September 15, 2017

"I believe in only 2 things completely: the First Amendment and boobs."

That's Clay Travis, a Fox Sports radio host, and CNN’s Brooke Baldwin, whose outrage unfolds slowly (with backup from former ESPN Senior Editor Keith Reed).

Travis did not just blurt that out. He seems as though he was absolutely prepared to say that and he repeats it, even as Baldwin carefully works her way to a slight simmer and ends the interview.

In the video, we join the conversation in progress. Reading here (at EW), I think they were talking about Jemele Hill (the ESPN reporter who tweeted that Trump and his supporters are “white supremacists”) and that Travis was on the show to opine that ESPN has become “leftist.”


mockturtle said...

He said 'booze', not 'boobs'.

tcrosse said...

Boobs. Seeing is believing.

rehajm said...

Well, I believe in the soul... the cock...the pussy... the small of a woman's back... the hangin' curveball... high fiber... good scotch... that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent overrated crap... I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe there ought to be a Constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve, and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days.

-Crash Davis

WisRich said...

the First Amendment and Boobs are as American as Apple Pie.

rehajm said...

More revealing than they realize.

Sebastian said...

Expert trolling.

The proper questions on this blog would be what exactly it means to "believe" in boobs [or booze, if you absolutely prefer], whether one can believe in boobs the same way as in the First Amendment, and how we can possibly believe that people believe what they say they believe.

William said...

He does make the point, perhaps inadvertently, that the first amendment is selectively championed.

gspencer said...

Travis responded: "Boobs. Two things that have only never let me down in this entire country's history: the First Amendment and boobs."

Isn't that three things?

Pinandpuller said...

Boobs are in my top ten least favorite names for women's anatomy.

Tank said...

The conversation could have been about one of two things: what Derbyshire calls "blackety, blackety, black, black" or boobs.

I'm going for boobs. Who doesn't love boobs? Who isn't sick to death of "blackety, blackety, black, black"?

Also, could be a couple of kinds of boobs, including Jamelle herself.

Laslo Spatula said...

Brooke Baldwin had her Jemele Hill talking points ready and she didn't get to use them.


I am Laslo.

Owen said...

Sebastian: Lots of layers of belief there. Some of them foundational, some just teasing. Cupping the reality, as it were.

William said...

It is more disreputable to like boobs than to think Donald Trump is a white supremacist. Also, it gets you thrown off the air quicker.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

He's right you know.

Tank said...

Seems like we haven't had the breasts tag in awhile.


Kevin said...

The first amendment allows him to say he believes in boobs, as they have never let him down.

The other guy and the woman don't seem to believe in boobs at all. They are perplexed and then outraged that he would say such a thing.

Perhaps they should elaborate on specific instances when boobs have let each of them down.

rcocean said...
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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Only evil right wingers believe in free speech and booze.

rcocean said...

Aren't we all in favor of Boobs? We were all raised on boobs. Some of us became Boobs. Some of us are still Boobs.

Like the NewsGal. A complete Boob. Part of the American Boobgeoisie. Obviously reacted to the "boob and 1st amendment comment" because her producer told her to.

n.n said...

This so deserves a Slut Walk, where females... I mean, female gendered are free to bare their real and manufactured boobs and pussy... hats, too.

Kevin said...

Note that she takes pains to clarify he didn't say "booze".

Had he said booze, no one would have blinked an eye.

They would have just finished the segment and gone to a booze commercial.

rcocean said...

Boobs were like mother's milk to me.

I'm 100% in favor of boobs.

Kevin said...

Booze is paying for that microphone, not boobs.

Tank said...

I'd love to have been a fly on the wall of Reed's head while that was going on. You know he was thinking, "Damn, I love me some boobs too!"

rcocean said...

Isn't "Booze", so 1950s? Its like something Dean Martin would say to Steve Allen.

The Godfather said...

Sheesh! Why is this even an issue? He's got a right to his personal opinion that he believes in the First Amendment.

Chuck said...

Yeah, there's a great argument against Jamelle Hill and Clay Travis booted it ("booted" with a "t") with the shock-jock thing about boobs.

I agree with Ann Althouse; it was planned, and Clay Travis has been doing stuff like that, as a business model, for a while.

It's a pity, because Jamelle Hill deserves a good rhetorical beatdown. She has her own baggage just like Clay Travis; she was suspended by ESPN for a "Hitler" reference, criticized for comparing Kentucky coach John Calipari to Charles Manson(?!), for suggesting to Green Bay Packer fans that they give Bret Favre "the Duracell treatment" (that is, throwing batteries at him on the field), and for noting in a column about using "the race card" that she had it in her back pocket, and might play it later.

Jamelle Hill would really distinguish herself, if somehow she made Donald Trump out to be a victim of an unfair Twitter-attack. I didn't think it possible. But she's well on her way.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Oh, the outrage! How shocking! Big fucking deal.

Laslo Spatula said...

Brooke Baldwin Inner Monologue...

Did he say boobs?

He said boobs.


It always comes down to sexism.

A good-looking female journalist makes it on her own to the network and everyone thinks it's just because of her being pretty, or her boobs, or her sleeping with Someone Important.

Now everyone is looking at me for a reaction.

What am I going to say about boobs?

I wasn't hired for my boobs.

No, I wasn't.

If I come off angry I'll be seen as a shrill man-hating prude.

If I act like it's a good-natured joke I will be raked by Social Media.

Keep steady. Keep steady. Keep the thoughts on the Inside.

Boobs. He fucking said boobs.

Yes: do a slow burn.

Steady: don't overdo it.

I am a career woman. I am a career woman. I am a career woman.

Good, good: Keith is talking.

Bring up the 'incredulous' look, but -- slow, slow.

I am Incredulous.

I am an Incredulous Career Woman.

I did not get hired because of my sex.

I did not get hired because of my sex.

I thought we were going to be talking about Trump and white supremacists.

Indignation: that's it.

I am Indignant.

I am Indignant, and Clay is a White Supremacist.


Yes: disdain.

Show everyone the Disdain...

I am Laslo.

Chuck said...

gspencer said...
Travis responded: "Boobs. Two things that have only never let me down in this entire country's history: the First Amendment and boobs."

Isn't that three things?

Like Martinis; one's not enough and three's too many.

Narayanan said...

Boobs as in booboisie ... Mencken?
= Deplorable??!!

Ralph L said...

The First Amendment doesn't apply to ESPN, but someone should count the number of (female) boobs they put on the air. Diversity requires they have more.

rcocean said...

Of course it was planned.

EPSN doesn't just deserve a "Beat down" they deserve to be destroyed.

Cut the cord. And tell your cable company, you're doing it because of ESPN.

And then write your congressman and demand Cable Companies provide a la carte pricing of channels.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Poor CNn - so outraged. Where's corrupt Hillary. Group hug!

Otto said...

Well at least we know he is a centrist, he didn't favor the left or right breast.

wbfjrr2 said...

Funniest set of comments in forever! LOL several times, thanks gang!

n.n said...

I believe in two things: boobs and babies go together like nature and conception, like nurture and life

Also, that CNN may be hosted by one or more boobs.

boob (n.) - "stupid person," 1909, American English slang, perhaps a shortening of booby. For the "woman's breast" sense, see boobs. Mencken seems to have coined booboisie (1922).

traditionalguy said...

Is that an attack on gay men? I am confused.

But he works for Roger Ailes network. So he is one of Roger's guys. And that means it was his way of complementing women.

Drago said...

Lefty media types take time out from praising p**** hats and vagina outfits to complain about "boobs".


PB said...

He's being honest yet CNN would have him say something they consider more appropriate. This is the core of the problem.

mccullough said...

Apparently CNN's producers didn't know Travis. This is something he's said before. Actually, the producers probably did know about it but said nothing to Baldwin. They probably don't like her and thought it would make for good TV.

n.n said...

boob (n.) - "stupid person," 1909, American English slang, perhaps a shortening of booby. For the "woman's breast" sense, see boobs. Mencken seems to have coined booboisie (1922).

He's clearly criticizing the liberal and progressive exploitation of the First Amendment by the wrong people. The liberals and progressives, progressives liberals, are cutting their own throat as they yell fire... him in a crowded studio.

Sebastian said...

A testable generalized corollary to the Travis Axiom is that the boobier the women's sport, the higher the male audience it garners. Of course, researchers would have to control for a number of variables.

Larvell said...

Isn't that three things?

AlbertAnonymous said...

He says that all the time on the radio. Does anyone believe CNN (or at least the producer) didn't know that? Maybe the host didn't know, but then that means her producer set her up.

And thank God, because the response the other guest started to give was all the usual drivel about how hard it is for Jamelle to be a woman sportscaster, and black, and blah de blah blah... Ugh!

By the way, Clay tweeted that CNN has already asked him to be on air on Monday.

Bill said...

Song for this post:

Bounce Your Boobies

Birches said...

Trollers gotta troll.

Brooke Baldwin is one of the worst people at CNN. She's like a female version of Zoolander. Blue Steele, journalism style.

n.n said...

Isn't that three things?

It should be: First, Amendment, and Second, boobs, where the right of the people... strike that, the right of women to keep and bare Boobs, shall not be infringed... and, amended to: if the mood should strike them, their pussy... hats, too.

It's code. He's calling for a Slut Walk.

rcocean said...

"He says that all the time on the radio."

Not surprised. He's a sportscaster/talk show host. This is the kind of thing Sports talkshow hosts say. 16 y/o kids love it.

rcocean said...

If you're going fire Curt Schilling you gotta fire Jamelle.

But that's only if you have any intellectual honesty and decency.

If you're left-wing ESPN you fire the Conservative and let the Leftist off with a stern "warning".

Narayanan said...

He is affirming his belief that boobs with boobs or without also have 1A rights.

Otto said...

Cmon you girl readers and Ann. Don't let these male commentator misogynist pigs have a field day.

Paco Wové said...

Song for this post:

And lest we forget:
I.L.B.T., Joe Walsh

Tom_Ohio said...

I am just hoping that you put the bazooms tag on this post, that's all i am askin' for.
And its a good post in it's own right also.

Bob Loblaw said...

Lefty media types take time out from praising p**** hats and vagina outfits to complain about "boobs".

Yep. That's about the size of it. Every last bit of the outrage is affected.

Etienne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tcrosse said...

The Seventies Called. They want their boobs back.

Boobs A Lot

David said...

I hope he also believes in lawyers. He is going to be seeing some quite likely. And not the first amendment type.

FullMoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bill said...

Clay Travis got to stir the pot, Brooke Baldwin got to play the victim, and Keith Reed got to signal his virtue.


n.n said...

After the not so easily obscured glares from fellow activists elicited at the last Slut Walk, I'm just surprised that there isn't a call to regulate high capacity boobs.

pacwest said...

"Well at least we know he is a centrist, he didn't favor the left or right breast."

That would make him a cleavage fancier. Eyes UP! Men are such pigs.

traditionalguy said...

At least he did not augment his comment with tit jokes.

But we should still fire him for conduct unbecoming a prudish mammal.

Paul Snively said...

Having lived in Los Angeles for 23 years, I no longer believe in boobs completely.

Gahrie said...

My personal sex robot is going to have boobs that dispense booze.

robinintn said...

He is a lawyer. Quite a good one. He's also the only sports talk host who is at all interesting to nonsports types.

Comanche Voter said...

Boobs? Was he talking about those morons that run ESPN--and are running it into the ground with their PC nonsense?

And hat tip to Laslo. I knew you couldn't resist a scene like Ms. Baldwin and Mr. Travis.

n.n said...

Having lived in Los Angeles for 23 years, I no longer believe in boobs completely.

La la land is infamous for anthropogenic augmented reality, sometimes catastrophic.

n.n said...

At least he did not augment his comment with tit jokes.

Tit for tat is endemic to the industry and is literally and figuratively a running joke. However, they have evolved to bare a close-held assembly of [talking] boobs, thus the conception of the echo chamber became viable and was born.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's to the point now that saying you are all for free speech gets you branded a nazi by the left.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

The same channel that introduced the country to the term "tea baggers" is now reaching for its' smelling salts because a guy said "boobs." "Boobs" did not even make Carlin's 1972 list of "7 words you can't say on TV," but this CNN idiot has to spell the word out because, God knows, women never ever refer to breasts as boobs.

I never heard of this Travis guy before, but apparently that's sort of a signature line of his. An adult would roll her eyes a bit and go on to talk about the First Amendment, but she and her black White Night had to feign OUTRAGE! over a mild vulgarity. It is funny to think of the black dude getting shit at the barbershop. "Bro, you don't like boobs?"

Give me a break.

CNN loves boobs. Their network is full of them.

Chuck said...

robinintn said...
He is a lawyer. Quite a good one. He's also the only sports talk host who is at all interesting to nonsports types.

Wait just a minute; Clay Travis went to law school. Vanderbilt; a good law school. You got that much right. But he practiced for all of two years, blogging on the side for most of those two years. And then he quit the practice of law to become a sportswriter.

What exactly makes you think that he is "quite a good one" as a lawyer?

Mr. Groovington said...

Blogger Pinandpuller said...
Boobs are in my top ten least favorite names for women's anatomy.
But sometimes it's the only word, like in conjunction with 'motorboat'.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

David said:
"I hope he also believes in lawyers. He is going to be seeing some quite likely. And not the first amendment type."

Saying boobs on TV is against the law?

Saying "cock holster" on TV didn't seem to hurt Steven Colbert any.

David Begley said...

The new star of Fox Sports One.

FS1 carries Big East basketball. Creighton is in the BE. Love it!

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Also, notice Travis was speaking of boobs in general not referring to any particular set. The black Virtue Signaler pretends he was referring specifically to the ESPN idiot's boobs, so he can get all huffy and outraged about "sexism."

Jeez, SNL, the Left serves up material like this all the time, and you ignore it. Which is why you haven't been funny in a very long time.

Mr. Groovington said...

Just struck me this is remarkably like Tucker's interview with Dom Tullipso.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That guy's comment was just awesome.

Her reaction was totally clueless.

American women are dumber than a bag of rocks.

deepelemblues said...

Meanwhile the ladies of The Talk and The View banter about sex at least three times a week, playfully teasing each other while they and their audiences howl with laughter.

Also on national television.

Haven't heard anyone complain about them...

What it really is is that cis hetero males especially white cis hetero males must watch their tongues because they are responsible for all the evils of the world. Saying you like boobs on national cable TV while a white cis hetero male is pretty much rape.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

This Clay Travis guy, whoever he is, is my new hero. Love how he just kept talking, seriously too, about whatever topic that followed. This sour-puss CNN host couldn't wipe the onion-eating face off her phony smile. It's like she couldn't get over a reference to a completely natural, even mundane male/human interest. For minutes straight. Just get over yourselves. I'm glad he showed that she was the one with a problem, not him. He continued to cogently address any topic or angle that came up without any issue. Maybe she should learn to like her own boobs more, then maybe she wouldn't have such a stupid hang-up. Oh where are the 1970s when you need them? I remember that book, Our Bodies, Our Selves. Today's women are fucking morons. Maybe if they hated their own bodies less then they'd be more interested in the rest of the world, too.

FUcking inane.

wildswan said...

Maybe a Milo, a deliberate challenge. OK to be ugly about the President; not OK to be vulgar in a way that happens on TV all the time. Dissonance shown up. Maybe an ad for Travis's show? Or maybe an attack on ESPN. I hardly ever watch it but I would now switch away at once even if they were the only ones with a Packer highlight. No more drifting into watching any of their shows.

Chris N said...

At least he didn't say 'ta-tas'

That would be demeaning.

Earnest Prole said...

As we've previously discussed, boobs are yummy no matter what your age or sex.

lgv said...

She is black. She is female. She is not going to be fired. There, I said it.

She will, however, be reassigned since her ratings suck.

Jeff Weimer said...

@rehajm - that was really a fantastic movie, no matter what you think of the politics (now) of some of the performers.

Oh, I wish they would have just let those opinions be merely guessed at.

Mr. Groovington said...

Blogger Earnest Prole said...
As we've previously discussed, boobs are yummy no matter what your age or sex.
Transboobs don't light me on fire, if I can be forgiven a simple preference.

Rabel said...

Come on people. Eighty-seven comments in and nobody has done the necessary work.

Brooke has talking points of her own. Sittin' way up high.

Well, they used to.

T J Sawyer said...

Since topless dancing has traditionally been protected as a free speech right, Travis' comment makes perfect sense.

Ken B said...

It's funny but it's revealing. She was completely derailed. And she couldn't muster the presence of mind to discuss the actual topic, or to see the point he was making. So she went into "I'm affronted" mode. The over paid underworked rich white girl TV host victim. Laslo nailed it in his inner monologue comment.

Mr. Groovington said...

Blogger Rabel said...
Come on people. Eighty-seven comments in and nobody has done the necessary work.
A motorboat waiting to happen.

Bruce Hayden said...

Never really been a boob guy. Been with a couple women who were overendowed - age and gravity were not their friends. The fake ones are just as bad - I can't get over the vision of big hard pillows separating us from getting close and personal. My preference, if I have one, is legs, long legs going up to you know where. But saying "legs" just doesn't have the shock value of saying "boobs".

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

She is black. She is female. She is not going to be fired. There, I said it.

It's true. HR departments care ONLY about identity politics. There is basically no other recourse in the courts/law for going after your employer. NONE. You could get assaulted at work and HR will get you fired if it's too much of a hassle to determine who did what first.

Identity politics are the only determinative factor in losing employment from a legal standpoint. Go on and call up any employment lawyer. They will all tell/ask you the same thing. Are you of an "aggrieved" minority? Yes? AWESOME! No? Then go away you have no recourse for anything.

buwaya said...

"HR departments care ONLY about identity politics. "

Well, unions. HR cares about unions. Get one if you haven't got one.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The "reporter" said that she was "yanking"... and then couldn't figure out what she was going to yank.

This guy is a fucking hero. Straight-up. That's breaking barriers, right there.

Hillary Clinton couldn't even get women to vote for her. But this guy is a total male, and not a meathead jerk-off either, and breaks the American taboo of simply saying, "I like sex."

The reporter should be fired for irrelevance. If male sexuality offends her then she should say no male guests who have not been castrated and see how many interviews she gets.

I'm tired of this shit. People wonder why Americans aren't honest about anything and need to vote for Trump. Because there's too much taboo about bullshit that doesn't even matter at all. Feelings feelings feelings. She's offended. Fuck her feelings. He feels like he likes boobs. Feelings. I guess her feelings don't trump his. Oh no.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well, unions. HR cares about unions. Get one if you haven't got one.

Union membership is at an all-time low thanks to the conservatives but thanks for the typical irrelevance.

Lawyers and lawsuits OTOH are always in style.

Go call up one of those employment lawyers. Tell them that a black woman co-worker assaulted you and you got in trouble for it.

They will ask you your race and sex and as soon as you say "white male" they will explain why you have ten minutes before they hang up and never talk to you again.

This is a basic reality.

Browndog said...

David said...

I hope he also believes in lawyers. He is going to be seeing some quite likely. And not the first amendment type.

He is a lawyer.

Rabel said...

Ritmo took the Red Pill today.

traditionalguy said...

When Dolly Partain fainted once, they carried her off the stage two abreast.

buwaya said...

"but thanks for the typical irrelevance."

Not irrelevant, applies quite well. If you are going to have cultural war in the workplace, then this is a natural conservative reaction, re-purposing a former enemy. Tribal politics can make strange bedfellows.

If you like unions, then this is an effective approach to sell them to conservatives.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I take the red pill every day on gender and identity politics. It didn't take me long into college and then the work world to realize that American women hate their bodies and will take that out on American men and that the employers seem to think that protecting this sentiment/behavior is one of their most important missions.

I may not be a conservative but FFS I was never raised to hate my own body (whichever part of it) and was not raised to assume that all women should hate theirs either. These were things I had to learn once leaving the house. And it was all downhill from there.

The only women I date are either not from America or are closet freaks - (the good kind). But then sometimes even the freaks aren't also open about all the other things. But not hating yourself sexually is a good start.

pacwest said...

"I can't get over the vision of big hard pillows separating us from getting close and personal."

More than a mouthful is wasted.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

As long as we're going to talk about size the fact of the matter is that C cup is basically the best. And it comes down to shape more than size. Teardrop is the best shape. But luckily C cup usually falls into a teardrop pattern as long as the owner is in good shape.

And then even more importantly than shape and size are the areolae. I could get more into that but I'm a gentleman and more women haven't spoken up. Come on conservative women! Are you going to stand up for 1st amendment protections and not hating male/female sexuality or what?

How many women's magazines talk about this shit all the time? Too many. It's all they talk about. Maybe American women just get too much of this talk from their magazines and then are too worn out to hear about any of it from the very taboo perspective of MALE SEXUALITY! SCARY!

Owen said...

Ken B: agree, Laslo nailed it (as usual). The pacing. The painfully slow evolution. Of a thought. A self-protective thought. Like swimming toward the surface after a big surf breaks over you. Yes, that way. Light. Air. Angry white girl with prominent chest surfaces and gives her Opinion.

Really a fun and instructive moment in our media-framed reality. I wish Travis all the best.

PB said...

Why was the news babe offended by the use of the word boobs? Wasn't she wearing a low-cut blouse, the sole purpose of which is to draw attention to and emphasize her boobs?

Democrats do not carry the gene for irony or self-awareness it seems.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Also, notice Travis was speaking of boobs in general not referring to any particular set. The black Virtue Signaler pretends he was referring specifically to the ESPN idiot's boobs, so he can get all huffy and outraged about "sexism."

Any american woman figures that if you talk about sex in front of her you must be talking ABOUT her because she is just that entitled and thinks her sexuality pervades into the space around her by about ten feet at least. So a generic sexual reference is inherently offensive to her. Any man that talks about sex in front of her that is not dating her is presumed predatory in some low-level creepy sense.

Kinsey probably would have figured this shit out.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Goodness, Ritmo is making sense in this thread.

Speaking of tatas,I saw this clip posted over at ace. It's goofy but I laughed all the way through it, because I had my own quick growth spurt and well remember these sorts of reactions from boys. My reaction at the time was "These boys are so silly!" :

Alex said...

So? Last I recall a straight white dude liking boobies doesn't go around murdering people in the name of Allah.

Alex said...

Ritmo... even a broken clock is right 2x a year.

He sees the brilliance by conservatives here. Get lib snowflakes all flustered with pussy grabbing and boobie comments, while Drumpf accrues his Hitlerian power!

Owen said...

Toothless Revolutionary: "...and thinks her sexuality pervades into the space around her by about ten feet at least..." Quite so. This is an area of active research, to map the sexual field around American women. The US Geodetis Survey has established baselines and benchmark readings in Boob units (BU's). Typical contour lines are 100 BU's at 10 feet on a full frontal projection, dropping to 10
BU's at 50 feet and 0 BU's at 100 feet (less for myopic observers).

We encourage everyone to collect and report relevant data.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

It is literally and figuratively boob bait for.... babies. said...

Clay said ESPN invited him back. They said that was totally untrue and claimed to be offended by his remarks. Clay said he has the voicemail to back up his claim.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
n.n said...

Boob bait for babies and grown men, too. We are so immature forevermore. God, Nature has our number.

n.n said...

Democrats do not carry the gene for irony or self-awareness it seems.

They're blinded while looking for an angle.

Wasn't she wearing a low-cut blouse, the sole purpose of which is to draw attention to and emphasize her boobs?

That would do it.

Otto said...

Boys you have to look at this picture of Balwin
Nothing else has to be said.

rhhardin said...

Not a good zinger though one can appreciate the effort. Expand, don't repeat.

Say that's how she got her job, and pretending to be offended is part of the feminist act.

Someday women will be on the air honestly instead of as make-believe men.

Pinandpuller said...

sodal ye

Like peas and carrots and bodacious and ta-ta's?

Pinandpuller said...


I always envisioned another Bob Seger song lyrics as,"They do respect her butt-they love to watch her strut."

David Baker said...

It took her long enough to get worked up, long enough to run out the segment.

Pinandpuller said...


You are really breaking down game footage from The Lingerie Bowl there. Are you an offensive or defensive coordinator?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

"Come on conservative women! Are you going to stand up for 1st amendment protections and not hating male/female sexuality or what?"

Well, I think I've made it pretty clear I think that CNN woman is ridiculous, especially when she spelled out B-O-O-B. She made me think of a prudish old lady spelling out H-E- Double matchsticks.

But it's been pretty apparent for a while that a sizable segment of the feminist left (and their self-hating male White Knights) simply hates "toxic masculinity" especially heterosexuality expressed by white males. When they talk about "rape culture" on campus, it's not minority men they are talking about. Rolling Stone searched until they found what they thought were the perfect villains - white frat boys. White male heterosexuality is somehow uniquely predatory and oppressive because everything white heterosexual males do and are is uniquely predatory and oppressive.

I don't know a single conservative woman who would freak out at the word boob, Ritmo. Yes, SoCons in the 90's could be a bit absurd (the whole stupid gay Teletubbie business) but nowadays, the sour-faced prisses are on your side of the political spectrum. And I wouldn't make over-generalizations about "American women" either. Perhaps you do because most of the women you know are probably liberal Third Wave feminists.

I'm also all in favor of the 1st Amendment. The barbarians rioting to prevent a gay British conservative and an Orthodox Jewish conservative from polluting the pure air of Berkeley with their words don't seem too keen on it though.

Luke Lea said...

"What, you don't like boobs?" That made me laugh.

Mr. Majestyk said...

"Boobs" on national television? My ears are bleeding!

Unknown said...

But does Brooke support the First Admendment or boobs?

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Unknown said...
But does Brooke support the First Admendment or boobs?

9/15/17, 10:06 PM

I support the 1st Amendment but not boobs. That's what bras are for.

MikeD said...

Davis says that phrase all of the time on his (trigger alert) Fox radio show.

gramps said...

Not outraged with this ongoing chant of nipples or Lemons dripunk act..

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And I wouldn't make over-generalizations about "American women" either. Perhaps you do because most of the women you know are probably liberal Third Wave feminists.

Because you don't need to know who votes how before they take you to HR. But I do know for a fact that the only one I've personally observed doing this IRL to multiple people IS a total right-winger. Maybe that's anecdotal. Maybe the left-wing bitches get it out of their system in college. Who knows. All that matters is that the top rungs of the grievance olympics hierarchy need to be presumed out to get you until proven otherwise. And trust me, you don't want to have to let it get to the "proven otherwise" stage, anyway.

David Begley said...

Nice work Rabel.

Jason said...

Also CNN: "It's hard to talk when you're teabagging."

chickelit said...

I'm hoping that ESPN's ratings suicide will keep dragging down the owner's share price to the point where Disney steps in and fires a whole bunch of ESPN suits. I love the feeling of Schadenfreude.

chickelit said...

Did Althouse blog the slow motion suicide of Vanity Fair? Graydon Carter recently resigned -- ostensibly for good reasons, but really because he doesn't want to preside over looming massive layoffs-- caused (in part) by his unique Trump Derangement Syndrome and consequent readership plunges.

I love this sort of Schumpeterian creative destruction. Please bring on more of it!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

There goes little chickensh*t. Forever glomming off of petty socio-political squabbles in which he impotently lacks the wherewithal for any involvement - let alone a real personal stake - simply for the sense of vengeance he can project through them. I once thought he was just another Christian-in-Name-Only. But now I realize he's an obsessive practitioner of voodoo. Sticking needles into avatars and asking for the pain to flow. Dave Mustaine said he believed the devil was real because hexes and curses he'd cast had come true. Perhaps chickenspit is a Satanist. I really never before witnessed this much desire for cruelty and pain. Wagner must have been his musical soulmate. I'd pity how small his life and existence is, if it weren't so obvious how much more effort he'd only put into carrying out his strong, inherent sadism with whatever power for doing so he would actually accrue.

What a sad boy. I must imagine it's similar to parenting a five-year old with a conduct disorder that the mom and dad can only hope doesn't blossom into a full-fledged sociopathy by adulthood.

chickelit said...

Here is Otto's comment "hot linked"

walter said...

Fake Bewbz!

chickelit said...

walter said...Fake Bewbz!

If you're right, it would explain Baldwin's reaction as pure jealousy.

walter said...

Belief in Bewbz is odd considering silicone, saline..gauze tape..

walter said...

But as my lesbian band-mates of yore (earlier post) would have likely opined "she is shitting cosmetics"...and hair treatments..are these Fab, Titus?
Cis-hetero white male fucks need to know..

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Dave Burge (Iowahawk) gives a summary of Clay Travis vs. CNN:

walter said...

Yes..invoking Margaret Dumont is a potent, highly resonant pushback against the contemporary Left. Will really change minds..put things in context.

Rusty said...

""I believe in only 2 things completely: the First Amendment and boobs.""

Pretty much covers it.

Breezy said...

Her reaction was so slow I wonder if producers saw it as a way to get clicks and told her to act affronted and double down by spelling it out...

Possible viewers are being played?

stevew said...

She actually spells the word "boobs" rather than say it, just as one would the n-word? Seriously, that is some basic quality manufactured outrage.


David Begley said...

Besides being complete overpaid phonies, the thing I resent most about CNN is they still try to project neutrality and objectivity when, in fact, they are liberal partisans in every way.

curt replies said...

For the benefit of other who are interested to know a bit about Clay, I thought I'd comment here with what I know. Started on local radio in Nashville with a mid-day show called Three Hour Lunch (3HL). It seems he later went to afternoons. I know he got his law degree at Vanderbilt. (FWIW, he had a very eloquent discussion once about how interesting his Tax Law class was -- and it was taught by current VU Athletic Director David Williams.) I believe he grew up a Vols fan.

He used the phrase "Out Kick the Coverage" as a description of a guy who married or dated up. (I.e., someone much more attractive that the guy.) That's where the title of his site came from. I think he had a section of the site dedicated to pictures guys had submitted. This idea of out kicking your coverage is essentially a self-deprecating comment and present PSU FB coach got into some feminist hot water over this, FWIW. In a discussion on Clay's show, JF said he only hired assistant coaches who had attractive wives because it showed what good recruiters/salesmen they were. It was meant to be a joke about how all of us ugly FB coaches all married such pretty women, but of course that got turned around to make political point and get publicity. FWIW, not really a JF fan, but he got wrongly smeared on this.

For a while on his site he has been discussing the decline of ESPN for various reasons. I'm not a true follower, but I know who he is, so I have followed links to his stories, even so I don't really know for how long he has been mentioning them. My earliest recollections is that he's discussed why their business model can't hold up between what ESPN's contracts are for sporting event (e.g., poor value for MNF) and the continual decline in cable TV viewers.

Anyhow, Friday morning, I happened to catch Clay's morning show, and he was in a discussion about Jemele Hill and how ESPN had set a precedent with their decision to fire on Curt Schilling regarding Twitter remarks about NC transgender bathroom policies. Essentially, ESPN decision makers are hypocrites, he says because they agree with Hill and not with Schilling.

Now, I didn't watch the CNN clip, but I can say that on Friday morning's show, Clay said, "Like I've always said. I'm an absolutist about two things: the First Amendment and boobs." So -- whether it was planned -- likely so, but I don't think it was exclusively planned for that moment. It's part of his schtick, so he used it for that reason, I'd guess. Because I don't often listen to Clay, I don't know if he's said that before Friday morning or not, but he spoke as if he had, and I have no reason to dispute that.

I infrequently listen to Clay. (I have only a 10 minute drive to work, and I flip the radio dial to find "no commercial", and 1510 (with the exception of Clay) is a political talk show format station in Nashville. I know 1510 carries RL and SH. I don't know about now, but they used to carry Michael Berry, Glenn Beck and even Art Bell and Michael Savage. I think they carry Clay and Dave Ramsey (personal finance) due to them being Nashville residents.

Paco Wové said...

A big part of being in Clownworld is pretending that it's not really Clownworld. But when someone points out it really is Clownworld, the clowns (being clowns) just can't even.

rhhardin said...

Boobs is one thing but if you want pussy, stay away from newsbabes.

Gahrie said...

She actually spells the word "boobs" rather than say it, just as one would the n-word?

I absolutely hate the phrase "N word". Every other rap song out there is talking about nigga this and nigga that, but watch the outrage if you use the word nigger in a discussion about language. Seriously? Adults can't figure out the difference between using the word as an insult and using the word in an academic discussion?

Bad Lieutenant said...

Unknown said...
She actually spells the word "boobs" rather than say it, just as one would the n-word? Seriously, that is some basic quality manufactured outrage.

9/16/17, 6:22 AM

Clay should have turned to her with a smile and said I bet you're not as stuck up as this in real life, right? And winked.

Charlie said...

The b word.

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