The moderate Left is always the first victim of the extreme Left. Always. The Righties never give the lefties the chance, & they tend to be armed. This happens in the history of left-wing revolutions over & over.
Every now & then, a moderate gets it. The French socialist Francois Mitterand was part of the triumvirate with Thatcher & Reagan to add upgraded new medium range nuclear-armed missiles pointed at the Soviet Union in the 80s. If you ever had to deal with the nasty, Moscow's ass kissing bastards that were the Parti Communiste Francais, you'd want to nuke their puppet masters, too.
Perhaps the illegal aliens can explain the diverse or singular causes of mass emigration that should warrant mass disruption at their destination, as well as forcing unreconciled human and civil conflicts of interest.
Among other things, it's a politician's job to put up with rude constituents, so if it's troubling or burdensome you should get into another line of work.
When you become rage and hate, you don't limit it to your opponents. Eventually it gets directed at your own people. Rage and hate begin to eat their own.
That's why even when they are raging against the "bad guys," you should not be feeding the sharks. They will eat you too.
"Among other things, it's a cashier/waitress/customer service rep's job to put up with rude customers, so if it's troubling or burdensome you should get into another line of work."
Lets be perfectly clear, DACA DID NOT give these kids any permanent status. They were still subject to deportation, there is not citizenship or even Green Card. What Trump did was begin a debate that will most likely end is permanent status in exchange for increased security and maybe a "wall" similar to those built by Bill Clinton in the 90's.
Obame in his typical cynical style only used these kids for cheap partisan advantage. His actions are disgusting, as we are seeing the outcome here today.
Banderillas for the San Francisco purveyor of bull. I don't watch bullfights (never did) but it's at least amusing that San Fran Nan is having to face the reality of what the Barack/Harry/Nancy cabal put in place.
And as Billy Jeff Clinton might have said to someone in Nancy's position (and to a lot of other females who he had put in certain positions) "Nan, maybe you should put some ICE on that."
The Left is batshit crazy on most issues, but on illegal immigration they have turned the crazy up to 11. They hate Trump, because he's not a fan of permissive illegal immigration. Now, they act like rude idiots to Pelosi, because she's trying to negotiate a workable compromise with Trump.
Not a fan of Pelosi, in general, but don't like this outpouring of righteous stupidity directed at her.
When I think about how many times paid protesters disrupted Republican and Conservative speakers to cheers from the folks on the left ..... let's just say .... karma is a bitch.
The antifa-democrats showing everyone that they will not stop at DACA. They will not stop with the confederacy, they will not stop with racism, they will not stop until they control it all. They are dangerous.
The best arguments for mass expulsion of illegals is being made by the angry left and the illegals themselves. At least in LA they finally figured out that waving Mexican flags is not a good idea.
Obama's choice to defer reconciliation through prosecutorial discretion is a first-order forcing of the zombie effect that will first cannibalize Democratic districts. This is not to be confused with clinical cannibalism practiced by Planned Parenthood et al that progressed under the female chauvinists' Pro-Choice doctrine. Same principle, different victims.
How do you get rid of a large number of illegal immigrants? You start drafting them into the U.S. Army. You set their pay at $567 a month* and you start sending them to Afghanistan and other dangerous places. Many of them would return to their country of origin to avoid military service.
What about the ones who decide to serve? My opinion: If they end up with an honorable discharge, they can live and work permanently in the U.S.
* $567 per month: The pay (adjusted for inflation) that an Army private E-1 received in 1965.
Étienne Charles de Loménie de Brienne was appointed conseil des finances (finance minister) in 1787. When he got around to looking at the books in 1788, he was shocked to see the figures. "Not good news" he told himself.
David Hume in his essay on public credit in 1752, described a worse-case scenario that he simplified as "A nation must destroy its debt, or the debt will destroy the nation."
What Briennes numbers told him, were that France was spending 629 million livres, and taking in 500 million. This 129 million debt was greater than the budget for the Army and Navy.
Now, Brienne had a lot of other problems that culminated in his death in prison after the French Revolution, but arithmetic wasn't one of them.
Obama had a 2016 budget which proposed a 635 billion dollar military expenditure. The budget was 4.1 trillion dollars (including interest on previous debt). This, with a government income shortfall of 590 billion.
The thing we should take away from this, is that we are still less than pre-revolution France, by 45 billion. This 45 billion is the sliver between saving our country, or (unable to pay for defense) tearing down the prisons and unleashing the peasants and forces on our aristocrats and money-lenders.
Feel it, feel it Fire, fire Something's burning Something's burning Something's burning And I think it's love
This should highlight why we can't give any sort of Amnesty to the Dreamers. Their parents chose a course of action that was virtually guaranteed to make the Dreamers lives volatile at the minimum. If we ignore the rule of law for them, what argument do we have against any of the other of millions of illegal immigrants already here? Or any of the millions more that may come? I'm sympathetic to the situation the Dreamers are in but that situation is because of their parents' choices, not unfair policy by the US. The Dreamers have to go back. Millions and millions immigrate to the US, both legally and illegally because the US has a strong history and tradition of rule of law. We need to fight to preserve the important values of our nation.
When you combine rage with ignorance with impatience, you get this: incoherent mobs who want instant gratification for things that are impossible, that are contradictory, that are not even clear. I've heard BLM speakers demand that the police be disbanded--that would work ok in my town for a while but not on Chicago's South Side. You get people vandalizing statues of Lincoln and Joan of Arc. You get antifa burning stuff.
The crowd was disruptive but not threatening. Pelosi looked polite and slightly befuddled. She didn't handle the situation poorly, but neither did she look like a leader. I didn't see any honest emotions on her face.........Is there anyone in Mexico who doesn't have the right to live in the USA?
Suprisingly enough (to me anyway) I found myself disliking what was going on with the protestors to the same degree I was disturbed by the Republican townhalls. Not that that Pelosi and the Dems didn't plant the seeds that are turning around to bite them in the ass, but my opinion is that people of all stripes should respect the office if not the person. I did that for President Obama, tough as it was. Let them speak. They are our duly elected representatives. I guess that is out of vogue now though.
I don't think Pelosi or her ilk are stupid. They know what is going on and their fault in it. I think they are hoping they can ride the tiger by the tail, but we all know how that turns out.
I was disconcerted by the amount of tremors she had. I'd not seen it that forceful before. Not sure if it was the situation or her age.
Pacwest, I agree 100% about respecting the office if not the officeholder. Letting a speaker speak is only basic manners. And that would include every speaker, whether Communist, Nazi or radical Muslim. We can always turn away and leave them speaking to the molecules in the air if we prefer but shouting them down is simply rude.
There was a young lady of Niger Who smiled as she rode on a Tiger; They came back from the ride With the lady inside, And the smile on the face of the Tiger.
Good enough for gubamint work.
A withered old crone from 'Frisco is better but has rhyming problems.
A withered old crone from 'Frisco Took a shot of botox in her face, so She could only smile wide When woe did betide Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Crisco!
I don't get these illegal protests. Don't they know this is a racist country run by white supremacists? Surely they'd want to escape.
You're not getting it, Sebastian. These protesters believe they have the legal right to California because their forbears were there first. As far as I'm concerned, they can have it.
But more seriously I think this shows that Trump estimated correctly that the Dems have more forces pushing the leadership to be centrist and make deals than does the GOPe. I don't hate the Dreamers or wish to kick them out but I do remember that every amnesty deal so far has involved "amnesty in exchange for border security". The amnesties have happened - but the border security has never happened yet. So ... hope for the best. But the vote on border security should precede amnesty or we'll be rolled again. Yet I think Pelosi and Schumer really don't want another election starring Hillary, Bernie and The Donald. I guess there might be some leverage there. The times they are achangin'; it's hard to know.
I don't get these illegal protests. Don't they know this is a racist country run by white supremacists? Surely they'd want to escape.
You're not getting it, Sebastian. These protesters believe they have the legal right to California because their forbears were there first. As far as I'm concerned, they can have it.
They stole it from the natives, fair and square. Pretty brutal about it, too.
Give 'em an inch and they will take a mile. But Pelosi knows she is powerless and by the time the Democrats get a majority in the house she will be.. (hint, she's 77 NOW!)
What person in the world shouldn't be granted citizenship just by stepping foot inside the USA? The Washington establishment seem to support citizenship for anyone who can get into the USA, but don't have the courage to make that the law.
Let's make this simple, deal with the dreamers and, as part of that, rather than worry about the wall, pass a really tough e-verify law. If there are no jobs, there won't be illegal aliens. However, Republicans and Democrats, for different reasons, have refused to do that. If Trump were smart, as part of the negotiations, he'll promise to wait on the wall if they pass a tough e-verify law.
For a conservative, I'm pretty squishy on the issue of illegal aliens who are already here and have made a life here. My preference would be to find a way for as many as possible of the most productive and law-abiding of them to stay here legally. But I HATE "entitled" people. That's what I have against leftists generally. These demonstrators are claiming entitlement to remain in this country, which they entered in violation of our laws, not just DACAs, and DREAMERS, and DAPAs, but ALL illegals, and they DEMAND that our public officials grant them that entitlement.
I don't think people with that attitude are good for our country. ICE should monitor meetings like this and start taking names.
If there are people who are here illegally but have otherwise been good members of our communities, and if they ask nicely that we grant them the great boon of legal residency, and if they rigorously abide by whatever conditions our government puts on that boon, then I'd like to see a program that allows a reasonable number of them to stay.
"I don't think people with that attitude are good for our country. ICE should monitor meetings like this and start taking names."
But, who will monitor and kick out the crybaby white losers who travel great distances (w/ torches) to fuss about other communities (i.e. not their own) that have democratically decided to get rid of racist monuments?
Of course I know that they're allowed to do this, as is right. But, let's deride their whiny lameness, rather than having the POTUS call some of them very fine people.
They are not allowed. The state has no authority to prevent the exercise of the human rights enshrined in the First Amendment.
The state does not control despite your great wishes. And it is that conception of government at the heart of disagreement between Leftists and conservatives.
I dont think "they" should have California. Should the US relinquish it, there is still a problem with considering it Mexican territory. After all, it was alienated from Spain by rebellion. Granted, there is the matter of the Santa Maria-Calatrava treaty of 1836, but the chain of possession being broken, its a good argument that its moot. Going back along the chain of possession, it should, obviously, be restored as Spanish territory, as is well established, on historical grounds, beyond any doubt.
There are practical advantages as well. Spain being a First World country with stable modern institutions, an ancient, high culture that would not be overwhelmed by a First World possession, a shared language with the plurality of the current population, Nato membership, more or less modern armed forces and a long history of expeditionary campaigns in conjunction with the US, so taking the CA National Guard under command should go smoothly. One hesitates to think of the result of that vis a vis Mexico. And, above all, Spain is a EU member, which will automatically give CA a solid status in international treaties and institutions.
And, btw, Spain has universal medical coverage that works. And Spain has an aristocracy. Imagine the self-actualization satisfactions for the wealthy and powerful of the State, once they are given the titles they merit, as counts and dukes and grandees of Spain. Imagine the parties, and coverage by Hola! Its a perfect fit. Goodbye Catalonia, hello California!
Unfortunately, Silicon Valley is a strategic asset for the United States so we don't get the option to 'give up' CA to the left wing maniacs. We'll have to liberate it.
Spain has plenty of debt, but on the whole it is slightly better than the US Fedgov, 100.5 vs 106.1 % of GDP, and no doubt much better than the to be revealed total Californian debt, incl. all outstanding bonds, underfunded pensions, etc.
Spanish healthcare system is massively more cost effective than the US system, and since Californian laws will be brought into compliance, this should be a source of enormous savings.
Spain – 70% of the Region’s debt is in Healthcare The Ministry of Finance prepares monthly reports on the payment to suppliers and commercial debt of autonomous regions. The total commercial debt to the region’s suppliers rose in May to €9.431 million of which €6.609 million (70%) corresponds to the health sector. See the monthly report here.
That is regional debt not national. And what you are seeing there is backlog in payments in one particular place, in millions of Euros. We are not talking macroeconomics here.
To get some idea of public spending there is very useful comparative data in the OECD site. It takes some digging.
Euro medical care delivery systems, not just Spains, work well through simplicity, lack of regulation, lack of legal risk, and a high degree of rationing through chintzy reimbursement to providers.
And yet their patients survive, or survive well enough.
Did dig. I dumped a lot of OECD data on comparative PPP medical, social, and ed spending some weeks ago for the US and a lot of Euro and G20 countries. Not going to redo this every time. Heed my wisdom when and as it happens.
This is no surprise, and why question Dr. Mike? He is a real expert on this.
Note that what the Euros have is not what the US is going to get with "single payer", as the US systems are incredibly burdened by regulation and state interference.
You really are going to have to kill all your lawyers.
And while youre at it, you all could stand to put in a lot of Euro style education reforms in K-12 and especially universities. The lot of this can be done much cheaper and better.
At least in America, there may be a significant differential between cost and payment. What happens to the deficit? Is it real? If yes, is it absorbed, redistributed (nationally, globally), or deferred, temporarily (e.g. decadal a la recession) or permanently?
Universal provision with rationing and underpayment is an easy solution; but, in most circumstances (e.g. other than America and perhaps Europe), is unsustainable.
The news media really pissed me off with this one.
If you watch the video, there is one part where she says something like, "I'm trying to help you Dreamers!" and they scream back, "We're not dreamers! All 11 million! All of us or none of us!"
Yet every news outlet I have seen has called these protesters DACA protesters.
"Yet every news outlet I have seen has called these protesters DACA protesters."
The staged event was a bunch of DACA folks speaking about the urgency re passing a DACA law. The protesters were protesting the DACA folks because the protesters were anti-DACA. At the same time they were against DACA, the protestors were for ending the existence of the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement Department.
In fact, for a bit I had won some points w/ him because I wrote comments that demonstrated I'd read, comprehended and intelligently sussed out particulars from his writings. I've also done this w/ his verbose Amazon reviews.
This is why I know that he's no expert re things that are not in his wheelhouse.
What you have there in that protest is the inevitable conflict of tribal groups that the left created. This will just escalate. Note the pro-legalization of everyone lot are apoarently Chicano.
Chickens are coming home to roost, or the wind that was sown is bringing forth the whirlwind, etc.
As soon as he starts jabbering about the love of the French system you can catastrophically derail him by noting the difference in pay for medical staff (incl. surgeons) re US v France.
And, for the record, I've been pro some aspects of the French system in these threads way before Doc Mike showed up. I've always liked the way that they have subsides for people that are reimbursements rather than behind the scenes direct payments to providers. People who get gov dough need to have skin in the game and feel the expenses that they're racking up, even if they eventually get paid back because they're poor or people of typical incomes.
French doctors also have no med school debts, and have way fewer costs to practice such as insurance and med billing overhead. And the French have better working hours.
Net it out and new US physicians in corporate practice may not be doing better. As Dr. Mike has also pointed out.
"Spain has plenty of debt, but on the whole it is slightly better than the US Fedgov,"
Whatabout consideration on the tiny fraction of GDP Spain is* to the U.S. if you remain so wholly arrogant to ever consider you could ever, or anyone human for this matter, actually have the ability to even consider, sans stupidity, true consideration of the whole?
Have you ever conceived of economic terms on a national scale, as in, international? What I mean is the idea each and every separate, distinct country might think/act/govern according to, ha ancient influences (if that ancientness makes you feel better than you imagine some random American might not know how much they miss that feeling they've never known nor aspired to, that result in, even with similar and especially highly non-common environs, not that feeling?
Economies of scale are what the U.S. has, if I may appropriate economic terms for my terminal use, and HOLY FUCK I JUST DID.
Please continue oblivious to why the United States and Spain are, kinda almost with special hindsight similar enough for you to ignore how stupendously unsimilar, in 2017, they represent themselves as being among the withins of our reality repeatedly confirmable.
Now cons are in favor of socialist surrender monkeys.
Got it.
I have no idea what this little dispute is about, but sight unseen I would be willing to bet real money that our resident 40 watt bulb doesn't get whatever was said.
Illegal immigrant families received nearly $1.3 billion in Los Angeles County welfare money during 2015 and 2016, nearly one-quarter of the amount spent on the county’s entire needy population
Doing the jobs Americans won't do... You can say the same thing about scabs, BTW.
Reading a few of these comments toward the end about the European medical systems and the NYT article makes me think of the fact that anyone in the world who is seeking the best medical care for their condition comes to the U.S. They don't go to England, France, Germany or Switzerland, or even Cuba, but come here. Enough to persuade me. All the rest is crap to diss the U.S.
You see elements of the Democratic Party are protesting each other, therefore the Democratic leadership position on amnesty is moderate and their demands are reasonable.
Ah, now perhaps you see the parallels to Iran.
Note there are no active Democratic constituencies saying perhaps we shouldn't have any amnesty or immigration at all, or only a tiny amnesty, perhaps even smaller than DACA. Just like there are no forces in Iran, at least not allowed close to a mic, saying perhaps we shouldn't have any nuclear program at all, or shouldn't be an Islamic dictatorship for that matter. Of course the last time they did that, the Basij stomped on them, with Obama's (and your?) tacit approval.
Why can't we have a sensible compromise on something like immigration reform?
There: you have your answer. "The other side" will not accept any compromise. There is no reason to trust that they will honor whatever commitments they'll deign to make...these protestors are the ones who best represent the feelings of the Dem. base, and everyone knows it.
Any restriction on immigration is, to them, de facto proof of racism. They'll show some pictures of some cute little immigrant kids with sad eyes, they'll call people who talk about crime and cost racists, and the nice centrist people will say "be reasonable, you stubborn restrictionists! How dare you break up families!" and all the rest. Meanwhile another few million come in.
We had an amnesty in 1986. Since that time we've had, what, another 25M-30M Hispanic immigrants or so? What's the actual case for another amnesty now--that THIS TIME we'll really crack down on "new" people coming here illegally? How pathetic.
If we don't restrict the vote to citizens and/or if we extend citizenship to anyone who decides they want it (despite breaking laws to get here, etc), then yes, that's EXACTLY what "democracy" looks like. It looks like a mob forcing their way into other's spaces, demanding accommodation, and running things their way despite the official disapproval of the rest of us. It's a good illustration, really.
pacwest said...Suprisingly enough (to me anyway) I found myself disliking what was going on with the protestors to the same degree I was disturbed by the Republican townhalls. Not that that Pelosi and the Dems didn't plant the seeds that are turning around to bite them in the ass, but my opinion is that people of all stripes should respect the office if not the person. I did that for President Obama, tough as it was. Let them speak
I largely agree, but we have to allow for changes to norms. It was a norm that you weren't supposed to interrupt speakers, even speakers you didn't like. Then it was a norm that it was ok for a large group to interrupt (Code Pink style) and then get hustled off so the speaker could continue. Then it was a norm that you could coordinate as a group to continuously interrupt (as at Trump speeches) so that the act of clearing all of you out would disrupt the speech entirely. THEN it became a norm that if you were "woke" enough you could just rush the stage and grab the microphone for yourself (like the BLM people did to poor ol' Bernie Sanders). NOW it's close to a norm that you can pre-emptively shut down events by threatening (and making good on the threat) massive violence in response to speaker you dislike even being given a speaking slot (as with conservative or right-wing campus speakers).
I, like you, didn't like those changing norms. They changed, though, mostly because at the time they served the purposes of the Left--so the Media portrayed them not as some terrible breach of etiquette that makes civil participation more difficult, but as the brave acts of committed idealists, etc. We live with the consequences of those norms changing, so it's only just that someone like Pelosi should have to deal with them, too.
Two thoughts. First: Pelosi having to eat a shit sammy prepared and served up by one of her party's key constituencies is hilarious. I could watch that clip on a continuous loop for at least an hour. May similar humiliations be visited upon her pal Claire McCaskill in the very near future. Second: Congresswoman Pelosi's mammary glands look awesome in this clip. She clearly has very large breasts, although I'm sure time and gravity have not been kind. Still, I'd probably look at them if they were unholstered and brought out for some fresh air. To quote Rodney Dangerfield in 'Caddyshack": I'll bet she was really something before electricity.
"Education is clearly an important issue. It has long been proven that the better educated a person the better the chance of a decent job. Spain, however, has a problem as 42% of university graduates believe they are overqualified for the job they hold, according to a recent report by the Fundación Europea Sociedad y Educación. The number of graduates increased from 2.9 million in 1992 to 9.6 million in 2017, but the number of jobs that require a university degree has risen at a much slower pace.
We are back again with the economic model: degrees are generally not needed to work in the construction and tourism industries and other sectors are not generating many jobs (banking and engineering, for example).
Part of the problem also lies with the conservatism of Spain’s universities and employers, according to Samuel Martín-Barbero, rector of the Camilo José Cela University, in an article published last month in the Times Higher Education.
‘Future-oriented degrees incorporating different disciplines may be common in the US and the UK, but they have no place in the Spanish sector, where most learning takes place in academic departments entirely disconnected from each other. Hidebound, siloed thinking is endemic in the Spanish academy. Innovation is extremely rare’, wrote Martín-Barbero. ‘If Spanish higher education is still reluctant to embrace interdisciplinarity, it is at least partly because Spanish employers continue to defend the preconceived idea that sciences and the arts are stand-alone areas of knowledge with nothing useful to say to each other’.
Relatively few graduates in Spain seek jobs outside the fields they majored in. For instance, only about 5% of humanities graduates in Spain go on to work in the corporate sector, compared with 37% in the US, according to the Everis Foundation. YouTube chief executive Susan Wojciki studied history and literature –such a background would be virtually unthinkable for a Spanish executive–.
Spain’s multinational companies, the most dynamic part of the economy, are beginning to be a case apart as they are starting to demand a different type of multilingual, multidisciplinary graduate. Conclusions
Spain has made significant strides in reducing the unemployment rate but it will continue to be an albatross for governments."
Just an illustration of what buway said. The state of Illinois has unpaid bills to the tune of 16 BILLION. This is just the unpaid balance from vendors. This does not include the outstanding balances on pensions and Medicaid. Nothing is free.
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Heaven forfend a dedicated public servant be treated with disrespect! Unprecedented!
She should have had ICE on speed dial.
Well, that's humane, if nothing else.
Pelosi and her minions have been sowing the wind for many years now. The crop must eventually come in.
Drop them in Vincente Fox's house. He seems to shooting his mouth off of late. In or on--his choice.
She stands there grinning at them. It makes her look dotty.
The moderate Left is always the first victim of the extreme Left. Always. The Righties never give the lefties the chance, & they tend to be armed. This happens in the history of left-wing revolutions over & over.
Every now & then, a moderate gets it. The French socialist Francois Mitterand was part of the triumvirate with Thatcher & Reagan to add upgraded new medium range nuclear-armed missiles pointed at the Soviet Union in the 80s. If you ever had to deal with the nasty, Moscow's ass kissing bastards that were the Parti Communiste Francais, you'd want to nuke their puppet masters, too.
That's just the botox. Her face won't relax.
That's what she gets for crying wolf in a crowd.
Mike checking... I had just recently been wondering whatever happened to mike checking.
Also: Interesting to hear the old chant "This is what democracy looks like" (so familiar from the Wisconsin protests).
Perhaps the illegal aliens can explain the diverse or singular causes of mass emigration that should warrant mass disruption at their destination, as well as forcing unreconciled human and civil conflicts of interest.
Pass the popcorn, as they say.
will France let me in?
Yay, your experiment worked! You called it disturbing even though it isn't, and people took the bait and argued it isn't disturbing!
So, if we don't let 30 million illegal aliens stay in the country, Nancy Pelosi gets yelled at and kept from a microphone?
Among other things, it's a politician's job to put up with rude constituents, so if it's troubling or burdensome you should get into another line of work.
"But she's on their side, yes?"
Will they never learn?
When you become rage and hate, you don't limit it to your opponents. Eventually it gets directed at your own people. Rage and hate begin to eat their own.
That's why even when they are raging against the "bad guys," you should not be feeding the sharks. They will eat you too.
"Among other things, it's a cashier/waitress/customer service rep's job to put up with rude customers, so if it's troubling or burdensome you should get into another line of work."
I would ban you from my restaurants and shops.
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Mary Beth observes: She stands there grinning at them. It makes her look dotty.
Well, bless her heart, she is dotty.
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Yes, and: For they have sown the wind and shall reap the whirlwind Hosea 8:7.
They must have mistaken her for a Republican.
It's very disturbing to watch this disrespect for the venerable House Minority Leader
You average Lefty activist respects nothing and nobody.
Would it have been as disturbing for you if it had been Paul Ryan or Trump they were disrespecting?
Lets be perfectly clear, DACA DID NOT give these kids any permanent status. They were still subject to deportation, there is not citizenship or even Green Card. What Trump did was begin a debate that will most likely end is permanent status in exchange for increased security and maybe a "wall" similar to those built by Bill Clinton in the 90's.
Obame in his typical cynical style only used these kids for cheap partisan advantage. His actions are disgusting, as we are seeing the outcome here today.
Is there anything stupider than drowning people out by loudly chanting "let US speak" over and over?
Obvious right-wing plants put in place in order to make leftists look bad.
Banderillas for the San Francisco purveyor of bull. I don't watch bullfights (never did) but it's at least amusing that San Fran Nan is having to face the reality of what the Barack/Harry/Nancy cabal put in place.
And as Billy Jeff Clinton might have said to someone in Nancy's position (and to a lot of other females who he had put in certain positions) "Nan, maybe you should put some ICE on that."
The Left is batshit crazy on most issues, but on illegal immigration they have turned the crazy up to 11. They hate Trump, because he's not a fan of permissive illegal immigration. Now, they act like rude idiots to Pelosi, because she's trying to negotiate a workable compromise with Trump.
Not a fan of Pelosi, in general, but don't like this outpouring of righteous stupidity directed at her.
Those rioting thugs area typical of "AntiFa" and other arms of the left's storm-troopers (SA/SS).
ICE should have done a sweep of that mob.
This is getting a lot of coverage. Will not play well with the public. But then that seems to be the last thing on their minds.
This is what living in the shadows looks like!
The 1968 Chicago Convention sure stopped Nixon from becoming president.
Maybe Trump won't create new federal agencies that choke commerce like Nixon did.
Pelosi shouted down by Leftists and illegal aliens - Conservatives hardest Hit.
The Left never stops putting pressure on the Not-so-Left.
Got to pass it to see what's in it.
The "action" they want is complete amnesty and citizenship. So much for quelling the incentive to come here illegally.
Harry Reid would be a lower form of life, but Pelosi's down there, historywise.
When I think about how many times paid protesters disrupted Republican and Conservative speakers to cheers from the folks on the left ..... let's just say .... karma is a bitch.
The antifa-democrats showing everyone that they will not stop at DACA. They will not stop with the confederacy, they will not stop with racism, they will not stop until they control it all. They are dangerous.
Ken B said...
Is there anything stupider than drowning people out by loudly chanting "let US speak" over and over?
There is Hillary's explanation for everything, but that is admittedly a different universe.
Trump is smiling. Time for more dank memes.
Robiespierre noticed his mob acting up too. They were supposed to kill the Royalists and the Priests and quit.
The best arguments for mass expulsion of illegals is being made by the angry left and the illegals themselves. At least in LA they finally figured out that waving Mexican flags is not a good idea.
Obama's choice to defer reconciliation through prosecutorial discretion is a first-order forcing of the zombie effect that will first cannibalize Democratic districts. This is not to be confused with clinical cannibalism practiced by Planned Parenthood et al that progressed under the female chauvinists' Pro-Choice doctrine. Same principle, different victims.
How do you get rid of a large number of illegal immigrants? You start drafting them into the U.S. Army. You set their pay at $567 a month* and you start sending them to Afghanistan and other dangerous places. Many of them would return to their country of origin to avoid military service.
What about the ones who decide to serve? My opinion: If they end up with an honorable discharge, they can live and work permanently in the U.S.
* $567 per month: The pay (adjusted for inflation) that an Army private E-1 received in 1965.
Étienne Charles de Loménie de Brienne was appointed conseil des finances (finance minister) in 1787. When he got around to looking at the books in 1788, he was shocked to see the figures. "Not good news" he told himself.
David Hume in his essay on public credit in 1752, described a worse-case scenario that he simplified as "A nation must destroy its debt, or the debt will destroy the nation."
What Briennes numbers told him, were that France was spending 629 million livres, and taking in 500 million. This 129 million debt was greater than the budget for the Army and Navy.
Now, Brienne had a lot of other problems that culminated in his death in prison after the French Revolution, but arithmetic wasn't one of them.
Obama had a 2016 budget which proposed a 635 billion dollar military expenditure. The budget was 4.1 trillion dollars (including interest on previous debt). This, with a government income shortfall of 590 billion.
The thing we should take away from this, is that we are still less than pre-revolution France, by 45 billion. This 45 billion is the sliver between saving our country, or (unable to pay for defense) tearing down the prisons and unleashing the peasants and forces on our aristocrats and money-lenders.
Feel it, feel it
Fire, fire
Something's burning
Something's burning
Something's burning
And I think it's love
Nope, not love, it's a revolution baby!
I refuse to watch protest videos. They manipulate my emotions. I had enough.
This should highlight why we can't give any sort of Amnesty to the Dreamers. Their parents chose a course of action that was virtually guaranteed to make the Dreamers lives volatile at the minimum. If we ignore the rule of law for them, what argument do we have against any of the other of millions of illegal immigrants already here? Or any of the millions more that may come? I'm sympathetic to the situation the Dreamers are in but that situation is because of their parents' choices, not unfair policy by the US. The Dreamers have to go back. Millions and millions immigrate to the US, both legally and illegally because the US has a strong history and tradition of rule of law. We need to fight to preserve the important values of our nation.
When you combine rage with ignorance with impatience, you get this: incoherent mobs who want instant gratification for things that are impossible, that are contradictory, that are not even clear. I've heard BLM speakers demand that the police be disbanded--that would work ok in my town for a while but not on Chicago's South Side. You get people vandalizing statues of Lincoln and Joan of Arc. You get antifa burning stuff.
California DREAMin'
'All the victims are brown
Pelosi's lips are gray
We shouted our host down
On a September day'
The crowd was disruptive but not threatening. Pelosi looked polite and slightly befuddled. She didn't handle the situation poorly, but neither did she look like a leader. I didn't see any honest emotions on her face.........Is there anyone in Mexico who doesn't have the right to live in the USA?
It's not fair to judge all of the Dreamers by the actions of a few. But one thing I've learned in life is that it don't have to be fair.
Fuck 'em. Send them all home.
Why would any Mexican citizen not wish to live in Mexico ?
That scene reminded me of those other old ladies. The ones in the nursing home in Houston who were up their asses in water and had no way out.
The Democrats brought this on themselves.
And who was the staff person who let this happen? Incompetence.
Your comment made sense until you said Obama's deficit was $590 billion. The year-over-year debt increase was $1.3 trillion.
The "one-time" stimulus was spend off the books.
Do not spread the lie.
Spent off the books. Spent.
Disturbing? It's past time the Dems should get a piece of the action.
Suprisingly enough (to me anyway) I found myself disliking what was going on with the protestors to the same degree I was disturbed by the Republican townhalls. Not that that Pelosi and the Dems didn't plant the seeds that are turning around to bite them in the ass, but my opinion is that people of all stripes should respect the office if not the person. I did that for President Obama, tough as it was. Let them speak. They are our duly elected representatives. I guess that is out of vogue now though.
I don't think Pelosi or her ilk are stupid. They know what is going on and their fault in it. I think they are hoping they can ride the tiger by the tail, but we all know how that turns out.
I was disconcerted by the amount of tremors she had. I'd not seen it that forceful before. Not sure if it was the situation or her age.
Does everybody understand that baseline budgeting means the stimulus was and is spent every year since 2009?
But it is accounted for the books.
Off the books
I've always heard that revolutions eat their young.
First time I've seen one try to eat it seniors.
Pacwest, I agree 100% about respecting the office if not the officeholder. Letting a speaker speak is only basic manners. And that would include every speaker, whether Communist, Nazi or radical Muslim. We can always turn away and leave them speaking to the molecules in the air if we prefer but shouting them down is simply rude.
She doesn't mind when her DemCong minions keep Conservatives from speaking.
How many guys waiting at Home Depot hoping for a day job would have told the protesters
" cállate la boca"
I don't get these illegal protests. Don't they know this is a racist country run by white supremacists? Surely they'd want to escape.
There was a young lady of Niger
Who smiled as she rode on a Tiger;
They came back from the ride
With the lady inside,
And the smile on the face of the Tiger.
Good enough for gubamint work.
A withered old crone from 'Frisco is better but has rhyming problems.
A withered old crone from 'Frisco
Took a shot of botox in her face, so
She could only smile wide
When woe did betide
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Crisco!
"Everybody must get stoned" as we see.
Soon everyone will have their fifteen minutes of stoning.
I would ban you from my restaurants and shops.
No, see, that's the thing: Nancy works for us, not the other way around.
I don't get these illegal protests. Don't they know this is a racist country run by white supremacists? Surely they'd want to escape.
You're not getting it, Sebastian. These protesters believe they have the legal right to California because their forbears were there first. As far as I'm concerned, they can have it.
Who was the dope w/ the D810 strap on her camera.
Sheesh, I don't think you're supposed to advertise that price point. Especially around rapists and killers.
But more seriously I think this shows that Trump estimated correctly that the Dems have more forces pushing the leadership to be centrist and make deals than does the GOPe. I don't hate the Dreamers or wish to kick them out but I do remember that every amnesty deal so far has involved "amnesty in exchange for border security". The amnesties have happened - but the border security has never happened yet. So ... hope for the best. But the vote on border security should precede amnesty or we'll be rolled again. Yet I think Pelosi and Schumer really don't want another election starring Hillary, Bernie and The Donald. I guess there might be some leverage there. The times they are achangin'; it's hard to know.
I wonder if this kerfuffle bumped Nancy's daily exercise stats on her watch.
Probably. A bit.
David Begley said...
And who was the staff person who let this happen? Incompetence.
Probably the protesters told some staffer "Hey! We're on your side! Let us in!" ... and that's all it took
If people are chanting a unified message, it's always bullshit. True rule. And if it is leftists chanting, it's a lie. True rule.
"And who was the staff person who let this happen? Incompetence.
Probably the protesters told some staffer "Hey! We're on your side! Let us in!" ... and that's all it took"
Maybe they were more honest.
Maybe they said that they planned to act like loons (and have ugly people) and chant "Democrats Deport."
A way for the D's to have their cake and eat it too.
I don't get these illegal protests. Don't they know this is a racist country run by white supremacists? Surely they'd want to escape.
You're not getting it, Sebastian. These protesters believe they have the legal right to California because their forbears were there first. As far as I'm concerned, they can have it.
They stole it from the natives, fair and square. Pretty brutal about it, too.
Give 'em an inch and they will take a mile. But Pelosi knows she is powerless and by the time the Democrats get a majority in the house she will be.. (hint, she's 77 NOW!)
Nancy works for us? So we get to yell at her and deny her speech?
Yeah, I would ban you. As a manager or an employee, you would still get banned.
Did you type that thinking you were helping your case?
"Mike checking... I had just recently been wondering whatever happened to mike checking.
Also: Interesting to hear the old chant "This is what democracy looks like" (so familiar from the Wisconsin protests)."
Sounds like Occupy Emeritus.
What person in the world shouldn't be granted citizenship just by stepping foot inside the USA? The Washington establishment seem to support citizenship for anyone who can get into the USA, but don't have the courage to make that the law.
What person in the world shouldn't be granted citizenship just by stepping foot inside the USA?
Likewise Canada, eh ?
Let's make this simple, deal with the dreamers and, as part of that, rather than worry about the wall, pass a really tough e-verify law. If there are no jobs, there won't be illegal aliens. However, Republicans and Democrats, for different reasons, have refused to do that. If Trump were smart, as part of the negotiations, he'll promise to wait on the wall if they pass a tough e-verify law.
For a conservative, I'm pretty squishy on the issue of illegal aliens who are already here and have made a life here. My preference would be to find a way for as many as possible of the most productive and law-abiding of them to stay here legally. But I HATE "entitled" people. That's what I have against leftists generally. These demonstrators are claiming entitlement to remain in this country, which they entered in violation of our laws, not just DACAs, and DREAMERS, and DAPAs, but ALL illegals, and they DEMAND that our public officials grant them that entitlement.
I don't think people with that attitude are good for our country. ICE should monitor meetings like this and start taking names.
If there are people who are here illegally but have otherwise been good members of our communities, and if they ask nicely that we grant them the great boon of legal residency, and if they rigorously abide by whatever conditions our government puts on that boon, then I'd like to see a program that allows a reasonable number of them to stay.
But they have to ask.
The Godfather,
Do you foresee those conditions surviving the first legal challenge? Is there a penumbra we have yet to uncover in the 14th Amendment?
What confidence do you have in the current system?
"I don't think people with that attitude are good for our country. ICE should monitor meetings like this and start taking names."
But, who will monitor and kick out the crybaby white losers who travel great distances (w/ torches) to fuss about other communities (i.e. not their own) that have democratically decided to get rid of racist monuments?
Of course I know that they're allowed to do this, as is right. But, let's deride their whiny lameness, rather than having the POTUS call some of them very fine people.
"For a conservative, I'm pretty squishy on the issue of illegal aliens"
Yawn. Maybe, you're not much of a "Conservative".
Just sayin'
She said Obamacare would enable poets. These folks are lousy poets.
They are not allowed. The state has no authority to prevent the exercise of the human rights enshrined in the First Amendment.
The state does not control despite your great wishes. And it is that conception of government at the heart of disagreement between Leftists and conservatives.
"about other communities (i.e. not their own) that have democratically decided to get rid of racist monuments?"
Since no communities have ever put that to a vote, you're just lying.
I dont think "they" should have California.
Should the US relinquish it, there is still a problem with considering it Mexican territory.
After all, it was alienated from Spain by rebellion.
Granted, there is the matter of the Santa Maria-Calatrava treaty of 1836, but the chain of possession being broken, its a good argument that its moot.
Going back along the chain of possession, it should, obviously, be restored as Spanish territory, as is well established, on historical grounds, beyond any doubt.
There are practical advantages as well. Spain being a First World country with stable modern institutions, an ancient, high culture that would not be overwhelmed by a First World possession, a shared language with the plurality of the current population, Nato membership, more or less modern armed forces and a long history of expeditionary campaigns in conjunction with the US, so taking the CA National Guard under command should go smoothly. One hesitates to think of the result of that vis a vis Mexico. And, above all, Spain is a EU member, which will automatically give CA a solid status in international treaties and institutions.
And, btw, Spain has universal medical coverage that works. And Spain has an aristocracy. Imagine the self-actualization satisfactions for the wealthy and powerful of the State, once they are given the titles they merit, as counts and dukes and grandees of Spain. Imagine the parties, and coverage by Hola!
Its a perfect fit.
Goodbye Catalonia, hello California!
Nancy, you made this bed.
Now that you're lying in it, don't complain that the sheets are itchy and shorted.
I was intending to state that the whiners are allowed to whine. After rereading what I wrote, I can see that that could be unclear.
Unfortunately, Silicon Valley is a strategic asset for the United States so we don't get the option to 'give up' CA to the left wing maniacs. We'll have to liberate it.
Imagine the competition to be the Count of San Francisco.
Or the Baron of Burbank.
It just works.
I dont know if Silicon Valley should be broken up, in terms of titles, or given as one mighty Duque del Valle, Grandee of Spain.
Doesn't Spain have siginificant debt in part due to their health care?
Spain has plenty of debt, but on the whole it is slightly better than the US Fedgov, 100.5 vs 106.1 % of GDP, and no doubt much better than the to be revealed total Californian debt, incl. all outstanding bonds, underfunded pensions, etc.
Spanish healthcare system is massively more cost effective than the US system, and since Californian laws will be brought into compliance, this should be a source of enormous savings.
What do you think to your estimation, makes Spain's system work..especially relative to others?
Gut feeling the left is going to over play their hand.
Dreamers can be sold, right or wrong and is pretty much a done deal.
Amnesty? I don't see the votes.
But if the Left overplays its hand, a few more murders and crimes related to Dreamers, and the deal will collapse.
Spain – 70% of the Region’s debt is in Healthcare
The Ministry of Finance prepares monthly reports on the payment to suppliers and commercial debt of autonomous regions. The total commercial debt to the region’s suppliers rose in May to €9.431 million of which €6.609 million (70%) corresponds to the health sector.
See the monthly report here.
That is regional debt not national.
And what you are seeing there is backlog in payments in one particular place, in millions of Euros. We are not talking macroeconomics here.
To get some idea of public spending there is very useful comparative data in the OECD site. It takes some digging.
Euro medical care delivery systems, not just Spains, work well through simplicity, lack of regulation, lack of legal risk, and a high degree of rationing through chintzy reimbursement to providers.
And yet their patients survive, or survive well enough.
"and a high degree of rationing through chintzy reimbursement to providers."
What? Their specialists don't get well past a quarter million a year?
Their hospital execs aren't able to push past that?
And, their ins execs don't get (total compensation) tens of millions a year?
That is a kind of unusually broad statement by you, B. You might back that up yourself to have it taken seriously.
Dig it.
Ah..Jelly rides (brace yourself) capitalize.
Yes indeed. They have a LESS corporatist system than the US, in that but not just in that.
And less regulation in fact.
Did dig.
I dumped a lot of OECD data on comparative PPP medical, social, and ed spending some weeks ago for the US and a lot of Euro and G20 countries.
Not going to redo this every time.
Heed my wisdom when and as it happens.
BTW Buw,
Did ya see this:®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news
I thought it was a sorta interesting way to get non-technical folks to follow assesments from very technically savvy experts.
[BTW, the results sorta backup stuff Doc Mike has said re his favorite Euro system, so that may be a reason to question this NYT piece. Just sayin']
This is no surprise, and why question Dr. Mike?
He is a real expert on this.
Note that what the Euros have is not what the US is going to get with "single payer", as the US systems are incredibly burdened by regulation and state interference.
You really are going to have to kill all your lawyers.
And while youre at it, you all could stand to put in a lot of Euro style education reforms in K-12 and especially universities. The lot of this can be done much cheaper and better.
They are not allowed. The state does not allow. The state cannot offend a right held by the citizens. Try again.
"He is a real expert on this."
Ha. No, he isn't.
Actually, he's a surgeon.
Funny that you didn't know that.
At least in America, there may be a significant differential between cost and payment. What happens to the deficit? Is it real? If yes, is it absorbed, redistributed (nationally, globally), or deferred, temporarily (e.g. decadal a la recession) or permanently?
Universal provision with rationing and underpayment is an easy solution; but, in most circumstances (e.g. other than America and perhaps Europe), is unsustainable.
The news media really pissed me off with this one.
If you watch the video, there is one part where she says something like, "I'm trying to help you Dreamers!" and they scream back, "We're not dreamers! All 11 million! All of us or none of us!"
Yet every news outlet I have seen has called these protesters DACA protesters.
How dumb is the media?!
Yes he is. He isnt just a surgeon, but an ex-medical administrator and he has grad degrees is medical econ. IIRC.
Ask him. He had a bunch of papers on his site.
"Yet every news outlet I have seen has called these protesters DACA protesters."
The staged event was a bunch of DACA folks speaking about the urgency re passing a DACA law. The protesters were protesting the DACA folks because the protesters were anti-DACA. At the same time they were against DACA, the protestors were for ending the existence of the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement Department.
"He had a bunch of papers on his site."
I've read them.
In fact, for a bit I had won some points w/ him because I wrote comments that demonstrated I'd read, comprehended and intelligently sussed out particulars from his writings. I've also done this w/ his verbose Amazon reviews.
This is why I know that he's no expert re things that are not in his wheelhouse.
What you have there in that protest is the inevitable conflict of tribal groups that the left created. This will just escalate. Note the pro-legalization of everyone lot are apoarently Chicano.
Chickens are coming home to roost, or the wind that was sown is bringing forth the whirlwind, etc.
No, I think you missed a good few of his points and raised some irrelevancies IIRC.
It may be worth going over all this again.
As soon as he starts jabbering about the love of the French system you can catastrophically derail him by noting the difference in pay for medical staff (incl. surgeons) re US v France.
And, for the record, I've been pro some aspects of the French system in these threads way before Doc Mike showed up. I've always liked the way that they have subsides for people that are reimbursements rather than behind the scenes direct payments to providers. People who get gov dough need to have skin in the game and feel the expenses that they're racking up, even if they eventually get paid back because they're poor or people of typical incomes.
French doctors also have no med school debts, and have way fewer costs to practice such as insurance and med billing overhead. And the French have better working hours.
Net it out and new US physicians in corporate practice may not be doing better. As Dr. Mike has also pointed out.
But physician pay is not where the US system is more expensive (or is a very minor part). Doctors may not be cheap, but there aren't a lot of them.
Bugging him on this without doing a breakdown of the whole system cost is just that, harassment and adding nothing. It is dirty pool.
Now cons are in favor of socialist surrender monkeys.
Got it.
I am a Euro-style con, being a Euro. With Asian flavor.
So thats just me.
And your crack is also not the done thing old chap.
I was over Taken about twenty minutes in.
"Spain has plenty of debt, but on the whole it is slightly better than the US Fedgov,"
Whatabout consideration on the tiny fraction of GDP Spain is* to the U.S. if you remain so wholly arrogant to ever consider you could ever, or anyone human for this matter, actually have the ability to even consider, sans stupidity, true consideration of the whole?
Have you ever conceived of economic terms on a national scale, as in, international? What I mean is the idea each and every separate, distinct country might think/act/govern according to, ha ancient influences (if that ancientness makes you feel better than you imagine some random American might not know how much they miss that feeling they've never known nor aspired to, that result in, even with similar and especially highly non-common environs, not that feeling?
Economies of scale are what the U.S. has, if I may appropriate economic terms for my terminal use, and HOLY FUCK I JUST DID.
Please continue oblivious to why the United States and Spain are, kinda almost with special hindsight similar enough for you to ignore how stupendously unsimilar, in 2017, they represent themselves as being among the withins of our reality repeatedly confirmable.
No enemies on the left, indeed.
Now cons are in favor of socialist surrender monkeys.
Got it.
I have no idea what this little dispute is about, but sight unseen I would be willing to bet real money that our resident 40 watt bulb doesn't get whatever was said.
Illegal immigrant families received nearly $1.3 billion in Los Angeles County welfare money during 2015 and 2016, nearly one-quarter of the amount spent on the county’s entire needy population
Doing the jobs Americans won't do... You can say the same thing about scabs, BTW.
Fritz said...
They stole it from the natives, fair and square. Pretty brutal about it, too.
What about all the land Genghis Khan and his descendants stole? You never see any Hispanic protests about that.
Well, the Pope gave it to Mexico, so it's theirs fair and square. Too bad for the Indians living there that they didn't have a Pope.
Reading a few of these comments toward the end about the European medical systems and the NYT article makes me think of the fact that anyone in the world who is seeking the best medical care for their condition comes to the U.S. They don't go to England, France, Germany or Switzerland, or even Cuba, but come here. Enough to persuade me. All the rest is crap to diss the U.S.
walter said...
What do you think to your estimation, makes Spain's system work..especially relative to others?
9/18/17, 11:19 PM
The orderlies will steal your morphine.
J. Farmer,
You see elements of the Democratic Party are protesting each other, therefore the Democratic leadership position on amnesty is moderate and their demands are reasonable.
Ah, now perhaps you see the parallels to Iran.
Note there are no active Democratic constituencies saying perhaps we shouldn't have any amnesty or immigration at all, or only a tiny amnesty, perhaps even smaller than DACA. Just like there are no forces in Iran, at least not allowed close to a mic, saying perhaps we shouldn't have any nuclear program at all, or shouldn't be an Islamic dictatorship for that matter. Of course the last time they did that, the Basij stomped on them, with Obama's (and your?) tacit approval.
Hhahahahhahahhahha!! It couldn't happen to a better person!! YOU own them Nancy...Your side made them this way.....It is on YOU!!!
Isn't there something about reaping and sowing somewhere?
Why can't we have a sensible compromise on something like immigration reform?
There: you have your answer. "The other side" will not accept any compromise. There is no reason to trust that they will honor whatever commitments they'll deign to make...these protestors are the ones who best represent the feelings of the Dem. base, and everyone knows it.
Any restriction on immigration is, to them, de facto proof of racism. They'll show some pictures of some cute little immigrant kids with sad eyes, they'll call people who talk about crime and cost racists, and the nice centrist people will say "be reasonable, you stubborn restrictionists! How dare you break up families!" and all the rest. Meanwhile another few million come in.
We had an amnesty in 1986. Since that time we've had, what, another 25M-30M Hispanic immigrants or so? What's the actual case for another amnesty now--that THIS TIME we'll really crack down on "new" people coming here illegally? How pathetic.
This is what democracy looks like
If we don't restrict the vote to citizens and/or if we extend citizenship to anyone who decides they want it (despite breaking laws to get here, etc), then yes, that's EXACTLY what "democracy" looks like. It looks like a mob forcing their way into other's spaces, demanding accommodation, and running things their way despite the official disapproval of the rest of us.
It's a good illustration, really.
pacwest said...Suprisingly enough (to me anyway) I found myself disliking what was going on with the protestors to the same degree I was disturbed by the Republican townhalls. Not that that Pelosi and the Dems didn't plant the seeds that are turning around to bite them in the ass, but my opinion is that people of all stripes should respect the office if not the person. I did that for President Obama, tough as it was. Let them speak
I largely agree, but we have to allow for changes to norms. It was a norm that you weren't supposed to interrupt speakers, even speakers you didn't like. Then it was a norm that it was ok for a large group to interrupt (Code Pink style) and then get hustled off so the speaker could continue. Then it was a norm that you could coordinate as a group to continuously interrupt (as at Trump speeches) so that the act of clearing all of you out would disrupt the speech entirely. THEN it became a norm that if you were "woke" enough you could just rush the stage and grab the microphone for yourself (like the BLM people did to poor ol' Bernie Sanders). NOW it's close to a norm that you can pre-emptively shut down events by threatening (and making good on the threat) massive violence in response to speaker you dislike even being given a speaking slot (as with conservative or right-wing campus speakers).
I, like you, didn't like those changing norms. They changed, though, mostly because at the time they served the purposes of the Left--so the Media portrayed them not as some terrible breach of etiquette that makes civil participation more difficult, but as the brave acts of committed idealists, etc. We live with the consequences of those norms changing, so it's only just that someone like Pelosi should have to deal with them, too.
Two thoughts. First: Pelosi having to eat a shit sammy prepared and served up by one of her party's key constituencies is hilarious. I could watch that clip on a continuous loop for at least an hour. May similar humiliations be visited upon her pal Claire McCaskill in the very near future. Second: Congresswoman Pelosi's mammary glands look awesome in this clip. She clearly has very large breasts, although I'm sure time and gravity have not been kind. Still, I'd probably look at them if they were unholstered and brought out for some fresh air. To quote Rodney Dangerfield in 'Caddyshack": I'll bet she was really something before electricity.
buwaya said...Heed my wisdom when and as it happens.
Good grief. You MUST be European...
"Education is clearly an important issue. It has long been proven that the better educated a person the better the chance of a decent job. Spain, however, has a problem as 42% of university graduates believe they are overqualified for the job they hold, according to a recent report by the Fundación Europea Sociedad y Educación. The number of graduates increased from 2.9 million in 1992 to 9.6 million in 2017, but the number of jobs that require a university degree has risen at a much slower pace.
We are back again with the economic model: degrees are generally not needed to work in the construction and tourism industries and other sectors are not generating many jobs (banking and engineering, for example).
Part of the problem also lies with the conservatism of Spain’s universities and employers, according to Samuel Martín-Barbero, rector of the Camilo José Cela University, in an article published last month in the Times Higher Education.
‘Future-oriented degrees incorporating different disciplines may be common in the US and the UK, but they have no place in the Spanish sector, where most learning takes place in academic departments entirely disconnected from each other. Hidebound, siloed thinking is endemic in the Spanish academy. Innovation is extremely rare’, wrote Martín-Barbero. ‘If Spanish higher education is still reluctant to embrace interdisciplinarity, it is at least partly because Spanish employers continue to defend the preconceived idea that sciences and the arts are stand-alone areas of knowledge with nothing useful to say to each other’.
Relatively few graduates in Spain seek jobs outside the fields they majored in. For instance, only about 5% of humanities graduates in Spain go on to work in the corporate sector, compared with 37% in the US, according to the Everis Foundation. YouTube chief executive Susan Wojciki studied history and literature –such a background would be virtually unthinkable for a Spanish executive–.
Spain’s multinational companies, the most dynamic part of the economy, are beginning to be a case apart as they are starting to demand a different type of multilingual, multidisciplinary graduate.
Spain has made significant strides in reducing the unemployment rate but it will continue to be an albatross for governments."
Just an illustration of what buway said. The state of Illinois has unpaid bills to the tune of 16 BILLION. This is just the unpaid balance from vendors. This does not include the outstanding balances on pensions and Medicaid. Nothing is free.
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