১২ আগস্ট, ২০১৭

"White nationalists and counterprotesters are expected to flood downtown Charlottesville Saturday as the Virginia city braces for the 'Unite the Right' rally."

"By noon, thousands are expected to gather in Emancipation Park, where barricades have been placed in proximity to the statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee. The rally comes hours after a large group of torch-bearing white nationalists marched through the University of Virginia campus Friday night."

CNN reports.

The city council has voted to take down the statue of General Lee (and to rename 2 parks named after Confederate generals). What, exactly, is the big deal about a march espousing a political point of view? Isn't this the sort of thing Americans should take in stride? Why not say some kind words about free speech, register your disagreement with the opinion the crowd is expressing, and move on?

I think the best answer to that last question is that people who disagree with the opinion see an opportunity to express their own opinion, to use the assembled crowd as a platform to express disagreement with the opinion expressed by that crowd. There's nothing really wrong with that, but why should onlookers like me get riled up about anything? It's just another normal day in America.

But that's not what CNN wants me to think. It's telling me that Charlottesville is a "quiet and progressive town." Nestled there are "residents on edge" (because noisy out-of-towners have arrived to speak on behalf of the monumentally silent statue). A "business owner" is quoted saying that townsfolk "have a lot of fears," and "are just anxious." He mentions "a blood bath... looting... mass arrests... police having to turn on citizens." I don't understand what that refers to. Counterprotests? Which "citizens" are the police going to have to turn on? Citizens of the quiet and progressive town of Charlottesville who are beset by outsiders exercising their free speech rights?

CNN quotes Larry Sabato, the director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics: "In my 47 years of association with @UVA, this was the most nauseating thing I've ever seen. We need an exorcism on the Lawn." Could somebody explain what he's so upset about? Why can't you look at a protest march you disagree with?

Is there something about torches? If so, after they tear down the statue of Robert E. Lee, they'd better tear down the Statue of Liberty.

"A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame/Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name/Mother of Exiles...."

৩৫৩টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   353 এর 201 – থেকে 353
YoungHegelian বলেছেন...


I agree your video seems to suggest that the attack was unprovoked.

But, watch the entire video & you see that after the car rams into the mob/car & the screaming starts, many antifa protestors run towards the crowd from the direction the car came.

It's not dispositive that the driver had to run a gauntlet of protestors before the impact.

The Vault Dweller বলেছেন...


I mean whenever something like this happens I'm always willing to wait for all the evidence to come in, but I'll wait for evidence of justification before speculating on a possible one at this point. The car looks like it it accelerates from basically an idle in the video. I don't know what could have caused the driver to suddenly think at that point his life was in jeopardy.

YoungHegelian বলেছেন...


What I think argues that the attack was deliberate & planned & not the work of a panicked driver, is that whoever is driving that car drives in reverse like a pro. Look at how he escapes back up the street! You've gotta know how to drive like that.

Unknown বলেছেন...

It was intentional.

"A vehicle plowed through a crowd of peaceful protesters in Charlottesville, Va. Saturday after police broke up violent clashes between far-right groups and counter-demonstrators.

Multiple people were injured in the collision, according to Charlottesville Police, who urged people to stay clear of the area to allow emergency medical personnel to respond.

It was not immediately clear if the incident was deliberate, though one witness said the collision was "absolutely intentional," according to The Washington Post's Joe Heim."

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

Do we know who the driver was? Seems pretty important before laying blame.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

So every time antifa burns a city I can say 'let's not hear about rightist violence anymore after this'? You realize how you stink of hypocrisy?

No, she doesn't, and even if she did, she wouldn't care.

I don't know why people waste their time arguing with moral cretins about their inconsistency and hypocrisy. (I realize that in the Ingabot's case, the word "moral" in the preceding sentence is probably is superfluous.)

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

Be weird if it turned out it actually was ISIS.

Mark বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
mockturtle বলেছেন...

Interesting that most of the Antifas in the video were staring at their phones rather than helping the injured. The 'narrator' in the video seemed genuinely jubilant that it happened. Success! Provoking violence! This is the sort of crap we did in the late 60's, too. Especially if there were cameras around [no cell phones then].

Never-Biden Never-Putin বলেছেন...

The video is terrible. All you can see are a few cars smashing into each other because someone accidentally or deliberately hit the accelerator.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Blogger Unknown said...
"The sound a loser of an argument makes."

No wonder your children don't speak to you.

Only the lefties like you.

And frankly, I'd prefer you not do so too.

Your co-conspirators are now chanting "Fuck the Police." You go, girl !

The Vault Dweller বলেছেন...


Yeah with how quickly he backed up I agree it seems he was thinking of escape as he was driving into the people. I suspect, the driver won't remain on the loose that long.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

The driver is already in custody.

Michael K বলেছেন...

one witness said the collision was "absolutely intentional," according to The Washington Post's Joe Heim."

Who was there as an Antifi demonstrator blocking the street.

Certainly a reliable witness.

The Vault Dweller বলেছেন...

Ah good news.

Unknown বলেছেন...

"And frankly, I'd prefer you not do so too."

Did you forget you addressed me first? If you don't want me to respond to your comments, I'd suggest not addressing mine.

The Vault Dweller বলেছেন...

@Michael K

I think this video makes it pretty clear the driver intended to drive into the crowd.


Achilles বলেছেন...

Unknown said...
An car plows into a crowd of counter protestors. Now they're using ISIS tactics.

I can see why you want more ISIS types to immigrate here.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

I find it interesting when there's violence here, everyone immediately starts telling everyone to stay home.

Violence from the left or during a left protest? We need to listen to them, give them space to destroy.

I want to find out everything about that driver and how this happened, and I want to find it out now. There's no reason his or her name hasn't been revealed yet, given how quickly the news media identifies things these days. What's the delay?

Achilles বলেছেন...

Unknown said...

"A vehicle plowed through a crowd of peaceful protesters in Charlottesville, Va. Saturday


after police broke up violent clashes between far-right groups and counter-demonstrators.


The media, antifa, the leftists are all just dishonest pieces of shit.

And we know who always starts the violence.

harrogate বলেছেন...


Mark বলেছেন...

I'll wait for the UK media to fully report the story. They usually have better coverage, with more pics and videos, and less bias.

n.n বলেছেন...

Shades of inauguration day.

The tell-tale hearts beat ever louder.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...


-- If a guy stalking Republican Congressman, making a kill list, confirming their identities and opening fire on them at a location after he researched to ensure they didn't have high levels of security isn't terrorism, then this isn't.

buwaya বলেছেন...

Who is the real audience for this?

This is really about teenage boys, the unseen, unremarked power always pending in the wings. Thats the population that makes any future. Give them politics as part of their rebellion, and you have them for a very long time.

There was a huge survey last year of high school kids, search for hispanicheritage.org gen z survey.
The telling part was the opinions of the white boys - intensely right wing and intensely disaffected, more so than any other group.

Never-Biden Never-Putin বলেছেন...

It's too early to tell or know, as investigations are underway, but...

Drudge link:

...The driver was taken into police custody right after the incident. Police say the car was covered in dents prior and apparently hit by a bat. She adds that "If you watch the earlier part of my stream you can see anti-right wing chasing after a Lexus and throwing rocks, bottles, a shoe. This car was not the one that mowed people down. That was a differ grey car."

Lorentz also notes that according to "several police officers at the station here think the guy running people down wasn't malicious. They said the driver was scared. His car was being swarmed by protesters and some of them were getting violent (like the guy who punched me/threw me down)"

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

If you watch the video posted, while it is driving down the road, you can actually see someone smack the car with something (though, this is after they are definitely accelerating towards a crowd, so it is hard to say if that hit would be a "SLOW DOWN" or "Drag this guy from his car and beat him like we did to that guy in Chicago who voted Trump" hit.)

Achilles বলেছেন...

Expect the leftists to get all up and on this story. Why?

Because their traitorous coup attempt is based on a complete fabrication.

"There was no hack of the Democratic National Committee’s system on July 5 last year—not by the Russians, not by anyone else. Hard science now demonstrates it was a leak—a download executed locally with a memory key or a similarly portable data-storage device. In short, it was an inside job by someone with access to the DNC’s system. This casts serious doubt on the initial “hack,” as alleged, that led to the very consequential publication of a large store of documents on WikiLeaks last summer."

Expect more flailing violence and gnashing of teeth as the whole disgusting lot of them implode as a movement and slither off into anonymity.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"Did you forget you addressed me first? "

I thanked you. I'll never do that again I promise.

several police officers at the station here think the guy running people down wasn't malicious. They said the driver was scared. His car was being swarmed by protesters and some of them were getting violent (like the guy who punched me/threw me down)"

I will also wait for British papers but this seems probably.

I watched the video, too.

harrogate বলেছেন...


Whataboutism aside, did I ever say the incident you reference was not terrorism?

Because it certainly was. As is this.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

The Vault Dweller said...
I think this video makes it pretty clear the driver intended to drive into the crowd.

Apparently they did what the signs at 0:41 told them to do: "BUMP" and "NO STOPPING OR STANDING".

Unknown বলেছেন...

After the gray car deliberately hit (according to multiple witnesses) people head on, he hit even more people backing out at high speed and fleeing.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

The point is that the FBI concluded the Scalise shooting was not terrorism.

So, it is highly unlikely that this is going to count as terrorism, even if it was intentional.

And you can largely blame the left for refusing to treat the previous violent protests seriously for that.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

-- If a guy stalking Republican Congressman, making a kill list, confirming their identities and opening fire on them at a location after he researched to ensure they didn't have high levels of security isn't terrorism, then this isn't.

Who said the killer of Republican congressmen wasn't a terrorist? Of course he was. You're a decent guy. Why are you doing moral acrobatics to keep yourself from having to be angry at right-wing extremists? Why don't you join those of us who reject extremists, especially violent extremists on any side? That's the principled place to be.

harrogate বলেছেন...

I don't really give a fuck what the FBI designated the Scalise shooting, or if this FBI totally ignores the events of today.

It's almost as if for some (not you, perhaps, but for some), if it wasn't a Muslim who did it, then terrorist act is a rare designation indeed.


Michael K বলেছেন...

The telling part was the opinions of the white boys - intensely right wing and intensely disaffected, more so than any other group.

This is coming along with the "alt right effect in Silicon Valley'

The Second Law of Thermodynamics has not been repealed. Also, Newton's Third Law may take over.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"Who said the killer of Republican congressmen wasn't a terrorist? Of course he was."

-- The FBI ruled out political motivation for the attack.

Tommy Duncan বলেছেন...

"The first casualty when war comes is truth". -- Hiram W Johnson

How is it UnknownInga82 knows so much more about what is going on than the rest of us? How can she be so certain regarding the facts and motives? How does she know who the actors are while the rest of us watch confusing snippets of action on the Internet? Could she be intentionally stirring up conflict? You might conclude she is acting out of hatred and personal motivations.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"It's almost as if for some (not you, perhaps, but for some), if it wasn't a Muslim who did it, then terrorist act is a rare designation indeed."

NO, but Muslims and Democrats certainly seem to be the majority.

Maybe you don't think of BLM and Antifa as Democrats but I do.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"Why are you doing moral acrobatics to keep yourself from having to be angry at right-wing extremists?"

-- We don't even know what happened here yet (though most likely it was intentional). In fact, there's conflicting reports that you can see here. It's not moral acrobatics. It's waiting until we have all of the facts.

The point was that the tag "terrorism" for this incident is laughable given how much violence has been downplayed against the right. Guy tries to poison a right-leaning speaker? Nothing. Crowds show up to use violence to keep people on the right from talking? Nothing.

I've been nothing but consistent in saying that violence is bad; I'm just not at all shocked that the more violent people on the right, seeing the left constantly be rewarded and not punished for being violent finally decided, "Well, crap. If that's the rules, then we'll play by them."

There were *months*, actually, by now, a year -- of violent, left-wing protests where it would have been nice for the left to collectively put their feet down and say, "No, you know what, calling on people to murder cops and drag people from their cars for voting for the wrong guy is a step too far."

They didn't. And this is the result; the assholes on the right have decided, "Fuck it; two can play that game."

And guess what? The people on the right who are violent? They don't care what I say, because I've been telling them that moderation and compromise is the way to go. And every time we try that, they look at a right leaning protest or march have bricks thrown at them, bottles of urine thrown at them, their friends and people beaten with the police and the left collectively shrugging.

So, yes. I've been consistently against violence. And it would've been nice if the left had been able to use some of their organization to help keep this from spinning out of control.

Clyde বলেছেন...

Far-left assholes have been running violently amok since the election. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. So the violent far-left assholes have drawn out the violent far-right assholes, and they are assaulting each other in Charlottesville. I don't see anyone but assholes in those scenes of violence.

Unknown বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Mark বলেছেন...

In short, it was an inside job by someone with access to the DNC’s system

That's what WikiLeaks has been saying all along.

Unknown বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
YoungHegelian বলেছেন...

The dust-up in Charlottesville is starting to remind me of the Greensboro Massacre. In both cases, you had a large influx of Lefties from out of town who came from more liberal areas that were more tolerant of their mischief & mayhem who then ran into the "locals" (broadly speaking) who were not tolerant.

The Antifa types, for all their bluster, are really awful at street-fighting when they're faced down. They're used to municipalities & populations that just let them run riot. Well, Charlottesville is a liberal college town in Virginia, but the surrounding area sure as hell isn't.

Expect the violence to get worse as Antifa tries to expand its range against the Alt-Right. I imagine that, soon enough, we'll have a full scale repeat of the Greensboro Massacre.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

buwaya said...
...hispanicheritage.org gen z survey.
The telling part was the opinions of the white boys - intensely right wing and intensely disaffected, more so than any other group.

Not really "intensely disaffected" -


48% Trump / 11% Clinton / 9% 3rd party candidate / 4% write-in candidate / 27% “I would choose not to vote in this election”

Obama job approval: approve (31%), disapprove (37%), no opinion (32%)

Direction of country – positive: yes (6%), no (61%), I don’t know (32%)

14% very engaged in politics / 48% somewhat engaged / 27% not very engaged / 11% not at all engaged

Same poll with a different analysis: Bernie Sander for the win.

"Direction of country" dissatisfaction could be: "not socialist enough".

buwaya বলেছেন...

What most people dont realize about the Nazis is how young most of them were - not the leaders mostly, though they were relative youths compared to Von Papen, Schleicher, Hindenberg and that lot - but the rank and file, that joined the party or its organs like the SA in the mid-late 1920s.

The original crowd of the Beerhall Putsch were disaffected WW1 soldiers, but not the new lot. These were kids who grew up in the unsettled postwar.

Horst Wessel was indeed a prototype. His biography is interesting, the wiki is quite a good snapshot.

One day I think someone will write a history that puts Gamergate in its correct significance. Whether it was a cause or just a crystallization of what was latent. What its consequences will be we can't tell yet.

Drago বলেছেন...

So, no need to wait for any messy investigation.

Inga is on hand to lend her advanced mind reading skills to the situation.

So we've got that going for us.

The only way to stop the lefties from labeling an incident as terrorism is for the perpetrators to yell allahu akbar during the act.

That phrase is absolute "terrorism labeling kryptonite" to the left.

Also, gunning down police officers is definitely not terrorism.

Definitely not terrorism.

Definitely not.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

How is it UnknownInga82 knows so much more about what is going on than the rest of us? How can she be so certain regarding the facts and motives? How does she know who the actors are while the rest of us watch confusing snippets of action on the Internet? Could she be intentionally stirring up conflict? You might conclude she is acting out of hatred and personal motivations.

Or she could just be a second-rate troll.

Unknown বলেছেন...

"You might conclude she is acting out of hatred and personal motivations."

Don't be lazy. Read the eye witness accounts and watch the videos for yourself and you will have a clearer idea of what is going on. What you are doing is trying to sow seeds of doubt as to what was an clearly and intentional act. If you're confused by the videos from multiple angles of the very obvious mowing down of counter protestors, I might conclude you're acting out of stupidity and bigotry.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

White Male:
58% Trump / 8% Clinton / 9% 3rd party candidate / 3% write-in candidate / 21% “I would choose not to vote in this election”

Obama job approval: approve (27%), disapprove (45%), no opinion (28%)

Direction of country – positive: yes (9%), no (63%), I don’t know (28%)

18% very engaged in politics / 48% somewhat engaged / 23% not very engaged / 10% not at all engaged

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

Survey (same one) Finds Sanders Presidential Choice of High School Students

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Is seems based on early evidence [and this is just a theory] that the car/cars were being vandalized with baseball bats and projectiles and maybe--just maybe--they were desperately trying to escape.

buwaya বলেছেন...

Fernandinande -
Look at white boys, % Trump vs anything else, and direction of country. White boys are critical. They are the most politically and militarily consequential, even if they are only a plurality.

The Vault Dweller বলেছেন...


Is seems based on early evidence [and this is just a theory] that the car/cars were being vandalized with baseball bats and projectiles and maybe--just maybe--they were desperately trying to escape.

Do you have an article for this? I've seen the two videos, which to me suggest the driver wasn't facing any danger when he accelerated into the crowd. But it does not show the car immediately beforehand.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

So, Twitter users is saying that both license plates were removed, which would make it a lot more likely to be intentional.

But, Twitter users are frequently wrong or flat out lying.

Unknown বলেছেন...

"There is officially one dead as a result of the car attack in Charlottesville, as per Mayor Singer. He tweeted, “I am heartbroken that a life has been lost here. I urge all people of good will–go home.”"

Mike Signer @MikeSigner
I am heartbroken that a life has been lost here. I urge all people of good will--go home.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

License plates not removed.
Ohio plates GVF 1111.

Unknown বলেছেন...

"While speaking to reporters this morning, a smiling David Duke made the following observation when asked what the rally meant to him:

“This represents a turning point for the people of this country. We are determined to take this country back. We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That’s what we believed in. That’s why we voted for Donald Trump because he said he’s going to take our country back.”"

buwaya বলেছেন...

The Sanders win in the survey is based on the entire sample, with girls and all minorities.

The prospect for a white ethnic movement (Nazis in all but name, of necessity) is going to be in the hands of white kids, and especially boys. The Black and Latino minorities already have their ethnic movements, which are already Nazi in fact.

The Vault Dweller বলেছেন...

@Matthew Sablan

I think twitter users are wrong in this case. I am looking a picture of the rear of the car, blown up so that the rear license plate is clearing visible. I will decline to link the picture though because it contains the actual license plate number and I can't be sure it is correct. However if you look at the twitter video that shows the car from the rear as it drives, you can see the basic white box of what looks like a rear license plate.

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

Intentional? That's a rather vague word. I see no evidence that the driver got up that morning thinking "I'm going to go to a Nazi rally and run over some anti-Nazis!"

I've watched the footage, and the driver does not in fact seem to have aimed at hitting the maximum number of pedestrians. He hit the other car squarely, right in the middle of the lane of traffic where cars are supposed to be. He could have driven to the right or left where there were a lot more pedestrians, but didn't. The car he hit, and the other one he knocked it into, were going about 2 mph, thanks to the crowds of asshole counter-protestors intentionally blocking them by walking in the street. The crowd is not all that thick: they could have made room. It looks to me like the driver panicked, saw cars driving in the direction he wanted to go, didn't realize until too late just how slow they were going, and didn't hit the brake in time, or didn't hit it at all when he realized it was way too late.

By the way, was the crowd blocking traffic because they were selfish assholes, or were they slowing the traffic down to 2 mph intentionally so they could take a look at the drivers and passengers and maybe pull them out and beat them if they were wearing Nazi or Confederate regalia? Even if they weren't, the guy in the grey car may well have thought so, especially if had already had rocks thrown at his car or had it beaten with baseball bats.

If in fact Antifas were throwing rocks at cars and/or beating them with baseball bats before the incident, I certainly hope they can be identified. However, I suspect that such people (a) will not turn themselves in, (b) will not be turned in by their Antifa friends, and (c) will not have any available cell-phone footage of their deeds provided to the police by other Antifas and maybe not even by the press. I've read that the grey car passed a nearby police station when it backed up, so maybe the police have some footage of the reported attacks on it before the collision.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

Scroll down here for pic of car plowing through demonstrators, bodies flying, empty shoes all over the street in it's wake, rear plate clearly visible.


Big Mike বলেছেন...

The neo-Nazis came to town looking for a fight. The antifa came to town looking to give them one. Now someone is dead. I'm sorry it couldn't be all of them from both sides. Efforts to treat the antifa as "peaceful protesters" are way beyond lies, and somewhere between damned lies and government statistics.

@Brookzene, I will not join you in rejecting "violent extremists on any side" because my honest opinion is that you do not even see the violent extremism from the left. The left sowed the wind; now reap the whirlwind.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

Hm. Just because it has the license plate doesn't mean it wasn't intentional, it just means one of the bigger red flags isn't up.

I imagine the police will have an answer one way or the other before the weekend is out though.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

If it was a deliberate act, it could have been a stolen car.

n.n বলেছেন...

Every side, left, right, and center, should step back and consider principles before principals, lest they become the very model of what they fear and loathe.

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

I'm seeing silly tweets complaining that the police and National Guard came down much harder on the 'demosntrators' in Ferguson than they have on the Nazis in Charlottesville, who are SO MUCH WORSE! No mention that the demonstrators in Ferguson burned down a bunch of buildings, while the Nazis don't seem to have even broken one window, even at the restaurants that refused to serve them. (I am NOT suggesting that that would make it OK - just pointing out that these Nazis are pretty damned nonviolent by left-wing standards, and that lefties can't even see that.)

Never-Biden Never-Putin বলেছেন...

Achilles @ 2:21

Wow - Still wondering why Seth Rich was murdered, too. He had access.

The Vault Dweller বলেছেন...

@Matthew Sablan

If by intentional, you mean that driver woke up that morning and decided he was going to look for an opportunity to drive his car into as many people as possible I agree. In fact I would be pretty surprised if that was the case. By intentional I mean, the driver saw a group of people who were not doing anything violent, and at that moment at least decided he was going to drive his car into those people knowing it would seriously harm or kill some or all of them.

As far as the driver's motivation, I will withhold speculation. It isn't clear who the driver is, his mindset, or even if he knew which group the people in the street belonged to.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Other videos showing the gray car speeding toward counter protesters, from down the street. This car wasn't caught in the group of protestors, he aimed his car directly at them full speed ahead.

Gray car speeding toward counter protesters.

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

Two possible points in favor of a deliberate act: the care was reported to have tinted windows, and the driver backed up very fast and very skilfully, which might suggest that he'd been practicing. However, I think the evidence still points mostly the other way.

Fabi বলেছেন...

The Antifa crowd was chanting "Whose streets? Our streets!" as the incident occurred.

Lee Corso voiceover -- "Not so fast, my friend!"

mockturtle বলেছেন...

The vault dweller asks: Do you have an article for this?

"According to The Hill’s Taylor Lorenz, the cops aren’t convinced the driver meant to ram the car through the crowd...Anyway several police officers at the station here think the guy running people down wasn’t malicious. They said the driver was scared,” Lorenz said, “His car was being swarmed by protesters and some of them were getting violent (like the guy who punched me/threw me down...“The driver was taken into police custody right after the incident,” Lorenz tweeted. “Police say the car was covered in dents prior and apparently hit by a bat.”

Michael K বলেছেন...

The video shows there were three cars, at least and all were caught in the crowd which was Antifa and Resist marchers blocking the street.

Reginald Denny could not be reached for comment.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

"Hm. Just because it has the license plate doesn't mean it wasn't intentional, it just means one of the bigger red flags isn't up."

Right. At this point we just don't know very much.

buwaya বলেছেন...

The wind was sown, but its not by the antifa or the nazis. Both of these are symptoms, and whatever disorder there is now, so far, is trivial.

The sowing was the pouring of poison into the ears of white kids over several decades for the sake of dominating them. And similar poisons into Asian, Latino and Black kids. They all learned these lessons well (other, better, lessons, not so well).

But the result of these lessons may not be as intended.

I am glad I am somewhat hedged with foreign assets.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"Do you have an article for this?"

I saw that statement quoted at zero hedge .

chickelit বলেছেন...

Sounds like the identity of the vehicle is a gray area.

Drago বলেছেন...

Leftists continue their unrelenting calls for the genocide of whites:

"Drexel University officials were forced to respond to a controversy on Christmas after one of their professors called for “white genocide” on Twitter."


And Inga smiles.....

The Vault Dweller বলেছেন...


Thanks! Here is that particular reporters, twitter feed. https://twitter.com/taylorlorenz?lang=en so people can make of it what they will.

The reporter does mention and apparently has video on her stream somewhere of people she describes 'anti-right wing' chasing down a grey lexus throwing rocks, bottles and a shoe at that car. That car is different than the one that was driven into the crowd in the videos posted. The reporter also does mention that police have told her they don't think the driver did the act in a malicious manner but rather may have been motivated by attempting to flee people who were throwing objects and hitting his car with a bat.

Drago বলেছেন...

Anti-Trumper shoots republican neighbor in the head....twice.


And Inga smiles....

buwaya বলেছেন...

The only way out of this, if there is any, is to turn the cultural ship aside. But that ship has no helmsman, and its probably too late.

Drago বলেছেন...

Islamist terrorists continue their rampage against the west: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/08/09/french-soldiers-hit-vehicle-paris/

And Inga smiles....and demands we let more in.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Mark said...
I'll wait for the UK media to fully report the story. They usually have better coverage, with more pics and videos, and less bias.

Terror in Virginia

Fabi বলেছেন...

"Mostly peaceful."

Drago বলেছেন...

We won't really know what to think about all this until ARM links to Andrew Sullivan.

Apparently he is the designated "Voice That Speaks The Truth Today!" guy.

I mean, he's no Charlie Sykes or anything, but still....

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

If, like me, you're wondering who's been starting the fistfights, mace-spraying, and other violence in Charlottesville, here's an interesting factoid:

Someone on my Twitter feed has quoted (with approval) the claim that the one person (so far) who has died after being run over was a Wobbly, a member of the Industrial Workers of the World, a group with a 112-year record of hard-left violence. I wonder (a) if he was from out of town, and (b) who paid his travel expenses.

I don't know if this is true - it may turn out as false as the claim that the car had no license plates. But . . . interesting, if true.

Drago বলেছেন...

Most islamist mass murder attacks are "mostly peaceful" because the islamists get tired after cutting off a few heads and need a few moments to recover before moving onto the next victim and then visiting their local govt office to get an Inga/Hawaii judge approved Visa to travel to the US.

Unknown বলেছেন...

David Duke @DrDavidDuke
I would recommend you take a good look in the mirror & remember it was White Americans who put you in the presidency, not radical leftists.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

I don't fear 6000 dopes in a nation of 300 million. They have a right to congregate and speak, but I have a right to ignore them.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

Unknown's tweet zingers would have more impact if anyone here gave a shit about David Duke.

Howard বলেছেন...

I don't understand the left getting all hysterical. The proper response to the awkward gathering of portly beta chickenhawks fortified by "Dutch Courage" is:
meh. That all you got? or Why aren't you in the Army?

Dr Weevil বলেছেন...

Unknown seems to think that having David Duke on your side proves you're no good. She may have a point: Duke endorsed Obama in 2008.

Drago বলেছেন...

Unknown seems to be quoting every MSM article written since Nov 8, 2016.

Maybe that's why the left is calling for white genocide and the end of western civilization in alignment with their islamist allies.

The Vault Dweller বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Drago বলেছেন...

Hmmm... I am certainly not saying this is true and it is possible it is just a completely made up story, but there are quite a few collations of images showing the car might belong to a young, white man aged 19, 20 or 21, who lives in Ohio and has numerous anti-trump and left-leaning images on his social media accounts

Given the number of hate crime hoaxes perpetrated by the left/"lifelong republicans" and their MSM allies, you are forgiven for your cynicism and desire to wait until at least a preliminary investigation is completed.


FullMoon বলেছেন...

Unknown said...

After the gray car deliberately hit (according to multiple witnesses) people head on, he hit even more people backing out at high speed and fleeing.
8/12/17, 2:25 PM

Left, right, or center, if intentional, guy is an asshole with mental problems. Once his twitter feed and facebook posts are public, will be easy to figure out.

buwaya বলেছেন...

David Duke is right on this. Bad men are, due to some strange perversity of the universe, very often right. Ignoring them is stupid.

For what are ultimately trivial reasons the left is happy he is right, and the right unhappy. But its so anyway.

A rational and responsible point of view would be to try understand why he is right. The reasons are not the sorts of things the majority of the left has the intellect or character to comprehend and most of the right lacks the self confidence to admit they do.

Drago বলেছেন...

I wonder what Inga's favorite leftist "F*** The Police" Chant happens to be.

There are so many to choose from.

n.n বলেছেন...

David Duke is right on this.

A predisposition, a harmony, really, to associations of class and character?

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Drago muses: Maybe that's why the left is calling for white genocide and the end of western civilization in alignment with their islamist allies.

Stanford U. apparently is working toward it:

Anthropology course will explore ‘coming to terms with white identity’

Stanford University is slated to offer a class this fall called “White Identity Politics,” during which students will “survey the field of whiteness studies” and discuss the “possibilities of … abolishing whiteness,” according to the course description.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

"He was the son of Revolution general Harry Lee. He married a great granddaughter of Martha Washington. Their home, which he inherited when his wife's father died, is part of Arlington National Cemetery."

My understanding is that the latter was intentional, payback to Lee for being such an effective General for the South, and, thus, filled the cemetery on his land with the bodies of Union soldiers that his generaling killed.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Very very early and unconfirmed but the driver of the car that ran into that mob is a left winger.

Still not confirmed but Inga most affected.

My understanding is that the latter was intentional, payback to Lee for being such an effective General for the South, and, thus, filled the cemetery on his land with the bodies of Union soldiers that his generaling killed.

Yes the Custis Lee mansion and the Arlington plantation were seized after the war and remains a national cemetery.

Lee himself was from a poor family that had fallen on hard times. The plantation was his wife's.

Drago বলেছেন...

My understanding is that the latter was intentional, payback to Lee for being such an effective General for the South, and, thus, filled the cemetery on his land with the bodies of Union soldiers that his generaling killed.

This information does seem to coincide with a sudden, very sudden, very very sudden, reduction in the focus the lefties were allocating to this incident.

If it is true, and it is not in any way confirmed, that this was another (ANOTHER!) instance of someone on the left perpetrating this, you can expect that the incident will immediately be s***-canned right down the marxist/islamist memory hole.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

The driver of the car may be arrested and tried, but I suspect that it will be difficult to convict him, esp if the jury pool is county, and not city, wide. The basic problem that I see is that the state would have the burden of proving, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the driver had no real reason to fear the antifada protesters. One new dent in his car that can't be explained by the impact of his car, is likely to be sufficient to legally justify self defense, esp when there are other cars with a lot of dents, and videos of antifada types with bats and the like attacking cars. Note - self defense laws apply regardless of the implement, if any used. Guns, knives, vehicles, or even sometimes hands, are the same under the law here. A reasonable fear of imminent death or great bodily injury is typically all it takes to legally justify the use of deadly force in self-defense. We shall see.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

Let me add that "great bodily injury" typically includes broken bones and the like, which bats can easily inflict.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Michael K:
THe link in your 5:18pm claims to have given my other computer a virus and says it will do horrible things to it if I don't pay them.

Also, it names a Jason V. and I've already gotten forwarded tweets in which the Jason V. in the picture says he drives a complete different car and lives in Michigan, not Ohio.

Ralph L বলেছেন...

Since he accelerated toward a large group of people instead of turning onto a street with few people when he had the chance, he'd have to be pretty stupid if he was just scared.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

UPDATE: The family of the Charlottesville suspect identified online has denied the report, saying they no longer own the vehicle, and the person identified is at a wedding in another state, not at the protests. We will redact his last name until the suspect is identified.

Michael K বলেছেন...

The Fox link carrying the VA press conference had the same info.

Time to go to UK news sites for the real skinny.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

"Who said the killer of Republican congressmen wasn't a terrorist? Of course he was."

-- The FBI ruled out political motivation for the attack

This is what I'm referring to re moral acrobatics. The FBI didn't rule out political motivation. They talked about multiple problems Hodgkinson had but I don't remember the FBI or anyone ruling out political motivations. It was pretty obvious he had political motivations.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

A baseball bat can legally, in many cases, be taken as a deadly weapon. Not only is it capable of breaking bones ("great bodily injury"), but can also kill. I think that the antifata people were legally pretty stupid to be carrying such. They may have well have been carrying guns, esp when they (apparently) started using the bats offensively. From a self-defense point of view, that was almost equivalent of providing everyone else there a license to legally use deadly force in self defense.

Ralph L বলেছেন...

Bruce, that correct, Gen Montgomery Meigs ordered it. Lee's eldest son sued in the 1880's and got $150,000 from the government in compensation. The yankees also burned Martha's White House on the Peninsula in 1862.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

mockturtle said...
Stanford University is slated to offer a class this fall called “White Identity Politics,”

"Stanford Professor Tomás Jiménez explained that “whiteness” refers to “the set of behaviors and outlooks associated with the racial category, white.”"

It's funny because it's true! Not only is Tom is as white as the driven snow, he has a 100% white-European-style job which requires behaviors and outlooks associated with the racial category, white.

What a silly scam, and he's not the only fake professor pulling it.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...


Michael K বলেছেন...

Here is a Twitter feed with a tweet from a guy who says it's not his car

I'm not sure as the name spelling is not quite the same. He says he drives a different car, It may just be a similar name. The media was ecstatic when the Colorado shooter had the same name as a Tea Party guy in Colorado. Not the same guy,

The longer before the driver is identified, the more suspicion that he does not fit the narrative.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

I think it's always legitimate to ask of any of these terrorists how much were they motivated by mental illness as opposed to political or other motivations. Most of the time I don't think anyone can be sure. I believe there's a lot of crossover. I think a lot of terrorists of all kinds are afflicted with psycho-social problems and mental illness. I'm not a professional on this issue by any means, but my commonsense tells me someone has to be pretty screwed up to justify intentionally murdering or maiming civilians for political or ideological reasons.

I can't imagine being reluctant or argumentative over any very obvious motivations these guys have.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Dr Weevil said...
Michael K:
The link in your 5:18pm claims to have given my other computer a virus and says it will do horrible things to it if I don't pay them.
Also, it names a Jason V. and I've already gotten forwarded tweets in which the Jason V. in the picture says he drives a complete different car and lives in Michigan, not Ohio.

Does it make me a bad person that despite this tragedy I can still gain some small pleasure in life watching Michael K make a fool of himself in public one more time?

Michael K বলেছেন...

There appears to be a helicopter crash there also killing two.

ARM is eager to see the narrative fulfilled.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

Leftists continue their unrelenting calls for the genocide of whites:

"Drexel University officials were forced to respond to a controversy on Christmas after one of their professors called for “white genocide” on Twitter."


Now this guy who posted this isn't just struggling to identify the right thing and get behind it or even just trying to spin for his side. This guy is just dishonestly changing the topic to something that has little or no relevance to this story. IMO this is a dishonest broker to bring this up in this context.

JackWayne বলেছেন...

Does anyone doubt the Cold Civil War is getting hotter? A few months ago at a riot in CA, the right brought more folks than the left. And won. This time the left was more organized and brought more people and won although it's unclear how much violence actually happened. Next time the right will bring more people. If there's more people on both sides, start prepping for a hot war.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

I don't fear 6000 dopes in a nation of 300 million. They have a right to congregate and speak, but I have a right to ignore them.

They have a right to speak, you have a right to ignore them, and anyone else has an equal right to protest them.

I think you want to bask in your supposed moral high ground because you choose to ignore them. I dunno about that.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I think the removal of the R. E. Lee statue is just another example of the historical ignorance of so many today in our country. Though fighting for the losing side Lee was probably one of the greatest generals this country ever produced. His refusal to allow his troops to disband and fight as guerrillas was critical to the peace that followed his army's surrender. Though I don't sympathize with the violent and misguided nature of the protest, I do feel that a great injustice is being done to Lee's memory.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

In other words, I think we can both claim the moral high ground from the 6000 dopes, but protesting against them sounds pretty respectable to me. And I don't have to say I'm excluding people who protest with violence.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

Though I don't sympathize with the violent and misguided nature of the protest, I do feel that a great injustice is being done to Lee's memory.

History sometimes moves as a pendulum, don't you think?

Fritz বলেছেন...

Awkward if true:

DETAILS EMERGE ON #CHARLOTTESVILLE DRIVER: Believed to Be Left-Wing Millenial Who Mistakenly Drove Over Antifa

Michael K বলেছেন...

"Though fighting for the losing side Lee was probably one of the greatest generals this country ever produced."

Most of the foreign observers who followed the armies of both sides were with Lee. The Civil War was the first major war fought with the rifle and the Minie' ball. This allowed a muzzle loading rifle with far improved accuracy.

The effect on infantry tactics was equivalent to the machine gun in WWI.

Trench warfare first appeared in the Civil War.

In my opinion, Sherman was the most innovative, using the telegraph and railroads with maneuver tactics to minimize casualties and maneuver his opponents out of strong defensive positions.

Brookzene বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Brookzene বলেছেন...

Awkward if true:

Awkward for who? That's the trouble with you guys who have leased away to say what's right and what's wrong. There's nothing "awkward" about this - this isn't a tv situation comedy. Unless it's a medical emergency, it's probably a crime and real people - people I don't know if we've heard anything about yet - real people got hurt. Someone even go killed. Pretty fucking "awkward" for everybody, don't you think?

If they do violence, Throw the book thrown at them. Especially these guys who went with the idea of provoking or engaging in violence. I don't care who's side they're on and I'd be embarrassed for you if you didn't feel the same.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Fritz said...

Awkward if true:

DETAILS EMERGE ON #CHARLOTTESVILLE DRIVER: Believed to Be Left-Wing Millenial Who Mistakenly Drove Over Antifa

8/12/17, 6:11 PM

Nope. de-bunked here almost an hour ago

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

"I think you want to bask in your supposed moral high ground because you choose to ignore them. I dunno about that."

Nowhere did I articulate that my ignoring them was in any way superior to any one else's way -- you needn't put words in my mouth to prove any particular point nor to debate me in any way. I don't even think we have much debate here.

My point I guess is that I think ignoring these morons is the preferable way to go. Let them do their asinine salutes at the statue and expose themselves in ways that turning them into potential victims will only cloud.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

My point I guess is that I think ignoring these morons is the preferable way to go. Let them do their asinine salutes at the statue and expose themselves in ways that turning them into potential victims will only cloud.

I remember a couple of decades ago when Neo-Nazis chose to march down the main street in a North Idaho town. The town's citizens did the prudent thing: They stayed indoors and ignored them. The media were the only turnouts.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

"Most of the foreign observers who followed the armies of both sides were with Lee. The Civil War was the first major war fought with the rifle and the Minie' ball. This allowed a muzzle loading rifle with far improved accuracy.

The effect on infantry tactics was equivalent to the machine gun in WWI.

Trench warfare first appeared in the Civil War.

In my opinion, Sherman was the most innovative, using the telegraph and railroads with maneuver tactics to minimize casualties and maneuver his opponents out of strong defensive positions."

I always wondered why so much of what transpired during our Civil War was not understood by the European powers until well into WW I.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"Nope. de-bunked here almost an hour ago"

An absence of information is not negative information.

The police have the driver in custody and could end the speculation by releasing his name as "alleged."

The longer this goes before we get a name, just like in terrorism incidents, the more likely that the name is one that does not fit the narrative.

Everybody gets used to this with race. They are "youths." In the UK they are "south Asians.

The names are crucial information, and in this case, the key to who this guy is."

Brookzene বলেছেন...

My point I guess is that I think ignoring these morons is the preferable way to go. Let them do their asinine salutes at the statue and expose themselves in ways that turning them into potential victims will only cloud.

Whether or not to ignore them is in fact a completely legitimate question and needs to be argued out imo. I can think of very compelling arguments to completely ignore the morons. And at the same time I'm not actively protesting, I respect those who are and who are being constructive about it.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

You guys who are in a panic about whose side the guy was on really should get yourself a check up. There's something wrong with you.

Brookzene বলেছেন...

Apologies @known unknown.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Brookzene said...

If they do violence, Throw the book thrown at them. Especially these guys who went with the idea of provoking or engaging in violence. I don't care who's side they're on and I'd be embarrassed for you if you didn't feel the same.

We have been asking for this for years. Not a single person in Chicago was charged for threatening violence that shut down the Trump Rally. Not a single person in San Jose was even arrested. Same with Sante Fe. The Berkeley Police Department openly condones the violence there. The pussy hat brigades trashed several cities after the election with almost no consequences. Ferguson. Baltimore. University of Missouri. Evergreen.

Leftists have been getting away with this violence for a long time. Pardon us if we think it is being actively encouraged by one side of the political spectrum and pardon us if we don't feel like enough is being done.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Whose side the driver was on matters for modern trenchant warfare.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Brookzene said...
You guys who are in a panic about whose side the guy was on really should get yourself a check up. There's something wrong with you.

It's always a bit neurotic around here until there is a clear narrative to latch onto. If you view it from the right angle it is actually pretty funny.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Michael K said...

"Nope. de-bunked here almost an hour ago"

An absence of information is not negative information.

FullMoon said...

"UPDATE: The family of the Charlottesville suspect identified online has denied the report, saying they no longer own the vehicle, and the person identified is at a wedding in another state, not at the protests. We will redact his last name until the suspect is identified."

8/12/17, 5:33 PM Delete

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

Bob Boyd said...
Be weird if it turned out it actually was ISIS.
8/12/17, 2:05 PM

In that case, the driver's motivation will never be known.

Blogger Brookzene said...
You guys who are in a panic about whose side the guy was on really should get yourself a check up. There's something wrong with you.
8/12/17, 7:03 PM

Don't know what you mean. Words like Panic don't mean anything. If I didn't want to avoid imputing motives to people, I would say that you are happy to panic about whose side the guy was on as long as you think it was the right side.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

FullMoon, I don't know that the member of the Charlottesville family in question is the same as the person identified by Michael K.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Bad Lieutenant said...

FullMoon, I don't know that the member of the Charlottesville family in question is the same as the person identified by Michael K.

8/12/17, 7:42 PM

My update from following MK 5:18 link.

Clyde বলেছেন...

Known Unknown said...
Unknown's tweet zingers would have more impact if anyone here gave a shit about David Duke.

Yeah, he's about as relevant as David Koresh.

Marc in Eugene বলেছেন...

"In that case, the driver's motivation will never be known." Very funny!

Jupiter বলেছেন...

Brookzene said...

"If they do violence, Throw the book thrown at them. Especially these guys who went with the idea of provoking or engaging in violence. I don't care who's side they're on and I'd be embarrassed for you if you didn't feel the same."

Brookzene said...
"And at the same time I'm not actively protesting, I respect those who are and who are being constructive about it."

What Brookzene means, is that he likes his fascist thugs dressed in Antifa Black, and armed with constructive baseball bats. Those are the fascist thugs Brookzene respects.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...


...my commonsense tells me someone has to be pretty screwed up to justify intentionally murdering or maiming civilians for political or ideological reasons.


History sometimes moves as a pendulum, don't you think?

Michael K বলেছেন...

It's amusing to see the lefties denying that this guy is a lefty.

Lee Harvey Oswald upset a lot of narratives.

It's kind of funny watching leftist running from the consequences of their hateful rhetoric.

I don't know that this guy is an ANTIFA but I am suspicious of delays in naming the suspect in these racially or politically charged cases, especially in leftist governed cities.

Dylan Roof was identified in an hour,

R/V buys into the David Duke lie. Of course.

Michael K বলেছেন...

It looks now like he is not a lefty so we are back to the "deliberate' vs" accidental" theme.

He is James
Alexis Fields.
and we don't know why he was there.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan বলেছেন...

Michael K said...
It's amusing to see the lefties denying that this guy is a lefty.

An oldie but a goodie.

GoldRush Apple বলেছেন...

@ Drago: Unknown is an idiot. It's best to just laugh at his shit just like how the MSM is covering this event like it's 9/11.

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