September 8, 2017

"No regrets: Trump exuberant in Oval Office after deal with Dems."

According to Mike Allen and Jonathan Swan at Axios:
Among Republicans on Capitol Hill, "I've never heard members and senators so angry at the president of their own party," one durable Washington hand told me after yesterday's round of check-in calls.

But hate-watching "Morning Joe" down in the White House residence, President Trump was feeling cocky. His surprise deal with Democratic leaders may create midterm headaches for his party, but it's winning rave reviews from the academy....
"The academy" seems to refer to the NYT, specifically "Energized Trump Sees Bipartisan Path, at Least for Now" by Peter Baker and Sheryl Gay Stolberg. Second paragraph at the NYT:
[Thursday morning, Trump] picked up the phone and called the two Democratic congressional leaders, Senator Chuck Schumer of New York and Representative Nancy Pelosi of California. “The press has been incredible,” he gushed to Ms. Pelosi, according to someone briefed on their call. He was equally effusive with Mr. Schumer, boasting that even Fox News was positive.
Speaking of the NYT, I enjoyed the morning podcast today. It's titled "Trump’s New Prom Date: Democrats." Among other things, it suggests that Trump and Schumer are a lot alike, both "outer borough" New Yorkers, and that Trump misses New York and interacting with New York people, and Schumer knows how to be the guy to meet his needs. I assume both men think they know how to use and have fun with each other. Just look a the now-iconic photograph.


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D.E. Cloutier said...

Re: Hitler-Stalin Pact

Roughcoat: "You mean the GOP and the Dems are going invade and partition Poland?"

No. The Germans and Russians cooperated for a while, then came Operation Barbarossa, the German attack on Russia. The attack surprised Stalin and left him in a severe state of depression at a critical point in time.

My guess: You already knew that.

Chuck said...

hombre said...
Chuck: "We got Gorsuch... Thanks to the Federalist Society, and Leonard Leo, and Senate Majority Leader McConnell."

Chuck is confused about who nominates judges. He is also apparently unaware that McConnell is permitting Trump's other judicial nominations to languish under Democrat stalling. Even GOPe turds 💩 ought to be condemning McConnell for this. The number of federal judicial vacancies is actually increasing due to McConnell's infamy or his cowardice, but you cheer him on, Chuck.

That is largely untrue. I don't know which one of the alt-right fever swamps you inhabit, but in the real world, there are more US Court of Appeals vacancies which are awaiting nominations from the White House, than there are nominees being held up by Democrat Blue-Slips.

Here's a really nice rundown for you:

In any event, the federal judiciary is a big issue to me in this presidency, because I sense that it is something that can be almost wholly taken away from Trump, and outsourced to competent conservatives. It's also personally important to me, because it will be one of the (few) things that will outlast Trump's presidency.

Trump -- who is so easily flattered, and whose appetite for flattery seems endless -- must like all of the nice comments he has gotten about Gorsuch, and I expect that Trump will want more of that.

Chuck said...

Gahrie said...
"real reform legislation needs bipartisan buy-in."

Yet you are attacking Trump for working with the Democrats.

I am attacking Trump for defying the Republican leadership, for doing something stupid, and for making a deal where we Republicans got nothing out of it.

Meade said...

"Now, having fought against Trump getting the nomination, and having felt compelled to vote for Trump in the binary choice presented by the 2016 general election, I want to inoculate myself against all Democrat claims that I was a Trump enabler/apologist/co-conspirator in the future.

You come here and talk down to us in order to vaxx yourself against the disease of having Democrats make false claims against you? Is that really going to be effective, Chuck? You'll give your Democrat plague agents a link to the comment section of some lady's blog and they in turn will give you a pass? Who are these Democrats you're afraid of? Seem a little weak to me.

Birkel said...

...Republican leadership...

Pull the other one.

Etienne said...

...making a deal where we Republicans got nothing out of it.

Calling it a "deal" is missing the point. Trump could sit around and watch McConnell fail again, or he could get his table cleared of this annoyance until after Christmas.

Gahrie said...

I want to inoculate myself against all Democrat claims that I was a Trump enabler/apologist/co-conspirator in the future.

Do you think the Democrats will care about your "evidence"?

They already call us racist, sexist homophobic haters trying to restore the Third Reich. No one will give a shit about your constant attacks on Trump and slavish devotion to the GOP Establishment.

Jim at said...

"I've never heard members and senators so angry at the president of their own party"

What? You don't do jack shit for Trump and then you get all pissy when he turns the tables on you?

A pox on you all.

We have given and given and given to you Republicans in Congress since 2010 and you haven't done shit for us in return.

Eat it.

Matt Sablan said...

As for "evidence to inoculate against Democrat accusations of racism," just remember: They called a Jewish scholar a Nazi and a black doctor a white supremacist.

I don't think there's any inoculating.

Drago said...

LLR: "I'm not sure, but I truly think it is because Republican leadership foolishly tried to give Trump a big "victory" on a signature issue,..."


Drago said...

I don't think there's any inoculating.

Chucks beloved pals on the left will accept nothing less than unconditional surrender. And Chuck has been doing his best to deliver just that.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

I'll just leave these here:

CNN: Trump Nominates 16 Judges

CBS: Trump DOJ Denies GOP Request To Reopen Lois Lerner IRS Case - She Will Not Face Charges

Jim at said...

"I love all this Trump loyalty, he really could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and his followers would still love him."

Depends upon who he shoots.

BN said...

My pussy's not at all tired of all this winning... er... I mean, grabbing.

Chuck said...

Matthew Sablan said...
As for "evidence to inoculate against Democrat accusations of racism," just remember: They called a Jewish scholar a Nazi and a black doctor a white supremacist.

I don't think there's any inoculating.

Don't mix me up in that conflation! I take every allegation of "racism" against me seriously and individually. And I'd have a harder time of it, if I had Trump's record of outrageousness. ("Litle guys wearing yarmulkes" counting his money, not blacks; the Muslim ban; the case of U.S. v. Fred Trump, Donald Trump and Trump Management, Inc., etc.)

Chuck said...

HoodlumDoodlum said...
I'll just leave these here:

CNN: Trump Nominates 16 Judges

CBS: Trump DOJ Denies GOP Request To Reopen Lois Lerner IRS Case - She Will Not Face Charges

I can't imagine that those links are aimed at somehow refuting me. I wasn't aware of Trump's nomination list released yesterday, apparently. But it mostly proves my point. That more than Democrats holding up nominations, Trump hadn't yet nominated anybody. Now, let's hope we get some fast action on confirmations. The Democrats certainly aren't obstructing nominees who were just named yesterday.

Chuck said...

Meade said...
"Now, having fought against Trump getting the nomination, and having felt compelled to vote for Trump in the binary choice presented by the 2016 general election, I want to inoculate myself against all Democrat claims that I was a Trump enabler/apologist/co-conspirator in the future."

You come here and talk down to us in order to vaxx yourself against the disease of having Democrats make false claims against you? Is that really going to be effective, Chuck? You'll give your Democrat plague agents a link to the comment section of some lady's blog and they in turn will give you a pass? Who are these Democrats you're afraid of? Seem a little weak to me.

Laurence if I give the impression of "talking down" to some commenters here, it is only because some of them are so relentlessly idiotic, with personal attacks on me. I was never much of a personality on these comments pages for years, until Trump came along. And then, my attacks on Trump somehow seemed to confer a license on other Trump-fan commenters to attack me. Talk about your Cult of Personality!

I am not "afraid" of anybody, Laurence. I have lots of intelligent professional friends who are liberals, and with whom I do not like to lose arguments. I can't, and won't defend Trump with them. I'll defend what I believe in and that which is right and defensible. That rarely includes Trump.

I am not going to defend the fuckhead who claimed to have investigators in Hawaii who were finding out "amazing" things about Obama. The guy whose recorded voice claimed to be "John Miller," a spokesman for the Trump Organization who could talk about who Trump was dating and whether Marla Maples wanted to get back together with Trump. The guy who claimed that he saw thousands of Muslims celebrating the fall of the WTC towers. The guy who claimed that General Pershing dipped bullets in pigs' blood to execute Muslim prisoners. The guy who talked about "the DEP... the Department of Environmental." The guy whose list of lies about healthcare reform are so numerous, you need a Top Ten List to narrow them down:

Anonymous said...

Chuck: I think I already explained why I am laughing at that.

It's because the entire premise is that the only way anything gets done is on a one-party basis.

Chuck, you're an insane man talking to himself. And answering.

Your interpolating outtakes from other people's comments into your conversation with yourself isn't fooling anybody.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Chuck said...I can't imagine that those links are aimed at somehow refuting me.

Believe it or not, Chuck, not everything's about you. I wasn't talking directly to you. Normally when I'm talking to you I address you by name. I've asked you a number of questions in this thread and I've used your name each time. You haven't answered the last batch but you did give an answer to a post that wasn't about you at all.

The funny part is: that post, with the news story about Trump's DOJ not going after Lerner, SUPPORTS your repeated contention that Trump is awful, etc. That post is on your side, you asshole! You're so bent on making everything about Trump and making every discussion of Trump really one about your own superiority that you can't even recognize when something supports the case you claim to be making.

I've tried, genuinely, to have an actual discussion here. It doesn't really seem to be working.

Maybe that's Trump's fault too, huh? Look what Trump has done to us!!

grackle said...

Illusions: Many illusions abound in this land of ours. One major illusion, currently held by Ryan, McConnell, McCain and the rest of the eGOP, is that their “agenda” is different than Trump’s agenda.

The MSM reinforces this illusion by constantly referring to “Trump’s agenda” as if that agenda had nothing to do with what the eGOP-controlled Congress was elected to legislate.

In fact the eGOP’s agenda is mostly the same as Trump’s agenda. The eGOP will be well-served to realize this simple fact: YOU, eGOP, were elected to your offices in order to pass legislation that won Trump the Oval Office when Trump subsequently campaigned on those same issues.

Thus far the eGOP seems not to have grasped this simple fact of their political reality. They have until the mid-terms to wise up. Note, readers, that Obama’s 2 terms proved that a POTUS can be easily re-elected while the party of the POTUS looses election after election.

General Patton had a saying which I’ll amend slightly: The eGOP has declined to lead, refused to follow, and with the just-signed debt ceiling deal with Schumer and Pelosi, Trump has notified the eGOP that he can get the eGOP the hell out of the way - if that’s what it takes to get a bill on his desk.

Ray - SoCal said...

More a Scott Adams view, by having Schumer and Pelosi be seen as making a deal with Trump, it helps his image a lot. How can he be said to be a Nazi, stole the Presidency, etc. It recognizes that he is President. It's HUGE psychologically for all of those in denial on who the real President was.

And I think the 3 month delay helps to get a better deal.

And Hillary's book tour is going to suck up all the air in the media for a bit. At least 2-4 weeks of a civil war on the Democrats side as Hillary settles scores. May be a miracle will happen and it will end sooner, and Trump will be the center of attention again.

grackle said...

I'm not sure, but I truly think it is because Republican leadership foolishly tried to give Trump a big "victory" …

The above quote is one of the most unintentionally (I assume) funniest comments I’ve seen lately. The real situation is exactly the opposite. The eGOP nincompoops in Congress, “led” by Ryan and McConnell, will do anything within their power to prevent a successful Trump presidency.

But they’ve run up against an opponent in Trump who is smarter, more grounded in reality and who always fights back. The Pelosi/Schumer/Trump debt ceiling bill is a wake-up call for Ryan and McConnell. If I were those two MSM-compliant fuck-ups I would hurry to Trump and ask him what he wants them to do. They might save themselves with that type of attitude change. But if they continue to oppose Trump they will suffer the same fate as Hillary, Jeb! And all the other Trump opponents.

Birkel said...

What is with the bull shit? Why the fuck can't Chuck call Meade by the name Meade uses?

grackle said...

Better option: eliminate the debt ceiling. It's a stupid legislative gimmick that succeeds in giving grandstanding Congressmen an excuse for posturing.

I’m a little late to the party, but yes, yes, and again – YES!

Democrats continue to be unified. There is power in unity.

Is that why the Democrats are a minority in Congress and lost the presidency? Because they are “unified?” Oh boy.

Dems even get to say "See! We can be bipartisan! It is conservative Republican ideologues who are obstructionists!”

And they would be right. What Trump is saying to Ryan and McConnell: Pay me now or pay me later.

Drago said...

You can bet the LLR's of MI are busily crafting strategies to get Stabenow reelected.

FullMoon said...

But they’ve run up against an opponent in Trump who is smarter, more grounded in reality and who always fights back.

Anyone who has lived in the same area for a long time knows the shortcuts, back roads, places to avoid after dark, where to get the best deals.
Trumps weakness is being the new guy, without friends and relatives to show him around. He is still learning the neighborhood, taking the long way, getting stuck in traffic, heading into wrong area sometimes. If he can stick it out in spite of the hate directed at him and his family, he will surprise a lot of people.

wildswan said...

Houston and then Irma put the idea of Americans working together in the front of everyone's mind and Trump capitalized on that.

Trump got a flood bill passed. As Bob Boyd said...
I don't think it made much sense for Republicans to be perceived as withholding help for flood victims because they got into a political fight over the debt ceiling.

Trump managed to work with Democrats. Ending the "literally Hitler" meme and many others. That is what will happen. This is good for the Republic. And it was smart of Trump to seize the day. In these days between Harvey and Irma - no one really thinks we should be fighting as we have been.

But it's quite obvious that Trump won't feel bound to the Democrats for any longer than he can use them and vice versa.

hombre said...

Chuck: "That is largely untrue. I don't know which one of the alt-right fever swamps you inhabit, but in the real world, there are more US Court of Appeals vacancies which are awaiting nominations from the White House, than there are nominees being held up by Democrat Blue-Slips." (citing abovethe

"Alt-right fever swamps...." Oh, very good, Chuck. What's next, "You racist!"?

You've been pimping for the Democrats for so long you think like them. My comment wasn't limited to Appellate appointments. Your chickenshit selective reference does not refute my contention that McConnell, et al, are complicit in stalling judicial appointments. Trump is not lagging behind the GOPe turds in the Senate.

Gahrie said...

You've been pimping for the Democrats for so long you think like them

It's more fluffing than pimping.....

mockturtle said...

General Patton had a saying which I’ll amend slightly: The eGOP has declined to lead, refused to follow, and with the just-signed debt ceiling deal with Schumer and Pelosi, Trump has notified the eGOP that he can get the eGOP the hell out of the way - if that’s what it takes to get a bill on his desk.

Excellent, grackle! The GOPe has played obstructionist since before Trump's election. They mistakenly thought it wise to not only obstruct but to create distance between themselves and Trump. Did they forget who got elected and why? And despite the hefty coffers of the favored candidates? What a bunch of morons!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"What a bunch of morons!"

Yep. They were given the biggest majority since the 1920's and these fools are squandering it.

grackle said...

If you can't drain the swamp, join it. The Dems, and media just grabbed Trump by the pussy …

The “Dems” are not the “swamp,” readers, so do not be misled by the above piece of false narration. The Democrats are supposed to oppose and are mandated by their base to oppose. The “Dems” are the “loyal opposition,” not the “swamp.”

The swamp is the DC GOP political establishment, led by Ryan, McConnell and others, otherwise known as the GOPe/eGOP. And they apparently have many allies in the various bureaucracies, including what is known as the “deep state.”

As for the “media,” we all know what the MSM does, which is to propagandize for the Democrats. The media has a hierarchy of promotion: First are Democrats and all other lefties. Second comes any Republican willing to bad-mouth Trump. Third comes any Republican who will bad-mouth other Republicans – except for Trump - when he does it it is considered evidence of mental disorder, senility, unfairness, dangerous impulsiveness, cruelty, etc.

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