"When a young man is affected by being raped, or sexually harassed, or touched … you will never hear [about it] — but those people exist.”
From "Sex and the City's Gilles Marini: 'I Became a Piece of Meat for Many Hollywood Executives" (People).
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Men don't use the hashtag #MeToo because they'll be called out for appropriating the story and be blasted with anger and contempt. Sheesh.
Henry has it exactly right. A white male would be lit up on twitter if he did a #metoo. I presume the usual social justice warrior totem pole rules apply though, so a gay hispanic male could #metoo.
'I Became a Piece of Meat for Many Hollywood Executives'.....and I'm still available.
This is a humble brag.
It's also counter-productive. The victim (man or woman) should: (1) address the culprit directly, or (2) call the police.
If it's from 50 years ago, well, what's the point of a hashtag? A good sober talk with a friend or therapist might be better, not some empty Facebook gesture.
Men can use #Me2. Separate but equal.
The hashtag cheapens the whole thing.
I don't want to put up my experience at 8 years old with some woman who had to sit next to a man on the subway who was manspreading.
"I presume the usual social justice warrior totem pole rules apply though" True. Don't forget the targets: POC #metoo vs. white male/GOP/in-the-closet conservative works, etc. etc. Meta-rule: down-the-totem-pole accusations are OK; up, no way.
It is also dumb. #Metoo to WHAT? 80 year old Bush grabbing your tush? Someone mistakenly trying to get a kiss, when they thought you wanted it? What?
Lots of women don't use that hashtag for the same reason. Other reasons people might not participate in the hashtag: They don't think it's anyone's business and what Eric wrote.
#METO is maximum except takeoff (power)
It might be a truth that such encounters have no effect at all, and it turns up as not being mentioned owing to lack of interest.
I saw the Daily Mail article. Actors who are openly or manifestly gay are routinely subject to sexual harassment by gay producers and directors. For obvious reasons it's harder for them to come forward, and, for those same reasons, the harassment is more flagrant and abusive. These abuses are presently underreported, and my guess is that, going forward, they will continue to be underreported. Even the reasons for this cover up will be underreported.
Because in the real world men don't hear "You have the job if you suck my cock."
Because in the real world men don't hear "You have the job if you suck my cock."
That'san equal opportunity problem.
Was he harassed by men....women? I know this is People and it can't admit genders exist, but why do readers have to read between the lines?
“I was approached by extremely powerful people, especially after Sex and the City,” the actor, 41, tells PEOPLE. “I became a piece of meat for many executives in Hollywood." So tell us their names. Why do so many of these stories leave that out? I want these people held responsible.
Tony Goldwyn, who was the grandson of the Sam Goldwyn, complained that he was sexually harassed........I've read that the inmates in the Gulag would look around and see high ranking Communists as their fellow inmates. This convinced them that the system was fair in that it punished the high and the mighty as well as the peons......Hollywood was an equal opportunity abuser. It didn't matter whether your relatives were Oscar winning actors or Sam Goldwyn himself, you got the same abuse. This is the kind of utopian equality and sexual liberation that Hollywood wishes to bestow upon all of us.
What I like is that it's OK to say that this is exclusively male behavior. No one calls you a sexist. No one says "every woman is a potential rapist". For once the Left is willing to accept the obvious facts of biological reality.
Here's a male metoo-er. He doesn't say what happened or who, however.
Name names you cowards.
We all remember what happened with #AllLivesMatter and Baby Lives Matter (BLM).
Children have the luxury of indulging in #MeToo
Men and women are #Action #WhatDoINeedToDoToday
I wonder if Marini wants his kids to follow him into Acting.
If he's not playing along, why is he following the Omerta of Silence?
I had a coworker stick his tongue in my ear, once. It was an odd sensation, without precedent.
Had my face licked by numberless canines, but never by a human.
This story is boring now. Hollywood has casting couches for males and females. Shocking.
These people coming out now are cowards and can't even name names in a stupid #metoo tagged post. Shocking.
Being a victim should result in motivation to changes in behavior and capabilities to defend yourself. If you refuse to do either you are accepting the activity and enabling it. Enabling should not be celebrated.
In Shakespeare's time, the actresses/actors were mostly prostitutes, but they tell me that has all changed.
Or maybe - just maybe - most men have better things to do than spend their entire waking lives virtue signalling on the Internet?
@madashell, in Shakespeare’s time female characters were played by men (so in many of Shakespeare’s plays, like “As You Like It,” you have a man playing a woman disguised as a man). I was taught that the first English actress was Nell Gwyn (or Gwynne), who went on to be one of the mistresses of Charles II. Unlike most of Charles’s mistresses, she was also very popular with the people. At one point an angry mob surrounded a coach that they believed to be carrying one of Charles II’s Catholic mistresses, but Nell opened the carriage and said “Pray good people be civil, I am the Protestant whore.”
"These people coming out now are cowards and can't even name names in a stupid #metoo tagged post. Shocking."
Because the Hollywood "industry" is comprised of almost nothing BUT these types of people and their enablers.
You could arrest 90% of them and the remaining 10% would still practice their enabling and omerta.
This typical left-wing uniformity and conformity is not something that can be undone. It cannot be modified. It cannot "evolve".
The lefties run it the way lefties end up running anything and it will either grow stronger or be destroyed.
Witness every leftist institution you have ever seen.
Maduro is demonstrating it all quite well in the Lefty People's Paradise of Venezuela.
The added shame for boys being sexually abused was leveraged by the Catholic Church.
"When a young man is affected by being raped, or sexually harassed, or touched … you will never hear"
Ned Beatty as Bobby in Deliverance,
Lewis, What do you say, Bobby?
Bobby, Let's bury him. I don't want this gettin' around.
"When a young man is affected by being raped, or sexually harassed, or touched … you will never hear [about it] — but those people exist.”
Oh, bilge. I was a very good-looking teenager, long blond hair and blue eyes, tall and slender. I was on my own at 16, going to parties, and I used to get hit on all the time by older homos, and even one poor guy who didn't know he was a homo. That was weird.
It could get scary, 'cause everyone was high, and they were bigger and stronger than I was. A couple times I let someone blow me because I thought the alternative was worse. I got so my gaydar was very acute, and I stayed the Hell away from them. But I was hardly scarred for life. I started lifting weights when I was 19, and took some martial arts, and by the time I was mid-20s I was perfectly comfortable around homos. They're fun to party with. Smart and funny with good drugs. And discreet.
I guess if you can't get to where you don't think it will happen again, then it would be a lot harder to get over. I have to say, listening to that audio tape of HW trying to get that woman into his room, and considering the heft on the bastard, I felt for that gal. He was not taking no for an answer. I've been there.
"Men don't use the hashtag #MeToo because they'll be called out for appropriating the story and be blasted with anger and contempt"
-- The few men on social media who used it I saw (admittedly, very few, and not statistically significant in any way) were not. They were either ignored or given the same warm feelings as the women.
"I wonder if Marini wants his kids to follow him into Acting."
I doubt it.
"Jupiter said...
I have to say, listening to that audio tape of HW trying to get that woman into his room, and considering the heft on the bastard, I felt for that gal. He was not taking no for an answer"
Actually he did take no for an answer.
rhhardin said...
#METO is maximum except takeoff (power)
10/31/17, 11:10 AM
rhhardin said...
It might be a truth that such encounters have no effect at all, and it turns up as not being mentioned owing to lack of interest.
10/31/17, 11:11 AM
Why don't you just post
"Shut up. Shut up! SHUT UP!!! -- Eek, a mob"
on every such thread? This will economize on everyone's time and attention, and you will suffer no diminution of your message.
About 30 years ago when returning from a football game with my boss, he grabbed my crotch. I gave him a swift elbow to the ribs and it ended there. #metoo.
Kevin Spacey admitted that when he was 26 he had a sexual encounter with a 14 year old boy.
Will Kevin Spacey be Milo-ed? You know- for lefty consistency?
Some of what Henry said (though I also saw the reverse - people calling out the ones who were claiming "only women can!", on the grounds that a culture that tolerates sexual assault is bad, no matter who the victim is).
Possibly more of "men tend to not think HashbrownActivism is effective or anything but lame posturing, more than women do"?
(I could "#metoo", because once a drunk lady was kinda handsy at me, giving an irksome and unwanted shoulder rub.
I don't exactly feel victimized, though (annoyed at the time, yes, but that's the extent of it), and frankly I hate being pressured to "join in" on someone's movement even if it is a good cause.
That people would insist I "owe it" to someone, somehow, to join in is their damage.)
"Will Kevin Spacey be Milo-ed? You know- for lefty consistency?"
It seems his personal problems have led to expensive consequences for Netflix and the production company -
EXCLUSIVE: Filming on the upcoming sixth and final season of Netflix’s Washington D.C.-set drama House of Cards has been suspended indefinitely. Cast and crew of the MRC-produced series were told of the shutdown this morning.
“MRC and Netflix have decided to suspend production on House of Cards season six, until further notice, to give us time to review the current situation and to address any concerns of our cast and crew,” the two companies said in a joint statement to Deadline.
"Oh, I get it. I'm supposed to get inside your limo and let you put your finger inside me. And if I go down on you, I get a movie part."
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
Kevin Spacey admitted that when he was 26 he had a sexual encounter with a 14 year old boy.
Will Kevin Spacey be Milo-ed? You know- for lefty consistency?
10/31/17, 2:37 PM
Read Twitchy. Anthony Rapp is getting lots of hate on Twitter from angry HOC/Spacey fans. Comments along the lines "Because of your big mouth, my favorite TV show is being cancelled! F you!" And "you're a liar" and "big deal, who cares?" comments - from women. So, yeah, it is different for guys.
"Actually he did take no for an answer."
About the 37th time, yes. The first 36, he was not taking no for an answer.
Not sure what you are getting at. If you mean you would be comfortable being alone with someone larger and stronger than you who was talking that way, well, YMMV. What I note is his level of agitation, and the fact that he doesn't address her concerns, he dismisses them. If someone was acting that way around me I would be thinking about where and with what I was going to hit him.
A couple times I let someone blow me because I thought the alternative was worse.
Sooooo......it is a choice?
As a young musician in Hollywood in 1981 I was sexually abused by an older actress. She picked me up at a party in Marina del Rey, squatted to piss in the street before driving me down the Hollywood freeway at 110 mph. We were stopped by a cop, she got out and nailed a field sobriety test and then took me up to her house in the hills. She had fake tits that felt like bags of sand. I fucked her anyway, because, well, reasons. In the morning, I met her teenage daughter in the kitchen while looking for coffee. It felt creepy, so I walked back down out of the hills.
"Sooooo......it is a choice?"
It was those two times. Have you ever been threatened with a corkscrew? By a brawny hippie who thought he was straight until he discovered he was in love with you? I wasn't sure whether he was going to kill me or himself, and neither was he. In the event, neither one. He called me on the phone, 25 years later, to apologize. I told him, "Yes, I remember you, and I forgive you. Time heals all wounds. But don't ever call me again." Really, humans are weird, and predicting what they'll do next is risky. Especially when everyone's high. I had pretty good luck, but I don't kid myself it couldn't have been different.
Still waiting to hear from Titus or anyone else as to how many gay men actually DO NOT find 14 year old boys attractive.
@Jupiter - Honest question, did it never cross your mind that partying with the gay gang might not be the best idea? And at some point, did it not cross your mind that you were alone with them? Or was it all swell times until the corkscrew was aimed at you? I partied with some sketchy people from time to time back in the day, but it was always clear to me where the nearest exit was and what my plan was to get there. And there were always women around.
"Sooooo......it is a choice?"
Hey, I'm not judging. It's shameless attempt to hi-jack the thread. Remember to use the Althouse Amazon portal!!
I will never understand why anyone wants to emote on a crude medium like Twitter. Why would anyone care what someone else thinks about the actions of emotionally unstable people? At some time in the life of every adult comes the realization that understanding oneself is far more important than crying in your Twitter beer.
Of course, the obvious point here is that when your personal epiphany arrives, Twitter will disappear from your life.
Speaking of stuff getting out of hand/over-reactions, WTF is going down in Dartmouth? three (!) white male (probably cis!) psychology professors the subject of a criminal investigation apparently for sex-related crimes? No clue what's going on, but my little spider sense is whispering that this is the fiasco that completes the Duke Lacrosse/VA gang rape trilogy.
I will never understand why anyone wants to emote on a crude medium like Twitter.
Especially when you can leave your comments at Althouse!!
I feel left out.
Virgil Hilts, psych is kind of a stupid subject.
But what if one or two of these guys is not guilty of anything?
Things are weird these days. I thought after mattress-girl and DukeGate that folks would calm down. Not happening. It's getting worse. It seems like a gathering storm.
I never really minded being groped by an attractive (biological) female. Was a confidence booster.
That's just me, though.
We didn’t use it because we were specifically told not to.
It seems that revelations of this sort have suddenly become career-killers.
More than that, they are now threats to film projects and their investors.
It would be prudent for all current and future active projects to hire investigators to vet their current creative and production personnel to uncover hidden risks, and establish a new blacklist so that future productions can more easily avoid them.
I was raped when I was 10 but an older man in my family. Hard to talk about especially because everyone thinks I am a real man. It was hard time for me and I wish I had been stronger but I was orphaned at five and hurt for many years. Still am and I have never told anyone
Blogger Unknown said...
I was raped when I was 10 but an older man in my family. Hard to talk about especially because everyone thinks I am a real man. It was hard time for me and I wish I had been stronger but I was orphaned at five and hurt for many years. Still am and I have never told anyone
And how, on earth, does that render you less than a "real man"? It was surely horrible, but how was it possibly your fault?
How many straight teenagers get raped by Gay men? And stay quiet about it?
Just asking.
Bob Ellison said...
I feel left out.
Metoo. I was/am too geeky and odd looking to be molested. Guess it had its benefits.
Men don't make passes at boys who wear glasses.
Ralph ... It rhymes.
The original is "boys don't make passes at girls who wear glasses."
It's been around a while.
rcocean said...
How many straight teenagers get raped by Gay men? And stay quiet about it?
Just asking.
10/31/17, 7:32 PM
Don't worry rc, none of your victims talked.
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