I love the stress on the word "I" as Hillary Clinton talks about the difficulty of writing her book...
The stress changes the meaning to: It's particularly difficult for me to be honest.
I also like this "Paula Revere" business:
"And I am saying, as clearly as I can — I feel like a bit of a Paula Revere (I'm trying to sound the alarm about this) — is that, you know, you've got to understand what Putin's strategy is: He really doesn't like democracy. He thinks it's an inconvenient, messy process.* And he doesn't like us and he wants to destabilize our country, sow doubt about our democracy."
Paul Revere sounded the alarm that the British were coming, as Americans fought our war for independence from a colonial power. Hillary is sounding the alarm that a leader in another country doesn't like our democracy and wants us to doubt our own country. Paradoxically, she is sowing doubts about our democracy through these claims that the Russians are coming. But they're not coming the way the British were coming, to fight a war....
They're coming to buy targeted ads on Facebook. There's no invasion in the offing. A distant foreign power coaxes us to eat away at ourselves from the inside. And Hillary urges us to gnaw away.
* It is an inconvenient, messy process!
What a sore loser.
If she was honest she would do a book tour stop in Milwaukee and Madison. "Sorry I wasn't here last year!"
HRC is about as candid and open as a locked bank vault. After a long career of skullduggery and denial, even she probably has no idea what she thinks or believes.
With Clintons it is necessary to parse the meaning of the word 'I'.
That 10 second clip shows how difficult it was for her to utter the words "the mistakes I made." Yes, the odd emphasis on the "I", but also the body language and the refusal to look at Colbert indicates duress like someone told her she had to go say that because she's getting killed for blaming everyone else, but she really didn't want to say it and didn't believe it when she said it.
The sad reality is that, for her, mendacity is her default position. Like Obama before her, she lies even when she doesn't have to, and even when it's obvious she's lying.
Do you see chardonnay in her nervous movements?
Vladimir Putin will never be President of the United States.
Hillary Clinton will never be President of the United States.
I, for one, don't want her to go away. I want her to periodically to stick her around the door jamb and hear, "it's all your fault!"
Funny shit.
I am impressed with the Bush family. No whining, no corruption, no government money whoring, no sore loser book tour, just a nice fade-away.
That clip would be greatly improved with the presence of a golf ball.
Forget the golf ball. A pie in the face would do.
Big Mike said...
The sad reality is that, for her, mendacity is her default position. Like Obama before her, she lies even when she doesn't have to, and even when it's obvious she's lying.
Gotta stay in character.
She is certainly giving you plenty of blogging material.
Rusty said...
I, for one, don't want her to go away. I want her to periodically to stick her around the door jamb and hear, "it's all your fault!"
Funny shit.
9/20/17, 9:11 AM
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
I am impressed with the Bush family. No whining, no corruption, no government money whoring, no sore loser book tour, just a nice fade-away.
9/20/17, 9:11 AM
It seems to be "standard fare" that D Presidents don't demonstrate the common, customary courtesy of not second guessing the R Presidents. Apparently this lack of respect and courtesy also extends to D First Ladies that run for President and fail.
You know who else isn't so hot on democracy? Hillary.
All those deplorable people having the right to choose the president. All those supportive illegals denied the right to have her legalize them.
Hillary Clinton spent $4 million to hire people to comment on popular websites, like the Daily Mail--she added even more at the end. George Soros spent a like amount. Someone supporting Hillary even managed to hack the Daily Mail's arrow system. Comments favorable to Hillary immediately got an implausible number of green up-arrows in seconds, and comments favorable to Trump got thousands of red down-arrows. The Ukrainian money spent at Facebook had no effect that I saw. People at the Daily Mail were upset that their daily read had been screwed up.
I me I me I me I me ... why she lost. We had 8 years of I me I me I me I me.
Over. it.
Why is she still given play? At this point, continuing to allow her indulge in her fantasies seems like enabling an addict. It's just not healthy. I've said before, I don't enjoy watching people humiliate themselves, even when a don't like them.
Putin meddled in our elections the way Hillary meddled in Russian elections by calling them unfair and rigged giving fuel to protests.
Hillary accuses Putin of manspreading.
Her pillow soft body is plopped all over Colbert's chair.
It's particularly difficult for me to be honest
Kinsley gaffe.
Every day, the Media carries more water for the Democrats than the hurricane dumped on Houston.
Hillary's loss gave us hope that Democracy didn't die in darkness.
Hillary's career dies in light.
I never really noticed this before, at least not consciously, but she makes infrequent eye contact when speaking. She turns and looks down as she talks only to glance at the other person for a moment. That's not good for a politician.
Gahrie - LOL, good catch.
Why did Mark Zuckerberg allow Putin to buy ads on Facebook so that Trump could win?
Trust me on this: in the area of patent law, Hillary was Mark's best friend.
Ann, thanks for doing the job that I could never do--watching that entire, horrible Colbert segment.
Yes, Putin meddled in our election maybe 1/100 as much as we previously meddled in Ukraine under Obama, Clinton and Kerry; or, as the Russians think of it, Little Russia or New Russia.
To the extent Putin is upset at us, that was the proximate cause.
"He [Putin] really doesn't like democracy."
And neither does she.
If you held a mirror in front of her and said "this is the reason you lost", there would be no image for her to look at. Bela Lugosi had the same problem.
@Althouse, I second Martin's comment!
Your tag "hillary goes away" should be the opposite.
I know Paul Revere. He alerted the colonists British regulars were marching to Concord to seize the weapons and munitions stored there, and only secondarily to arrest the leaders of the rebellion if they could be found.
Hillary Clinton is no Paula Revere.
I generally love it, when Ann Althouse is operating in her mode of language and communications critic. This is no exception. I wouldn't want to watch much of Colbert, or read much of the New York Times, and I am grateful to Althouse for doing so much of it so that I can do less of it.
It is just so odd that the Althouse criticism-switch gets turned off, when the subject is Donald Trump.
Last night, I watched an episode of Star Trek TNG, and there was a new character that kept seeming familiar to me. "Who is that actress?" Her behavior, voice, face, and haircut finally served up the answer: she's a young Hillary Clinton.
I don't know what's worse -- Hillary's words, or the applause.
I wonder what the ShowBiz-Industrial Complex sees in H>er ?
What a despicable piece of human garbage. Right up there with Ted Kennedy.
t is just so odd that the Chuck criticism-switch gets set to "crazy", when the subject is Donald Trump.
"The stress changes the meaning to: It's particularly difficult for me to be honest."
"Jerry, It's not a lie if you believe."
What is hilarious to me is that this is contrasted with Trump speaking before the UN. Who looked more Presidential? Crooked Hillary lying and whining about screwing up a sure deal? Or Trump giving a well written, well presented, strong speech? We can all hope that she be given a third chance in 3 years.
"... being as candid, open, as I could be..."
I'm sure in her mind the words meant maintaining the decorum of someone in her exalted position, "without really letting loose," as a foil to a vulgarian like Trump.
Thus inadvertently she admits that at essence she is both a vulgarian and a dishonest person at the same time, but she does not want you to know that.
"The Ride of Paul Revere" also was fiction.
Hillary on the Campaign Trail drumming up votes for republicans. You guys must be loving it.
Maybe next time she should hire whoever worked for Putin. With all her volunteers, experience, and millions, she was unable to remedy his KGB agents and their fake news. Those guys are really good. There's reason to believe that they planted a server in her bathroom in a black bag operation.
The "National Nervous Breakdown" is kind of fun to watch.
New York Times reporter Yamiche Alcindor said Wednesday that she knows people who are “still in therapy” over former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s election loss to President Donald Trump.
Ace is loving it.
And one very important factor in the Not Like You/Just Like You propaganda rush is to claim that The Other Side are Too Political, and therefore Not Like You, while Our Side isn't really political at all, we're all just rational folks who want what's best. You know -- Just Like You.
So here's the problem the left (and the NeverTrumper fringe, who are now in a strong alliance with the left) has: While for years they followed standard propaganda protocol and pretended they were almost entirely non-political, they have now decided that The Moment Is Too Vital to pretend any longer, and have decided to out themselves as ferociously, obsessively political.
And that's contrary to their own career interests, as well as to their own propaganda-efficacy interests.
I agree about the "NeverTrump fringe."
Enjoyed watching the trailer for the Russians are Coming ... I saw it when it first came out, I was around 10, and remember enjoying it immensely. Good comedic release from the cold war tensions at the time.
Her minions in Berkeley are currently holding signs that say "Prevent Governance." And Putin wants to destabilize the country?
Hillary's response to a question concerning Trump's statement to the U.N. about North Korea shows clearly that we dodged a bullet in not electing her president: "What I'd hope the President would have said is something along the lines of, you know, we view this as dangerous to our allies, to the region and even to our country, we call on all nations to work with us to try to end the threat posed by Kim Jung Un, and not to call him Rocket Man, the old Elton John song, but to say, we will not tolerate any attacks on our friends or ourselves. But you should lead with diplomacy, you should lead with the commitment to try to avoid conflict however you can." We call on all nations to work with us! Boy, would Kim Jung Un's ears have been red!
Colbert is Hillary's cock holster.
Good Lord, Hurricane Hillary continues to threaten.
Another post by Ann about Hillary. Met by yet another comment by Chuck about ... Trump.
You can't really expect Hillary to contradict Bill's great diplomatic breakthrough with "Rocket Man."
We gave him oil, nuclear (peaceful) reactors and money.
He gave us promises.
We could have contests to replace lost forms of entertainment like Miss America, the Emmy's, MTV. These lost shows have now all been away to a strange land as captives of SWAMP. "How can we sing the songs of Zion in our captivity" is all we hear from them. Sad. One contest would be for Miss SWAMP 2017. Obviously Hillary is way out in front. Then we could have American Pinocchio where videos of politicians and media people lying are shown and the audience awards Pinocchios for Most Brazen Lie By Media, Most Brazen Lie By a Politician, Most Brazen Lie on Behalf of SWAMP by Anyone, Most Obvious Lie, Most Laughable Lie and so on. Hillary is in front there, too, in several categories, but there will be other years. And, after all, even this year, Robert Mueller or Debbie Wasserman Schultz or UN leaders might sweep to the front as the finish line approaches. I mean look at DWS who Mueller / Comey did NOT investigate. Why not? here's an opportunity for your BIG, BIG lie, the FBI/DNC/Pakistan combo lie.
Pass the popcorn.
It is just so odd that the Althouse criticism-switch gets turned off, when the subject is Donald Trump.
Ann is generously leaving you subject material for your own blog, which we are all no doubt dying to read.
"Right down in the septic tank with Ted Kennedy."
Fixed it for you, Curious George.
"It is just so odd that the Althouse criticism-switch gets turned off, when the subject is Donald Trump."
Well, duh. Not odd at all.
"A distant foreign power coaxes us to eat away at ourselves from the inside. And Hillary urges us to gnaw away."
And Althouse encourages us to bite our fingernails and pick our scabs.
@wildswan, please do not ever again conflate "Va Pensiero" with the perfervid bleatings of the losers of the last election.
Please ignore the fact she repeatedly tells us in What Happened that she was thinking nasty, horrible and possibly clever things but she did not say them. But now in this book she will tell us what she is really thinking and doing, right?
Hillary Rodham Clinton: I'm not going anywhere!
Dear Lord, I hope so! I want Hillary in the public eye EVERY SINGLE DAY, saying and doing "Hillary" as much as possible. I want Hillary to run again in 2020. I want Hillary jammed down America's throat until America gags on her. I want so much "Hillary" that Colbert starts to avert his eyes!
At least half of America deserved and has earned 24/7 Hillary!
What better way to ensure more Trump than to push more Hillary?
Crooked Hillary cannot understand why no one is afraid of her murdering them anymore. What's a Marxist to do?
Does Hillary tell the story about punching Mook and Podesta on election night and throwing the bottle of rare Champagne ($100K) through the one-of-a-kind OLED giant screen Sony monitor that was a gift from the Saudis and was estimated to be worth more than $1 million? No? If I were the publisher I wouldn't have accepted the manuscript then.
Why is she still talking, and even more to the point, why does anybody care? It's relentlessly boring and a tremendous waste of time and energy.
Hillary just does not matter any more.
It's all about Elton?
Hillary also decried Trump's "Rocket Man" speech at the UN. And now this...
Reporter for prestigious newspaper eaten by crocodile while relieving himself in lagoon
A Financial Times journalist was killed by a crocodile while washing his hands at a lagoon in Sri Lanka during a holiday with pals.
Paul McClean, 25, an Oxford University graduate, is understood to have wandered away from his group of friends to find a toilet when he was attacked.
The British victim is believed to have been dragged under water at a lagoon called Crocodile Rock near a popular surf spot after being ambushed by the reptile.
Hillary Clinton Appears Before Rally Completely Nude In Bid For Authenticity
So, where is Hillary's heartfelt and indisputable apology acknowledging that Condoleezza Rice was right about Russia, and she was wrong? Where is her heartfelt and indisputable apology acknowledging that she failed to come to Mitt Romney's defense when the Obama campaign was mocking his position on Russia?
"And Hillary urges us to gnaw away." Exactly. Had she won, no one would have cared about Russian "meddling."
For progs, it's all about results.
Where is her apology for the people who died at Benghazi?
Where is her apology for lying about her email server?
Where is her apology for her husband selling TWO NUCLEAR REACTORS TO NORTH KOREA?
Where is her apology for hiding the White House documents when she was First Lady?
Where is her apology for Vincent Foster's family?
Where is her apology for White Water?
Crocodiles have no particular affection for journalists.
Hillary! probably should not have reminded us of Paula.
The idea that Russia possibly paying for ads that reached a few people is hilarious to me, if we are supposed to believe it swayed the election in any way.
Do the people who say this not read Facebook? The most clearly absurd things get spread around for free by people.
I am currently watching the sad story of Kenneka Jenkins, a 19 year old black Chicago girl who got drunk at a hotel party, left behind by her friends, and wandered into a kitchen freezer and froze to death. People "proving" the cops have edited out the person leading her around in the surveillance videos, and people who can hear her getting raped in a Facebook live video put out by her friend- are in the tens if not hundreds of thousands. One current theory getting a lot of play on Facebook is she was killed for organs, because the hotel owner (a Crowne Plaza) is involved in selling body parts.
My friends, our problem is not Russia paying a few bucks possibly for an ad.
"Hillary Clinton Appears Before Rally Completely Nude In Bid For Authenticity"
Definitely not for the faint of heart, esp if male. But the photo is obviously fake because thelegs are nearly elephantine enough.
"They're coming to buy targeted ads on Facebook. There's no invasion in the offing. A distant foreign power coaxes us to eat away at ourselves from the inside. And Hillary urges us to gnaw away."
This is the key of it. Russian meddling essentially amounted to internet 2.0 spam and comment board trolling. Holy ballot boxes, Batman! How could we possibly beat them?
If you move past the asinine fear mongering, there is a really remarkable admission here. Democrats are basically saying their arguments can't beat those of paid Russian trolls and organic memesters. I think a lot of us basically knew that, but it's interesting to see a D Presidential candidate imply it.
Slightly off point, but related to the video ... who in Hell helps Hillary shop for clothes? She dresses like a frump.
Go ahead, D's -- nominate this doddering icon of everything that's wrong with America -- give her to us one more time!
In all seriousness, Hillary is not funny. She is revealing that the extent of the abuse of power in DC by Clinton and Obama was so vast that Trump triggered them into following the pattern of all fascists who know the jig is up. They are working their tails off to remove the evidence of witnesses and to plant key Party members in hiding places before the truth comes out. The MSM is fully complicit.
Nobody cares about Putin. Yes, he may be a corrupt, authoritarian, strongman 15,000 miles away.
So what?
Yes, he has border problems with Ukraine.
So what?
Our current foreign policy problems are Isis, Iraq, Syria, North Korea, and illegal immigration engulfing Europe.
Russia ain't a problem. To distract from their epic loss to Trump, the Dems have promoted this Russian meme all over the press.
Sorry, it's not working.
"... wants to destabilize our country, sow doubt about our democracy."
Like assaults on the electoral college system (for a completed election).
Like calls for electors to be "unfaithful".
Sigh, there are so many more, but the lady bores me.
Amexpat said...
Enjoyed watching the trailer for the Russians are Coming ... I saw it when it first came out, I was around 10, and remember enjoying it immensely. Good comedic release from the cold war tensions at the time.
Likewise. Years later, even now, we repeat some of the lines like: Everyone is blaming YOU ! and Everyone to get from street !
This was with Colbert, right? I watched a little of it, including the leadenly delivered Paula Revere quip, and her vow "I'm not going anywhere."
Her body language was remarkable. She sat slumped and twisted, as if hiding while trying to face in all directions at once. She was uncomfortable even with a sympathetic interview and an audience of fans. A woman in crisis. She has always been a woman in crisis.
Bay Area Guy said...
Russia ain't a problem. To distract from their epic loss to Trump, the Dems have promoted this Russian meme all over the press.
What's going to be hilarious, although somewhat disgusting, is how the Dems will try to downplay this constant antagonizing of Putin come 2019.
"And I am saying, as clearly as I can — I feel like a bit of a Paula Revere (I'm trying to sound the alarm about this) — is that, you know, you've got to understand what Putin's strategy is: He really doesn't like democracy. He thinks it's an inconvenient, messy process"
So Hillary is Paul Revere and Putin is Woodrow Wilson. (or maybe Obama)
"If she was honest she would do a book tour stop in Milwaukee and Madison."
She will be in Milwaukee this fall. Probably Madison too.
""... being as candid, open, as I could be...""
I am reminded of Mad Magazine's parody of Richard Nixon: "In my sincerest insincerity."
Nixon was an introvert in politics- which is an extrovert's game. His discomfort at playing the extrovert came across as being insincere. Though in fairness to Nixon critics, Nixon's attempts at image manipulation- recall "the new Nixon"- justified the insincere label.
For all his faults, Nixon was a better loser than Hillary.
When I hear "Now I am telling the truth..now I am being candid." my reaction is to run.
During the Cold War, the "Russians":
1. 1945: Raped half of Germany en route to Berlin
2. Stole our nuclear secrets
3. 1950: Engineered the Korean War
4. 1956: Crushed an uprising in Hungary with tanks
5. Built the Berlin Wall
6. Tried to puts Nukes in Cuba (Cuban Missile Crisis)
7. 1968: Crushed an uprising in Czechoslovakia
8. Funded and supported the North Vietnamese in its invasion of the South
9. 1980: Invaded Afghanistan
The Dems' response was: don't overreact! McCarthyism!
After the Cold War, when the all these dangers subsided, and Soviet Union was dismantled,
the Dems' response is..... Putin hates us! They are our enemies! We are at war with them!
The Democrat party is rotten to its core. Not saying the GOP is all unicorns and rainbows -- they have huge problems of a different kind.
But the Dems have been hijacked by the Left and they need to be beaten like a wack-a-mole game.
It seems clear that Hillary Rodham Clinton has always believed that she was really something special and was destined for greatness. Why? What gave her this delusion?
It's particularly difficult for me to be honest.
The sun is hot.
Water is wet.
Donna Brazille gave her the questions before one of her debates with Sanders. Doesn't that sow doubt about our democratic process?
Bad Lieutenant said: "Ann is generously leaving you subject material for your own blog, which we are all no doubt dying to read."
Snicker, snicker.
She lives in a bubble, but it's not a soap bubble. It's made of thick durable material. People line up for hours for the privilege of having her sign that book. She got a standing ovation, and Colbert joined it. He didn't ask a single skeptical question. Her bubble is comfy and cosy and supplied with nutrients and a heating system. It's closer to an amniotic sac than to a bubble. There's no way she will ever leave it, and, perhaps, there's no way she could even leave it if she so desired.
If the Democrats love democracy so much, why do they depend on the parts of government that are the least democratic to implement their agenda?
Maybe because democratic institutions have rejected it?
She will be in Milwaukee this fall. Probably Madison too.
9/20/17, 11:28 AM
That horse has not only left the barn, it was sent off to the glue factory months ago.
Everyone to get from street!
Hillary's campaign, the DNC and various PACs raised $1.4 billion for the campaign, and we are supposed to believe that the Russians swayed the election with $100K? And where are all these ads that were purchased? Let's see them!
And where are all these ads that were purchased? Let's see them
There was a TV ad which was a retrospective of Hillary's speeches from college onward. It only served to show that she had been a pain in the ass her whole life. I wouldn't be surprised if the Russians bought that one.
"Hillary on the Campaign Trail drumming up votes for republicans. You guys must be loving it."
Every second of it.
I never want her to stop. It's a priceless, endless, in-kind contribution to every Republican running.
That bastard Putin is trying to undermine our democracy by telling people what I did!!!
I overheard a lady in a restaurant bemoaning her lack of grandchildren, and then she said "With Trump in power, who can blame them..."
If it hadn't of been for that. sonoffabitch Johnson!
Hillary is more like Revere than she realizes. Prescott and Dawes actually made the ride. Revere got the credit for something he did not do.
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