September 5, 2017

Putin says Trump "is not my bride, and I am not his groom."

The NYT reports.
While the comment could be interpreted as a subtle jab by a macho Mr. Putin against an equally macho counterpart, the Russian president offered it as an explanation of why he could not comment on domestic American politics. It came in response to a question about whether the Russian leader takes into account the possibility of Mr. Trump being impeached....


Oso Negro said...

Or is could just be a colloquial expression. But what fun is that?

Chuck said...

It's not really a jab. Because Putin also complimented Trump on his soft, delicate, tiny hands.

Nonapod said...

Well, if we're insulting people's masculinity - Putin's a relatively little fellow isn't he? Isn't Putin like 5'7 or something? Seems like he'd be the bride if anyone.

The "Russia thing" has definitely faded into the background these past few weeks as the MSN desperately searches for some gasoline to rekindle the fading embers

Jaq said...

Remember when the 80s wanted their foreign policy back? Of course not! Who said that? We have always been at war with Oceania.

mockturtle said...

Trump could say that Putin is not his bitch.

Hagar said...

Probably just a Russian colloquialism.

traditionalguy said...

The CIA is probably sweating blood after that line. If Putin and Trump exchanged vows, then Putie gets a Green Card and survivors benefits on Trump's Social Security.

But I bet they have a pre-nup in place. DJT has a Get out of The Korean Mess Free card, and Putin gets a Bashir Asaad Regime life estate. And Merkle gets all the Islamic Jihadists she can eat.

le Douanier said...

Rejected by Putin.

DJT can still pursue love from Erdogan, Duterte, el-Sisi & Un.

Some sorta daddy complex?

mccullough said...

Get rid of the "could be interpreted." It's enough to report what Putin said. Let readers interpret themselves.

n.n said...
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Bay Area Guy said...

How is the "Russian- collusion" investigation going? Has Mueller subpoenaed Putin yet?

I haven't seen any arrests yet, almost 1 year after the supposed crimes.

The front page stories on the NYT and WaPost seemed to have stopped, once the leaks stopped. I thought this was all very important and Adam Schiff was leading the charge to root out foreign influence on democracy.

Mountain Maven said...

Something may have been lost in translation

bgates said...

Some sorta daddy complex?

Dreams From My Father means what?

buwaya said...

Duterte has a survivor-of-sexual-abuse complex. By a priest.
Which is, I think, a rather complex complex.

mockturtle said...
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mockturtle said...

Bay Area Guy wonders: How is the "Russian- collusion" investigation going? Has Mueller subpoenaed Putin yet?

I haven't seen any arrests yet, almost 1 year after the supposed crimes.

Surely you must know that Trump arranged Hurricane Harvey to deflect from his egregious crimes.

J. Farmer said...

That statement should have been obvious to anyone with half a brain a year ago. The hysteria over Russia is laughable at this point. Has even a shred of credible evidence for collusion been presented? And never mind that US-Russia relations have continued to deteriorate under Trump, so the notion of Trump being a Putin toady is absurd on its face.

n.n said...
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n.n said...
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n.n said...

We are well into the "fourth" trimester and still no baby. Now all the globalists, anti-nativists, and trans-human rights activists have is to paint large, rainbow-colored "B"s on people they hate and fear.

tcrosse said...

Putin says,"Collude ? Hell No ! I thought you said 'Canoodle'".

Todd said...

tcrosse said...
Putin says,"Collude ? Hell No ! I thought you said 'Canoodle'".

9/5/17, 2:26 PM

Damn Google translate!

Achilles said...

3rdGradePB_GoodPerson said...
Rejected by Putin.

DJT can still pursue love from Erdogan, Duterte, el-Sisi & Un.

Some sorta daddy complex?

This whole post is you talking to yourself and making shit up. Just like the whole Russian collusion story your entire Trump narrative is based on lies you tell yourself.

At some point the cognitive dissonance will get to you. Until then you all just look stupid.

walter said...

I thought the accusation was about being a "cock holster"...

Jaq said...

Remember Linus and The Great Pumpkin? He won't come unless your faith is absolute!! Never say "if" about Russia.

Jupiter said...

I note that the New York Times did not say who asked that question. Nor was there any mention of a question as to whether Putin considers the possibility that Trump might be assassinated. Or resign. Or get the measles. Or accidentally get some journalism on his shoes.

Jaq said...

Horse shit is all drying up, still no ponies.

Quaestor said...

At some point the cognitive dissonance will get to you. Until then you all just look stupid.

Not necessarily. The cemeteries are full of remorseless cretins. PB7J admits he peaked in the 3rd Grade. Been on the downslope ever since.

Bay Area Guy said...

Wait, I thought the Russians stole the election from Hillary and gave it to Trump. Why the hell are we talking about North Korean missiles or Hurricane Harvey or DACA or anything else?!!?

Michael K said...

"Some sorta daddy complex?"

Nah. Nothing like yours.

cf said...

I for one am delighted that we can have something new and human afoot, poetic, playful word jousts.

It's a tease, 2017, it's a joke its down right friendly/affectionate

I do believe the russian kid just stuck trumps girlie locks braid into the inkwell.

<< And "felonia von Pantsuit" would have kept us in a dreadful stinking Mud. Putin would have stayed far away and collected all his chits without a blink to the bitch. None of us would have had any fun ever again. Ahh, but no, hahah!

trump is triumphant, hurrah! >>

Jaq said...

Clinton ripped Sanders’s supporters — the so-called "Bernie Bros" — claiming that some of the attacks against her were “sexist” and arguing that Sanders’s attacks against her for raking in tens of millions of dollars for paid corporate speeches made it impossible for her to appeal to progressives during the general election campaign.

It wasn't her raking in the tens of millions of dollars for corporate speeches, no, that wasn't the problem, it was Bernie having the lack of class to mention it, along, of course with Wikileaks, Oh yeah, and the New York Times which laid out the whole case of her taking millions, tens of millions, from Putin cronies and doing him valuable favors.

Jaq said...

I still can't figure out why Putin would want Trump, who is of the drill baby drill school of energy policy, as president, when an increase in supply only lowers the prices that Putin can get for his oil. Hillary had promised to all but shut down fracking and to make sure the Keystone XL stayed good and dead. Which would have restricted the oil sands exploitation, keeping a lot of that oil in the ground and out of the market place. Instead we have the current abundance of cheap oil, with no end in site. By the way, the, central source of peak oil propaganda? the domain name is available.

J. Farmer said...

@tim in vermont:

I still can't figure out why Putin would want Trump...

To paraphrase Rumsfeld, I think it probably had to do with a known unknown versus a known known. Clinton was advocating for more aid to Ukraine and for establishing no-fly zones in Syria, the latter of which would have been particularly infuriating to the Russians, as they have significant interests, especially the naval facility in Tarsus. Without it, Russian naval forces would be forced to pass through the Straits of Bosphorus through Turkey and all the way to the Black Sea for maintenance and repair services. Putin also had the perspicacity to understand how insane it was to pursue regime change against Assad.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary and her corruption supporting supporters needed to save face after LOSING. media happy to help spread more lies. When it comes to lies, is there a human on earth more attached to them than HIllary?

Jaq said...

So you don't think that Russia is basically a petro-state, a gas station with an army, as has been said, and Putin is fine having his main source of revenue cut so drastically? How does the drop in oil revenues affect his military? Oil is $50 a barrel and stuck there. Hillary could have changed that with her restrictions on fracking, and with her bottling up of Keystone. I think you are just pre-occuppied with one aspect of Russia's foreign policy, and discounting his participation in the "Great Game."

Agreed that Hillary was a bull in the proverbial china shop in Syria and Libya, unleashing massive instability, and seeking some kind of regime change in Syria that I thought the US had clearly voted against with the election of the Clueless One. I just don't think that affects Russia as much as the US becoming energy independent and cracking Putin's monopoly on supplying natural gas to Europe.

Jaq said...

Besides, ever since Hillary had presented Putin with the "overcharge" button, Putin has known that she could be bought.

Bay Area Guy said...

"What Happened" by Hillary Rodham Clinton should be renamed, "What The Fuck Just Happened?", referring of course to her stunning electoral loss on November 8, 2016 - a date that will forever live in glorious infamy.

Jaq said...

Putin has known that she could be bought.

The rest was just haggling over the price.

Mr. Majestyk said...

So the Russians hacked our election in collusion with incompetent, money-grubbing Nazi Donald Trump, literally changing votes totals electronically, thereby undermining our democracy (okay, okay our constitutional republic) -- what difference, at this point, does it make?

Jaq said...

At six o’clock on the morning of May 6, Dmitri Alperovitch woke up in a Los Angeles hotel to an alarming email. Alperovitch is the thirty-six-year-old cofounder of the cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike, and late the previous night, his company had been asked by the Democratic National Committee to investigate a possible breach of its network. A CrowdStrike security expert had sent the DNC a proprietary software package, called Falcon, that monitors the networks of its clients in real time. Falcon “lit up,” the email said, within ten seconds of being installed at the DNC: Russia was in the network.

In many accounts of the incident (e.g. Wikipedia here), it’s been reported that “both groups of intruders were successfully expelled from the systems within hours after detection”. This was not the case, as Ritter pointed out: data continued to be exfiltrated AFTER the installation of Crowdstrike software, including the emails that ultimately brought down Wasserman-Schultz:

Moreover, the performance of CrowdStrike’s other premier product, Overwatch, in the DNC breach leaves much to be desired. Was CrowdStrike aware that the hackers continued to exfiltrate data (some of which ultimately proved to be the undoing of the DNC Chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and the entire DNC staff) throughout the month of May 2016, while Overwatch was engaged?
. -

So Crowdstrike was sure it was the Russians, but even after they "kicked the Russians out" somebody was getting more emails. Nobody but these guys, who apparently got it wrong, ever looked at the computers, since the DNC would not allow it, and we are sure it was the Russians. What it looks like is that maybe the Russians were trying to hack their servers, but were unsuccessful, however, they were great people to blame even though, according to any logical analysis of CrowdStrike data, there is no way that Crowdstrike could have known who really did it if they have given us all of their facts.

le Douanier said...

"what difference, at this point, does it make?"

So you're saying that:

Rubes voting for DJT because they fell for his BS is no different than rubes voting for DJT because they fell for Putin's pro-DJT BS.


Muslim nuts killing Americans because Islam inspires people to commit murder is no different than Muslim nuts killing Americans because Islam inspires Muslim movie watchers (not to mention cartoon readers) to become murderers.

Got it.

Jaq said...

Overwatch, in the DNC breach leaves much to be desired. Was CrowdStrike aware that the hackers continued to exfiltrate data (some of which ultimately proved to be the undoing of the DNC Chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and the entire DNC staff) throughout the month of May 2016, while Overwatch was engaged?.

Well, once possible explanation is that the data didn't go out of the server via the network, but rather was copied to a thumb drive. If they had a DLP package like "OverWatch" installed, it seems very unlikely that anything could have gotten by it un-noticed over the network. Unless the software really really sucked. Of. course they should have installed software on every computer connected to their servers, that could use local agents to examine even stuff sent to thumb drives, and some go as far as shutting down ports the thumb drive uses as well as using OCR on any screen shots a user might take, looking for patterns in the data that suggest "exfiltration" of protected data, or. even forbidding screen shots altogether. Though how you prevent somebody from taking pictures of his screen with his phone is another thing altogether.

It is not clear at all that the Russian successfully hacked the DNC servers and obtained the leaked emails, and in fact, there really hasn't been any evidence that suggests that they did. Taking CrowdStrike at their word means that the Russians were kicked out before the juicy stuff was stolen.

Steve McIntyre is like Columbo, or that lady detective in Fargo. "So, how do you know how many cars are on the lot...?"

rhhardin said...

Kaiser Wilhelm: I am ashamed to say that before and after my first marriage I myself fathered at least two illegitimate children. One with an Austrian countess, another with a French prostitute, who was known in court circles as madame L'amour. Both, incidentally, blackmailed me for huge sums of money, the countess and the prostitute. I expected better of the prostitute.

The Exception (2016) which I almost bailed out of early expecting the expected plot.

Jaq said...

Oh, BTW, how does Overwatch watch the network? They use taps, same as the NSA the kind you Trump haters claim aren't used anymore.

Jaq said...

One more thing, then I gotta. watch a movie, if Overwatch was not using passive taps to monitor the network, and maybe they weren't, because it seems unlikely that the DNC could have set them up for software transmitted remotely in that short an order, then the software worked by looking at the servers network cards and examining all of the data going out, and this process takes CPU time, making the idea that the data could have been copied in the short time it purportedly took over a network connection.

rhhardin said...

What Happened was just an instance of mass hysteria.

Mr. Majestyk said...

3GPBGP said ... some crazy shit.

Sure, dude, that's exactly what I'm saying. Exactly.

Jaq said...

CNN executives explicitly told their investigative team to stop looking into potential ties between the Trump administration and Russia following a series of high profile reporting errors led that to the resignation of three journalists in June. Executives transferred all reporting duties associated with the Trump-Russia narrative to CNN’s Washington, D.C. team in the wake of a retracted June report, members of the CNN staff told The New York Times. The report in question was removed from CNN’s website after the network admitted it could not stand by information that tied then Trump advisor Anthony Scaramucci to a Russian investment bank

Sigh... "Trump-Russia narrative" is that what CNN calls news now?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

where in the news is Debbie IT Guy. YOu know -the guy who makes us all Islamopbobes for questioning his motives. $$$$?

n.n said...

The NYT is attempting to, once again, exploit the legal art of ignorance in order to form a close association between Trump and the urbanized bitch a la J Lo's "la cabrona" emotional outburst. Unfortunately, the Russians do not follow the same twilight fringe social faith as progressives and liberals, keep it weird and depraved.

Jaq said...

Calling it a "narrative" means they've pre-judged the outcome and selectively report the "facts" that point toward that end. They think that they are Jedi, who understand and manipulate the plot. Plot = Force, BTW. "May the plot be with you","Now is the time Luke, when I introduce you to the dark side of the plot.", etc. Except the Jedis are fictional, and the author of the plot knows how it ends.

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