"We do not accept sexual abuse as 'locker room talk.' So why the deafening silence, particularly from the industry’s men, when one of our own is outed as having a nasty taste for humiliating and traumatizing women?... In the fall of 2016, I performed at a benefit for Hillary Clinton organized by the Weinstein Company. I had heard the rumors. I felt that going onstage under his aegis was a betrayal of my own values. But I wanted so desperately to support my candidate that I made a calculation. We’ve all made calculations, and saying we’re sorry about those calculations is not an act of cowardice. It’s an essential change of position that could shift the way we do business and the way women regard their own position in the workplace. I’m sorry I shook the hand of someone I knew was not a friend to women in my industry...."
Writes Lena Dunham (NYT).
Well at Least Harvey didn't shove pebbles into someone else's vagina...so he's got that going for him.....
Oh! Good Lord! Lena Dunham and Harvey Weinstein. Which one's worse for women?
What a bunch of crap.
The stuff Weinstein has done is terrible. Trump saying a few things in private that people didn't like isn't at all comparable.
But boy do they try.
I see the hypocrisy tag. Which, obviously, fits
It seems like there should be some sorta confessional, mea culpa tag.
IMHO, generally speaking (i.e. beyond this vortex), that's something worth acknowledging. Maybe, doing so would be some sorta encouragement to others.
I dunno.
Ms Dunham was safe from even Weinstein.
I cannot imagine a male who would want to have any sort of sexual contact with her.
The herpes are sticking out all over her saying, "help take me please !"
Again, she's not sorry she did it and would clearly do it again. She's sorry that all this came out and the fact that she's not truly a feminist but a sellout is on display for all to see.
Maybe that's why a lot of people couldn't support that candidate to begin with. She makes you get in bed with some pretty nasty characters in order to show support for her.
This is a post I made on Slate.
This article (Pence) is inaccurate on so many levels. Yet a surprise for Slate readers and producers. I will no longer offer political commentary. I have posted things here, things in hindsight I have determined are negative and judgmental. Maybe I am not intelligent enough to get my point across. I feel heart broken about so many things, and knowing I am a kind and compassionate man, I feel tired, I can only trust in God. So many things hurt, and so many times I feel I have all the answers, yet still everything confuses immensely. I will no longer post comments like I know everything.
Leftists are unprincipled ideologues. It's all about power. When it comes down to it they don't give a damn about all the crap they peddle.
Must be tough having no principles..
See, Lena wants everyone to know she’s down with the struggle, she really cares about everyone (except the deplorables - “fuck those bigots”), but sometimes she just has to do what she has to do for her own professional or political interests. A girl’s gotta eat, amirite?
Lefties do not actually believe a single thing they lecture the rest of us about.
And that is why the left and their lifelong republican allies want this swept under the rug just as fast as they can get it there.
I just finished a screenplay for Fat Fuck: The Harvey Weinstein Story. You'll never guess what "Rosebud" is revealed to be in the final frames. Options available.
Lena just helping fellow tribe members no matter what.
Should have a cowardice, not hypocrisy, tag. These people seriously believe that no one is keeping score. Maybe that's what U-6 soccer is about...hmmm.
Hey, Lena, about your list. You forgot Bill Clinton.
The Left sucks. So does Mark.
"In the fall of 2016, I performed at a benefit for Hillary Clinton organized by the Weinstein Company."
Let's take a closer look at those guests.
NIK of course has no standing to complain. The day when the Left could bully and intimidate people into believing the nonsense they spew are over. No one is fooled any more: it's all about power. We all can see they don't care about the people they profess to speak for. All their influence is limited to their little bubbles. No wonder they've become so violently insane.
More proof that Ann is part of the conservative echo chamber.
Unless, of course, Professor Althouse regards sexual abuse as a serious problem that all too many lefties are all too willing to sweep under the carpet -- though only if the abuser has impeccable leftist credentials. If you want her to lay off poor Harvey, maybe you should acknowledge your complicity in the vast left wing coverup of abuse of women?
Bottom line:
If want to sexually harass women, get some Lewinsky's, and maybe ejaculate into a few Restaurant potted plants - you'd better be a Liberal Democrat.
If you're Center-Right, don't try it.
OK With Hollywood - Sexually Harass women. Child Rape. Communism. Forging Checks.
Not OK - Being a Republican. Saying Jews Control Hollywood.
Hippie women soon discovered that Hippie men saw them as cumbuckets. Nothing has changed.
Team Hollywood, Team Democrat - don't rat out your own team!
Lena Dunham's essay excoriates bad behavior in show business, but the only name she is willing to name is Weinstein's. All the others are shrouded in anonymity. Why the silence?
I am surprised at the legs on this story. I thought it would have been memo holed by now.
I wonder why the story has such legs?
My guess is the extreme hypocrisy of how the A List in Hollywood has dealt with this.
What a Sweetheart. It seems that Weinstein attacked Nathan Lane(!) at a Hillary Birthday party:
Lane was the emcee at the party — which was hosted by Weinstein — and after Lane told a comb-over joke about Rudy Giuliani, Weinstein allegedly threw Lane up against a wall.
"This is my f---king show, we don’t need you,” Weinstein then told Lane.
“You can’t hurt me, I don’t have a film career,” Lane shot back.
So, everything Dunham has said or done since then should be ignored as the ravings of a moral monster.
And, saying she's sorry is not an act of cowardice but neither is it courageous. Catering to Weinstein in the first place was cowardice. There is no courage in the whole sordid business.
Just like all those who celebrated Edward Kennedy or William Clinton.
Lena Dunham has her own stories about "bad" behavior but then chooses not to identify anyone. I think she's missed the point. Name and shame, Lena. Be the change you're hoping for.
Ann I drew away from your website, feeling your crowd was more educated than me, feeling humble while stubbornly proud. Your interest in films sent me in good directions. Entertain my nonsense. Three filmmakers I have concentrated upon, recognizing my Catholic devotion, include Robert Bresson, Michelangelo Antonioni--a special comment on Monica Vitti--she is a great actress. I did not have the nerve to watch Modesty Blaise, yet L'Eclisse and L'Avventura she is brilliant. Anyway the last, to be included is Pasolini. Searching for something serious, simple and captivating in misensence , and Pasolini can disappoint, yet his use of the camera in his early films, and storytelling says too much--a champion of the struggle of life.
Why the silence?
Silence = Complicity.
Hey, why not use the tools of the Left against the Left?
... In the fall of 2016, I performed at a benefit for Hillary Clinton organized by the…enabler of Bill Clinton. I had heard the rumors. I felt that going onstage under his aegis was a betrayal of my own values. But I wanted so desperately to support my candidate that I made a calculation.
When Lena is not busy making fake rape accusations against republicans, she will sometimes gently pretend to hold her "team" to account.
You know, for the sake of "credibility".
Silence? Or rather privacy.
A progressive expose of the liberal Pro-Choice Church and national Democratic Party.
Repent and sin no more.
Oh, who am I kidding. Approve the consensus, purchase your weight in carbon credit indulgences, and bow down before the one you serve -- narrative framing matters.
TLDR. What's this incestuous child molester trying to lecture people on now?
Kind of like the NFL. We reward the people in Hollywood with billions of dollars for being beautiful and creating interesting entertainment for us. The result - of course - is that people are desperate to get a part of that, and those in charge are given incredible amounts of power over a lot of very beautiful young women.
Don't see any way that really avoids it aside from not watching movies or TV.
But I have a very beautiful daughter, and people have told us that she could be a model or actress. But I want her to have a good life.
Sounds just what real NAZIS' said in their defense. "I heard the rumors but what the hell they were only Jews."
Lena was not the voice of her generation but rather a voice of her generation. Similarly, Lena was not the conscience of her generation but rather the lack of conscience of her generation......They're all making brave statements condemning Weinstein now, but they missed the cue. It looks stale and pro-forma. Fearless girl doesn't look so fearless posing before a BBQ stand.
Somebody should put a plaque on that Fearless Girl sculpture that says "Hold my beer."
Surely, Weinstein's behavior was way beyond mere harassment?
And he still does not understand it.
This is a very sick man!
At this rate, I'm thinkin' we might get ol' Harvey as a new Republican donor and bundler,
Or perhaps more likely, the chairman of the new O'Reiily/Bolling/Hannity/Bannon cable news network.
I don't care for Dunham, but I think this is better than Streep's "I didn't know anything" speech.
The story is kind of interesting as a type narrative: the current way in which leftys talk about the Harvey Weinstein story. It just amounts to taking all the facts that have come out already and saying that you had those same experiences - being the target of sexism in Hollywood and ignoring what you knew so that you could attend parties with important people and being sorry you acted that way. But Dunham was sorrier that Trump won. Then she went out to desert and talked to rocks and cried and cried. Then she joined a resistance against Trump. Is a "Resistance" forming in Hollywood? Would she join if there was one? Of course not. Just the way, the football players say nothing about Thursday night football and the impact it is having on player injuries. The flag - attack it. The President - attack him. Reform Hollywood, reform the killing football schedule - "what, you think I'm stupid?"
What a coincidence that she started feeling sorry about it now.
We can deduce that she did not feel sorry about it before now since she didn't do or say anything in the interim.
Ooh, ooh, ooh! I have the most incredible idea! Lena Durham, I know that you're anxious to show that you're past the stage where the women just keep silent while the bad men abuse them or other women. You said that.
But you said that Judd Apatow was very respectful towards women. Can I assume that means that _not every man in Hollywood besides Weinstein is very respectful towards women_? Are there more besides Weinstein doing this kind of thing? Are Weinstein, Cosby, Polanski, and O'Reilly the only men that you hear these things about? Or are there many more?
Tell us. Tell us now about those bad men. Time for the women to speak up, you said. Do it. Speak up about the ones where it's still scary and dangerous to speak up, not just the ones you can safely kick while they're down.
Time to clean house, if you really mean it.
I understand her calculation, every single one of us weighed the same evidence. Some of us in favor of a boorish, vulgar man and not for her equally flawed candidate.
What I resent is she, and too many leftists, liberals, and nevertrump conservatives *refuse* to recognize that we made our choice with the same care.
But I wanted so desperately to support my candidate that I made a calculation. We’ve all made calculations, and saying we’re sorry about those calculations is not an act of cowardice.
"We" here means left wingers, so that's acceptable. Those fucking Trump voters are misogynists though and deserve whatever we can do to them.
Maybe someday she'll allow that those who aren't fellow travelers are people too.
But probably not.
Talk about a basket of deplorables - that's Hillarywood.
"Her candidate" was already in bed with the most notorious sex abuser in modern history, so what had she to lose but a further scintilla of self-respect?
She finally says something now that Harvey's board fired him. Until then - had to keep your options open.
At this rate, I'm thinkin' we might get ol' Harvey as a new Republican donor and bundler,
WTF? Why? What's the matter with you?
Dunham’s calculation was the same as everyone else’s in Hollywood (excluding for Streep who was cluelessly out of the loop). Dunham was fine with being another celebrity who knew all along who Harvey Weinstein was and what he did, yet looked the other way as long as he might be useful to them.
Sh wrestled with her conscience and won.
What's the matter with you?
He's an asshole. Surely he's not your first.
And yet, if these accusations against Weinstein hadn't come out publicly, I'm sure that Ms. Dunham would have been perfectly happy to shake his hand in 2018 and 2020 as the next electoral cycles came along and Democrats needed money, from any source, however sleazy. You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs or splooging on a few interns, actresses and TV anchors.
Dunham writes:
"The reason I am zeroing in on the men is that they have the least to lose and the most power to shift the narrative, and are probably not dealing with the same level of collective and personal trauma around these allegations. But here we are, days later, waiting for Mr. Weinstein’s most powerful collaborators to say something. Anything. It wouldn’t be just a gift to the women he has victimized, but a message to the women who are watching our industry closely. They need a signal that we do not approve of the abuse of power and hatred of women that is the driving force behind this kind of behavior."
A millennial woman in a position of power says women need a message from men in Hollywood. Women are waiting for a signal from men. How dismissive of the power of the female voice in Hollywood. What happed to "I am woman hear me roar"?
Maybe if influential women in Hollywood, like Ms. Dunham, were not so complicit in tolerating the "abuse of power and hatred of women" when it serves their purpose, the sexual predators would not be so powerful.
Lee Smith at Weakly Standard makes the point that the Clinton Court is over:
if the story was published during the course of a Hillary Clinton presidency, ...Harvey would have been seen as a proxy for the president’s husband and it would have embarrassed the president, the first female president.
Much better than the exposure of hypocrisy is that the fat cats in Hollywood and Wall Street wasted all that money buying influence and access to power that never came.
We do not accept sexual abuse as 'locker room talk'
Men do not accept locker room talk as 'sexual abuse.'
Rush said today that Weinstein will be back in business after a period of therapy. Remember how hard the media dumped on the Clintons over the Marc Rich pardon at the end of his presidency.
"Tell us. Tell us now about those bad men. Time for the women to speak up, you said. Do it. Speak up about the ones where it's still scary and dangerous to speak up, not just the ones you can safely kick while they're down. Time to clean house, if you really mean it."
He's an asshole. Surely he's not your first.
Well, no. But I'm kind of Laslo-ish, if you get my drift.
Hillary gets her supporters to compromise their values, it seems. And on her big issue, womanhood. Very embarrassing.
Seriously, can you imagine how Hillary must regard men, considering how those men who are her fellow travelers are, in reality, reprehensible in the extreme by any standards, even those of Ms Dunham? We are talking about some really creepy dudes! And they really let Hillary down.
I am so glad I'm not living in a Hillary regime. She would take vengeance on men, don't you think?
In my 8:54pm comment "happed" should be "happened".
A top comment from the NYT piece:
EC17 Chicago 3 hours ago
Harvey Weinstein has been well reprimanded but what about Trump who is a racist and an abuser. What about all the parties Trump attended at Jeffrey Epstein's and the underage girls.
Why is Trump not getting raked over the coals like Weinstein that is my question when in some ways Trump has been far worse with women??????
Reply 71Recommend
Night Owl, I wonder if this could really happen. Normally I detest both the politics and the morals of Hollywood. But could the women grab the opportunity and just make a list of the abusive men? Online, with other women showing up to add to it. Him, yeah. Him - naw, didn't bother me. Him - oh, yeah.
I want the abusive ones out, the really abusive ones in jail like Cosby, and the whole industry run like every other one in this country, with men afraid to lift their hands out of line because they know that they'll get hit with a sexual discrimination lawsuit.
Is this an chance to destroy a whole bunch of corrupt evil creeps? How many are trembling right now, they dodged a bullet but the next one could get them?
That women are helpless is the official political position now.
What's called for in such situations is a tactful response, which women used to know how to do.
Refusing Harvey but leaving him feeling good about himself, in short.
No thanks, but thanks for asking.
That's about the shortest version.
I'd love to but I have to be loyal to my marriage.
It also, by the way, leaves women feeling good about themselves.
Why be a bitch.
Professor, I understand you have a lot of respect for Dunham, at least as an artist (Girls). You fisked Streep's statement and other articles on Weinstein, but chose not to comment of Dunham's editorial. I, for one, would like your take on it if you are so inclined.
If women got in the habit of leaving men feeling good about themselves, marriages might last.
Feminism wants a castrated woman, not a castrated man.
More believable than Streep’s statement.
Which, you know, is genuinely sad.
Soon human resources will have a marriage counselling contract. Expand Title IX.
Something has to be done about flirting too.
No more pigtails in inkwells.
"[S]aying we’re sorry about those calculations is not an act of cowardice. It’s an essential change of position . . ."
Now that this "essential" change of position is easy and entails no cost to you.
It's not exactly brave to condemn Weinstein now. In fact, it has the appearance of an "act of cowardice," because it has become de rigueur.
The city that never Streeps.
Women's freedom requires obligations. Otherwise nothing they do has a name.
More proof that Ann is part of the conservative echo chamber.
Big Mike, what's the context? I'm a late arrival.
Althouse is a collection of hot buttons against a background of art and legal training, which takes over when a button has not been pushed.
Me, I'm against senselessness and oppression. It used to be a women's role.
So...she's a liar, a child-molester, and a hypocrite? Why does this woman have any cache whatsoever?
Nobody notices that things are both covariant and contravariant. There's what you see, and there's what you see with.
Nobody has cache anymore. It's all credit cards.
This story shows all the whorts and vapidness of feminism but there another aspect never mentioned, the feckless and coward behavior of all of the men including male actors in the industry. Actually it was their job also if not more so to get that pervert out of the industry before he did more harm to women. Here we are bashing women for being gutless and hypocrites and they deserve it but worse is the action of men. They have no balls.
"Night Owl, I wonder if this could really happen."
It could, if they really mean what they're saying. Women like Dunham and Streep are not as powerless as they like to pretend. They could do just what you say, put together a list and post it on the internet, if they really want to out the creeps.
But I'm cynical enough to believe that most people who have struggled to gain power will not risk losing that power to help others who are powerless. This goes for men and women. Lena says that men have the least to lose in speaking out against predators, but she's wrong. Men who speak out have just as much to lose as women, maybe more in some cases.
"Is this an chance to destroy a whole bunch of corrupt evil creeps? How many are trembling right now, they dodged a bullet but the next one could get them?"
Unfortunately this could also turn into a witch hunt where innocent men and women are added to a list of predators for political reasons, revenge, etc. A new McCarthyism. If I were a powerful man in Hollywood, especially if I were a closet conservative, I'd think about doing like VP Pence and avoid being alone with a woman that I didn't know very well.
Rhhardin may come across as a nut at times, but he's often right. If all women refused to play the casting couch game, it would not be a thing. Women are just as guilty as men.
The two minutes of hate effect is really working overtime.
Probably surprising Harvey too. A star is born.
Harvey is real life. He's a guy. You can deal with guys the way you can deal with all guys.
Be nice, be tactful, don't use him to your own advantage.
Instead, everybody is learning the opposite. Hate men and stay away from women, respectively.
"I’m sorry I shook the hand of someone I knew was not a friend to women in my industry."
He was a friend to women in his industry. Not just to the Judds but also to the Denches and Streeps. And they were happy to be his friends.
Dunham is not sorry enough to say no next time.
Prog lust for for power is greater than prog lust for justice.
@Quaestor, I was responding to a comment that seems to have been removed. And good riddance.
It's very surprising that mob action has been taken up by the political right, the flag and now this.
It's a leftist move, stupidity in an echo chamber.
Nobody does arguments anymore.
"Harvey is real life. He's a guy. You can deal with guys the way you can deal with all guys."
You make some good points, but you do men a disservice by trying to equate Weinstein with all men. Not all men meet a woman and then come all over a potted plant. At least that's been my experience. YMMV.
You make some good points, but you do men a disservice by trying to equate Weinstein with all men. Not all men meet a woman and then come all over a potted plant. At least that's been my experience.
What's really behind the complaint, is the question. He is all men.
As to the potted plant incident, it gets the physiology of wanking so wrong that I'd say it can't happen. Something else was going on. But perhaps Harvey is more manly than anybody knew.
Do they have potted plants in men's health centers
Maybe it's a linguistic tic, over the word bush.
This is good advice in general...
Men are basically guilty until proven innocent. Or have video cameras installed in your work environments to reduce possible issues. I did before I hired any employees.
>a powerful man in Hollywood, especially if I were a closet conservative, I'd think about doing like VP Pence and avoid being alone with a
>woman that I didn't know very well.
The paper that covered up his degeneracy for 13 years Shirley:
Ah Lena, let's just say that that old perv Harvey probably wouldn't be attracted to you--unless he was a chubby chaser who liked ugly chicks.
Big Mike said...
@Quaestor, I was responding to a comment that seems to have been removed. And good riddance.
Earlier today Ann warned that certain comments would be deleted:
"I'm officially done with comments commenting on how much I'm posting on this subject.
Every post is different, with new material that is interesting to me.
If you don't like seeing another post, you can: 1. Say nothing and skip the post, 2. Comment substantively, in a post on the subject, on why the additional material does not add anything new of any significance (and I'm sure you'll be wrong, but you are welcome to say so, in a substantive albeit wrong way), 3. Read carefully to notice what is new and different, engage with that and say something new and different.
Saying over and over that you don't want to see this subject is completely boring and a waste of other people's attention. I will be weeding this out aggressively from now on. Shape up!"
it gets the physiology of wanking so wrong that I'd say it can't happen.
As an expert, I realized this immediately. But if he were on supplemental testosterone or some other drugs, legal or otherwise?
He obviously gets off on the power differential, so a quick polish would not be very satisfying even if it were possible at his age.
Wait was Lena talking about Bill Clinton or Harvey Weinstein when she wrote about calculations?
I was responding to a comment that seems to have been removed. And good riddance.
The urgency and desperation to change the subject was palpable, was it not? Orders from on high, no doubt.
Don't worry kid, Harvey Weinstein would choose a potted plant over Lena Dunham.
That the ends justify the means is a fairly universal principle in politics. It is more notable on the left but the right has recently picked it up. I'm guessing they learned bringing an argument to a gunfight was not as effective as bringing an argument and a gun.
It's different when she does it, because Shut Up.
Birches: "Wait was Lena talking about Bill Clinton or Harvey Weinstein when she wrote about calculations?"
The self-respect you never had is something you can never lose.
rhhardin said...
It's very surprising that mob action has been taken up by the political right, the flag and now this.
It's a leftist move, stupidity in an echo chamber.
Nobody does arguments anymore.
Ghandi was able to fight the British with peaceful resistance because the British were decent people. If he tried that kind of protest in a muslim country or any other tin pot dictatorship he would just be killed.
This situation is similar. The left is morally degenerate. They actively cheat in elections. They turn the bureaucracy and civil service on their opponents. They obviously have no regard for the rule of law. They preach hypocrisy. Arguments will not work with people like this. They must be treated as any common criminal you couldn't trust should be treated if we want to keep them from getting their Che on.
no. Lena is sorry other people found out that she will sell her soul. But we already knew that. none of them are offended by HW. They are just sorry that it is a fact out in public now. Someone asked, "hey Hollywood, how do you think you will be received the next time you are "outraged" by something?"
The right is too busy arguing with itself to be a very good mob.
Weinstein is mostly blue on blue.
>It's very surprising that mob action has been taken up by the political right, the flag and now this.
The flag is a perfect example of a Trumps modus operandi. He has spent very little energy in it, but he has caused a huge over reaction by the left. He trolled them. Today an espn person called for a boycott of the NFL, and got suspended for two weeks. So espn is being accused of racism.
More blue on blue.
Trump is winning the flag battle.
Lena is so much more brave than Meryl.
Remember, in her autobiography Dunham told a tale of being raped in college by a Republican. It was an absurd story which was easily proven false. So while she was concocting and then defending her harebrained slander, she knew all about Harvey's abuses and kept quiet.
I can understand people being afraid for their careers if they spoke up. But, as someone else said, this is an industry that pats itself on the back everyday for and gives itself medals for "bravery" for standing up to Trump - and fictitious Oberlin Republican rapists.
Brave, my ass. Speaking truth to power, my ass.
Someone had to pay for the worst cinema summer ever
Maybe that's why a lot of people couldn't support that candidate to begin with. She makes you get in bed with some pretty nasty characters in order to show support for her.
Every Candidate has supporters with whom I'd rather not be associated. Far easier to reject Clinton because she herself was fundamentally corrupt.
I agree that Dunham's piece is better than Meryl Streep's. It was a pretty low bar. The Hypocrisy Tag is richly deserved.
Why should we care what Lena Dunham thinks? she's a Hillary supporter and therefore a corruption excuser.
Which is worse? Private server for hidden pay to play? or - jerking off while you force the captured to watch?
I don't recall anyone asking "what does Lena Dunham think about this"?
Or Meryl Streep, either.
Careerists gotta career, I guess.
Too little too late.
Did Dunham speak up about the prospect of putting a man who committed a violent rape back in the White House for another four years?
Or does she think Juanita Broaddrick is a fabricator, a five-star liar?
So brave Lena. Sorry to hear the about the gay taking your purse away.
Love you! Can't wait to see your next project!
All these "we didn't know" for sale Hollywood types remind me of post war Germans.
"We do not accept sexual abuse as 'locker room talk.'"
This is argument by cliche. Dunham expresses an inability to discuss issues realistically. No one accepts sexual abuse as locker room talk. How much locker room talk has Dunham heard?
But, Dunham and Weinstein are both unattractive toads in Hollywood, she can relate to him.
>Not all men meet a woman and then come all over a potted plant.
That's my experience too. Weird.
I wonder how many yes-men and yes-girls it took over how many decades until Weinstein thought this sort of thing was normal. You can even see it in his press release. I'm being fired! Isn't that outrageous?
Women will now come out of the woodwork to accuse Weinstein, not because of courage, but because he can't now hurt their bottom line.
ESPN suspends racist Jemele Hill not for her calling President Trump a white supremacist, but because she called for a boycott of NFL advertisers, why? Because it is detrimental to ESPN's bottom line.
So much for principals, but whores.
Whatever his pains and his eventual comeuppance, how meager his satisfactions! Wanking into a rhododendron? What kind of majesty does that bespeak?
If you're going to be exploiting aspiring actresses, damn, man, stick it in! Enjoy yourself! Fill her up! Don't pull out, that's her problem. This is why you became a master biped,to argle-bargle with some mail-order chippie?
She is not brave nor does she care what happened to other women. The narrative has changed and she and all the other phonies can now come out from under the rocks they hid under. It is now all about joining the chorus and showing how much better they are than the rest of society. The moon is right and the running of the virtue signalers has begun.
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