৩ আগস্ট, ২০১৭

"The Ugly History of Stephen Miller’s ‘Cosmopolitan’ Epithet/Surprise, surprise—the insult has its roots in Soviet anti-Semitism."

Writes Jeff Greenfield. This caught my eye because I'd just been reading Miller's Wikipedia page and noticed that he is Jewish.

Here's Greenfield:
So what is a “cosmopolitan”? It’s a cousin to “elitist,” but with a more sinister undertone. It’s a way of branding people or movements that are unmoored to the traditions and beliefs of a nation, and identify more with like-minded people regardless of their nationality....

One reason why “cosmopolitan” is an unnerving term is that it was the key to an attempt by Soviet dictator Josef Stalin to purge the culture of dissident voices. In a 1946 speech, he deplored works in which “the positive Soviet hero is derided and inferior before all things foreign and cosmopolitanism that we all fought against from the time of Lenin, characteristic of the political leftovers, is many times applauded.” It was part of a yearslong campaigned [sic] aimed at writers, theater critics, scientists and others who were connected with “bourgeois Western influences.” Not so incidentally, many of these “cosmopolitans” were Jewish, and official Soviet propaganda for a time devoted significant energy into “unmasking” the Jewish identities of writers who published under pseudonyms....
ADDED: I was curious about what Stalin actually said, speaking, of course, not in English, but Russian. I found this Wikipedia article, "Rootless Cosmopolitan":
Rootless cosmopolitan (Russian: безродный космополит, bezrodnyi kosmopolit) was a pejorative label used during the anti-Semitic campaign in the Soviet Union after World War II. Cosmopolitans were intellectuals who were accused of expressing pro-Western feelings and lack of patriotism. The term "rootless cosmopolitan" referred to Jewish intellectuals. It was popularized during the campaign in a Pravda article condemning a group of theatrical critics....

২২৩টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   223 এর 201 – থেকে 223
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

You obviously think even less.

Things a woman will never say to Jon Ericson: "Oh baby! You are so intelligent. What a turn on!"

Another thing no woman will ever say to Jon Ericson: "Oh Jon! Even though you're as dumb as a brick, and get angry when other people discuss things intelligently, I find your frustration at not being addressed personally, in the grade school vocabulary that you understand, to be SUCH a turn on!"

The obvious termination of Jon Ericson's gene line is Darwin's safeguard against Idiocracy.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Jon, do you demand simpler vocabulary and syntax in every conversation you eavesdrop on? You must be a real hoot at parties.

Dude, I get it. No one wants to talk to you. You're boring, unintelligent, and have nothing to say.

But the fact that you feel that gives you license to tell other people what to say in their own comments and conversations is fucking hilarious!

What about me! Jon! I'm listening! Have some consideration for the creepy eavesdropper, here!

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

Funny man.
You must travel around the country for optimist international.

Fernandinande বলেছেন...

Birkel said...
J Farmer does not believe. Period.

He seems to believe that people made claims, told stories and wrote books, which is what I was asking about.

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

Laslo's Nazi chick would be something for you to strive for.
It would be exciting like in Repo Man.
Down, down, down...

Clyde বলেছেন...

Mr. Acosta is Cuban-American. I sincerely doubt that there's any anti-Semitism involved in this situation. Some people just gotta complain, and they'll hang their hat on anything that even resembles an insult.

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

Drat! did I chase our first ranking halitosis competitor to another thread?

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

If I did, lucky for the rest of you comment readers.
(You too can comment. Anyone from anywhere.)
Please concentrate fire on the things that need concentrated fire.

John henry বলেছেন...

Blogger Achilles said...

Stalinists hate being called stalinists.

Just ask Grover Furr. He HATES! being called a Stalinist.

John Henry

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

No, Jon, you know, I have to speak up here on Ritmo's behalf. I know he is often good for a diatribe or twenty on various subjects, but why are some of you baiting him now?

I don't think Toothy is Jewish, but he is hardly a sheygetz. I commend to you the retracting of horns. AFAIK TTR is perfectly solid on this. He is totally not taking the boob-bait. He hasn't said a thing I disagree with. He hasn't said much in fact; I perceive he finds it all distasteful, as do I.

Monty, not to patronize you, but embrace the clarity you're now showing and realize what snakes Trump is up against. You don't have to say that he's a school book hero to realize what he is faced by. I bet you realize these leaks are getting out of hand, too.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Monty, not to patronize you,

Don't worry, I fully trust that you're not.

...but embrace the clarity you're now showing and realize what snakes Trump is up against. You don't have to say that he's a school book hero to realize what he is faced by.

His opposition is strong and usually in place for good reason, but that doesn't mean the attacks on Miller weren't pretty stupid. Immigration is one of the things I'll hear the president out on. Same with infrastructure. They're poised to position back to the left on some things. I'm reluctant to say CNN/NYT are evil, I suppose they may be powerful in a way, but they can get hypnotized by the beat of their own drummer too. The problem is we've never had a president this easily hypnotized by the beat of his own drummer, though - so I'll probably always be more on the lookout for what he's trying on. Where there are areas of agreement with the mainstream or left let them work together, but that probably took some coaxing by new, non-GOPe advisors, anyway. As hung up as the press gets in its own narratives, Trump's self-hypnosis with things like the Alex Jones narrative concern me more. Sure, I'll give the guy a shot where it's due, but even with the Russia thing I find it embarrassing that it took a 98-0 bill sanctioning Russia to get him to stop being Putin's poodle. There are just too many training wheels required that he keeps flinging off for me to lull myself into assuming the next great, majoritarian anti-special interests bill/E.O. is right around every corner. If he were less erratic for a few weeks, let alone a year, that might change. But that's up to him.

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

Eh, he needs baited.
Some folks do.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Eh, he needs baited.

Uh, this is not a sentence, Mr. "I don't know what the fuck people are saying!"

Try adding an object to your verb, db. You don't win points for going to war against 6th-grade grammar. Jeez.

Jon Ericson বলেছেন...

Wow, you must wince a lot.
Do they call you Senor Winces?

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

"Mockturtle said...
"Miller had an outburst and flipped a table when he was 16."

So did Jesus. Another anti-Semitic Jew. ;-)

8/3/17, 4:16 PM"


Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

"...but redneck/hillbilly have long been claimed as terms of pride by the people they once described derisively. "

Kid Rock and Hank Jr. have a song Redneck Paradise.

Then they had a brovorce or something.

Many millions of views later.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

"Blogger Feste said...
lol, shit, I'm done!

8/3/17, 5:21 PM"

I think what you meant to say was "stick a fork in me!" wasn't it?

wholelottasplainin বলেছেন...


"He is there to clarify what the president says, not to be ignored or bought into. He should not be engaging in an extended way in what he may consider petty arguments or wrong-headed thinking (unless it's part of the endless campaign). Answer the guy once and move on. At some point they need to move more confidently and competently through these press briefings."


Did you listen to how Acosta kept talking over Miller and yammering on?

At some point, the press needs a Sister Mary Elephant response: SHADDAP! SHUT...THE--FUCK...UP!!

There's yer competence and confidence....right there.

Guildofcannonballs বলেছেন...

Ritno and Jon, you both make very interesting points and have given me a kick toward some contemplation time I was not planning for. Thank you both for your concise, pithy arguments and well-written and thought out justifications for such.

I am sure you make Althouse proud to host such intellectually and emotionally stimulating and satisfying dialogue.

"Ooh ooh, are we gonna fly, down in the easy chair." - You Ain't Going Nowhere as performed by Gram Parsons and I think The Byrds too maybe.

Achilles বলেছেন...

TTR said...

They're poised to position back to the left on some things.

There really is no right or left anymore. It is the uniparty and everyone else.

We need to get to a place where we are taxing capital instead of labor to fund a universal basic income. I do not trust the uniparty to get us there with freedom intact. We need to destroy them now while we have the chance.

Will J. Richardson বলেছেন...

Porter, William Sydney (O'Henry), A Cosmopolitan in a Cafe

GRW3 বলেছেন...

So, do the progs keep a concordance of the ENGLISH equivalent of every word or phrase ever said by Stalin, in RUSSIAN, or Hitler, in GERMAN, so they can make the automatic reference to anything, anybody says they don't like?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

We need to get to a place where we are taxing capital instead of labor to fund a universal basic income.

Hear, hear.

If you even want to destroy the parties to get there, I'm with you brother.

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