I'm reading this in the local paper:
A bold short-term plan to remove Madison’s most notorious criminals from the streets was announced by Madison Police Chief Mike Koval Wednesday because they are holding the city “hostage to our fears.”
As the number of homicides and calls for “shots fired” reach record levels with nearly five months remaining this year, “there is an anxiety level in this city that is palpable,” Koval said.
At the top of the most-wanted list are the city’s “most egregious offenders and gang members,” all of whom are currently wanted for various crimes or have broken their terms of probation, Koval said.
You know you have egregious offenders and gang members who've committed crimes or broken the terms of their probation and it takes a bold new plan to go get them? How does that happen?
The targets at the top of the list also are all African-American. Koval said he received calls Thursday from some people who told him his plan has racist overtones, particularly since less than 8 percent of the Madison population is African-American....
ADDED: Notice the statement from the mayor (at the end of the article), calling criminals "terrorists":
“Despite all these efforts, we have young black men disproportionately killing other young black men and it has to stop,” Soglin said. “My greatest frustration used to be Madison businesses and Madison community leaders who gave lip service to creating equity but not performance. They have stepped up. Now my greatest frustrations are residents of our community who have knowledge of these murderers and terrorists and are not stepping forward.”
I assume that he's using the term "terrorists" to connect to
the "see-something-say-something" ethic that we hear in connection with radical Islamic terrorism.
Asked and answered.
The targets at the top of the list also are all African-American. Koval said he received calls Thursday from some people who told him his plan has racist overtones, particularly since less than 8 percent of the Madison population is African-American
It takes guts to engage in targeted crime fighting that can be called racist.
Oh, and almost all police actions can be called racist.
Thus it's bold of the city to announce they're going to take some crime-fighting action(s).
I agree, though, that it's hard not to read the need for "a bold plan" as an admission of failure--if these notorious criminals are known to be around why haven't they already been locked up? Priorities, priorities, I know. How's the Madison Police force's diversity and tolerance budget these days--pretty healthy?
Could be worse. A Milwaukee woman dialled 911 2 nights ago after bullets began ricocheting throughout her NW side home.
The cops showed up 4.5 hours later. They were "busy".
But yeah, that Madison plan is racist!
These are Heinlein's crazy years, we just live here.
I realize that I repeat myself, but reality is as reality does.
Or would it be kinder to say, "Gozer said, 'Choose, choose the form of The Destructor' and we chose idiots."
Let me see now, when a Racist War to exterminate the White rulers hits town, it would be racist for the White rulers to fight back. Maybe they should all be sent back to Norway.
Koval said he received calls Thursday from some people who told him his plan has racist overtones, particularly since less than 8 percent of the Madison population is African-American
Innumeracy. Conclusion not supported by data.
Amazing that such a non-PC statement would ever see the light of day. Things must really be desperate.
What is it Glenn Reynolds says? "Things that can't go on forever, won't."
Eventually, even some liberals realize the significant flaws in their approaches.
Sounds like a Community Diversity Plan is needed to get more white people into crime.
I am Laslo.
What's "bold" about this plan? Why isn't it utterly normal?
It would have been "bold" if Obama's people were still running the DOJ. With Trump in the White House, we are slowly returning to "utterly normal".
"The targets at the top of the list also are all African-American."
Asian students screwed again.
I am Laslo.
"You know you have egregious offenders and gang members who've committed crimes or broken the terms of their probation and it takes a bold new plan to go get them? How does that happen?"
It happens when Leftist politicians start worrying about being called racist by their leftist activist allies.
Gangs are the form virtue takes.
I hardly ever saw a black person in Madison. I think there is an apartment complex on the north side where they all live though.
I can't stop laughing. Great line!!!! Opens up so many areas to apply
"Sounds like a Community Plan is needed to get more (blank) people into (blank).
Titus said...
"...I think there is an apartment complex on the north side where they all live though."
THAT is funny!
I am Laslo.
The targets at the top of the list also are all African-American. Koval said he received calls Thursday from some people who told him his plan has racist overtones
This reminds me of something that I saw in an article by Theodore Darlymple. He recounts telling a young woman that was being abused by her boyfriend that she needed to leave him before she got seriously hurt. In the course of this he mentioned that men are stronger than women. The young woman promptly corrected him, that, she said, was sexist. He told her that it wasn't sexist, it was a fact. No she replied, its sexist.
Police chiefs are appointed by politicians. As such, they are political creatures. They didn't reach the pinnacle of their profession by sticking their necks out. The politics can kill your reputation in a flash.
Reminds me of the Philadelphia Daily News in the 1990s. One day they did a basic public service of journalism: printed the photos of all the wanted murder suspects on the front page. They were all black or Hispanic. The editor was run out of her job. Her name was Ellen Foley.
(A quick search reveals she later became an editor at the Wisconsin State Journal.)
It also reminds me of something I heard on the radio the other day. The police in some city, I forget which one, perhaps Detroit, maybe Chicago claimed that almost all of the most egregious crimes being committed in the city (murder, shootings, armed robbery) were being committed by about 50 people, and they knew who those people were.
I didn't hear why they weren't arresting those people.
Sounds like Madison needs a Midnight basketball program.
I am Laslo.
It's unnatural selection: The white police take off the street as many black alpha sperm donors as they can, since they just know that beta-ness is heritable.
"The targets at the top of the list also are all African-American. Koval said he received calls Thursday from some people who told him his plan has racist overtones, particularly since less than 8 percent of the Madison population is African-American"
This made me laugh out loud. Black folks are killing each other but it would be racist to interfere. The vicious racism at the heart of American liberalism in a nutshell. These people truly hate and fear poor Blacks.
I also wonder why, if the perpetrators are known, and the authorities won't do anything about it, why a vigilance committee from the terrorized community has not been formed?
Oh, wait. Law abiding people probably are barred from obtaining and owning firearms.
That's probably why.
Note the statement by the Mayor (at the end of the article):
“Despite all these efforts, we have young black men disproportionately killing other young black men and it has to stop,” Soglin said. “My greatest frustration used to be Madison businesses and Madison community leaders who gave lip service to creating equity but not performance. They have stepped up. Now my greatest frustrations are residents of our community who have knowledge of these murderers and terrorists and are not stepping forward.”
He's calling the drug gangs "terrorists." Sounds almost Trump-like.
I'm surprised that Madison is even 8% black. Does that include UW students?
"These people truly hate and fear poor Blacks."
Yes but they are victims and must not be criticized. Maybe a zoo would work.
Of course, either side could be in the zoo. Those in New York have doormen.
Since one thing is exactly the same as another thing...
Isn't it also sexist? Why aren't they arresting women?
(Of course, the assumption is that all these criminals are men. )
Apparently some guy in England wrestled a gun away from someone who broke into his house and used it to defend himself. He has been charged with an assortment of crimes.
Flip side if Laslo's affirmative action plan -- simply advise the diverse criminals that the quota for crimes committed by blacks is full and therefore they cannot commit any more crimes until next year.
Titus, that apartment complex you mentioned is called "jail."
Since every government agency now puts political correctness ahead of effectiveness, actually trying to accomplish something is considered bold.
Compared to previous generations, most of the people moving to greener and safer pastures seem to be foreigners.
Madison is the most lily white place I have ever seen.
I was mistaken, it was in Canada.
Any time the government actually sets out to perform one of its only useful functions, it's a bold move.
Sometimes facts can be racist. Sometimes facts can be sexist.
What's "bold" about this plan?
That some MSM scribbler used the term doesn't mean anything.
Personally, I think the plan is "perky" and "sassy".
So sorry 8% of your population is African American and you've already met your quota of arrests(8%) therefore no more African Americans can be arrested.
The plan sounds Trumpy.
The targets at the top of the list also are all African-American. Koval said he received calls Thursday from some people who told him his plan has racist overtones, particularly since less than 8 percent of the Madison population is African-American....
The "right" says these folks are at the top of this list due to their demonstrating antisocial behavior and endangering the welfare of other citizens. As such, they need to be captured.
The "left" says these folks, due to their ethnicity are obviously the result of, subject to, and responding to a patriarchal, white-supremacist, neo-conservative, Eurocentric, Judo-Christian power structure that refuses to acknowledge the valid life experiences of those from alternate racial and social-economic backgrounds and as such are simply expressing their dissatisfaction with the inherent skewing of opportunities, social status, access to viable food islands, and the resultant area genuflection that is inherent in such an unjust and inflexible social/economic model. The proper response is [of course] to acknowledge the institutional inadequacies that hinder the social/economic mobility of the affected groups and as a result, adjust the inherently racist societal/legal response to the identified members of the affected groups so as to attempt to mitigate [and compensate those most affected by] the institutional racism that is inherent is such a system.
The plan will fail. Enjoy the suck Madison.
"What is it Glenn Reynolds says? "Things that can't go on forever, won't.""
Can't help myself - on occasion Glenn gives Herbert Stein credit for Stein's Law:
"If something cannot go on forever, it will stop."
Ron Winkleheimer said...
I was mistaken, it was in Canada.
That was tres sicko.
ADDED: Notice the statement from the mayor (at the end of the article), calling criminals "terrorists":
As Hillary! proved, the term "super-predator" didn't work-out so well politically.
If you are going to do the time might as well commit the crime. Round up the suspects and jail them. Have the DA grow a pair and push for them to serve the balance of their prior convictions consecutively. I doubt the voters will be outraged with having the worst of the criminals jailed.
Are the do-gooders pushing Jail Diversion in Madison, too?
It's going around. Saving your tax dollars!
Any observation that different groups behave or perform differently is crimethink. The Damore treatment is in order.
By "stepped up" Soglin means "came to support my mayorship and thus no longer deserve scapegoating".
Every time the Madison cops arrest a black gang member they should go to the campus and arrest 2 white SJWs. I would think the whites would be happy to help meet this affirmative action quota in the interest of racial justice. If not, tell them to just bend over and think of Madison.
“My greatest frustration used to be Madison businesses and Madison community leaders who gave lip service to creating equity but not performance. "
I would pay a few dollars of my own money to hear a full explanation of how community leaders "performed" at "creating equity."
Nice liberal democrat run town you have there. Hope you like it.
Soglin could parlay a "tough on crime stance" in Madison to a statewide statement.
Assuming it's all legal, the smart thing would be to crack down, but keep it on the down-low. The criminals will know. The town will be safer, and the people who would thwart that good thing will find out too late to screw it up.
Hey politicians and other public service people, just do your damned over-paid job, and stop telling us how you will someday and how wonderful it will be if you ever do it.
Ron Winkleheimer said...
It also reminds me of something I heard on the radio the other day. The police in some city, I forget which one, perhaps Detroit, maybe Chicago claimed that almost all of the most egregious crimes being committed in the city (murder, shootings, armed robbery) were being committed by about 50 people, and they knew who those people were.
I didn't hear why they weren't arresting those people.
Similar to the "known wolf" phenomenon.
You do have to have evidence against people, though--probably cause for an arrest.
Remember Training Day: It's not what you know, it's what you can prove.
Hell in a lot of those cases the surviving victims don't even want to press charges! Good luck getting witness statements or testimony.
It's been several years now but I can still remember how angry I felt when I saw a guy wearing a "Stop Snitching" T-shirt...it was at a farmer's market of all places and it was a younger black guy (tall but chubby, baby-faced) who certainly didn't seem like a "thug," but the harm that mindset has done to the very community espousing it is still something that pisses me off.
He's flipping the black lives matter slogan right way up.
As long as these terrible criminals prey on their own "community" talk is all that is needed. Should this cohort stray into the leafy professorial neighborhoods a different, harsher, tactic may be required.
"Why isn't this utterly normal?" LOL
President Obama was fan of disparate impact theory, perhaps Madison Police Chief now feels its safe to arrest criminals without being investigated by DoJ for racism.
Why is it important that black criminals are killing/robbing black people. Would it be OK if black criminals were just preying on whites/Hispanics/Asians?
I think not getting killed or robbed is the most basic of human rights. At least up there with the right not being a victim of "hate speech".
"You know you have egregious offenders and gang members who've committed crimes or broken the terms of their probation and it takes a bold new plan to go get them? How does that happen?"
We had a similar thing in Chicago last year--Independence Day or Labor Day, I think. The Police announced they would go after known violence risks to lock them up over the hot summer holiday weekends. First thought was, "Huh? You can't just lock someone up because your algo tells you they area risk."
Then it came out, these were people with outstanding warrants. It is normal to just ignore warrants while "they" kill each other. It only becomes an issue when more innocent people are involved--children caught in the cross-fire, mistaken identity, or crime breaking out into the "larger" community.
This is what liberal city governance has come to. Sick, and on multiple levels.
Hope this problem doesn’t spread beyond Madison to Milwaukee.
Orwell: To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle.
Maybe it's bold to acknowledge what's right there--that this is a serious problem and should be addressed by concerted police action? I dunno, I'm being as generous towards you guy as I can, here.
Sounds like a Community Diversity Plan is needed to get more white people into crime.
Laslo nails it. White people obviously aren't doing their share.
“My greatest frustration used to be Madison businesses and Madison community leaders who gave lip service to creating equity but not performance. They have stepped up. Now my greatest frustrations are residents of our community who have knowledge of these murderers and terrorists and are not stepping forward.” -- Soglin
Interesting paragraph. Especially the first sentence. If I was a Madison cop, I wouldn't trust Soglin at all. He'd be too eager to next declare how frustrated he is about the cops trying to make arrests of these criminals who are willing to not only fight back, but shoot first.
If they arrested all the top criminals, would the criminals in the next tranche be more demographically representative?......I would think that the arrest and conviction of criminals would cause most rational people to devalue crime as a career path. Alternately, the continued freedom of known criminals would make a career in crime more of a viable option........I think it's fair to say that most physical crimes such as muggings and robberies are committed by men. What with modern technology, i.e. guns, there's no reason why women can't commit these crimes. Does this variance point to a genetic difference in women or do criminals, particularly those in organized crime, offer a hostile environment for crimanelles?
"What's "bold" about this plan? Why isn't it utterly normal?"
You racist, you!
What they should do is to focus on the victims. That's what Madison is concerned about. Announce that they're going to concentrate resources on arresting and prosecuting suspects in crimes against black people. Publicly state that crimes committed against white people shall henceforth be a low priority for the police department.
"Oh, wait. Law abiding people probably are barred from obtaining and owning firearms." -- not in Wisconsin.
Normal is the new abnormal. Anyway, when a dindu murders another dindu I call it a win-win.
When Madison's homies begin to infiltrate the professorate's neighborhoods in platoon-sized operations to beat, rape and murder those who were ready for Hillary, the community's police will (grudgingly, no doubt)get the left's imprimatur to "do something substantive" about violent crime. Until then, they'll still be partying like it's 2014, when every brown skinned street lunatic is a gentle giant or Skittles scamp and every cop nary but a killer with a badge.
Come on, now. We know that all ethnic groups are just the same, so anyone who says that any one group has a propensity to commit more crimes than another can expect to have their wrongthink reported straight to Google.
I think this may be the bold part:
"We have to take affirmative steps to loosen this grip of silence--no matter what the rationale may be---in order to avoid even more bloodshed. Disrupting anonymity can also be accomplished with customized notifications in which we go to the homes of individuals that we believe are complicit in some way to these crimes and offer options as well as warn."
The Boys in Blue are coming over for a friendly little talk.
I think it is pretty straight forward. You arrest a black on the list. You then must arrest 10 white people on the list regardless of where they fall on the list. Sure, maybe you get a drug dealer, and 10 jaywalkers, but it truly the only way to be fair.
A few years ago in the San Francisco Chronicle, an article described the career of a B&E artist who commuted across the bay to SF to rob from cars. He'd been arrested and released about a dozen times.
Article ended with a quote from a police brass guy, apparently thinking he was sounding tough, who said "We want the crooks to know how we are going to react if they come here.'
So yeah. Come to SF, be a thief, get caught, have a hot and a cot on the city's dime, go home. Rinse and Repeat.
Maybe they should commission a sculpture of Bold Girl facing down a rampaging (white) criminal. That would be truly woke.
Somehow, when I read about folks complaining that the "bold" plan must be racist, because all the big-time criminals there are black, I find myself drifting into a reverie in which the police chief makes a public speech something along the lines of the following.
"Ladies, Gentlemen, and Beloved Ambiguous People, I have been informed by a number of fine citizens of our fair city that the circumstance of our currently existing list of outstanding local criminals being entirely composed of African-American gentlemen is unfair and unacceptable. Upon reflection, I must agree. Clearly, there has been insufficient participation at this level of bad behavior by other ethnic groups that make up the beautiful multicultural tapestry that is our town."
"I can only assume that this unfortunate situation is due to a lack of sufficient support and encouragement by my department, so, in the interests of equity, I now make a public plea to those amongst other identity groups that harbor such noble ambitions. Please, commit frequent, inventive, and, if possible, more heinous crimes, so as to draw our attention to you. We will make our best good faith effort to reach out and incarcerate you and then, of course, place you on our list. Let us all strive together, in a spirit of quasi-siblinghood, to create a criminal elite that looks like Madison."
"The targets at the top of the list also are all African-American. Koval said he received calls Thursday from some people who told him his plan has racist overtones, particularly since less than 8 percent of the Madison population is African-American"
Just Step 1 in the upcoming shakedown:
"Okay, we'll support you going after those criminals who just happen to be black, in return we expect a whole lot more tax dollars for 'community building'. "
in return we expect a whole lot more tax dollars for 'community building'.
Or legal aid.
" Normal is the new abnormal. Anyway, when a dindu murders another dindu I call it a win-win."
Spot on. It's like a ghetto murder is 2/3rds of a murder or something. Not a priority given limited resources certainly.
I'm willing to compromise at three-fifths.
Sounds to me like the Chief and the Mayor need to be Googled out of town on a rail.
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