know that Obama was a complete miserable failure in every possible respect on the economy. The fact that Trump is going away from those failed policies is purely positive.

And about that consumer confidence index.

You will note the only drop since Trump was elected was when the GOPe betrayed their voters and the country and sunk the Obamacare repeal.

Achilles said...

Unknown said...
“Bark, puppy. I am Pavlov, you are my dog.”

Yawn. How about those indictments tomorrow? Much more interesting.

Yep. Word is they are going after Manafort for wire transfers in 2012. About $3mil. Who knew he worked for Trump in 2012. Manafort is unlucky. If he was a democrat he would have made a lot more money and Mueller would over for him like he did for Obama and Clinton.

Idiots will totally think Trump was involved and should be impeached.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Too bad. Ann had a nice blog,

How would you know?

Where is the reference source for this opinion!

I demand citation!

pacwest said...

"But he is doing the things that everyone knows would actually help the economy and it is reacting favorably."

I'm in agreement, but he will need help from Congress if it is going to be more than some regulatory reform.

"And about that consumer confidence index"

It is one of the main pieces of data I look at when I try to time the market. Very strong, but not enough to make any monetary bets on yet.

'It's the economy stupid'. I fully expect the Dem's (the nutty ones anyway) to do everything they can to hold the economy back, including, with some of them, to burn the country to the ground rather than see a Trump success in this area.

tim in vermont said...

Unknown said...
“Bark, puppy. I am Pavlov, you are my dog.”

Unknown might need a medication check, he looks a bit manic. He was telling me the other day, from personal experience, I guess that's a sign to see a doctor.

tim in vermont said...

That's a lot of personal attacks Toothless.

Kyzer SoSay said...

The trolls were out in force. Must have gotten marching orders to do some battlespace prep in advance of the disappointing news of the "imminent indictments", which will turn out to be such small potatoes that one would struggle producing enough french fries for a Happy Meal with them.

tim in vermont said...

I don't think that TTR is a talking points guy like Unknown, he was trashed Hillary before she lost.

Michael K said...

"I don't think that TTR is a talking points guy like Unknown,"

Ritmo has been an angry punk with no meat in his comments since I remember. I cannot recall a positive comment from him.

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