Wow. I thought — even knowing Trump's penchant for defending himself — that he'd have kept silent on this one.
A woman's husband had died, Trump made a 5-minute telephone call, and Rep. Frederica Wilson, claiming to have been sitting with the widow and listening to the conversation on the speakerphone, went public with a snippet of quote from the conversation — the man "knew what he signed up for... but when it happens it hurts anyway" — and to assert that the widow remarked that Trump didn't remember the dead man's name.
The man's name was La David Johnson, and I'm thinking that if Trump resisted saying the name, perhaps he worried that he didn't have the right name: Could it really be La David? Is that a man's name?
And what was the whole context of the conversation? The chain of words "knew what he signed up for" could appear in a good-enough message of condolence. I've heard this idea expressed many times. It's one way that we praise those in the all-volunteer military. They are courageous and generous to put their lives on the line for us.
But I chose not to say anything like that yesterday, because I believed in the etiquette of giving priority to the widow's grief. The power of Congresswoman Wilson's speech was, I would have thought, that you can't respond to it. Common sense says: You'll only make it worse. You'll be taking the bait, giving the story another day of life and creating new evidence that will be used against you.
But Trump — the man is not normal — did not take the common-sense approach and keep silent. He's a man who fights back. His response is pretty good and in classic Trump style: "Democrat Congresswoman totally fabricated what I said to the wife of a soldier who died in action (and I have proof). Sad!"
He goes after the Congresswoman (and doesn't mention the widow, whose exposure was all the Congresswoman's doing).
He tells us the Congresswoman is a Democrat. We might stop there and say: This is politics. A Trump-hater, probably, taking the awful step of appropriating the widow's grief for political purposes.
Or we might read more about her. In the article I linked to (in The Daily Mail), I see that she — like the widow and the dead soldier — is African-American. She's also rich, 74 years old, misses a lot of votes in Congress, and avoided the Trump inauguration. Now, I'm thinking way too much about Wilson, but the question is: Did she lie? Who knows? I assume she at least presented what she knew in a manner that would hurt Trump. This becomes another Democratic Party in Trumpland story.
The claim that he has "proof" and the closing shot "Sad!" are classic Trump. Whether he has good enough character can't matter when he doesn't have enough characters (in the Twitter sense). Can it?
Of course it can, especially to people who already hate him. But they can't hate him anymore than they already do. Those who love Trump, I suspect, will accept "(and I have proof). Sad!" It's brusque — so is "he knew what he signed up for." But that's Trump, the man they love.
As for the people who neither love nor hate Trump, the lovers and haters might think such people do not exist. He's the ultimate love-him-or-hate-him guy. But I'm here to tell you there are such people. It's weird. But we exist.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 245 of 245The man's name was La David Johnson, and I'm thinking that if Trump resisted saying the name, perhaps he worried that he didn't have the right name: Could it really be La David? Is that a man's name?
Yes, that's because Ann seems to believe that Donald Trump is a careful speaker and considerate person whose sensitivity to other people's feelings is so great he probably assumed that whoever on his staff supplied the name got it wrong. Who would ever think that some African-American people pick a boy's name that begins with "La" -- LaDainian, LaDaris, LaVaughan, for example? Are those even a man's name? Better not to check, and just ignore it. Well done Ann, keep it up with this exquisite discernment of the President's thoughtful and tender feelings.
@Unknown A basic question. What tactical benefit would be gained by having Trump rush to visit Afghanistan? TACTICAL was the word I used. Look it up.
Would you rather he had skipped a trip to Puerto Rico (of course you would)? Would you rather he cancel his scheduled trip to the Far East - you know China and those guys - to meet whoever the hell is president of Afghanistan these days.
Did you listen to what Obama said about ending the war in Afghanistan before you gave the link? Don't you just love it when the President uses the troops for a prop? If Trump did it you wouldn't shit for a week.
Inga, why do the vast majority of service people and vets vote GOP if they luv Obama so, so much?
"Swing-state counties with especially high numbers of veterans helped propel Donald Trump to the White House, suggesting that his attacks this summer on a Gold Star family did not dampen support for him in military communities.
In a number of counties in Ohio, North Carolina and Florida, Trump beat Hillary Clinton by wider margins than his Republican predecessors performed against Obama in the last two presidential races. All three swing states have rich military traditions and numerous counties in which thousands or tens of thousands of veterans live.
Exit polls suggest veterans voted for Trump by about a 2 to 1 margin, reflecting the typical Republican bent of this group of voters. But the numbers also mean that a number of Trump’s controversial remarks on veterans and foreign policy did not significantly damage his support among military families"
So don't presume to speak for every military family. You are an outlier, thank Christ.
Howard said...
If the HNIC was still president
Howard, did you just call the 44th President of the United States a nigger, or will you pretend that "conservatives" called him that?
@Unknown Trump has honored the military by giving them approval to do their jobs as they see best. He does not micromanage from the WH; he lets the field commanders make decisions based on conditions at that moment. One of the great characteristics of American fighting men has always been their ability to seize the initiative starting at the lowest level. Adapting and responding to conditions in the field at that moment is how battles are won. The President has to respect his military subordinates from top to bottom to give them freedom that Trump does. That's how wars are won.
“Don't you just love it when the President uses the troops for a prop? If Trump did it you wouldn't shit for a week.”
Trump used the widow of one of the Special Forces killed In the botched raid in Yemen as a prop in his address to the joint houses of Congress. How quickly they forget.
There were even military members who voted for Obama WHILE they were serving in Afghanistan. Go figure.
10/18/17, 2:10 PM
Bowe Bergdahl, that's one...
I don't care what Trump said because until someone presents a viable alternative to Trump it has no effect on any decision or judgment I might make. And at this time, neither the Democrats nor the mainstream GOP have anything to offer, nor does either show any signs of growing to offer someone in the foreseeable future.
I never liked Trump as a celebrity and I have deep qualms about him as President--but then I recall that all the alternatives are worse, sigh, and move on.
For now, it's just "Far-left racist identity-politics Democrat slimes Trump" and "Trump responds to attack that others might let slide."
IOW, none of it is newsworthy.
2LT Rapone, that's two...
I wonder whether the guy who blew up the CIA people at FOB Chapman still votes in Chicago.
Bad Lieutenant said...
2LT Rapone, that's two..."
Major Hassan in 2008....that's three
“A staffer at the National Security Council drafted a statement of condolence for President Donald Trump to make almost immediately after a deadly ambush of U.S. soldiers in Niger earlier this month.
But Trump never issued the statement, and, some two weeks later, is now in hot water over his initial silence on the soldiers’ deaths and alleged controversial comments he made to a widow of one of the dead.”
@Unknbown And did you not shit for a week?
OT, but Democrat pollster Mark Penn wrote in today's WSJ that it's ridiculous to imagine that even $100,000 of Russian funded ads could have moved the needle very much in a campaign where over $2 billion was spent:
"I have 40 years of experience in politics, and this Russian ad buy, mostly after the election anyway, simply does not add up to a carefully targeted campaign to move voters."
yeah, it's stupid. It always was. But there are plenty of stupid Democrats who swallowed this crap. Not naming names or anything.
I seem to remember grieving family members were lying about what Clinton's wife told them. So all grieving family members are liars?
"...asinine..." - Rick Perry
Someone needs to put Trump in the dunce chair for an hour. He's digging a hole, and he doesn't even know why he's digging it.
I know the American public doesn't either.
WTF?! What is he doing offering money?
“President Trump, in a personal phone call to a grieving military father, offered him $25,000 and said he would direct his staff to establish an online fundraiser for the family, but neither happened, the father said.
Chris Baldridge, the father of Army Cpl. Dillon Baldridge, told The Washington Post that Trump called him at his home in Zebulon, N.C., a few weeks after his 22-year-old son and two fellow soldiers were gunned down by an Afghan police officer in a suspected insider attack June 10. Their phone conversation lasted about 15 minutes, Baldridge said, and centered for a time on the father’s struggle with the manner in which his son was killed.”
“He said, ‘I’m going to write you a check out of my personal account for $25,000,’ and I was just floored,” Baldridge said. “I could not believe he was saying that, and I wish I had it recorded because the man did say this. He said, ‘No other president has ever done something like this,’ but he said, ‘I’m going to do it.’ ”
Self aggrandizement.
Snort. As if the left gives a damn about the military.
Only if they can score partisan, political points over a dead body do they care.
But the numbers also mean that a number of Trump’s controversial remarks on veterans and foreign policy did not significantly damage his support among military families"
Screech into the wind, Inga.
Nobody cares.
Aw. Look how cute Inga is. All over this thread.
As if she gives a shit about the military, veterans or their families.
Some us served, Inga. You didn't.
It would be in your best interests to shut your mouth.
But you won't.
Unknown said...Anyone who continues to defend this fucking moron (per Tillerson) has not yet moved out of the deep end.
Trump is far from perfect, but this is a trumped up scandal. I don't believe for a second that he didn't try to be respectful. Either the words were awkward (quite possible) or the family was ripe to take offense (grief is often accompanied by anger).
But the most ridiculous and damnable people in this whole 'affair' are the ones screaming about how awful Trump is for getting the words a bit wrong (maybe) when he tied to say something comforting to a widow. You people are ridiculous for overplaying this 'outrage'.
How did Hillary honor the military?
"Marines cheering President Obama on a visit to Camp Pendleton."
Proof the average Marine is much more mannerly than the average Democrat.
You people are ridiculous for overplaying this 'outrage'.
Overplaying the "outrage" is how MSNBC and the MoveOn shills here fill the airtime with something other than the Uranium One conspiracy.
"Marines cheering President Obama on a visit to Camp Pendleton."
As he promised to end the war in Afghanistan. I believe that was before he sent thousands more over there and the deaths doubled.
Nice work, Inga.
"Someone needs to put Trump in the dunce chair for an hour. "
You could sit on his lap.
AA sez:
As for the people who neither love nor hate Trump, the lovers and haters might think such people do not exist. He's the ultimate love-him-or-hate-him guy. But I'm here to tell you there are such people. It's weird. But we exist.
I think that's not only right, but the "we" constitute tens of millions of American voters.
I certainly don't hate him. But I don't love him either. I tentatively and gingerly support, on the whole, what he's done. That simple. Is he a loose cannon? Yes. But the establishment politicians of both parties need to be shaken up. They are sclerotic.
Blogger Yancey Ward said...
One has to be seriously, seriously deranged to think Trump would intentionally insult a wife and mother of a fallen soldier during such a time. Occam's Razor is very, very useful here- having a Congresswoman from the opposite party "listening in" on this telephone call, and an African-American one at that, tells you all you really need to know to figure out what is going on here
I never even thought much about whether Trump "intended" any offense. My presumption is that Trump didn't intend any offense. I presume that this goes onto that long, long list of inadvertent and/or bragging and/or sales-pitching and/or self-aggrandizing and/or grossly insensitive things that Trump has spewed. "Oafish" was the word that someone used to describe this particular one, and that's a pretty good descriptor in my book.
Where Trump ventures into the category of "nasty assclown" is in his subsequent reaction. We ought to be able to agree that Trump is "punching down" in the case of a back-bencher like Rep. Wilson. But who, anymore, is further "down" than Donald Trump when it comes to ugly mud fights? I am beginning to think that anybody who engages Trump is "punching down."
You could sit on his lap.
Nope. I don't have any social media accounts, and my wife provides me with adult leadership.
LLR Chuck: "But who, anymore, is further "down" than Donald Trump when it comes to ugly mud fights?"
How about a Dem Senator who "Stolen Valor"-lied about his military service...and whom you defended.
Which makes you a pretty far down the "Low" list.
They signed up for this, Trump says and everyone is offended.
Obama said the same thing and no one bats an eye.
“They’ll tell you they’re not heroes,” Obama said of the full group. “They’ll say they were just doing their job. And today we honor them as top cops because they are half right. It’s true they were just doing their jobs. From the moment they swore an oath to serve with honor, from the first time they put on a uniform and put on a badge, they knew they might be called upon to do some really tough stuff.
“But I think that makes them more heroic, not less heroic, because they signed up for this,” Obama said. “They volunteered.”
Now, Obama is without doubt more eloquent in this paragraph and Trump, bless his heart, isn't the most polished speaker ever. However... all we know of what Trump said, has been taken out of context, distorted by the Democrat media and by the people hearing his conversation, who are already (it seems) disposed to hate Trump.
Until we see or hear the full context, we don't know anything.
I did not vote for Trump, but *every* time I hear stuff like this, I end up believing him rather than the accuser. People are so determined to destroy him, that unless they have video I'm suspicious.
Wow. Blacks feeling disrespected by a white republican. Stunning news.
Blacks are professional victims of disrespect, and are more racist than any other segment of the US population. Including our last president.
Trump used the widow of one of the Special Forces killed In the botched raid in Yemen as a prop in his address to the joint houses of Congress.
And the black Congress critter didn't ? The widow could have said it was not a good time. Instead she put it on speaker phone and then the BLM Congress person used the comment, which is innocuous, as bait for the anti-Trump left, which gives a shit about soldiers.
234 comments so far about a conversation that we don't HAVE THE WORDS!
All we have is a PARAPHRASE by someone who hates Trump and a Trump tweet.
But that doesn't stop everyone from arguing and having an opinion about something WE DON'T KNOW.
Anyway, carry on.
Good lord, this is like reading Breitbart.
One could do worse. For instance the NYT, or the WSJ.
What happened in Niger? We need a full accounting. I certainly hope there will be a Congressional inquiry and hearings.
“Republican Senator John McCain, widely regarded as the top authority on military matters in the Senate, said Wednesday the Trump administration is not being upfront about what happened in Niger.
This is somewhat reminiscent of rhetoric surrounding what happened in Benghazi under the Obama administration.”
This happened on Trump’s Watch. He is the CIC afterall. The buck stops at his desk.
“What happened in Niger?
The soldiers killed in Niger were part of a 12-man team of Green Berets, training Nigerian soldiers in a remote part of the country. These soldiers belonged to the Third Special Forces group based out of Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
As they were leaving a meeting with local community leaders on October 4, they were ambushed by roughly 50 fighters believed to be linked to ISIS (Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, or AQIM, is also active in the surrounding region).
The soldiers were driving unarmored pickup trucks and immediately returned fire. The firefight reportedly lasted roughly 30 minutes. It was eventually broken up via French air support and the soldiers were evacuated with helicopters.
Initially, the government only confirmed three had been killed and two wounded in the incident, along with two. But it was eventually reported a fourth soldier had gone missing during the ambush. His remains were found by Nigerien forces roughly 48 hours after the ambush.
The Department of Defense at first withheld information about the missing soldier. The circumstances of how he was separated and the nature of his death are unknown.
Many questions about what occurred remain, especially regarding why intelligence apparently didn't indicate the soldiers would meet such heavy resistance.”
Unknown said...What happened in Niger? We need a full accounting. I certainly hope there will be a Congressional inquiry and hearings.
The two incidents are not parallel. Its wasn't soldiers who were attacked in Libya, it was a US Ambassador at one of his residences. The Ambassador was killed along with his Tech guy. Our government failed to provide sufficient protection for the Ambassador and his staff. Generally its the military and the State Department charged with protecting our Ambassador and their staff. And it is very rare (and should be rare) for Ambassadors and their staff to be attacked and injured. Our government should take the highest precautions to protect our diplomatic staff - they are not soldiers. There were a lot of concerning questions about what happened and why in the months leading up to the attack, during and after the attack. Legitimate questions.
I'm sure the military will review the Niger indent - but the situations are not remotely parallel.
"What happened in Niger? We need a full accounting. I certainly hope there will be a Congressional inquiry and hearings. "
Why do you care ? You care nothing about US military. You are just hoping some anti-Trump theme comes out.
Where were you in Benghazi ? Where were you when Hillary lied in front of the parents and caskets ?
Go away. Have some sense of shame.
“Go away. Have some sense of shame.”
Take your own advice.
On the Left "Unknown" and On the Right "Her friends"
Ladies and Gentlemen: Its Crossfire
Benghazi was not the issue, the real mistake was Obama destabilizing Libya and betraying a dictator who gave up his WMDs. This allowed ISIS and other jihadi militias to fill the vacuum. Who knows what happened in Niger, one can imagine that getting reliable intel is a problem.
"Where were you in Benghazi ? Where were you when Hillary lied in front of the parents and caskets ?"
If you look back in the Althouse archive immediately after the Bengazi incident, there were just two commenters defending the official video as the cause story: Inga and Cedarford.
A Dem poverty pimp fabricated something so she could get 15 minutes of fame. Not sure WHY Dems keep letting the buffoons out to play.
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