৩ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১৭

"While Mr. Kelly has quickly brought some order to a disorganized and demoralized staff, he is fully aware of the president’s volcanic resentment about being managed..."

"... according to a dozen people close to Mr. Trump, and has treaded gingerly through the minefield of Mr. Trump’s psyche. But the president has still bridled at what he perceives as being told what to do. Like every other new sheriff in town Mr. Trump has hired to turn things around at the White House or in his presidential campaign, Mr. Kelly has gradually diminished in his appeal to his restless boss. What is different this time is that Mr. Trump, mired in self-destructive controversies and record-low approval ratings, needs Mr. Kelly more than Mr. Kelly needs him. Unlike many of the men and women eager to work for Mr. Trump over the years, the new chief of staff signed on reluctantly, more out of a sense of duty than a need for affirmation, personal enrichment or fame."

From "Forceful Chief of Staff Grates on Trump, and the Feeling Is Mutual" by Glenn Thrush and Maggie Haberman in the NYT.

A dozen people close to Trump talked to the NYT reporters. That alone is interesting.

১৩৯টি মন্তব্য:

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

Wishful thinking/reporting on the part of the Times.

Michael K বলেছেন...

I wonder how many of that "dozen" are imaginary? I have no doubt that there are plenty of Obama and GOPe holdovers eager to talk to the NYT.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Kelly is the deep state. Its psyche is organized crime.

Wince বলেছেন...

I noticed a structure in the writing: an affirmative statement of "fact" supported by a negative opinion (in italics):

"What is different this time is that Mr. Trump, mired in self-destructive controversies and record-low approval ratings needs Mr. Kelly more than Mr. Kelly needs him."

"Unlike many of the men and women eager to work for Mr. Trump over the years, the new chief of staff signed on reluctantly, more out of a sense of duty than a need for affirmation, personal enrichment or fame."

JimT বলেছেন...

Illiteracy ini the NYT? Heaven forfend!

Never heard of 'trod,' I suppose.

James বলেছেন...

Yes, they've gone from reliable sources to we have a lot of sources, lot's of them, dozens and dozens. This speaks of desperation to be believed.

David Begley বলেছেন...

Who elected General Kelly president?

Leaks and gossip are at historic levels.

Crimso বলেছেন...

"Record-low?" And too many adverbs.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

There's no need to invent a storyline just to associate the name "Trump" with negative words:

Trump disorganized demoralized volcanic resentment treaded gingerly minefield diminished restless mired self-destructive record-low approval reluctantly personal enrichment.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

"A dozen people close to Trump"

I will note that "close" is not defined. It could mean within a 1/4 mile. That means people protesting out front of the White House.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

It is the New York Times. I don't believe a word they write is accurate or without malice. They have "chosen sides".

Screw 'em

Kevin বলেছেন...

I always begin every NYT article with "what would the NYT like to happen?"

In this case, the answer is clearly for Kelly to resign. From the time he took the job, the times has been running articles questioning Kelly's ability to stay in the job. They know they need to separate Kelly, Mattis, and Tillerson from their jobs if they want to continue the "Trump is too crazy to govern" rhetoric. And they need to keep the idea that Trump is too crazy to govern alive if there is any hope for impeachment.

Now that we've exposed the Free Speech relies are being Nazi-free but full of Antifa thugs, we're pivoting away from them and back to Russia, obstruction, and Kelly's soon-to-be-tendered resignation.

Kelly actually resigning would be news. People speculating about Kelly leaving is fake news. It belongs on page six with the rest of the gossip. That's where things like this used to be reported when the news was respected.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Lot of denial going on here this morning. No serious person disputes that Trump is the boss from hell. Looking over the last eight months what are the odds that Kelly lasts another eight months?

gspencer বলেছেন...

"Close to Trump"

It never fails to crack me up when I read of some celebrity throwing a party for "200 of his/her closest friends."

Most of us go through life with 1 maybe 2 close friends. The more close friends there are, the less close they are. And the so-called closeness wanes as the years go by.

Roughcoat বলেছেন...

I am a serious person. You have no idea how. Serious. I am. I dispute that Trump is the boss from hell.

WisRich বলেছেন...

Kelly was brought in to bring order to the WH and stop the leaks. By all accounts, he's been very effective. I therefore have to assume this "leak" was authorized by Kelly.

cacimbo বলেছেন...

Trump was in business for decades, yet during the campaign his opponents were unable to produce ex-employees to bad mouth the man. Since arriving in DC according to media everyone who works under Trump is eager to bad mouth him. That says more to me about those who work in DC than about Trump.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

The thing to remember when looking at this photo is that Trump can't fire Pence.

Ken B বলেছেন...

Isn't a capable boss the guy who makes the right firing decisions? Take Bannon. You really lamenting his departure? You think he was a good hire and a great loss?

Sebastian বলেছেন...

Kelly has to decide: does he want to be the swamp or drain it?

Not that it would make much difference: Trump has no allies, so he won't be able to achieve much, apart from a regulation here or there and maybe some progress in foreign policy. Which is better than nothing, meeting the stringent AA standard.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

AReasonableMan said...
"The thing to remember when looking at this photo is that Trump can't fire Pence."

I have known two people in my lifetime who were extremely effective managers. They were *very* different people, but they both managed to stay on very friendly terms with their employees, without lessening their authority. And one thing that both of them told me, was that some people will respond to good management, and some people will not. And when you find one of the latter working for you, the thing to do is to fire him. Cause you aren't going to fix him.

Personnel is policy, and Trump is aiming to get it right. He doesn't care what you and the New York Times, think, ARM. Neither do I.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

All 14 year old boys resent being told what to do.

De Nile is a river in Africa.

Kevin বলেছেন...

Lot of denial going on here this morning.

How many people saying Kelly won't stay believed he would take the job in the first place?

Now tell me which people are operating from a base of understanding the current reality as it relates to General Kelly.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

"Trump was in business for decades, yet during the campaign his opponents were unable to produce ex-employees to bad mouth the man."

They signed non disclosure contracts.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

A democrat operative crawled inside Trump's brain.
I wonder how much dirty Clinton money it takes to crawl inside Trump's brain?

ga6 বলেছেন...

The NYT finds people hired under Clinton, Bush, or Obama who don't like Trump...Surprise Surprise.

trumpintroublenow বলেছেন...

Why would he take the job absent assurances that Trump would act in a responsible, "presidential" (the old definition of the word) manner going forward? Why would he not quit if Trump doesn't act as he said he would act? I would think General Kelly's duty to the country would be more important to him than his duty to a particular individual.

rehajm বলেছেন...

...only about 75 percent of a president’s senior cabinet and White House advisers are retained from the first year of the president’s term into his second year.... Even if Trump turnover is higher than normal he is building a new coalition and not extending the service life of an existing political machine.

Story is good for a Sunday morning lefite dopamine squirt and not much else.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Glenn Thrush - LOL.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

"Kelly was brought in to bring order to the WH and stop the leaks."

He was also brought in to try to stop the White House from looking like a three ring circus. It remains to be seen if he'll succeed.

Next on Kelly's chopping block, Omarosa the pot stirrer.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

"A dozen people close to Trump talked to the NYT reporters. That alone is interesting."

I wonder how many people the Times would need to talk to write the other side of the story. By my calculation it's somewhere north of infinity.

MacMacConnell বলেছেন...

Unknown said...
"Trump was in business for decades, yet during the campaign his opponents were unable to produce ex-employees to bad mouth the man."

"They signed non disclosure contracts."

But, they found plenty of people working for Trump Inc. that love him. Even cooks and dish washers.

This article is written by people who said Trump would never get the Republican nomination, then proceeded to say he would NEVER be President right up till hours before the polls closed. Whose the idiots?

Mark বলেছেন...

If people under General Kelly's command acted and treated him the way they do with Trump, the General would have responded the same way as Trump has. There would not be a problem if staffers only acknowledged that Trump is the president, they are not, and their job is to subordinate themselves and promote an agenda that he sets, not they. That includes Kelly who needs to learn to be the good Marine and shut up, salute sharply, and say, "Yes, sir," -- not expect it to be the other way around.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Ann notes:

"A dozen people close to Trump talked to the NYT reporters. That alone is interesting.

a. - Do we trust this is factual?
b. - If true, Trump should fire anyone on his staff willing to talk to the hacks at NYT.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Ken B said...
Take Bannon. You really lamenting his departure? You think he was a good hire and a great loss?

Bannon was the only one I had any time for, I largely agree with the economic nationalism argument.

Earnest Prole বলেছেন...

Shorter version: “Trump continues to be Trump, according to a dozen people close to Mr. Trump.”

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

"But, they found plenty of people working for Trump Inc. that love him. Even cooks and dish washers."

But not the contractors he stiffed.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

"That includes Kelly who needs to learn to be the good Marine and shut up, salute sharply, and say, "Yes, sir," -- not expect it to be the other way around."

Maybe Kelly is acting out of patriotism.

David বলেছেন...

"Lot of denial going on here this morning. No serious person disputes that Trump is the boss from hell."

Others for your consideration:

Wilson (actually Mrs. Wilson)

This is my list of BFH since WW I. You can made a decent case that every president is a Boss from Hell, except perhaps the decent but widely hated Bushes. Truman and Ike might also escape the list.

David বলেছেন...

"A democrat operative crawled inside Trump's brain.
I wonder how much dirty Clinton money it takes to crawl inside Trump's brain?"

You do not want to spend the night there. You do not want to spend the night in anyone else's brain, if you can help it.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

No one on this list had the kind of staff turnover that Trump has managed in such a short time.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

I talked to a dozen readers of the NYT and they say that the NYT, mired in self-destructive controversies and record-low approval ratings, needs readers more than the readers need the NYT. Unlike many of the men and women eager to work for the NYT over the years, the readers signed on reluctantly, more out of a sense of morbid curiosity than a need for information, understanding, or truth.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

If Trump wants to be successful, he must cut off the hack press.

If the hack press are cut off, they will manufacturer stuff to fit their BS Demo-hack paradigm. What this smells like.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Shorter, NYT. Trump is a different kind of President.

Yea, that's exactly why we voted for him, and it's not news. More Presidents should fire the people that worked to get them elected. That job and skill set is no longer what is needed. Having political people hang around the White House is what screws up a lot of administrations, and it's why there is always a culling early on. Trump may just be better at it.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"No serious person disputes that Trump is the boss from hell. "

Hilarious. How many "serious persons" do you know ARM ?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand বলেছেন...

I wonder how long it will be before the media wakes up and realizes that some of these leakers may be purposefully being fed disinformation.

Or that they are actively spreading disinformation on the part of the Trump administration.

iowan2 বলেছেন...

"President Trumps low approval ratings"

Who in DC has a a higher approval rating? The author of this story doesn't. Nor the bosses, nor the entirety of the profession. Mitch McConnell, Schumer, Ryan, Polosi The Senate, The House. All with drastically lower approval ratings than President Trump. Compared to the DC establishment rulers, Trump is a popular God.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"It is the New York Times. I don't believe a word they write is accurate or without malice. They have 'chosen sides.'"

It's easy to deny reality if you just decide you're going to ignore any reporting or any source that you don't like, no matter what. The test of accuracy is how many other independent sources can corroborate the facts.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Robert Cook said...
The test of accuracy is how many other independent sources can corroborate the facts.

Which, in this case, would include how many ex-staffers Trump has accumulated in eight months.

rehajm বলেছেন...

It's easy to deny reality if you just decide you're going to ignore any reporting or any source that you don't like, no matter what.

It's easy to deny reality if you just decide to ignore the existence of echo chambers, group think, political operatives disguised as journalists, and pretending propaganda is reporting, no matter what.

rehajm বলেছেন...

No serious person disputes that Trump is the boss from hell.

I can confirm there are a dozen serious people close to Trump that dispute this claim.

Chuck বলেছেন...

This is an administration that, like most other administrations, takes most of its cues from the President.

And the President has made a career out of (and this is one of those occasions where we could rightly say, "the Preseident has literally made a career out of...") leaking to the press and trying to manipulate press coverage, almost as if press coverage were an end in itself.

EXAMPLES: Trump plays the role(?!? of "John Miller" to plant Trump stories without direct attribution to himself.

Trump informs Marla Maples of his intent to divorce her, through a leak to the New York Post.

Trump proclaims on the campaign trail in 2016, "I love Wikileaks!"

In addition, there are also the repeated leaks by Trump himself to foreign leaders of highly classified US intelligence (and sometimes shared intelligence which makes it all the worse):


Robert Cook বলেছেন...

Paraphrase of rehajm:

"I know you are, but what am I?"

Uh, yes, of course...all these things you mention can and do lead to misleading, erroneous, slanted or deceptive reporting. Much of mainstream reporting is all of these things. This is why one seeks out multiple independent sources reporting on the same topic to see where and how they differ or agree, and to assess what is provably factual and what is surmise or insinuations, etc. In the end, we have to make educated guesses as to what is true, based on the information we can obtain.

JPS বলেছেন...

Mark, 9:42:

"That includes Kelly who needs to learn to be the good Marine and shut up, salute sharply, and say, "Yes, sir," -- not expect it to be the other way around."

Yes and no.

I won't try to speak for good Marines in particular, but in my corner of the military it was understood that the commander makes the decision. He has the last word. You do not undermine him in front of subordinates in any way.

But right up until he makes that decision, you are expected to give him candid advice. And within certain parameters of military courtesy, this can get quite heated.

If Kelly thinks Trump is destroying himself, his presidency, or the country, it's his job to push back (behind closed doors) until he persuades the CinC; or until Trump says That's my decision and that's the end of it; until Trump fires him; or until he resigns as a matter of conscience.

rehajm বলেছেন...

Robert Cook said...
Paraphrase of rehajm:

"I know you are, but what am I?"

You offered this childish paraphrase then proceeded to agree with the statement you just mocked.

You give the impression you just aren't a serious person.

John henry বলেছেন...


Name 3 contractors.

By name or by company name.

Or else stfu

John Henry

Scott Gustafson বলেছেন...

I think military commanders in the field consider Trump to be a pretty good boss, at least compared to the previous CIC.

Hari বলেছেন...

Assuming the article is entirely accurate, there is an alternate explanation:

Despite being portrayed as the ultimate narcissist, President Trump has demonstrated that he values getting things done more than he values satisfying his own needs. (A choice he may not have faced so clearly in the private sector.) Although he does not like partially subordinating his own leadership style to that of a more professional manager Trump has been willing to do so.

Of course many of the people who are close to Trump and have grown accustomed to functioning under Trump's style are resentful that they need to relearn the new rules. But perhaps these people have misjudged Trump. Maybe when forced to choose, Trump chooses what he believes is best for the country over his own selfish needs. And perhaps his staff will need to learn to do the same.

chuck বলেছেন...

The narrative has survived Harvey and become more vicious than ever. I'd love to have the low down on the White House, but have completely lost faith in the big propaganda organs such as the NYTimes and WashPO. In fact, I don't think I recall a time in my life when the public narrative was the least bit accurate: Ike was do nothing, Kennedy was Camelot, Nixon was criminal, Ford was clumsy, etc., etc. It's all a bunch of crap and self serving gossip.

JAORE বলেছেন...

Rain man: Lotta face cards. Lots and lots of face cards.

NYT: Lotta sources. Lots and lots of sources.

John henry বলেছেন...

If President Trump wants to go nuclear on the press he should reestablish the ban on consumer advertising of prescription drugs.

In the name of cutting health care costs, of course.

John Henry

Freder Frederson বলেছেন...

Despite being portrayed as the ultimate narcissist, President Trump has demonstrated that he values getting things done more than he values satisfying his own needs.

Demonstrated how?

Big Mike বলেছেন...

iowan2 has a very real point. Mid-thirties polling numbers for Trump are low, but according to Gallup government itself only has a 29% approval rating. Everything else in DC polls lower yet.

What I find interesting about this story is that it comes after a very good performance by Trump regarding Harvey. Even the usual left wing loonies have been forced to mock the Texas victims of Harvey and not bitch about Trump's performance. So pardon me if I take this report with a grain of salt -- maybe even the whole shakerful -- and express the belief that it's been made up out of wishful thinking and made-up "facts" bolstered by sources who are nowhere near the situation.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"Ike was do nothing, Kennedy was Camelot, Nixon was criminal, Ford was clumsy, etc., etc. It's all a bunch of crap and self serving gossip."

Your best comment in some time.

Trump certainly has an odd style for a politician. However I have repeatedly read accounts by people who know him personally and who have nothing to gain and have said he is warm and friendly in person.

Hubert Humphrey was well known by my father-in-law who described him as very warm and funny in person but he was a stiff in public.

George W Bush was much the same.

Eisenhower had a terrible temper which he hid very well. But it is alleged that his stroke was brought on by a rage he developed when he was called off the golf course for a minor matter.

We all know about Kennedy in private.

Freder Frederson বলেছেন...

What I find interesting about this story is that it comes after a very good performance by Trump regarding Harvey.

So now managing not to step on your dick constitutes a "very good performance". How low the bar has sunk.

Howard বলেছেন...

Being warm and friendly in person is the least important personality tell unless you want to be seduced for an old fashioned reaming sans lube.

Howard বলেছেন...

People misunderestimate Trump in regard to all the firings. He is true capitalist rolling the dice on out of the box employees trying to shoot moon. Donnie's genius is that he fires them right as they start melting down. #nottiredofwinningyet

Molly বলেছেন...


1. "A dozen people"--but that's what the Times says.

2. Kelly "treaded"? Jeez, and in the Times? The past tense of "tread" is "trod."

And yet Times writers are filled full of education (as they often remind us) and of self-regard.

Michael K বলেছেন...

I think we have another field marshall telling us what is what.

Blogger Howard said...
Being warm and friendly in person is the least important personality tell unless you want to be seduced for an old fashioned reaming sans lube.

The topic was whether Trump is the Boss From Hell"

Thank you for a completely off topic comment.

Murph বলেছেন...

Kelly is but the next target on a fairly long list.

I was trying to remember how many and who in the Trump administration's first 8 months have been let go, and how heavy was the negative media coverage for each. Some of these folks I don't remember at all, and I'm sure a couple left of their own volition, a few fired (or resigned) for cause.
How many were victims of non-stop media leakeage of rumor, gossip, and "fake" innuendo until it became impossible for them to be productive? Especially the stories of "Trump losing confidence in...," "XYZ is feuding with ABC..., who will survive..." types of front page seeding.
It's kind of like an enemy sniper, picking off opponents one by one as they move into his sights.... I note that neither Bannon nor Conway are on this list, but they should also be listed as casualties on the butcher's bill.

bgates বলেছেন...

How low the bar has sunk.

In so many ways - U-6 at 8.6% isn't great by the standards of the Clinton or Bush presidencies, but it's vastly better than the past eight years; GDP 2nd quarter growth at 3% annualized also not great by historical standards but an improvement over the Obama doldrums; 4.4% unemployment - ok, that one's actually quite good (and of course every month of the last six has seen a better unemployment rate than any month of the Obama administration); a million dollars in personal donations towards disaster relief - well, only a viciously stupid partisan could describe that level of generosity as "managing not to step on your dick", though Obama gave away a little more than that over the course of his presidency.

Ray - SoCal বলেছেন...

Supposedly Trump talks to MH, one of the article authors, nightly.

Agree with Chuck on Trump being the leaker in chief.

I see him as trolling/goading the press, like a bull fighter nicking the bull.

Only area Trump seems to be having issues is with Congress. In other areas I am surprised what he is getting done.

- discrediting MSM
- Korea
- Iraq
- Afghanistan
- Antifafa - note change in democratic statements.
- court appointees
- war on regulations

I am curious what Betsy Devos is doing at education. The cabinet seems to be doing a lot, but we hear nothing. Trump is being a great distraction: center of attention. This may be a good thing.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

"A dozen people close to Trump"

I will note that "close" is not defined. It could mean within a 1/4 mile. That means people protesting out front of the White House.

Ha. Sure.

hombre বলেছেন...

"... the President's volcanic resentment ...." "... the minefield of Mr. Trump's psyche ...." Seriously? The mediaswine are complete lunatics!

"MEN... are ruled, at this minute by the clock, ... by liars who refuse them news, and by fools who cannot govern, and therefore wish to enslave."

~G.K. Chesterton: Utopia of Usurers.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

I wonder how many people the Times would need to talk to write the other side of the story. By my calculation it's somewhere north of infinity.

What are you talking about? Times just needs to talk to the same people only this time tell them their words are on the record and attributable.

hombre বলেছেন...

Blogger AReasonableMan said...
"The thing to remember when looking at this photo is that Trump can't fire Pence."

ARM demonstrates why the leftmedia continues to run fodder for nincompoops.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

So now managing not to step on your dick constitutes a "very good performance". How low the bar has sunk.

Well, Trump's performance has been masterful when contrasted with Obama's performance regarding the Louisiana flooding in August of last year. Do you remember Obama promising Christi that he'd slash the red tape for cleanup efforts? All the information I have says the red tape after Sandy was as bad as ever -- often preventing people from cleaning up and rebuilding.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Sorry for the ambiguous juxtaposition of sentences. Obama's phony promise to Christi was in regards to Sandy.

The point being that if the bar is low, Barack Obama lowered it.

Mark O বলেছেন...

The article is unsourced and anonymous.

It would be well to remember that the credibility of both reporters has been previously heavily impugned. Moreover, only recently was it made clear that they reported as facts the fantasy imagined by Louise Mensch.

It would be impossible to use either one as a witness.

Then again, at the NYT, the sky is always falling.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

hombre, would you like to elucidate for those gathered here exactly how the president would fire the vice-president?

Michael K বলেছেন...

Not necessary for me, ARM. I know your questions are rhetorical.

Just for effect but we know you loathe Republicans and Trump.

Birkel বলেছেন...

One imagines a list of particular high crimes and misdemeanors presented to the House is the Constitutional method for removing a vice president.

wildswan বলেছেন...

Trump's been rich and powerful for a long time. People like that always have people trying to get control of them and Trump will never allow that.
Kelley was a Marine general. His job was to live among aggressive men without being destroyed and to canalize their aggression without destroying it. This he was good at. So he might be what Trump needs - or he might not.
The NYT is at all times trying the destroy the President of the United States without regard for the consequences. This includes writing stories which aim at destroying internal unity in the White House without regard for the truth of falsity of said stories. "Trump hates X or X hates Trump, our hundreds of sources tell us." The NYT is going to be saying this for the next eight years.
Everyone who works at the White House has to be able to function, do their job, in a media storm, amid media hatred, because Trump regards taking on the media as an essential part of his job. And it is. This is a new qualification and there are people I really liked who did not seem to have it. Only time will tell who can function in "America's Dirtiest Job - Draining the DC Swamp."

Jim at বলেছেন...

"A dozen people close to Trump talked to the NYT reporters. That alone is interesting."

Suuuuure they did.

Jim at বলেছেন...

"Lot of denial going on here this morning."

Calling the New York Times a steaming pile of lying bullshit is not denial.

It's a statement of fact.

MacMacConnell বলেছেন...

Notice that every time President accomplishes some thing or gets good press the media rolls out negative articles. $20 says they've got these articles stacked up on the media flight line. They are nothing but DNC operatives. They protect Dems.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

It's easy to deny reality if you just decide you're going to ignore any reporting or any source that you don't like, no matter what.

As Cookie himself would know.

The test of accuracy is how many other independent sources can corroborate the facts.

Except how "independent" are the sources corroborating the alleged "facts"? We know that Ezra Klein actually ran a chat room called "Jourolist" so that journalists could coordinate their stories and decide in advance which facts were inconvenient and should be ignored. I have no doubt that something like Journolist, but better vetted, still goes on today. The media squandered their credibility with ordinary Americans over a ten year span of time. Why they think they'll ever get it back is beyond my ken.

At least half the country -- probably well north of half the country -- regards Jim's comment at 1:08 as a simple statement of demonstrable fact.

n.n বলেছেন...

The NYT is known for inventive yet ignorant reporting. They're safe.

JAORE বলেছেন...

A democrat operative crawled inside Trump's brain.

Seems fair. He lives rent free in their brains the rest of the time.

Mark বলেছেন...

The NYT [and many others are] at all times trying the destroy the President of the United States without regard for the consequences.

The big question is -- What happens after the coup is successful? What happens when the duly-elected lawful government of the United States is overthrown for crass political purposes (under the guise of some trumped up charge that everyone sees through)?

Do they really think that life will just go back to "normal"? That people will still believe that we are a self-governing republic? Or will they forever know that it is a sham, that the fix is in, that we are no better than some @#$% third-world country? Do they think that people will cheer and hand over their welfare to the coup plotters?

Brookzene বলেছেন...

Do they really think that life will just go back to "normal"? That people will still believe that we are a self-governing republic? Or will they forever know that it is a sham, that the fix is in, that we are no better than some @#$% third-world country? Do they think that people will cheer and hand over their welfare to the coup plotters?

How badly Maggie Haberstam and her NYTimes co-conspirators have misread the people's righteous response to their coup. Lock 'em up!

Brookzene বলেছেন...

Get real.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

How badly Maggie Haberstam and her NYTimes co-conspirators have misread the people's righteous response to their coup. Lock 'em up!

Locking 'em up will be the last thing on our minds if they succeed in overturning the will of the people who elected Trump.

It will get real.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

You drama queens. Always have that violence thing in your head one way or another. Doesn't matter if you are talking about other Americans - if they disagree with you, don't just lock 'em up! Sad.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

Here's you: Don't just lock 'em up! Knock 'em out!

Mark বলেছেন...

I was going too add that they are lucky that this is the 21st century and not the 18th or 19th.

Freder Frederson বলেছেন...

Locking 'em up will be the last thing on our minds if they succeed in overturning the will of the people who elected Trump.

Winning the electoral college while losing the popular vote is hardly the will of the people. And the "will of the people" in your state was overwhelmingly against Trump. So if you are fomenting civil war, I suggest you STFU.

a million dollars in personal donations towards disaster relief

Actually, he (or rather his press secretary) walked that back. And if he is worth $10 billion, like he claims, then that is .01% of his total net worth. Pretty stingy if you ask me, especially considering Warren Buffet just wrote a check for $50 million to help pay for a uranium stockpile.

Mark বলেছেন...

Enough with the misleading claims. California is hardly the will of the people when, in the other 49 states, Trump won a two-million vote majority.

Meanwhile, it was possible for you to make your point without you being an asshole by telling someone else to shut the fuck up.

Why not try to be a decent person next time?

Birkel বলেছেন...

Is that the uranium Hillary Clinton sold to the Russians that Warren Buffett is helping stockpile?

bgates বলেছেন...

Actually, he...walked that back

You appear to be the first person on the internet to break this scoop.

Pretty stingy if you ask me

Yes, I anticipated that sentiment in my last comment.

Thanks for letting us know that Warren Buffett is spending a larger sum of money for a different purpose on a different continent. His willingness to give with no expectation of personal financial reward is surely unmatched.

Alex বলেছেন...

So once Trump fires everyone, he can literally run the White House by himself. It will be like Pablo Escobar at the end.

Michael বলেছেন...

"disorganized and demoralized." According to the dozens or to the writer? These are the kind of words tossed out that are not meant to inform, just taken as givens. You will see also that there are "growing" numbers of Nazis and Nazi sympathizers. Just a wish of the writer suddenly become a form of truth. Repeated over and over.

Michael বলেছেন...

Drama Queens? LOL. Ever noticed the use of the word "triggered?" suddenly in use everywhere on the left. Have you read that there are students, and faculty who agree with them, that are offended by the names on the walls of the colleges they attend? That there were meltdowns because of Halloween costumes? Drama Queens?

Freder Frederson বলেছেন...

Why not try to be a decent person next time?

Because DBQ is a known liar and she was threatening violent rebellion if Trump is removed from office.

Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

"Because DBQ is a known liar and she was threatening violent rebellion if Trump is removed from office."

9/3/17, 3:52 PM

Yes indeed. What is almost comical is that they think we on the Left wouldn't fight back. You think Antifa are tough, just wait and see what would happen if you Trumpists go hog wild when Trump is impeached.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Ever green NYT. NYT is certain Trump's approval numbers have bottomed out. They have a poll, as proof. hahahahahahahaha

Birkel বলেছেন...

"...when Trump is impeached."

UnknownInga64 always brings the comedy gold.

bgates বলেছেন...

You think Antifa are tough

lol nope.

just wait and see what would happen if you Trumpists go hog wild

I'm guessing you lot would continue to assault anyone to the right of Che who steps foot on a college campus and attempt to murder Republican members of Congress when the opportunity presented itself. It's not fear of retribution that's keeping the right from violence; the left has been violent for quite some time.

Birkel বলেছেন...

UnknownInga64 actually thinks the Pro-Fa shock troops look tough?

Was the tough one the one who got the wedgie or the one wearing women's lingerie?

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

Because DBQ is a known liar and she was threatening violent rebellion if Trump is removed from office.

Come on now. How can I be a "known" liar when you don't even know me. I may exaggerate a bit....as in not a TON of plums but just a few pounds. I didn't suggest rebellion. I suggest that some people may not be 'locked up' and instead there may be other measures if the lawful government of the United States is overthrown by insiders, the deep state and the media.

As to rebellion, the biggest one that I DO suggest is that the State of Jefferson secede from California. Peacefully of course, and become the 51st State or if the rest of the morons who reside south of us decide to withdraw from the United States, then we can be the 50th.

Talk about getting worked up and throwing names and insults around. Sheesh. You guys, FF et al, are rather touchy. Take a chill pill....or something :-D

Michael K বলেছেন...

Doesn't matter if you are talking about other Americans - if they disagree with you, don't just lock 'em up! Sad.

That's your team plus the Bernie Bro who tried to assassinate the GOP Congress.

Field Marshall Freder is going to lead the resistance when 150 million Americans with 400 million guns com looking for the traitors.

Brookzene thinks the the pearl clutching left is the tough one,

The military veterans, who would be banned from college campuses if the left were in power, are not going to side with you twerps.

It's OK. Nothing is going on but virtue signaling by lefties who need puppies and play doh if a wicked conservative shows up.

It will all turn out fine and Trump will serve his two terms.

I do think we might have to being back insane asylums of the lefties don't calm down soon.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

You think Antifa are tough


Inga...Allie Oop বলেছেন...

"You think Antifa are tough."


Yes you do. We've all heard for months now how violent they are from you Trumpists. They scare you, it's obvious. Think twice about starting some civil war if Trump gets impeached. You folks talk tough, but like the crybaby Nazi, you're really snowflakes.

tcrosse বলেছেন...

I'll believe Antifa are tough when they dare to show their faces.

eric বলেছেন...

How anyone can believe this crap is beyond me.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"You folks talk tough, but like the crybaby Nazi, you're really snowflakes."

Keyboard commando.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Brookzene said...
You drama queens. Always have that violence thing in your head one way or another. Doesn't matter if you are talking about other Americans - if they disagree with you, don't just lock 'em up! Sad.

How is that Russian collusion story going? You going to impeach Trump over that?

Oh, the whole thing was based on a lie.

Ok then.

We have been attacked violently at numerous places at our political rallies by shithead leftists for over a year.

We know this is funded by the democrat party and the donors.

We also know Comey and the FBI rigged the investigation into Clinton corruption.

I get a kick out of you people who listen to these MSM reports as if they are in any way representative of what is really happening. You guys are all right that Trump isn't particularly loved out here. Our feelings there are luke warm most often and sometimes we are very happy with him.

But our feelings for the Swamp critters in DC are white hot. And it is the republicans in DC who are particularly felt strongly about at this point.

rcocean বলেছেন...

"You folks talk tough, but like the crybaby Nazi, you're really snowflakes."

Says "Unknown"

Troll, baby, troll.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

A dozen people close to Trump talked to the NYT reporters. That alone is interesting.

Normal people with even the slightest familiarity with basic management understand this as "dysfunctional." Trump cannot engender loyalty because he exudes contempt for his staff and they are so busy trying to just survive (often by creating factions against each other) that their paranoia of Trump drenches them in whatever observations they must make of his every move and what it takes to avoid his wrath.

He is a nasty and ignorant bitch. And they are all just slavish twerps.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

As to rebellion, the biggest one that I DO suggest is that the State of Jefferson secede from California. Peacefully of course, and become the 51st State -

There is STILL no provision for secession in the Constitution, which therefore makes it just as unconstitutional as it was in 1861, you neo-confederate ninny.

Secessionists must call a constitutional convention to add an amended provision for such measures before acting on them. Assuming they're serious about it in the first place. Which given their positions on everything else, seems highly unlikely.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Unknown said...
"You think Antifa are tough."


Yes you do. We've all heard for months now how violent they are from you Trumpists. They scare you, it's obvious. Think twice about starting some civil war if Trump gets impeached. You folks talk tough, but like the crybaby Nazi, you're really snowflakes.

Just pure stupid condensed into a steaming pile.

I haven't figured out how to link posts on my instagram account. Probably for the better.

All I can say is you guys have exactly zero people from the community on your side. But the community is issuing permits.

rcocean বলেছেন...

Ike's image was of the smiling, charming guy from Kansas. As a Boss, he was demanding and intolerant of failure. Subordinates were also expected expected to take the blame. Nixon called him "Cold as Ice" when dealing with underlings.

And he had a temper of monumental proportions. In his diary, he admires Marshall for the ability to get angry and then let it go almost immediately, while Ike would simmer for hours or even days.

Which shouldn't be surprising. You don't command the greatest military invasion of WW2, by being a nice guy who loves people.

Achilles বলেছেন...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

He is a nasty and ignorant bitch. And they are all just slavish twerps.

Despite clear proof the DNC rigged the primary and screwed Bernie, along with clear proof the russian "hack" was an inside job, you lap up their leavings like a good little tool. You march along with their fist up your ass like a puppet trying to unseat a lawfully elected president.

Slavish twerp is a perfect description for the likes of you.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Check out Achilles - doing his ignorant tough guy rebel routine once again.

If only his life were entertaining enough to find entertainment in something slightly more entertaining than that.

Footsoldier that he is in the Billionaire Revolutionary Populist Army. It doesn't get any goofier than that, folks.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Despite clear proof the DNC...

What does the DNC have fuckall to do with Trump?

You realize that when you confuse the issues, it's like listening to someone say - pppppeewwwww phloooey! I HATE THIS SEWAGE SANDWICH! Now get me a shit pie! Ahhhh that's it. MUCH BETTER. REALLY HITS THE SPOT.

You're the kind of guy who would rouse a mother grizzly bear and ask her to shelter you from the nearby mountain lion. Just really, really dumb. You seem to lack any perception at all of the fact that two things can be bad at the SAME TIME.

Now presume your normal Defender of the Billionaire Faux-Populists posture.

John henry বলেছেন...

Blogger The Toothless Revolutionary said...

There is STILL no provision for secession in the Constitution, which therefore makes it just as unconstitutional as it was in 1861, you neo-confederate ninny.

As far as I can tell, there is STILL no provision prohibiting secession, is there? Perhaps I have missed the section of the US Constitution that addresses secession one way or the other?

For good reasons or bad the north beat the south into submission in the WBTS. That doesn't make it Constitutional.

So secession is just as Constitutional in 2017 as it was in 1861. I say Constitutional because in the US, whatever is not prohibited is permitted.

Amendment 10 - Powers of the States and People

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Back to you, Squeamish

John Henry

John henry বলেছেন...

A lot of people complain about President Trump. There are some things I might wich he handled differently too.

But I think we can all agree on one good thing he did: He prevented Crooked Hillary from being President.

John Henry

John henry বলেছেন...

Murderous socialist, but I repeat myself, Josef Stalin famously asked "How many divisions does the Pope have?"

We might ask the same about the Left. For all their bluster, the Antefa fascists, seem fairly small in number and not particularly brave.

I wonder how well armed they might be? How many divisions does Antefa have?

As for the general populace, this is an encouraging article:

The Trace: Civilians Own 70 Times More Guns Than U.S. Police and Military Combined

Robert Farago

August 31, 2017

“My Trace colleague Jennifer Mascia pulled some numbers from the Small Arms Survey, which gauges gun stockpiles in the hands of civilians, law enforcement, and militaries around the world,” The Trace’s email blaster writes. “She found that with an estimated 270 million firearms owned by everyday Americans, civilians own 70 times more weapons than all police and military services combined.” Boldly played sir! Only . . .


Antefa is not a typo. I think it is a more appropriate spelling than antifa. They do not oppose fascism, they embrace all the elements of Mussolini's Fascist Party down to streetfighting while wearing black shirts.

They are ante-, as in pre, fascist. They are doing all they can to bring it to the US. As is typical of fascists/socialists, they lie about what they are doing.

John Henry

Jon Burack বলেছেন...


8 months is a long time. Are you going to come back in and account for your prediction in eight months, or are you expecting that none of the rest of us will remember or care by then?

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Yes you do. We've all heard for months now how violent they are from you Trumpists.

Violent, yes. Tough, not hardly likely. And if you don't know the difference then you probably don't want to be anyplace around them when they learn the difference.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

As far as I can tell, there is STILL no provision prohibiting secession, is there?

There doesn't have to be, DUMMY! The constitution, as Lincoln rightly argued, was a contract between the states. Contracts, as a matter of law, are perpetually binding pending activation of a release clause that MUST be written into the contract in order to be valid. So the states remained and remain bound to it. QED.

Leave it to you dumb Republican fuckheads to go back and relitigate the terms of the Civil War - where 600,000 Americans were slaughtered to appease a bunch of racist slaveowners with imperial ambitions. Go set up your long-lost and hoped-for slave empire in whatever Caribbean island nation will still let you do that to them.

Laws against murder are not in the constitution. Does that make those prohibited?

You asshats couldn't properly govern a nation the size of Nicaragua.

For good reasons or bad the north beat the south into submission in the WBTS. That doesn't make it Constitutional.

For ALL THE BEST reasons. Now go ahead and submit.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

DBQ" As to rebellion, the biggest one that I DO suggest is that the State of Jefferson secede from California. Peacefully of course, and become the 51st State -

Toothless: There is STILL no provision for secession in the Constitution, which therefore makes it just as unconstitutional as it was in 1861, you neo-confederate ninny.

Hello dummy...knock knock anyone home? Do you have reading comprehension skills?

I said secede from California and remain in the United States. You know like West Virginia which seceded from Virginia in order to remain IN the US during the Civil War.

The precedent is established.

There is nothing in the Constitution to prevent a State from breaking ITSELF into separate states. California wanting to secede from the U.S. is a totally different issue.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Blogger The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Despite clear proof the DNC...

"What does the DNC have fuckall to do with Trump?

You realize that when you confuse the issues, it's like listening to someone say - pppppeewwwww phloooey! I HATE THIS SEWAGE SANDWICH! Now get me a shit pie! Ahhhh that's it. MUCH BETTER. REALLY HITS THE SPOT."

It is only confusing to idiots.

I guess you are choosing to be an idiot.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

I guess you are choosing to be an idiot.

And now you're confusing what I said to you with what you said to me. Idiot.

How does Trump's penis taste? Or is it Trump who's jerking you off? Do you enjoy having him stroke your little penis so adeptly?

furious_a বলেছেন...

"You folks talk tough, but like the crybaby Nazi, you're really snowflakes."

Lose the masks, cowards

Unknown বলেছেন...

Did Podesta approve this story from Glenn Thrush?


"Because I have become a hack I will send u the whole section that pertains to u,” Thrush writes to Podesta. “Please don’t share or tell anyone I did this Tell me if I f****d up anything.”

wbfjrr2 বলেছেন...

Yet Althouse chooses to believe Thrush, strangely. SMH.

BJM বলেছেন...

Folks, if you feed the troll it will continue to stink up the thread.

EMyrt বলেছেন...

iowan2 said...

"President Trumps low approval ratings"

Who in DC has a a higher approval rating? The author of this story doesn't. Nor the bosses, nor the entirety of the profession. Mitch McConnell, Schumer, Ryan, Polosi The Senate, The House. All with drastically lower approval ratings than President Trump. Compared to the DC establishment rulers, Trump is a popular God.

9/3/17, 10:02 AM

Right on, except the correct term is God-Emperor Trump.

Yours in Kek,
