September 10, 2017

Hillary Clinton is sorry she gave Donald Trump "a political gift of any kind," but she doesn't think her "basket of deplorables" idea "was determinative."

Hillary Clinton skipped along — “CBS Sunday Morning" today (reported in HuffPo) — with what I call her basket of nondeterminatives.

Illustration by Arthur Rackham (from 1908).


Sebastian said...

Could you at least have added a trigger warning?

However apt, the image of sexual assault was deplorable.

Yancey Ward said...

Lol. Clinton was was like Santa Claus to Trump.

Mary Beth said...

Not only does the buck not stop with Hillary, she refuses to confirm or deny that it exists.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

Democrats ran the only candidate who couldn't beat Trump. Hillary knows her election drubbing isn't her fault in any way. Hillary knows she is an innocent victim. Narcissistic sociopath.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Imagine Hillary Clinton as President in charge of things during these two latest hurricanes. Harvey and Irma. Then imagine her in charge when the next ones make landfall.

Hillary in charge of anything? How smooth would things be running? Whose fault would it be?

Once again....I thank God that Hillary lost.

Oso Negro said...

Of the major party nominees in the last 50 years, who is clearly more corrupt than Hillary Clinton?

Jaq said...

That's because she is deaf as a post when it comes to people who don't think exactly like her. In that way, she is a liberal through and through.

Jaq said...

Under her breath she probably said "The deplorables weren't going to vote for me anyway." Except that the same people who call plain old Trump supporters Nazis are the ones who decide who gets smeared with what insults, and us deplorables know that.

Bill Peschel said...

The deplorables remark about one-quarter of the voting solidified in one word to people who were not Trump supporters her political tone-deafness and her attitude towards dissenting opinion.

By itself, it wasn't the reason she lost. But she delivered so many reasons.

If you're concerned about having a healthy president, her collapse caught on video made you think.

If you're concerned about her effectiveness in office, you'd find that her supporters couldn't come up with any accomplishments in the Senate, and as Sec of State all she had was destroying Libya, getting our ambassador killed, and lying about a little-seen video.

If you listened to her talk, you were repelled by her lack of substance (it seemed like the more she spoke, the more her polls declined).

If you disliked political dynasties ...

If you needed one reason to dislike her, she provided dozens to pick from.

Jaq said...

What she doesn't understand is that it is a badge of honor to be deplored by HRC.

Michael K said...

Hillary needs a guest membership in AA (not Althouse) where she would be forced to admit she lost and it was her own fault.

Alcoholic thinking, and I have had experience with alcoholics in the family, requires never admitting that things are your own fault.

Jaq said...

You have to hand it to her though, she got things done, the farce who launched a thousand refugee ships. She managed to destabilize Europe to the point of Brexit. She armed on side in a civil war so that the war would drag on. She advocated for, and took credit for overthrowing another leader of a country with which we were not at war.

But Democrats consider it a valid argument, on the order of swell foop, to reject anything that comes from the right. Therefore Democrats were deaf to her faults. They are just starting to wake up to the Hillary we detested.

Unknown said...

To quote the sage wisdom of Mötley Crüe:

Girl, don't go away mad
Girl, just go away

Jaq said...

The Democrats need to admit that it is their fault that she was nominated and therefore Trump is there president.

LYNNDH said...

I proudly wear my "Deplorable" tee shirt.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Some of Althouse's posts are pure chum. This fish likes chum but I'd rather have a tasty minnow.

I don't do piscine analogies very well. Or is it a metaphor? Shit....

JMW Turner said...

What an unreflective tool.

Bob Boyd said...

Hillary's right, it wasn't determinative.
It was typical.

gbarto said...

I heard some of the interview on the radio this morning. I cannot imagine Nixon, Carter, Reagan, either Bush, or Bill Clinton giving an interview that showed so little self-awareness. It sounded more like an actress explaining why her film was misunderstood on a talk show.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Her hack press still in love with her. I'd be embarrassed to even talk to her. She's toxic and extreme.

Charlie Eklund said...

Victory may have a thousand fathers but Hillary's defeat is an orphan whose mother will not rest until she's able to find a good home for it.

James K said...

Like OJ looking for the real killer, Hillary is looking for the real culprit.

Ken B said...

That was the turning point. I think it was the turning point for modern American politics in general, the moment when the democrats openly and proudly embraced sneering contempt and made it central to the brand. I hope it destroys them.

Big Mike said...

Clinton on Sunday acknowledged that Trump successfully tapped into voters’ race- and class-based “anger,” “nostalgia” and “resentment,” and regrets that during her campaign, she did not effectively show that she understood those sentiments.

Except that it has been widely reported that her own husband, one of the most gifted politicians of the 20th century was practically standing on the table telling her to do just that and her campaign staff basically told him to sit down and shit up. "Basket of deplorables" was not "determinative" (though the fact that she'd use the term as part of her normal vocabulary suggests why she couldn't connect with normal people) but it did give those of us fed up with being called racists just because we're white, misogynists just because we're male, and h8ers just because we apply common sense to real situations a shorthand way to express our sense of what's objectionable about a party that thinks it can fly using only the extreme tip of its left wing.

fivewheels said...

In a relatively close election, that probably was determinative. That was the moment when she took a very small group of actual deplorables -- maybe 1 or 2 percent of the population -- and conflated it with about half the population, and declared them her enemies, which made them enemies to her. Whoops.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

" her campaign staff basically told him to sit down and shit up."

That is a great typo.

Lucien said...

Secretary Clinton is out to prove that history really can be written by a loser. Let's see how she does with that.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Ken B said...
That was the turning point. I think it was the turning point for modern American politics in general, the moment when the democrats openly and proudly embraced sneering contempt and made it central to the brand. I hope it destroys them.

9/10/17, 12:45 PM

Unfortunately, the GOPe has also embraced that sneering contempt - or rather, they have revealed how they view their own base. I used to call the Dems the Evil Party and the GOP the Stupid Party. Now I think they are both stupid and evil.

bagoh20 said...

Obama was wrong. She's not "likable enough". That's all her book needed to say. One page, one line. Imagine all the trees saved.

tola'at sfarim said...

What had a larger reach: Hillary's comment or the 100k spent on Facebook by the russkies

Jaq said...

When does she really disappear? That's my question. Whatever happens, her many supporters, including many who deny they ever supported her, will find a way to paint her as a victim and line up again.

Just like critics of Elizabeth Warren, who committed affirmative action fraud, taking a place at Harvard she was in no way qualified for by any other criteria, (she is from the lowest ranked law school by a fair ways of any Harvard Law faculty) are "racist" because of language like Fauxcahantis.

rcocean said...

Hillary was never a good politician. She got elected to a safe NY Senate seat, lost to Obama in 2008 and that's about it. She only got nominated because she was Mrs. Bill Clinton and no Democrat of substance decided to challenge her.

I thank God every day she didn't get elected. To me she had zero positives. I didn't her, didn't like her policies, and didn't think she was honest or competent. Her hatred/contempt for middle-class and working class "white people" comes through every time she talks.

Joe Biden probably would've won, but the D's just love their Clinton's.

YoungHegelian said...

What's left out of the "Basket of Deplorables" quotation is the setting in which it was uttered. It was said 1) in NYC 2) at a fundraiser & 3) at a gathering of the LGBT for Hillary group. It was, by all measures, a setting where any sane politician would tread lightly knowing that red meat thrown to the audience would not go well in the rest of the country. But, HRC threw 'em the red meat.

Which is kinda too bad, because what she says immediately afterwards could have got her elected, if she could have stayed on message:

...Now, some of those folks -- they are irredeemable, but thankfully they are not America. But the other basket -- and I know this because I see friends from all over America here -- I see friends from Florida and Georgia and South Carolina and Texas -- as well as, you know, New York and California -- but that other basket of people are people who feel that the government has let them down, the economy has let them down, nobody cares about them, nobody worries about what happens to their lives and their futures, and they're just desperate for change. It doesn't really even matter where it comes from. They don't buy everything he says, but he seems to hold out some hope that their lives will be different. They won't wake up and see their jobs disappear, lose a kid to heroine, feel like they're in a dead-end. Those are people we have to understand and empathize with as well.


tcrosse said...

Maybe Oliver Stone will pick up the story and make What Happened into a movie, with his usual historical accuracy. Streep is probably practicing the accent right now.
It could be shown in the Seventh Circle of Hell Cineplex with Primary Colors.

Rumpletweezer said...

Hillary was the last person a lot of people wanted to vote for. Trump was next to last for many more.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

YoungHegelian, no, that wasn't the only time she said it. And I'd frankly rather be in the Basket of Deplorables than in the Basket of Pitiables, which is her other half of Trump voters. Either you're a bigot, or you're a sad sack that really, really needs government assistance. There's no one else, and they're divided 50/50.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Obama's biggest personal mistake was making her Sec of State.

Big mistake.

Jupiter said...

I learned all I needed to know about Hillary Rodham when her husband was governor of Arkansas, and she made 100K trading cattle futures. Her eagerness to attack all the hapless women who had sex with her horndog husband shows that her unprincipled selfishness is not confined to economic matters. She was and remains a filthy, stinking, corrupt sack of reeking shit, and anyone who voted for her should be thrown into the ocean from a helicopter.

tcrosse said...

Obama's biggest personal mistake was making her Sec of State.

He probably did it to keep her from doing in 2009 what she's doing now.

YoungHegelian said...


that wasn't the only time she said it.

That's true. It seems it's she & her team truly believed about a sizable fraction of the electorate.

than in the Basket of Pitiables, which is her other half of Trump voters.

There I'll disagree. I don't read what she says as being all that different from the Trump team's take on the matter, except that the Trump team had a more "Morning in America" feel to it. Did the HRC campaign see government intervention as more of an answer than the Trump campaign? Sure. But that's not in the excerpt I quoted.

That being said, please understand that because of what she did with her email server, I believe that HRC & her entourage should be in federal prison, not on a book tour. As an IT guy who has managed secure Federal email servers, I took that offense very,very personally, as my postings in this forum on the subject of her emails will attest.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Let's just assume, for the sake of both argument and the reality of her inability to introspect and admit wrongdoing, that it was.

Hillary Clinton has officially become toxic to her party in a way that Don Trump could only dream of being.

What's next? Her unwillingness to visit WI, MI, OH and PA and rally for their manufacturing jobs also wasn't "determinative?"

This woman is not only inept at politics. She's toxic to it.

Ralph L said...

I blame her speaking voice more than anything she actually said. Is that the Chicago accent? As I remember in 1992, she faked an Arkansas accent badly.

Howard said...

It was the cankles

Francisco D said...

Good Lord!

I agree with Ritmo.

It must mean that Hillary has really jumped the shark. She is pitiful to most Americans and disgusting to the Left.

She will still run for POTUS in 2000. She's hoping that the dirt she has on others will still be to her advantage.

FullMoon said...

Clinton said that she has wondered what happened ever since she lost to then-Republican candidate Donald Trump.

Clinton added that “white people” happened.

“[Trump] was quite successful in referencing a nostalgia that would give hope, comfort, settle grievances, for millions of people who were upset about gains that were made by others because—”

“What you’re saying is millions of white people,” Pauley interrupted.

“Millions of white people, yeah,” Clinton replied. “Millions of white people.”

Guildofcannonballs said...

I hope the gostwriters write a book called "How 'What Happened?' Happened" so we can all re-live Trump winning again and again and again.

Then the sex partners of the ghostwriters can author "How 'How 'What Happened?' Happened' Happened" and several revisions thereafter.

Jupiter said...

“Millions of white people, yeah,” Clinton replied. “Millions of white people.”

Say it loud,
I'm white, I'm proud.

Big Mike said...

Joe Biden probably would've won, but the D's just love their Clinton's.

@rcocean, three reasons why Joe Biden would have lost: (1) he waves his schlong in front of female Secret Service agents (though in his case I imagine it's not a schlong but a schlort); (2) get on YouTube and enter the search string "pervy Joe Biden" and you'll get an eyeful; and (3) in his debate with Sarah Palin he claimed that Article 1 of the US Constitution defined the function of the Executive branch (you may want to look that one up). Considering that Biden was paid as an adjunct professor in constitutional law by Widener University School of Law, that strikes this layperson as a pretty serious gaffe.

Drago said...

Lets face it, Hillary is the dems "Next" Great Hope for 2020.

But not the Hillary everyone has known for 40 years. No, not THATone!

That's not the REAL Hillary, according to many on the left, including sunsong.

No, the dems will run Hillary v57.4, a version significantly upgraded over the last "New Coke" version and this time, THIS TIME, that Hillary, the REAL Hillary, will finally win (assuming Robert Mueller and that crack team of Detectives tracking down those meddling Macedonians and $100k Russian Facebook Ad Spenders gets to the bottom of the endless Trump Russian collusion forces.

As Eleanor Roosevelt's Spirit Demands.

Mary Beth said...

but that other basket of people

As if everyone is a fish for her to put in a creel.

Rae said...

Hillary Clinton has officially become toxic to her party in a way that Don Trump could only dream of being

The Clintonistas are still running the show in the Democratic party. They'll Bernie anyone else. I still say there is an 80% chance she's the nominee in 2020, assuming she doesn't have a major health incident.

Drago said...

"I still say there is an 80% chance she's the nominee in 2020, assuming she doesn't have a major health incident"

Hillary could have a hundred "health incidents" and the media would simply claim it was dehydration...or whatever else the Clinton campaign told their media arm to transcribe and report.

rhhardin said...

Ladle Rat Rotten Hut the story.

Jaq said...

Just because she's "toxic" to the base, doesn't mean that she's toxic to the superdelegates. What will make her "toxic" to them is an inability to raise money. If she looks like she has a shot, she will raise plenty.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Bernie won Colorado, superdelegate pothead Jared Polis(D) voted for Hillary, the dark lord.

Michael K said...

"I proudly wear my "Deplorable" tee shirt."

I do, too. I alternate it with my "Hillary Prison 2016" and my "Comrade Bernie" tee shirt.

It makes a nice rotation. I have a couple of basset hound tee shirts, too.

Comanche Voter said...

Yup Rumpletweezer the choice between Hillary and Trump was as difficult as the choice between Nixon and McGovern in 1972. My late father was a yellow dog Texas Democrat. He swore that any son of his (or anyone else) who voted for that spawn of Satan Richard Milhous Nixon was going straight to election hell. So there I am in the voting booth; it's California in 1972 and it is still possible--just-- for a Republican to win California's electoral votes. I wasn't a fan of Nixon (although I didn't think as badly of him as my father did), But I disliked McGovern even more (and I was and am a life long registered Democrat).

So whadda are you gonna do? I didn't want to vote for either one of them. But I finally decided that there was no way in the world that McGovern was going to carry California. So I could vote "against" Nixon with no danger that Nixon would lose California. I voted for McGovern, but if there had been the slightest doubt in my mind about Nixon's winning California, I would have voted for Nixon.

Bruce Hayden said...

"Bernie won Colorado, superdelegate pothead Jared Polis(D) voted for Hillary, the dark lord."

He used to be my Congressman, which is one of the reasons that I was very happy to move my residence to MT, where I was able to vote for Zinke, and then Gianforte. Polis his a gerrymandered very safe district, with three universities (esp CU In Boulde) and a number of ski communities. CO was supposed to have eliminated that practice with a commission, or such, instead of the legislature, but one look at his district, both its shape and its demographics, and it is pretty obvious that gerrymandering is still being practiced. Still, he may be no worse than Denver's Dianne DeGette,Patsy Schroeder's heir and maybe a even more leftist wacko (and one of the Dems who used DWS's Pakistani scammers for IT more than most others for her IT).

I'm Full of Soup said...

Hillary used the term basket of deplorables about 30 days before the Access Hollywood tapes came out. So once again, Hillary lies.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Is there any good reason why this can't lead to a complete backlash against Hillary from across the entire political spectrum? She's obviously the most toxic wack-job since Ted Cruz - with the exception that Cruz at least knows how to be successful at what he's trying to do politically.

tcrosse said...

Hillary might be a tough sell to the Big Money that backed her in 2016. She proved to yield a very poor ROI.

walter said...

No worries. She's going to drop dead any day now to validate all the at the death's door predictions some of the armchair physicians here threw around.

Michael K said...

She's going to drop dead any day now to validate all the at the death's door predictions some of the armchair physicians here threw around.

As long as the apomorphine holds out and the Chardonnay, she will soldier on at a slower and slower pace.

Paco Wové said...

@rcocean, three reasons why Joe Biden would have lost:

They're going to put y'all back in chains

But maybe that's just me.

Gk1 said...

I will believe she is done as a candidate when she divorces Bill. In the mean time this is simply a "hudna" until she can marshall the forces to try again. But I would think after burning through 1.2 BILLION FUCKING DOLLARS and still losing to Trump, the DNC will never let her have the wheel again, even if she doesn't get it yet.

Professional lady said...

I have a neighbor who had a Hillary sign up in her front yard last election. She is a nice person who listens to NPR a lot. I talked to her recently, and it has finally dawned on her what a terrible candidate Hillary was. She mentioned how several neighbors who are pretty consistent voters for Democrats refused to vote for her. I was a very reluctant Trump voter. I honestly didn't know what I was going to do until I got in the voting booth. I guess I figured not voting for a presidential candidate was equivalent to voting for Hillary.

Michael K said...

"She mentioned how several neighbors who are pretty consistent voters for Democrats refused to vote for her."

My FBI agent daughter, who is a pretty reliable lefty, told me she would not vote for Hillary in September.

I thought that was significant because of her FBI situation. I still think she was hearing things on the grapevine.

wildswan said...

I just can't understand how 63 million people voted for Hillary. She just seems so utterly obnoxious, such an obvious liar, so obviously in it for the money, so scripted. And now in the aftermath she can't say "there were forces out there we were not aware of. She can't say that "people want jobs, not welfare" and that her policies were taking jobs from everyone in the heartland. She can't say "next time we'll acknowledge these forces". No. She intends to run in 2020 and she intends to do everything all over again the same way except she's going to shout more insults. That'll work. I'm all in for Hillary in 2020 (pause for a deplorable chuckle). But. How is this happening? I see the big glob out there that thinks Hillary is fine. I know the glob exists. But why? How? At bottom I simply can't understand.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

On the NYT Op-Ed page today is an article claiming that HRC is "the first woman ever to be a defeated Presidential candidate." What are Shirley Chisholm and Angela Davis and 2016's own Jill Stein, chopped liver? What the writer means is "the first female candidate that looked like a sure win," which of course is true.

Jaq said...

I was a very reluctant Trump voter. I honestly didn't know what I was going to do until I got in the voting booth. I guess I figured not voting for a presidential candidate was equivalent to voting for Hillary.

Me too, I filled it out last instead of first, and sat in there for an extra couple of minutes, before I finally decided that voting Trump was the only real vote against Hillary.

Quaestor said...

What the writer means is "the first female candidate that looked like a sure win," which of course is true.

More probably the writer is just an ignorant prig like the rest of the NYT staff.

gpm said...

Someone asked whether Hillary has a Chicago accent. If you want to hear the real Chicago accent from more or less (a bit younger) that/my generation (at least the white version, and I don't think limited to the South Side), listen to Bonnie Hunt in any of her movies or TV shows.


gpm said...

Especially the (short-lived) TV shows, which were all set in Chicago.


furious_a said...

Hillary's Secret Service detail could have caught her stumbling and falling and CNN would have broken in with HILLARY HELPS TWO MEN UP STAIRS.

I think forgetting to campaign in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania damaged Hillary's chances, too.

Bay Area Guy said...

Hillary's last gasp. Let's see what Bernie Bros do. Will old socialist Bernie seize the mantle? Kamala Harris checks all the right liberal boxes - if Bernie goes bye-bye, then Kamala fills the void.

Jaq said...

Hillary Clinton was so confident of victory last year that she bought a second house next to her residence in Chappaqua, New York, to accommodate White House staff during presidential retreats there. "I thought I was going to win," she said. The New York Post reported last year on the Clintons paying $1.16 million for the three-bedroom, ranch-style home next to their house in Chappaqua.

LOL! I am enjoying this so much. The thing that kills me. is that I was so certain that she was going to win, I missed watching the coverage live. I think I will go back and watch some more of it.

harrogate said...

Mercifully, she also announced she's finished being a candidate.

I am quite grateful for that

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I thought she was going to win as well. Turned everything off and went to bed with a dread headache. The delight of impending doom, death to free speech, and rate-hike in punitive governance in America was going to be all over the smug faces of the hack press then next day. I woke up at midnight, turned on MSNBC and watched sadness and death droop over the on-air cast. yippee!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ted Cruz wouldn't take a sledge hammer to the first amendment, like the dark lord hiltery. No - he'd free us from the slavery of the left.

Gk1 said...

I always found it intriguing that team Hillary cancelled a fireworks celebration over the Hudson river a day before the election. I sometimes wonder if they did have a hint that things weren't going as planned and that they could save a little money.

Comanche Voter said...

I have a long time friend===known him since college days. He "came out" around age 30 and is fairly activelyk involved in all the LGBTQQQ (whatever--they keep adding letters) community.

He now says that he will never vote for Hillary (although I think he did in 2016) but would vote for Michelle Obama in a heartbeat. The left will find a woman to vote for in 2020--it just probably won't be Hillary.

Fabi said...

@Gk 1 -- The leak about the fireworks was revealing. I was almost as confident as Mick that Trump would win, but the news of that cancellation sealed it. Take it to the bank that Team Pantsuit had the unfiltered polling data when they pulled the plug on that deal.

FIDO said...

The thing that floors me is that people still insist that the popular vote was about LIKING Hillary Clinton.


Some substantial number of women voted for Over the Hill because they really think (idiots that they are) that abortion will be lost if a Republican is in office with a Republican majority...despite it clearly NOT happening under Bush.

The Welfare Queens of course voted because they like money, not because they think Hillary is any 'racial healer'.

The number of Democrats who was firmly holding their nose for Hillary, simply out of fear, can be numbered in the millions. Megan McArdle, MEGAN MCARDLE wrote a 'Daisy' article essentially accusing Trump of having his finger on the button ala "Land of Confusion" with Reagan. And she loathes Hillary!

How many million more people were essentially lied to about this? Well...everyone!

So this 'wave of Clinton love' is a myth. The question is, does she have the juice to twist more political arms in the Democratic Party?

Here is the thing about failed political candidates of her 'wealth of years': they get desperate.

One wonders if SHE is the one ginning up Antifa to be the 'Law and Order' candidate.

Which is why we need to suppress Antifa NOW!

Big Mike said...

In the runup to Election Day I watched the polls, but I focused on the state by state polls to see which way the Electoral College would go. In the last four or five days I saw s lot of movement towards Trump, but I was fairly sure he was going to run out of time and fall just a state or two short. After Pennsylvania and Florida went to Trump I breathed a little easier. Pleasant to wake up to the good news.

mockturtle said...

Those trees are scarier than the wolf.

Big Mike said...

@FIDO, Megan McArdle tried her best, poor thing, to be neutral and balanced, but in her heart she's a lefty. What Megan, Ruth Marcus, and even Maddy Albright don't understand that they can't run down talented conservative female politicians, then demand (demand!) female solidarity on behalf of a hardcore left wing female politician. Do they think conservative female voters don't notice?

Anonymous said...

Thus continues Hillary's nearly year-long campaign to remind the nation why she was a terrible presidential candidate and confirm to Trump's voters that they weren't crazy in rejecting her.

It's 10 months later and rather than get something in which Hillary admits her mistakes, learn from them, and move on, it's more blaming Bernie, the media, Comey, anyone but the candidate herself. Which tells us exactly how her White House would have been run, endless deflections, excuses, delays, and scapegoating anytime something bad happened.

Hillary still doesn't get that the basic reason her candidacy failed is that Trump had a message that resonated in enough battleground states that she had no answer for, and that tipped the election to him. Voters may not personally have liked Trump, but the message of "Make America Great Again" worked in the Rust Belt areas. Her theme of the history of being the first woman president was ironically hurt in this area by Obama. Electing the first black president was historic, but it did not do much for places like Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan, and it was unrealistic to ask those areas to once again vote for history when it really hadn't worked out for them the previous time.

gadfly said...

“I’m sorry I gave him a political gift of any kind, but I don’t think that was determinative,” [Hillary] said.

Interesting, but did she not consider that Trump never once discussed nor explained the $100,000 gift that he gave to the Clinton Crime Family Foundation. Nary a single explanation was needed for his zombie followers to ignore the obvious bribe that was presented to Bill, Hill and Chelsea.

n.n said...

Clinton is a progressive liberal who denies individual dignity, she is an advocate for diversity including color (i.e. racism). She denies intrinsic value of human life, she is an advocate for abortion of lives deemed unworthy, inconvenient, or profitable (e.g. Planned Parenthood) under the twilight faith and State-established Pro-Choice (i.e. selective, unprincipled, and opportunistic) Church. She is an advocate for redistributive change because the "Jews" have too much. She supports establishment of monopolies to profit the 1%, foreign and domestic, and the "green" blight. She was an enthusiastic supporter of Obama as he waged social justice, forced CAIR, and created a trail of tears in the 21st century, for resources (e.g. Libyan oil, Somalian uranium, Ukrainian Russian tech), gerrymandered districts, mass emigration from second and third-world nations, and to compensate for neo-Nazi Party (i.e. DNC) selective-child policy that has normalized destruction of wholly innocent human life with unprecedented scale and scope.

The Progressive doctrine of diversity is quintessential bigotry (i.e. sanctimonious hypocrisy) that advances the Nazi ambition of judging people by the "color of their skin". The Liberal "=" doctrine is the establishment of political congruence (i.e. pro-choice or selective exclusion/inclusion) masquerading as tolerance. The Left's social justice adventures open global abortion fields under a layer of privacy maintained by a complicit fourth estate.

Neo-Nazis, Antifa, leftists, indeed.

Principles matter.

walter said...

When was that Gadfly?
Was that what caused you to vote non-consequential?

walter said...

Did he get something for that during the election? I mean..he admitted upfront he had been a participant in "pay to play" prior.

Drago said...

Sad Little Gadfly: "Nary a single explanation was needed for his zombie followers to ignore the obvious bribe that was presented to Bill, Hill and Chelsea."

What explanation is required for an "obvious bribe"?

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Diogenes of Sinope said...
Democrats ran the only candidate who couldn't beat Trump.

9/10/17, 11:45 AM

This is constantly repeated, completely untrue. Who are all these democrat party candidates who would have beat DJT? Sniveling rat-face Tim Kaine? Spittle flecked old socialist Bernie Sanders? The democrat party leaders are old nasty crooks, an American Politburo. The next generation of democrat party members is lunatic left. Riding the cult of Hillary and the Clinton machine to victory was the best hope for the criminal racket that calls itself the democrat party. That and voter fraud.

Bob Loblaw said...

Am I the only one who thinks this book flushed whatever chance she had of recovering her political career? Her most die-hard supporters will be nodding their heads, but to me she looks like a washed up athlete blaming the refs, blaming the weather, blaming her teammates, blaming the ball, blaming the altitude... blaming everybody but the person responsible for missing what was, in essence, a slam dunk.

Ray - SoCal said...

Excellent comment:
>Hillary Clinton has officially become toxic to her party in a way that Don Trump could only dream of being.

Ray - SoCal said...

I am still confused on why she thought this book was a good idea.

Did she think:

Good money?
Way to stay relevant?
Settling scores?
Rewrite History?
Running again?
Trying to become an elder statesman, ala Nixon?

Rewriting history is a new one I picked up from this thread.

Achilles said...

Blogger The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Is there any good reason why this can't lead to a complete backlash against Hillary from across the entire political spectrum? She's obviously the most toxic wack-job since Ted Cruz - with the exception that Cruz at least knows how to be successful at what he's trying to do politically.

Hillary was the symptom. The disease is the leftist base. The base is violent, anti-freedom, and treats it's political opponents as greater threats than actual enemies of the country. The only enemies the leftists have are competitors for power. They have no principles or intellectual consistency other than will to power.

The left will put up with blatantly amoral leadership as long as it give them power. Things will not change until the left finds morals and a soul.

Jaq said...

Nary a single explanation was needed for his zombie followers to ignore the obvious bribe that was presented to Bill, Hill and Chelsea.

I am pretty sure he did address it. He said he was a businessman and that's how the game is played and that is one of the reasons he ran. Accept it or not, but he did address it. I found it credible.

Jaq said...

He paid them and they showed up at his wedding. The most important thing to a billionaire is that you can use your money to buy influence. That's why the vast majority of the hyper-wealthy are Democrats.

Jaq said...

She's sorry she helped Trump, not sorry that she called a huge slice of America "deplorable" and still she has no clue why we hate her.

RAH said...

The corruption of Hilary was obvious.
Her incompetence was obvious
Her leftist ideology was obvious
Her contempt for American values was evident by the deplorables comment

We knew what we were getting with Hillary We did not want that. Trump was a wild card We did not trust Trump but took a chance. So far it is OK

Jaq said...

Even the white left has turned on Hillary, but the white left is working full time drumming traditional Democrats out of the party, you know like all white people who are not committed to the cause, Catholics, working people, men over 45, the list goes on, so the fact that they want Hilary gone is sort of a "dog bites man" story, but still, they kept quiet mostly during the election.

Jaq said...

What they were hoping for though is that the rest of us would be spending this four years hating the POTUS and not them. On account of it's all about power.

MikeR said...

I really think she's wrong. That comment became the face of the opposition to Clinton and the Democratic Party in general. They hate and despise half of America, and they're finally paying for it.

MAJMike said...


How can we say good-bye if you won't go away?

donald said...

Everybody knew what Donald Trump was about and they knew that even he was a better choice than that evil fucking crone.

Nobody gave one fuck Gadfly. So suck on it.

Known Unknown said...

Don't put people in baskets.

Caligula said...

"Who are all these democrat party candidates who would have beat DJT? Sniveling rat-face Tim Kaine? Spittle flecked old socialist Bernie Sanders?"

I'm surprised there hasn't been more speculation over whether Sanders could have beat Trump. Would it have been a replay of 1972's McGovern vs Nixon? For Nixon was a political pro where Trump was not, but, Nixon may have been as deeply despised by as many likely voters then as Trump was in 2016.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

She didn't think that insulting and "othering" the very people she needed to persuade to vote for her could determine the election? I thought she was supposed to be smart.

damikesc said...

Perhaps she lost because she was unaware the Electoral College existed.

Jim at said...

Not a day goes by where I don't stop, pause and thank the Universe this vile, corrupt bitch will never be president.

Not a day.

Anonymous said...

@Tim in VT You are probably aware - but just in case - there are numerous YouTubes celebrating the disintegration of the TV people as Trump wins the swing states. Schadenfreude, OMG!

Brent said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brent said...

very week or two since the election, I watch my DVR recordings of Election night on MSNBC and CNN. The sadness that pervaded the "journalists" on the panels is so so sweet, and it ma6les me so happy every single time. What a pick-me-up!

Now, many of us ---- and I mean a high percentage of voting Americans of all stripes --- absolutely love when Trump goes after the media. The media does not poll as high as Trump does no matter how low his numbers go. And he knows it.

Prediction: all things being equal, if the media does not change, does not become more neutral and learn to show even a modicum of respect for both the President and the 60 million Americans who voted for him, re-election is in the bag.

And yes, every drip of disdain for Trump in every media story/report/discussion is felt personally by every one-time and curremt supoorter, no matter what he does. So media, I'm giving you good info here. Learn or die. Professionally speaking, of course.

Gahrie said...

The left will find a woman to vote for in 2020--it just probably won't be Hillary.

Kamala Harris.

Matt Sablan said...

"Hillary's defeat is an orphan whose mother will not rest until she's able to find a good home for it."

-- It takes a village.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hillary was the symptom. The disease is the leftist base. The base is violent, anti-freedom, and treats it's political opponents as greater threats than actual enemies of the country. The only enemies the leftists have are competitors for power. They have no principles or intellectual consistency other than will to power.

The left will put up with blatantly amoral leadership as long as it give them power. Things will not change until the left finds morals and a soul.

Spoken like a true right-wing Nazi!

Bad Lieutenant said...

Ritmo, why are you attacking? You agree with every word of that! I theenk...

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo, why are you attacking? You agree with every word of that! I theenk...

Achilles' hyper-partisan hackery is to be opposed at every stop. The DNC has a problem, and probably needs to go. However, the left is no worse than the right, with the exception that its policies weren't the ones throwing the country into the gutter over the last 30 years. He's just being a demagogue again, like usual. While his president demagogues about every observation that goes through his own mind - or what exists of it.

Tom from Virginia said...

Hillary has made me rethink the old wisdom that "victory has a thousand fathers; defeat is an orphan."

Paul said...

If Hillary runs again for prez... she will bring out the same old stuff, grifter the same old money, and when she loses, she will blame the same old people.

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